Add the portable rombuild wrapper to make it available for Windows as well as Linux
# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
use strict;
use FindBin; # for FindBin::Bin
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd;
my $PerlLibPath; # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules
# check user has a version of perl that will cope
require 5.005_03;
# establish the path to the Perl libraries: currently the same directory as this script
$PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin; # X:/epoc32/tools
if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
$PerlLibPath =~ s/\//\\/g; # X:\epoc32\tools
$PerlLibPath .= "\\";
use lib $PerlLibPath;
use Defutl;
my %opts = ();
my $result = GetOptions(\%opts,
my $gPath = $opts{"path"}; # 0
my $gBldPath = $opts{"bldpath"}; # 0
my $compName = $opts{"import"}; # 1
my $gDefFile = $opts{"deffile"}; # 2
my $gDllName = $opts{"linkAs"}; # 3
my $gExpFile = $opts{"export"};
my $gLibFile = "$compName.lib" if $compName;
my $gSymbolNameLookup = $opts{"sym_name_lkup"};
my $oP = '--';
my $floatingpointmodel = "${oP}fpu softvfp";
my $interworkingp = $opts{"inter"};
my $interworking = "${oP}apcs /nointer";
$interworking = "${oP}apcs /inter" if ($interworkingp);
my @objectFiles;
my @DefDataStruct;
sub main ()
my $FrzExportsOn=0;
eval { &Def_ReadFileL(\@DefDataStruct, $gDefFile, $FrzExportsOn); };
die $@ if $@;
&parseDefFile(\@DefDataStruct, $opts{absent}, $gDefFile);
&genExpFile($gPath, $gBldPath, $gExpFile) if $gExpFile;
&genLibFile($gPath, $gBldPath, $gLibFile, $gDllName) if $gLibFile;
# Usage subroutine
sub usage( )
print "\n";
print "DEF2DLL -Creates binary objects used to implement the Symbian OS DLL model\n";
print "\n";
print "Usage: def2dll --deffile=<file> [--path=<dir>] [--bldpath=<dir>] [--import=<file>] [--linkas=<file>] [--inter] [--export=<file>] [--sym_name_lkup]\n";
print "\nOptions:\n";
print "\t--deffile=<file> : def file to be converted\n";
print "\t--path =<direcotry> : destination path\n";
print "\t--bldpath=<direcotry> : build path for dll\n";
print "\t--import=<file> : import from file name\n";
print "\t--linkas=<file> : linkas to file name specified\n";
print "\t--inter : enables interworking on ARM and THUMB\n";
print "\t--export=<file> : export to filename\n";
print "\t--sym_name_lkup : symbol name ordinal number lookupç\n";
print "\n";
exit 1;
my %symbols = ();
my %symbolIndexMap = ();
my $exports = 0;
sub parseDefFile ($$$)
my ($defStructRef, $AbsentSubst, $defFile) = @_;
my $Ref;
foreach $Ref (@$defStructRef) {
next if (!$Ref);
next if (!defined ($$Ref{Ordinal}));
my $symbol = $$Ref{Name};
my $index = $$Ref{Ordinal};
my $rest = $$Ref{Comment};
my $symbolType = 'CODE';
if ($$Ref{Data} || ($symbol =~ /^(_ZTV|_ZTI|_ZTT)/)){
$symbolType = 'DATA';
else {
$exports = 1;
if ($symbols{$symbol} and !$$Ref{Absent}) {
warn "DEF2DLL - WARNING: $symbol duplicated in $defFile\n";
} else {
if ($$Ref{Absent}) {
$symbolIndexMap{$index} = $AbsentSubst;
} else {
$symbols{$symbol} = $symbolType;
$symbolIndexMap{$index} = $symbol;
sub genExpFile ($$$)
my ($path, $bldpath, $expFile) = @_;
my $numkeys = keys %symbolIndexMap;
my $failed = 0;
open EXPFILE, ">$path\\$expFile.s" or
die "Error: can't create $path\\$expFile.s\n";
print EXPFILE "\tEXPORT __DLL_Export_Table__\n\n";
print EXPFILE "\tEXPORT |DLL\#\#ExportTable|\n\n";
print EXPFILE "\tEXPORT |DLL\#\#ExportTableSize|\n\n";
print EXPFILE "\tAREA ExportTable, CODE\n";
print EXPFILE "__DLL_Export_Table__\n";
if ($interworkingp) {
print EXPFILE "\tBX lr\n";
} else {
print EXPFILE "\tMOV pc, lr\n";
print EXPFILE "|DLL\#\#ExportTableSize|\n";
printf EXPFILE "\tDCD %d\n", $numkeys;
if($gSymbolNameLookup) {
print EXPFILE "\tDCD 0 \n";# This is the 0th ordinal for elftran to fill in.
print EXPFILE "|DLL\#\#ExportTable|\n";
my @orderedSyms;
my $maxIndex = 0;
my $index;
foreach $index (keys %symbolIndexMap) {
$maxIndex = $index if $index > $maxIndex;
$orderedSyms[$index] = $symbolIndexMap{$index};
print EXPFILE "\tPRESERVE8\n\n";
my $n;
for ($n = 1; $n <= $maxIndex ; $n++) {
my $entry = $orderedSyms[$n];
if ($entry) {
print EXPFILE "\tIMPORT $entry\n";
print EXPFILE "\tDCD $entry \t; @ $n\n";
} else {
warn "WARNING: missing entry at index $n\n";
print EXPFILE "\tDCD 0 ; missing symbol\n";
# create a .directive section
print EXPFILE "\n\n\tAREA |.directive|, READONLY, NOALLOC\n";
# Mark the section as armlink edit commands
print EXPFILE "\tDCB \"#<SYMEDIT>#\\n\"\n";
# mark the imported symbol for 'dynamic' export
print EXPFILE "\tDCB \"EXPORT DLL##ExportTable\\n\"\n";
print EXPFILE "\tDCB \"EXPORT DLL##ExportTableSize\\n\"\n";
print EXPFILE "\tEND";
close EXPFILE;
$failed = system "armasm $floatingpointmodel $interworking -o $path\\$expFile.exp $path\\$expFile.s";
unlink ("$path\\$expFile.s") unless $failed;
die "Error: cant create $path\\$expFile.exp\n" if $failed;
my %DataSymbols = ();
sub genVtblExportFile($$)
my ($bldpath, $dllName) = @_;
my $FileName = "VtblExports";
open VTBLFILE, ">$bldpath\\$FileName.s" or
die "Error: can't create $bldpath\\$FileName.s\n";
print VTBLFILE "\tAREA |.directive|, NOALLOC, READONLY, ALIGN=2\n";
printf VTBLFILE "\tDCB \"\#\<SYMEDIT\>\#\\n\"\n";
my $symbol;
foreach $symbol (sort keys %DataSymbols) {
my $index = $DataSymbols{$symbol};
$symbol =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; # remove enclosing quotes
printf VTBLFILE "\tDCB \"IMPORT \#\<DLL\>$dllName\#\<\\\\DLL\>%x AS $symbol \\n\"\n", $index;
# printf VTBLFILE "\tDCB \"\#\<\\\\VTBLSYMS\>\#\\n\"\n";
print VTBLFILE "\tEND";
my $failed = system "armasm $floatingpointmodel $interworking -o $bldpath\\$FileName.o $bldpath\\$FileName.s";
unlink ("$bldpath\\$FileName.s");
die "Error: cant create $bldpath\\$FileName.o\n" if $failed;
push @objectFiles, "$bldpath\\$FileName.o";
sub genLibFile ($$$$)
my ($path, $bldpath, $libFile, $dllName) = @_;
my $tempFileName = "$bldpath\\$compName";
my $viaFileName = sprintf("$bldpath\\_t%x_via_.txt", time);
my $keyz = keys %symbolIndexMap;
my $failed = 0;
my $key;
if ($keyz > 0) {
open STUBGEN, "|$ENV{'EPOCROOT'}/epoc32/tools/genstubs" if $exports;
foreach $key (sort keys %symbolIndexMap) {
my $symbol = $symbolIndexMap{$key};
my $stubFileName = "$tempFileName-$key";
if ( $symbols{$symbol} eq 'DATA') {
$DataSymbols{$symbol} = $key;
} else {
printf STUBGEN "$stubFileName.o $symbol #<DLL>$dllName#<\\DLL>%x\n", $key;
push @objectFiles, "$stubFileName.o";
genVtblExportFile($bldpath, $dllName);
} else {
# create dummy stub so armar creates a .lib for us
open STUBGEN, "|$ENV{'EPOCROOT'}/epoc32/tools/genstubs";
print STUBGEN "$tempFileName-stub.o $tempFileName##stub $dllName##dummy\n";
push @objectFiles, "$tempFileName-stub.o";
close STUBGEN;
open VIAFILE, ">$viaFileName" or
die "Error: can't create VIA fie $viaFileName\n";
print VIAFILE "${oP}create \"$path\\$libFile\"\n";
my $objectFile;
foreach $objectFile (@objectFiles) {
print VIAFILE "\"$objectFile\"\n";
close VIAFILE;
$failed = system( "armar ${oP}via $viaFileName");
push @objectFiles, $viaFileName;
unlink @objectFiles;
die "Error: can't create $path\\$libFile\n" if $failed;