changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
child 24 6638e7f4bd8f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3553901f7fa8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Contains a number of utility classes that are of general use
    15 // thoughout the TSY.
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 /**
    20  @file
    21 */
    23 #include "utils.h"
    24 #include "CSimPhone.h"
    27 RCall::THookStatus ConvertStateToHook(RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aStatus)
    28 /**
    29 	Convert a call state to a hook state.
    30 */
    31 	{
    32 	if(aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusUnknown)
    33 		return RCall::EHookStatusUnknown;
    34 	if((aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusIdle)||
    35 	   (aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusRinging))
    36 	   return RCall::EHookStatusOn;
    37 	return RCall::EHookStatusOff;
    38 	}
    40 RPhone::TMode ConvertStateToMode(RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aStatus)
    41 /**
    42 	Convert a call state to a RPhone::TMode state.
    43 	Note that the mapping table is not entirely clear here.
    44 	The following mappings have been used here:
    45 		EStatusUnknown		=>	EModeUnknown
    46 		EStatusIdle			=>	EModeIdle
    47 		EStatusDialling		=>	EModeEstablishingLink
    48 		EStatusRinging		=>	EModeEstablishingLink
    49 		EStatusAnswering	=>	EModeEstablishingLink
    50 		EStatusConnecting	=>	EModeEstablishingLink
    51 		EStatusConnected	=>	EModeOnlineData
    52 		EStatusHold			=>	EModeOnlineData
    53 		EStatusHangingUp	=>	EModeOnlineData
    55   There is currently no mapping for EModeOnlineCommand, so this mode state will
    56   never be returned.
    57 */
    58 	{
    59 	if(aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusUnknown)
    60 		return RPhone::EModeUnknown;
    61 	if(aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusIdle)
    62 		return RPhone::EModeIdle;
    63 	if((aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusDialling) ||
    64 		(aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering) ||
    65 		(aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusRinging) ||
    66 		(aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusConnecting))
    67 		return RPhone::EModeEstablishingLink;
    68 	if(aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusConnected)
    69 		return RPhone::EModeOnlineData;
    70 	if(aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting)
    71 		return RPhone::EModeOnlineData;
    72 	if(aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusHold)
    73 		return RPhone::EModeOnlineData;
    74 	return RPhone::EModeUnknown;		// Dummy final return value.
    75 	}
    77 TBool IsStateActive(RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aStatus)
    78 	{
    79 	if((aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusUnknown) ||
    80 	   (aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusIdle) ||
    81 	   (aStatus==RMobileCall::EStatusRinging))
    82 	   return EFalse;
    83 	return ETrue;
    84 	}
    86 void ConvertAsciiSms(const TDesC8& aAsciiPdu, TDes8& aOctetPdu)
    87 /**
    88  * Populate the SMS PDU from an ASCII representation, such as that stored in the configuration file.
    89  * This simply involves converting the ASCII representation in the configuration file
    90  * into a hex representation to complete the request.
    91  */
    92 	{
    93 	// Check that the ASCII PDU length is even
    94 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((aAsciiPdu.Length()&0x1)==0x0,SimPanic(EIllegalOddNumberOfCharactersInConfigFilePdu));
    96 	TUint8 digit;
    97 	TInt i;
    98 	for(i=0;i<aAsciiPdu.Length();i+=2)
    99 		{
   100 		TLex8 lex(aAsciiPdu.Mid(i,2));
   101 		TInt ret=lex.Val(digit,EHex);
   102 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ret==KErrNone,SimPanic(EIllegalHexCharacterInConfigFilePdu));
   103 		aOctetPdu.Append(&digit,1);
   104 		}
   105 	}
   107 /**
   108 Converts a buffer containing string of the hexadecimal characters,
   109 representing the binary data, into this binary data!
   111 @param aSrc The buffer containing text representation.
   112 @param aDst Binary data will be written to this buffer.
   113 */
   114 void ConvertTextToBinary(const TDesC& aSrc, TDes8& aDst)
   115 	{
   116 	// Check that the ASCII PDU length is even
   117 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((aSrc.Length()&0x1)==0x0, SimPanic(EInvalidParameterFormatInConfigFile));
   119 	aDst.SetLength(aSrc.Length() / 2);
   121 	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < aSrc.Length(); ii += 2)
   122 		{
   123 		TInt val = 0;
   124 		if ((aSrc[ii] >= '0') && (aSrc[ii] <= '9'))
   125 			{
   126 			val = ((aSrc[ii] - '0') << 4);
   127 			}
   128 		else if ((aSrc[ii] >= 'A') && (aSrc[ii] <= 'F'))
   129 			{
   130 			val = ((aSrc[ii] - 'A' + 10) << 4);
   131 			}
   133 		if ((aSrc[ii+1] >= '0') && (aSrc[ii+1] <= '9'))
   134 			{
   135 			val += (aSrc[ii+1] - '0');
   136 			}
   137 		else if ((aSrc[ii+1] >= 'A') && (aSrc[ii+1] <= 'F'))
   138 			{
   139 			val += (aSrc[ii+1] - 'A' + 10);
   140 			}
   142 		aDst[ii/2] = (TUint8) val;
   143 		}
   144 	}
   146 TInt AsciiToNum(const TPtrC8 aParam, TUint8& aVal)
   147 /**
   148 * Converts a hexadecimal or decimal value stored in a TPtrC to its TUint value
   149 *
   150 * @param aParam		TPtr pointing to the hexadecimal or decimal number to convert.
   151 * @param aVal		TUint reference to the val converted.
   152 * @return TInt		Standard error return.
   153 */
   154 	{
   155 	_LIT8(KHexPrefix,"0x");
   156 	TInt ret=KErrNone;
   157 	if(aParam.Left(2).Compare(KHexPrefix)==0)
   158 		{
   159 		TLex8 lex(aParam.Mid(2));
   160 		ret=lex.Val(aVal,EHex);
   161 		}
   162 	else
   163 		{
   164 		TLex8 lex(aParam);
   165 		ret=lex.Val(aVal,EDecimal);
   166 		}
   167 	return ret;
   168 	}
   170 TInt AsciiToNum(const TPtrC8 aParam, TUint16& aVal)
   171 /**
   172 * Converts a hexadecimal or decimal value stored in a TPtrC to its TUint value
   173 *
   174 * @param aParam		TPtr pointing to the hexadecimal or decimal number to convert.
   175 * @param aVal		TUint reference to the val converted.
   176 * @return TInt		Standard error return.
   177 */
   178 	{
   179 	_LIT8(KHexPrefix,"0x");
   180 	TInt ret=KErrNone;
   181 	if(aParam.Left(2).Compare(KHexPrefix)==0)
   182 		{
   183 		TLex8 lex(aParam.Mid(2));
   184 		ret=lex.Val(aVal,EHex);
   185 		}
   186 	else
   187 		{
   188 		TLex8 lex(aParam);
   189 		ret=lex.Val(aVal,EDecimal);
   190 		}
   191 	return ret;
   192 	}
   194 TInt AsciiToNum(const TPtrC8 aParam, TUint32& aVal)
   195 /**
   196 * Converts a hexadecimal or decimal value stored in a TPtrC to its TUint value
   197 *
   198 * @param aParam		TPtr pointing to the hexadecimal or decimal number to convert
   199 * @param aVal		TUint reference to the val converted.
   200 * @return TInt		Standard error return.
   201 */
   202 	{
   203 	_LIT8(KHexPrefix,"0x");
   204 	TInt ret=KErrNone;
   205 	if(aParam.Left(2).Compare(KHexPrefix)==0)
   206 		{
   207 		TLex8 lex(aParam.Mid(2));
   208 		ret=lex.Val(aVal,EHex);
   209 		}
   210 	else
   211 		{
   212 		TLex8 lex(aParam);
   213 		ret=lex.Val(aVal,EDecimal);
   214 		}
   215 	return ret;
   216 	}
   218 TInt AsciiToNum(const TPtrC8 aParam, TInt32& aVal)
   219 /**
   220 * Converts a hexadecimal or decimal value stored in a TPtrC to its TUint value
   221 *
   222 * @param aParam		TPtr pointing to the hexadecimal or decimal number to convert
   223 * @param aVal		TUint reference to the val converted.
   224 * @return TInt		Standard error return.
   225 */
   226 	{
   227 	_LIT8(KHexPrefix,"0x");
   228 	TInt ret=KErrNone;
   229 	if(aParam.Left(2).Compare(KHexPrefix)==0)
   230 		{
   231 		TLex8 lex(aParam.Mid(2));
   232 		ret=lex.Val(aVal,EHex);
   233 		}
   234 	else
   235 		{
   236 		TLex8 lex(aParam);
   237 		ret=lex.Val(aVal,EDecimal);
   238 		}
   239 	return ret;
   240 	}
   242 TInt ParseMixedBinaryAsciiDataL(TDes8& aTextToConvert)
   243 /**
   244 Parses aTextToConvert based on the following rules:
   245 '\\' (double backslash) is used to denote a single '\'
   246 (single backslash)
   247 '\xnn' denote a byte of binary data where nn is in hex-decimal.
   248 The '\xnn' in aTextToConvert is replaced by the binary byte
   249 that it represents.
   251 For example: If aTextToConvert contains "abc\\def\xFF",
   252 after parsing, it will contain "abc\def?" where ? = 0xFF.
   254 @param aTextToConvert Modifiable buffer which will be parsed. 
   256 @return KErrNone if aTextToConvert is in valid
   257         EAdditionalParamDataFormatMixedBinaryAndAscii format.
   258         KErrArgument if aTextToConvert is in an incorrect format.
   260 @panic KErrNoMemory if there is not enough memory to do the parsing.
   261 */
   262 	{
   263 	// Pointer to unparsed portion of additionalParamDataBuffer
   264 	HBufC8* resultBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC(aTextToConvert.Length());
   266 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(resultBuffer, PanicClient(KErrNoMemory));
   268 	TPtr8 result(resultBuffer->Des());
   270 	// Position of backslash
   271 	TInt pos = 0;
   273 	while ((pos = aTextToConvert.Locate('\\')) != KErrNotFound)
   274 		{
   275 		// Check that the backslash is followed by at least one more character
   276 		if ((pos+1) >= aTextToConvert.Length())
   277 			{
   278 			return KErrArgument;
   279 			}
   281 		TUint8 modifier = aTextToConvert[pos+1];
   283 		// Parse depending on character after the backslash
   284 		switch (modifier)
   285 			{
   286 		case '\\':
   287 			// Next character after the '\' is another '\'.
   288 			// Replace it with a single '\' and move
   289 			// on.
   290 			result.Append(aTextToConvert.Left(pos+1));
   291 			aTextToConvert.Delete(0, pos+2);
   292 			break;
   293 		case 'x':
   294 			// Next character is an 'x' so check that there are three 
   295 			// characters after the backslash (one for the x and two
   296 			// characters of HEX.
   297 			if ((pos+3) >= aTextToConvert.Length()) 
   298 				{
   299 				return KErrArgument;
   300 				}
   301 			// Convert those to HEX and replace '\xNN' with this.
   302 			result.Append(aTextToConvert.Left(pos));
   303 			TUint8 hexAsInt;
   304 			if (AsciiHexToNum(aTextToConvert.MidTPtr(pos+2,2), hexAsInt) != KErrNone)
   305 				{
   306 				return KErrArgument;
   307 				}
   308 			// Append the raw byte to the result
   309 			result.SetLength(result.Length()+1);
   310 			result[result.Length()-1] = hexAsInt;
   311 			aTextToConvert.Delete(0, pos+4);
   312 			break;		
   313 			}
   314 		} // End while
   315 	aTextToConvert.Insert(0, result);
   317 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(resultBuffer);
   318 	return KErrNone;
   319 	}
   321 /**
   322 Returns the numerical value that corresponds to the numeric character
   323 of its parameter (in base 17).
   325 @param aDigit A char between '0' to '9' or between 'A' to 'G'
   326 */
   327 TInt CharToSeptNumL(const TChar& aChar)
   328 	{
   329 	TInt ret = 0;
   331 	if((aChar >= '0') && (aChar <= '9'))
   332 		{
   333 		ret = TUint(aChar) - '0';
   334 		}
   335 	else if((aChar >= 'A') && (aChar <= 'G'))
   336 		{
   337 		ret = TUint(aChar) - 'A' + 10;
   338 		}
   339 	else
   340 		{
   341 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   342 		}
   344 	return ret;
   345 	}