Fix setupprj.bat to cope with missing Docs directory, and to export .xml amd flm files from buildsystem - fixes Bug 2539
[@--# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Template processed by
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
use myutils;
use GenAutoSmokeTestResult;
our $Gtotal = 0;
our $Gexecuted = 0 ;
our $Gsuccessful =0;
our $Gnot_tested = 0 ;
our $Gfailed = 0 ;
our $Gtestcases;
our $Gtitle = "";
my $iDir = &myutils::getiDir();
my $iSnapshot = &myutils::getiSnapshot();
my $iProduct = &myutils::getiProduct();
my $iLinkPath = &myutils::getiLinkPath();
#my $str = PlanTxtAutoSmokeTestResult('.\\', "MSF00290", "tb92sf", '.\\');
my $str = PlanTxtAutoSmokeTestResult($iDir, $iSnapshot, $iProduct, $iLinkPath);
if ($str ne undef) #not empty
$Gtestcases = resultTestCasesXMLbody($str);
$Gtotal = $Gsuccessful+ $Gnot_tested+ $Gfailed; # total number of testcases
$OUT = '';#return value
# _html2text HTML formate convert to plan text string.
# input a html string
# ouput smiplified text
sub _html2text {
my ($str) = shift(@_);
$str =~ s/\n//sg; # Remove all obsolete newlines.
# Link:
$str =~ s/<a[ ]+.*?>(.+)<\/a>/$1/ig;
# Table:
$str =~ s/<\/?table[ ]*.*?>/\n/ig;
$str =~ s/<td[ ]*.*?>/\t/ig;
$str =~ s/<tr[ ]*.*?>/\n/ig;
$str =~ s/<th[ ]*.*?>/\t/ig;
# Cleaning up:
$str =~ s/<.*?>//sg; # Remove all tags.
$str =~ s/\n[ ]+\n/\n\n/sg; # Remove all obsolete spaces.
$str =~ s/\n[ ]+/\n/sg;
$str =~ s/\n{2,}/\n\n/sg; # Remove all obsolete newlines.
$str =~ s/^[ ]*//g; # Remove all leading spaces (again).
$str =~ s/[ ]+/ /g; # Remove all duplicate spaces (again).
$str =~ s/[\t\t]+/\t/g;
return $str;
sub PlanTxtAutoSmokeTestResult
my ($iLogsPublishLocation, $iSnapshot, $iProduct, $iLinkPathLocation) = @_;
my $str;
$str = GenAutoSmokeTestResult::generateSTHTMLSummary($iLogsPublishLocation."AutoSmokeTest", $iSnapshot, $iProduct, $iLinkPathLocation."AutoSmokeTest");
$str =~ s/[\t]+//g; # Remove extra \t. the \t was gen by
$str = _html2text($str);
$str =~ s/ //g; #remove  
$str =~ s/\n\t/\n/g;#remove \t at head
$str =~ s/\n\n/\n/g;
$str=~ s/^\n//g;#remove first empy line
return $str;
sub resultTestCasesXMLbody
my ($str) = shift (@_);
my @lines = split(/\n/,$str);
#print Dumper(\@lines);
$Gtitle = $lines[0];#Auto Smoke Test
@results = @lines[2..$#lines];
#print Dumper(\@results);
my $ret ="<testcases>\n";
my @testTitle = split (/\t/, $lines[1]);
foreach my $APlatform (@results)
my @result = split (/\t/, $APlatform);
$plat = $result[0];# platform name;
$result[1];# Summary
$result[2];# Time World
$result[3];# Contacts
$result[4];# Messaging
$result[5];# Agenda
$result[6];# Defects
for (my $i =2;$i<6;++$i)
$ret .= "<testcase>\n<name>".$plat.$testTitle[$i]."</name>\n";
$ret .= "<status>".$result[$i]."</status>\n";
$ret .= "</testcase>\n";
if ($result[$i] =~/FAILURES/)
$Gfailed++;} #FAILURES
elsif( $result[$i] =~/Unexecuted/)
elsif ( $result[$i] =~/OK/)
$ret .="</testcases>\n";
return $ret;
<test type="[@--$Gtitle--@]">