changeset 66 07a122eea281
parent 65 630d2f34d719
child 67 4eff64595c44
child 70 4814c5a49428
--- a/cbsref/csyrefplugins/csy27010/src/Mux0710Protocol.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:23:08 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1034 +0,0 @@
-// * Copyright 2004 Neusoft America Inc.
-// * All rights reserved.
-// * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-// * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// * at the URL "".
-// *
-// * Contributors:
-// * Keith Collins (Neusoft America Inc.)  original software development and additional code and modifications.
-// * Thomas Gahagen (Neusoft America Inc.)  additional code and modifications.
-// * Zhen Yuan (Neusoft America Inc.)  additional code and modifications.
-// *
-// * Description:  This file contains the implementation for the Mux0710Protocol class.
-// Mux0710Protocol.cpp
-/** @file Mux0710Protocol.cpp
- *
- */
-#include "Mux0710Protocol.h"
-#include "Portfactory.h"
-#include "PortC32Interface.h"
-#include "CsyMsgBufBPFrame.h"
-#include "ChannelMgrCmdData.h"
-#include "CommFrameWriterAo.h"
-#include "CommFrameReaderAo.h"
-#include "ChannelMgrCtrl.h"
-#include "CsyDebugLogger.h"
-// AT Commands
-_LIT8(KATCmdAttention,     "ATE0\r");
-_LIT8(KATCmdDisableEcho,   "ATE0Q0V1\r");
-_LIT8(KATCmdReset,   "AT%b\r");
-_LIT8(KATCmdSleep,   "AT%SLEEP=0\r");
-const TInt KRetryCount = 2;
-CMux0710Protocol* CMux0710Protocol::NewL(CPortFactory& aPortFactory)
- * This static method uses 2-phase construction to create an instance of
- * this class.
- *
- * @return Pointer to the created object
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C1("CMux0710Protocol::NewL");
-	CMux0710Protocol* p = new(ELeave) CMux0710Protocol(aPortFactory);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(p);
-	p->ConstructL();
-	CleanupStack::Pop(p);
-	return p;
- 	}
- * Destructor.
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C1("CMux0710Protocol::~CMux0710Protocol");
-	// Release  Free Frame Memory 
-	CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* aBpFrame;
-    iFreeFrameBufIter.SetToFirst();
-	while ((aBpFrame = iFreeFrameBufIter++) != NULL)
-		{
-		iFreeFrameBufList.Remove(*aBpFrame);
-		delete  aBpFrame;
-	 	}  
-	delete iTimeouter;
-	}
-CMux0710Protocol::CMux0710Protocol(CPortFactory& aPortFactory)
- * Constructor.
- *
- */
- : iPortFactory(aPortFactory),
-   iMuxMgrState(ECsyWaitingForFlushResp),
-   iFreeFrameBufList(_FOFF(CCsyMsgBufBpFrame, iMsgLink)),
-   iFreeFrameBufIter(iFreeFrameBufList),
-   iRetryCount(KRetryCount)
-   	{}
-void CMux0710Protocol::ConstructL()
- * Allocate the memory for the free frames list.
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C1("CMux0710Protocol::ConstructL");
-	iTimeouter = CActiveTimeouter::NewL(*this);
-	// allocate memory for the free frame buffer
-	for (TUint i=0; i < KMaxFreeFrames; i++)
-		{
-		CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* aBpFrame = CCsyMsgBufBpFrame::NewL();
-		iFreeFrameBufList.AddLast(*aBpFrame);
-		}
-	iFreeFrameCount = KMaxFreeFrames;
-	}
-CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* CMux0710Protocol::GetFreeFrameBuf(TBool aCheckFlowControlThresholds)
- * Get a free frame buffer and then remove the buffer from
- * the free list.
- *
- * @return - Pointer to a frame buffer or NULL 
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C2(">>CMux0710Protocol::GetFreeFrameBuf [aCheckFlowControlThresholds=%d]",
-		aCheckFlowControlThresholds);
-	CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* frame = NULL;
-	if (!iFreeFrameBufList.IsEmpty())
-		{
-		frame = iFreeFrameBufList.First();
-		if (frame)
-			{
-			iFreeFrameBufList.Remove(*frame);
-			iFreeFrameCount--;
-			_LOG_L4C2("iFreeFrameCount=%d",iFreeFrameCount);
-			if ((aCheckFlowControlThresholds)&&(iFreeFrameCount < KStopDataDlcsThreshold))
-				{
-				// Need to enforce some flow control
-				iEnforcingFlowControl = ETrue;
-				if (iFreeFrameCount == 1)
-					{
-					// Only one frame free - that can be used to send the MSC command
-					_LOG_L4C1("Drastic action! - 1 frame free");
-					iPortFactory.StopAnyDlc();
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					_LOG_L4C2("Less than %d frames free",KStopDataDlcsThreshold);
-					iPortFactory.FindActiveDataDlcToStop();
-					}
-				}
-			frame->iMsg.Zero();
-			frame->MsgDlc() = KCtrlChannelDlcNum;
-			frame->CompleteWhenSent() = ETrue;
-			}
-		}
-	_LOG_L4C2("<<CMux0710Protocol::GetFreeFrameBuf [frame=0x%x]",frame);
-	return frame;
-	}
-void CMux0710Protocol::AddFrameFreeQ(CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* aBpFrame)
- * This method is called to add the specified frame buffer to the
- * free frame queue.
- *
- * @param aBpFrame - Pointer to the frame buffer
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C2(">>CMux0710Protocol::AddFrameFreeQ [aBpFrame=0x%x]",aBpFrame);
-	iFreeFrameBufList.AddLast(*aBpFrame);
-	if (iEnforcingFlowControl)
-		{
-		if (iFreeFrameCount >= KStartDataDlcsThreshold)
-			{
-			// Release flow control
-			_LOG_L4C2("More than %d frames free",
-				KStartDataDlcsThreshold);
-			// re-enable a data dlc (note only re-enable one dlc at a time)
-			iEnforcingFlowControl = iPortFactory.FindDlcToEnable();
-			_LOG_L4C2("iEnforcingFlowControl=%d",iEnforcingFlowControl);
-			}
-		}
-	iFreeFrameCount++;
-	//MAF __ASSERT_DEBUG((iFreeFrameCount <= KMaxFreeFrames),PANIC(KPanicIllegalState));
-	_LOG_L4C2("<<CMux0710Protocol::AddFrameFreeQ iFreeFrameCount=%d",
-		iFreeFrameCount);
-	}
-TUint8 CMux0710Protocol::CalcFCS(TUint8* aBuffer, TInt aLen)
- * This method calculates the checkSum for the specified buffer
- * with the specified length.
- *
- * @param aBuffer - Pointer to the data buffer
- * @param aLen    - Length of Number of bytes in the Buffer for which CheckSum to be calculated
- * @return checksum
- */
-	{
-    TUint8 frameCheckSum = 0xFF;
-	aBuffer++;
-	for (TInt i=0; i < aLen; i++ )
-		{
-		frameCheckSum = crctable[(frameCheckSum ^ (*aBuffer++))];
-		}
-	// One's Complement
-	frameCheckSum = (TUint8) ((TUint8)(0xFF) - frameCheckSum);
-	return frameCheckSum;
-	}
-TInt CMux0710Protocol::Create0710DataFrames(TDesC8& aMsgBuf, 
-											   const TUint8 aDlcNum)
- * This method is called by channel manager objects to fragment
- * a client message into frames for transmission to the BP.
- * The length of the client message is determined, the client message is
- * fragment into 27.010 format, and the formatted frames are added to the
- * write frame queue.
- *
- * @param aMsgBuf - Pointer to the client message
- * @param aDlcNum - DLC number
- * @return KErrNone, KErrArgument, or KErrNoMemory
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C2(">>CMux0710Protocol::Create0710DataFrames [aDlcNum=%d]",
-		aDlcNum);
-	TInt ret = KErrNone;
-	TInt msgLength   = aMsgBuf.Length();
-	TInt offset      = 0;
-	TInt frameLength = 0;
-	TInt maxFrameLength = KMaxFrameSize;
-	TBool beginFlag = ETrue;
-	TBool endFlag = EFalse;
-	_LOG_L4C2("msgLength = %d", msgLength);
-	if (msgLength > 0)
-		{
-		while ((msgLength > 0)&&(ret == KErrNone))
-			{
-			CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* bpFrame = GetFreeFrameBuf();
-			if (bpFrame)
-				{
-				// Set up the frame
-				bpFrame->MsgDlc() = aDlcNum;
-				if (msgLength > maxFrameLength)
-					{
-					_LOG_L4C3("Fragmenting (%d > %d)",msgLength,maxFrameLength);
-					frameLength = maxFrameLength;
-					bpFrame->CompleteWhenSent() = EFalse;
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					_LOG_L4C1("No Fragment");
-					frameLength = msgLength;
-					bpFrame->CompleteWhenSent() = ETrue;
-					endFlag = ETrue;
-					}
-				// Test for convergence layer 4
-				CPortC32InterfaceBase* port = 
-					iPortFactory.FindPortC32Interface(aDlcNum);
-				if (port)
-					{
-					if (port->GetClientType() == CPortFactory::EC32ClientIpNif)
-						{
-						_LOG_L4C1("Layer 4 frame");
-						Create0710UIHLayer4FrameFromMsg(aMsgBuf, offset, 
-							bpFrame, frameLength, aDlcNum, beginFlag, endFlag);
-						// No longer the beginning
-						beginFlag = EFalse;
-						}
-					else
-						{
-						_LOG_L4C1("Normal frame");
-						Create0710UIHFrameFromMsg(
-							aMsgBuf, offset, bpFrame, frameLength, aDlcNum);
-						}
-					_LOG_L4C1("Writing the frame");
-					ret = iCommWriter->Write(bpFrame);
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					_LOG_L1C2("** No port defined for aDlcNum=%d",
-						aDlcNum);
-					}
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				// error no free frame available
-				_LOG_L1C1("** No free frame buffer **");
-				ret = KErrNoMemory;
-				}
-			msgLength -= frameLength;
-			offset += maxFrameLength;
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		ret = KErrArgument;
-		}
-	_LOG_L4C2("<<CMux0710Protocol::Create0710DataFrames [ret=%d]",ret);
-	return ret;
-	}
-void CMux0710Protocol::Create0710UIHFrameFromMsg(TDesC8& aMsgBuf,
-												 TInt aOffset,
-												 CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* aFrameBuf,
-												 TInt aLength,
-												 TUint8 aDlcNum)
- * This method creates an 27.010 UIH frame from a message.
- * NOTE: This method assumes that a free frame buffer has been allocated.
- *
- * @param aMsgBuf - Pointer to a CSY memory element pointing to a Msg
- * @param aOffset - Offset from the start of the message to be copied to the frame.
- *                  This is needed if the calling method needs to defragment a long message.
- * @param aFrameBuf - Pointer to a CSY memory elelemt pointing to a Frame
- * @param aLength   - Length of the payload to be copied.
- * @param aDlcNum   - DLC channel number.
- */
-    {
-	_LOG_L4C3(">>CMux0710Protocol::Create0710UIHFrameFromMsg [aOffset=%d,aLength=%d]",aOffset,aLength);
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg.Zero();
-	// set initial length for headers
-#ifdef _27010ADVANCEOPTION
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg.SetLength(3);
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg.SetLength(4);
-	// Octet 0 = Start Flag
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg[0] = KCsy0710StartEndFlag;
-	// Octet 1 = Non-extended Address, Command/Response, DLCI number
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg[1] = (TUint8) ((aDlcNum << 2) | 0x03);  // Set the DLCI, EA, C/R
-	// Octet 2 = Control Field = Frame Type (UIH)
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg[2] = (TUint8) KCsy0710CTLUIH;
-#ifdef _27010ADVANCEOPTION
-	TInt checksumLength = 2;
-	// Octet 3 = Length indicator
-	// ASSUME only 1 byte needed for length size
-	//    27.010 supports 7 bits in Octet 3 to indicate a length up to 128 bytes long
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg[3] = (TUint8) ((aLength << 1) | KCsy0710EA);
-	// CRC Frame check : Basic Option  -> for Addr, Control, Length Fields only
-	// length = 3 bytes  [Addr(1) + Control(1) + Length (1)]
-	TInt checksumLength = 3;
-	TUint8 checksum;
-	checksum = (TUint8) CalcFCS(&aFrameBuf->iMsg[0], checksumLength);
-	// Octet 5-x
-	//CCsyMsgBufClient* csyMsgBufClient = STATIC_CAST(CCsyMsgBufClient*, aMsgBuf);
-	const TUint8* temp = &aMsgBuf[aOffset];
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg.Append(temp, aLength);
-	TInt tempLength = aFrameBuf->iMsg.Length();
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg.SetLength(tempLength + 2);
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg[tempLength] = checksum;
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg[tempLength+1] = KCsy0710StartEndFlag;
- 	_LOG_L4C1("<<CMux0710Protocol::Create0710UIHFrameFromMsg");
-	}
-void CMux0710Protocol::Create0710UIHLayer4FrameFromMsg(TDesC8& aMsgBuf, 
-													   TInt aOffset, 
-													   CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* aFrameBuf, 
-													   TInt aLength, 
-													   TUint8 aDlcNum, 
-													   TBool aLayer4Begin, 
-													   TBool aLayer4End)
- * This method creates an 27.010 UIH frame from a message.
- * NOTE: This method assumes that a free frame buffer has been allocated.
- *
- * @param aMsgBuf - Pointer to a CSY memory element pointing to a Msg
- * @param aOffset - Offset from the start of the message to be copied to the frame.
- *                  This is needed if the calling method needs to defragment a long message.
- *                  This method builds the message as a Convergence Layer 4 type, so
- *                  only Advanced Option.
- * @param aFrameBuf - Pointer to a CSY memory elelemt pointing to a Frame
- * @param aLength   - Length of the payload to be copied.
- * @param aDlcNum   - DLC channel number.
- * @param aLayer4Begin - Beginning of Convergence Layer 4.
- * @param aLayer4End   - End of Convergence Layer 4.
- */
-    {
-	_LOG_L4C3(">>CMux0710Protocol::Create0710UIHLayer4FrameFromMsg [aOffset=%d,aLength=%d]",aOffset,aLength);
-	_LOG_L4C3("[aLayer4Begin=%d,aLayer4End=%d]",aLayer4Begin,aLayer4End);
-	//aFrameBuf->iMsg.Zero(); - this is done in GetFreeFrameBuf
-	// set initial length for headers
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg.SetLength(3);
-	// Octet 0 = Start Flag
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg[0] = KCsy0710StartEndFlag;
-	// Octet 1 = Non-extended Address, Command/Response, DLCI number
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg[1] = (TUint8) ((aDlcNum << 2) | 0x03);  // Set the DLCI, EA, C/R
-	// Octet 2 = Control Field = Frame Type (UIH)
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg[2] = (TUint8) KCsy0710CTLUIH;
-	TInt checksumLength = 2;
-	TUint8 checksum;
-	checksum = (TUint8) CalcFCS(&aFrameBuf->iMsg[0], checksumLength);
-	// Octet 5-x	
-	// Build the Convergence Layer 4 byte
-	TUint8 tempLayer4Byte = 0x01;	// Default Middle Frame fragment 
-	if (aLayer4Begin && aLayer4End)	// Begin and End - Single Frame Message
-		{
-		tempLayer4Byte = 0xC1; // MAF magic numbers
-		}
-	else if (aLayer4Begin)	// Begin Frame
-		{
-		tempLayer4Byte = 0x41;
-		}
-	else if (aLayer4End)	// End Frame
-		{
-		tempLayer4Byte = 0x81;
-		}
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg.Append(tempLayer4Byte);
-	const TUint8* temp = &aMsgBuf[aOffset];
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg.Append(temp, aLength);
-	TInt tempLength = aFrameBuf->iMsg.Length();
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg.SetLength(tempLength + 2);
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg[tempLength] = checksum;
-	aFrameBuf->iMsg[tempLength+1] = KCsy0710StartEndFlag;
-	DumpFrame(aFrameBuf);
-	_LOG_L4C1("<<CMux0710Protocol::Create0710UIHLayer4FrameFromMsg");
-    }
-TInt CMux0710Protocol::Create0710ControlFrame(TCsyFrameType aFrameType,
-											  TUint8 aDlcNum,
-											  TCsyCtrlCommand aType,
-											  TUint8 aV24Signals)
- * This method creates an 27.010 control frame using the specified frame type
- * and DLC number.
- * NOTE: This method assumes that a free frame buffer has been allocated.
- *
- * @param aFrameType - Frame type of the control frame
- * @param aDlcNum - DLC number of this frame
- * @return KErrNone or KErrGeneral
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C2(">>CMux0710Protocol::Create0710ControlFrame [aDlcNum=%d]",aDlcNum);
-	TInt ret = KErrNone;
-	if (iMaxRetriesReached == EFalse)
-		{
-		#ifdef _27010ADVANCEOPTION
-			TUint8 tempArray[15]; // MAF magic numbers
-		#else
-			TUint8 tempArray[8];
-		#endif
-		// Octet 0 = Start Flag
-		tempArray[0] = KCsy0710StartEndFlag;
-		// Octet 1 = Non-extended Address, initiating end (Command/Response), DLCI number
-		tempArray[1] = (TUint8) ((aDlcNum << 2) | 0x03);  // Set the DLCI, EA, C/R
-		// Octet 2 = Frame Type
-		switch (aFrameType)
-			{
-		case ESABM:
-			_LOG_L3C1("ESABM");
-			tempArray[2] = (TUint8) KCsy0710CTLSABM;
-			tempArray[2] |= KCsy0710PollFinal;
-			break;
-		case EUA:
-			_LOG_L3C1("EUA");
-			tempArray[1] = (TUint8) ((aDlcNum << 2) | 0x01);  // Set the DLCI, EA
-			tempArray[2] = (TUint8) KCsy0710CTLUA;
-			break;
-		case EDM:
-			_LOG_L3C1("EDM");
-			tempArray[1] = (TUint8) ((aDlcNum << 2) | 0x01);  // Set the DLCI, EA
-			tempArray[2] = (TUint8) KCsy0710CTLDM;
-			break;
-		case EDISC:
-			_LOG_L3C1("EDISC");
-			tempArray[2] = (TUint8) KCsy0710CTLDISC;
-			tempArray[2] |= KCsy0710PollFinal;
-			break;
-		case EUIH:
-			_LOG_L3C1("EUIH");
-			tempArray[2] = (TUint8) KCsy0710CTLUIH;
-			tempArray[2] |= KCsy0710PollFinal; // no pollbit
-			break;
-		case EUI:
-			_LOG_L3C1("EUI");
-			tempArray[2] = (TUint8) KCsy0710CTLUI;
-			break;
-		default:
-			_LOG_L1C2("** Unknown FrameType=%d **",aFrameType);
-			ret = KErrGeneral;
-			break;
-			}
-	#ifndef _27010ADVANCEOPTION
-		(void) aType;	//to hide warning.
-		(void) aV24Signals; //to hide warning.
-		// Octet 3 = Length1 indicator octet1
-		tempArray[3] = (TUint8) 0x01;  // zero length and set EA bit
-		// CRC Frame check : Basic Option  -> for Addr, Control, Length Fields only
-		// length = 4 bytes  [Addr(1) + Control(1) + Length (2)]
-		TInt length = 3;  
-		tempArray[4] = (TUint8) CalcFCS(tempArray, length);
-		tempArray[5] = KCsy0710StartEndFlag;
-		// For this call of GetFreeFrameBuf do not check the low frame threshold
-		// since control frame and it could be related to an already occurring flow
-		// control action anyway.
-		CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* ctrlFrame = GetFreeFrameBuf(EFalse);
-		if (ctrlFrame)
-			{
-			ctrlFrame->iMsg.Copy(tempArray, 6);
-			iCommWriter->Write(ctrlFrame); // MAF should be high priority frame
-			}
-	#else
-		if (aFrameType == EUIH)
-			{
-			// Set the DLCI to 0
-			tempArray[1]  = 0x03; // Set the DLCI to 0, EA, C/R
-			}
-		TUint8 checkSum; 
-		TInt length = 2;
-		checkSum = (TUint8) CalcFCS(tempArray, length);
-		if (aFrameType == EUIH)
-			{
-			// Only two types of control UIH supported
-			if (aType == EParamNeg)
-				{
-				_LOG_L3C1("Param Negotiate");
-				tempArray[3]  = KCsy0710CTLUIH_DlcParamNegotiate;
-				tempArray[4]  = 0x11; // i.e 8 bytes, EA
-				tempArray[5]  = aDlcNum;
-				tempArray[6]  = (KPNClBits << 4) + KPNFrameType;
-				tempArray[7]  = KPNDlcPriority;
-				tempArray[8]  = KPNAckTimer;
-				tempArray[9]  = KPNMaxFrameSize & 0x00ff;
-				tempArray[10] = KPNMaxFrameSize >> 8;
-				tempArray[11] = KPNMaxRetransmissions;
-				tempArray[12] = KPNWindowSize;
-				tempArray[13] = checkSum;
-				tempArray[14] = KCsy0710StartEndFlag;
-				iParamNegotiateDlcNum = aDlcNum;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				_LOG_L3C2("MSC aV24Signals=0x%x", aV24Signals);
-				tempArray[3]  = KCsy0710CTLUIH_ModemStatusCmd;
-				tempArray[4]  = 0x05; // i.e 2 bytes, EA
-				tempArray[5]  = (TUint8) ((aDlcNum << 2) | 0x03);  // Set the DLCI, EA, 1
-				tempArray[6]  = aV24Signals;
-				tempArray[7] = checkSum;
-				tempArray[8] = KCsy0710StartEndFlag;
-				}
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			tempArray[3] = checkSum;
-			tempArray[4] = KCsy0710StartEndFlag;
-			}
-		CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* ctrlFrame = GetFreeFrameBuf(EFalse);
-		if (ctrlFrame)
-			{
-	#ifdef _27010ADVANCEOPTION
-			if (aFrameType == EUIH)
-				{
-				if (aType == EParamNeg)
-					{
-					ctrlFrame->iMsg.Copy(tempArray, 15);
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					ctrlFrame->iMsg.Copy(tempArray, 9);
-					}
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				ctrlFrame->iMsg.Copy(tempArray, 5);
-				}
-	#else
-			ctrlFrame->iMsg.Copy(tempArray, 5);
-	#endif
-			_LOG_L3C1("Write the frame");
-			iCommWriter->Write(ctrlFrame); // MAF should be high priority frame
-			}
-	#endif
-		else
-			{		// no memory available
-			_LOG_L1C1("** No Memory Available **");
-			ret = KErrNoMemory;
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{	
-		_LOG_L1C1("** Max Retries Reached **");
-		ret = KErrTimedOut;
-		}
-	_LOG_L4C2("<<CMux0710Protocol::Create0710ControlFrame [ret=%d]",ret);
-	return ret;
-	}
-TInt CMux0710Protocol::SwitchToMuxMode()
- * This method is called to switch the baseband to multiplexer mode.
- * This method formats the AT command the buffer with the AT+CMUX command
- * and writes to the write FrameBuf List.
- *
- * @return KErrNone or KErrNoMemory
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C1(">>CMux0710Protocol::SwitchToMuxMode");
-#ifdef __CSY_PROTOTYPE__
-	iMuxMgrState = ECsyMuxEnabled;
-	if(iMuxMgrState == ECsyWaitingForFlushResp)
-		{
-		//flush the read queue.
-		iTimeouter->Start(KOneSecond);
-		return KErrNone;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		iTimeouter->Start(KTwoSeconds);
-		}
-	TInt ret = KErrNone;
-	CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* initBuf = GetFreeFrameBuf();
-	if (initBuf)
-		{
-		if(iMuxMgrState == ECsyWaitingForResetResp)
-			{
-			//when using the TI stack we first attempt to reset the board using at%b.  
-			_LOG_L3C1("Sending AT reset command");
-			TBuf8<16> aBuf(KATCmdReset);
-			initBuf->iMsg.Copy(aBuf);
-			iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForResetResp;
-			}
-		else if(iMuxMgrState == ECsyWaitingForSleepResp)
-			{
-			//Need to ensure that the TI stack will not timeout in the lull between commands
-			_LOG_L3C1("Sending AT sleep command");
-			TBuf8<16> aBuf(KATCmdSleep);
-			initBuf->iMsg.Copy(aBuf);
-			iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForSleepResp;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-		_LOG_L3C1("Sending AT");
-		TBuf8<16> aBuf(KATCmdAttention);
-		initBuf->iMsg.Copy(aBuf);
-		iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForAttentionResp;
-			}
-		iResponseStr.Zero();
-		// call comm write to xmit frame
-		// comm writer's RunL will run when frame has been xmitted by LDD
-		// and return the frame buffer to the free list
-		ret = iCommWriter->Write(initBuf);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		_LOG_L1C1("** No Memory Available **");
-		ret = KErrNoMemory;
-		}
-	_LOG_L4C2("<<CMux0710Protocol::SwitchToMuxMode [ret=%d]",ret);
-	return ret;
-	}
-TInt CMux0710Protocol::ParseATResponse(TDes8& aResp)
- * This method parses the specified AT ascii response for the
- * expected ascii "OK" string.  If the string is found then set
- * the Mux Mode to True.
- *
- * @param aResp - Reference to the AT response string to parse
- * @return KErrNone, KErrGeneral or KErrNotFound
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C3(">>CMux0710Protocol::ParseATResponse [iMuxMgrState = %d, aResp=%S]",
-		iMuxMgrState,&aResp);
-	//Response string not always read in one go so concatonate it together to form full response string.
-	TInt appendsize = iResponseStr.MaxSize() - iResponseStr.Length();
-	iResponseStr.Append(aResp.LeftTPtr(appendsize));
-	_LOG_L4C2("Result string concatenated = %S",&iResponseStr);
-	if(iMuxMgrState == ECsyWaitingForFlushResp)
-		{
-		_LOG_L4C2("Flushed comm port on opening = %S",&iResponseStr);
-		return KErrNotFound;
-		}
-	if(iMuxMgrState == ECsyWaitingForResetResp)
-		{
-		if(iResponseStr.Find(KATInitialised) != KErrNotFound)
-			{
-			//got match - reset Rsp string to enter normal loop handle
-			_LOG_L3C1("Board has successfully been reset.");
-			iResponseStr = _L8("OK");
-			iRetryCount = 0; // stop retries of the reset
-			}
-		}
-	if(iMuxMgrState == ECsyWaitingForSleepResp)
-		{
-		if(iResponseStr.Find(_L8("OK")) != KErrNotFound)
-			{
-			//got match - sleep acknowledged
-			_LOG_L3C1("Board has had sleep timeout disabled.");
-			iRetryCount = 0; //stop retries of the sleep;
-			}
-		}				
-	TInt ret = KErrNone;
-	// all AT responses should contain an "OK" keyword
-	if ((iResponseStr.Find(_L8("OK")) != KErrNotFound) ||
-		(iResponseStr.Find(_L8("ERROR")) != KErrNotFound))
-		{
-		if (iResponseStr.Find(_L8("ERROR")) != KErrNotFound)
-			{
-			if(iMuxMgrState == ECsyWaitingForResetResp)
-				{
-				_LOG_L3C1("*******TI Board failed to reset (AT%b) - continue anyway as may already be in a stable state.*******");
-				iRetryCount--;
-				}
-			else if (iMuxMgrState == ECsyWaitingForSleepResp)
-				{
-				_LOG_L3C1("*******TI Board failed to acknowledge sleep disable (AT%SLEEP=0) - continue anyway as may already be in a stable state.*******");
-				iRetryCount--;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				_LOG_L3C1("****************** Received ERROR back ****************");
-				}
-			_LOG_L3C1("****************** Received ERROR back ****************");
-			}
-		iTimeouter->Stop();
-		switch (iMuxMgrState)
-			{
-		case ECsyWaitingForResetResp:
-			{			
-			_LOG_L3C1("ECsyWaitingForResetResp - Start proper init sequence.");
-			if(iRetryCount>0) 
-				iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForResetResp; //try reset command again
-			else
-				{
-				iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForSleepResp;
-				iRetryCount = KRetryCount;
-				}				
-			SwitchToMuxMode();
-			}
-			break;
-		case ECsyWaitingForSleepResp:
-			{			
-			iResponseStr.Zero();
-			_LOG_L3C1("ECsyWaitingForSleepResp");
-			if(iRetryCount>0)
-				iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForSleepResp;
-			else
-				iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForAttentionResp;
-			SwitchToMuxMode();
-			}
-			break;			
-		case ECsyWaitingForAttentionResp:
-			{
-			iResponseStr.Zero();
-			CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* atCmdBuf = GetFreeFrameBuf();
-			if (atCmdBuf)
-				{
-				_LOG_L3C1("Writing ATE0 command");
-				atCmdBuf->iMsg.Copy(KATCmdDisableEcho);
-				iCommWriter->Write(atCmdBuf);
-				iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForEchoDisableResp;
-				}
-			iTimeouter->Start(KTwoSeconds);
-			}
-			break;
-		case ECsyWaitingForEchoDisableResp:
-			{
-			iResponseStr.Zero();
-			CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* atCmdBuf = GetFreeFrameBuf();
-			if (atCmdBuf)
-				{
-				_LOG_L3C1("Writing CMUX cmd");
-				atCmdBuf->iMsg.Copy(KCsyDefaultATEnterMuxModeCmd);
-				iCommWriter->Write(atCmdBuf);
-				iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForCmuxResp;
-				}
-			iTimeouter->Start(KTwoSeconds);
-			}
-			break;
-		case ECsyWaitingForCmuxResp:
-			{
-			iResponseStr.Zero();
-			_LOG_L3C1("Got CMUX response");
-			iMuxMgrState = ECsyMuxEnabled;
-			// start the connect process for the control, command & data channels
-			iPortFactory.ConnectControlChannel();
-			}
-			break;
-		default:
-			_LOG_L3C2("** Invalid Mux Mgr State = %d **", iMuxMgrState);
-			ret = KErrGeneral;
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		ret = KErrNotFound;
-		}
-	_LOG_L4C2("<<CMux0710Protocol::ParseATResponse [ret = %d]",ret);
-	return ret;
-	}
-void CMux0710Protocol::TimedOut()
- * This resends the AT command required.
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C2(">>CMux0710Protocol::TimedOut [iMuxMgrState=%d]",iMuxMgrState);
-	switch (iMuxMgrState)
-		{
-	case ECsyWaitingForFlushResp:
-		{
-		//read queue has just been flushed, now start switch to MUX mode
-		_LOG_L3C1("ECsyWaitingForFlushResp");
-		iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForResetResp;
-		iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForAttentionResp;
-		SwitchToMuxMode();
-		}
-		break;
-	case ECsyWaitingForResetResp:
-		{
-		_LOG_L3C1("ECsyWaitingForResetResp");
-		if(--iRetryCount>0) 
-			iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForResetResp; //try reset command again
-		else
-			iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForSleepResp;	
-		SwitchToMuxMode();
-		}
-		break;
-	case ECsyWaitingForSleepResp:
-		{
-		_LOG_L3C1("ECsyWaitingForSleepResp");
-		if(--iRetryCount>0)
-			iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForSleepResp; //try sleep command again
-		else
-			iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForAttentionResp;
-		SwitchToMuxMode();	
-		}
-		break;
-	case ECsyWaitingForAttentionResp:
-		{
-		if (++iAtResponseTimeout < KAtResponseTimeoutLimit)
-			{
-			_LOG_L3C2("ECsyWaitingForAttentionResp [timeout:%d]",iAtResponseTimeout);
-			SwitchToMuxMode();	
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			_LOG_L3C2("Max retries [%d] reached for At Response", KAtResponseTimeoutLimit);
-			iMaxRetriesReached = ETrue;
-			//call to scheduler DoCancel required here
-			iPortFactory.ChannelCtrlDoCancel();
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	case ECsyWaitingForEchoDisableResp:
-		{
-		_LOG_L3C1("ECsyWaitingForEchoDisableResp");
-		iResponseStr.Zero();
-		CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* atCmdBuf = NULL;
-		atCmdBuf = GetFreeFrameBuf();
-		if (atCmdBuf)
-			{
-			TBuf8<16> tempBuf(KATCmdDisableEcho);
-			atCmdBuf->iMsg.Copy(tempBuf);
-			iCommWriter->Write(atCmdBuf);
-			}
-		iTimeouter->Start(KOneSecond);
-		}
-		break;
-	case ECsyWaitingForCmuxResp:
-		{
-		_LOG_L3C1("ECsyWaitingForCmuxResp");
-		iResponseStr.Zero();
-		CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* atCmdBuf = GetFreeFrameBuf();
-		if (atCmdBuf)
-			{
-			_LOG_L3C1("Writing CMUX cmd");
-			atCmdBuf->iMsg.Copy(KCsyDefaultATEnterMuxModeCmd);
-			iCommWriter->Write(atCmdBuf);
-			iMuxMgrState = ECsyWaitingForCmuxResp;
-			}
-		iTimeouter->Start(KTwoSeconds);
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		_LOG_L1C2("** Invalid Mux Mgr State = %d **", iMuxMgrState);
-		break;
-		}
-	_LOG_L4C1("<<CMux0710Protocol::TimedOut");
-	}
-void CMux0710Protocol::DumpFrame(CCsyMsgBufBpFrame* aFrameBuf)
- * Logs the packet into the log file.
- *
- * @param aPacket The incoming packet
- */
-	{
-	_LOG_L4C1(">>CMux0710Protocol::DumpFrame");
-	TInt packetLen = aFrameBuf->iMsg.Length();
-	_LOG_L4C2("frame length %d",packetLen);
-	TBuf8<256> logBuf;
-	TBuf8<256> logBuf2;
-	logBuf.Copy(_L8("    "));
-	logBuf2.Copy(_L8(" "));
-	_LOG_L4C1("");
-	for (TInt i = 0; i <= packetLen; i++)
-		{
-		if (i >= packetLen)
-			{
-			logBuf.Append(logBuf2);
-			_LOG_L4C2("%S",&logBuf);
-			break;
-			}
-		if (((i % 16) == 0) && (i > 0))
-			{
-			logBuf.Append(logBuf2);
-			_LOG_L4C2("%S",&logBuf);
-			logBuf.Copy(_L8("    "));
-			logBuf2.Copy(_L8(" "));
-			}
-		logBuf.AppendFormat(_L8("%02X "), aFrameBuf->iMsg[i]);
-		if (TChar(aFrameBuf->iMsg[i]).IsPrint())
-			logBuf2.AppendFormat(_L8("%c"), aFrameBuf->iMsg[i]);
-		else
-			logBuf2.Append(_L8("."));
-		}
-	_LOG_L4C1("<<CMux0710Protocol::DumpFrame");
-	_LOG_L4C1("");
-	}
\ No newline at end of file