elf2e32 to emit .extern instead of .comm directives for --asm=gas, --dump=a. Interim solution for bugs 3117 and 2979
TestCheckPointL__9CAutoTestiPci @ 1 NONAME ; CAutoTest::TestCheckPointL(int, char *, int)
GetString__C9CAutoTestR12CConsoleBaseR6TDes16 @ 2 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CAutoTest::GetString(CConsoleBase &, TDes16 &) const
KeepGoing__9CAutoTest @ 3 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CAutoTest::KeepGoing(void)
LogExtra__9CAutoTestPCUciGt11TRefByValue1ZC7TDesC16e @ 4 NONAME ; CAutoTest::LogExtra(unsigned char const *, int, TRefByValue<TDesC16 const>,...)
NewL__9CAutoTestPC13TAutoTestCaseiRC7TDesC16R5RTest @ 5 NONAME ; CAutoTest::NewL(TAutoTestCase const *, int, TDesC16 const &, RTest &)
Printf__9CAutoTestGt11TRefByValue1ZC7TDesC16e @ 6 NONAME ; CAutoTest::Printf(TRefByValue<TDesC16 const>,...)
SetCompInfo__9CAutoTestRC6TDesC8 @ 7 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CAutoTest::SetCompInfo(TDesC8 const &)
TestCheckPointCodeL__9CAutoTestiPci @ 8 NONAME ; CAutoTest::TestCheckPointCodeL(int, char *, int)
TestCheckPointCompareL__9CAutoTestiiRC7TDesC16Pci @ 9 NONAME ; CAutoTest::TestCheckPointCompareL(int, int, TDesC16 const &, char *, int)
ExecuteL__9CAutoTest @ 10 NONAME R3UNUSED ; CAutoTest::ExecuteL(void)