author Mike Kinghan <>
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 14:32:12 +0000
changeset 79 f7dee603db09
parent 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
permissions -rw-r--r--
[GCCE] We need a way for the HAL config extension to parameterise the HAL config file (.hcf) that will be used, depending upon the toolchain we are building with. E.g. if we are building BeagleBoard with RVCT we can configure hardware floating point because we have ARM's vfp math libraries; if we are building it with GCC, we lack this library support.

# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Front-end to routines checking that source matches filename policy constraints

use strict;
use FindBin;
use Cwd;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config posix_default);		#permits "+" in arguments, rather than as an option identifier
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use CheckSource;
use Pathutl;

my $preprocessCall = "cpp.exe -w -undef -nostdinc -+ -dI";

my $verbose = 0;

my $preprocess = 0;
my $parsefile = 0;
my $metadata = 0;

GetOptions ('preprocess|pp' => \$preprocess, 'parsefile|pf' => \$parsefile, 'metadata|md' => \$metadata);

my %warnings;

$verbose = 1 if $ENV{CHECKSOURCE_VERBOSE};

if (!@ARGV)
	print ("\ --preprocess|--parsefile|--metadata args\n\n");
elsif ($preprocess)
	open PREPROCESSPIPE,"$preprocessCall @ARGV |" or die "ERROR: Can't invoke preprocessor for checksource processing.\n";

	my %processedIncludes;
	my %homelessInclude;
	$homelessInclude{REFERENCE} = "";

	my $lineNumber = 0;
	my $currentFile = "";

	print "Preprocessing file    : ".$ARGV[scalar(@ARGV)-1]."\n" if ($verbose);

		if (/^\s*$/o)
		elsif (/^# (\d+) "(.*)"( \d+)?/o)
			$lineNumber = scalar $1;

		if ($homelessInclude{REFERENCE})
			# Resolve #include references using "locating" comments in CPP output.  These may either follow the reference directly,
			# or may have appeared earlier in prior CPP processing
			if ($currentFile =~ /$homelessInclude{SEARCH}$/i)
				CheckSource_Physical (%warnings, $homelessInclude{SOURCEFILE}, "#include", $homelessInclude{REFERENCE}, $homelessInclude{LINENUMBER}, $currentFile, $verbose);
				$processedIncludes{lc($currentFile)} = 1;
				my @foundProcessedIncludes;
				foreach my $processedInclude (keys %processedIncludes)
					push @foundProcessedIncludes, $processedInclude if ($processedInclude =~ /$homelessInclude{SEARCH}$/i);
				if (@foundProcessedIncludes == 1)
					CheckSource_Physical  (%warnings, $homelessInclude{SOURCEFILE}, "#include", $homelessInclude{REFERENCE}, $homelessInclude{LINENUMBER}, $foundProcessedIncludes[0], $verbose);
				elsif ((@foundProcessedIncludes > 1) && $verbose)
					print ("WARNING: Multiple matches for #include reference $homelessInclude{REFERENCE} : $homelessInclude{SOURCEFILE}($homelessInclude{LINENUMBER})\n");
					print "\t$_\n" foreach (@foundProcessedIncludes);
				elsif ($verbose)
					print ("WARNING: Couldn't find #include reference $homelessInclude{REFERENCE} : $homelessInclude{SOURCEFILE}($homelessInclude{LINENUMBER})\n");
			$homelessInclude{REFERENCE} = "";

		if (/^\s*#include\s*[\"|\<]{1}(.*)[\"|\>]{1}/)
			CheckSource_UnixSlash (%warnings, $currentFile, "#include", $1, $lineNumber, $verbose);

			$homelessInclude{SOURCEFILE} = $currentFile;
			$homelessInclude{REFERENCE} = $1;
			$homelessInclude{LINENUMBER} = $lineNumber;
			$homelessInclude{SEARCH} = "\\".$homelessInclude{REFERENCE};
			$homelessInclude{SEARCH} =~ s/\//\\/g;
			$homelessInclude{SEARCH} = quotemeta($homelessInclude{SEARCH});

		$lineNumber++ if (!/^# (\d+) "(.*)"( \d+)?/o);

elsif ($parsefile)
	my $SOURCE_FILE = $ARGV[0];		
	open SOURCE_FILE, "< $SOURCE_FILE" or die "ERROR: Can't open $SOURCE_FILE for \"-checksource\".\n";

	print "Parsing include file  : $SOURCE_FILE\n" if ($verbose);

	my $lineNumber = 0;
	while (<SOURCE_FILE>)

		if (/^\s*#include\s*[\"|\<]{1}(.*)[\"|\>]{1}/)
			CheckSource_UnixSlash (%warnings, $SOURCE_FILE, "#include", $1, $lineNumber, $verbose);
			CheckSource_Lowercase (%warnings, $SOURCE_FILE, "#include", $1, $lineNumber, $verbose);

elsif ($metadata)
	my ($sourcefile, $item, $reference, $linenumber, $physical, $offset) = @ARGV;

	$physical = 0 if (!$physical);
	$offset = undef if (!$offset);

	CheckSource_UnixSlash (%warnings, $sourcefile, $item, $reference, $linenumber, $verbose);

	if ($physical)
		CheckSource_Physical (%warnings, $sourcefile, $item, $reference, $linenumber, $offset, $verbose);
		CheckSource_Lowercase (%warnings, $sourcefile, $item, $reference, $linenumber, $verbose);

print "$_\n" foreach (keys %warnings);