--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fax/faxclientandserver/faxstrm/FAXSTRM.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include "FAXSTPAN.H"
+#include "FAXSTORE.H"
+#include "faxpageinfo.h"
+GLDEF_C void Panic (TFaxStorePanic aPanic)
+// Panic the process with ETEXT as the category.
+ //
+ User::Panic (_L ("FaxStrm"), aPanic);
+EXPORT_C TFaxBandHeader::TFaxBandHeader ():
+ iNumScanLines (0),
+ iStreamId (KNullStreamId)
+@capability None
+EXPORT_C TFaxBandHeader::TFaxBandHeader (TStreamId aStreamId):
+ iNumScanLines (0),
+ iStreamId (aStreamId)
+@capability None
+EXPORT_C void TFaxBandHeader::InternalizeL (RReadStream & aStream)
+@capability None
+ iNumScanLines = aStream.ReadInt32L ();
+ aStream >> iStreamId;
+EXPORT_C void TFaxBandHeader::ExternalizeL (RWriteStream & aStream) const
+@capability None
+ aStream.WriteInt32L (iNumScanLines);
+ aStream << iStreamId;
+CFaxPageInfo::CFaxPageInfo ():
+iResolution (EFaxNormal)
+ __DECLARE_NAME (_S ("CFaxPageInfo"));
+EXPORT_C CFaxPageInfo *CFaxPageInfo::NewL ()
+@capability None
+ CFaxPageInfo *pageinfo = new (ELeave) CFaxPageInfo ();
+ CleanupStack::PushL (pageinfo);
+ pageinfo->iBandHeaderList = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat < TFaxBandHeader > (8);
+ CleanupStack::Pop ();
+ return pageinfo;
+EXPORT_C CFaxPageInfo::~CFaxPageInfo ()
+ delete iBandHeaderList;
+EXPORT_C void CFaxPageInfo::InternalizeL (RReadStream & aStream)
+@capability None
+ iResolution = (TFaxResolution) aStream.ReadInt8L ();
+ aStream >> *iBandHeaderList;
+ aStream >> iSenderId;
+ iCompression = (TFaxCompression) aStream.ReadInt32L ();
+ iReservedFlag2 = aStream.ReadInt32L ();
+EXPORT_C void CFaxPageInfo::ExternalizeL (RWriteStream & aStream) const
+@capability None
+ aStream.WriteInt8L ((TInt8) iResolution);
+ aStream << *iBandHeaderList;
+ aStream << iSenderId;
+ aStream.WriteInt32L (iCompression);
+ aStream.WriteInt32L (iReservedFlag2);
+CFaxPages::CFaxPages ()
+ __DECLARE_NAME (_S ("CFaxPages"));
+EXPORT_C CFaxPages *CFaxPages::NewL ()
+@capability None
+ CFaxPages *faxpages = new (ELeave) CFaxPages ();
+ CleanupStack::PushL (faxpages);
+ faxpages->iPageStreamIdList = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat < TStreamId > (8);
+ CleanupStack::Pop ();
+ return faxpages;
+EXPORT_C CFaxPages::~CFaxPages ()
+ delete iPageStreamIdList;
+EXPORT_C void CFaxPages::InternalizeL (RReadStream & aStream)
+@capability None
+ aStream >> *iPageStreamIdList;
+EXPORT_C void CFaxPages::ExternalizeL (RWriteStream & aStream) const
+@capability None
+ aStream << *iPageStreamIdList;
+CWriteFaxPages::CWriteFaxPages (CStreamStore & aStore, TInt aMaxScanLinesInBand):
+iMaxScanLinesInBand (aMaxScanLinesInBand ? aMaxScanLinesInBand : 64),
+iStore (&aStore)
+ __DECLARE_NAME (_S ("CWriteFaxPages"));
+void CWriteFaxPages::ConstructL ()
+ iFaxPages = CFaxPages::NewL ();
+ iCurrentPage = CFaxPageInfo::NewL ();
+ iFaxT4 = CFaxT4::NewL ();
+TBool CWriteFaxPages::BandCompleted ()
+ TInt count = iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList->Count ();
+ return (!count) || ((*iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList)[count - 1].iNumScanLines == iMaxScanLinesInBand);
+EXPORT_C CWriteFaxPages *CWriteFaxPages::NewL (CStreamStore & aStore, TInt aMaxScanLinesInBand)
+/** Creates a CWriteFaxPages object, which offers the public API for writing fax
+pages to a stream store.
+This function is called by CWriteFaxFile as part of creating a fax file.
+@param aStore The store to which fax pages are to be added.
+@param aMaxScanLinesInBand The maximum number of scan lines in a band. Faxes
+pages are stored in bands - to speed up display time. It is recommended
+that developers use 64 - the value used by CWriteFaxFile.
+@leave KErrNoMemory There is insufficient memory to perform the operation.
+@return A pointer to the newly created object.
+@capability None
+ CWriteFaxPages *writefaxpages = new (ELeave) CWriteFaxPages (aStore, aMaxScanLinesInBand);
+ CleanupStack::PushL (writefaxpages);
+ writefaxpages->ConstructL ();
+ CleanupStack::Pop ();
+ return writefaxpages;
+EXPORT_C CWriteFaxPages::~CWriteFaxPages ()
+/** Destructor.
+Closes the write stream, and frees all resources owned by the object, prior
+to its destruction. */
+ iWriteStream.Close ();
+ delete iFaxT4;
+ delete iFaxPages;
+ delete iCurrentPage;
+EXPORT_C void CWriteFaxPages::StartPage (TFaxResolution aResolution, TFaxCompression aCompression, TInt aFlag2)
+Initialize fax page, set page parameters.
+@param aResolution defines fax resolution
+@param aCompression defines fax compression
+@param aFlag2 reserved flag.
+@capability None
+ iFaxT4->PageInitialize (aResolution, aCompression, aFlag2);
+EXPORT_C void CWriteFaxPages::EndPageL (TFaxResolution aResolution, TFaxBufSenderId & aSenderId, TFaxCompression aCompression, TInt aFlag2)
+Sets parameters for the current page, writes it to the stream and appends to the fax pages set.
+@param aResolution defines fax resolution
+@param aSenderId Sender Id.
+@param aCompression defines fax compression
+@param aFlag2 reserved flag.
+@capability None
+ if (!BandCompleted ())
+ {
+ iWriteStream.CommitL ();
+ iWriteStream.Close ();
+ }
+ iCurrentPage->iResolution = aResolution;
+ iCurrentPage->iSenderId = aSenderId;
+ iCurrentPage->iCompression = aCompression;
+ iCurrentPage->iReservedFlag2 = aFlag2;
+ TStreamId streamid = iWriteStream.CreateL (*iStore);
+ iWriteStream << *iCurrentPage;
+ iWriteStream.CommitL ();
+ iWriteStream.Close ();
+ iFaxPages->iPageStreamIdList->AppendL (streamid);
+ iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList->Reset ();
+EXPORT_C TStreamId CWriteFaxPages::CommitPageL ()
+Place FaxPages into write stream.
+@return Stream Id.
+@capability None
+ TStreamId streamid = iWriteStream.CreateL (*iStore);
+ iWriteStream << *iFaxPages;
+ iWriteStream.CommitL ();
+ iWriteStream.Close ();
+ iStore->CommitL ();
+ return streamid;
+EXPORT_C void CWriteFaxPages::AddScanLineL (const TDesC8 & aScanLine)
+/** Adds raw scan lines to the write stream.
+The function first encodes the scan line, using the format specified in the
+StartPage() function, and then adds it to the write stream.
+@param aScanline The current raw scan line.
+@capability None
+ iFaxT4->EncodeScanLine (aScanLine, iEncodedScanLine);
+ AddEncodedScanLineL (iEncodedScanLine);
+EXPORT_C void CWriteFaxPages::AddEncodedScanLineL (const TDesC8 & anEncodedScanLine)
+/** Adds encoded scan lines to the write stream.
+@param anEncodedScanLine The encoded scan line (MH or MR).
+@capability None
+ if (BandCompleted ())
+ {
+ TStreamId streamid = iWriteStream.CreateL (*iStore);
+ iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList->AppendL (TFaxBandHeader (streamid));
+ }
+ TInt count = iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList->Count ();
+ TFaxBandHeader *bandheader = &(*iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList)[count - 1];
+ iWriteStream << anEncodedScanLine;
+ bandheader->iNumScanLines++;
+ bandheader->iNumBytes += anEncodedScanLine.Length ();
+ if (BandCompleted ())
+ {
+ iWriteStream.CommitL ();
+ iWriteStream.Close ();
+ }
+ /********************************************************************/
+CWriteFaxFile::CWriteFaxFile ()
+ __DECLARE_NAME (_S ("CWriteFaxFile"));
+void CWriteFaxFile::ConstructL ()
+ User::LeaveIfError (iFs.Connect ());
+const TUid KUidPsiFaxApp = {268435908};
+void CWriteFaxFile::DoOpenL (TInt aMaxScanLinesInBand)
+ iFileStore = CDirectFileStore::ReplaceL (iFs, iFileName, EFileWrite);
+ TUidType type (KDirectFileStoreLayoutUid, TUid::Uid (KFaxFileStoreUidVal), KUidPsiFaxApp);
+ iFileStore->SetTypeL (type);
+ iWriteFaxPages = CWriteFaxPages::NewL (*iFileStore, aMaxScanLinesInBand);
+EXPORT_C CWriteFaxFile *CWriteFaxFile::NewL ()
+/** Constructs a CWriteFaxFile object, which offers the public API for creating
+a fax store file.
+As part of the construction process, the object opens a session with the file
+@return A pointer to the newly created object.
+@capability None
+ CWriteFaxFile *writefaxfile = new (ELeave) CWriteFaxFile;
+ CleanupStack::PushL (writefaxfile);
+ writefaxfile->ConstructL ();
+ CleanupStack::Pop ();
+ return writefaxfile;
+EXPORT_C CWriteFaxFile::~CWriteFaxFile ()
+/** Destructor.
+Closes the session with the file server, and frees all resources owned by
+the object, prior to its destruction. */
+ Close ();
+ iFs.Close ();
+LOCAL_C void DoAbort (TAny * aPtr)
+ ((CWriteFaxFile *) aPtr)->AbortWrite ();
+EXPORT_C void CWriteFaxFile::OpenL (const TDesC & aFileName, TInt aMaxScanLinesInBand)
+/** Creates and opens a fax file for writing.
+The function also allocates memory to create a CWriteFaxPages object which
+is pointed to by the class data member. This object defines the API for writing
+pages to the file store.
+Fax files which have been opened should be paired with a Close() function.
+@param aFileName The name of the new fax file.
+@param aMaxScanLinesInBand The maximum number of scan lines in a band. Fax
+pages are stored in bands for quick retrieval/display. If zero is passed then
+it will default to 64 otherwise the passed value will take effect.
+@capability None
+ iFileName = aFileName;
+ CleanupStack::PushL (TCleanupItem (DoAbort, this));
+ DoOpenL (aMaxScanLinesInBand);
+ CleanupStack::Pop ();
+EXPORT_C void CWriteFaxFile::CommitL ()
+/** Commits the current fax page created using the CWriteFaxPages API to
+the fax file.
+Committing a page writes it to the fax file, rather than storing it in temporary
+memory. The function should be called after each page is added, to ensure
+that only one fax page can be lost if there is an out of memory error.
+@capability None
+ TStreamId streamid = iWriteFaxPages->CommitPageL ();
+ iFileStore->SetRootL (streamid);
+ iFileStore->CommitL ();
+EXPORT_C void CWriteFaxFile::Close ()
+/** Closes the fax file, and deletes the resources owned by the object.
+Although this function is called in the destructor, it is good programming
+practice to invoke it manually to pair previous OpenL() calls.
+@capability None
+ delete iWriteFaxPages;
+ iWriteFaxPages = NULL;
+ delete iFileStore;
+ iFileStore = NULL;
+EXPORT_C void CWriteFaxFile::AbortWrite ()
+/** Aborts the creation of the fax store file, and then deletes the file.
+It can be called by developer programs, and is called automatically if OpenL()
+@capability None
+ Close ();
+ iFs.Delete (iFileName);
+CReadFaxPages::CReadFaxPages (CStreamStore & aStore):
+iStore (&aStore)
+ __DECLARE_NAME (_S ("CReadFaxPages"));
+void CReadFaxPages::ConstructL (TStreamId aStreamId)
+ iFaxPages = CFaxPages::NewL ();
+ iCurrentPage = CFaxPageInfo::NewL ();
+ iFaxT4 = CFaxT4::NewL ();
+ iReadStream.OpenL (*iStore, aStreamId);
+ iReadStream >> *iFaxPages;
+ iReadStream.Close ();
+ SetPageL (0);
+EXPORT_C CReadFaxPages *CReadFaxPages::NewL (CStreamStore & aStore, TStreamId aStreamId)
+/** Creates a CReadFaxPages object, which offers the public API for reading fax
+pages from a stream store.
+This function is called by CReadFaxFile when opening a fax file.
+@param aStore The store from which fax pages are to be read.
+@param aStreamId The root ID of the stream store.
+@leave KErrNoMemory There is insufficient memory to perform the operation.
+@return A pointer to the newly created object.
+@capability None
+ CReadFaxPages *readfaxpages = new (ELeave) CReadFaxPages (aStore);
+ CleanupStack::PushL (readfaxpages);
+ readfaxpages->ConstructL (aStreamId);
+ CleanupStack::Pop ();
+ return readfaxpages;
+EXPORT_C CReadFaxPages::~CReadFaxPages ()
+/** Destructor.
+Closes the stream, and frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its
+destruction. */
+ iReadStream.Close ();
+ delete iFaxT4;
+ delete iFaxPages;
+ delete iCurrentPage;
+EXPORT_C TInt CReadFaxPages::NumPages () const
+/** Gets the number of pages in the store.
+@return The number of fax pages in the store.
+@capability None
+ return iFaxPages->iPageStreamIdList->Count ();
+EXPORT_C void CReadFaxPages::SetPageL (TInt aNum)
+/** Sets a selected page to be the current page, and resets the current scan line
+to the first scan line in the page.
+@param aNum The number of the new page.
+@capability None
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG ((aNum >= 0) && (aNum < iFaxPages->iPageStreamIdList->Count ()), Panic (EFaxPageIndexOutOfRange));
+ iReadStream.Close ();
+ iReadStream.OpenL (*iStore, (*iFaxPages->iPageStreamIdList)[aNum]);
+ iReadStream >> *iCurrentPage;
+ iReadStream.Close ();
+ iFaxT4->PageInitialize (iCurrentPage->iResolution, iCurrentPage->iCompression, iCurrentPage->iReservedFlag2);
+ SeekScanLineL (0);
+EXPORT_C TFaxPageInfo CReadFaxPages::CurrentPageInfo () const
+/** Gets the information for the current fax page, where the current page was set
+in a previous call to the SetPageL() function.
+@return The information for the current fax page
+@capability None
+ TFaxPageInfo info;
+ info.iResolution = iCurrentPage->iResolution;
+ info.iSenderId = iCurrentPage->iSenderId;
+ info.iCompression = iCurrentPage->iCompression;
+ info.iReservedFlag2 = iCurrentPage->iReservedFlag2;
+ info.iNumScanLines = 0;
+ TInt count = iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList->Count ();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ info.iNumScanLines += (*iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList)[i].iNumScanLines;
+ return info;
+EXPORT_C void CReadFaxPages::SeekScanLineL (TInt anIndex)
+/** Sets the specified scan line as the current scan line.
+@param anIndex The index of the scan line.
+@capability None
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG ((anIndex >= 0) && (anIndex < CurrentPageInfo ().iNumScanLines), Panic (EFaxScanLineIndexOutOfRange));
+ TInt numscanlines = 0;
+ TInt count = iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList->Count ();
+ for (iBandIndex = 0; (iBandIndex < count) && ((numscanlines + (*iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList)[iBandIndex].iNumScanLines) <= anIndex); iBandIndex++)
+ numscanlines += (*iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList)[iBandIndex].iNumScanLines;
+ SetBandL (iBandIndex);
+ TBuf8 < KFaxT4MaxDesLength > encodedscanline;
+ for (iScanLineOffset = 0; iScanLineOffset < (anIndex - numscanlines);)
+ GetEncodedScanLineL (encodedscanline);
+EXPORT_C TInt CReadFaxPages::GetScanLineL (TDes8 & aScanLine)
+/** Gets the raw scan line specified in a previous call to the SeekScanLineL()
+The scan line is stored in compressed form, but is retrieved by this function
+in raw form for viewing.
+@param aScanLine On return, contains the scan line.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@capability None
+ GetEncodedScanLineL (iEncodedScanLine);
+ return iFaxT4->DecodeScanLine (aScanLine, iEncodedScanLine);
+EXPORT_C void CReadFaxPages::GetEncodedScanLineL (TDes8 & anEncodedScanLine)
+/** Gets the encoded scan line specified in a previous call to the SeekScanLineL()
+@param anEncodedScanLine On return, contains the encoded scan line.
+@capability None
+ if (iScanLineOffset == (*iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList)[iBandIndex].iNumScanLines)
+ SetBandL (iBandIndex + 1);
+ iReadStream >> anEncodedScanLine;
+ iScanLineOffset++;
+void CReadFaxPages::SetBandL (TInt anIndex)
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG ((anIndex >= 0) && (anIndex < iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList->Count ()), Panic (EFaxBandIndexOutOfRange));
+ iBandIndex = anIndex;
+ iReadStream.Close ();
+ iReadStream.OpenL (*iStore, (*iCurrentPage->iBandHeaderList)[iBandIndex].iStreamId);
+ iScanLineOffset = 0;
+ /********************************************************************/
+CReadFaxFile::CReadFaxFile ()
+ __DECLARE_NAME (_S ("CReadFaxFile"));
+void CReadFaxFile::ConstructL ()
+ User::LeaveIfError (iFs.Connect ());
+void CReadFaxFile::DoOpenL (const TDesC & aFileName)
+ iFileStore = CDirectFileStore::OpenL (iFs, aFileName, EFileStream | EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly);
+ if (iFileStore->Type ()[1] != TUid::Uid (KFaxFileStoreUidVal))
+ User::Leave (KErrNotSupported);
+ TStreamId streamid = iFileStore->Root ();
+ iReadFaxPages = CReadFaxPages::NewL (*iFileStore, streamid);
+EXPORT_C CReadFaxFile *CReadFaxFile::NewL ()
+/** Constructs a CReadFaxFile object, which offers the public API for opening a
+fax file for reading.
+As part of the construction process, the object starts a session with the
+file server.
+@return A pointer to the newly created object.
+@capability None
+ CReadFaxFile *readfaxfile = new (ELeave) CReadFaxFile;
+ CleanupStack::PushL (readfaxfile);
+ readfaxfile->ConstructL ();
+ CleanupStack::Pop ();
+ return readfaxfile;
+EXPORT_C CReadFaxFile::~CReadFaxFile ()
+/** Destructor.
+Closes the session with the file server, and frees all resources owned by
+the object, prior to its destruction. */
+ Close ();
+ iFs.Close ();
+EXPORT_C void CReadFaxFile::OpenL (const TDesC & aFileName)
+/** Opens a fax file for reading.
+The function also allocates memory to create a CReadFaxPages object - which
+is pointed to by the iReadFaxPages class data member. This class defines the
+API for reading individual pages from the file store.
+Fax files which have been opened should be paired with a Close() function.
+@param aFileName The name of the fax file.
+@capability None
+ CleanupClosePushL (*this);
+ DoOpenL (aFileName);
+ CleanupStack::Pop ();
+EXPORT_C void CReadFaxFile::Close ()
+/** Closes the fax file, and deletes the resources owned by the object.
+Although this function is called in the destructor, it is good programming
+practice to invoke it manually to pair previous OpenL() calls.
+@capability None
+ {
+ delete iReadFaxPages;
+ iReadFaxPages = NULL;
+ delete iFileStore;
+ iFileStore = NULL;
+ }