author Mike Kinghan <>
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 14:32:12 +0000
changeset 79 f7dee603db09
parent 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
permissions -rw-r--r--
[GCCE] We need a way for the HAL config extension to parameterise the HAL config file (.hcf) that will be used, depending upon the toolchain we are building with. E.g. if we are building BeagleBoard with RVCT we can configure hardware floating point because we have ARM's vfp math libraries; if we are building it with GCC, we lack this library support.

# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
#! perl

# This script builds ROMs which are specified in a supplied XML file
# To use this script \epoc32\tools\buildrom must be installed on the drive
# with \epoc32\tools in the path

# Note: The TargetBoard attribute is no longer used but is still needed because of the structure of this script!

use strict;
use XML::Simple;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;

# Get command line arguments
my ($romspec, $boards, $roms, $logdir, $buildnum, $publish, $help, $version) = ProcessCommandLine();

Usage() if ($help);
Version() if ($version);

die "Romspec xml file must be specified using the -romspec option\n" if (!$romspec);

# Construct arrays of boards and roms if they were specified
my @boards = split /,/, $boards if ($boards);
my @roms = split /,/, $roms if ($roms);

# Use the XML::Simple module to parse the romspec and pass the result
# into the $Roms hash reference
my $xml = new XML::Simple;
my $Roms = $xml->XMLin($romspec);

my $RomList = %$Roms->{'Rom'};

my $RomBuildStage = 1;

foreach my $rom (sort keys %$RomList)
    my $board = $RomList->{$rom}->{'TargetBoard'};
    if( (@boards == 0 and @roms == 0) or grep $rom, @roms or grep $board, @boards)
        BuildRom($RomBuildStage, $RomList, $rom, $logdir, $buildnum ,$publish);

#### Run buildrom on the specified ROM using ########
#### info from the romspec.xml               ########
sub BuildRom
    my $Stage = shift;  # BuildRom stage
    my $RomList = shift;  # Hash of the romspec.xml
    my $rom = shift;   # Rom to be built
    my $logdir = shift;  # logs directory
    my $buildnum = shift;  # build number
    my $publish = shift;   # Publish Location
    my $type = $ENV{Type}; # type of Build Master or Release
    my $builddir = $ENV{BuildDir}; # Build Directory
    my $Epocroot = $ENV{EPOCROOT}; # EpocRoot;
    my $InFileList="";  # i.e. Platsec, Techview, obyfiles
    my $XmlFileList="";
    my $MacroList="";   # for the buildrom -D option
    my $TargetBoard = $RomList->{$rom}->{'TargetBoard'};
    my $ImageFile = " -o".$RomList->{$rom}->{'ImageFile'}->{'name'}; # for the buildrom -o option
    # Construct the list of InFiles to pass to buildrom
    my $InFiles = %$RomList->{$rom}->{'InFile'};
    foreach my $infile (sort keys %$InFiles)
        if ($infile eq "name")
            $InFileList = " ".$InFiles->{'name'} unless (lc($InFiles->{'name'}) eq lc($TargetBoard));
            $InFileList .= " ".$infile unless(lc($infile) eq lc($TargetBoard));
    my $RomXmlFlag='-f';
    my $XmlFiles = %$RomList->{$rom}->{'XMLFile'};
    foreach my $XmlFlags (keys %$XmlFiles)
        if ($XmlFlags eq "flag")
          $RomXmlFlag= $XmlFiles->{'flag'};
    foreach my $XmlFile (keys %$XmlFiles)
        if ($XmlFile eq "name")
            $XmlFileList = "$RomXmlFlag"."$Epocroot"."epoc32\\rom\\include\\".$XmlFiles->{'name'};
            $XmlFileList .= "$RomXmlFlag"."$Epocroot"."epoc32\\rom\\include\\".$XmlFile unless(lc($XmlFile) eq lc($TargetBoard));
    # Get the ROM macro if one is defined
    if ( defined $RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'} )
        if (defined $RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'}->{'name'} )
            if ( $RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'}->{'value'} ne "" )
                $MacroList = " -D".$RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'}->{'name'}."=".$RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'}->{'value'};
                $MacroList = " -D".$RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'}->{'name'};
            my $Macros = %$RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'};
            foreach my $macro (keys %$Macros)
                if ( $Macros->{$macro}->{'value'} ne "" )
                    $MacroList .= " -D".$macro."=".$Macros->{$macro}->{'value'};
                    $MacroList .= " -D".$macro;
    # Call buildrom
        my $buildrom_command = "buildrom $InFileList $MacroList $XmlFileList $ImageFile 2>&1";
        my $gHiResTimer = 0;
        if (eval "require Time::HiRes;")
            $gHiResTimer = 1;
            print "Cannot load HiResTimer Module\n";
        open TVROMLOG, ">> $logdir\\techviewroms$buildnum.log";
        print TVROMLOG "===------------------------------------------------\n";
        print TVROMLOG "-- Stage=$Stage\n";
        print TVROMLOG "===----------------------------------------------\n";
        print TVROMLOG "-- Stage=$Stage started ".localtime()."\n";
        print TVROMLOG "=== Stage=$Stage == Build $rom\n";
        print TVROMLOG "-- Stage=$Stage == $TargetBoard $InFileList\n";
        print TVROMLOG "-- $buildrom_command\n";
        print TVROMLOG "-- MetaromBuild Executed ID $Stage $buildrom_command \n";
        print TVROMLOG "++ Started at ".localtime()."\n";
        if ($gHiResTimer == 1)
            print TVROMLOG "+++ HiRes Start ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n";
            # Add the HiRes timer unavailable statement
            print TVROMLOG "+++ HiRes Time Unavailable\n";
        my $command_output = `$buildrom_command`;
        print TVROMLOG $command_output;
        if ($?)
            print TVROMLOG "ERROR: $buildrom_command returned an error code $?\n";
        if (($command_output =~m/\d\sFile/g) and ($command_output!~/Failed/ig) and ($command_output!~/Unsucessful/ig))
            print TVROMLOG "Rom Built Sucessfully\n";
            print TVROMLOG "ERROR: $buildrom_command failed .Please check log techviewroms$buildnum.log for details\n";
        if ($gHiResTimer == 1)
            print TVROMLOG "+++ HiRes End ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n";
            # Add the HiRes timer unavailable statement
            print TVROMLOG "+++ HiRes Time Unavailable\n";
        print TVROMLOG "++ Finished at ".localtime()."\n";
        print TVROMLOG "=== Stage=$Stage finished ".localtime()."\n";
        close TVROMLOG;
        # Publishing of Logs and Roms#####################
        my $ImageFileXML = $ImageFile ;
        $ImageFileXML =~s/^\s-o//i;
        $ImageFileXML =~/(.*\d.techview)/;
        my $ImageFileXMLresult = $1;
        my $cwdir = abs_path ( $ENV { 'PWD' } );
        $cwdir =~s/\//\\/g;
        $rom =~ /(\w+).*/;
        my $data = $1;
        if(($publish ne ""))
            if($rom =~ /(\w+).*/)
                my $data = $1;
                if(not -d "$publish\\$1")
                        mkpath "$publish\\$1" || die "ERROR: Cannot create $publish\\$1"; # If folder doesnt exist create it 
                    opendir(DIR, $cwdir) || die "can't opendir $cwdir: $!";
                    my @file_array =readdir(DIR);
                foreach ($ImageFileXMLresult)
                    foreach my $ImageFileConcat (@file_array)
                        $ImageFileConcat =~/(.*\d.techview)/;
                        my  $Image = $1;
                        if ($ImageFileXMLresult eq $Image)
                            copy ("$cwdir\\$ImageFileConcat" , "$publish\\$data\\");# or die "Cannot copy file:$!";
                    closedir DIR;
            print"Publish Option not used \n";

##### Process the command line #########
sub ProcessCommandLine
    my ($romspec, $boards, $roms, $publish, $help, $version);

    GetOptions('romspec=s' => \$romspec,
               'roms=s' => \$roms,
               'boards=s' => \$boards,
               'logdir=s' => \$logdir,
               'buildnum=s' => \$buildnum,
               'publish=s' => \$publish,
               'help' => \$help,
               'version' => \$version)|| die Usage();
    return ($romspec, $boards, $roms, $logdir, $buildnum, $publish, $help, $version);

sub Usage
    print <<USAGE_EOF;

perl -romspec <romspec xml file> [options]

 When no options are specified, all ROMs specified in the romspec wil be built.
    -logdir <path to logs directory>
    -buildnum <build number>
    -publish <location of path where rom logs will be published >

exit 0;

sub Version
    print <<VERSION_EOF; v1.0
Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.
exit 0;