author Mike Kinghan <>
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 14:32:12 +0000
changeset 79 f7dee603db09
parent 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
permissions -rw-r--r--
[GCCE] We need a way for the HAL config extension to parameterise the HAL config file (.hcf) that will be used, depending upon the toolchain we are building with. E.g. if we are building BeagleBoard with RVCT we can configure hardware floating point because we have ARM's vfp math libraries; if we are building it with GCC, we lack this library support.

# Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:

# Module FEATUREVARIANTPARSER. Parses .VAR files and returns key variables.

# The following hashes can be used with this module:

# NAME 				-> Returns the name of the variant file (without the extension)

# FULLPATH 			-> Returns the full path of the variant file (including the extension)

# VALID 			-> Set to 1 if the variant file is valid, otherwise set to 0

# VIRTUAL 			-> Set to 1 if the variant is a grouping node, otherwise set to 0

# ROM_INCLUDES 		-> Returns a pointer to the list of ROM_INCLUDES (including Parent nodes).

# BUILD_INCLUDES 	-> Returns a pointer to the list of BUILD_INCLUDES (including Parent nodes).

# VARIANT_HRH 		-> Returns the full VARIANT_HRH file path used by the VAR file.

# PARENTS			-> Returns a pointer to the list of all the parent nodes, starting with immediate parent

# CHILDREN			-> Returns a pointer to the list of all the children nodes.

# USAGE : The GetVariant method should only be called using featurevariantparser->GetVariant(var_name, directory(optional) );
# If the directory for the VAR file is not supplied,the default directory will be searched for var_name.var

use strict;

package featurevariantparser;
use File::Spec;

my @buildinclude;
my @rominclude;
my @parents;
my @childNodes;
my $virtual;
my $childNodeStatus;
my $varianthrh;

my $defaultDir = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\tools\\variant";

my $dir;
my $fullpath;
my $fulldir;

my $pathregex = '.+[^\s]'  ;   # Regex to match all characters (including \ or /), excluding whitespaces.

our $verbose = 0;

# Wrapper function to return all the correct variables
# Arguments : (Variant Name, Variant Directory(optional))
# Returns a Hash.
# Note: This has to return a copy of all the data - no references!
#  There are package globals that are reused on a call to this function
#  so references would go out of date after repeated calls to GetVariant
#  This package should have been written using objects - too late now

sub GetVariant

    @buildinclude    = ();
    @rominclude      = ();
    @parents         = ();
    @childNodes      = ();
    $dir             = "";
    $fullpath        = "";
    $varianthrh      = "";
    $virtual         = 0;
    $childNodeStatus = 0;
    my $parnodes = "";
    my %data;
    my $children  = "";
    my $romincs   = "";
    my $buildincs = "";

    $data{'VALID'} = 0;

    my ( $empty, $varname, $dirname ) = @_;

    my $fullvarpath = ReturnFullVariantPath( $varname, $dirname );

    if ( $dirname )
        $fulldir = $dirname;
        $fulldir = $defaultDir;

    $data{'FULLPATH'} = "$fullvarpath";
    $data{'NAME'}     = "$varname";

    # If the variant file exists, check the syntax and setup variables.
    if ( FileExists($fullvarpath) )

        if ( CheckVarFileSyntax( $fullvarpath, $varname ) )
            $data{'VALID'} = 1;
        print "ERROR: $fullpath" . " does not exist\n";

    my $count = 0;

    # If VAR file is valid, setup all other variables.
    if ( $data{'VALID'} )

        $romincs   = FindRomInclude($fullvarpath);
        $buildincs = FindBuildInclude($fullvarpath);
        $children  = FindChildNodes($fullvarpath);
        $parnodes  = FindParentNodes($fullvarpath);

        # Remove empty elements from the BUILD_INCLUDE list     
        @$buildincs = grep /\S/, @$buildincs;

        # Fix paths for all BUILD_INCLUDES
        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@$buildincs) ; $i++ )
            @$buildincs[$i] = FixPaths( @$buildincs[$i] );

        # Remove empty elements from the ROM_INCLUDE list
		@$romincs = grep /\S/, @$romincs;

        # Fix paths for all ROM_INCLUDES
        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@$romincs) ; $i++ )
            @$romincs[$i] = FixPaths( @$romincs[$i] );

        # Remove empty elements from the CHILDREN list
		@$children = grep /\S/, @$children;
        # Remove empty elements from the PARENT list
		@$parnodes = grep /\S/, @$parnodes;

        $data{'BUILD_INCLUDES'} = CloneList($buildincs);        
        $data{'ROM_INCLUDES'}   = CloneList($romincs);
        $data{'PARENTS'}        = CloneList($parnodes);
        $data{'CHILDREN'}       = CloneList($children);
        $data{'VARIANT_HRH'}    = $varianthrh;
        $data{'VIRTUAL'}        = $virtual;

    # If variant file is not valid, return reference to a blank array
        $data{'BUILD_INCLUDES'} = [];
        $data{'ROM_INCLUDES'}   = [];
        $data{'VARIANT_HRH'}    = "";
        $data{'PARENTS'}        = [];
        $data{'CHILDREN'}       = [];

    return %data;

# Helper method that clones a reference to a simple list
sub CloneList
    my $ref = shift;
    # Check the reference is a list
    die "Not a list ref" if ref($ref) ne 'ARRAY';
    # Create a new list object
    my @list;
    foreach my $entry ( @$ref )
        # Only clone lists of scalars
        die "Not a scalar" if ref($entry);
        # Add the entry to the new list
        push @list, $entry;
    # return a reference to the copy    
    return \@list;
# Method to correct all the slashes, and also append EPOCROOT if the path begins with a \ or /
# If path doesn't start with \ or /, returns an abosulte canonical path
sub FixPaths

    my $arr = $_[0];

    if ( $arr =~ m/^\// )
       $arr =~ s/^\/?//;
        return File::Spec->canonpath( "$ENV{EPOCROOT}" . "$arr" );

    elsif ( $arr =~ m/^\\/ )
        $arr =~ s/^\\?//;
        return File::Spec->canonpath( "$ENV{EPOCROOT}" . "$arr" );

        return File::Spec->rel2abs( File::Spec->canonpath("$arr") );


# Method to construct a full variant path from the variant file and directory
sub ReturnFullVariantPath

    my $vardirectory = $_[1];
    my $varname      = $_[0];

    # Check if a directory is supplied
    if ($vardirectory)
        $dir = "$vardirectory";

        $dir = $defaultDir;
    my $filename = "$varname" . "\.var";
    $fullpath = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->rel2abs($dir), $filename );

    if ( !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($fullpath) )
        $fullpath = File::Spec->rel2abs($fullpath);

    return $fullpath;

# Method to find the BUILDINCLUDE values of the VAR file.
sub FindBuildInclude

    my $filename = $_[0];

    my $parentNodes;

    # Construct a list of parent nodes if node is a child
    if ($childNodeStatus)
        $parentNodes = FindParentNodes("$filename");

    if ($parentNodes)

        # Go through and build the list of all parent BUILD_INCLUDES
        for ( my $i = scalar(@$parentNodes) - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i-- )

            my $tmp = ReturnFullVariantPath( @$parentNodes[$i], $fulldir );
            open( NEWHANDLE, "<$tmp" );
            while (<NEWHANDLE>)
                if (/BUILD_INCLUDE/)

    # Append the BUILD_INCLUDES of the VAR file in the end
    open( NEWHANDLE, "<$filename" );

    while (<NEWHANDLE>)
        if (/BUILD_INCLUDE/)

    undef(@parents);    # Flush out parent array

    return \@buildinclude;


# Method to extract the BUILD_INCLUDE value of a node.
sub ExtractBuildIncludeValue

# If modifier append is found, push the buildinclude to the end of the array list.
    if (/^BUILD_INCLUDE\s+append\s+($pathregex)/)
        push( @buildinclude, ($1) );


# If modifier prepend is found, push the buildinclude to the beginning of the array list.
    if (/^BUILD_INCLUDE\s+prepend\s+($pathregex)/)
        unshift( @buildinclude, ($1) );

#If keyword set is found, then empty the buildinclude variable and push the new value
    if (/^BUILD_INCLUDE\s+set\s+($pathregex)/)
        push( @buildinclude, ($1) );


# Method to find the ROMINCLUDE values of the VAR file.
sub FindRomInclude

    my $filename = $_[0];

    my $parentNodes;

    # Construct a list of parent nodes if node is a child
    if ($childNodeStatus)
        $parentNodes = FindParentNodes("$filename");

    if ($parentNodes)

        # Go through and build the list of all parent ROM_INCLUDES
        for ( my $i = scalar(@$parentNodes) - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i-- )
            my $t = ReturnFullVariantPath( @$parentNodes[$i], $fulldir );
            open( NEWHANDLE, "<$t" );

            while (<NEWHANDLE>)
                if (/ROM_INCLUDE/)

    # Append the ROM_INCLUDES of the VAR file in the end
    open( NEWHANDLE, "<$filename" );

    while (<NEWHANDLE>)
        if (/ROM_INCLUDE/)

    undef(@parents);    # Flush out parent array;
    return \@rominclude;


# Method to extract the ROM_INCLUDE value of a node.
sub ExtractRomIncludeValue

# If modifier append is found, push the rominclude to the end of the array list.
    if (/^ROM_INCLUDE\s+append\s+($pathregex)/)
        push( @rominclude, ($1) );

# If modifier prepend is found, push the rominclude to the beginning of the array list.
    if (/^ROM_INCLUDE\s+prepend\s+($pathregex)/)
        unshift( @rominclude, ($1) );

# If keyword set is found, then empty the rominclude variable and push the new value
    if (/^ROM_INCLUDE\s+set\s+($pathregex)/)
        push( @rominclude, ($1) );


# Method to find the immediate parent node of a child node
sub ExtractExtendsValue

    $_[0] =~ m/^EXTENDS\s+(\w+)/;
    return $1;

# Extract the value of the VARIANT keyword
sub ExtractVariantValue

    $_[0] =~ m/^VARIANT\s+(\w+)/;
    return $1;

# Extracts the value of the HRH file from the VARIANT_HRH line supplied
sub ExtractHrhValue

    $_[0] =~ m/^VARIANT_HRH\s+($pathregex)/;
    return $1;


# Finds if the variant file is a group node
# Note: This method is only a supplementary method, not actually used during this module
#       Provides a quick way to check is any VAR file is grouping node or not without loading the entire file.
sub IsVirtual

    my $filename = $_[0];

    open( READHANDLE, "<$filename" );
    while (<READHANDLE>)
        if (/^VIRTUAL\s*$/)
            return 1;
    return 0;

# Constructs a list of Parent nodes for a given Child node.
sub FindParentNodes

    my $filename   = $_[0];
    my $hasparents = 0;

    open( READHANDLE, "<$filename" );
    while (<READHANDLE>)
        if (/EXTENDS/)
            $hasparents = 1;
            push( @parents, ExtractExtendsValue($_) );



    if ( $hasparents == 1 )
            ReturnFullVariantPath( @parents[ scalar(@parents) - 1 ], $fulldir )
        return \@parents;


# Constructs a list of Child nodes for a given Parent node (full path or .var path required)
sub FindChildNodes

    my $var = ReturnNativeVarName("$_[0]");

    my $tmpname    = "";
    my @childarray = ();

    opendir( DIR, $fulldir );

    while ( defined( my $file = readdir(DIR) ) )

        if ( $file =~ m/\.var$/ )
            $tmpname = $file;
            $tmpname =~ s/\.var$//;

            open( FILEHANDLE, ReturnFullVariantPath( $tmpname, $fulldir ) );

            while (<FILEHANDLE>)

                if (/^EXTENDS/)
                    if ( lc $var eq lc ExtractExtendsValue($_) )
                        push( @childarray, $tmpname );



    foreach my $child (@childarray)
        push( @childNodes, $child );

    foreach my $child (@childarray)
        FindChildNodes( ReturnFullVariantPath( $child, $fulldir ) );

    return \@childNodes;

# Method to return all the buildable (i.e. No syntax erros and non-virtual) list of
# variants that can be built in the specified directory. If no directory is specified,
# the default location is searched.

# Usage: GetBuildableFeatureVariants(<Directory>)

sub GetBuildableFeatureVariants

    my $empty = shift;
    my $dir   = shift;
    my @list;
    my $fulldir;

    if ( $dir )
        $fulldir = $dir;
        $fulldir = $defaultDir;

    opendir( DIR, $fulldir );

    while ( defined( my $file = readdir(DIR) ) )

        if ( $file =~ m/\.var$/ )

            $file =~ s/\.var$//;

            my $fullpath = ReturnFullVariantPath( $file, $fulldir );

            if ( CheckVarFileSyntax( $fullpath, $file )
                && !IsVirtual($fullpath) )
                push( @list, $file );


    return sort @list;


# Method to return a list of the valid and non-virtual children of a given VAR node, in a given location.
# If the calling var file is non-virtual, it is returned as the only element of the list If not, then
# the method parses though and finds all buildable children

# USAGE: ResolveFeatureVariant(<varname>,<dirame>);

sub ResolveFeatureVariant

    my $empty   = shift;
    my $varfile = shift;
    my $dir     = shift;
    my $fulldir;
    my @list;

    if ( !$dir eq "" )
        $fulldir = $dir;
        $fulldir = $defaultDir;
    my $fullpath = ReturnFullVariantPath( $varfile, $fulldir );

    if ( CheckVarFileSyntax( $fullpath, $varfile ) && !IsVirtual($fullpath) )
        push( @list, $varfile );
        return @list;

    my %variant = GetVariant( 0, $varfile, $fulldir );
    my $child = $variant{'CHILDREN'};

    foreach my $item (@$child)

        my $fullpath = ReturnFullVariantPath( $item, $fulldir );

        if ( CheckVarFileSyntax( $fullpath, $item ) && !IsVirtual($fullpath) )
            push( @list, $item );

    return @list;


# Method to return all valid (no syntax errors only) list of variants
# in the specified directory. If no directory is specified,the default location is searched.

# Usage: GetValidVariants(<Directory>)

sub GetValidVariants

    my $empty = shift;
    my $dir   = shift;
    my @list;
    my $fulldir;

    if ( !$dir eq "" )
        $fulldir = $dir;
        $fulldir = $defaultDir;

    opendir( DIR, $fulldir );

    while ( defined( my $file = readdir(DIR) ) )

        if ( $file =~ m/\.var$/ )

            $file =~ s/\.var$//;

            my $fullpath = ReturnFullVariantPath( $file, $fulldir );

            if ( CheckVarFileSyntax( $fullpath, $file ) )

                push( @list, $file );


    return sort @list;

# Returns the Variant name from a complete path, without the .var extension
sub ReturnNativeVarName

    my $tmp = "$_[0]";
    $tmp =~ /^.*[\\|\/](.*)\.var$/i;  
    return $1;


# Checks if a file passed to this function exists.
sub FileExists
	return -e $_[0];


# Checks if the default variant file (default.var) exists in the directory supplied.
# If no directory is supplied, looks under the default location.
# Should only be called directly from the featurevariantparser module reference, not from any methods within the module.

# USAGE: featurevariantparser->DefaultExists(<DirName>);
# <DirName> : Optional -- Specifies which directory to look under to find the default.var file. Can be relative or absolute.

sub DefaultExists

    my $dirToSearch = "";
    if ( $_[1] )
        $dirToSearch = $_[1];
        $dirToSearch = $defaultDir;

    $dirToSearch =
        File::Spec->rel2abs( File::Spec->canonpath("$dirToSearch") ) );

    return ( -e "$dirToSearch/default.var" );


# Checks the variant file for the correct syntax and reports any errors
# Also sets up some variables(VIRTUAL ,VARIANT_HRH and VARIANT) whilst file is being parsed.

# Usage: CheckVarFileSyntaxt(<fullpath>,<varfile>) . Note: <varfile> without .var
sub CheckVarFileSyntax

    my $fullpath          = $_[0];
    my $varname           = $_[1];
    my $varianthrhpresent = 0;

    open( READVAR, "<$fullpath" );
    my $exp  = "#";
    my $line = "";

    while (<READVAR>)
        $line = $.;

	# Checks for a valid argument supplied to EXTENDS keyword. Checks for one and only one argument supplied.
        if (/^EXTENDS/)
            if ( !m/^EXTENDS\s+./ )
                print "\nERROR: Invalid format supplied to argument EXTENDS on line "
                  . "$."
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath";
                return 0;
            my $str = ExtractExtendsValue($_);
            if ( $str =~ /\s+/ )
                print "\nERROR: Cannot extend from two nodes. Error in line "
                  . "$."
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath";
                return 0;

            $childNodeStatus = 1;


        # Checks for the grammar of BUILD_INCLUDE, i.e. KEYWORD MODIFIER VALUE
        elsif (/^BUILD_INCLUDE/)

          if (!m/^BUILD_INCLUDE\s+(append|prepend|set)\s+$pathregex/)
                print "\nERROR: Invalid syntax supplied to keyword BUILD_INCLUDE on line "
                  . "$."
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath";
                return 0;
		 if (m/^BUILD_INCLUDE\s+(append|prepend|set)\s+$pathregex\s+$pathregex/)
                print "\nERROR: Too many arguments supplied to keyword BUILD_INCLUDE on line "
                  . "$."
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath";
                return 0;

        # Checks for the grammar of ROM_INCLUDE, i.e. KEYWORD MODIFIER VALUE
        elsif (/^ROM_INCLUDE/)

		if (!m/^ROM_INCLUDE\s+(append|prepend|set)\s+$pathregex/)
                print "\nERROR: Invalid syntax supplied to keyword ROM_INCLUDE on line "
                  . "$."
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath";
                return 0;

       if (m/^ROM_INCLUDE\s+(append|prepend|set)\s+$pathregex\s+$pathregex/)
                print "\nERROR: Too many arguments supplied to keyword ROM_INCLUDE on line "
                  . "$."
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath";
                return 0;

        # Checks for a valid VARIANT name
        elsif (/^VARIANT[^_HRH]/)
            if ( !m/^VARIANT\s+\w+/ )
                print "\nERROR: VARIANT name not specified on line " . "$."
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath";
                return 0;
            if ( uc("$varname") ne uc( ExtractVariantValue($_) ) )
                print "\nERROR: VARIANT filename does not match variant name specified on line "
                  . "$line"
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath"
                  . "\nVariant value extracted from the VAR file is " . "$_";


        # Checks that keyword VIRTUAL is declared correctly
        elsif (/^VIRTUAL/)
            if (m/^VIRTUAL\s+\w+/)
                print "\nERROR: Invalid declaration of VIRTUAL on line " . "$."
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath";
                return 0;

            $virtual = 1;

        # Checks if VARIANT_HRH is declared correctly.
        elsif (/^VARIANT_HRH/)
            $varianthrhpresent = 1;
            my $lineno = $.;
            if ( !m/^VARIANT_HRH\s+./ )
                print "\nERROR: Invalid format supplied to argument VARIANT_HRH on line "
                  . "$lineno"
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath";
                return 0;

            my $str = ExtractHrhValue($_);
            if ( $str =~ /\s+/ )
                print "\nERROR: Cannot have 2 or more hrh files. Error in line "
                  . "$lineno"
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath";
                return 0;

            if ( !FileExists( FixPaths($str) ) )
                print "\nERROR: VARIANT HRH file : "
                  . FixPaths($str)
                  . " specified on line "
                  . "$lineno"
                  . " does not exist";
                return 0;

            $varianthrh = FixPaths( ExtractHrhValue($_) );

        # If none of the valid keywords are found

            # Do nothing if a comment or blank line is found
            if ( (m/$exp\s+\S/) || (m/$exp\S/) || ( !m/./ ) || (m/^\n/) )

            # Unsupported keyword

                print "\nERROR: Invalid keyword " . '"' . "$_" . '"'
                  . " found on line " . "$."
                  . " in file "
                  . "$fullpath";
                return 0;


    # If no HRH file defined, check if the default one exists
    if ( !$varianthrhpresent )
        print "\nINFO: No VARIANT_HRH defined in VAR file, using $ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\include\\variant\\$varname\.hrh" if ($verbose);
        my $str =
            "VARIANT_HRH $ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\include\\variant\\$varname\.hrh"

        if ( !FileExists($str) )
            print "\nERROR: VARIANT HRH file : " . "$str " . "does not exist\n";
            return 0;
            $varianthrh = $str;
    return 1;
