1 Please note that the current test for this component is TS_SatCli. This is essentially a version of Tsatcli that is ported to use the ScheduleTest framework. Since the harness uses Scheduletest, the user should compile the latest version of ScheduleTest before compiling this test. |
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3 ScheduleTest can be found in networking/integrationtest and is built from the networking/integrationtest/group directory. TS_SatCli can be found in telephony/etelSat/tetel/ts_satcli. The test is complied from the telephony/etelsat/group directory. Please note that in order to run this test you also need to compile the dummy tsy. |
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5 For ease of merging test code defect fixes from Hurricane to 3GComms, the old test code is still present in the 3GComms_Hurricane branch but is not built. |