# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Script that return a list of Perforce Change lists that are associated to a build snapshot.
package Changelists;
use DBI;
my $dbh; #connection handle
sub connectDB()
my $dBase = "autobuild2";
my $serverPort = "intweb:3306";
my $user = "autobuild2";
my $password = "autobuild2";
$dbh->disconnect if ($dbh); #disconnect if already connected
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dBase:$serverPort", $user, $password, {PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0}); # should use a username which has read-only credentials only.
if (!$dbh)
print "Cannot connect to the AutoBuild2 server:$DBI::errstr\n";
print "Connected to AutoBuild\n";
sub queryHandler #handle querying the database.
my $query = shift;
my $handle;
$handle = $dbh->prepare($query);
Logit(2,"could not execute Query:".$handle->errstr());
if ($handle->errstr() =~ m/(Lost connection|MySQL server has gone away)/i) #sometimes the connection to server is lost,
Logit(0,"Lost connection, ".$handle->errstr());
return $handle;
my $snapshot = $ENV{SnapshotNumber};
my $buildShortName = $ENV{BuildShortName};
sub main {
print "$snapshot \t $buildShortName\n";
my $query = "select distinct(sub3.changelist), snap.name as Name, sub3.description as Description
from codeline, Submission as sub, Submission as sub3
left join Snapshot as snap on (snap.Submission_id = sub.id )
left join Build as bld on (bld.Snapshot_id = snap.id)
left join Spec as spec on (bld.Spec_id = spec.id)
left join Product as prod on (spec.Product_id = prod.id)
left join Build as bld2 on (bld2.id = bld.BCPrevious_id)
left join Snapshot as snap2 on (bld2.Snapshot_id = snap2.id)
left join Submission as sub2 on (snap2.Submission_id = sub2.id)
where snap.name = \"$snapshot\" and prod.build_short_name=\"$buildShortName\" and sub3.Codeline_id = (SELECT codeline_id FROM `spec` , codeline cl where Product_id=(select id from product where build_short_name = \"$buildShortName\") and pool_id = \"1\" and cl.name = \"MCLsfRO\" and spec.codeline_id= cl.id and end_date > CURDATE() ORDER by spec.id LIMIT 1) and sub3.changelist between sub2.changelist and sub.changelist order by sub3.changelist;";
my $ClInfo = &queryHandler($query);
my @AllCls = ();
my %CLhash = ();
while (my $Data = $ClInfo->fetchrow_hashref)
my @Cl = ();
my $changelist = ${$Data}{'changelist'};
my ($submitter) = ${$Data}{'Description'} =~ /<detail submitter=\s*\"(.*?)\"/;
my ($team) = ${$Data}{'Description'} =~ /<detail team=\s*\"(.*?)\"/;
my ($sub_time) = ${$Data}{'Description'} =~ /<detail submissionTime=\s*\"(.*?)\"/;
${$Data}{'Description'} =~ s/\n/##/g;
my ($desc) = ${$Data}{'Description'} =~ /<EXTERNAL>####(.*?)####<\/EXTERNAL>/i;
$desc =~ s/##/\n/g;
$CLhash{$changelist}{'submitter'} = $submitter;
$CLhash{$changelist}{'team'} = $team;
$CLhash{$changelist}{'sub_time'} = $sub_time;
$CLhash{$changelist}{'desc'} = $desc;
#~ print "#################${$Data}{'changelist'}#####################\n";
#~ print "$submitter\t$team\t$sub_time\n$desc\n";
return (\%CLhash);