changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
child 24 6638e7f4bd8f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @internalAll
    19 */
    21 #ifndef __SMSPREASSEMBLYSTOR_H__
    22 #define __SMSPREASSEMBLYSTOR_H__
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    25 #include "gsmustor.h"
    26 #include "smsprot.h"
    28 /**
    29  *  @internalComponent
    30  */
    31 const TDriveNumber KStoreDrive = EDriveC;
    32 _LIT(KStoreSubDir, "sms\\");
    34 // Flat array object's granularity.
    35 const TInt KFlatArrayGranularity = 8;
    37 /**
    38  *  Provides Utility functions for re-assembly store.
    39  *  
    40  *  @internalComponent
    41  */
    42 class CReassemblyStoreUtility : public CBase
    43 	{
    44 public:
    45 	static void PrivatePath(RFs& aFs, TDes& aPath);
    46 	static void PopulateEntry(TSmsReassemblyEntry& aEntry,const CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,TInt aNumSmss);
    47 	};
    49 /**
    50  *  Provides generic information useful for the reassembly of SMS messages.
    51  *  
    52  *  This class should reflect parts of a complete SMS message to be stored in
    53  *  the reassembly store.
    54  *  @internalComponent
    55  */
    56 class TReassemblyEntry : public TSmsReassemblyEntry
    57 	{
    58 	private:
    59 	/*
    60 	In TSmsReassemblyEntry, the below 2 functions are public.
    61 	In this class main intention is to make these 2 function private
    62 	so that client can't use those 2 functions. This class will be used in
    63 	CReassemblyStore class which does not deal with storing the data in
    64 	permanent store file. So there is no need of these 2 functions.
    65 	*/
    66 	TStreamId DataStreamId() const;
    67 	void SetDataStreamId(TStreamId aStreamId);
    68 	};
    70 /**
    71  *  This class is based on template design pattern. The re-assembly store logic is divided
    72  *	into invariant & variant part. The invariant part logic is specified here.
    73  *	Variant part logic is left to sub-class to implement. 
    74  *	Invariant part deals with addition/updation/deletion of SMS message in re-assembly store
    75  *	without knowing where or how the message is stored.	Variant part logic
    76  *	mainly deals with storing/reading SMS messages in/from persistent file. So in future if 
    77  *	situation demand then storing part can be changed without any changes in invariant part.
    78  *	In that case new class has to be derived from this class & all pure virtual function has
    79  *	to be implemented.
    80  *  @internalComponent
    81  */
    82 class CReassemblyStore : public CBase
    83 	{
    84 public:
    85 	void InitializeL();
    86 	void PurgeL(const TTimeIntervalMinutes& aTimeIntervalMinutes,TBool aPurgeIncompleteOnly);
    87 	void DeleteEnumeratedSIMEntries();
    88 	TInt NumberOfCompleteMessages();
    90 	void AddSegmentToReassemblyStoreL(CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,const TGsmSms& aGsmSms, TInt& aIndex, TBool& aIsComplete, TBool aIsEnumeration, TInt& aCount, TInt& aTotal);
    91 	void DeleteMessageL(const CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage, TBool aPassed);
    92 	void UpdateLogServerIdOfMessageL(const CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage, TInt aIndex);
    93 	void SetMessagePassedToClientL(const CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage, TBool aPassed=ETrue);
    94 	void GetMessageL(TInt aIndex, CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage);
    96 protected:
    97 	CReassemblyStore(RFs& aFs);
    98 	virtual ~CReassemblyStore();
   100 	virtual void NewMessagePDUL(TInt& aIndex,CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,const TGsmSms& aGsmSms);
   101 	void MatchPDUToExistingMessage(const CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage, TInt& aIndex);
   102 	virtual void UpdateExistingMessageL(CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,
   103 								const TGsmSms& aGsmSms, TInt aIndex,
   104 								TBool& aComplete,
   105 								TBool& aDuplicateMsgRef,
   106 								TBool& aDuplicateSlot);
   108 	TBool FindMessageL(const CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage, TBool aPassed, TInt& aIndex);
   109 	const CArrayFix<TReassemblyEntry>& Entries() const {return iEntryArray;}
   111 public:
   112 	/*
   113 	This function will open the file where SMS messages are stored
   114 	*/
   115 	virtual void OpenStoreL()=0;
   116 	/*
   117 	This function will close the file where SMS messages are stored
   118 	*/
   119 	virtual void Close()=0;
   121 private:
   122 	/*
   123 	This function will fill-up the entries for all the messages stored in re-assembly store.
   124 	*/
   125 	virtual void PopulateEntryArrayL(CArrayFix<TReassemblyEntry>& aEntryArray) = 0;
   126 	/*
   127 	This function will add a new message in the persistent file.
   128 	*/
   129 	virtual void AddNewMessageL(CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,const TGsmSms& aGsmSms) = 0;
   130 	/*
   131 	This function will update an existing message in the persistent file.
   132 	*/
   133 	virtual void UpdateExistingMessageL(CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage,const TGsmSms& aGsmSms, TBool& aDuplicateMsgRef, TBool& aDuplicateSlot) = 0;
   134 	/*
   135 	This function will return an SMS message based on the provided entry information.
   136 	*/
   137 	virtual void RetrieveMessageL(const TReassemblyEntry& aEntry, CSmsMessage& aSmsMessage) = 0;
   138 	/*
   139 	This function will delete a SMS message based on the provided entry information.
   140 	*/
   141 	virtual void DeleteEntryL(const TReassemblyEntry& aEntry) = 0;
   142 	/*
   143 	This function will update the Set Passed To Client field of the provided entry.
   144 	*/
   145 	virtual void SetPassedToClientL(const TReassemblyEntry& aEntry, TBool aBool) = 0;
   146 	/*
   147 	This function will update the log server id of the provided entry.
   148 	*/
   149 	virtual void UpdateLogServerIdL(const TReassemblyEntry& aEntry, TLogId aLogServerId) = 0;
   150 	/*
   151 	This function will begin the transaction.
   152 	*/
   153 	virtual void BeginTransactionLC() = 0;
   154 	/*
   155 	This function will commit the transaction.
   156 	*/
   157 	virtual void CommitTransactionL() = 0;
   159 protected:
   160 	/*
   161 	Ideally RFs should not be a member variable of this class.
   162 	But at the time of creating CSmsMessage it needs reference to RFs
   163 	That is the reason why it is here.
   164 	*/
   165 	RFs& iFs;
   166 	CArrayFixFlat<TReassemblyEntry>	iEntryArray;
   167 	TTime iLastReceivedTime;
   168 	TTime iLastRealTime;
   169 	};
   171 #endif // !defined __SMSPREASSEMBLYSTOR_H__