author Mike Kinghan <>
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 14:32:12 +0000
changeset 79 f7dee603db09
parent 31 9018dfead457
permissions -rw-r--r--
[GCCE] We need a way for the HAL config extension to parameterise the HAL config file (.hcf) that will be used, depending upon the toolchain we are building with. E.g. if we are building BeagleBoard with RVCT we can configure hardware floating point because we have ARM's vfp math libraries; if we are building it with GCC, we lack this library support.

# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# all variables called *Path* are set up to end with a backslash
# all variables called *Path or *File are stored as absolute (file)paths within makmake
# all variables called UpPath* are stored as relative paths within makmake

use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd;
use strict;
# modified start: makefile improvement 
use File::stat;
use Time::localtime;
# modified end: makefile improvement 

my $PerlLibPath;    # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules

# Prototype to remove warning.
sub AddStringTables();

# check user has a version of perl that will cope
	require 5.005_03;
# establish the path to the Perl libraries: currently the same directory as this script
	$PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin;	# X:/epoc32/tools
	$PerlLibPath =~ s/\//\\/g;	# X:\epoc32\tools
	$PerlLibPath .= "\\";

use lib $PerlLibPath;
use E32env;
use E32Plat;
use E32Variant;
use Genutl;
use Modload;
use Pathutl;
use Trgtype;
use CheckSource;
use featurevariantparser;
use featurevariantmap;



my %Options;
my %Plat;
my %TruePlat;
my %BldMacros;
my $PlatArg;
my @PlatOverrideList=();
my $EABIDef;
my $DebugSwitch=undef;

my $IsCompilerWrapperOption = 0;
my $IsProxyWrapperOption = 0;
my $FeatureVariantArg;
my %FeatureVariantInfo;

	# process the command line
	unless (GetOptions(\%Options, 'd', 'mmp', 'plat=s', 'v', 'arm', 'nd' , 'ithumb' , 'iarm' , 'debug', 'no_debug', 'logfc','wrap:s')) {
		exit 1;
	#Update the variable to set the information of -wrap option
	if(exists($Options{wrap})) {
		if ($Options{wrap} eq "") {
			# Set the Compiler wrapper option information i.e. '1'
			$IsCompilerWrapperOption = 1;
		} elsif ($Options{wrap} eq "proxy") {
			$IsProxyWrapperOption = 1;
		} else {
			print "WARNING: Invalid value for option -wrap: $Options{wrap}\n";
	$Options{makemakefile}='1' unless ($Options{mmp} || $Options{plat});

	if ($Options{mmp} or $Options{plat}) {
		eval { &Load_ModuleL('MAKHELP'); };
		die $@ if $@;

	if ($Options{mmp}) {

	if ($Options{plat}) {
		eval { &Plat_GetL($Options{plat},\%Plat,\%BldMacros); };
		die $@ if $@;
		eval { &Load_ModuleL($Plat{MakeMod}); };
		die $@ if $@;
		&Help_Plat($Plat{Real},$Plat{CPU}, $Plat{DefFile}, \@{$Plat{MmpMacros}},\@{$Plat{Macros}});

#	show help & exit if necessary
	if (@ARGV != 2) {
	if ($Options{v}) {
		print "perl -S @ARGV\n";

	$PlatArg=uc pop @ARGV;

	# Process build platform arguments where they differ from the "norm"
	if ($PlatArg=~/^(\S+)\.(\S+)$/)
		# Explicit feature variant platforms take the form <base platform>.<variant name>
		# e.g. armv5.variant1
	elsif ($PlatArg=~/^(\S+):(\S+)$/)
		# IDE platforms can take the form cw_ide:<platform-1>+<platform-2>+<platform-n>
		# e.g. cw_ide:plat1+plat2+plat3

	eval { &Plat_GetL($PlatArg,\%TruePlat,\%BldMacros); };
	die $@ if $@;
	if (scalar @PlatOverrideList) {

	die "ERROR: Can't specify MMP file on a different drive\n" if $MMPFILE=~/^\w:\\/o;
	if ($MMPFILE!~/.MMP$/io) {

	eval { &Load_ModuleL('Mmp'); };
	die $@ if $@;
	if ($Options{v}) {
	if ($Options{d}) {
		die "ERROR: $E32env::Data{EPOCPath} does not exist\n" if (!-d $E32env::Data{EPOCPath});
	if ($Options{debug}) {
		$DebugSwitch = 1;
		$DebugSwitch = 0;

my %LinkerOptions;
my %WarningLevel;
my $ABI;
my @AifStruct;
my $AllowDllData;
my $CompressTarget;
my $CompressTargetMode;   #NONE
my $ASSPExports;
my @ASSPLibList;
my @BitMapStruct;
my $BuildAsARM=$Options{arm};
my $CallDllEntryPoints;
my $Capability;
my @CapabilityFlags;
my $DataLinkAddress;
my @DebugLibList;
my %Def;
my %DocHash;
my $ExportUnfrozen;
my $FirstLib;
my $FixedProcess;
my %HeapSize;
my @LibList;
my $LinkAs;
my $LinkAsBase;
my $ExportLibrary;
my $NoExportLibrary;
my %MmpFlag;
my @PlatTxt2D;
my $ProcessPriority;
my @RamTargets;
my @ResourceStruct;
my @RomTargets;
my $SmpSafe;
my @SourceStruct;
my $StackSize;
my @StatLibList;    
my $StdCpp;
my $NoStdCpp;
my $NewLib;
my @SysIncPaths;
my @ResourceSysIncPaths;
my $ResourceVariantMacroHRHFile;
my $Trg;
my %TrgType;
my @UidList;
my @UserIncPaths;
my $SrcDbg;
my %Path;
my %Version;
my $SecureId;
my $VendorId;
my $variantMacroHRHFile = Variant_GetMacroHRHFile();  # HRH file containing macros specific to a variant
my %ReplaceOptions;
my @StringTable;
my @StringTableUserIncPaths;
my $CodePagingTargetMode;	# 0-N/A, 1-UNPAGED, 2-PAGED
my $DataPagingTargetMode;	# 0-N/A, 1-UNPAGED, 2-PAGED
my %CheckSourceUDEBIncludes;
my %CheckSourceURELIncludes;
my %CheckSourceMMPMetaData;
my %CheckSourceMMPIncludes;
my $IsWideCharMain=0;

use constant NOTPAGED => 0;
use constant UNPAGED => 1;
use constant PAGED => 2;


use constant NOTDEBUGGABLE => 0;
use constant DEBUGGABLE =>  1;
use constant DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY => 2;

# If the platform does support feature variants but none are specified, then we assume the use of "DEFAULT" if it exists
# If default doesn't exist feature variantion is basically disabled?
$FeatureVariantArg = 'default' if (!$FeatureVariantArg && defined &PMSupportsFeatureVariants && featurevariantparser->DefaultExists());

# Preload the details of the variant requested if any - we need the HRH file for MMP file processing
if ($FeatureVariantArg)
	# First check the feature variant is valid
	my @buildableFeatureVariants = featurevariantparser->GetBuildableFeatureVariants();
	die "ERROR: \"$PlatArg.$FeatureVariantArg\" feature variant is either invalid or virtual.\n" if !(grep /^$FeatureVariantArg$/i, @buildableFeatureVariants);

	# Now load the variant
	%FeatureVariantInfo = featurevariantparser->GetVariant($FeatureVariantArg);
	# Change the HRH file to use
	$variantMacroHRHFile = $FeatureVariantInfo{VARIANT_HRH} if $FeatureVariantInfo{VARIANT_HRH};
die $@ if $@;

	# set up the makefile filepath - need to do this before loading the platform module
	# because UID source file will be added and set up in the makefile path under WINS
	if ($Options{d}) {
		$MAKEFILE=join ('', $Path{Bld}, &Path_Split('Base',$MMPFILE), $TruePlat{Ext});
	else {
		$MAKEFILE=join "", &Path_WorkPath, &Path_Split('Base',$MMPFILE), $TruePlat{Ext};

	# Generate an X86GCC def file from eabi def file in build dir if needed
	if (($PlatArg eq "X86GCC" || $PlatArg eq "X86GMP") && $Def{Base} && not -e &DefFile)
		# Find the equivalent eabi def file
		my $eabiDefFile = File::Spec->canonpath("$Def{Path}../eabi/$Def{Base}$Def{Ext}");
		if (-e $eabiDefFile)
			# Need to create MAKEFILE directory early in this case
			eval { &Path_MakePathL($MAKEFILE); };
			die $@ if $@;
			# Change def file path to build path 
			$Def{Path} = $Path{Bld};
			&generateX86GCCDefFile($eabiDefFile, &DefFile);
			print "WARNING: Unable to find EABI def file at $eabiDefFile to generate X86GCC def file with\n";


#	load the platform module
	eval { &Load_ModuleL($TruePlat{MakeMod}); };
	die $@ if $@;

	unless (defined &PMHelp_Mmp) {
#		check this function is defined - all modules must have it - if not perhaps the
#		platform module has not loaded is compiler module successfully via "use"
		die "ERROR: Module \"$Plat{MakeMod}\" not loaded successfully\n";

	# Allow the platform to bow out if feature variants have been specified but it doesn't support them
	if ($FeatureVariantArg && !defined &PMSupportsFeatureVariants)
		die "ERROR: The \"$PlatArg\" platform does not support feature variants.\n";

	# allow the platform to bow out if it can't support some .MMP file specifications
	if (defined &PMCheckPlatformL) {
		eval { &PMCheckPlatformL(); };
		die $@ if $@;

my @StdIncPaths=();

	# get the platform module to do it's mmpfile processing - WINS modules may set up an extra source file
	# for UIDs here depending upon the targettype
	&PMPlatProcessMmp(@PlatTxt2D) if defined &PMPlatProcessMmp;

%CheckSourceMMPMetaData = &Mmp_CheckSourceMMPMetaData();
%CheckSourceMMPIncludes = &Mmp_CheckSourceMMPIncludes();

# merge checksource processing from platform specific .mmp sections, if applicable
%CheckSourceMMPMetaData = (%CheckSourceMMPMetaData, &PMPlatCheckSource()) if defined &PMPlatCheckSource;

@ResourceSysIncPaths = @SysIncPaths;
$ResourceVariantMacroHRHFile = $variantMacroHRHFile;


# Process feature variants if applicable

if ($FeatureVariantArg)
	if ($Options{v})
		$featurevariantmap::verbose = 1;
		$featurevariantparser::verbose = 1;

	# Get the default variant details
	my %DefaultFeatureVariantInfo = $FeatureVariantInfo{NAME} =~ /^default$/i ? %FeatureVariantInfo : featurevariantparser->GetVariant("DEFAULT");	
	die "ERROR: Feature variant \"$PlatArg.default\" is invalid.\n" if !$DefaultFeatureVariantInfo{VALID};

	# The following IF statement decides whether to use the default variant and not use the hash in the filename 
	# This prevents the generation of dll's/exe's for which variants are not needed (i.e they are invariant)
	# It also avoids the time-consuming and redundant hash generation
	# A component is considered invariant if it's not a DLL or EXE or FEATUREVARIANT isn't present in the .mmp file
# modified start: makefile improvement 
	if ($TrgType{Basic} =~ /^(EXEDLL|EXE|DLL|LIB)$/ && &Mmp_IsFeatureVariant)
# modified end: makefile improvement 
		# Load the requested variant if it hasn't already been preloaded		
		%FeatureVariantInfo = featurevariantparser->GetVariant($FeatureVariantArg) if !$FeatureVariantInfo{NAME} || $FeatureVariantInfo{NAME} ne $FeatureVariantArg;
		# Use the default variant
		%FeatureVariantInfo = %DefaultFeatureVariantInfo;
		$FeatureVariantInfo{INVARIANT} = 1;
		$FeatureVariantInfo{NAME} = uc $FeatureVariantArg;

	die "ERROR: Feature variant \"$PlatArg.$FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}\" is invalid.\n" if !$FeatureVariantInfo{VALID};
	my @featureVariantSysIncPaths = (@{$FeatureVariantInfo{BUILD_INCLUDES}},@SysIncPaths);
	# Further process paths and filenames so that they include a drive letter.
	# We store this in a hash specifically for passing on to featurevariantmap->Hash
	my @processedIncludes = &Path_PrefixWithDrive(&Path_Chop(@UserIncPaths), &Path_Chop(@featureVariantSysIncPaths));
	push @processedIncludes, &Path_Chop(&PMToolChainIncDir) if defined &PMToolChainIncDir && &PMToolChainIncDir;
	my $processedPreInclude = "";
	if (defined &PMPrefixFile)
		$processedPreInclude = &PMPrefixFile;
		$processedPreInclude =~ s/\"//g;
		$processedPreInclude = &Path_PrefixWithDrive($processedPreInclude);		

	my %processedFeatureVariantInfo;
	$processedFeatureVariantInfo{PREINCLUDE} = $processedPreInclude if $processedPreInclude;
	$processedFeatureVariantInfo{BUILD_INCLUDES} = \@processedIncludes if @processedIncludes;
	$processedFeatureVariantInfo{VALID} = 1;
	# Pass in the details of the macros tested in the MMP
	$processedFeatureVariantInfo{MMPTESTED} = &Mmp_TestedMacros();

	my @pathedSrcList = ();
	push @pathedSrcList, Path_PrefixWithDrive($$_{SrcPath}.$$_{CurFile}) foreach (@SourceStruct);

	foreach my $bld (@{$Plat{Blds}})
# modified start: makefile improvement 
		my @reusedHash;
# modified end: makefile improvement 
		if ($FeatureVariantInfo{INVARIANT})															# Invariant override
			$FeatureVariantInfo{$bld."_LABEL"} = "INVARIANT";
# modified by SV start: makefile improvement 
			my $vmap = "$E32env::Data{RelPath}".lc($Plat{Real})."\\".lc($bld)."\\".Trg()."." . $FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}.".vmap";
# modified by SV end: makefile improvement 
			$vmap = Path_PrefixWithDrive($vmap);
			if(-e $vmap){
				my @variantlist = featurevariantmap->GetVariantListFromVmap($vmap);
				my @calls;
					my $target = "CHECKVMAP".uc($bld);
					my $makefile = $MAKEFILE.".".$_;
					if(-e $makefile){
						push @calls, "make -r -f \"$makefile\"  $target";
				foreach my $call (@calls)
					print "call: $call" if $Options{v};
					open PIPE, "$call |";
					while(<PIPE>) {
						print $_;
					close PIPE;
				if(-e $vmap){
					@reusedHash = featurevariantmap->CheckOldVmapFile($vmap, \%FeatureVariantInfo);
				$FeatureVariantInfo{$bld."_LABEL"} = $reusedHash[0];
				$FeatureVariantInfo{$bld."_FEATURES"} = $reusedHash[1];
# modified end: makefile improvement 
			my @macros = (@{$Plat{Macros}}, @{$BldMacros{$bld}}, "__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__");
			push @macros, "__PRODUCT_INCLUDE__=\"".&Path_PrefixWithDrive($FeatureVariantInfo{VARIANT_HRH})."\"" if $FeatureVariantInfo{VARIANT_HRH};
			$processedFeatureVariantInfo{MACROS} = \@macros;

			print ("Feature variant hash processing: \"$FeatureVariantInfo{NAME} $bld\"\n") if $Options{v};
			my @result = featurevariantmap->HashAndFeatures(\@pathedSrcList, \%processedFeatureVariantInfo);
			$FeatureVariantInfo{$bld."_LABEL"} = $result[0];
			$FeatureVariantInfo{$bld."_FEATURES"} = $result[1];
			die "ERROR: Can't obtain hash for \"$PlatArg.$FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}\" feature variant.\n" if !$FeatureVariantInfo{$bld."_LABEL"};

	# Customise standard content based on feature variant updates
	@SysIncPaths = @featureVariantSysIncPaths;
	$variantMacroHRHFile = $FeatureVariantInfo{VARIANT_HRH};
	$MAKEFILE .= ".$FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}";

	# Resources are always processed in the context of the default variant's system include and variant files when
	# feature variants are in use
	@ResourceSysIncPaths = (@{$DefaultFeatureVariantInfo{BUILD_INCLUDES}},@ResourceSysIncPaths);
	$ResourceVariantMacroHRHFile = $DefaultFeatureVariantInfo{VARIANT_HRH};

	# if verbose mode set, output some info
	if ($Options{v}) {
			"Target: \"$Trg\"\n",
			"TargetType: \"$TrgType{Name}\"\n",
			"Libraries: \"@LibList\"\n",
			"Debug Libraries: \"@DebugLibList\"\n",
			"Static Libraries: \"@StatLibList\"\n",
			"Uids: \"@UidList\"\n",
			"BuildVariants: \"@{$Plat{Blds}}\"\n",
			"TargetMakeFile: \"$MAKEFILE\"\n",
			"UserIncludes: \"<Source Dir> @UserIncPaths\"\n",
			"SystemIncludes: \"@SysIncPaths\"\n"

	if (%FeatureVariantInfo)
			"Feature Variant Name: \"$FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}\"\n",
			"Feature Variant SystemIncludes: \"@{$FeatureVariantInfo{BUILD_INCLUDES}}\"\n",
			"Feature Variant HRH file: \"$FeatureVariantInfo{VARIANT_HRH}\"\n";

		foreach my $bld (@{$Plat{Blds}})
			print "Feature Variant $bld Label: \"".$FeatureVariantInfo{$bld."_LABEL"}."\"\n";			

# Special handling for non-default invariant makefiles without FEATUREVARIANT in the MMP file
# In this situation the default variant makefle is just included into the variant makefile
# modified start: makefile improvement 
if ($TrgType{Basic} =~ /^(EXEDLL|EXE|DLL|LIB)$/ && %FeatureVariantInfo && $FeatureVariantInfo{INVARIANT})
	$MAKEFILE =~ s/([^.]*$)/DEFAULT/;
# modified by SV start: makefile improvement 
		if( $FeatureVariantInfo{NAME} !~ /^default$/i)
				print "not creating makefile for  : $FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}\n" if ($Options{v});
# modified by SV end: makefile improvement 
	if(-e $MAKEFILE )
		my $mmp_time = -M $MMPFILE;
		my $makefile_time = -M $MAKEFILE;
		if( $makefile_time <= $mmp_time)
	undef %FeatureVariantInfo;
	%FeatureVariantInfo = featurevariantparser->GetVariant("default");
	$FeatureVariantInfo{INVARIANT} = 1;
	$FeatureVariantInfo{UREL_LABEL} = 'INVARIANT';
	$FeatureVariantInfo{UDEB_LABEL} = 'INVARIANT';
# modified by SV start: makefile improvement 
	my $variant_info = &Path_Chop($E32env::Data{BldPath}).$Path{BldInfPath}."\\FeatureVariantInfo\\".$Plat{Real}."\\".$Plat{Real}.".".$FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}.".".&Path_Split('Base', $MMPFILE).".info";
	#if mmp file does not exists
	$variant_info = &Path_Chop($E32env::Data{BldPath}).$Path{BldInfPath}."\\FeatureVariantInfo\\".$Plat{Real}."\\".$Plat{Real}.".".$FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}.".info" if ! -e $MMPFILE;
# modified by SV end: makefile improvement 
	my $variant_key = "VARIANT_PLAT_NAME_".&Path_Split('Base', $MMPFILE);
	my $variant_info_new = $variant_info.".tmp";
	open VARIANTINFOR_NEW, ">$variant_info_new" or die "ERROR: Can't open or create file \"$variant_info_new\"\n";

	# Open the variant infor file
	open VARIANTINFOR, "<$variant_info" or die "ERROR: Can't open file \"$variant_info\"\n";
			print VARIANTINFOR_NEW $variant_key.":=".$FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}."\n";
	# Close and cleanup
	close VARIANTINFOR or die "ERROR: Can't close file \"$variant_info\"\n";
	close VARIANTINFOR_NEW or die "ERROR: Can't close file \"$variant_info\"\n";
	unlink $variant_info;
	rename($variant_info_new, $variant_info);
	if ($Options{v}) {
		print "Successful Variant Infor File Creation\n";

# modified end: makefile improvement 

my $CurAifRef;
my $CurBaseObj;
my $CurBld;
my $CurBitMapRef;
my @CurDepList;
my $CurDoc;
my $CurResrc;
my $CurResourceRef;
my $CurSrc;
my $CurSrcPath;
my $ResrcIsSys;
# modified start: makefile improvement 
my %CurSrcSet;
# modified end: makefile improvement 

# Set up library paths getting the backend module to help if it wants to


	# Load the output module
	eval { &Load_ModuleL('OUTPUT'); };
	die $@ if $@;

	# Believe include first on the system list. 
    my $VariantFile=&main::VariantFile();
        my $VariantFilePath = Path_Split('Path',$VariantFile);

        push(@SysIncPaths, $VariantFilePath);

	my $ResourceVariantFile=&main::ResourceVariantFile();
        my $ResourceVariantFilePath = Path_Split('Path',$ResourceVariantFile);

        push(@ResourceSysIncPaths, $ResourceVariantFilePath);
    ## Add default system include info for TOOLS2
    if ($PlatArg eq 'TOOLS2') {    	
    	push @SysIncPaths , "$E32env::Data{EPOCPath}include\\tools\\stlport";

	# If the stdcpp keyword is used, or if the target type is STD* ...
	if ($StdCpp or $TrgType{Name} eq 'STDEXE' or $TrgType{Name} eq 'STDDLL' or $TrgType{Name} eq 'STDLIB') {
		push @SysIncPaths, $E32env::Data{EPOCPath}."include\\stdapis";

	&PMStartBldList($Plat{MakeCmd}) if defined &PMStartBldList;
	my $LoopBld;
	foreach $LoopBld (@{$Plat{Blds}}) {
		&PMBld if defined &PMBld;
	undef $CurBld;
	undef $LoopBld;
	&PMEndBldList if defined &PMEndBldList;

	# Load the Dependency Generator
	eval { &Load_ModuleL('MAKDEPS'); };
	die $@ if $@;
	eval { &Deps_InitL($E32env::Data{EPOCIncPath},@StdIncPaths); };
	die $@ if $@;
	if ($Options{v}) {
	if ($Plat{UsrHdrsOnly}) {

	&Deps_SetNoDependencies if(grep /boostlibrary/i, &Mmp_UserIncPaths);


	my $prefixFile;
	$prefixFile = &PMPrefixFile if defined &PMPrefixFile;
	&Deps_SetPrefixFile($prefixFile) if $prefixFile;

#	Start source list - bitmaps, resources, .AIF files, documents, sources.

	# If feature variants are in use, dependency analysis may use a different overall variant file to that for "straight" source
	my $curDepOSVariantFile = &Deps_GetOSVariantFile();

	&PMStartSrcList if defined &PMStartSrcList;

#	start bitmaps

	if ($Options{v}) {
		print "Starting bitmaps\n";
	my $LoopBitMapRef;
	foreach $LoopBitMapRef (@BitMapStruct) {
		if ($Options{v}) {
			print "BitMap: \"$$CurBitMapRef{Trg}\"\n";
		&PMBitMapBld if defined &PMBitMapBld;
	undef $CurBitMapRef;
	undef $LoopBitMapRef;

#	end bitmaps

#	start resources

	if ($Options{v}) {
		print "Starting resources\n";
	my $LoopResourceRef;
	foreach $LoopResourceRef (@ResourceStruct) {
		if ($Options{v}) {
			print "Resource: \"$$CurResourceRef{Trg}\"\n";
		eval { @CurDepList=&Deps_GenDependsL($$CurResourceRef{Source}, ("LANGUAGE_$$CurResourceRef{Lang}")); };
		die $@ if $@;
		&PMResrcBld if defined &PMResrcBld;
		undef @CurDepList;
	undef $CurResourceRef;
	undef $LoopResourceRef;

#	end resources

#	start aifs

	if ($Options{v}) {
		print "Starting aifs\n";

# Add tools-relative include path to sys includes, to allow for shared include\aiftool.rh
	use FindBin;
	$FindBin::Bin =~ /:(.*)\//;
	my $extraIncPath = $1;
	$extraIncPath =~ s/\//\\/g;
	my @SavedResourceSysIncPaths = @ResourceSysIncPaths;
	push @ResourceSysIncPaths, "$extraIncPath\\INCLUDE";

	my $LoopAifRef;
	foreach $LoopAifRef (@AifStruct) {
		if ($Options{v}) {
			print "Aif: \"$$CurAifRef{Trg}\"\n";
		eval { @CurDepList=&Deps_GenDependsL("$$CurAifRef{Source}"); };
		die $@ if $@;
		&PMAifBld if defined &PMAifBld;
		undef @CurDepList;
	undef $CurAifRef;
	undef $LoopAifRef;

	@ResourceSysIncPaths = @SavedResourceSysIncPaths;

#	end aifs

#	start sources

	if ($Options{v}) {
		print "Starting sources\n";
	my $SrcRef;

	foreach $SrcRef (@SourceStruct){

		 my @userIncludes = &Mmp_UserIncPaths;
		 @userIncludes = (@userIncludes, @StringTableUserIncPaths) if (@StringTableUserIncPaths);
		 unshift (@userIncludes, $CurSrcPath);		 

		 if ($TruePlat{Ext} !~ /\.DSP|\.xml/i)
			foreach my $buildVariant (@{$Plat{Blds}})
				my @macros = &MacroList;
				@macros = (@macros, @{$BldMacros{$buildVariant}});

				my $checkSourceCommandStore;
				if ($buildVariant =~ /rel$/i)
					$checkSourceCommandStore = \%CheckSourceURELIncludes
					$checkSourceCommandStore = \%CheckSourceUDEBIncludes
				CheckSource_Includes($CurSrcPath.$CurSrc, %$checkSourceCommandStore, $VariantFile, @macros, @userIncludes, @SysIncPaths);
		 if ($Options{v}) {
			print "Sourcepath: \"$CurSrcPath\"\n";
		 &PMStartSrc if defined &PMStartSrc;

#			strict depend alt 1 start - call different module function if strict depend flag specified
			if (((not $MmpFlag{StrictDepend}) || (not defined &PMSrcBldDepend)) && defined &PMSrcDepend) {
				eval { @CurDepList=&Deps_GenDependsL($CurSrcPath.$CurSrc);};
				die $@ if $@;
# modified start: makefile improvement 
				foreach $srcFile (@CurDepList) {
					if(not exists($CurSrcSet{$srcFile})){
						my $srctmp = $srcFile;
						$CurSrcSet{$srctmp} = 1;
# modified end: makefile improvement 
				&PMSrcDepend if defined &PMSrcDepend;
				undef @CurDepList;
#			strict depend alt 1 end

			my $LoopBld;
			foreach $LoopBld (@{$Plat{Blds}}) {
				&PMStartSrcBld if defined &PMStartSrcBld;

#				strict depend alt 2 start - call the module function that deals with dependencies generated for each build variant
				if ($MmpFlag{StrictDepend} && defined &PMSrcBldDepend) {
					eval { @CurDepList=Deps_GenDependsL($CurSrcPath.$CurSrc,@{$BldMacros{$CurBld}}); };
					die $@ if $@;
					&PMSrcBldDepend if defined &PMSrcBldDepend;
					undef @CurDepList;
#				strict depend alt 2 end

				&PMEndSrcBld if defined &PMEndSrcBld;
			undef $CurBld;
			undef $LoopBld;
			&PMEndSrc if defined &PMEndSrc;
# modified start: makefile improvement 
			my $cursrcfile = $CurSrcPath.$CurSrc;
			if(not exists($CurSrcSet{$cursrcfile})){
				$CurSrcSet{$cursrcfile} = 1;
# modified end: makefile improvement 
		undef $CurSrc;
		undef $CurSrcPath;  

#	end sources

#	start documents

	if ($Options{v}) {
		print "Starting documents\n";
	my $LoopSrcPath;
	foreach $LoopSrcPath (sort keys %DocHash) {
		if ($Options{v}) {
			print "Sourcepath: \"$CurSrcPath\"\n";
		my $LoopDoc;
		foreach $LoopDoc (sort @{$DocHash{$CurSrcPath}}) {
			if ($Options{v}) {
				print "Document: \"$CurDoc\"\n";
			&PMDoc if defined &PMDoc;
		undef $CurDoc;
		undef $LoopDoc;
	undef $CurSrcPath;
	undef $LoopSrcPath;

#	end documents

#	rombuild

	my %SpecialRomFileTypes=(
	my %KHash1 = (
	my %KHash2 = (
	unless ($TrgType{Basic} =~ /^IMPLIB$/io or $TruePlat{Ext} =~ /\.DSP|\.xml/i) { # change to avoid rombuild target for IDE makefiles
		unless ($Plat{OS} ne 'EPOC32' or $TrgType{Basic} eq 'LIB') {
			my $ref;
			foreach $ref (@RomTargets) {
				my $ABIDir = '##MAIN##';
				my $RomFileType='file';
				if ($$ref{FileType}) {	# handle EKERN.EXE and EFILE.EXE with new ROMFILETYPE keyword instead
					$RomFileType=$$ref{FileType}; # or just do this bit as a custom build makefile
				elsif ($CallDllEntryPoints) {
				elsif ($SpecialRomFileTypes{$TrgType{Name}}) {
				my $RomPath="sys\\bin\\";
				if ($$ref{Path}) {
				elsif ($TrgType{Path}) {
				my $RomFile=$LinkAsBase;
				if ($$ref{File}) {
				my $RomDecorations='';
				if ($DataLinkAddress) {
				elsif ($FixedProcess) {
				$ABIDir = '##KMAIN##' if ($KHash1{lc $TrgType{Name}});
				$ABIDir = '##KMAIN##' if ($KHash2{lc $RomFileType});
				my $IbyTextFrom="$RomFileType=$E32env::Data{RelPath}$ABIDir\\##BUILD##\\$Trg";
				my $IbyTextTo="$RomPath$RomFile";
				my $Spaces= 60>length($IbyTextFrom) ? 60-length($IbyTextFrom) : 1; 
				&Output("\t\@echo ", $IbyTextFrom, ' 'x$Spaces, "$IbyTextTo $RomDecorations\n");
			foreach $ref (@RamTargets) {
				my $ABIDir = '##MAIN##';
				$ABIDir = '##KMAIN##' if ($KHash1{lc $TrgType{Name}});
				my $RomFileType='data';
				my $RomPath="sys\\bin\\";
				if ($$ref{Path}) {
				my $RomFile=$Trg;
				if ($$ref{File}) {
				my $RomDecorations='attrib=r';

				my $IbyTextFrom="$RomFileType=$E32env::Data{RelPath}$ABIDir\\##BUILD##\\$Trg";
				my $IbyTextTo="$RomPath$RomFile";
				my $Spaces= 60>length($IbyTextFrom) ? 60-length($IbyTextFrom) : 1; 
				&Output("\t\@echo ", $IbyTextFrom, ' 'x$Spaces, "$IbyTextTo $RomDecorations\n");
#	end rombuild

	&PMEndSrcList if defined &PMEndSrcList;


	# open the makefile and write all the text it requires to it if makmake has so far been successful
	eval { &Path_MakePathL($MAKEFILE); };
	die $@ if $@;
	if ($Options{v}) {
		print "Creating: \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";
	open MAKEFILE,">$MAKEFILE" or die "ERROR: Can't open or create file \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";
	print MAKEFILE &OutText or die "ERROR: Can't write output to file \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";
	close MAKEFILE or die "ERROR: Can't close file \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";
	if ($Options{v}) {
		print "Successful MakeFile Creation\n";

################ END OF MAIN PROGRAM SECTION #################


sub FatalError (@) {

	print STDERR "MAKMAKE ERROR: @_\n";
	exit 1;

sub Usage () {

		eval { &Load_ModuleL('MAKHELP'); };
		die $@ if $@; 
		eval { &Help_Invocation; };
		die $@ if $@;

sub getEABIDef() {
	# Preprocess the mmp with ARMv5 platform settings so we can pick up 
    # EABI specific def file entries etc. 
    my ($platname)="ARMV5";
    # get platform info for armv5
    eval { &Plat_GetL($platname,\%Plat,\%BldMacros); };
	return $@ if $@;
	# process 
    # set package to ignore warnings about missing .def file. 
    eval { &Mmp_ProcessL($E32env::Data{EPOCPath}, $MMPFILE, \%Plat, $FeatureVariantInfo{BUILD_INCLUDES}); };
	return $@ if $@;
	my %EABIDef=%{&Mmp_Def};
    # handle case that def file doesn't exist -> Simply set to ""
    my $EABIDefFile = "$EABIDef{Path}$EABIDef{Base}$EABIDef{Ext}";;
   	unless (-e "$EABIDefFile") {
        $EABIDefFile = "";
    return $EABIDefFile;

sub SetVarsFromMmp ($) {

	my ($platname)=@_;
	if($platname eq "GCCXML") {
        $EABIDef = getEABIDef();
    else {
        $EABIDef = "";

	# MMP FILE PROCESSING - filter the mmp file content through the GCC preprecessor
	eval { &Plat_GetL($platname,\%Plat,\%BldMacros); };
	return $@ if $@;

	if($platname eq "GCCXML" || $platname eq "X86GCC" || $platname eq "X86GMP") {
	# set package to ignore warnings about missing .def file, this is necessary,
	# as either EABI .def or GCC .def may not exist, and this shouldn't be reported
	# as a warning or error. Similarly for x86gcc def files - these are autogenerated.

	eval { &Mmp_ProcessL($E32env::Data{EPOCPath}, $MMPFILE, \%Plat, $FeatureVariantInfo{BUILD_INCLUDES}); };
	return $@ if $@;

	$BuildAsARM=$BuildAsARM || &Mmp_BuildAsARM;
	$NewLib = &Mmp_NewLib;
	$StdCpp = &Mmp_StdCpp;
	$NoStdCpp = &Mmp_NoStdCpp;

#	finish defining any macros

	if ($Plat{CPU} eq 'MARM') {
#		apply the ABI source define - note that it is difficult to define a corresponding
#		.MMP define since we can't be sure what the ABI is until we've processed the .MMP file,
#		though we could apply it for generic MARM builds only
		push @{$Plat{Macros}}, "__MARM_${ABI}__";

	if ($TrgType{Basic}=~/^(DLL|EXE)$/o) { # this macro may soon be removed
		push @{$Plat{Macros}},'__'.$TrgType{Basic}.'__';

#	add the macros defined in the .mmp file
	push @{$Plat{Macros}}, &Mmp_Macros;

# set up a hash containing the start paths for various things
	undef %Path;

#	set up ASSP link path - this is the path where the target looks for ASSP-specific import libraries

#	set up build path
	my $BldInfPath=cwd;
	$BldInfPath=~s-/-\\-go;						# separator from Perl 5.005_02+ is forward slash
	$BldInfPath=~s/^(.:)//o;					# remove drive letter
	$BldInfPath=~s-^(.*[^\\])$-$1\\-o;			# ensure workpath ends with a backslash
	$Path{BldInfPath} = $BldInfPath;			# Remember the path to bldinf
	$Path{Bld}=join('', &Path_Chop($E32env::Data{BldPath}), $BldInfPath, &Path_Split('Base',$MMPFILE), "\\$Plat{Real}\\");

sub generateX86GCCDefFile()
	my ($oldPath, $newPath) = @_;
	print "Generating X86GCC deffile from $oldPath\n";
	if (!open(OLDDEF, $oldPath))
		print "Warning: Failed to open $oldPath for reading\n".
	# Force creation of new def file even if one already exists
	if (!open(NEWDEF, ">$newPath"))
		close OLDDEF;
		print "Warning: Failed to open $newPath for writing\n".
	while (<OLDDEF>)
		if (/^\s*_ZT(I|V)/ && !/\sABSENT/i)
		# Typeinfo that isn't already absent. Add the ABSENT keyword.
		    my @frags = split /;/, $_, 2; # 1 or 2 parts depending on the presence of a comment
		    $frags[0] =~ s/\s*$/ ABSENT /;
		    $_ = join ';', @frags;
		# Try to substitute any va_list params with char* (Pc). Ignore if no match
		print NEWDEF "$_\n";	    
	close OLDDEF;
	close NEWDEF;
	print "Successfully generated $newPath\n";

sub InitLinkPaths() {
#	set up lib path - this is the path where the target puts it's import library

	my $ABI=&Mmp_ABI;

#	let the build target determine where it puts its import libray and where its links against its imports
	my $UnderlyingABI=$ABI;
	$UnderlyingABI=&PMUnderlyingABI($ABI) if defined &PMUnderlyingABI;

	unless ($ASSPExports) {
		$Path{Lib}.= lc($UnderlyingABI)."\\";
	else {
		$Path{Lib}.= lc($Plat{ASSP})."\\";

#	set up link path - this is the place where the target looks for ordinary libraries

#	set up stat link path - this is where the target looks for static libraries
	if ($Plat{StatLink}) {
	} else {
		unless ($Plat{OS} eq 'WINS') {	# WINC and WINS versions of EEXE are different
			$Path{StatLink}.=lc($ABI)."\\"; # ARM static libraries are currently always ASSP-independent
		else {
			$Path{StatLink}.=lc($Plat{ASSP})."\\"; # WINC static libraries are currently always ASSP-specific

#	set up release path

sub CreateExtraFile ($$) { # takes abs path for source and text
# allows modules to create extrafiles
	my ($FILE,$Text)=@_;
	if ($Options{makemakefile}) {	# only create if making the makefile
		if ($Options{v}) {
			print "Creating \"$FILE\"\n";
		eval { &Path_MakePathL($FILE); };
		die $@ if $@;
		open FILE, ">$FILE" or die "WARNING: Can't open or create \"$FILE\"\n";
		print  FILE $Text or die "WARNING: Can't write text to \"$FILE\"\n";
		close FILE or die "WARNING: Can't close \"$FILE\"\n";

sub ABI () {
sub AddSrc ($$) { # needs abs path for source
# allows modules to add a source file to the project and have it created if necessary
	my ($SRCFILE,$Text)=@_;
	my $SrcPath=&Path_Split('Path',$SRCFILE);
	my $CurFile=&Path_Split('File',$SRCFILE);
	my $BaseName=&Path_Split('Base',$SRCFILE);
	if ((not -e $SRCFILE) || (-M $SRCFILE > -M $MMPFILE)) {
		# only create the file if it's older than the .MMP file
	 my %CurSource;
	 push @SourceStruct, \%CurSource;
sub AddPlatMacros (@) {
# allows modules to add extra macros to the platform macro list
	push @{$Plat{Macros}},@_;
sub AifRef () {
sub AifStructRef () {
sub AllowDllData () {
sub CompressTarget () {
sub CompressTargetMode () {
sub BuildAsARM () {
	return 0 if $Options{ithumb};
	return 1 if $Options{iarm};
sub ASSPLibList () {
sub ASSPLinkPath () {
#	this is the path where the target looks for ASSP-specific import libraries
	my $Path=$Path{ASSPLink};
	if ($CurBld) {
		if ($Plat{OS} eq 'EPOC32') {
		else {
sub BaseMak () {
sub BaseResrc () {
sub BaseResrcList () {
	my @ResrcList=&ResrcList;
	my $Path;
	foreach $Path (@ResrcList) {
sub BaseSrc () {
sub ExtSrc () {
sub BaseSrcList () {
	my @SrcList=&SrcList;
	my $Path;
	foreach $Path (@SrcList) {
sub BaseSysResrcList () {
	my @SysResrcList=&SysResrcList;
	my $Path;
	foreach $Path (@SysResrcList) {
sub BaseTrg () {
sub BitMapRef () {
sub BitMapStructRef () {
sub Bld () {
sub BldList () {
sub BldPath () {
	my $Path=$Path{"Bld"};
	if ($CurBld) {
		$Path.=$FeatureVariantInfo{$CurBld."_LABEL"}."\\" if (%FeatureVariantInfo && !$FeatureVariantInfo{INVARIANT} && $FeatureVariantInfo{$CurBld."_LABEL"});
sub CallDllEntryPoints () {
sub Capability () {
sub CapabilityFlags () {
sub DataLinkAddress () {
sub DataPath () {
sub DebugLibList () {
sub DefFile () {
sub DefFileType () {
sub DepList () {
	sort @CurDepList;
sub Doc () {
sub DocList () {
	if ($CurSrcPath) {
		return sort @{$DocHash{$CurSrcPath}};
	my @DocList;
	my $Key;
	foreach $Key (keys %DocHash) {
		push @DocList,@{$DocHash{$Key}};
	sort @DocList;
sub EPOCPath () {
sub EPOCDataPath () {
sub EPOCIncPath () {
sub EPOCRelPath () {
sub EPOCSecurePlatform () {
sub EPOCToolsPath () {
sub Exports () {
sub ExportUnfrozen () {
sub FirstLib () {
sub FixedProcess () {
sub BasicTrgType () {
sub HeapSize () {
sub LibList () {
sub LibPath () {
#	this is the path where the target puts it's import library
	my $Path=$Path{Lib};
	if ($CurBld) {
		if (($Plat{DefFile} eq 'EABI') || ($Plat{DefFile} eq 'x86gcc') || ($Plat{OS} eq 'TOOLS2')) {
		elsif ($Plat{OS} eq 'EPOC32') {
		else {
sub LinkAs () {
sub LinkAsBase () {
sub ExportLibrary () {
sub NoExportLibrary () {
sub LinkPath () {
#	this is the place where the target looks for CPU-specific libraries
	my $Path=$Path{Link};
	if ($CurBld) {
		if ($Plat{DefFile} eq 'EABI' || $Plat{DefFile} eq 'x86gcc') {
		elsif ($Plat{OS} eq 'EPOC32') {
		else {

sub MacroList ($) {
	if ($_[0]) {
	return @{$BldMacros{$_[0]}};
	return @{$Plat{Macros}} unless $CurBld;

# returns the file containing Variant specific Macros
sub VariantFile($)
    return $variantMacroHRHFile;
# returns the file containing Variant specific Macros, which may differ from the above if feature variants are used
sub ResourceVariantFile($)
    return $ResourceVariantMacroHRHFile;
sub MakeFilePath () {
sub MmpFile () {
sub PerlLibPath () {
sub Plat () {
sub PlatABI () {
sub PlatCompiler () {
sub PlatName () {
sub PlatOS () {
sub PlatOverrideList () {
sub ProcessPriority () {
sub RelPath () {
	my $Path=$Path{Rel};
	if ($CurBld) {
		$Path .= lc($CurBld)."\\";
sub ResourceRef () {
sub ResourceStructRef () {
sub SetCurBld($) {
	$CurBld=$_[0];		# used by when handling additional platforms
sub	SetStdIncPaths (@) {
# allows module to set standard include paths
	my $Path;
	foreach $Path (@_) {
		$Path=~s-^(.*[^\\])$-$1\\-o if defined($Path);
		push @StdIncPaths, $Path;	# only place drive letters may appear, up to modules to handle
sub Src () {
sub SourceStructRef () {
	\@SourceStruct;		#array of references to hashes of SOURCEPATH => (filename1, filename2, ...)
sub SrcList () {
	my @SrcList;
    my $KeyRef;
    foreach $KeyRef (@SourceStruct) {
            push @SrcList,$$KeyRef{CurFile};

sub SmpSafe () {

sub StackSize () {
sub StatLibList () {
sub StatLinkPath () {
	my $Path=$Path{StatLink};
	if ($CurBld) {
sub StdCpp () {
sub NoStdCpp () {

sub NewLib () {
sub SetStatLinkPath($) {
	($Path{StatLink}) = @_;
sub SrcPath () {
sub SysIncPaths () {
sub ResourceSysIncPaths () {
	return @ResourceSysIncPaths;
sub Trg (;$) {
	# The optional $bld argument permits (U)DEB and (U)REL distinction in situations where $CurBld isn't set/relevant
	my ($bld) = @_;
	$bld = $CurBld if (!$bld);

	return "" if !$Trg;

	my $localTrg = $Trg;	
	my $vinfo = $FeatureVariantInfo{$bld."_LABEL"};
	$localTrg =~ s/(\.[^\.]+)$/\.$vinfo$1/ if ($bld && %FeatureVariantInfo && !$FeatureVariantInfo{INVARIANT} && $vinfo);
	return $localTrg;
sub TrgPath () {
sub TrgType () {
# this can probably go as its always 0 now
sub KernelTrg () {
sub SystemTrg () {
sub UidList () {
sub UserIncPaths () {
sub SrcDbg () {
sub CompilerOption
	my $CompOption=$WarningLevel{$_[0]};
	$CompOption="" if (!defined($CompOption)); 
sub LinkerOption
    my $lnkOption = $LinkerOptions{$_[0]};
    $lnkOption="" if (!defined($lnkOption));

sub PlatRec () {

sub Version() {

sub SecureId() {

sub VendorId () {

sub EABIDef () {

sub ReplaceOptions () {
	my @ReplacementOptions = ();
	if (defined($ReplaceOptions{$_[0]}))

sub ARMFPU () {

sub IsDebuggable () {

sub PlatTxt2D () {

sub ToolChain () {
	my $ToolChain = $TruePlat{Toolchain};
	$ToolChain ="" if(!defined ($TruePlat{Toolchain}) );

sub StringTables () 

#This generates and adds the generated source of the stringtable to the source list so it's included in the binary.
sub AddStringTables ()
		foreach my $stringtable (@StringTable)
			my %genSrcHash;

			$genSrcHash{SrcPath} = $Path{Bld};
			$genSrcHash{CurFile} = $stringtable->{BaseTrg}.".cpp";
			$genSrcHash{BaseTrg} = $stringtable->{BaseTrg};

			push(@SourceStruct, \%genSrcHash) if !$stringtable->{Hdronly};

			# Execute it now.  This can probably be moved into the makefile by adding a suitable rule
			# to ensure the resource file is generated before the source tries to #include it.
			my $stPath = $Path{Bld};

			my $stCpp = $stringtable->{BaseTrg}.".cpp";
			my $stHeader = lc($stringtable->{BaseTrg}).".h";
			my $stFile = $stringtable->{STFile};
			my $stOrigin = $stringtable->{STPath};
			system("perl -S $stOrigin$stFile $stPath$stFile");
			system("perl -S $stPath$stFile");

			#If it's an exported header we'll need to export it.
			if(defined $stringtable->{ExportPath}) 
				my $exportpath = $stringtable->{ExportPath};

				system("perl -S $stPath$stHeader $exportpath\\$stHeader");

				push(@UserIncPaths, $exportpath);
				push(@StringTableUserIncPaths, $exportpath);
			#otherwise we just need the path of the generated header to be added 'userinclude'.
				push(@UserIncPaths, $Path{Bld});
				push(@StringTableUserIncPaths, $Path{Bld});

sub CheckSourceMMPMetaData () {

sub CheckSourceMMPIncludes () {

sub CheckSourceURELIncludes () {

sub CheckSourceUDEBIncludes () {

sub CodePagingTargetMode() {

sub DataPagingTargetMode() {

sub DebugSwitchUsed () {
	return 1 if (defined $DebugSwitch);
	return 0;

sub SymbolicDebugEnabled () {
	return $DebugSwitch;

sub IsFunctionCallLogging() {

sub IsWideCharMain() {
	return $IsWideCharMain;

sub MmpMacros(){
	my @mmpMacros=&Mmp_Macros;
	return @mmpMacros;

sub FeatureVariantInfo()
	return %FeatureVariantInfo;

sub FeatureVariantVMapFile()
	return "" if !%FeatureVariantInfo || defined $FeatureVariantInfo{INVARIANT};

	my $target = RelPath().Trg();
	$target =~ s/\.$FeatureVariantInfo{$CurBld."_LABEL"}//;
# modified by SV start: makefile improvement 
	my $vmap = $target. "." . $FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}.".vmap";
# modified by SV end: makefile improvement 

	eval { &Path_MakePathL($vmap); };	

	if (featurevariantmap->Save($target, $FeatureVariantInfo{$CurBld."_LABEL"}, $FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}, $FeatureVariantInfo{$CurBld."_FEATURES"}, &Mmp_IsFeatureVariant ? [ 'FEATUREVARIANT' ] : undef))
		die "ERROR: Couldn't create feature variant map file \"$vmap\".\n";

	return $vmap;

sub FeatureVariantBaseTrg()
	# In some situations, for example .sym files, we need a feature variant tagged name
	# based on the normal BaseTrg i.e. root target name but minus extension.
	my $localBaseTrg = BaseTrg();
	if (%FeatureVariantInfo && !defined $FeatureVariantInfo{INVARIANT})
		$localBaseTrg .= ".".$FeatureVariantInfo{$CurBld."_LABEL"};

	return $localBaseTrg;

sub CommandFile()
	my $plat = Plat();	
	$plat .= ".$FeatureVariantInfo{NAME}" if %FeatureVariantInfo;
	return MakeFilePath().BaseTrg().".$plat.".Bld().".objects.via";

#Compiler wrapper option support
sub CompilerWrapperOption()
  # Return 1 if compiler wrapper option option(-wrap) is specified else return 0	

#Proxy wrapper option support
sub ProxyWrapperOption()
  # Return 1 if compiler wrapper option option(-wrap) is specified else return 0	
# modified start: makefile improvement 
sub getSrcSet()
	return \%CurSrcSet;
# modified end: makefile improvement 

#1 = STDCPP support is available
#others = STDCPP support is not available
my $stdcppsupport;

#return non-zero means STDCPP support is available,
#otherwise it's not available
sub StdCppSupport()
	return $stdcppsupport if (defined $stdcppsupport);
	my @hrhMacros = &Variant_GetMacroList;
	if (grep /^\s*SYMBIAN_OE_LIBSTDCPP\s*$/, @hrhMacros)
		$stdcppsupport = 1;
	    $stdcppsupport = 0;
	return $stdcppsupport;