[GCCE] We need a way for the HAL config extension to parameterise the HAL config file (.hcf) that will be used, depending upon
the toolchain we are building with. E.g. if we are building BeagleBoard with RVCT we can configure hardware floating point
because we have ARM's vfp math libraries; if we are building it with GCC, we lack this library support.
# Stressed paging configuration
# To set the default setting use:
# defaultpaged
# Or
# defaultunpaged
# This will override the paged/unpaged flags in executables and any paged/unpaged attributes in iby files.
# Do not use a default setting if the existing paged/unpaged flags/attributes are to be respected.
# To mark executables as not pageable use:
# <executable regex> unpaged
# Or
# unpaged:
# <executable regex>
# <executable regex>
# To include other configuration files within this configuration file use:
# include "<includefile>"
# Included files will be processed before the remaining lines of the parent file are processed. Included files
# can themselves include other other files.
# mandatory locked-down list. This should only contain executables that use realtime APIs and their
# dependencies, which would otherwise panic if they took a page fault