# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# This package does various ancillary things for BPABI (Base Platform ABI) platforms
package BPABIutl;
require Exporter;
use E32Variant;
require E32Plat;
my %ConfigPath;
my $variantABIV2Keyword = &Variant_GetMacro();
sub BPABIutl_Plat_List {
# Identify the BPABI platforms to be supported based on the compiler configuration files
# present in the location specified by the environment variable "SYMBIAN_COMPILATION_CONFIG_DIR"
# and in the directory $EPOCROOT\epoc32\tools\compilation_config
my @CompilerConfigPath;
@CompilerConfigPath = split(/;/, $Path);
push @CompilerConfigPath, "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\tools\\compilation_config";
my $ConfigDir;
my @BPABIPlats = ();
foreach $ConfigDir (@CompilerConfigPath)
opendir DIR, "$ConfigDir";
my @Plats=grep /\.mk$/i, readdir DIR;
my $Plat;
foreach $Plat (@Plats)
# The platform name will be same as the name of the configuration file <config.mk>
# with the suffix '.mk' removed
$Plat =~ s/\.mk//;
if ($variantABIV2Keyword) {
if ($Plat =~ /^armv5_abiv2$/i) {
$Plat = "ARMV5";
else {
if ($Plat =~ /^armv5$/i) {
$Plat = "ARMV5_ABIV2";
unless (grep /$Plat$/i, @BPABIPlats) {
$Plat = uc $Plat;
push @BPABIPlats, $Plat;
if (!$variantABIV2Keyword && $Plat =~ /^ARMV5_ABIV2$/i) {
$ConfigPath{$Plat} = "$ConfigDir\\ARMV5.mk";
else {
$ConfigPath{$Plat} = "$ConfigDir\\$Plat.mk";
closedir DIR;
return @BPABIPlats;
sub BPABIutl_Config_Path($) {
my ($plat) = @_;
# Returns the Path of the compiler configuration file
if (!keys(%ConfigPath))
# Running for first time so initialise ConfigPath
if (!$ConfigPath{$plat})
# Get the root platform name to support hierarchy of customizations
my $CustomizedPlat = &E32Plat::Plat_Root($plat);
# In default ABIV1 mode, the platform name for v2 mode of ARMV5 is ARMV5_ABIV2
if ( !$variantABIV2Keyword && $CustomizedPlat =~ /^ARMV5$/i ){
$ConfigPath{$plat} = $ConfigPath{ARMV5_ABIV2};
# In default ABIV2 mode, the platform name for v2 mode of ARMV5 is ARMV5
elsif ( $variantABIV2Keyword && $CustomizedPlat =~ /^ARMV5$/i) {
$ConfigPath{$plat} = $ConfigPath{ARMV5};
return "$ConfigPath{$plat}";
# routine to extract a set of variables from the compilation configuration
# file. The variables extracted are determined by the extractvars.make file.
# The variables are returned in a hash.
sub BPABIutl_Get_Config_Variables
my ($plat) = @_;
my $configfile = BPABIutl_Config_Path($plat);
my $extractvars = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\tools\\compilation_config\\extractvars.make";
my $command = "make CONFIG_FILE=$configfile -s -f $extractvars" ;
my $result = `$command`;
my %vars;
my @lines = split('\n', $result);
foreach my $line (@lines)
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /(\w+)=(.*)/)
$vars{$1} = $2;
return %vars;