--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/csdagt/src/ND_DBACC.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// CCommsDbNetDialAccess definitions
+ @file nd_dbacc.cpp
+#include <nifvar.h>
+ #include <commsdattypesv1_1.h>
+ #include <commsdatutils.h>
+ using namespace CommsDat;
+#include "ND_DBACC.H"
+#include "SLOGGER.H"
+#include "ND_STD.H"
+const TUint32 KZeroFieldValue=0uL;
+CCommsDbNetDialAccess* CCommsDbNetDialAccess::NewL(CCommsDbAccess* aDbAccess)
+2 phased constructor, first phase.
+@param aDbAccess a pointer to the database accessor.
+@exception Leaves if CCommsDbNetDialAccess() constructor leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CCommsDbNetDialAccess object.
+ {
+ return new(ELeave) CCommsDbNetDialAccess(aDbAccess);
+ }
+CCommsDbNetDialAccess::CCommsDbNetDialAccess(CCommsDbAccess* aDbAccess)
+ : iDbAccess(aDbAccess)
+Private constructor used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aDbAccess a pointer to the database accessor.
+ {}
+ {}
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::Close()
+Closes database accessor.
+ {
+ iDbAccess->Close();
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetTsyNameL(TDes& aTsyName)
+Gets TSY name from database.
+@param aTsyName a reference to the TSY name that is read from database.
+@exception Leaves if GetTsyNameL() leaves.
+ {
+ iDbAccess->GetTsyNameL(aTsyName);
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::SetCommPortL(const RCall::TCommPort& aCommPort)
+Sets COMM-port into database.
+@param aCommPort a reference to the COMM-port written into database.
+@exception Leaves if SetCommPortL() leaves.
+ {
+ iDbAccess->SetCommPortL(aCommPort);
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetCommPortForDirectConnectL(RCall::TCommPort& aCommPort)
+Get comm port details for direct connection.
+@param aCommPort a reference to the COMM-port read from database.
+@exception Leaves if ReadTextL() leaves.
+ {
+ CCommsDbAccess::CCommsDbAccessModemTable* modemTable = iDbAccess->ModemTable();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(modemTable);
+ if (modemTable == 0)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNoMemory); // most likely?
+ }
+ aCommPort.iCsy = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(modemTable->iRecord)->iCsyName;
+ aCommPort.iPort = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(modemTable->iRecord)->iPortName;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemTable);
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetBcaStackL(TDes& aBcaStack)
+Gets the Bca Stack
+@param aBcaStack the BcaStack
+@exception Leaves if ReadTextL() leaves.
+ {
+ CCommsDbAccess::CCommsDbAccessModemTable* modemTable = iDbAccess->ModemTable();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(modemTable);
+ if (modemTable == 0)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNoMemory); // most likely?
+ }
+ aBcaStack = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(modemTable->iRecord)->iBcaStack;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemTable);
+ }
+TInt CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetIapId()
+ {
+ _LIT(KIAPId, "IAP\\Id");
+ TUint32 iap;
+ TInt err = iDbAccess->ReadInt(KIAPId(), iap);
+ return (err == KErrNone) ? iap : err;
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetCommConfigForDirectConnectL(TCommConfig& aCommConfig)
+Get settings from modem config settings for data bits, stop bits and parity
+and get appropriate handshaking for direct connection.
+@param aCommConfig a reference to the configuration read for connection.
+@exception Leaves if PopulateModemCommSettingsL() leaves.
+ {
+ TCommConfigV01& cfg=aCommConfig();
+ PopulateModemCommSettingsL(cfg);
+ // DSRFail not asserted for battery powered modems that switch on with DTR High
+ cfg.iHandshake&=(~(KDCDHandshakeMask | KDSRFailHandshakeMask | KCTSHandshakeMask));
+ // Should be 0 for correct script operation
+ cfg.iTerminatorCount=0;
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetCommPortRoleL(TCommRole& aRole)
+Get comm port role (DCE or DTE)
+@param aRole a reference to the role read from the database
+@exception Leaves if ReadUintL() leaves.
+ {
+ TUint32 dummy = KZeroFieldValue;
+ CCommsDbAccess::CCommsDbAccessModemTable* modemTable = iDbAccess->ModemTable();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(modemTable);
+ if (modemTable == 0)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNoMemory); // most likely?
+ }
+ dummy = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(modemTable->iRecord)->iCommRole;
+ if (dummy & KModemCommRoleDCE)
+ {
+ aRole = ECommRoleDCE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aRole = ECommRoleDTE;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemTable);
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetCallParamsL(RCall::TCallParams& aParams)
+Parse info about speaker settings and pause time from modem prefs and location table
+into TCallParams struct. Assume we require a location as we are dialling a number.
+@param aParams a reference to the Core API call parameters read from database.
+@exception Leaves if ReadUintL(), GetIntL() or GetBoolL() leaves.
+ {
+ TUint32 value=KZeroFieldValue;
+ CCommsDbAccess::CCommsDbAccessModemTable* modemTable = iDbAccess->ModemTable();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(modemTable);
+ if (modemTable == 0)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNoMemory); // most likely?
+ }
+ value = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(modemTable->iRecord)->iSpeakerPref;
+ switch (value)
+ {
+ case EModemSpeakerSettingNever:
+ aParams.iSpeakerControl=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerControlAlwaysOff;
+ break;
+ case EModemSpeakerSettingUntilCallAnswered:
+ aParams.iSpeakerControl=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerControlOnUntilCarrier;
+ break;
+ case EModemSpeakerSettingAlways:
+ aParams.iSpeakerControl=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerControlAlwaysOn;
+ break;
+ case EModemSpeakerSettingAfterDialUntilAnswer:
+ aParams.iSpeakerControl=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerControlOnExceptDuringDialling;
+ break;
+ default:
+ aParams.iSpeakerControl=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerControlUnknown;
+ break;
+ }
+ value = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(modemTable->iRecord)->iSpeakerVolPref;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemTable);
+ switch (value)
+ {
+ case EModemSpeakerVolumeQuiet:
+ aParams.iSpeakerVolume=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerVolumeLow;
+ break;
+ case EModemSpeakerVolumeMedium:
+ aParams.iSpeakerVolume=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerVolumeMedium;
+ break;
+ case EModemSpeakerVolumeLoud:
+ aParams.iSpeakerVolume=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerVolumeHigh;
+ break;
+ default:
+ aParams.iSpeakerVolume=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerVolumeUnknown;
+ break;
+ }
+ TPtrC loc(LOCATION);
+ iDbAccess->GetIntL(loc,TPtrC(LOCATION_PAUSE_AFTER_DIAL_OUT),value);
+ aParams.iInterval=(TUint)value;
+ TBool bValue;
+ iDbAccess->GetBoolL(loc,TPtrC(LOCATION_WAIT_FOR_DIAL_TONE),bValue);
+ if (bValue)
+ {
+ aParams.iWaitForDialTone=RCall::EDialToneWait;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aParams.iWaitForDialTone=RCall::EDialToneNoWait;
+ }
+ }
+TInt CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetRedialAttempts(TUint32& aAttempts)
+Reads amount of redial attempts from database.
+@param aAttempts a reference to redial attempts read from database.
+@return an error code trapped if GetGlobalL() leaves.
+ {
+ TRAPD(ret,iDbAccess->GetGlobalL(TPtrC(REDIAL_ATTEMPTS),aAttempts));
+ return ret;
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetRemoteParty(TDes& aRemoteParty)
+Read ISP name from database and return as remote party.
+@param aRemoteParty a reference to ISP name read from database.
+@exception Leaves if GetDesL() leaves.
+ {
+ TInt ret(KErrNone);
+ TPtrC name(COMMDB_NAME);
+ ret = AssertDialOutTable();
+ if (ret != KErrNone)
+ {
+ //if AssertDialOutTable encounters serios errors (OOM)
+ //it must set aRemoteParty appropriatelly
+ _LIT(unknownParty,"???");
+ aRemoteParty=unknownParty;
+ return;
+ }
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetDesL(TPtrC(IAP),name,aRemoteParty));
+ if(ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ _LIT(unknownParty,"???");
+ aRemoteParty=unknownParty;
+ }
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::IsDefaultTelNumL(TBool& aIsTelNum)
+Check length of default tel no - if 0 set boolean to false, else true.
+Only for dial out
+@param aIsTelNum a reference to the default tel num read from database.
+@exception Leaves if GetDesL() leaves.
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(AssertDialOutTable());
+ TDialString telNum;
+ iDbAccess->GetDesL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_DEFAULT_TEL_NUM),telNum);
+ if (telNum.Length()==0)
+ aIsTelNum=EFalse;
+ else
+ aIsTelNum=ETrue;
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetUsePctL(TBool& aUsePct)
+Read the DisplayPct boolean from the ISP database
+Only for dial out
+@param aUsePct a reference to the DisplayPct boolean read from database.
+@exception Leaves if GetBoolL() leaves.
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(AssertDialOutTable());
+ iDbAccess->GetBoolL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_DISPLAY_PCT),aUsePct);
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetScriptDetailsL(TBool& aUseScript, TInt& aLength)
+Get the length of the script into aLength.
+Dial in or dial out.
+@param aUseScript a reference to the script boolean read from database.
+@param aLength a reference to the lenght of script read from database.
+@exception Leaves if GetBoolL() or GetLengthOfLongDesL() leaves.
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(AssertDialOutTable());
+ iDbAccess->GetBoolL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_USE_LOGIN_SCRIPT),aUseScript);
+ aLength=iDbAccess->GetLengthOfLongDesL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_LOGIN_SCRIPT));
+ }
+HBufC* CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetScriptLC()
+Return the script.
+Dial in or dial out.
+@exception Leaves if GetBoolL() or GetLengthOfLongDesL() leaves.
+@return as HBufC* the login script read from database.
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(AssertDialOutTable());
+ return iDbAccess->GetLongDesLC(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_LOGIN_SCRIPT));
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetLoginParamsL(TBool& aPromptForLogin,TDes& aLoginName,TDes& aLoginPass,TDes& aIPAddress)
+Get boolean PromptForLogin and login name, login password and IP address
+Dial out only.
+@param aPromptForLogin a reference to the prompt boolean read from database.
+@param aLoginName a reference to the login name read from database.
+@param aLoginPass a reference to the login password read from database.
+@param aIPAddress a reference to the ISP IP address read from database.
+@exception Leaves if GetBoolL() or GetDesL() leaves.
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(AssertDialOutTable());
+ iDbAccess->GetBoolL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_PROMPT_FOR_LOGIN),aPromptForLogin);
+ iDbAccess->GetDesL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_LOGIN_NAME),aLoginName);
+ iDbAccess->GetDesL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_LOGIN_PASS),aLoginPass);
+ iDbAccess->GetDesL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_IP_ADDR),aIPAddress);
+ }
+TInt CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetCallbackTimeout(TUint32& aTimeout)
+Get call back timeout.
+@param aTimeout a reference to the dial out time read from database.
+@return an error code trapped if GetIntL() leaves.
+ {
+ TInt ret = AssertDialOutTable();
+ if (ret != KErrNone)
+ return ret;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_CALLBACK_TIMEOUT),aTimeout));
+ return ret;
+ }
+TBool CCommsDbNetDialAccess::HscsdSettingsAvailableL()
+Check if HSCSD settings are available in database.
+@return ETrue if bearer type in database is EBearerTypeHSCSD. Else return EFalse.
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(AssertDialOutTable());
+ TUint32 temp=0uL;
+ TRAPD(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_BEARER_TYPE),temp));
+ if (ret==KErrUnknown)
+ return EFalse;
+ User::LeaveIfError(ret); // any other error
+ if ((TCommsDbBearerType)temp==EBearerTypeHSCSD)
+ return ETrue;
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetMmHscsdParametersL(RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1& aMmHscsdParams)
+Get Multimode HSCSD call parameters..
+@param aMmHscsdParams a reference to the multimode HSCSD call parameters read from database.
+@exception Leaves if GetIntL or GetBoolL() leaves.
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(AssertDialOutTable());
+ TUint32 temp=0uL;
+ TPtrC serviceTableName(DIAL_OUT_ISP);
+ iDbAccess->GetIntL(serviceTableName,TPtrC(ISP_AIUR),temp);
+ aMmHscsdParams.iWantedAiur=(RMobileCall::TMobileCallAiur)temp;
+ iDbAccess->GetIntL(serviceTableName,TPtrC(ISP_REQUESTED_TIME_SLOTS),temp);
+ aMmHscsdParams.iWantedRxTimeSlots=(TInt)temp;
+ iDbAccess->GetIntL(serviceTableName,TPtrC(ISP_MAXIMUM_TIME_SLOTS),temp);
+ aMmHscsdParams.iMaxTimeSlots=(TInt)temp;
+ iDbAccess->GetIntL(serviceTableName,TPtrC(ISP_CHANNEL_CODING),temp);
+ aMmHscsdParams.iCodings=(TUint32)temp;
+ iDbAccess->GetIntL(serviceTableName,TPtrC(ISP_ASYMMETRY),temp);
+ aMmHscsdParams.iAsymmetry=(RMobileCall::TMobileCallAsymmetry)temp;
+ TBool b;
+ iDbAccess->GetBoolL(serviceTableName,TPtrC(ISP_USER_INIT_UPGRADE),b);
+ aMmHscsdParams.iUserInitUpgrade=b;
+ }
+TBool CCommsDbNetDialAccess::GetMmCallParams(RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1& aMmParams)
+Get Multimode data call parameters. If the parameters can be read from database,
+return ETrue, else return EFalse.
+@param aMmParams a reference to the multimode data call parameters read from database.
+@return ETrue if multimode data call parameters are read successfully. Else return EFalse.
+ {
+ TInt ret = AssertDialOutTable();
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ TUint32 temp=0uL;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_BEARER_SERVICE),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iService=(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataService)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_BEARER_SPEED),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iSpeed=(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataSpeed)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_BEARER_PROTOCOL),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iProtocol=(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_BEARER_CE),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iQoS=(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataQoS)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_RLP_VERSION),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iRLPVersion=(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataRLPVersion)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_IWF_TO_MS),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iModemToMSWindowSize=(TInt)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_MS_TO_IWF),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iMSToModemWindowSize=(TInt)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_ACK_TIMER),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iAckTimer=(TInt)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_RETRANSMISSION_ATTEMPTS),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iRetransmissionAttempts=(TInt)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_RESEQUENCE_PERIOD),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iResequencingPeriod=(TInt)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_V42_COMPRESSION),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iV42bisReq=(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataV42bis)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_V42_CODEWORDS),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iV42bisCodewordsNum=(TInt)temp;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_V42_MAX_LENGTH),temp));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iV42bisMaxStringLength=(TInt)temp;
+ TBool useEdge;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetBoolL(KGeneralServiceTable,TPtrC(ISP_USE_EDGE),useEdge));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ aMmParams.iUseEdge=useEdge;
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::CopyIspInitStringToModemL()
+Copy over ISP init string from ISP to modem table.
+@exception Leaves if GetDesL(), UpdateRecord() or PutRecordChanges() leaves.
+ {
+ TBuf8<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> initStringIsp;
+ iDbAccess->GetDesL (KGeneralServiceTable, TPtrC (ISP_INIT_STRING), initStringIsp);
+ TBuf8<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> initStringModem;
+ CCommsDbAccess::CCommsDbAccessModemTable* modemTable = iDbAccess->ModemTable();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(modemTable);
+ if (modemTable == 0)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNoMemory); // most likely?
+ }
+ initStringModem = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(modemTable->iRecord)->iModemInitString;
+ if (initStringIsp.CompareF (initStringModem) != 0)
+ {
+ modemTable->iRecord->RefreshL(*(modemTable->iSession));
+ static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(modemTable->iRecord)->iModemInitString = initStringIsp;
+ modemTable->iRecord->ModifyL(*(modemTable->iSession));
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemTable);
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::DoDiallingResolutionL(TDialString& aTelNum, TParseMode aMode)
+Decide which phone number to use by checking alternative locations and do correct dialling
+resolution. Write correct dial string back to aTelNum.
+Only for dial out.
+@param aTelNum a reference to the telephone number resolved in database.
+@param aMode a parse mode passed for parsing.
+@exception Leaves if GetDesL(), GetBoolL(), SetUnresolvedDialStringL(), GetIntL() or ResolvePhoneNumberL() leaves.
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(AssertDialOutTable());
+ TDialString fullNum;
+ iDbAccess->GetDesL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_DEFAULT_TEL_NUM),fullNum);
+ TBool doDiallingResolution;
+ iDbAccess->GetBoolL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_DIAL_RESOLUTION),doDiallingResolution);
+ if(!doDiallingResolution || fullNum.Length()==0)
+ {
+ SetUnresolvedDialStringL(aTelNum,fullNum,aMode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TUint32 chargecardId=KZeroFieldValue;
+ TInt ret=KErrNone;
+ TRAP(ret,iDbAccess->GetIntL(TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP),TPtrC(ISP_CHARGECARD),chargecardId));
+ if (ret==KErrUnknown) // don't care if there isn't one
+ {
+ ret=KErrNone;
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(ret);
+ CommsDatUtils::CCommsDatUtils::ResolvePhoneNumberL(fullNum,aTelNum,aMode,iDbAccess->LocationId(),chargecardId);
+ }
+ }
+// Private functions
+TInt CCommsDbNetDialAccess::AssertDialOutTable() const
+Reads service type from database.
+@exception Panics if GetServiceTypeL() leaves or service type read from database is not DIAL_OUT_ISP.
+ {
+ TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> serviceType;
+ TRAPD(ret, iDbAccess->GetServiceTypeL(serviceType));
+ if (ret == KErrNone && serviceType!=TPtrC(DIAL_OUT_ISP))
+ {
+ NetDialPanic(EIllegalDbRequestForService);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::SetUnresolvedDialStringL(TDialString& aTelNum,const TDialString& aFullNum, TParseMode aMode)
+Resolves which letters 'T' or 'P' should prefix number when NOT doing dial resolution.
+Returns number with prefix in aFullNum.
+@param aTelNum a reference to the telephone number to be resolved.
+@param aFullNum a reference to the full resolved telephone number, filled here.
+@param aMode a parse mode passed for parsing.
+@exception Leaves if GetBoolL() leaves.
+ {
+ aTelNum.Zero(); // restart the dial string
+ TBool mobile;
+ TPtrC loc(LOCATION);
+ iDbAccess->GetBoolL(loc,TPtrC(LOCATION_MOBILE),mobile);
+ if (!mobile && aMode==EForDialing)
+ {
+ TBool pulseDial;
+ iDbAccess->GetBoolL(loc,TPtrC(LOCATION_USE_PULSE_DIAL),pulseDial);
+ if (pulseDial)
+ aTelNum.Append(KCharP);
+ else
+ aTelNum.Append(KCharT);
+ }
+ aTelNum.Append(aFullNum);
+ }
+void CCommsDbNetDialAccess::PopulateModemCommSettingsL(TCommConfigV01& aCfg)
+Read configuration for COMM-port from database and sets it into aCfg
+@param aCfg a reference to COMM-port confiquration, read values are passed back in the parameter.
+@exception Leaves if ReadUintL() leaves.
+ {
+ TUint32 dummy;
+ CCommsDbAccess::CCommsDbAccessModemTable* modemTable = iDbAccess->ModemTable();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(modemTable);
+ if (modemTable == 0)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNoMemory); // most likely?
+ }
+ CCDModemBearerRecord* table = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(modemTable->iRecord);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemTable);
+ dummy = table->iRate;
+ aCfg.iRate=TBps(dummy);
+ dummy = table->iDataBits;
+ aCfg.iDataBits=TDataBits(dummy);
+ dummy = table->iStopBits;
+ aCfg.iStopBits=TStopBits(dummy);
+ dummy = table->iParity;
+ aCfg.iParity=TParity(dummy);
+ aCfg.iHandshake=TUint(table->iHandshaking);
+ aCfg.iParityError=KConfigParityErrorIgnore;
+ aCfg.iFifo=EFifoEnable;
+ aCfg.iSpecialRate=TInt(table->iSpecialRate);
+ aCfg.iTerminatorCount=2;
+ aCfg.iTerminator[0]=0x0a;
+ aCfg.iTerminator[1]=0x0d;
+ aCfg.iXonChar=TText8(table->iXonChar);
+ aCfg.iXoffChar=TText8(table->iXoffChar);
+ aCfg.iParityErrorChar=0;
+ aCfg.iSIREnable=ESIRDisable;
+ aCfg.iSIRSettings=0;
+ aCfg.iSIRSettings=TUint(table->iSirSettings);
+ }