--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/psdagt/inc/psdagt.h Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Header for Psd State Machines
+ @file PSDAGT.H
+ @internalComponent
+#ifndef __PSDAGT_H__
+#define __PSDAGT_H__
+#include <etelpckt.h>
+#include <etelqos.h>
+#include <pcktcs.h>
+#include <comms-infras/cagentsmbase.h>
+#include <comms-infras/dbaccess.h>
+#include "psdpanic.h"
+#include <comms-infras/nifprvar_internal.h>
+#define INCOMING_NOT_SUPORTED 1 ///< Comment out to enable incoming connections
+//class CCommsDbPsdAccess;
+class CEventLogger;
+class CDataLogger;
+class CPsdContextConfig;
+class CPsdContextQoSConfig;
+class MPsdEnv
+This class defines the interface for a set of utility functions which must
+be implemented by a derived class providing those services
+ {
+ /**
+ Network modes
+ */
+ enum TNetworkMode
+ {
+ /** Unknown Mode
+ */
+ EModeUnknown,
+ /** WCDMA Mode - 3GPP family i.e. GSM, GPRS, UMTS
+ */
+ };
+ /**
+ Provides a reference to the class that provides the base environment functions
+ @return MAgentStateMachineEnv& the base environment class
+ */
+ virtual MAgentStateMachineEnv& BaseEnv()=0;
+ /**
+ Provides a reference to a centrally held RTelServer handle
+ @return RTelServer& the RTelServer handle
+ */
+ virtual RTelServer& TelServer()=0;
+ /**
+ Provides a reference to a centrally held RPhone handle
+ @return RPhone& the RPhone handle
+ */
+ virtual RPhone& Phone()=0;
+ /**
+ Provides a reference to a centrally held RPacketService handle
+ @return RPacketService& the RPacketService handle
+ */
+ virtual RPacketService& PacketNetwork()=0;
+ /**
+ Provides a reference to a centrally held RPacketContext handle
+ @return RPacketContext& the RPacketContext handle
+ */
+ virtual RPacketContext& Context()=0;
+ /**
+ Function to allow clients to inquire if QoS is supported.
+ @return TBool flag indicating if QoS is supported.
+ */
+ virtual TBool IsQoSSupported()const=0;
+ /**
+ Function to allow clients to set if QoS is supported.
+ @param TBool isSupported reference to if QoS is supported or not.
+ */
+ virtual void SetQoSSupported(TBool isSupported)=0;
+ /**
+ Provides a reference to a centrally held RPacketQoS handle
+ @return RPacketQoS& the RPacketQoS handle
+ */
+ virtual RPacketQoS& QoS()=0;
+ /**
+ Provides a reference to a centrally held context config parameters object
+ @return CPsdContextConfig& the context config parameter object
+ */
+ virtual const CPsdContextConfig& Config() const =0;
+ /**
+ Provides a reference to a centrally held QoS config parameters object
+ @return CPsdContextQoSConfig& the QoS config parameter object
+ */
+ virtual const CPsdContextQoSConfig& QoSConfig() const =0;
+ /**
+ Provides a pointer to a centrally held CEventLogger object
+ @return CEventLogger* the event logger object
+ */
+ virtual CEventLogger* Logger()=0;
+ /**
+ Provides a pointer to a centrally held CDataLogger object
+ @return CDataLogger* the data logger object
+ */
+ virtual CDataLogger* DataLogger()=0;
+ /**
+ Provides a reference to a centrally held TInt that allows clients
+ to set or get the cause of the last error
+ @return TInt& reference to the last error
+ */
+ virtual TInt& ErrorCause() =0;
+ /**
+ Function indicates the direction of the connection which is in progress
+ @return TCommDbConnectionDirection the connection direction
+ */
+ virtual TCommDbConnectionDirection Direction()=0;
+ /**
+ Function to allow clients to set whether logging is in progress
+ and also to inquire if logging is in progress
+ @return TBool& reference to the Flag indicating if logging in progress or not
+ @deprecated Depracated since logging requests are stored in a queue now
+ */
+ virtual TBool& AmLogging() =0;
+ /**
+ Function to allow clients to inquire whether the TSY has been loaded
+ @return TBool Flag indicating if the TSY has been loaded or not
+ */
+ virtual TBool TsyLoaded() const =0;
+ /**
+ Function to allow clients to set whether the TSY has been loaded or not
+ @param TBool aStatus Flag indicating if the TSY has been loaded or not
+ */
+ virtual void SetTsyLoaded(TBool aStatus)=0;
+ /**
+ Function to allow clients to inquire the mode of the current connection
+ @return TNetworkMode the current mode
+ */
+ virtual TNetworkMode Mode() const =0;
+ };
+class MPsdCommDbAccess
+This class defines the interface for a set of database enquiry functions which must
+be implemented by a derived class providing those services
+ {
+ /**
+ Function to allow clients to inquire if incomming connections are allowed
+ @return TBool flag indicating if incomming connections allowed
+ */
+ virtual TBool IsIncomingAllowedL() const =0;
+ /**
+ Function to allow clients to inquire the name of the remote party in the connection
+ @param TDes& aRemoteParty reference to a descriptor into which the remote party name will be written.
+ */
+ virtual void GetRemotePartyL(TDes& aRemoteParty) const=0;
+ };
+class CAgentSMBase;
+class CPsdAgentSMBase : public CAgentSMBase, public MPsdEnv, public MPsdCommDbAccess
+CPsdAgentSMBase is the base class for Psd state machines, both inbound and outbound.
+It contains data which must be persistent for the lifetime of the SM, and accessor functions
+for the state objects to use.
+ {
+ // These virtuals are from MPsdEnv
+ virtual MAgentStateMachineEnv& BaseEnv();
+ virtual RTelServer& TelServer();
+ virtual RPhone& Phone();
+ virtual RPacketService& PacketNetwork();
+ virtual RPacketContext& Context();
+ virtual TBool IsQoSSupported()const;
+ virtual void SetQoSSupported(TBool isSupported);
+ virtual RPacketQoS& QoS();
+ virtual const CPsdContextConfig& Config() const;
+ virtual const CPsdContextQoSConfig& QoSConfig() const;
+ virtual TInt& ErrorCause();
+ virtual CEventLogger* Logger();
+ virtual CDataLogger* DataLogger();
+ virtual TBool& AmLogging(); //* Depracated since logging requests are stored in a queue now
+ virtual TBool TsyLoaded() const;
+ virtual void SetTsyLoaded(TBool aStatus);
+ virtual TNetworkMode Mode() const;
+ // These virtuals are from MPsdCommDbAccess
+ virtual TBool IsIncomingAllowedL() const;
+ virtual void GetRemotePartyL(TDes& aRemoteParty) const;
+ // These virtuals are from CAgentSMBase
+ virtual TInt GetExcessData(TDes8& aBuffer);
+ virtual TInt Notification(TNifToAgentEventType aEvent, TAny* aInfo);
+ virtual void GetLastError(TInt& aError);
+ CPsdAgentSMBase(MAgentNotify& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess);
+ virtual ~CPsdAgentSMBase();
+ void ConstructL();
+ void InquireModeL();
+ RTelServer iTelServer;
+ TBool iTsyLoaded;
+ RPhone iPhone;
+ RPacketService iPacketNetwork;
+ RPacketContext iContext;
+ RPacketQoS iQoS;
+ CPsdContextConfig* iConfig;
+ CPsdContextQoSConfig* iQoSConfig;
+ CEventLogger* iEventLogger;
+ CDataLogger* iDataLogger;
+ TBool iAmLogging; //* Depracated since logging requests are stored in a queue now
+ TInt iErrorCause;
+ TNetworkMode iNetworkMode;
+ TBool iIsQoSSupported;
+ };
+class CPsdOutSM : public CPsdAgentSMBase
+CPsdOutSM is the outbound state machine. It instantiates the first state appropriate to
+this SM, and implements the Direction() function so states can discover which SM they are
+currently part of, outbound or inbound.
+ {
+ static CPsdOutSM* NewL(MAgentNotify& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess);
+ virtual ~CPsdOutSM();
+ virtual TCommDbConnectionDirection Direction();
+ void ConstructL();
+ CPsdOutSM(MAgentNotify& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess);
+ };
+class CPsdInSM : public CPsdAgentSMBase
+CPsdInSM is the inbound state machine.
+ {
+ static CPsdInSM* NewL(MAgentObserver& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess);
+ virtual ~CPsdInSM();
+ virtual TCommDbConnectionDirection Direction();
+ void ConstructL();
+ CPsdInSM(MAgentObserver& aObserver, CDialogProcessor* aDlgPrc, CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess);
+ };
+#endif // #ifndef INCOMING_NOT_SUPORTED
+class CPsdContextConfig : public CBase
+CPsdContextConfig encapulates the context config parameters
+ {
+ static CPsdContextConfig* NewL(CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess, MPsdEnv::TNetworkMode aMode);
+ ~CPsdContextConfig();
+public: // Access functions
+ const TPacketDataConfigBase& Config() const;
+ TDesC8& PackedConfig() const;
+ TBool IsConfigSupportedL(const RPacketService& aPacketData, TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection) const;
+ TBool TsySupportsDataTransferInfoL(const RPacketService& aPacketData) const;
+ TBool QueryIfConfigAcceptable(TDesC8& aNewConfig) const;
+ TBool QueryIfIncommingConnectionAcceptable(const RPacketContext::TProtocolType& aProtocolType, const RPacketContext::TProtocolAddress& aProtocolAddress) const;
+private: // Creational functions
+ CPsdContextConfig(CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess, MPsdEnv::TNetworkMode aMode);
+ void ConstructL();
+private: // internal functions
+ void GprsConfigConstructL();
+ void GetGprsCompressionL(TUint& aCompression) const;
+ void GetGprsAAL(RPacketContext::TAnonymousAccess& aAnonymous) const;
+ void GetGprsEdgeL(TBool& aUseEdge) const;
+ TBool QueryIfGprsConfigAcceptable(const RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS& aNewConfig) const;
+ CCommsDbAccess& iDbAccess;
+ MPsdEnv::TNetworkMode iMode;
+ TPacketDataConfigBase* iConfig;
+ TPtr8* iPackedConfig;
+ mutable TUint iStaticCaps;
+ RPacketContext::TProtocolType iProtocolType;
+ };
+class CPsdContextQoSConfig : public CBase
+CPsdContextQoSConfig encapulates the QoS config parameters
+ {
+ static CPsdContextQoSConfig* NewL(CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess, MPsdEnv::TNetworkMode aMode);
+ ~CPsdContextQoSConfig();
+public: // Access functions
+ const TPacketDataConfigBase& QoSConfig() const;
+ TDes8& PackedQoSConfig() const;
+ TBool QueryIfQoSAcceptable(TDesC8& aNewQoS) const;
+private: // Creational functions
+ CPsdContextQoSConfig(CCommsDbAccess& aDbAccess, MPsdEnv::TNetworkMode aMode);
+ void ConstructL();
+private: // internal functions
+ void GprsQoSConfigConstructL();
+ TBool QueryIfGprsQoSAcceptable(const RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated& aNewQoS) const;
+ CCommsDbAccess& iDbAccess;
+ MPsdEnv::TNetworkMode iMode;
+ TPacketDataConfigBase* iQoSConfig;
+ TPtr8* iPackedQoSConfig;
+ };
+class CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher : public CActive
+This class is responsible for being notified of changes in the context
+configuration parameters and notifying its observer when such a change
+ {
+ class MObserver
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual void ReportConfigChange()=0;
+ virtual void ReportConfigWatcherError(TInt aError)=0;
+ };
+ CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher(const RPacketContext& aContext, MObserver& aObserver, TPtr8& aContextParams);
+ void StartL();
+ ~CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher();
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ MObserver& iObserver;
+ const RPacketContext& iContext;
+ TPtr8& iContextParams;
+ };
+class CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher : public CActive
+This class is responsible for being notified of changes in the QoS
+configuration parameters and notifying its observer when such a change
+ {
+ class MObserver
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual void ReportQoSChange()=0;
+ virtual void ReportQoSWatcherError(TInt aError)=0;
+ };
+ CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher(const RPacketQoS& aQoS, MObserver& aObserver, TPtr8& aQoSParams);
+ void StartL();
+ ~CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher();
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ MObserver& iObserver;
+ const RPacketQoS& iQoS;
+ TPtr8& iQoSParams;
+ };
+class MPsdContextChangeObserver
+This class defines the callback functions that must be implemented by an
+observer of a CPsdContextChangeMonitor object
+ {
+ virtual void ReportContextBelowAcceptableQuality() = 0;
+ virtual void ReportError(TInt aError)=0;
+ };
+class CPsdContextChangeMonitor : public CActive, public CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher::MObserver, public CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher::MObserver
+This class is reponsible for notifying clients when the quality of the
+Context or QoS falls below the minimum required values
+ {
+ static CPsdContextChangeMonitor* NewL(MPsdEnv* aEnv, MPsdContextChangeObserver* aObserver);
+ ~CPsdContextChangeMonitor();
+ // callbacks
+ virtual void ReportConfigChange();
+ virtual void ReportConfigWatcherError(TInt aError);
+ virtual void ReportQoSChange();
+ virtual void ReportQoSWatcherError(TInt aError);
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ CPsdContextChangeMonitor(MPsdEnv* aEnv, MPsdContextChangeObserver* aObserver);
+ void ConstructL();
+ void StartTimeout();
+ void CancelTimeout();
+ enum TContextState
+ {
+ EContextQualityAcceptable = 0x0,
+ EConfigQualityUnAcceptable = 0x1,
+ EQoSQualityUnAcceptable = 0x2
+ };
+ CPsdContextConfigChangeWatcher* iConfigWatcher;
+ CPsdQoSConfigChangeWatcher* iQoSWatcher;
+ TPacketDataConfigBase* iActualConfig;
+ TPtr8* iPackedActualConfig;
+ TPacketDataConfigBase* iActualQoSConfig;
+ TPtr8* iPackedActualQoSConfig;
+ MPsdEnv* iSM;
+ MPsdContextChangeObserver* iObserver;
+ TUint iContextState;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iDebounceTimeout;
+ RTimer iDebounceTimer;
+ };