[GCCE] We need a way for the HAL config extension to parameterise the HAL config file (.hcf) that will be used, depending upon
the toolchain we are building with. E.g. if we are building BeagleBoard with RVCT we can configure hardware floating point
because we have ARM's vfp math libraries; if we are building it with GCC, we lack this library support.
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
use strict;
package wrappermakefile;
require Exporter;
use Output;
my (@ExtensionUsedBefore);
my $ExtTemplatesPath="$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32/tools/makefile_templates/";
$ExtTemplatesPath=~ s/\\/\//g; # convert win32 slashes to unix slashes
my $DieRef;
our $ExtMakefileMissing = 0;
# Add prototyes to avoid -w warnings
sub GenerateWrapper($$$$@);
sub ReadMetaFile($$$$);
sub GenerateWrapper($$$$@) {
my ($Plat,$OutDir, $ErrorString, $dieRef, @ExtensionBlockData) = @_;
$DieRef = $dieRef;
# Generates a makefile which contains the settings for each invocation of an extension and calls
# through to the extension template makefile in /epoc32/tools/makefile_templates.
# @ExtensionBlockData holds the settings (makefile MACROs) defined within the start..end block in the bld.inf.
my $ExtHeader = shift(@ExtensionBlockData);
if (uc $ExtHeader->[0] ne "EXTENSION") {
&main::FatalError("$ErrorString : Extension Template blocks must contain the 'extension' keyword.\n");
if ($ExtHeader->[1] eq "") {
&main::FatalError("$ErrorString : The 'extension' does not have a name, the correct format is: 'start extension <name>'.\n");
my $ExtName = $ExtHeader->[1];
# Ensure that each extension invocation is uniquely identified by means of the global array
# ExtensionUsedBefore.
my $Count=0;
push @ExtensionUsedBefore, $ExtName.$Plat;
foreach my $item(@ExtensionUsedBefore) {
if ($item eq $ExtName.$Plat) {
$Count = $Count + 1;
# Process the meta information for this extension template.
my %Data;
my %WrapperMakefileData = ReadMetaFile($ExtName, $ErrorString, \$Data{Makefile},$dieRef);
if ($ExtMakefileMissing)
# Process ExtensionBlockData
foreach my $ExtBlockStatement (@ExtensionBlockData) {
my $Key = shift(@$ExtBlockStatement);
# CreateWrapperMakefile
&Output("# Bldmake generated wrapper makefile\n\n");
foreach my $Key (keys (%WrapperMakefileData))
&Output("$Key = ");
foreach my $item(@{$WrapperMakefileData{$Key}}) {
&Output(" $item");
my $Filename = lc("$ExtName$Data{Ext}");
&Output("\ninclude $ExtTemplatesPath$Filename");
my $Path = lc("$Data{Path}");
&main::WriteOutFileL(lc ($Path.$ExtName."_".$Plat."_".$Count.$Data{Ext}));
%WrapperMakefileData = ();
return %Data;
# Read extension meta file data
sub ReadMetaFile($$$$) {
my ($ExtName, $ErrorString, $Makefile,$dieRef) = @_;
# Parse the .meta file (found via $ExtName) for this extension template and return a hash
# containing the default values (makefile MACROs) for this template.
# $Makefile is updated to indicate whether this a gnumake or nmake makefile.
my %MetaData;
my $Filename = lc("$ExtName");
if (!open(METAFILE,"$ExtTemplatesPath$Filename.meta"))
&main::WarnOrDie($dieRef, "$ErrorString : Extension: $ExtName - cannot open META file: $ExtTemplatesPath$Filename.meta\n");
$ExtMakefileMissing = 1;
LINE: while (<METAFILE>) {
my @Elements = split(/\s*\s\s*/);
my $Keyword = uc shift(@Elements);
if ((! $Keyword) or ($Keyword =~ m/^#/)) {
next LINE;
if ($Keyword eq "MAKEFILE") {
my $Makefiletype = uc shift(@Elements);
if ($Makefiletype eq "GNUMAKE") {
if ($Makefiletype eq "NMAKE") {
elsif ($Keyword eq "OPTION") {
my $Key = shift(@Elements);
if ((! $Key) or (! $Elements[0])) {
&main::FatalError("$ErrorString : There is a syntax error in the META file ($ExtTemplatesPath$Filename.meta) for this extension ($ExtName) - the correct format for default options is: 'option <key> <value>'");
my @Values = @Elements;
elsif (($Keyword eq "TECHSTREAM") or ($Keyword eq "PLATFORM")) {
# not used
else {
&main::FatalError("$ErrorString : There is a syntax error in the META file ($ExtTemplatesPath$Filename.meta) for this extension ($ExtName) - unrecognised keyword:$Keyword");
if (! $$Makefile) {
&main::FatalError("$ErrorString : There is a syntax error in the META file ($ExtTemplatesPath$Filename.meta) for this extension ($ExtName) - makefile type not specified [gnumake|nmake]");
close(METAFILE) or &main::FatalError("$ErrorString : Extension: $ExtName - cannot close Meta File:$ExtTemplatesPath$ExtName.meta\n");
return %MetaData;