Update featuredatabase.xml, taking care not to include "CoverDisplay" - Bug 2049, Bug 1924, Bug 1676
@rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
@rem All rights reserved.
@rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
@rem under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
@rem at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
@rem Initial Contributors:
@rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
@rem Contributors:
@rem Description:
@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
@echo off
if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto endofperl
perl -x -S "%0" %*
if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl
if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
goto endofperl
@rem ';
#line 14
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
my $toolVersion = "2.1";
# Example warnings:
# Incorrect slash
# \src\common\generic\comms-infras\commsfw\group\bld.inf:10: Incorrect slash in PRJ_EXPORTS - '..\inc\commschan.h'.
# \src\cedar\generic\base\f32\group\ecomp.mmp:14: Incorrect slash in SYSTEMINCLUDE - '..\inc'.
# \src\common\generic\syncml\framework\TransportProvision\HttpWsp\SmlHttpBase.cpp:13: Incorrect slash in #include - 'http\rhttpheaders.h'.
# Incorrect case for epoc32 tree
# \src\common\generic\syslibs\pwrcli\group\bld.inf:23: Incorrect case for epoc32 tree in PRJ_EXPORTS - '\epoc32\rom\include\PwrCli.IBY'.
# \src\common\generic\security\crypto\group\hash.mmp:8: Incorrect case for epoc32 tree in TARGET - 'hash.DLL'.
# \src\common\generic\syslibs\ecom\ongoing\Framework\frame\Discoverer.cpp:20: Incorrect case for epoc32 tree in #include - 'BaSPI.h'.
# Incorrect case versus filesystem
# \src\common\generic\comms-infras\commdb\commdbshim\group\BLD.INF:20: Incorrect case versus filesystem in PRJ_EXPORTS - '..\inc\cdblen.h' vs. \src\common\generic\comms-infras\commdb\commdbshim\INC\CDBLEN.H.
# \src\common\generic\syslibs\ecom\ongoing\Framework\MMPFiles\EComServer.mmp:45: Incorrect case versus filesystem in USERINCLUDE - '..\..\framework\inc' vs. \src\common\generic\syslibs\ecom\ongoing\Framework\inc.
# \src\common\generic\comms-infras\commdb\commdbshim\INC\CDBOVER.H:16: Incorrect case versus filesystem in #include - 'cdbpreftable.h' vs. \src\common\generic\comms-infras\commdb\commdbshim\INC\CDBPREFTABLE.H.
# Incorrect case for epoc32 tree from default export (i.e. source export case will replicated under \epoc32)
# \src\common\generic\application-protocols\http\group\bld.inf:22: Incorrect case for epoc32 tree from default export in PRJ_EXPORTS - '..\inc\HTTPSocketConstants.h'.
# \src\common\generic\messaging\email\smtpservermtm\group\bld.inf:11: Incorrect case for epoc32 tree from default export in PRJ_EXPORTS - '..\inc\smts.h' vs. \src\common\generic\messaging\email\smtpservermtm\inc\SMTS.H.
# Incorrect case versus exclusion list
# \src\common\generic\Multimedia\openmax\group\bld.inf:14: Incorrect case versus exclusion list in PRJ_EXPORTS - '\epoc32\include\openmax\il\OMX_Types.h' vs. OMX_TYPES.H.
# \src\common\generic\Multimedia\openmax\inc\openmax\il\OMX_Audio.h:41: Incorrect case versus exclusion list in #include - 'OMX_Types.h' vs. OMX_TYPES.H.
# Can't find physical file match for
# \src\common\generic\app-framework\conarc\group\BLD.INF:48: Can't find physical file match for PRJ_TESTMMPFILES MMP - '..\tsrc\tcon3_V2.mpp' on filesystem.
# 1. Check arguments, output help etc.
my $analyse = 0;
my $list = 0;
my $update = 0;
my $warnings = "";
my $verbose = 0;
my $debug = 0;
my $debugUpdate = 0;
GetOptions ('analyse|a' => \$analyse, 'list|l' => \$list, 'update|u' => \$update, 'warnings|w=s' => \$warnings,
'verbose|v' => \$verbose, 'debug|d' => \$debug, 'debugupdate|du' => \$debugUpdate);
if (@ARGV == 0)
print (STDERR "\nFIXSOURCE.BAT - Version $toolVersion\n");
print STDERR << 'END_OF_HELP';
Usage: fixsource.bat -analyse|-list|-update|-warnings buildlog_1.log [buildlog_n.log]
Parses the output from the specified build logs to locate warnings produced via
"abld -checksource". Provides the option to update source automatically to comply
with Symbian's Filename Policy.
-analyse | -a List and describe all warnings that cannot be addressed
by this tool.
-list | -l List all source files that can be updated by this tool
using "-update".
-update | -u Update source files, as output by "-list", to comply with
Symbian's Filename Policy.
-warnings| -w [all|fixable] Output all unique "-checksource" warnings present in the
specified logs:
all - every warning, regardless of whether this
tool can fix them.
fixable - only warnings that this tool can fix.
-verbose | -v Additional verbose output for the "-update" option.
* The tool assumes that the original build source and layout is present on the drive
where it is being executed.
* With the exception of the "-warnings all" output, any warnings for files under the
known release and build locations of %EPOCROOT%epoc32\include and
%EPOCROOT%epoc32\build are discarded by default.
# 2. Parse the logs storing all GNU format warnings and errors
my %ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings; # Hash Key (filename)
# Hash Key (line number)
# Hash Key (problematic text)
# Hash Key (original warning)
# 1
# Hash Key ITEM
# item type that has generated the warning
# quotemeta version of problematic text
# 1
# 1
# 1
# 1
# Hash Key (physical reality)
# 1
# fully pathed filesystem reality used in physical checking
# required format of reference as dictated from an exclusion list
# test used for check when this differed from that in actual source
# special case - a PRJ_EXPORTS line without a destination will break
# the filename policy if the source line is not lowercase
my %NonActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings;
my %AllFilenamePolicyWarnings;
my %OtherWarningsAndErrors;
foreach my $BUILD_LOG (@ARGV)
open BUILD_LOG, "< $BUILD_LOG" or die "\nCannot read \"$BUILD_LOG\"!\n\n";
while (<BUILD_LOG>)
if (/^\\\S+:.*: .+$/)
if (!/:\d+: (Incorrect case|Incorrect slash|Can\'t find) /)
$OtherWarningsAndErrors{$_} = 1 if (!/(unresolved api-item|unknown base class|unresolved xref|no image file|xm-replace_text)/); # Ignore the noise of doc stuff...
$AllFilenamePolicyWarnings{$_} = 1;
if (/: Can\'t find /)
$NonActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings{$_} = 1;
my $originalWarning = $_;
/(^.*):(\d+): Incorrect (case for epoc32 tree|case versus filesystem|case versus exclusion list|slash|case for epoc32 tree from default export) in (.+) - \'(.+?)\'/;
my $filename = $1;
my $lineNumber = $2;
my $type = $3;
my $item = $4;
my $problematicText = $5;
$type =~ s/case for epoc32 tree from default export/defaultexport/;
$type =~ s/case for epoc32 tree/lowercase/;
$type =~ s/case versus filesystem/physical/;
$type =~ s/case versus exclusion list/exclusion/;
my $actualTest = "";
my $physicalReality = "";
my $exclusionListing = "";
$actualTest = $1 if (/\(actual test \'(.*)\'\)/);
if (/ vs\. (.*)\./)
$physicalReality = $1 if ($type eq "physical");
$exclusionListing = $1 if ($type eq "exclusion");
if ($debug)
print ("ORIGINAL WARNING : $originalWarning\n");
print ("FILENAME : $filename\n");
print ("LINENUMBER : $lineNumber\n");
print ("TYPE : $type\n");
print ("ITEM : $item\n");
print ("PROBLEMATIC TEXT : $problematicText\n");
print ("ACTUAL TEST : $actualTest\n") if ($actualTest);
print ("PHYSICAL REALITY : $physicalReality\n") if ($physicalReality);
print ("EXCLUSION LISTING : $exclusionListing\n") if ($exclusionListing);
print ("\n");
next if ($warnings =~ /all/i);
# Line Number
my $lineNumberHashRef;
if ($ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings{$filename})
$lineNumberHashRef = $ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings{$filename};
my %newHash;
$lineNumberHashRef = \%newHash;
$ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings{$filename} = $lineNumberHashRef;
# Problematic Text
my $problematicTextHashRef;
if ($lineNumberHashRef->{$lineNumber})
$problematicTextHashRef = $lineNumberHashRef->{$lineNumber};
my %newHash;
$problematicTextHashRef = \%newHash;
$lineNumberHashRef->{$lineNumber} = $problematicTextHashRef;
# Attributes
my $attributesHashRef;
if ($problematicTextHashRef->{$problematicText})
$attributesHashRef = $problematicTextHashRef->{$problematicText};
my %newHash;
$attributesHashRef = \%newHash;
$problematicTextHashRef->{$problematicText} = $attributesHashRef;
# Attributes : Original Warnings
my $originalWarningsHashRef;
if ($attributesHashRef->{ORIGINAL_WARNINGS})
$originalWarningsHashRef = $attributesHashRef->{ORIGINAL_WARNINGS};
my %newHash;
$originalWarningsHashRef = \%newHash;
$attributesHashRef->{ORIGINAL_WARNINGS} = $originalWarningsHashRef;
$originalWarningsHashRef->{$originalWarning} = 1;
# Attributes : Item
$attributesHashRef->{ITEM} = $item;
# Attributes : Search Text
$attributesHashRef->{SEARCH_TEXT} = quotemeta ($problematicText);
# Attributes : Unix Slash
$attributesHashRef->{UNIX_SLASH} = 1 if ($type eq "slash");
# Attributes : Lowercase
$attributesHashRef->{LOWERCASE} = 1 if ($type eq "lowercase");
# Attributes : Physical
$attributesHashRef->{PHYSICAL} = 1 if ($type eq "physical");
# Attributes : Exclusion
$attributesHashRef->{EXCLUSION} = 1 if ($type eq "exclusion");
# Attributes : Physical Reality
my $physicalRealityHashRef;
if ($physicalReality)
if ($attributesHashRef->{PHYSICAL_REALITY})
$physicalRealityHashRef = $attributesHashRef->{PHYSICAL_REALITY};
my %newHash;
$physicalRealityHashRef = \%newHash;
$attributesHashRef->{PHYSICAL_REALITY} = $physicalRealityHashRef;
$physicalRealityHashRef->{$physicalReality} = 1;
# Attributes : Actual Test
$attributesHashRef->{ACTUAL_TEST} = $actualTest if ($actualTest);
# Attributes : Exclusion Listing
$attributesHashRef->{EXCLUSION_LISTING} = $exclusionListing if ($exclusionListing);
# Attributes : Default Export
$attributesHashRef->{DEFAULT_EXPORT} = 1 if ($type eq "defaultexport");
close BUILD_LOG;
# 3. Examine source and warnings and compile lists of files and warnings that we can/can't do anything about
my %WarningsNotMatchingSource;
my %WarningsWithMissingFiles;
my %WarningsForBothLowercaseAndPhysicalOnSameReference;
my %WarningsForMultiplePhysicalUpdates;
if ($analyse || $list || $update || $debugUpdate || $warnings =~ /^fixable$/i)
foreach my $SOURCE_FILE (sort keys %ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings)
# Discard anything in known release locations
if ($SOURCE_FILE =~ /\\epoc32\\(include|build)\\/i)
delete ($ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings{$SOURCE_FILE});
my $lineNumbersHashRef = $ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings{$SOURCE_FILE};
# Discard warnings where source files cannot be found
if (!(open SOURCE_FILE, "< $SOURCE_FILE"))
foreach my $lineNumber (sort keys (%$lineNumbersHashRef))
my $problematicTextHashRef = $lineNumbersHashRef->{$lineNumber};
foreach my $problematicText (sort keys (%$problematicTextHashRef))
my $attributesHashRef = $problematicTextHashRef->{$problematicText};
my $originalWarningsHashRef = $attributesHashRef->{ORIGINAL_WARNINGS};
foreach my $originalWarning (keys (%$originalWarningsHashRef))
$WarningsWithMissingFiles{$originalWarning} = 1;
delete ($ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings{$SOURCE_FILE});
# Identify and discard warnings where, for the same reference:
# (a) both lowercase and physical warnings are flagged and
# (b) multiple, different, filesystem matches have been found
# These will need to be resolved manually
foreach my $lineNumber (sort keys (%$lineNumbersHashRef))
my $problematicTextHashRef = $lineNumbersHashRef->{$lineNumber};
foreach my $problematicText (sort keys (%$problematicTextHashRef))
my $attributesHashRef = $problematicTextHashRef->{$problematicText};
my $originalWarningsHashRef = $attributesHashRef->{ORIGINAL_WARNINGS};
my $skipPhysicalUpdate = 0;
my $skipLowercaseUpdate = 0;
if ($attributesHashRef->{LOWERCASE} && $attributesHashRef->{PHYSICAL})
$skipPhysicalUpdate = 1;
$skipLowercaseUpdate = 1;
foreach my $originalWarning (keys %{$originalWarningsHashRef})
next if ($originalWarning !~ /Incorrect case/);
$originalWarning =~ /\:(.*$)/;
my $lowercaseAndPhysicalWarningsHashRef;
if ($WarningsForBothLowercaseAndPhysicalOnSameReference{$SOURCE_FILE})
$lowercaseAndPhysicalWarningsHashRef = $WarningsForBothLowercaseAndPhysicalOnSameReference{$SOURCE_FILE};
my %newHash;
$lowercaseAndPhysicalWarningsHashRef = \%newHash;
$WarningsForBothLowercaseAndPhysicalOnSameReference{$SOURCE_FILE} = $lowercaseAndPhysicalWarningsHashRef;
$lowercaseAndPhysicalWarningsHashRef->{$1} = 1;
my $physicalRealityHashRef = $attributesHashRef->{PHYSICAL_REALITY};
if ($physicalRealityHashRef && ((keys %{$physicalRealityHashRef}) > 1))
my $physicalMatchCheck;
if ($attributesHashRef->{ACTUAL_TEST})
$physicalMatchCheck = $attributesHashRef->{ACTUAL_TEST};
$physicalMatchCheck = $problematicText;
$physicalMatchCheck =~ s/\.\.[\\|\/]//g;
$physicalMatchCheck =~ s/\.[\\|\/]//g;
$physicalMatchCheck =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
$physicalMatchCheck =~ s/\/\//\//g;
$physicalMatchCheck =~ s/\//\\/g;
$physicalMatchCheck = quotemeta($physicalMatchCheck);
$physicalMatchCheck =~ s/\\\*/\\w\+/g; # * -> \w+
$physicalMatchCheck =~ s/\\\?/\\w\{1\}/g; # ? -> \w{1}
my %normalisedPhysicalReferences;
foreach my $physicalReality (keys %{$physicalRealityHashRef})
$physicalReality =~ /($physicalMatchCheck)$/i;
$normalisedPhysicalReferences{$1} = 1;
if ((keys (%normalisedPhysicalReferences)) > 1)
foreach my $originalWarning (keys %{$originalWarningsHashRef})
next if ($originalWarning !~ /Incorrect case versus/);
$originalWarning =~ /\:(.*$)/;
my $multiplePhysicalWarningsHashRef;
if ($WarningsForMultiplePhysicalUpdates{$SOURCE_FILE})
$multiplePhysicalWarningsHashRef = $WarningsForMultiplePhysicalUpdates{$SOURCE_FILE};
my %newHash;
$multiplePhysicalWarningsHashRef = \%newHash;
$WarningsForMultiplePhysicalUpdates{$SOURCE_FILE} = $multiplePhysicalWarningsHashRef;
$multiplePhysicalWarningsHashRef->{$1} = 1;
$skipPhysicalUpdate = 1;
$attributesHashRef->{LOWERCASE} = 0 if ($skipLowercaseUpdate);
$attributesHashRef->{PHYSICAL} = 0 if ($skipPhysicalUpdate);
if (!$attributesHashRef->{LOWERCASE} && !$attributesHashRef->{PHYSICAL} &&
!$attributesHashRef->{UNIX_SLASH} && !$attributesHashRef->{DEFAULT_EXPORT} &&
delete ($problematicTextHashRef->{$problematicText});
delete ($lineNumbersHashRef->{$lineNumber}) if (!scalar (keys %{$problematicTextHashRef}));
my $lineNumber = 0;
while (my $line = <SOURCE_FILE>)
next if (!($lineNumbersHashRef->{$lineNumber}));
my $problematicTextHashRef = $lineNumbersHashRef->{$lineNumber};
foreach my $text (keys %{$problematicTextHashRef})
my $attributesHashRef = $problematicTextHashRef->{$text};
chomp ($line);
if ($line !~ /(\"|\<|^|\s){1}$attributesHashRef->{SEARCH_TEXT}/)
# Put warning(s) onto the failed list, as we can't find the required text
# in the source present on the machine
my $originalWarningsHashRef = $attributesHashRef->{ORIGINAL_WARNINGS};
foreach my $originalWarning (keys %{$originalWarningsHashRef})
$WarningsNotMatchingSource{$originalWarning} = $line;
delete ($problematicTextHashRef->{$text});
delete ($lineNumbersHashRef->{$lineNumber}) if (!scalar (keys %{$problematicTextHashRef}));
delete ($ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings{$SOURCE_FILE}) if (!scalar (keys %{$lineNumbersHashRef}));
# 4. Provide -warnings [all|fixable] output
if ($warnings =~ /^all$/i)
foreach my $warning (sort keys %AllFilenamePolicyWarnings)
print ("$warning\n");
elsif ($warnings =~ /^fixable$/i)
my %fixableWarnings;
foreach my $sourceFile (keys %ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings)
my $lineNumbersHashRef = $ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings{$sourceFile};
foreach my $lineNumber (keys (%$lineNumbersHashRef))
my $problematicTextHashRef = $lineNumbersHashRef->{$lineNumber};
foreach my $text (keys %{$problematicTextHashRef})
my $attributesHashRef = $problematicTextHashRef->{$text};
my $originalWarningsHashRef = $attributesHashRef->{ORIGINAL_WARNINGS};
foreach my $originalWarning (keys %{$originalWarningsHashRef})
$fixableWarnings{$originalWarning} = 1;
foreach my $fixableWarning (sort keys %fixableWarnings)
print ("$fixableWarning\n");
# 5. Provide -list output
if ($list)
foreach my $sourceFile (sort keys %ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings)
print ("$sourceFile\n");
# 6. Provide -analyse output
if ($analyse)
print ("\nFilename policy warnings with missing files\n".
foreach my $warningWithMissingFile (sort keys %WarningsWithMissingFiles)
print ("$warningWithMissingFile\n");
print ("NONE\n") if (!scalar (keys %WarningsWithMissingFiles));
print ("\n\nFilename policy warnings that don't match source\n".
foreach my $warningNotMatchingSource (sort keys %WarningsNotMatchingSource)
print ("$warningNotMatchingSource\n");
print ("\tACTUAL LINE : \'$WarningsNotMatchingSource{$warningNotMatchingSource}\'\n");
print ("NONE\n") if (!scalar (keys %WarningsNotMatchingSource));
print ("\n\nFilename policy warnings with both lowercase and physical warnings for the same reference\n".
foreach my $sourceFile (sort keys %WarningsForBothLowercaseAndPhysicalOnSameReference)
print ("$sourceFile\n");
foreach my $warning (sort keys %{$WarningsForBothLowercaseAndPhysicalOnSameReference{$sourceFile}})
print ("\t$warning\n");
print ("NONE\n") if (!scalar (keys %WarningsForBothLowercaseAndPhysicalOnSameReference));
print ("\n\nMultiple differing physical filename policy warnings for the same reference\n".
foreach my $sourceFile (sort keys %WarningsForMultiplePhysicalUpdates)
print ("$sourceFile\n");
foreach my $warning (sort keys %{$WarningsForMultiplePhysicalUpdates{$sourceFile}})
print ("\t$warning\n");
print ("NONE\n") if (!scalar (keys %WarningsForMultiplePhysicalUpdates));
print ("\n\nNon-actionable filename policy warnings\n".
foreach my $nonActionableWarning (sort keys %NonActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings)
print ("$nonActionableWarning\n");
print ("NONE\n") if (!scalar (keys %NonActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings));
print ("\n\nOther detected warnings unrelated to filename policy\n".
foreach my $otherWarningOrError (sort keys %OtherWarningsAndErrors)
print ("$otherWarningOrError\n");
print ("NONE\n") if (!scalar (keys %OtherWarningsAndErrors));
print ("\n\n");
# 7. Perform -update function
if ($update || $debugUpdate)
foreach my $SOURCE_FILE (sort keys %ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings)
if (!(open SOURCE_FILE, "< $SOURCE_FILE"))
print ("ERROR: Could not open $SOURCE_FILE to read.\n");
print ("Updating \'$SOURCE_FILE\'...\n") unless ($debugUpdate);
my $lineNumbersHashRef = $ActionableFilenamePolicyWarnings{$SOURCE_FILE};
my $lineNumber = 0;
my @newSourceFile;
while (my $line = <SOURCE_FILE>)
if ($lineNumbersHashRef->{$lineNumber})
print ("\tOriginal : $line") if ($verbose);
my $problematicTextHashRef = $lineNumbersHashRef->{$lineNumber};
# We need to order the updates on a per-line basis so that, for example,
# a search and update for 'nkern\arm\' occurs after one for 'include\nkern\arm\nk_plat.h'
# We can do this by length, making sure the longest updates are performed first
my @problematicTextOrderedHashKeys = sort {length $b <=> length $a} (keys %{$problematicTextHashRef});
foreach my $problematicText (@problematicTextOrderedHashKeys)
my $attributesHashRef = $problematicTextHashRef->{$problematicText};
my $revisedText = $problematicText;
# Physical
if ($attributesHashRef->{PHYSICAL})
my $physicalRealityHashRef = $attributesHashRef->{PHYSICAL_REALITY};
my $physicalReality = (keys %{$physicalRealityHashRef})[0];
my $physicalRealityUnixSlash = $physicalReality;
$physicalRealityUnixSlash =~ s/\\/\//g;
if ($physicalReality =~ /($attributesHashRef->{SEARCH_TEXT})$/i ||
$physicalRealityUnixSlash =~ /($attributesHashRef->{SEARCH_TEXT})$/i)
# Simple case - direct match with just case and slash differences
my $replacement = $1;
$replacement =~ s/\\/\//g;
$revisedText =~ s/$attributesHashRef->{SEARCH_TEXT}/$replacement/;
# What we're looking at in the source file doesn't map directly
# to what's physically on the file system.
my $modifiedSearchText = $problematicText;
$modifiedSearchText =~ s/\.\.[\\|\/]//g;
$modifiedSearchText =~ s/\.[\\|\/]//g;
my $physicalMatchCheck;
if ($attributesHashRef->{ACTUAL_TEST})
$physicalMatchCheck = $attributesHashRef->{ACTUAL_TEST};
$physicalMatchCheck = $modifiedSearchText;
# The physical match check needs to remove double-slashing...
$physicalMatchCheck =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
$physicalMatchCheck =~ s/\/\//\//g;
$modifiedSearchText = quotemeta($modifiedSearchText);
$physicalMatchCheck = quotemeta($physicalMatchCheck);
$physicalMatchCheck =~ s/\\\*/\\w\+/g; # * -> \w+
$physicalMatchCheck =~ s/\\\?/\\w\{1\}/g; # ? -> \w{1}
if ($physicalReality =~ /($physicalMatchCheck)$/i ||
$physicalRealityUnixSlash =~ /($physicalMatchCheck)$/i )
my $replacement = $1;
$replacement =~ s/\\/\//g;
if ($attributesHashRef->{ACTUAL_TEST} &&
($attributesHashRef->{ITEM} =~ /MMP$/ || $attributesHashRef->{ITEM} =~ /DEFFILE/))
# Both DEFFILE and PRJ_[TEST]MMPFILE entries may be specifed without extension
$replacement =~ s/\.\w+$// if ($problematicText !~ /\.\w+$/);
# DEFFILE entries may have eabi\bwins in the physical match and had a "u" inserted or appended
if ($attributesHashRef->{ITEM} =~ /DEFFILE/ && $replacement !~ /$modifiedSearchText$/i)
$replacement =~ s/(eabi|bwins)\//~\//i if ($problematicText =~ /~[\\|\/]/);
$replacement =~ s/u(\.\w+)?$/$1/i if ($attributesHashRef->{ITEM} !~ /NOSTRICTDEF/);
$revisedText =~ s/$modifiedSearchText/$replacement/;
print ("ERROR: Can\'t perform physical consistency updates for:");
my $originalWarningsHashRef = $attributesHashRef->{ORIGINAL_WARNINGS};
foreach my $originalWarning (keys %{$originalWarningsHashRef})
print ("\t$originalWarning") if ($originalWarning =~ /case versus/);
print ("\n");
# Exclusion
if ($attributesHashRef->{EXCLUSION})
my $exclusionListingSearch = quotemeta($attributesHashRef->{EXCLUSION_LISTING});
$revisedText =~ s/$exclusionListingSearch/$attributesHashRef->{EXCLUSION_LISTING}/i;
# Slash
if ($attributesHashRef->{UNIX_SLASH})
$revisedText =~ s/\\/\//g;
$revisedText =~ s/\/\//\//g; # Don't allow replacements that lead to "//" in paths
# Lowercase
if ($attributesHashRef->{LOWERCASE})
$revisedText = lc ($revisedText);
# Default Export
if ($attributesHashRef->{DEFAULT_EXPORT})
my $exportedFilename = lc (basename ($problematicText));
$revisedText .= " \/epoc32\/include\/".$exportedFilename;
$line =~ s/(\"|\<|^|\s){1}$attributesHashRef->{SEARCH_TEXT}/$1$revisedText/;
print ("\tUpdated : $line") if ($verbose);
push @newSourceFile, $line;
if ($debugUpdate)
# Don't touch the original source, but create two trees for easy comparison
my $baseDir = dirname ($SOURCE_FILE);
mkpath ("\\compare\\orig".$baseDir);
mkpath ("\\compare\\updated".$baseDir);
print ("Copying \'\\compare\\orig".$SOURCE_FILE."\'...\n");
copy ($SOURCE_FILE, "\\compare\\orig".$SOURCE_FILE);
$SOURCE_FILE = "\\compare\\updated".$SOURCE_FILE;
print ("Updating \'$SOURCE_FILE\'...\n");
if (!(open SOURCE_FILE, "> $SOURCE_FILE"))
print ("ERROR: Could not open $SOURCE_FILE to write.\n");
foreach my $line (@newSourceFile)
print (SOURCE_FILE $line);
print ("\n") if ($verbose);