[GCCE] We need a way for the HAL config extension to parameterise the HAL config file (.hcf) that will be used, depending upon
the toolchain we are building with. E.g. if we are building BeagleBoard with RVCT we can configure hardware floating point
because we have ARM's vfp math libraries; if we are building it with GCC, we lack this library support.
# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Routines involved in checking that source matches various filename policy constraints
package CheckSource;
require Exporter;
# Exported for clarity in calling scripts and modules
our $CheckSource_PhysicalCheck = 1;
our $CheckSource_NoUserSystemDistinction = 1;
use strict;
use Cwd;
use Pathutl;
use Win32;
my $exclusionsFile = $ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32\\tools\\filenamepolicyexclusions.txt";
my $makefileWarningPrefix = "\@echo ";
my $checksourcePrefix = "\@perl -w -S checksource.pl";
my $releaseLocationRoot = quotemeta ($ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32");
sub CheckSource_MetaData (\%$$$$;$;$)
my ($actionHash, $sourceFile, $item, $reference, $lineNumber, $physical, $offset) = @_;
return if ($reference =~ /^(\.|\.\.)$/);
my $checksourceCall = "$checksourcePrefix --metadata \"$sourceFile\" \"$item\" \"$reference\" $lineNumber";
$checksourceCall .= " $physical" if ($physical);
$checksourceCall .= " \"$offset\"" if ($offset);
$$actionHash{$checksourceCall} = 1;
sub CheckSource_UnixSlash (\%$$$$;$)
my ($actionHash, $sourceFile, $item, $reference, $lineNumber, $verbose) = @_;
$sourceFile =~ s/^[a-zA-Z]{1}://;
print "Checking - Unix slash : $sourceFile ($lineNumber) - $item:$reference\n" if ($verbose);
if ($reference =~/\\/)
$$actionHash{constructWarning ($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Incorrect slash in", $reference)} = 1;
sub CheckSource_Lowercase (\%$$$;$;$)
my ($actionHash, $sourceFile, $item, $reference, $lineNumber, $verbose) = @_;
return if ($reference =~ /^[\/|\\]epoc32[\/|\\]tools[\/|\\].*$/);
$sourceFile =~ s/^[a-zA-Z]{1}://;
print "Checking - lowercase : $sourceFile ($lineNumber) - $item:$reference\n" if ($verbose);
my $exclusion = lowercaseExclusionCheck ($reference);
if ($exclusion eq "UNLISTED")
if ($reference =~ /[A-Z]/)
$$actionHash{constructWarning ($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Incorrect case for epoc32 tree in", $reference)} = 1;
elsif ($exclusion !~ /(OK|ERROR)/)
$$actionHash{constructWarning($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Incorrect case versus exclusion list in", $reference, " vs. $exclusion")} = 1;
sub CheckSource_Physical (\%$$$$;$;$)
my ($actionHash, $sourceFile, $item, $reference, $lineNumber, $path, $verbose) = @_;
print "Checking - physical : $sourceFile ($lineNumber) - $item:$reference:$path\n" if ($verbose);
my $physicalCheck;
my $searchText;
my $examineDefaultExportDestination = ($item =~ s/PRJ_EXPORTS \(NO DESTINATION\)/PRJ_EXPORTS/) ? 1 : 0;
if ($item eq "#include")
# In the case of #includes, the path passed in is already the fully pathed physical file
# that needs to be checked (as obtained from the parsed output of CPP)
$searchText = $reference;
$physicalCheck = $path;
my $physicalReference;
if (($item =~ /^PRJ_(TEST)?MMPFILES MMP/) && ($reference !~ /\.\w+$/i))
$physicalReference = $reference."\.mmp";
$searchText = $reference."\.*";
elsif ($item =~ /^DEFFILE/)
# The full path for DEFFILE entries is always passed in, so we just
# need to concentrate on sorting out the oddities for the search
# text and then just take the final file bit as the physical
# reference
$searchText = $reference;
$searchText .= "?\.*" if ($reference !~ /(\.def|[\\|\/])$/i);
$searchText =~ s/(\.def)/\?$1/i if ($item !~ /NOSTRICTDEF/);
$searchText =~ s/\~/\*/;
$physicalReference = $searchText;
$physicalReference =~ s/\//\\/g;
$physicalReference =~ s/\?/u/;
$physicalReference =~ s/\.\w+$/\.def/;
$physicalReference = &Path_Split ('File', $physicalReference);
$searchText = $reference;
$physicalReference = $searchText;
my $physicalLocation;
if ($path)
$physicalLocation = $path;
elsif ($reference =~ /^(\\|\/)/)
$physicalLocation = $ENV{EPOCROOT};
elsif ($reference =~ /^\+/)
$physicalLocation = $ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32\\";
elsif ($item =~ /EXTENSIONS/)
$physicalLocation = $ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32\\tools\\makefile_templates\\";
$physicalLocation = &Path_Split ('Path', $sourceFile);
$physicalReference =~ s/^[\\|\/]//;
$physicalCheck = $physicalLocation.$physicalReference;
$physicalCheck =~ s/\//\\/g;
$physicalCheck = &Path_Strip ($physicalCheck);
# If a file reference is actually under \epoc32, we just need to confirm that it's lowercase
if ($physicalCheck =~ /^$releaseLocationRoot/i)
CheckSource_Lowercase (%$actionHash, $sourceFile, $item, $reference, $lineNumber, $verbose);
# Massage search text to provide something we can compare with a physical check on the filesystem
$searchText =~ s/\//\\/g;
$searchText =~ s/\.\.\\//g;
$searchText =~ s/\.\\//g;
$searchText =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
my $warningSearchText = $searchText; # Record a more intelligible version of the search text for warning purposes
$searchText = quotemeta ($searchText);
$searchText =~ s/\\\*/\\w\+/g; # * -> \w+
$searchText =~ s/\\\?/\\w\{1\}/g; # ? -> \w{1}
my $physicalReality = getPhysical ($physicalCheck);
my $warningSuffix = "";
if (!$physicalReality)
$$actionHash{constructWarning($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Can\'t find physical file match for", $reference, " on filesystem")} = 1;
elsif ($physicalReality !~ /^.*$searchText$/)
if ($physicalReality !~ /^.*$searchText$/i)
# Doesn't just differ in case...something's gone wrong
$$actionHash{constructWarning($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Can\'t find physical file match for", $reference, " - match was attempted against $physicalReality")} = 1;
if (($item =~ /^DEFFILE/ || $item =~ /^PRJ_(TEST)?MMPFILES MMP/) && ($reference !~ /$searchText$/))
$warningSuffix .= " (actual test \'$warningSearchText\')"
$warningSuffix .= " vs. $physicalReality";
$$actionHash{constructWarning($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Incorrect case versus filesystem in", $reference, $warningSuffix)} = 1;
# Special case - PRJ_EXPORTS source lines with no destination must be normalised via a new destination compliant
# with the filename policy. FIXSOURCE will do this, but it needs a warning to work on
if ($examineDefaultExportDestination)
$physicalReality =~ /^.*($searchText)$/i;
my $defaultExportReference = $1;
my $exclusion = lowercaseExclusionCheck ($defaultExportReference);
if ($defaultExportReference =~ /[A-Z]/)
$$actionHash{constructWarning ($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Incorrect case for epoc32 tree from default export in", $reference, $warningSuffix)} = 1;
sub CheckSource_Includes ($\%$\@;\@;\@;$)
# References are used for array arguments only so that they can be distinguished within the subroutine
my ($sourceFile, $actionHash, $preInclude, $macros, $userIncludesRef, $systemIncludesRef, $noUserSystemDistinction) = @_;
my (@userIncludes, @systemIncludes);
@userIncludes = @$userIncludesRef if ($userIncludesRef);
@systemIncludes = @$systemIncludesRef if ($systemIncludesRef);
my $call = "$checksourcePrefix --preprocess -- ";
if (($sourceFile !~ /\.inf$/i) && ($sourceFile !~ /\.mmp/i))
push @$macros, "__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__";
my $platformPreInclude = "";
foreach my $macro (@$macros)
$call .= "-D$macro ";
if ($macro =~ /__ARMCC_2_2__/)
$platformPreInclude = $ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32\\include\\rvct2_2\\rvct2_2.h";
if (($sourceFile =~ /BASE\\E32\\compsupp\\/i) && $ENV{RVCT22INC})
# Need some way to deal with ARMINC from the front-end...
my $rvctIncDir = $ENV{RVCT22INC};
push @systemIncludes, $rvctIncDir;
elsif ($macro =~ /__GCCE__/)
$platformPreInclude = $ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32\\include\\GCCE\\GCCE.h";
my $GCCEinstall = Cl_bpabi::getConfigVariable('COMPILER_INSTALL_PATH');
push @systemIncludes, "\"\\\"$GCCEinstall\\..\\lib\\gcc\\arm-none-symbianelf\\3.4.3\\include\\\"\"";
if ($preInclude ne "")
$call .= "-include ".getDrive().$preInclude." ";
push @systemIncludes, &Path_Split ('Path', getDrive().$preInclude);
if ($platformPreInclude ne "")
$call .= "-include ".getDrive().$platformPreInclude." ";
push @systemIncludes, &Path_Split ('Path', getDrive().$platformPreInclude);
# Enforce user and system includes in checksource processing.
foreach my $include (@userIncludes)
$include =~ s/\\$//;
$include = getDrive().$include if (($include !~ /^[a-zA-Z]:/) && ($include !~ /^[\"|\.]/));
$call .= "-I $include ";
$call .= "-I- " unless $noUserSystemDistinction;
foreach my $include (@systemIncludes)
$include =~ s/\\$//;
$include = getDrive().$include if (($include !~ /^[a-zA-Z]:/) && ($include !~ /^[\"|\.]/));
$call .= "-I $include ";
$sourceFile =~ s/\//\\/g;
$sourceFile = &Path_Strip ($sourceFile);
$sourceFile = getDrive().$sourceFile;
$call .= $sourceFile;
$$actionHash{$call} = 1;
return $call;
sub CheckSource_ExportedIncludes ($$\%)
my ($sourceFile, $destinationFile, $actionHash) = @_;
# Exclude exported files as appropriate
if ($destinationFile)
my $epoc32Include = quotemeta ($ENV{EPOCROOT})."epoc32\\\\include";
return if ($destinationFile !~ /^$epoc32Include/i);
return if ($destinationFile =~ /\.def$/i);
$$actionHash{"$checksourcePrefix --parsefile -- $sourceFile"} = 1;
sub CheckSource_MakefileOutput(%)
my (%actionHash) = @_;
return "\t\@rem\n" if !(keys (%actionHash));
my $output = "";
foreach (keys (%actionHash))
$output .= "\t$_\n";
return $output;
sub getDrive
if(cwd =~ /^([a-zA-Z]:)/)
return $1;
return "";
sub getPhysical ($)
my ($physicalReference) = @_;
my $physicalReality = Win32::GetLongPathName($physicalReference);
if ($physicalReality)
$physicalReality =~ s/^.*://;
$physicalReality = &Path_Strip ($physicalReality);
return $physicalReality;
sub constructWarning ($$$$$;$)
my ($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, $warningText, $reference, $suffix) = @_;
$sourceFile =~ s/\//\\/g;
$sourceFile = Win32::GetLongPathName($sourceFile);
$sourceFile =~ s/^[a-zA-Z]{1}://;
$sourceFile = &Path_Strip ($sourceFile);
my $warning = "";
$warning .= $sourceFile.":".$lineNumber.": ".$warningText." $item - \'".$reference."\'";
$warning .= $suffix if ($suffix);
$warning .= ".";
return $warning;
sub lowercaseExclusionCheck ($)
my ($reference) = @_;
# An exclusions file isn't mandatory
return "UNLISTED" if (! -e $exclusionsFile);
if (!(open EXCLUSIONS, "< $exclusionsFile"))
print ("ERROR: Can't open $exclusionsFile in checksource processing.\n");
return "ERROR";
my $referenceDOSSlash = $reference;
$referenceDOSSlash =~ s/\//\\/g;
my $exclusionCheck = "UNLISTED";
while (my $exclusion = <EXCLUSIONS>)
next if ($exclusion =~ /^\s*$/);
$exclusion =~ s/^\s+//;
$exclusion =~ s/\s+$//;
$exclusion =~ s/\//\\/g;
my $quotemetaExclusion = quotemeta ($exclusion);
if ($referenceDOSSlash =~ /^$quotemetaExclusion$/i)
if ($referenceDOSSlash !~ /^$quotemetaExclusion$/)
$exclusionCheck = $exclusion;
$exclusionCheck = "OK";
elsif($referenceDOSSlash =~ /\\$quotemetaExclusion$/i)
if ($referenceDOSSlash !~ /\\$quotemetaExclusion$/)
$exclusionCheck = $exclusion;
$exclusionCheck = "OK";
return $exclusionCheck;