author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:10:01 +0300
changeset 25 85578ba0aa08
parent 0 83f4b4db085c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201015 Kit: 201015

# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Getopt::Long;

my ($iComp, $iLoc, $iType) = ProcessCommandLine();
my $iVersion;
if ($iType eq "green")
	$iVersion = GetLatestGreenBuild($iComp)
elsif($iType eq "latest")
	$iVersion = GetLatestBuild($iComp);  
elsif ($iType =~ /DP/i)
	if ($iType =~ /_DeveloperProduct/i)
		$iVersion = $iType;
		$iVersion = $iType."_DeveloperProduct";
	$iVersion = $iType;

my $pushreloutput = `pushrel -vv $iComp $iVersion $iLoc`;
if (($pushreloutput =~ /^Copying $iComp $iVersion to/) || ($pushreloutput =~ /already present/)){
  print $pushreloutput;
  print "ERROR: could not pushrel $iComp $iVersion - $pushreloutput\n";

# LRtrim
# Description
# This function removes the space on the left and right
sub LRtrim( $ ) {
  my $result = shift ;
  $result =~ s/^\s+// ;
  $result =~ s/\s+$// ;
  return $result ;

sub GetLatestBuild( $ ) {
  my $iBaselineComponentName = shift ;
  $iBaselineComponentName = LRtrim($iBaselineComponentName);
  my $latestbuild = "nobuild";
  my @AllBuilds = `latestver -a $iBaselineComponentName`; 
  foreach my $build ( @AllBuilds  ) {
    my $status = BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface( $build , $iBaselineComponentName  );
    if ( ( lc( $status ) eq "green" ) or ( lc( $status ) eq "amber" )  ){
      $latestbuild = $build ;
      last ;
  return $latestbuild ;

sub GetLatestGreenBuild( $ ) {
  my $iBaselineComponentName = shift ;
  $iBaselineComponentName = LRtrim($iBaselineComponentName);
  my $greenbuild = "amberbuild";
  my @AllBuilds = `latestver -a $iBaselineComponentName`; 
  foreach my $build ( @AllBuilds  ) {
	$build = LRtrim($build);
    my $status = BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface( $build , $iBaselineComponentName );
    if ( lc( $status ) eq "green" ) {
      $greenbuild = $build ;
      last ;
  return  $greenbuild ; # buildnumber or "amberbuild"

# Usage
# Just call the sub-route called BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface like this
# my $status = BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface("M04735_Symbian_OS_v9.5" , "gt_techview_baseline");
# my $status = BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface("DP00454_DeveloperProduct" , "sf_tools_baseline");
# $status should be green or amber etc.

## @fn BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface($sVer)
# Queries the HTTP interface to Autobuild2 DB to determine the BRAG status of a CBR.
# @param sVer string, CBR for which the BRAG status is to be determined.
# @return string, BRAG status of the queried CBR. "TBA" if BRAG was indeterminable.

sub BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface( $  $ )
	my $sVer = shift ;
    $sVer = LRtrim($sVer);
	my $iBaselineComponentName = shift ;
    $iBaselineComponentName = LRtrim($iBaselineComponentName);
    my $sBrag = "TBA";
	my $sSnapshot = "";
	my $sProduct = "";
    if ($sVer =~ /\_DeveloperProduct/i) 
    	if ($sVer =~ /([\w\.]+)\_DeveloperProduct/i)
            $sSnapshot = $1;
            $sProduct = "DP";
            return $sBrag; # i.e. "TBA"
	my $parameters = "snapshot=$sSnapshot&product=$sProduct";
	# Alternative method of getting the BRAG status - use the HTTP interface to Autobuild
	my $sLogsLocation = "http://intweb:8080/esr/query?$parameters";
	my $roUserAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
	my $roResponse = $roUserAgent->get($sLogsLocation);
	if ($roResponse->is_success and $roResponse->content =~ /BRAG\s*\=\s*([a-z|A-Z]+)/)
		$sBrag = $1;
		$sBrag =~ s/\s//g;  # remove any whitespace padding
		return $sBrag;
		return $sBrag; # i.e. "TBA"

# ProcessCommandLine
# Inputs
# Outputs
# $iComp - Name of the component to push
# $iLoc -  Remote site reltools.ini location
# Description
# This function processes the commandline
sub ProcessCommandLine {

  my ($iHelp, $iComp, $iLoc, $iLatest, $iGreen, $iVer);
  GetOptions('h' => \$iHelp, 'c=s' => \$iComp, 'r=s' => \$iLoc, 'g' => \$iGreen, 'l' => \$iLatest, 'version=s'=>\$iVer);

  if (($iHelp) || (!defined $iComp) || (!defined $iLoc) || ($iVer && $iLatest)|| ($iVer && $iGreen)| ($iGreen && $iLatest))
  my $iType = ($iGreen)? "green" : "latest";
  $iType = ($iVer)? $iVer:$iType;


# Usage
# Output Usage Information.
sub Usage {
  print <<USAGE_EOF;

  Usage: [Args/options]

  Args: (required)
  -c  [Component name]  Name of component to push 
  -r [Remote reltools.ini location] Remote site reltools.ini location (Target location reltools.ini file)
  -l Latest Build  or -g Latest Green Build or -v specify a build

  -h                    help
  Example Commandline -c tools_testexecute -r C:\\epoc32\\relinfo\\reltools.ini -g -c tools_testexecute -r C:\\epoc32\\relinfo\\reltools.ini -l -c tools_testexecute -r C:\\epoc32\\relinfo\\reltools.ini -version DP00500

	exit 1;