Update featuredatabase.xml, taking care not to include "CoverDisplay" - Bug 2049, Bug 1924, Bug 1676
=head1 NAME
This script is designed to use latestver, envsize and getrel commands from the CBR tools to find and get the latest green version of one DP SF component(s).
Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Getopt::Long;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use GetDPComp;
my ($iComponentNames, $iInputFile, $iBaselineComponentName, $iBaselineComponentVersion, $iSource, $iOutputFile) = ProcessCommandLine();
$iBaselineComponentName = GetDPComp::LRtrim($iBaselineComponentName);
$iBaselineComponentVersion = GetDPComp::LRtrim($iBaselineComponentVersion);
if (!defined $iBaselineComponentName) {
$iBaselineComponentName = "sf_tools_baseline";
my $retval = 1 ;
($iBaselineComponentVersion, $retval) = GetDPComp::ValidateVersion( $iBaselineComponentVersion, $iBaselineComponentName);
if ($retval == 0 ) {
print "\nERROR: Input version is wrong. \n";
exit ;
my %ComponentVersion = GetDPComp::GenerateComponentVersion( $iBaselineComponentVersion, $iBaselineComponentName ) ;
if ( scalar(@$iComponentNames) == 0 ) {
open(INPUT, "<$iInputFile") or die $! ;
(@$iComponentNames) = <INPUT>;
if ($iSource)
$iSource = "-s";
} else {
$iSource = "";
foreach my $includecomponent ( @$iComponentNames ){
$includecomponent = GetDPComp::LRtrim( $includecomponent );
print "getrel -v $iSource -o $includecomponent $ComponentVersion{$includecomponent} \n";
`getrel -v $iSource -o $includecomponent $ComponentVersion{$includecomponent} `;
open(UPDATE, ">$iOutputFile") or die $! ;
foreach my $includecomponent ( @$iComponentNames ){
$includecomponent = GetDPComp::LRtrim( $includecomponent );
print UPDATE "$includecomponent => $ComponentVersion{$includecomponent} \n";
# ProcessCommandLine
# Description
# This function processes the commandline
sub ProcessCommandLine {
my (@iComponentNames, $iInputFile, $iBaselineComponentName, $iBaselineComponentVersion, $iSource, $iOutputFile, $iHelp);
GetOptions('c=s@' => \@iComponentNames, 'cf=s' => \$iInputFile, 'bc=s' => \$iBaselineComponentName, 'bv=s' => \$iBaselineComponentVersion, 's' => \$iSource, 'o=s' => \$iOutputFile, 'h' => \$iHelp);
Usage() if ($iHelp);
Usage("-c and -cf can not use together") if ( (scalar(@iComponentNames) > 0 ) and (defined $iInputFile));
Usage("Must specify component via -c or component list via -cf") if (( scalar(@iComponentNames) == 0 ) and ( ! defined $iInputFile) );
Usage("Must specify baseline component version via -bv and output file name via -o") if ((! defined $iBaselineComponentVersion) or (! defined $iOutputFile) );
return(\@iComponentNames, $iInputFile, $iBaselineComponentName, $iBaselineComponentVersion, $iSource, $iOutputFile);
# Usage
# Output Usage Information.
sub Usage {
my ($reason) = @_;
print "ERROR: $reason\n" if ($reason);
print <<USAGE_EOF;
Usage: GetDPComp.pl [Args]
-c <Specified component name>, [Multiple -c options allowed], this option should not use together with -cf option.
-cf <Specified file name which contains list of component name>, this option should not use together with -c option.
-bc <Specified basline component name>, e.g. developer_product_baseline, this argument is optional.
-bv <Version string for baseline component specified by -bc or sf_tools_baseline>, valid input: latest, green, #specifiednumber.
-s install (and overwrite) source code, this is optional argument.
-o <Specified file name which records version information for component specified by -c or components specified by -cf>
-h help
Example Commandline
GetDPComp.pl -s -c tools_sbs -bc developer_product_baseline -bv green -o component_version.txt
GetDPComp.pl -s -c tools_sbs -bc developer_product_baseline -bv latest -o component_version.txt
GetDPComp.pl -s -c tools_sbs -bc developer_product_baseline -bv DP00454_DeveloperProduct -o component_version.txt
GetDPComp.pl -cf component_list.txt -bv green -o component_version.txt
GetDPComp.pl -cf component_list.txt -bv latest -o component_version.txt
GetDPComp.pl -cf component_list.txt -bv DP00454_DeveloperProduct -o component_version.txt
GetDPComp.pl -c dev_build_sbsv2_raptor -c dev_build_sbsv2_cpp-raptor -c dev_hostenv_dist_cygwin-1.5.25 -c dev_hostenv_dist_mingw-5.1.4 -c dev_hostenv_pythontoolsplat_python-2.5.2 -bv green -o component_version.txt
GetDPComp.pl -h
exit 1;