Merge fixes for bugs 476, 1371, 1895, 2049, 2149, 2509, 2539 and addition of make.exe and scpp.exe.
# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Contains information for makmake and associated e32tools perl programs
# within the Epoc32 Environment
package E32env;
use strict;
use vars qw(%Data);
my $epocroot = $ENV{EPOCROOT};
die "ERROR: Must set the EPOCROOT environment variable\n" if (!defined($epocroot));
$epocroot =~ s-/-\\-go; # for those working with UNIX shells
$epocroot =~ s/^ +//;
$epocroot =~ s/ +$//;
$ENV{EPOCROOT} = $epocroot;
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must not include a drive letter\n" if ($epocroot =~ /^.:/);
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must be an absolute path without a drive letter\n" if ($epocroot !~ /^\\/);
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must not be a UNC path\n" if ($epocroot =~ /^\\\\/);
die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must end with a backslash\n" if ($epocroot !~ /\\$/);
open PIPE, "set EPOCROOT |";
my $found=0;
while (<PIPE>) {
if (/^EPOCROOT=.*/) {
close PIPE;
die "EPOCROOT environment variable must be capitalised\n" if (!$found);
print "WARNING: EPOCROOT does not specify an existing directory\n" if (!-d $epocroot);
$epocroot=~ s-\\$--; # chop trailing \\
$Data{EPOCPath} = $epocroot."\\epoc32\\";
$Data{EPOCDataPath} = $epocroot."\\epoc32\\data\\";
$Data{EPOCIncPath} = $epocroot."\\epoc32\\include\\";
$Data{BldPath} = $epocroot."\\EPOC32\\BUILD\\";
$Data{LinkPath} = $epocroot."\\epoc32\\release\\";
$Data{RelPath} = $epocroot."\\epoc32\\release\\";
$Data{EPOCToolsPath} = $epocroot."\\epoc32\\tools\\";
$Data{RomPath} = $epocroot."\\epoc32\\rom\\";
$Data{DataPath} = "z\\system\\data\\";
$Data{SecurePlatform} = 1;