1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 // All rights reserved. |
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 // |
8 // Initial Contributors: |
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 // |
11 // Contributors: |
12 // |
13 // Description: |
14 // Telephony Fax Test base test code. |
15 // |
16 // |
17 |
18 /** |
19 @file |
20 @internalComponent |
21 */ |
22 |
23 #include "faxdefn.h" |
24 #include "fax_reversebytes.h" |
25 #include "FAXSET.H" |
26 #include "CFAX32.H" |
27 |
28 #include "TE_FaxBase.h" |
29 |
30 #include <commsdattypesv1_1.h> |
31 |
32 using namespace CommsDat; |
33 |
34 |
35 // |
36 // Constants... |
37 // |
38 const TInt KFaxTestLogPeriod = 5*1000000; |
39 _LIT(KTEFaxINIFileName, "Z:\\TestData\\Configs\\TE_Fax.INI"); |
40 _LIT8(KTEFaxINIDestNumber, "DestPhoneNumber"); |
41 |
42 |
43 /** |
44 * Default constructor. |
45 */ |
46 CFaxTestStep::CFaxTestStep() |
47 { |
48 // NOP |
49 } // CFaxTestStep::CFaxTestStep |
50 |
51 |
52 /** |
53 * Default destructor. |
54 */ |
55 CFaxTestStep::~CFaxTestStep() |
56 { |
57 // NOP |
58 } // CFaxTestStep::~CFaxTestStep |
59 |
60 |
61 /** |
62 * Pre-amble function called before all tests. |
63 * |
64 * @return Test verdict for this test. |
65 */ |
66 TVerdict CFaxTestStep::doTestStepPreambleL() |
67 { |
68 // |
69 // Mark for memory leaks!!! |
70 // |
71 __UHEAP_MARK; |
72 |
73 // |
74 // Create an Active Scheduler... |
75 // |
76 iScheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler(); |
77 CActiveScheduler::Install(iScheduler); |
78 |
79 return TestStepResult(); |
80 } // CFaxTestStep::doTestStepPreambleL |
81 |
82 |
83 /** |
84 * Post-amble function called before all tests. |
85 * |
86 * @return Test verdict for this test. |
87 */ |
88 TVerdict CFaxTestStep::doTestStepPostambleL() |
89 { |
90 delete iScheduler; |
91 iScheduler = NULL; |
92 |
93 // |
94 // Check the heap for memory leaks... |
95 // |
97 |
98 return TestStepResult(); |
99 } // CFaxTestStep::doTestStepPostambleL |
100 |
101 |
102 /** |
103 * Initialise the Fax settings based on default values and CommDB settings. |
104 * |
105 * @param aFaxSettings Fax Settings stucture to initialise. |
106 */ |
107 void CFaxTestStep::ReadDestPhoneNumberFromIniFileL(TDes8& aPhoneNumber) |
108 { |
109 // |
110 // Open the INI file... |
111 // |
112 RFs fs; |
113 RFile file; |
114 TInt result; |
115 |
116 result = fs.Connect(); |
117 TESTCHECKL(result, KErrNone); |
118 CleanupClosePushL(fs); |
119 |
120 result = file.Open(fs, KTEFaxINIFileName, EFileShareAny | EFileRead); |
121 if (result != KErrNone) |
122 { |
123 INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Cannot load TE_Fax.ini file! (Error %d)"), result); |
124 TESTCHECKL(result, KErrNone); |
125 } |
126 CleanupClosePushL(file); |
127 |
128 // |
129 // Get the file size and and then load the file into memory... |
130 // |
131 TInt fileSize; |
132 |
133 result = file.Size(fileSize); |
134 TESTCHECKL(result, KErrNone); |
135 TESTL(fileSize > 0); |
136 |
137 HBufC8* fileContents = HBufC8::NewLC(fileSize); |
138 TPtr8 fileContentsPtr(fileContents->Des()); |
139 |
140 result = file.Read(0, fileContentsPtr); |
141 TESTCHECKL(result, KErrNone); |
142 |
143 // |
144 // Parse the contents of the file... |
145 // |
146 TLex8 lexInput(fileContentsPtr); |
147 |
148 while (!lexInput.Eos()) |
149 { |
150 TPtrC8 token(lexInput.NextToken()); |
151 lexInput.SkipSpace(); |
152 |
153 if (token.Find(KTEFaxINIDestNumber) == KErrNone) |
154 { |
155 lexInput.SkipSpaceAndMark(); |
156 |
157 TPtrC8 phoneNumberPtr(lexInput.NextToken()); |
158 TBuf<32> phoneNumber; |
159 |
160 phoneNumber.Copy(phoneNumberPtr); |
161 INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Phone number read from INI file as \"%S\"."), &phoneNumber); |
162 |
163 aPhoneNumber.Copy(phoneNumber); |
164 } |
165 } |
166 |
167 // |
168 // Done, clean up... |
169 // |
170 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileContents); |
171 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&file); |
172 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fs); |
173 } // CFaxTestStep::ReadDestPhoneNumberFromIniFileL |
174 |
175 |
176 /** |
177 * Initialise the Fax settings based on default values and CommDB settings. |
178 * |
179 * @param aFaxSettings Fax Settings stucture to initialise. |
180 */ |
181 void CFaxTestStep::ReadFaxCommDBSettingsL(TFaxSettings& aFaxSettings) |
182 { |
183 INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Reading Fax settings from the CommDB.")); |
184 |
185 // |
186 // Initialise the default values... |
187 // |
188 aFaxSettings.iFaxId.Zero(); |
189 aFaxSettings.iMaxSpeed = 14400; |
190 aFaxSettings.iMinSpeed = 2400; |
191 aFaxSettings.iPreferredResolution = EFaxFine; |
192 aFaxSettings.iPreferredCompression = EModifiedHuffman; |
193 aFaxSettings.iPreferredECM = EFalse; |
194 aFaxSettings.iFaxOnDemandDelay = 20; |
195 aFaxSettings.iVerbose = 1; |
196 |
197 // |
198 // Now we now read the Comm DB modem settings - we must have |
199 // these to run... |
200 // |
202 CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_2); |
203 #else |
204 CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_1); |
205 #endif |
206 CleanupStack::PushL(db); |
207 |
208 // |
209 // Read the currently selected connection preference and find preferred IAP... |
210 // |
211 TInt prefRank = 1; |
212 |
213 CCDConnectionPrefsRecord *connectionPrefs = |
214 static_cast<CCDConnectionPrefsRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdConnectionPrefsRecord)); |
215 CleanupStack::PushL(connectionPrefs); |
216 connectionPrefs->iRanking = prefRank; |
217 connectionPrefs->iDirection = ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing; |
218 connectionPrefs->FindL(*db); |
219 |
220 // The following code is a temporary solution until an issue has been resolved in CommsDat |
221 // start |
222 CCDIAPRecord* tempPIapRecord = |
223 static_cast<CCDIAPRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdIAPRecord)); |
224 tempPIapRecord->SetRecordId(connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP); |
225 connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP.iLinkedRecord = tempPIapRecord; |
226 |
227 CCDIAPRecord* pIapRecord = (CCDIAPRecord*)connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP.iLinkedRecord; |
228 pIapRecord->SetRecordId(connectionPrefs->iDefaultIAP); |
229 pIapRecord->LoadL(*db); |
230 |
231 CCDBearerRecordBase* tempBearerRecord = |
232 static_cast<CCDBearerRecordBase*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdModemBearerRecord)); |
233 tempBearerRecord->SetRecordId(pIapRecord->iBearer); |
234 pIapRecord->iBearer.iLinkedRecord = tempBearerRecord; |
235 |
236 CCDBearerRecordBase* pBearerRecord = (CCDBearerRecordBase*) pIapRecord->iBearer.iLinkedRecord; |
237 pBearerRecord->SetRecordId(pIapRecord->iBearer); |
238 pBearerRecord->LoadL(*db); |
239 // end |
240 |
241 TUint32 iapId = pBearerRecord->iRecordTag; |
242 |
243 // |
244 // Get bearer number from IAP table, it is assumed bearer type will be a modem... |
245 // |
246 CMDBField<TUint32>* bearerField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdIAPBearer); |
247 CleanupStack::PushL(bearerField); |
248 bearerField->SetRecordId(iapId); |
249 bearerField->LoadL(*db); |
250 TUint32 modemId = *bearerField; |
251 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bearerField); |
252 |
253 // |
254 // Get modem parameters... |
255 // |
256 CCDModemBearerRecord *modemRecord = |
257 static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdModemBearerRecord)); |
258 CleanupStack::PushL(modemRecord); |
259 modemRecord->SetRecordId(modemId); |
260 modemRecord->LoadL(*db); |
261 iPortDriverName = modemRecord->iCsyName; |
262 iCommPortName = modemRecord->iPortName; |
263 iFaxInitString = modemRecord->iFaxInitString; |
264 iModemInitString = modemRecord->iModemInitString; |
265 |
266 TUint32 faxClass; |
267 faxClass = modemRecord->iFaxClassPref; |
268 aFaxSettings.iFaxClass = (TFaxClass) faxClass; |
269 |
270 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // db, connectionPrefs, modemId |
271 |
272 } // CFaxTestStep::ReadFaxCommDBSettingsL |
273 |
274 |
275 /** |
276 * Begin Fax Transfer. We only launch it once the elements of |
277 * session->iFaxSessionParameters are all set up. We call it with a |
278 * TRequestStatus and while waiting for the fax to end, we also display |
279 * the status of the fax every second. |
280 * |
281 * @param aFaxSession Fax Session already in use. |
282 */ |
283 TInt CFaxTestStep::BeginFaxTransfer(CFaxTransfer* aFaxSession) |
284 { |
285 TRequestStatus threadStatus; |
286 TRequestStatus timerStatus; |
287 RTimer timer; |
288 TFaxPhase lastPhase = ENotYetStarted; |
289 TInt result; |
290 |
291 result = aFaxSession->Start(threadStatus); |
292 if (result == KErrNone) |
293 { |
294 timer.CreateLocal (); |
295 timer.After(timerStatus, KFaxTestLogPeriod); |
296 |
297 for (;;) |
298 { |
299 User::WaitForRequest(timerStatus, threadStatus); |
300 if (timerStatus != KRequestPending) |
301 { |
302 if (aFaxSession->Progress()) |
303 { |
304 INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Cancelling - no progress!")); |
305 aFaxSession->Cancel(); |
306 } |
307 else |
308 { |
309 lastPhase = aFaxSession->iProgress.iPhase; |
310 if (lastPhase != ENotYetStarted) |
311 { |
312 INFO_PRINTF6(_L("Phase %c Speed %d Resolution %d Compression %dD ECM %d"), |
313 aFaxSession->iProgress.iPhase, |
314 aFaxSession->iProgress.iSpeed, |
315 aFaxSession->iProgress.iResolution, |
316 aFaxSession->iProgress.iCompression+1, |
317 aFaxSession->iProgress.iECM); |
318 INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Line %d Page %d Connected to \"%S\""), |
319 aFaxSession->iProgress.iLines, |
320 aFaxSession->iProgress.iPage, |
321 &aFaxSession->iProgress.iAnswerback); |
322 } |
323 timer.After(timerStatus, KFaxTestLogPeriod); |
324 } |
325 } |
326 else if (threadStatus != KRequestPending) |
327 { |
328 aFaxSession->Stop(); |
329 |
330 timer.Cancel(); |
331 User::WaitForRequest(timerStatus); |
332 timer.Close (); |
333 |
334 result = threadStatus.Int(); |
335 break; |
336 } |
337 } |
338 } |
339 |
340 if (result == KFaxErrNoHangup) |
341 { |
342 // |
343 // KFaxErrNoHangup is a phase E error and can be safely ignored. |
344 // |
345 result = KErrNone; |
346 } |
347 |
348 return (result); |
349 } // CFaxTestStep::BeginFaxTransfer() |
350 |
351 |
352 void CFaxTestStep::GenerateHeaderFileL(TFaxSettings& aFaxSettings, const TUint8* aFont, |
353 TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight) |
354 { |
355 TFaxHeaderInfo faxHeader; |
356 |
357 // |
358 // Declare the font size... |
359 // |
360 faxHeader.iHeaderFontWidthInBytes = aWidth; |
361 faxHeader.iHeaderFontHeightInLines = aHeight; |
362 |
363 // |
364 // Work out the number of characters we can get in the scan line, so that we can |
365 // create a modifiable buffer to hold the header line and fill it with spaces |
366 // |
367 TInt charactersPerLine = KFaxBytesPerScanLine / faxHeader.iHeaderFontWidthInBytes; |
368 HBufC8* textBuff = HBufC8::New(charactersPerLine); |
369 CleanupStack::PushL(textBuff); |
370 |
371 if (!textBuff) |
372 { |
373 User::Leave (KErrNoMemory); |
374 } |
375 |
376 TPtr8 textLine = textBuff->Des(); |
377 textLine.Fill(' ', charactersPerLine); |
378 |
379 // |
380 // Work out the margin we leave on each side of the page in characters |
381 // this is specified as 74 pixels in T.4. |
382 // |
383 TInt margin = (74 / (8 * faxHeader.iHeaderFontWidthInBytes)); |
384 |
385 // |
388 // |
389 // |
390 // assume we have the date and time on the lefthand side as dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm |
391 // 0000000001111111 |
392 // 1234567890123456 |
393 // fill in the separators |
394 // |
395 textLine.Replace(margin + 3, 1, _L8 ("/")); |
396 textLine.Replace(margin + 6, 1, _L8 ("/")); |
397 textLine.Replace(margin + 14, 1, _L8 (":")); |
398 |
399 // |
400 // Set up the offsets to the data... |
401 // |
402 faxHeader.iOffsetToDay = margin + 1; |
403 faxHeader.iOffsetToMonth = margin + 4; |
404 faxHeader.iOffsetToYear = margin + 7; |
405 faxHeader.iOffsetToHour = margin + 12; |
406 faxHeader.iOffsetToMinute = margin + 15; |
407 |
408 // |
409 // Assume we have the page info on the righthand side as pp/tt |
410 // 54321 |
411 // fill in the separator |
412 // |
413 textLine.Replace(charactersPerLine - margin - 3, 1, _L8 ("/")); |
414 |
415 // |
416 // Set up the offsets to the data |
417 // |
418 faxHeader.iOffsetToTotalPages = charactersPerLine - margin - 2; |
419 faxHeader.iOffsetToCurrentPage = charactersPerLine - margin - 5; |
420 |
421 // |
422 // Fill the header line with appropriate information |
423 // |
424 textLine.Replace(faxHeader.iOffsetToMinute + 4, aFaxSettings.iFaxId.Length (), |
425 aFaxSettings.iFaxId); |
426 |
427 // |
429 // |
430 // Now we can write the fax header info to the header info file |
431 // |
432 CFaxHeaderLines* testheader = CFaxHeaderLines::NewL(); |
433 CleanupStack::PushL(testheader); |
434 |
435 testheader->WriteFaxHeaderInfoL(faxHeader); |
436 |
437 // |
438 // Now we generate the scan line and write the header line bitmap |
439 // via a loop for each rowInFont in the font. |
440 // |
441 TInt rowInFont; |
442 |
443 for (rowInFont = 0; rowInFont < faxHeader.iHeaderFontHeightInLines; rowInFont++) |
444 { |
445 TRawScanLine image; |
446 |
447 image.SetMax (); |
448 image.FillZ (); |
449 |
450 TInt offsetInImage = 0; |
451 |
452 for (TInt characterPosition = 0; characterPosition < charactersPerLine; characterPosition++) |
453 { |
454 for (TInt fontByte = 0; fontByte < faxHeader.iHeaderFontWidthInBytes; fontByte++) |
455 { |
456 image[offsetInImage++] = (TUint8) ~ KReverseByte[*(aFont + ((textLine[characterPosition] - 32) * faxHeader.iHeaderFontHeightInLines * faxHeader.iHeaderFontWidthInBytes) + (rowInFont * faxHeader.iHeaderFontWidthInBytes) + fontByte)]; |
457 } |
458 } |
459 testheader->WriteRawHeaderLineL(rowInFont, image); |
460 } |
461 |
462 // |
463 // Now we replace the first ten characters in the header text line with digits |
464 // and write out the font line... |
465 // |
466 textLine.Replace(0, 10, _L8 ("0123456789")); |
467 |
468 for (rowInFont = 0; rowInFont < faxHeader.iHeaderFontHeightInLines; rowInFont++) |
469 { |
470 TRawScanLine image; |
471 |
472 image.SetMax (); |
473 image.FillZ (); |
474 |
475 TInt offsetInImage = 0; |
476 |
477 for (TInt characterPosition = 0; characterPosition < charactersPerLine; characterPosition++) |
478 { |
479 for (TInt fontByte = 0; fontByte < faxHeader.iHeaderFontWidthInBytes; fontByte++) |
480 { |
481 image[offsetInImage++] = (TUint8) ~ KReverseByte[*(aFont + ((textLine[characterPosition] - 32) * faxHeader.iHeaderFontHeightInLines * faxHeader.iHeaderFontWidthInBytes) + (rowInFont * faxHeader.iHeaderFontWidthInBytes) + fontByte)]; |
482 } |
483 } |
484 testheader->WriteRawFontLineL(rowInFont, image); |
485 } |
486 |
487 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(testheader); |
488 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(textBuff); |
489 } // CFaxTestStep::GenerateHeaderFileL |
490 |