author William Roberts <>
Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:04:10 +0100
changeset 32 8265db477c4d
parent 25 85578ba0aa08
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add Symbian^3 version of featuredatabase.xml, to address Bug 2049

# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
#This module is used by
#It asks for some BuildLaunch data from the user and performs some checks on this data
#This is then input to the BuildLaunch.xml file and then opens the file for the user to verify before launching the build.

package BuildLaunchChecks;
use strict;

sub GetUserInput
  # Ask for Snapshot, Previous Snapshot and ChangeList numbers
  my $Product;
  print "Enter Product number (e.g 9.1/9.5/tb91sf/tb92sf/tb101sf) >";
  chomp($Product = <STDIN>);
  $Product =~ s/\s+//g;
  my $Snapshot;
  print "Enter Snapshot number >";
  chomp($Snapshot = <STDIN>);
  $Snapshot =~ s/\s+//g;
  my $PrevSnapshot;
  print "Enter Previous Snapshot number >";
  chomp($PrevSnapshot = <STDIN>);
  $PrevSnapshot =~ s/\s+//g;
  my $Changelist;
  print "Enter ChangeList number >";
  chomp($Changelist = <STDIN>);
  $Changelist =~ s/\s+//g;
  print "\n";
  my $CurrentCodeline;
  print "Enter Codeline (e.g. //epoc/master //EPOC/Release/sf/symtb91 //EPOC/master/sf) >";
  chomp($CurrentCodeline = <STDIN>);
  $CurrentCodeline =~ s/\s+//g;
  print "\n";
  my $Platform;
  print "Enter Platform (e.g. beech/cedar/SF) >";
  chomp($Platform = <STDIN>);
  $Platform =~ s/\s+//g;
  print "\n";
  my $Type;
  print "Enter Type (e.g Master/MasterSF/Symbian_OS_v9.1/Symbian_OS_vTB91SF) >";
  chomp($Type = <STDIN>);
  $Type =~ s/\s+//g;
  print "\n";
  return $Product,

sub GetBCValue
  my($BuildData) = @_;
  $BuildData->{CurrentCodeline} =~ s/\/$//;  #drop any trailing /
  my $cmd = "p4 print -q $BuildData->{CurrentCodeline}/os/buildtools/bldsystemtools/commonbldutils/BCValues.xml\@$BuildData->{ChangelistNumber}";
  my $BCValues = `$cmd`;
  warn "WARNING: Could not open BCValues file" if $?;
  my @BCValues = split /\n/m, $BCValues;
  my $BCToolsBaseBuildNo;
  my $Product_Found = 0;
  foreach my $line (@BCValues)
    $Product_Found = 1 if ($line =~ m/Product name=\"$BuildData->{Product}\"/i);
    if (($line =~ m/\"BCToolsBaseBuildNo\" Value=\"(.*)\"/i)&&($Product_Found == 1))
      $BCToolsBaseBuildNo = $1;
      $BCToolsBaseBuildNo =~ s/\s+//g;
  return $BCToolsBaseBuildNo;

sub CheckData
  my($BuildData) = @_;
  my @change;
  my $Error;
  my $BCBaseBuild = "$BuildData->{PreviousBuildPublishLocation}\\$BuildData->{Type}\\$BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo}"."_Symbian_OS_v$BuildData->{Product}"
         if ((defined $BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo})&&(defined $BuildData->{Type})&&(defined $BuildData->{Product}));
  my $warnings = 0;
  #Check that the Changelist number entered at prebuild is the same as the Changelist entered at startbuild
  if (($ENV{CHANGELIST} != $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber})&&(defined $ENV{CHANGELIST})&&(defined $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber}))
     warn "Warning: Changelist numbers entered at prebuild and startbuild are different\n";
  #Check that the Changelist number entered is on the CodeLine
  if(defined $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber})
    my $describe = "p4 -s describe $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber} 2>&1";
    push @change, `$describe`;
    warn "ERROR: Could not execute: $describe\n" if $?;
    foreach my $line(@change)
     if ($line =~ m/$BuildData->{CurrentCodeline}/i)
       $Error = 0;
    if (!defined $Error)
     warn "Warning: Change $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber} does not exist on $BuildData->{CurrentCodeline}\n";
  #Check that the Previous Snapshot is less than the Current Snapshot
  if (($BuildData->{SnapshotNumber} lt $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber})&&(defined $BuildData->{SnapshotNumber})&&(defined $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber}))
     warn "Warning: Current snapshot is less than the Previous snapshot\n";
  #Check that the Previous Snapshot Number exists
  if ((!-e "$BuildData->{PreviousBuildPublishLocation}\\$BuildData->{Type}\\$BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber}"."_Symbian_OS_v$BuildData->{Product}")&&(defined $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber})&&(defined $BuildData->{Product})&&(defined $BuildData->{Type}))
     warn "Warning: Previous snapshot number does not exist on $BuildData->{PreviousBuildPublishLocation}\\$BuildData->{Type}\n";
  #Check that CBR exists for the Previous Snapshot
  if ((!-e "$BuildData->{PreviousBuildPublishLocation}\\ComponentisedReleases\\DailyBuildArchive\\Symbian_OS_v$BuildData->{Product}\\gt_techview_baseline\\$BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber}"."_Symbian_OS_v$BuildData->{Product}")&&(defined $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber})&&(defined $BuildData->{Product}))
     warn "Warning: CBR does not exist for build $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber}\n";
  #Check that the BCToolsBaseBuildNo exists on devbuilds
  if ((!-e $BCBaseBuild)&&(defined $BCBaseBuild)&&(defined $BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo}))
    warn "Warning: $BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo}"."_"."Symbian_OS_v$BuildData->{Product} does not exist on \\\\Builds01\\devbuilds\\$BuildData->{Type}\n";
 return $warnings;

sub UpdateXML
  my($xmlfile, $BuildData, $Sync) = @_;
  open(XMLFILE, '+<', $xmlfile) || warn "Warning: can't open $xmlfile for append: $!";
  my @initarray = <XMLFILE>;
  my $Left;
  my $Right;
  foreach my $line (@initarray)
    if (($line =~ m/\"SnapshotNumber\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{SnapshotNumber}))
      $Left  = $`;
      $Right = $';
      $line= $Left . "\"SnapshotNumber\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{SnapshotNumber} ."\"" . $Right;
    if (($line =~ m/\"PreviousSnapshotNumber\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber}))
      $Left  = $`;
      $Right = $';
      $line= $Left . "\"PreviousSnapshotNumber\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber} ."\"" . $Right;
    if (($line =~ m/\"ChangelistNumber\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber}))
      $Left  = $`;
      $Right = $';
      $line= $Left . "\"ChangelistNumber\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber} ."\"" . $Right;
    if (($line =~ m/\"Platform\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{Platform}))
      $Left  = $`;
      $Right = $';
      $line= $Left . "\"Platform\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{Platform} ."\"" . $Right;
    if (($line =~ m/\"Product\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{Product}))
      $Left  = $`;
      $Right = $';
      $line= $Left . "\"Product\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{Product} ."\"" . $Right;
    if (($line =~ m/\"PublishLocation\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&& (defined $BuildData->{PublishLocation}))
      $Left  = $`;
      $Right = $';
      $line= $Left . "\"PublishLocation\" Value=\"$BuildData->{PublishLocation}\"" . $Right;
    if (($line =~ m/\"CurrentCodeline\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{CurrentCodeline}))
      $Left  = $`;
      $Right = $';
      $line= $Left . "\"CurrentCodeline\" Value=\"$BuildData->{CurrentCodeline}\"" . $Right;

    if (($line =~ m/\"Type\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{Type}))
      $Left  = $`;
      $Right = $';
      $line= $Left . "\"Type\" Value=\"$BuildData->{Type}\"" . $Right;
    if (($line =~ m/\"BuildSubType\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{BuildSubType}))
      $Left  = $`;
      $Right = $';
      $line= $Left . "\"BuildSubType\" Value=\"$BuildData->{BuildSubType}\"" . $Right;
    if (($line =~ m/\"BCToolsBaseBuildNo\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo}))
      $Left  = $`;
      $Right = $';
      $line= $Left . "\"BCToolsBaseBuildNo\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo} ."\"" . $Right;
    if (($line =~ m/\"BuildsDirect\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{BuildsDirect}))
      $Left  = $`;
      $Right = $';
      $line= $Left . "\"BuildsDirect\" Value=\"$BuildData->{BuildsDirect}\"" . $Right;
  # output the changes to the original file
  print XMLFILE @initarray;

