Add the portable rombuild wrapper to make it available for Windows as well as Linux
?ExecuteL@CAutoTest@@QAEHXZ @ 1 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall CAutoTest::ExecuteL(void)
?GetString@CAutoTest@@QBEXAAVCConsoleBase@@AAVTDes16@@@Z @ 2 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CAutoTest::GetString(class CConsoleBase &,class TDes16 &)const
?KeepGoing@CAutoTest@@QAEHXZ @ 3 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall CAutoTest::KeepGoing(void)
?LogExtra@CAutoTest@@QAAXPBEHV?$TRefByValue@$$CBVTDesC16@@@@ZZ @ 4 NONAME ; public: void __cdecl CAutoTest::LogExtra(unsigned char const *,int,class TRefByValue<class TDesC16 const >,...)
?NewL@CAutoTest@@SAPAV1@PBUTAutoTestCase@@HABVTDesC16@@AAVRTest@@@Z @ 5 NONAME ; public: static class CAutoTest * __cdecl CAutoTest::NewL(struct TAutoTestCase const *,int,class TDesC16 const &,class RTest &)
?Printf@CAutoTest@@QAAXV?$TRefByValue@$$CBVTDesC16@@@@ZZ @ 6 NONAME ; public: void __cdecl CAutoTest::Printf(class TRefByValue<class TDesC16 const >,...)
?SetCompInfo@CAutoTest@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 7 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CAutoTest::SetCompInfo(class TDesC8 const &)
?TestCheckPointCodeL@CAutoTest@@QAEXHPADH@Z @ 8 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CAutoTest::TestCheckPointCodeL(int,char *,int)
?TestCheckPointCompareL@CAutoTest@@QAEXHHABVTDesC16@@PADH@Z @ 9 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CAutoTest::TestCheckPointCompareL(int,int,class TDesC16 const &,char *,int)
?TestCheckPointL@CAutoTest@@QAEXHPADH@Z @ 10 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CAutoTest::TestCheckPointL(int,char *,int)