Update featuredatabase.xml, taking care not to include "CoverDisplay" - Bug 2049, Bug 1924, Bug 1676
@REM This batch file removes MAS (ActiveSync) from the CBR archive(s) indicated by RelTools.ini
@REM SETLOCAL ensures that when we exit this batchfile, Current Directory and EPOCROOT will be restored to "as found" state.
@REM %BuildDir%\bin\%Platform% is the same as %OutputDir%. But we must not have a drive letter at the start of EPOCROOT.
CD /d %BuildDir%\bin\%Platform%\generic
@ECHO CD = %BuildDir%\bin\%Platform%\generic
SET EPOCROOT=\bin\%Platform%\generic\
@ECHO Calling RemoveRel -v mas
Call RemoveRel -v mas
@ECHO Calling RemoveRel -v techview_mas
Call RemoveRel -v techview_mas
CD /d %BuildDir%\bin\%Platform%\techview
@ECHO CD = %BuildDir%\bin\%Platform%\techview
SET EPOCROOT=\bin\%Platform%\techview\
@ECHO Calling RemoveRel -v mas
Call RemoveRel -v mas
@ECHO Calling RemoveRel -v techview_mas
Call RemoveRel -v techview_mas