author Mike Kinghan <>
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 14:32:12 +0000
changeset 79 f7dee603db09
parent 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
permissions -rw-r--r--
[GCCE] We need a way for the HAL config extension to parameterise the HAL config file (.hcf) that will be used, depending upon the toolchain we are building with. E.g. if we are building BeagleBoard with RVCT we can configure hardware floating point because we have ARM's vfp math libraries; if we are building it with GCC, we lack this library support.

# Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# e32toolp\e32util\
# Convert structures in C++ include files to assembler format
# Syntax:
# perl <input.h> <> <format>
# where <format>=arm or x86

%basictypes = (
	TInt8		=>	1,
	TUint8		=>	1,
	TInt16		=>	2,
	TUint16		=>	2,
	TInt32		=>	4,
	TUint32		=>	4,
	TInt		=>	4,
	TUint		=>	4,
	TInt64		=>	8,
	TUint64		=>	8,
	TLinAddr	=>	4,
	TVersion	=>	4,
	TPde		=>	4,
	TPte		=>	4,
	TProcessPriority => 4

if (scalar(@ARGV)!=3) {
	die "perl <input.h> <> <format>\n";
my ($infile, $outfile, $format) = @ARGV;
open IN, $infile or die "Can't open $infile for input\n";
my $in;
while (<IN>) {
close IN;
$format = uc($format);
$format_sub = undef();
$comment_sub = undef();
$end_sub = undef();
if ($format eq "ARMASM") {
	$format_sub = \&armasm_format;
	$comment_sub = \&armasm_comment;
	$end_sub = \&armasm_end;
} elsif ($format eq "AS") {
	$format_sub = \&as_format;
	$comment_sub = \&as_comment;
	$end_sub = \&as_end;
} elsif ($format eq "TASM") {
	$format_sub = \&tasm_format;
	$comment_sub = \&tasm_comment;
	$end_sub = \&tasm_end;
} else {
	die "Format $format unknown\nOnly ARMASM, AS or TASM supported\n";

# First remove any backslash-newline combinations
$in =~ s/\\\n//gms;

# Change escaped quotes to double quotes
$in =~ s/\\\"/\"\"/gms;
$in =~ s/\\\'/\'\'/gms;

# Remove any character constants
$in =~  s/\'(.?(${0})*?)\'//gms;

# Remove any string literals
$in =~ s/\"(.*?)\"//gms;

# Strip comments
$in =~ s/\/\*(.*?)\*\//\n/gms;
$in =~ s/\/\/(.*?)\n/\n/gms;

# Collapse whitespace into a single space or newline
$in =~ s/\t/\ /gms;
$in =~ s/\r/\ /gms;
$in =~ s/(\ )+/\ /gms;
$in =~ s/\n(\ )*/\n/gms;
$in =~ s/(\ )*\n/\n/gms;

# Tokenize on non-identifier characters
my @tokens0 = split(/(\W)/,$in);
my @tokens;
foreach $t (@tokens0) {
	next if ($t eq " " or $t eq "");
	push @tokens, $t;

my %macros;
my %filescope;
$filescope{name}='*** FILE SCOPE ***';
my @ftypedefs;
my $line=1;
parse_scope(\%filescope, \@tokens, \$line);

my @output;
push @output, &$comment_sub('*' x 80);
push @output, &$comment_sub($outfile);
push @output, &$comment_sub('*' x 80);
push @output, &$comment_sub("GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT");
push @output, "";

output_scope(\%filescope, \@output);

push @output, &$end_sub();
push @output, "";

open OUT, ">$outfile" or die "Can't open $outfile for write\n";
print OUT join("\n", @output);
print OUT "\n\n";
close OUT;

sub get_token($$) {
	my ($tokenlist,$line) = @_;
	while (scalar(@$tokenlist)) {
		my $t = shift @$tokenlist;
		return $t if (!defined($t));
		return $t if ($t !~ /^\s*$/);

sub skip_qualifiers($) {
	my ($tokens) = @_;
	my $f=0;
	my %quals = (
		EXPORT_C => 1,
		IMPORT_C => 1,
		inline => 1,
		const => 0,
		volatile => 0,
		static => 0,
		extern => 0,
		LOCAL_C => 0,
		LOCAL_D => 0,
		GLDEF_C => 0,
		GLREF_C => 0,
		GLDEF_D => 0,
		GLREF_D => 0
	for (;;) {
		my $t = $$tokens[0];
		my $q = $quals{$t};
		last unless (defined ($q));
		$f |= $q;
		shift @$tokens;
	return $f;

sub parse_indirection($) {
	my ($tokens) = @_;
	my $level = 0;
	for (;;) {
		my $t = $$tokens[0];
		if ($t eq '*') {
			shift @$tokens;
		last if ($t ne "const" and $t ne "volatile");
		shift @$tokens;
	return $level;

sub parse_scope($$$) {
	my ($scope, $tokens, $line) = @_;
	my $state = 0;
	my %values;
	my @classes;
	my @enums;
	my $curr_offset=0;
	my $overall_align=0;
	while (scalar(@$tokens)) {
		my $t = shift @$tokens;
		if ($state>=-1 and $t eq "\n") {
		} elsif ($state==-1 and $t ne "\n") {
		} elsif ($state==-2 and $t ne ';') {
		if ($state>0 and $t eq '#') {
			if ($scope->{scope}) {
				warn "Preprocessor directive in class/struct at line $$line\n";
			$t = shift @$tokens;
			if ($t eq 'define') {
				my $ident = shift @$tokens;
				my $defn = shift @$tokens;
				if ($defn ne '(') {	# don't do macros with parameters
					$macros{$ident} = $defn;
			$state=-1;	# skip to next line
		if ($t eq "struct" or $t eq "class") {
			next if ($state==0);
			my %cl;
			my @members;
			my @typedefs;
			my $new_class = \%cl;
			my $n = get_token($tokens,$line);
			if ($n !~ /\w+/) {
				die "Unnamed $t not supported at line $$line\n";
			my @class_match = grep {$_->{name} eq $n} @classes;
			my $exists = scalar(@class_match);
			my $b = get_token($tokens,$line);
			if ($b eq ':') {
				die "Inheritance not supported at line $$line\n";
			} elsif ($b eq ';') {
				# forward declaration
				push @classes, $new_class unless ($exists);
			} elsif ($b ne '{') {
				die "Syntax error at line $$line\n";
			if ($exists) {
				$new_class = $class_match[0];
				if ($new_class->{complete}) {
					die "Duplicate definition of $cl{specifier} $n\n";
			push @classes, $new_class unless ($exists);
			parse_scope($new_class, $tokens, $line);
		} elsif ($t eq "enum") {
			my $n = get_token($tokens,$line);
			my $name="";
			if ($n =~ /\w+/) {
				$name = $n;
				$n = get_token($tokens,$line);
			push @enums, $name;
			if ($n ne '{') {
				die "Syntax error at line $$line\n";
			parse_enum($scope, $tokens, $line, $name);
		} elsif ($t eq '}') {
			if ($scope->{scope}) {
				$t = get_token($tokens,$line);
				if ($t eq ';') {
			die "Syntax error at line $$line\n";
		if ($scope->{scope}) {
			if ($t eq "public" or $t eq "private" or $t eq "protected") {
				if (shift (@$tokens) eq ':') {
					next;	# ignore access specifiers
			die "Syntax error at line $$line\n";
		unshift @$tokens, $t;
		my @currdecl = parse_decl_def($scope, $tokens, $line);
		if ($t eq 'static') {
			next;	# skip static members
		my $typedef;
		if ($t eq 'typedef') {
			$typedef = 1;
			$t = shift @currdecl;
			$t = $currdecl[0];
		} else {
			$typedef = 0;
		next if (scalar(@currdecl)==0);
		if ($t eq "const") {
			# check for constant declaration
			my $ctype = lookup_type($scope, $currdecl[1]);
			if ($ctype->{basic} and $currdecl[2]=~/^\w+$/ and $currdecl[3] eq '=') {
				if ($typedef!=0) {
					die "Syntax error at line $$line\n";
				shift @currdecl;
				shift @currdecl;
				my $type = $ctype->{name};
				my $name = shift @currdecl;
				my $size = $ctype->{size};
				shift @currdecl;
				my $value = get_constant_expr($scope,\@currdecl,$line);
				$values{$name} = {type=>$type, size=>$size, value=>$value};
		if (skip_qualifiers(\@currdecl)!=0 or ($scope->{file} and !$typedef)) {
			next;	# function declaration or stuff at file scope
		my $type1 = shift @currdecl;	# type, type pointed to or return type
		if ($type1 !~ /^\w+$/) {
			die "Syntax error at line $$line\n";
		my $ind1 = parse_indirection(\@currdecl);
		my $ident;	# identifier being declared
		my $size = -1;
		my $array = -1;
		my $align = 0;
		my $alias;
		my $category;
		if ($currdecl[0] eq '(' and $currdecl[1] eq '*' and $currdecl[2]=~/^\w+$/) {
			# function pointer
			$ident = $currdecl[2];
			$size = 4;
			$category = 'fptr';
			shift @currdecl;
			shift @currdecl;
			shift @currdecl;
		} elsif ($currdecl[0]=~/^\w+$/) {
			$ident = shift @currdecl;
			if ($currdecl[0] ne '(') {
				# not function declaration
				if ($ind1>0) {
					# pointer
					$category = 'ptr';
					$size = 4;
				} else {
					my $type2 = lookup_type($scope, $type1);
					if (!defined($type2)) {
						die "Unrecognised type $type1 at line $$line\n";
					if ($type2->{basic}) {
						$alias = $type2->{name};
						$size = $type2->{size};
						$category = 'basic';
					} elsif ($type2->{enum}) {
						$alias = $type2->{name};
						$category = 'enum';
						$size = 4;
					} elsif ($type2->{class}) {
						$alias = $type2->{name};
						$size = $type2->{class}->{size};
						$category = 'class';
						$align = $type2->{class}->{align};
					} elsif ($type->{ptr}) {
						$size = 4;
						$category = 'ptr';
						$align = 4;
					} elsif ($type->{fptr}) {
						$size = 4;
						$category = 'ptr';
						$align = 4;
		if ($size>0) {
			# data member declared
			# check for array
			if ($currdecl[0] eq '[') {
				shift @currdecl;
				$array = get_constant_expr($scope, \@currdecl, $line);
				if ($array<=0) {
					die "Bad array size at line $$line\n";
				if ($currdecl[0] ne ']') {
					die "Syntax error at line $$line\n";
			my $members = $scope->{members};
			my $typedefs = $scope->{typedefs};
			if ($align==0) {
				$align = $size;
			my $am = $align-1;
			unless ($typedef) {
				my $al = $curr_offset & $am;
				if ($align==8 and $al!=0) {
					die "Bad alignment of 64-bit data $ident at line $$line\n";
				$curr_offset += ($align-$al) if ($al!=0);
			if ($array>0) {
				$size = ($size + $am) &~ $am;
				if ($typedef) {
					push @$typedefs, {name=>$ident, category=>$category, alias=>$alias, size=>$size*$array, spacing=>$size, array=>$array};
				} else {
					push @$members, {name=>$ident, size=>$size*$array, offset=>$curr_offset, spacing=>$size};
				$size *= $array;
			} else {
				if ($typedef) {
					push @$typedefs, {name=>$ident, category=>$category, alias=>$alias, size=>$size};
				} else {
					push @$members, {name=>$ident, size=>$size, offset=>$curr_offset};
			unless ($typedef) {
				$curr_offset += $size;
				if ($align > $overall_align) {
					$overall_align = $align;
	if ($scope->{scope}) {
		if ($state==-2) {
			die "Missing ; at end of file\n";
		if (!$scope->{complete}) {
			die "Unexpected end of file at line $$line\n";
		my $total_size = ($curr_offset + $overall_align - 1) &~ ($overall_align - 1);
		$scope->{size} = $total_size;
		$scope->{align} = $overall_align;

sub get_operand($$$) {
	my ($scope,$tokens,$line) = @_;
	my $t = get_token($tokens,$line);
	if ($t eq '-') {
		my $x = get_operand($scope,$tokens,$line);
		return -$x;
	} elsif ($t eq '+') {
		my $x = get_operand($scope,$tokens,$line);
		return $x;
	} elsif ($t eq '~') {
		my $x = get_operand($scope,$tokens,$line);
		return ~$x;
	} elsif ($t eq '!') {
		my $x = get_operand($scope,$tokens,$line);
		return $x ? 0 : 1;
	} elsif ($t eq '(') {
		my $x = get_constant_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
		my $t = get_token($tokens,$line);
		if ($t ne ')') {
			die "Missing ) at line $$line\n";
		return $x;
	} elsif ($t eq "sizeof") {
		my $ident = get_token($tokens,$line);
		if ($ident eq '(') {
			$ident = get_token($tokens,$line);
			my $cb = get_token($tokens,$line);
			if ($cb ne ')') {
				die "Bad sizeof() syntax at line $$line\n";
		$ident = look_through_macros($ident);
		if ($ident !~ /^\w+$/) {
			die "Bad sizeof() syntax at line $$line\n";
		my $type = lookup_type($scope, $ident);
		if (!defined $type) {
			die "Unrecognised type $ident at line $$line\n";
		if ($type->{basic}) {
			return $type->{size};
		} elsif ($type->{enum}) {
			return 4;
		} elsif ($type->{ptr}) {
			return 4;
		} elsif ($type->{fptr}) {
			return 4;
		my $al = $type->{class}->{align};
		my $sz = $type->{class}->{size};
		return ($sz+$al-1)&~($al-1);
	$t = look_through_macros($t);
	if ($t =~ /^0x[0-9a-f]+/i) {
		return oct($t);
	} elsif ($t =~ /^\d/) {
		return $t;
	} elsif ($t =~ /^\w+$/) {
		my $x = lookup_value($scope,$t);
		die "Unrecognised identifier '$t' at line $$line\n" unless defined($x);
		return $x;
	} else {
		die "Syntax error at line $$line\n";

sub look_through_macros($) {
	my ($ident) = @_;
	while ($ident and $macros{$ident}) {
		$ident = $macros{$ident};
	return $ident;

sub lookup_value($$) {
	my ($scope,$ident) = @_;
	while ($scope) {
		my $vl = $scope->{values};
		if (defined($vl->{$ident})) {
			return $vl->{$ident}->{value};
		$scope = $scope->{scope};
	return undef();

sub lookup_type($$) {
	my ($scope,$ident) = @_;
	if ($basictypes{$ident}) {
		return {scope=>$scope, basic=>1, name=>$ident, size=>$basictypes{$ident} };
	while ($scope) {
		if ($basictypes{$ident}) {
			return {scope=>$scope, basic=>1, name=>$ident, size=>$basictypes{$ident} };
		my $el = $scope->{enums};
		my $cl = $scope->{classes};
		my $td = $scope->{typedefs};
		if (grep {$_ eq $ident} @$el) {
			return {scope=>$scope, enum=>1, name=>$ident, size=>4 };
		my @match_class = (grep {$_->{name} eq $ident} @$cl);
		if (scalar(@match_class)) {
			return {scope=>$scope, class=>$match_class[0]};
		my @match_td = (grep {$_->{name} eq $ident} @$td);
		if (scalar(@match_td)) {
			my $tdr = $match_td[0];
			my $cat = $tdr->{category};
			if ($cat eq 'basic' or $cat eq 'enum' or $cat eq 'class') {
				$ident = $tdr->{alias};
			} else {
				return { scope=>$scope, $cat=>1, $size=>$tdr->{size} };
		$scope = $scope->{scope};
	return undef();

sub get_mult_expr($$$) {
	my ($scope,$tokens,$line) = @_;
	my $x = get_operand($scope,$tokens,$line);
	my $t;
	for (;;) {
		$t = get_token($tokens,$line);
		if ($t eq '*') {
			my $y = get_operand($scope,$tokens,$line);
			$x = $x * $y;
		} elsif ($t eq '/') {
			my $y = get_operand($scope,$tokens,$line);
			$x = int($x / $y);
		} elsif ($t eq '%') {
			my $y = get_operand($scope,$tokens,$line);
			$x = int($x % $y);
		} else {
	unshift @$tokens, $t;
	return $x;

sub get_add_expr($$$) {
	my ($scope,$tokens,$line) = @_;
	my $x = get_mult_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
	my $t;
	for (;;) {
		$t = get_token($tokens,$line);
		if ($t eq '+') {
			my $y = get_mult_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
			$x = $x + $y;
		} elsif ($t eq '-') {
			my $y = get_mult_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
			$x = $x - $y;
		} else {
	unshift @$tokens, $t;
	return $x;

sub get_shift_expr($$$) {
	my ($scope,$tokens,$line) = @_;
	my $x = get_add_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
	my $t, $t2;
	for (;;) {
		$t = get_token($tokens,$line);
		if ($t eq '<' or $t eq '>') {
			$t2 = get_token($tokens,$line);
			if ($t2 ne $t) {
				unshift @$tokens, $t2;
		if ($t eq '<') {
			my $y = get_add_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
			$x = $x << $y;
		} elsif ($t eq '>') {
			my $y = get_add_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
			$x = $x >> $y;
		} else {
	unshift @$tokens, $t;
	return $x;

sub get_and_expr($$$) {
	my ($scope,$tokens,$line) = @_;
	my $x = get_shift_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
	my $t;
	for (;;) {
		$t = get_token($tokens,$line);
		if ($t eq '&') {
			my $y = get_shift_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
			$x = $x & $y;
		} else {
	unshift @$tokens, $t;
	return $x;

sub get_xor_expr($$$) {
	my ($scope,$tokens,$line) = @_;
	my $x = get_and_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
	my $t;
	for (;;) {
		$t = get_token($tokens,$line);
		if ($t eq '^') {
			my $y = get_and_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
			$x = $x ^ $y;
		} else {
	unshift @$tokens, $t;
	return $x;

sub get_ior_expr($$$) {
	my ($scope,$tokens,$line) = @_;
	my $x = get_xor_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
	my $t;
	for (;;) {
		$t = get_token($tokens,$line);
		if ($t eq '|') {
			my $y = get_xor_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
			$x = $x | $y;
		} else {
	unshift @$tokens, $t;
	return $x;

sub get_constant_expr($$$) {
	my ($scope,$tokens,$line) = @_;
	my $x = get_ior_expr($scope,$tokens,$line);
	return $x;

sub parse_enum($$$$) {
	my ($scope,$tokens,$line,$enum_name) = @_;
	my $vl = $scope->{values};
	my $x = 0;
	for (;;) {
		my $t = get_token($tokens,$line);
		last if ($t eq '}');
		if (!defined($t)) {
			die "Unexpected end of file at line $$line\n";
		if ($t !~ /^\w+$/) {
			die "Syntax error at line $$line\n";
		if (defined($vl->{$t})) {
			die "Duplicate identifier at line $$line\n";
		my $t2 = get_token($tokens,$line);
		if ($t2 eq ',') {
			$vl->{$t} = {type=>$enum_name, size=>4, value=>$x, enum=>1};
		} elsif ($t2 eq '}') {
			$vl->{$t} = {type=>$enum_name, size=>4, value=>$x, enum=>1};
		} elsif ($t2 eq '=') {
			$x = get_constant_expr($scope, $tokens, $line);
			$vl->{$t} = {type=>$enum_name, size=>4, value=>$x, enum=>1};
			$t2 = get_token($tokens,$line);
			last if ($t2 eq '}');
			next if ($t2 eq ',');
			die "Syntax error at line $$line\n";
		} else {
			unshift @$tokens, $t2;
	my $t = get_token($tokens,$line);
	if ($t ne ';') {
		die "Missing ; at line $$line\n";

sub parse_decl_def($$$) {
	my ($scope,$tokens,$line) = @_;
	my $level=0;
	my @decl;
	while ( scalar(@$tokens) ) {
		my $t = get_token($tokens, $line);
		if ($t eq ';' and $level==0) {
			return @decl;
		push @decl, $t;
		if ($t eq '{') {
		if ($t eq '}') {
			if ($level==0) {
				die "Syntax error at line $$line\n";
			if (--$level==0) {
				return ();	# end of function definition reached
	die "Unexpected end of file at line $$line\n";

sub dump_scope($) {
	my ($scope) = @_;
	my $el = $scope->{enums};
	my $cl = $scope->{classes};
	my $vl = $scope->{values};
	print "SCOPE: $scope->{name}\n";
	if (scalar(@$el)) {
		print "\tenums:\n";
		foreach (@$el) {
			print "\t\t$_\n";
	if (scalar(keys(%$vl))) {
		print "\tvalues:\n";
		foreach $vname (keys(%$vl)) {
			my $v = $vl->{$vname};
			my $x = $v->{value};
			my $t = $v->{type};
			my $sz = $v->{size};
			if ($v->{enum}) {
				print "\t\t$vname\=$x (enum $t) size=$sz\n";
			} else {
				print "\t\t$vname\=$x (type $t) size=$sz\n";
	if ($scope->{scope}) {
		my $members = $scope->{members};
		foreach (@$members) {
			my $n = $_->{name};
			my $sz = $_->{size};
			my $off = $_->{offset};
			my $spc = $_->{spacing};
			if (defined $spc) {
				print "\t$n\[\]\: spacing $spc size $sz offset $off\n";
			} else {
				print "\t$n\: size $sz offset $off\n";
		print "\tOverall size : $scope->{size}\n";
		print "\tOverall align: $scope->{align}\n";
	foreach $s (@$cl) {

sub output_scope($$) {
	my ($scope, $out) = @_;
	my $el = $scope->{enums};
	my $cl = $scope->{classes};
	my $vl = $scope->{values};
	my $sn = scope_full_name($scope);
	my $sp = ($scope->{file}) ? "" : $sn."_";
	if ($scope->{file}) {
		push @$out, "";
		push @$out, &$comment_sub("FILE SCOPE");
		push @$out, "";
	} else {
		push @$out, "";
		push @$out, &$comment_sub($scope->{specifier}." ".$scope->{name});
		push @$out, "";
	if (scalar(keys(%$vl))) {
		foreach $vname (keys(%$vl)) {
			my $v = $vl->{$vname};
			my $x = $v->{value};
			my $t = $v->{type};
			my $sz = $v->{size};
			push @$out, &$format_sub($sp.$vname, $x);
	if ($scope->{scope}) {
		my $members = $scope->{members};
		foreach (@$members) {
			my $n = $_->{name};
			my $sz = $_->{size};
			my $off = $_->{offset};
			my $spc = $_->{spacing};
			push @$out, &$format_sub($sp.$n, $off);
			if (defined $spc) {
				push @$out, &$format_sub($sp.$n."_spc", $spc);
		push @$out, &$format_sub($sp."sz", $scope->{size});
	foreach $s (@$cl) {
		if ($s->{complete})	{
			output_scope($s, $out);

sub scope_full_name($) {
	my ($scope) = @_;
	if ($scope->{file}) {
		return "";
	my $parent = $scope->{scope};
	if ($parent->{file}) {
		return $scope->{name};
	return scope_full_name($parent)."_".$scope->{name};

sub pad($$) {
	my ($lineref, $n) = @_;
	my $l = length ($$lineref);
	if ($l < $n) {
		$$lineref .= ' 'x($n-$l);

# Subroutines for ARMASM compatible output
sub armasm_format($$;$) {
	my ($name, $value, $comment) = @_;
	my $r = "$name ";
	pad(\$r, 40);
	$r .= sprintf("EQU 0x%08x", $value & 0xFFFFFFFF);
	if ($comment and $comment!~/^\s*$/) {
		$r .= " ";
		pad(\$r, 60);
		$r .= "; $comment";
	return $r;

sub armasm_comment($) {
	my ($comment) = @_;
	return "; $comment";

sub armasm_end() {
	return "\n\tEND\n";

# Subroutines for GNU AS compatible output
sub as_format($$;$) {
	my ($name, $value, $comment) = @_;
	my $r = "    .equ $name, ";
	pad(\$r, 50);
	$r .= sprintf("0x%08x", $value & 0xFFFFFFFF);
	if ($comment and $comment!~/^\s*$/) {
		$r .= " ";
		pad(\$r, 65);
		$r .= "/* $comment */";
	return $r;

sub as_comment($) {
	my ($comment) = @_;
	if (length ($comment) > 0) {
		return "/* $comment */";
	} else {
		return "";

sub as_end() {
	return "";

# Subroutines for Turbo Assembler compatible output
sub tasm_format($$;$) {
	my ($name, $value, $comment) = @_;
	my $r = "$name ";
	pad(\$r, 40);
	$r .= sprintf("EQU 0%08xh", $value & 0xFFFFFFFF);
	if ($comment and $comment!~/^\s*$/) {
		$r .= " ";
		pad(\$r, 60);
		$r .= "; $comment";
	return $r;

sub tasm_comment($) {
	my ($comment) = @_;
	return "; $comment";

sub tasm_end() {
	return "";