Bug2509 modify RELEASABLE section in compsupp.mk to avoid duplicated epoc32/release in path
# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Script that returns the no.of errors, Warnings and Advisory notes for a stage.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package FaultsData;
#~ use BragStatus;
use strict;
use Date::Calc;
# global log file locations
# - to be set by main() function
# on module entry
our $iGTLogFileLocation;
our $iTVLogFileLocation;
our $iTVEBSLogFileLocation;
our $iBUILDLogFileLocation;
our $iCBRLogFileLocation;
our $iROMLogFileLocation;
our $iCDBLogFileLocation;
our $iLinkPathLocation;
our $iLogsPublishLocation;
our $iGTFileName;
our $iTVFileName;
our $iTVEBSFileName;
our $iBUILDFileName;
our $iCBRFileName;
our $iROMFileName;
our $iCDBFileName;
our $iBraggflag = 0;
our %iProducts;
our %iTests;
my $iGTFileFound = "1";
my $iTVFileFound = "1";
my $iTVEBSFileFound = "1";
my $iBUILDFileFound = "1";
my $iCBRFileFound = "1";
my $iROMFileFound = "1";
my $iCDBFileFound = "1";
# stores the list of stages
my $iBuildStages = 'GT|TV|ROM|CBR|CDB|BUILD';
sub stageSummary {
my ($iDir, $iSnapshot, $iProduct, $iLinkPath, $iStage) = @_;
my $temp = "";
if($iStage ne "PREBUILD")
##############extract Errors Now################
# set file names, so that they can be accessed globally
$iGTFileName = "GT.summary.html";
$iTVFileName = "TV.summary.html";
$iTVEBSFileName = "TV.EBS.summary.html";
$iBUILDFileName = "$iSnapshot"."_Symbian_OS_v"."$iProduct".".summary.html";
$iCBRFileName = "$iSnapshot"."_Symbian_OS_v"."$iProduct"."_cbr.summary.html";
$iCDBFileName = "$iSnapshot"."_Symbian_OS_v"."$iProduct"."_cdb.summary.html";
$iROMFileName = "techviewroms"."$iSnapshot"."_Symbian_OS_v"."$iProduct". ".log";
$iDir =~ s/[^\\]$/$&\\/; #add trailing backslash, if missing
$iLogsPublishLocation = $iDir;
if (-e $iLinkPath) {
$iLinkPathLocation = $iLinkPath;
} else {
# if no link path is specified, then use current directory location
#print "WARNING:" .$iLinkPath. " does not exist, linking with relative paths\n";
$iLinkPathLocation = $iLogsPublishLocation;
if (-e $iLogsPublishLocation)
$iGTLogFileLocation = $iLogsPublishLocation.$iGTFileName;
$iTVLogFileLocation = $iLogsPublishLocation.$iTVFileName;
$iTVEBSLogFileLocation = $iLogsPublishLocation.$iTVEBSFileName;
$iBUILDLogFileLocation = $iLogsPublishLocation.$iBUILDFileName;
$iCBRLogFileLocation = $iLogsPublishLocation.$iCBRFileName;
$iROMLogFileLocation = $iLogsPublishLocation.$iROMFileName;
$iCDBLogFileLocation = $iLogsPublishLocation.$iCDBFileName;
my @Components = extractErrors($iStage);
#~ foreach my $t (@Components)
#~ {
#~ print "FAULTS::@$t[0]\t@$t[1]\t@$t[2]\t@$t[3]\t@$t[4]\t@$t[5]\t@$t[6]\n";
#~ }
return @Components;
#############Update Log Files Locations######################
print "ERROR: Report not created: $! \n";
sub getTime
my ($sec,$min,$hours,$mday,$mon,$year)= localtime();
$year += 1900;
$mon +=1;
my @date = ($year,$mon,$mday,$hours,$min,$sec);
my $date = sprintf("%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", @date);
return ($date);
#------------------------------------------------------------------Functions form GenResult.pm--------------------------------------------------------------
# Name : getGTResults()
# Synopsis: To parse a logfile, and output results
# into a common data format for processing
# Inputs : None
# Outputs : Array of refs to arrays containing 5 scalars. The structure
# is then used by the printResultRow() to display
# 1 <array 'container'>
# |
# 0-n <array ref>
# |
# -- <scalar[0]> component name
# -- <scalar[1]> number of errors
# -- <scalar[2]> link to errors
# -- <scalar[3]> number of warnings
# -- <scalar[4]> link to warnings
# -- <scalar[5]> number of advisorynotes
# -- <scalar[6]> link to advisorynotes
# Note: Links are currently not used, but instead constructed from the
# component name and logfile location. Can be used in future for
# logs located elsewhere etc.
sub getGTResults {
my $iComponent;
my $iErrors;
my $iErrorLink;
my $iWarnings;
my $iWarningLink;
my $iAdvisoryNotes;
my $iAdvisoryNotesLink;
my $iRemarks;
my @components;
open (GTLOGFILE, $iGTLogFileLocation) || setHandleErrors($_[0]);
my @iGTLog = <GTLOGFILE>;
foreach (@iGTLog) {
if (m/(Component_)(.*)(\s[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}\.?[0-9]{0,3})\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)/) {
if (($4 != 0) || ($5 !=0) || ($6 != 0)) {
$iComponent = $2;
$iErrors = $4;
$iWarnings = $5;
$iAdvisoryNotes = $6;
$iRemarks = $7; # currently we ignore remarks from components.
# now extract the URL for each warning. At the moment, this is a relative link
# MUST make it absolute, to avoid problems
my @componentdetails = ($iComponent, $iErrors, $iErrorLink, $iWarnings, $iWarningLink, $iAdvisoryNotes, $iAdvisoryNotesLink);
push @components, \@componentdetails;
# return array of refs to arrays
return @components;
# Name : getTVResults()
# Synopsis: To parse a logfile, and output results
# into a common data format for processing
# Inputs : None
# Outputs : Array of refs to arrays containing 5 scalars. The structure
# is then used by the printResultRow() to display
# 1 <array 'container'>
# |
# 0-n <array ref>
# |
# -- <scalar[0]> component name
# -- <scalar[1]> number of errors
# -- <scalar[2]> link to errors
# -- <scalar[3]> number of warnings
# -- <scalar[4]> link to warnings
# -- <scalar[5]> number of advisorynotes
# -- <scalar[6]> link to advisorynotes
# Note: Links are currently not used, but instead constructed from the
# component name and logfile location. Can be used in future for
# logs located elsewhere etc.
sub getTVResults {
my $iComponent;
my $iErrors;
my $iErrorLink;
my $iWarnings;
my $iWarningLink;
my $iAdvisoryNotes;
my $iAdvisoryNotesLink;
my $iRemarks;
my @components;
open (TVLOGFILE, $iTVLogFileLocation) || setHandleErrors($_[0]);
my @iTVLog = <TVLOGFILE>;
foreach (@iTVLog) {
if (m/(Component_)(.*)(\s[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}\.?[0-9]{0,3})\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)/) {
if (($4 != 0) || ($5 !=0) || ($6 != 0)) {
$iComponent = $2;
$iErrors = $4;
$iWarnings = $5;
$iAdvisoryNotes = $6;
$iRemarks = $7; # currently we ignore remarks from components.
# now extract the URL for each warning. At the moment, this is a relative link
# MUST make it absolute, to avoid problems
my @componentdetails = ($iComponent, $iErrors, $iErrorLink, $iWarnings, $iWarningLink, $iAdvisoryNotes, $iAdvisoryNotesLink);
push @components, \@componentdetails;
open (TVEBSLOGFILE, $iTVEBSLogFileLocation) || setHandleErrors($_[0]);
foreach (@iTVEBSLog) {
if (m/(Component_)(.*)(\s[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}\.?[0-9]{0,3})\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)/) {
if (($4 != 0) || ($5 !=0) || ($6 != 0)) {
$iComponent = $2;
$iErrors = $4;
$iWarnings = $5;
$iAdvisoryNotes = $6;
$iRemarks = $7; # currently we ignore remarks from components.
# now extract the URL for each warning. At the moment, this is a relative link
# MUST make it absolute, to avoid problems
my @componentdetails = ($iComponent, $iErrors, $iErrorLink, $iWarnings, $iWarningLink, $iAdvisoryNotes, $iAdvisoryNotesLink);
push @components, \@componentdetails;
# return array of refs to arrays
return @components;
# Name : getBUILDResults()
# Synopsis: To parse a logfile, and output results
# into a common data format for processing
# Inputs : None
# Outputs : Array of refs to arrays containing 5 scalars. The structure
# is then used by the printResultRow() to display
# 1 <array 'container'>
# |
# 0-n <array ref>
# |
# -- <scalar[0]> component name
# -- <scalar[1]> number of errors
# -- <scalar[2]> link to errors
# -- <scalar[3]> number of warnings
# -- <scalar[4]> link to warnings
# -- <scalar[5]> number of advisorynotes
# -- <scalar[6]> link to advisorynotes
# Note: Links are currently not used, but instead constructed from the
# component name and logfile location. Can be used in future for
# logs located elsewhere etc.
sub getBUILDResults {
my $iComponent;
my $iErrors;
my $iErrorLink;
my $iWarnings;
my $iWarningLink;
my $iAdvisoryNotes;
my $iAdvisoryNotesLink;
my $iRemarks;
my @components;
open (BUILDLOGFILE, $iBUILDLogFileLocation) ||setHandleErrors($_[0]);
foreach (@iBUILDLog) {
if (m/(Component_)(.*)(\s[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}\.?[0-9]{0,3}?)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)/) {
if (($4 != 0) || ($5 !=0) || ($6 != 0)) {
$iComponent = $2;
$iErrors = $4;
$iWarnings = $5;
$iAdvisoryNotes = $6;
$iRemarks = $7; # currently we ignore remarks from components.
# now extract the URL for each warning. At the moment, this is a relative link
# MUST make it absolute, to avoid problems
my @componentdetails = ($iComponent, $iErrors, $iErrorLink, $iWarnings, $iWarningLink, $iAdvisoryNotes, $iAdvisoryNotesLink);
push @components, \@componentdetails;
# return array of refs to arrays
return @components;
# Name : getCBRResults()
# Synopsis: To parse a logfile, and output results
# into a common data format for processing
# Inputs : None
# Outputs : Array of refs to arrays containing 5 scalars. The structure
# is then used by the printResultRow() to display
# 1 <array 'container'>
# |
# 0-n <array ref>
# |
# -- <scalar[0]> component name
# -- <scalar[1]> number of errors
# -- <scalar[2]> link to errors
# -- <scalar[3]> number of warnings
# -- <scalar[4]> link to warnings
# -- <scalar[5]> number of advisorynotes
# -- <scalar[6]> link to advisorynotes
# Note: Links are currently not used, but instead constructed from the
# component name and logfile location. Can be used in future for
# logs located elsewhere etc.
sub getCBRResults {
my $iComponent;
my $iErrors;
my $iErrorLink;
my $iWarnings;
my $iWarningLink;
my $iAdvisoryNotes;
my $iAdvisoryNotesLink;
my $iRemarks;
my @components;
open (CBRLOGFILE, $iCBRLogFileLocation) || setHandleErrors($_[0]);
foreach (@iCBRLog) {
if (m/(Overall_Total\s)([0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2})\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)/) {
if (($3 != 0) || ($4 !=0) || ($5 != 0)) {
$iComponent = "Total";
$iErrors = $3;
$iWarnings = $4;
$iAdvisoryNotes = $5;
$iRemarks = $6; # currently we ignore remarks from components.
# now extract the URL for each warning. At the moment, this is a relative link
# MUST make it absolute, to avoid problems
my @componentdetails = ($iComponent, $iErrors, $iErrorLink, $iWarnings, $iWarningLink, $iAdvisoryNotes, $iAdvisoryNotesLink);
push @components, \@componentdetails;
# return array of refs to arrays
return @components;
# Name : getROMResults()
# Synopsis: To parse a text logfile, and output results
# into a common data format for processing
# Inputs : None
# Outputs : Array of refs to arrays containing 5 scalars. The structure
# is then used by the printResultRow() to display
# 1 <array 'container'>
# |
# 0-n <array ref>
# |
# -- <scalar[0]> component name
# -- <scalar[1]> number of errors
# -- <scalar[2]> link to errors
# -- <scalar[3]> number of warnings
# -- <scalar[4]> link to warnings
# -- <scalar[5]> number of advisorynotes
# -- <scalar[6]> link to advisorynotes
sub getROMResults {
my $iComponent;
my $iErrors;
my $iErrorLink;
my $iWarnings;
my $iWarningLink;
my $iAdvisoryNotes;
my $iAdvisoryNotesLink;
my $iRemarks;
my @components;
open (ROMLOGFILE, $iROMLogFileLocation) || setHandleErrors($_[0]);
# special kludge to deal with multi-line errors from ROMBUILD!
my $i = 0;
my @iSingleLineErrors;
foreach (@iROMLog) {
if ((m/ERROR: Can't build dependence graph for/) ||
(m/ERROR: Can't resolve dll ref table for/)) {
# read 4 lines for the single error
my $iErr = $_ . $iROMLog[$i].$iROMLog[$i+1].$iROMLog[$i+2].$iROMLog[$i+3];
$iErr =~ s/\t|\n/ /g; # replace tabs and newlines with a space
# remove multi-line error, so that we dont process it twice
$iROMLog[$i-1] = "";
$iROMLog[$i] = "";
$iROMLog[$i+1] = "";
$iROMLog[$i+2] = "";
$iROMLog[$i+3] = "";
push @iSingleLineErrors, $iErr;
# now merge two arrays before processing
push (@iROMLog, @iSingleLineErrors);
# identify unique lines in log, as errors
# are repeated for each ROM built
my %iSeenLines = ();
foreach my $iUniqueItem (@iROMLog) {
my @iUniqueLogList = keys %iSeenLines;
foreach (@iUniqueLogList) {
if((m/WARNING: Sorting Rom Exception Table/) ||
my @componentdetails = ($_, "", $iErrorLink, "", $iWarningLink);
push @components, \@componentdetails;
} elsif ((m/Missing/) || (m/Invalid Resource name/) || (m/warning:/) || (m/WARNING:/)) {
my @componentdetails = ($_, "", $iErrorLink, "1", $iWarningLink);
push @components, \@componentdetails;
if ((m/ERROR: Can't build dependence graph for/) ||
(m/ERROR: Can't resolve dll ref table for/) ||
(m/cpp failed/i) ||
(m/cannot find oby file/i) ||
(m/no such file or directory/i)) {
my @componentdetails = ($_, "1", $iErrorLink, "", $iWarningLink);
push @components, \@componentdetails;
} elsif (m/ERROR/) {
my @componentdetails = ($_, "1", $iErrorLink, "", $iWarningLink);
push @components, \@componentdetails;
return @components;
# Name : getCDBResults()
# Synopsis: To parse a logfile, and output results
# into a common data format for processing
# Inputs : None
# Outputs : Array of refs to arrays containing 5 scalars. The structure
# is then used by the printResultRow() to display
# 1 <array 'container'>
# |
# 0-n <array ref>
# |
# -- <scalar[0]> component name
# -- <scalar[1]> number of errors
# -- <scalar[2]> link to errors
# -- <scalar[3]> number of warnings
# -- <scalar[4]> link to warnings
# -- <scalar[5]> number of advisorynotes
# -- <scalar[6]> link to advisorynotes
# Note: Links are currently not used, but instead constructed from the
# component name and logfile location. Can be used in future for
# logs located elsewhere etc.
sub getCDBResults {
my $iComponent;
my $iErrors;
my $iErrorLink;
my $iWarnings;
my $iWarningLink;
my $iAdvisoryNotes;
my $iAdvisoryNotesLink;
my $iRemarks;
my @components;
open (CDBLOGFILE, $iCDBLogFileLocation) || warn "RIZ::$!:$iCDBLogFileLocation\n";
foreach (@iCDBLog) {
if (m/(Component_)(.*)(\s[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}\.?[0-9]{0,3})\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)/) {
if (($4 != 0) || ($5 !=0) || ($6 != 0)) {
$iComponent = $2;
$iErrors = $4;
$iWarnings = $5;
$iAdvisoryNotes = $6;
$iRemarks = $7; # currently we ignore remarks from components.
# now extract the URL for each warning. At the moment, this is a relative link
# MUST make it absolute, to avoid problems
my @componentdetails = ($iComponent, $iErrors, $iErrorLink, $iWarnings, $iAdvisoryNotes, $iAdvisoryNotesLink);
push @components, \@componentdetails;
if (m/(Component_)(.*)(\s[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}:[0-9]{0,2}\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*)\s([0-9]*))/) {
if (($4 != 0) || ($5 !=0) || ($6 != 0)) {
$iComponent = $2;
$iErrors = $4;
$iWarnings = $5;
$iAdvisoryNotes = $6;
$iRemarks = $7;
# This has been added to check the errors which have time in '0:00:00' format.
# now extract the URL for each warning. At the moment, this is a relative link
# MUST make it absolute, to avoid problems
my @componentdetails = ($iComponent, $iErrors, $iErrorLink, $iWarnings, $iAdvisoryNotes, $iAdvisoryNotesLink);
push @components, \@componentdetails;
# return array of refs to arrays
return @components;
# Name : getResults()
# Synopsis: Factory like function to return an associated data structure
# depending on the type requested. i.e. GT, TV etc.
# Inputs : Scalar containing the log/type required
# Outputs : The output of getXXXResults() functions.
# 1 <array 'container'>
# |
# 0-n <array ref>
# |
# -- <scalar[0]> component name
# -- <scalar[1]> number of errors
# -- <scalar[2]> link to errors
# -- <scalar[3]> number of warnings
# -- <scalar[4]> link to warnings
# -- <scalar[5]> number of advisorynotes
# -- <scalar[6]> link to advisorynotes
#~ sub getResults {
sub extractErrors {
if ($_[0] eq "GT") {
return getGTResults($_[0]); }
if ($_[0] eq "TV") {
return getTVResults($_[0]); }
if ($_[0] eq "BUILD") {
return getBUILDResults($_[0]); }
if ($_[0] eq "CBR") {
return getCBRResults($_[0]); }
if ($_[0] eq "ROM") {
return getROMResults($_[0]); }
if ($_[0] eq "CDB") {
return getCDBResults($_[0]); }
# Name : getLogFileLocation()
# Synopsis: Accessor like function, to return the expected log file
# location that is initialised in GenResult::main()
# Inputs : Scalar containing the log/type required
# Outputs : Scalar containing the log location
sub getLogFileLocation {
if ($_[0] eq "GT") {
return setBrowserFriendlyLinks($iLinkPathLocation.$iGTFileName); }
if ($_[0] eq "TV") {
if($_->[0]=~ /systemtest/i) {
return setBrowserFriendlyLinks($iLinkPathLocation.$iTVEBSFileName);}
else {
return setBrowserFriendlyLinks($iLinkPathLocation.$iTVFileName); }
if ($_[0] eq "BUILD") {
return setBrowserFriendlyLinks($iLinkPathLocation.$iBUILDFileName); }
if ($_[0] eq "CBR") {
return setBrowserFriendlyLinks($iLinkPathLocation.$iCBRFileName); }
if ($_[0] eq "ROM") {
return $iLinkPathLocation.$iROMFileName; }
if ($_[0] eq "CDB") {
return setBrowserFriendlyLinks($iLinkPathLocation.$iCDBFileName); }
# Name : getAnchorType()
# Synopsis: Helper function, to return the HTML scanlog anchor for
# a desired log type.
# Inputs : Scalar containing the log/type required
# Outputs : Scalar containing the HTML anchor
sub getAnchorType {
if ($_[0] eq "GT") {
return "Component"; }
if ($_[0] eq "TV") {
return "Component"; }
if ($_[0] eq "BUILD") {
return "Component"; }
if ($_[0] eq "CBR") {
return "Overall"; }
if ($_[0] eq "CDB") {
return "Overall"; }
# Name : isHTMLFile()
# Synopsis: Identifies which log files should be processed as HTML
# Inputs : Scalar containing the log/type required
# Outputs : "1" if the requested log is HTML
sub isHTMLFile {
if ($_[0] eq "GT" || $_[0] eq "TV" || $_[0] eq "BUILD" || $_[0] eq "CBR" || $_[0] eq "CDB") {
return "1"; }
# Name : isTestBuild()
# Synopsis: Identifies if this report is being generated for a test build
# Inputs : Global scalar for linkto location
# Outputs : "1" if the build is being published as a testbuild. This will
# obviously fail if testbuilds are not correctly published to
# \\builds01\devbuilds\test_builds
sub isTestBuild {
# somehow, determine if this is a TBuild
if (uc($iLinkPathLocation) =~ m/TEST_BUILD/) {
return "1";
return "0";
# Name : setBrowserFriendlyLinks()
# Synopsis: Re-formats UNC path to file, with a Opera/Fire-Fox friendly
# version. Lotus Notes may cause problems though.
# Inputs : UNC Path scalar
# Outputs : Scalar
sub setBrowserFriendlyLinks {
my ($iOldLink) = @_;
$iOldLink =~ s/\\/\//g; # swap backslashes to fwd slashes
return "file:///".$iOldLink;
# Name : setBrowserFriendlyLinksForIN()
# Purpose: Generate Links for Bangalore Site
# Inputs : UNC Path scalar
# Outputs : Scalar
sub setBrowserFriendlyLinksForIN($ ) {
my ($iOldLinkIN) = shift;
$iOldLinkIN =~ s/\\/\//g; # swap backslashes to fwd slashes
$iOldLinkIN = "file:///".$iOldLinkIN ;
$iOldLinkIN =~ s/builds01/builds04/ ; # Generate Bangalore Log Location
return $iOldLinkIN;
# Name : setBrowserFriendlyLinksForCN()
# Purpose: Generate Links for Beijing Site
# Inputs : UNC Path scalar
# Outputs : Scalar
sub setBrowserFriendlyLinksForCN($ ) {
my ($iOldLinkCN) = shift;
$iOldLinkCN =~ s/\\/\//g; # swap backslashes to fwd slashes
$iOldLinkCN = "file:///".$iOldLinkCN ;
$iOldLinkCN =~ s/builds01/builds05/ ; # Generate Beijing Log Location
return $iOldLinkCN;
# helper function to notify of any missing logs
sub setHandleErrors {
# set global filenotfound to "0"
if ($_[0] eq "GT") {
$iGTFileFound = "0"; }
if ($_[0] eq "TV") {
$iTVFileFound = "0"; }
if ($_[0] eq "TV") {
$iTVEBSFileFound = "0"; }
if ($_[0] eq "BUILD") {
$iBUILDFileFound = "0"; }
if ($_[0] eq "CBR") {
$iCBRFileFound = "0"; }
if ($_[0] eq "ROM") {
$iROMFileFound = "0"; }
if ($_[0] eq "CDB") {
$iCDBFileFound = "0"; }
# accessor function to return the flag for this type
sub getHandleErrors {
if ($_[0] eq "GT") {
return $iGTFileFound; }
if ($_[0] eq "TV") {
return $iTVFileFound; }
if ($_[0] eq "TV") {
return $iTVEBSFileFound; }
if ($_[0] eq "BUILD") {
return $iBUILDFileFound; }
if ($_[0] eq "CBR") {
return $iCBRFileFound; }
if ($_[0] eq "ROM") {
return $iROMFileFound; }
if ($_[0] eq "CDB") {
return $iCDBFileFound; }