[GCCE] We need a way for the HAL config extension to parameterise the HAL config file (.hcf) that will be used, depending upon
the toolchain we are building with. E.g. if we are building BeagleBoard with RVCT we can configure hardware floating point
because we have ARM's vfp math libraries; if we are building it with GCC, we lack this library support.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Wrapper to support the EPOC AIF Compiler
use strict;
use FindBin; # for FindBin::Bin
use File::Copy; # for copy()
use Cwd; # for cwd
use File::Basename; # for basename()
my $PerlBinPath; # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing this script
my $curdrive="x"; # will be initialised when first needed
# establish the path to the Perl binaries
require 5.005_03; # check user has a version of perl that will cope
$PerlBinPath = $FindBin::Bin; # X:/epoc32/tools
$PerlBinPath =~ s/\//\\/g; # X:\epoc32\tools
use lib $PerlBinPath;
use E32Variant; # for variant specific macros
use Pathutl;
use Preprocessor;
sub print_usage
print <<USAGE_EOF;
epocaif [options] srcfile [-o outputfile] [-t tmpdir] [-b "bmps" | -m mbm] [-l "TargetPath:CWD"]
The available options are
-Ixxx -- C++ preprocessor arguments
-o -- output AIF file name including path
-t -- tempory directory for intermediate files
-b -- list of bitmaps Eg., "-b/c8\\location\\bmp1 /c8\\location\\bmp2.."
-m -- compiled MBM file (alternative to -b)
-l -- if specified, captures all source to \\epoc32\\localisation\\...
The aif resource file is then passed through the C++ preprocessor, using any
specified preprocessor arguments, and then compiled with RCOMP.EXE to
generate a compiled resource.
The -m or -b option is used to generate a suitable MBM file, if required.
The MBM and the compiled resource are then combined to produce an AIF file.
# Process commandline arguments
# Can't use the Getopt package because it doesn't like the -D and -I style options
my $sourcefile="";
my $opt_o="";
my $opt_h="";
my $tmpdir="";
my $opt_v=1;
my $opt_b="";
my $opt_l="";
my $opt_m="";
my $TrgPath;
my $xipaif=1;
my $exe = &PreprocessorToUseExe();
my $cpp_spec= "$exe -undef -C "; # preserve comments
my $errors = 0;
while (@ARGV)
my $arg = shift @ARGV;
if ($arg =~ /^-I-$/)
$cpp_spec .= "-I- ";
if ($arg =~ /^-I(.*)$/)
$cpp_spec .= "-I ";
if ($1 eq "")
$arg = shift @ARGV;
$arg = $1;
$cpp_spec .= quoted_path($arg)." ";
if ($arg =~ /^-v$/)
$opt_v =1;
if ($arg =~ /^-o(.*)$/)
$opt_o =$1;
$TrgPath = $opt_o;
if ($arg =~ /^-t(.*)\\?$/)
$tmpdir =$1;
if ($arg =~ /^-b(.*)$/)
$opt_b =$1;
if ($arg =~ /^-m(.*)$/)
$opt_m =$1;
if ($arg =~ /^-l(.*)$/)
$opt_l =$1;
if ($arg =~ /^-/)
print "Unknown arg: $arg\n";
if ($opt_m ne "" && $opt_b ne "")
print "Can't specify both -m and -b\n";
if ($errors || $sourcefile eq "")
exit 1;
my $rss_base = basename($sourcefile);
my ($rssfile) = split(/\./, $rss_base); # remove extension
my $rpp_name = "$tmpdir\\$rssfile.rpp";
my $outputfile="$tmpdir\\AIF.RSC";
my $headerfile=$opt_h;
if ($opt_v)
print "* Source file: $sourcefile\n";
print "* Resource file: $outputfile\n" if ($outputfile ne "");
$opt_o = "-o\"$outputfile\"" if ($outputfile ne "");
$opt_h = "-h\"$headerfile\"" if ($headerfile ne "");
# Run the preprocessor
my $variantMacroHRHFile = Variant_GetMacroHRHFile();
my $variantFilePath = Path_Split('Path',$variantMacroHRHFile);
chop ( $variantFilePath );
$cpp_spec .= " -I \"" . &Path_RltToWork($variantFilePath) . "\" -include " . &Path_RltToWork($variantMacroHRHFile) . " ";
$cpp_spec .= "-I $PerlBinPath\\..\\include "; # extra path to support shared tools
$cpp_spec .= "-D_UNICODE ";
$cpp_spec .= quoted_path($sourcefile) ." -o ". quoted_path($rpp_name);
print "* $cpp_spec\n" if ($opt_v);
my $cpp_status = $?;
die "* cpp failed\n" if ($cpp_status != 0);
# Copy source to epoc32\localisation
if ($opt_l ne "")
use lockit_info;
my ($rssfile, $FileType) = split(/\./, basename($TrgPath));
&Lockit_SrcFile($rssfile, $rpp_name, $opt_l, $FileType, $opt_b);
# Merge rls strings to rpp
# Run the resource compiler
my $rcomp_spec = "rcomp -u ";
$rcomp_spec .= "-:$tmpdir\\_dump_of_resource_ "; # causes Rcomp to dump each resource (uncompressed and unpadded) in $tmpdir\\_dump_of_resource_1, $tmpdir\\_dump_of_resource_2, etc
$rcomp_spec .= "$opt_o $opt_h -s\"$rpp_name\" -i\"$sourcefile\"";
print "* $rcomp_spec\n" if ($opt_v);
if ($? != 0)
print "* RCOMP failed - deleting output files\n";
unlink $outputfile if ($outputfile ne "");
unlink $headerfile if ($headerfile ne "");
exit 1;
print "* deleting $rpp_name\n" if ($opt_v);
unlink $rpp_name;
# Run bmconv, if needed
if ($opt_b ne "")
print "* bmconv /q $tmpdir\\AIF.MBM $opt_b\n" if ($opt_v);
system("bmconv /q $tmpdir\\AIF.MBM $opt_b");
if ($? != 0)
print "* BMCONV failed\n";
exit 1;
print "* bmconv /q /s $tmpdir\\AIF_XIP.MBM $opt_b\n" if ($opt_v);
system("bmconv /q /s $tmpdir\\AIF_xip.MBM $opt_b");
if ($? != 0)
print "* BMCONV failed\n";
exit 1;
elsif ($opt_m ne "")
print "* copy $opt_m $tmpdir\\AIF.MBM\n" if ($opt_v);
copy($opt_m, "$tmpdir\\AIF.MBM");
# no xip file genarated
# no bitmap specified - this is legitimate
# Get the from UID from the first four bytes of "$tmpdir\\_dump_of_resource_1"
open(DUMP_OF_RESOURCE_1, "< $tmpdir\\_dump_of_resource_1") or die("* Can't open dump file\n");
my $data;
my $numberOfBytesRead=read(DUMP_OF_RESOURCE_1, $data, 4);
defined($numberOfBytesRead) or die("* Can't read from dump file\n");
($numberOfBytesRead>=4) or die("* Dump file too short\n");
my $uid=(unpack('V', $data))[0];
close(DUMP_OF_RESOURCE_1) or die("* Can't close dump file\n");
# Produce the AIF file from the RSC and MBM files
my $uidcrc = "uidcrc.exe 0x101fb032 0 ".sprintf('0x%08x', $uid)." $tmpdir\\out.aif";
my $uidcrc_xip = "uidcrc.exe 0x101fb032 0 ".sprintf('0x%08x', $uid)." $tmpdir\\out_xip.aif";
print "* $uidcrc\n" if ($opt_v);
if ($? != 0)
print "* UIDCRC failed\n";
exit 1;
if ($xipaif ne 0)
print "* $uidcrc\n" if ($opt_v);
if ($? != 0)
print "* UIDCRC failed\n";
exit 1;
open(OUT_AIF, ">> $tmpdir\\out.aif") or die("* Can't open temporary file\n");
if ($xipaif ne 0)
open(OUTXIP_AIF, ">> $tmpdir\\out_xip.aif") or die("* Can't open temporary file\n");
print "* Writing length of the RSC-block\n" if ($opt_v);
my $lengthOfRscBlock=-s("$tmpdir\\aif.rsc");
my $numberOfPaddingBytes=(4-($lengthOfRscBlock%4))%4;
print(OUT_AIF pack('V', $lengthOfRscBlock));
if ($xipaif ne 0)
print(OUTXIP_AIF pack('V', $lengthOfRscBlock));
print "* Appending the RSC-block\n" if ($opt_v);
&appendFile(\*OUT_AIF, "$tmpdir\\aif.rsc");
if ($xipaif ne 0)
&appendFile(\*OUTXIP_AIF, "$tmpdir\\aif.rsc");
# append any necessary padding bytes so that the file-offset of the start of the MBM-block is a multiple of 4-bytes
print(OUT_AIF ('_' x $numberOfPaddingBytes));
if ($xipaif ne 0)
print(OUTXIP_AIF ('_' x $numberOfPaddingBytes));
if (-e("$tmpdir\\aif.mbm"))
print "* Appending the MBM-block\n" if ($opt_v);
&appendFile(\*OUT_AIF, "$tmpdir\\aif.mbm");
if (-e("$tmpdir\\aif_xip.mbm"))
print "* Appending the XIPMBM-block\n" if ($opt_v);
&appendFile(\*OUTXIP_AIF, "$tmpdir\\aif_xip.mbm");
close(OUT_AIF) or die("* Can't close temporary file\n");
if ($xipaif ne 0)
close(OUTXIP_AIF) or die("* Can't close temporary file\n");
print "* copy $tmpdir\\out.aif $TrgPath\n" if ($opt_v);
copy("$tmpdir\\out.aif", "$TrgPath");
if ($xipaif ne 0)
my $basepath = &Path_Split('Path', $TrgPath);
my $ext=&Path_Split('Ext', $TrgPath);
my $basename = basename($TrgPath, $ext);
my $xip="_xip";
print "* copy $tmpdir\\out_xip.aif $basepath$basename$xip$ext\n" if ($opt_v);
copy("$tmpdir\\out_xip.aif", "$basepath$basename$xip$ext");
exit 0;
# Subroutine: convert path into something acceptable to CPP.EXE
sub quoted_path
my ($arg) = @_;
return "\"$arg\"" if ($arg !~ /^\\[^\\]/); # not an absolute path
if ($curdrive eq "x")
$curdrive=$1 if (cwd =~ /^(.:)/);
return "\"$curdrive$arg\"";
# Subroutine: Merge the rls strings in the rpp file specified
sub Merge_rls_string
my ($rppfile) = @_;
my $line;
my $StringId;
my $key;
my $value;
my $StringToSubstitute;
my %ResourceString;
print "* merging text strings to $rppfile\n" if ($opt_v);
open NEWRPP, ">$rppfile.new" or die "* Can't write to $rppfile.new";
open RPP, "$rppfile" or die "* Can't open $rppfile";
while ($line = <RPP>) {
while (($StringId, $StringToSubstitute)=each %ResourceString)
$line=~s/\b$StringId\b/$StringToSubstitute/g if ($line !~ /^rls_string/);
# find quoted "" strings
if($line =~ /^rls_string\s+(\S+)\s+(.*$)/)
my $text = $2;
$key = $1;
my $substr_count = 0;
if(!exists $ResourceString{$key})
SUBSTR: while (1)
# find quoted "" strings e.g. "hello"
if($text =~ /^(\s*\"(.*?\\.)*.*?\")/)
$value = $1;
$text = $';
# find quoted '' strings. e.g. 'world'
elsif($text =~ /^(\s*\'(.*?\\.)*.*?\')/)
$value = $1;
$text = $';
# find hex strings e.g. <0x34><0x45><0x65>
elsif($text =~ /^(\s*(<.*?>)+)/)
$value = $1;
$text = $';
# find c comment e.g. /*hello world*/ (may exist between strings)
elsif($text =~ /^(\s*\/\*.*?\*\/)/)
$text = $';
next SUBSTR; # ignore embedded comment
# find c++ comment e.g. //hello world (may exist after strings)
elsif($text =~ /^(\s*\/\/.*$)/)
$text = $';
next SUBSTR; # ignore trailing comment
# exit search
if ($substr_count == 0)
warn("WARNING: rls_string $key either has incorrect syntax or no value\n");
last SUBSTR;
$ResourceString{$key} .= $value;
print NEWRPP $line;
close RPP;
close NEWRPP;
copy ("$rppfile.new", "$rppfile");
unlink ("$rppfile.new");
# Subroutine: Append a file into the open (binary) file already opened
sub appendFile
my $fileHandleOfTarget=shift;
my $fileNameOfSource=shift;
open(SOURCE, "< $fileNameOfSource") or die("* Can't open $fileNameOfSource\n");
for (;;)
my $data;
my $numberOfBytesRead=read(SOURCE, $data, 1024);
defined($numberOfBytesRead) or die("* Can't read from $fileNameOfSource\n");
if ($numberOfBytesRead==0)
print($fileHandleOfTarget $data);
close(SOURCE) or die("* Can't close $fileNameOfSource\n");