Bug2509 modify RELEASABLE section in compsupp.mk to avoid duplicated epoc32/release in path
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
#!perl -w
# StartBuild.pl
# Script to bootstrap the starting of Daily and Test builds
# Uses a config file containing details of which test source is needed.
# Performs a delta sync to the baseline changelist number, copies only the
# necessary files to clean-src, then syncs down any other files specified
# in the config file into clean-src.
use strict;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;
use FindBin;
use Sys::Hostname;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/..";
use BxCopy;
use PreBldChecks;
use BuildLaunchChecks;
use PC_P4Table;
my $gXMLEnvRef; # Reference to hash containing environment data read from the XML file
my %gBuildSpec;
# default opts are daily manual
my $CFG_BUILD_SUBTYPE = "Daily";
# Process the commandline
my ($iBuildSubTypeOpt) = ProcessCommandLine();
my $hostname = &GetHostName();
my $PUBLISH_LOCATION_DAILY = "\\\\builds01\\devbuilds";
my $PUBLISH_LOCATION_TEST = "\\\\builds01\\devbuilds\\test_builds";
my $BUILDS_LOCAL_DIR = "d:\\builds";
# Define the source root directory (assumes it's 3 levels up)
my $sourcedir = Cwd::abs_path("$FindBin::Bin\\..\\..\\..\\..");
# Define the pathnames for the XML files
my $BuildLaunchXML = "$sourcedir\\os\\buildtools\\bldsystemtools\\commonbldutils\\BuildLaunch.xml";
my $PostBuildXML = "$sourcedir\\os\\buildtools\\bldsystemtools\\commonbldutils\\PostBuild.xml";
sub main() {
print "Starting\n ";
doLoadEnv(); # populate gBuildEnv with ENV
doManualBuild(); # spawn build clients and do build
# load the env from BuildLaunch.xml
sub doLoadEnv() {
# User may have edited environment variables above (see call to Notepad)
# So re-read the XML file and store current values in %$gXMLEnvRef
$gXMLEnvRef = PreBldChecks::XMLEnvironment($BuildLaunchXML);
$gBuildSpec{'Product'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'Product'};
$gBuildSpec{'SnapshotNumber'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'SnapshotNumber'};
$gBuildSpec{'ChangelistNumber'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'ChangelistNumber'};
$gBuildSpec{'BuildsDirect'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'BuildsDirect'};
$gBuildSpec{'Platform'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'Platform'};
$gBuildSpec{'BuildBaseName'} = 'Symbian_OS_v'.$gBuildSpec{'Product'};
$gBuildSpec{'ThisBuild'} = $gBuildSpec{'SnapshotNumber'}."_".$gBuildSpec{'BuildBaseName'};
$gBuildSpec{'LogsDir'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'LogsDir'};
$gBuildSpec{'BuildDir'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'BuildDir'}; # substed drive letter
$gBuildSpec{'BuildsDirect'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'BuildsDirect'}; # build dir
$gBuildSpec{'ThisBuildDir'} = $gBuildSpec{'BuildsDirect'} . $gBuildSpec{'ThisBuild'};
$gBuildSpec{'Type'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'Type'};
$gBuildSpec{'CurrentCodeline'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'CurrentCodeline'};
$gBuildSpec{'BuildSubType'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'BuildSubType'};
$gBuildSpec{'SubstDir'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'SubstDir'};
$gBuildSpec{'CleanSourceDir'} = $gXMLEnvRef->{'CleanSourceDir'};
# Output warnings for any missing attributes. If any
# are missing, the output a RealTimeBuild ERROR to halt the build
sub doValidate() {
# 1. validate all env vars are set
# Note: Validate of TestBuild.cfg, not done here
my $iWarnCount = 0;
my $key;
my $value;
while(($key, $value) = each(%gBuildSpec)) {
# do something with $key and $value
if ($value eq "") {
print "\nWARNING: Attribute $key is missing from Specification ";
die "\nERROR: RealTimeBuild: Attributes missing from BuildLaunch.xml" if $iWarnCount > 0;
# Create Logs dir
sub doLogsDirCreate() {
if (!(-e $gBuildSpec{'LogsDir'})) {
print "=== CREATING LOGS DIRECTORY ===\n";
my $cmd = "mkdir $gBuildSpec{'LogsDir'}";
} else {
print "REMARK: Logs dir " .$gBuildSpec{'LogsDir'}."already exists!\n";
sub doSubstDrive() {
# Ensure trailing backslashes are removed
my $iSubstDrv = $gBuildSpec{'BuildDir'};
$iSubstDrv =~ s/\\{1}$//;
mkdir($gBuildSpec{'SubstDir'}, 0666) or die "ERROR: Could not create \"$gBuildSpec{'SubstDir'}\": $!";
print "=== SUBST'ING BUILD DIRECTORY ===\n";
`subst $iSubstDrv /d 2>&1`;
system "subst $iSubstDrv $gBuildSpec{'SubstDir'} 2>&1" and die "ERROR: Could not subst \"$gBuildSpec{'SubstDir'}\" to \"substdrive\" : $!";
# Perform the manual build by running
# 1. BuildLaunch.xml
# 2. Core/Glue xml
# 3. PostBuild.xml
sub doManualBuild() {
# Start the BuildClients
print "Starting the BuildClients\n";
my $profile = 1;#($gProfile ? "-p" : "");
system "start \"Launch BuildClient\" cmd /k perl $sourcedir\\os\\buildtools\\bldsystemtools\\buildsystemtools\\BuildClient.pl -d localhost:15000 -d localhost:15001 -d localhost:15002 -w 5 -c Launch $profile";
print "=== Build started ===\n";
# Start the BuildServer for the main build
print "Starting the Launch BuildServer\n";
my $command = "perl $sourcedir\\os\\buildtools\\bldsystemtools\\buildsystemtools\\buildserver.pl -p 15000 -p 15001 -p 15002 -t 5 -c 5 -d $BuildLaunchXML -l $gBuildSpec{'LogsDir'}\\".$gBuildSpec{'ThisBuild'}.".log";
system ($command) and die "Error: $!";
print "Starting the Glue BuildServer\n";
my $gGlueXMLFile = $gBuildSpec{'BuildDir'} . '\\clean-src' . '\\os\\deviceplatformrelease\\symbianosbld\\cedarutils\\Symbian_OS_v' . $gBuildSpec{'Product'} . '.xml';
$command = "perl $sourcedir\\os\\buildtools\\bldsystemtools\\buildsystemtools\\buildserver.pl -p 15000 -p 15001 -p 15002 -t 5 -c 5 -d $gGlueXMLFile -e $BuildLaunchXML -l $gBuildSpec{'LogsDir'}\\".$gBuildSpec{'BuildBaseName'}.".log";
system ($command) and die "Error: $!";
print "Starting the Postbuild BuildServer\n";
$PostBuildXML = $gBuildSpec{'CleanSourceDir'} . '\\os\\buildtools\\bldsystemtools\\commonbldutils\\PostBuild.xml';
$command = "perl $sourcedir\\os\\buildtools\\bldsystemtools\\buildsystemtools\\buildserver.pl -p 15000 -p 15001 -p 15002 -t 5 -c 5 -d $PostBuildXML -e $BuildLaunchXML -l $gBuildSpec{'LogsDir'}\\postbuild.log";
system ($command) and die "Error: $!";
print "=== Build finished ===\n";
exit 0;
sub prepBuildLaunch() {
my %BuildLaunchCheckData;
# Make XML file writable
print "Making BuildLaunch XML file writable\n";
chmod(0666, $BuildLaunchXML) || warn "Warning: Couldn't make \"$BuildLaunchXML\" writable: $!";
$BuildLaunchCheckData{'Type'}) = BuildLaunchChecks::GetUserInput();
$BuildLaunchCheckData{'BCToolsBaseBuildNo'} = BuildLaunchChecks::GetBCValue(\%BuildLaunchCheckData);
$BuildLaunchCheckData{'BuildsDirect'} = $BUILDS_LOCAL_DIR;
$BuildLaunchCheckData{'BuildSubType'} = $CFG_BUILD_SUBTYPE;
$BuildLaunchCheckData{'PreviousBuildPublishLocation'} = $PUBLISH_LOCATION_DAILY;
# set publish location according to Build SubType
if ($CFG_BUILD_SUBTYPE eq "Test") {
$BuildLaunchCheckData{'PublishLocation'} = $PUBLISH_LOCATION_TEST;
} else {
$BuildLaunchCheckData{'PublishLocation'} = $PUBLISH_LOCATION_DAILY;
# validate and write any updates
my($Warnings) = BuildLaunchChecks::CheckData(\%BuildLaunchCheckData);
BuildLaunchChecks::UpdateXML($BuildLaunchXML, \%BuildLaunchCheckData, "");
# Open XML file for verification
print "Opening XML file(s) for verification\n";
my $command = "start /wait notepad.exe ".$BuildLaunchXML;
system($command) and die "Error: $!";
# Return hostname of this machine
sub GetHostName
my ($iHost) = &hostname() =~ /(\S+?)\./;
if (!defined($iHost))
# Not a fully qualified Hostname, use use raw name
$iHost = &hostname();
return ($iHost);
# new process command line
sub ProcessCommandLine {
my ($iHelp);
GetOptions('h' => \$iHelp,
't:s' => \$iBuildSubTypeOpt);
if (($iHelp)) {
} else {
if ((defined $iBuildSubTypeOpt)) {
return ($iBuildSubTypeOpt);
sub Usage {
print <<USAGE_EOF;
Usage: startbuild.pl [option]
-h -- help
-t [optional] Perform a TestBuild.
- Additional source based upon testbuild.cfg will be
obtained from Perforce. If testbuild.cfg is not correctly filled out
it will fail during the syncsource stage.
- TestBuild will be published to TestBuild area on devbuilds and to Test CBR Archive
exit 1;
# s t a r t