Re-merge fixes for bugs 476, 1895, 2049, 2149, 2509 and 2539.
# - Source Code Integration Script
# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Versions:
# 1.0 Initial
# 1.1 No warnings about pre-existing directories
# 1.2 MCL version, adds -buildfromclean flag to move epoc32 directory and -platform flag
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Path;
use File::CheckTree;
# ---------------------------- Global variables -------------------------------
my $JarFile = "";
my $TargetDirectory = "";
my $BuildFromClean = 0;
my $Platform = "";
my $Options = "";
# start the program
# ---------------------------- Start of Main() --------------------------------
sub main()
if (@ARGV)
# extract any *.sdkpkg files from the Jar file into the target directory
system("unzip -o \"$JarFile\" \"*.sdkpkg\" -d \"$TargetDirectory\"");
print "\n";
# install each Jar file and delete it when done
foreach my $Package (<$TargetDirectory\\*.sdkpkg>)
# if -o specified, only install the required options
# (if -b specified, combine up into \bin\generic and \bin\techview)
if ( ($Options ne "") )
if ( ($Package =~ /bin\.GT-/i) && ($Options =~ /G/i) )
# GT binaries
print " installing $Package\n";
if ($BuildFromClean == 1)
system("unzip -o -q \"$Package\" -x \"package.xml\" -d \"$TargetDirectory\"");
# install to temporary location then move
system("unzip -o -q \"$Package\" -x \"package.xml\" -d \"$TargetDirectory\\tmp\"");
MoveDirectory("$TargetDirectory\\tmp\\bin\\techview", "$TargetDirectory\\bin\\TechView\\generic");
rmtree "$TargetDirectory\\tmp" or print "Unable to remove \"$TargetDirectory\\tmp\" - $!\n";
elsif ( ($Package =~ /bin\.GT-/i) && ($Options !~ /G/i) )
print " excluded $Package\n";
elsif ( ($Package =~ /bin\.TechView-/i) && ($Options =~ /U/i) )
# TechView binaries
print " installing $Package\n";
if ($BuildFromClean == 1)
system("unzip -o -q \"$Package\" -x \"package.xml\" -d \"$TargetDirectory\"");
# install to temporary location then move
system("unzip -o -q \"$Package\" -x \"package.xml\" -d \"$TargetDirectory\\tmp\"");
MoveDirectory("$TargetDirectory\\tmp\\bin\\techview", "$TargetDirectory\\bin\\TechView\\TechView");
rmtree "$TargetDirectory\\tmp" or print "Unable to remove \"$TargetDirectory\\tmp\" - $!\n";
elsif ( ($Package =~ /bin\.TechView-/i) && ($Options !~ /U/i) )
print " excluded $Package\n";
elsif ( ($Package =~ /doc\./i) && ($Options =~ /D/i) )
# documentation - install to 'doc' location then move
print " installing $Package\n";
system("unzip -o -q \"$Package\" -x \"package.xml\" -d \"$TargetDirectory\"");
elsif ( ($Package =~ /doc/i) && ($Options !~ /D/i) )
print " excluded $Package\n";
elsif ( ( ($Package =~ /\.bin\./i) && ($Options =~ /(G|U)/i) ) ||
( ($Package =~ /\.src\./i) && ($Options =~ /S/i) ) ||
( ($Package !~ /\.src\./i) && ($Package !~ /\.bin\./i) ) )
# non-specific binaries or sources or non-binaries, non-sources
system("unzip -o -q \"$Package\" -x \"package.xml\" -d \"$TargetDirectory\"");
print " installing $Package\n";
elsif ( ( ($Package =~ /\.src\./i) && ($Options !~ /S/i) ) ||
( ($Package =~ /\.bin\./i) && ($Options !~ /(G|U)/i) ) )
print " excluded $Package\n";
print "Failed to install $Package\n";
# otherwise install everything else regardless (non-BFC or no options specified)
# sources in BuildFromClean installation, everything if BFC with no options, or non-BFC
print " installing $Package\n";
system("unzip -o -q \"$Package\" -x \"package.xml\" -d \"$TargetDirectory\"");
unlink $Package or print "Unable to delete $Package file from \"$TargetDirectory\"\n";
# move files from [sdkroot]\src to src\, delete [sdkroot] directory
if ( -e "$TargetDirectory\\\[sdkroot\]" )
MoveDirectory("$TargetDirectory\\\[sdkroot\]", "$TargetDirectory");
rmdir "$TargetDirectory\\\[sdkroot\]" or print "Unable to remove \"$TargetDirectory\\\[sdkroot\]\" - $!\n";
# rename 'doc' directory to 'documentation'
if ( -e "$TargetDirectory\\doc")
MoveDirectory("$TargetDirectory\\doc", "$TargetDirectory\\documentation");
rmdir "$TargetDirectory\\doc" or print "Unable to remove \"$TargetDirectory\\doc\" - $!\n";
# move binary directories if platform defined for BuildFromClean - moves epoc32 tree from bin\TechView to \bin\%platform%
if ( ($BuildFromClean == 1) && (-e "$TargetDirectory\\bin\\TechView") && ($Platform ne "") )
MoveDirectory("$TargetDirectory\\bin\\TechView", "$TargetDirectory\\bin\\$Platform");
rmdir "$TargetDirectory\\bin\\TechView" or print "Unable to remove \"$TargetDirectory\\bin\\TechView\" - $!\n";
# remove the [meta] tree (usually only contains licence text)
rmtree ("$TargetDirectory\\\[meta\]", 0, 1);
# ------------------- Start ofCommandLineInterface() -------------------------
sub CommandLineInterface()
%CmdLineOptions = ();
my $help;
if ( (GetOptions( \%CmdLineOptions, "jarfile|j=s" => \$JarFile, "target|t=s" => \$TargetDirectory, "help|h|?" => \$help, "buildfromclean|b" => \$BuildFromClean, "platform|p=s" => \$Platform, "options|o=s" => \$Options) == 0) || ($JarFile eq "") || ($TargetDirectory eq "") || ($help == 1) )
if ( ($BuildFromClean == 1) && ($Platform eq "") && ($ENV{'Platform'} eq "") )
print "\nN.B. -platform required if -b specified\n";
elsif ( ($BuildFromClean == 1) && ($Platform eq "") )
$Platform = $ENV{'Platform'} ;
# NAHEED --- Prevent stopping of the scripts if the Suplementary
# product is not present. Rather than die just display a
# WARNING ....
# check that Kit zips are in stated directory
if (! -e $JarFile)
print "Warning: Jar file $JarFile not found.\n";
# ensure target directory exists or can be created
if (! -d $TargetDirectory)
mkpath ($TargetDirectory) or die "Could not find or create $TargetDirectory\n";
# ------------------------ Start of UserInterface() ---------------------------
sub UserInterface()
# get name of Supplementary Kit to install
do # ensure file exists
print "Enter name of Supplementary Kit (*.jar) : ";
chomp( $JarFile = <STDIN> );
} while (! -e $JarFile) ;
# get location to write extracted files to
do # ensure directory exists or can be created
print "Enter directory to extract files to : ";
chomp( $TargetDirectory = <STDIN> );
} while ( (! -d $TargetDirectory) and (! mkpath ($TargetDirectory)) ) ;
# get Platform name - try environment, else ask user
if ($ENV{'Platform'} eq "")
print "Enter platform name : ";
chomp( $Platform = <STDIN> );
$Platform = $ENV{'Platform'} ;
# get build from clean flag
my $answer = "";
print "Build from clean (epoc32 tree combination) (Y/N) ? ";
chomp ($answer = <STDIN>);
} while ($answer !~ /[YN]/i);
if ($answer =~ /Y/i)
$BuildFromClean = 1;
# get installation options
print "Enter installation options : ";
chomp($Options = <STDIN>);
# ------------------------ Start of MoveDirectory() ---------------------------
# Recursively moves directory tree
sub MoveDirectory($$)
my ($aFrom, $aTo) = @_;
opendir(DIR, $aFrom) or die "Path $aFrom not found!\n";
foreach my $entry (readdir(DIR))
if (($entry ne ".") and ($entry ne ".."))
if (-d $aFrom."/".$entry)
if (!(makepath ($aTo."/".$entry)))
print "Warning: Could not create $aTo/$entry - $!\n";
MoveDirectory($aFrom."/".$entry, $aTo."/".$entry);
rmdir $aFrom."/".$entry or print "Warning: Unable to remove $aFrom/$entry - $!\n";
rename $aFrom."/".$entry, $aTo."/".$entry or print "Warning: Unable to move $aFrom/$entry - $!\n";
# -------------------------- Start of makepath() ------------------------------
sub makepath($)
my ($path) = @_;
if (-d $path)
return -1;
return mkpath($path);
# ---------------------------- Start of Usage() -------------------------------
sub Usage()
INSTALLSUPPLEMENTARYKIT.PL Version 1.2 Copyright (c) 2003 Symbian Ltd
All Rights Reserved
perl [options]
where options are:
-b[uildfromclean] combines unpacked files into build from clean locations
-j[arfile] <path> fully qualified file name of Kit's .jar
-o[ptions] DGUS installation options ( D=documentation, G=GT, U=UI(TechView), S=source )
-p[latform] <platform> build platform - used with -b to create binaries installation directory path
(moves epoc32 tree from \\bin\TechView into \\bin\\<platform>)
-t[arget] <path> path to directory to unpack Kit into