Update featuredatabase.xml, taking care not to include "CoverDisplay" - Bug 2049, Bug 1924, Bug 1676
#!perl -w
# remove_old_builds.pl
# usage:
# perl remove_old_builds.pl current_build_number build-directory required-free-space
use strict;
sub usage
print <<USAGE_EOF;
Usage: perl remove_old_builds.pl current_build build-directory required-bytes
where: current_build = the number of the current build (e.g 00924_Symbian_OS_v9.1)
build-directory = the top level directory containing the various builds
required-bytes = the free disk space required.
exit 1;
sub freespace
my $dir = shift;
open FDIR, "dir /-c $dir |" or die "Cannot open FDIR $dir"; # /-c = suppress thousand separators (commas)
my $s= -1; # Signifying "ERROR"
while (<FDIR>)
if (/\s+(\d+) bytes free/) { $s=$1;}
return $s;
my $current_build=$ARGV[0];
my $bld_dir=$ARGV[1];
my $space=$ARGV[2];
unless ($space) { usage() }; # Must have all three args. So check for last one only.
open DIRS, "dir /b /ad /od $bld_dir |" or die "Cannot open DIRS $bld_dir"; # /b = "bare output" /ad = directories only /od = sort by date
while (my $name = <DIRS>)
if (freespace($bld_dir) >= $space)
{ last; }
chomp $name;
chomp $current_build;
if(($name =~ /^((D|T|M|MSF|TB|E|(\d{2,3}_))?(\d+))(([a-z]\.\d+)|([a-z])|(\.\d+))?/) && ($name ne $current_build))
print "Removing $bld_dir\\$name\n";
if (system("rmdir /s /q $bld_dir\\$name"))
print "ERROR: Failed to remove: $bld_dir\\$name\n";
close DIRS;
if (freespace($bld_dir) < $space)
print "ERROR: Cannot create $space free bytes in $bld_dir\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;