--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/rawipnif/rawipnif2/src/RawIP2Flow.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implements the CRawIPFlow class, which provides a central point for the NIF
+// to communicate with NifMan and the BCA controllers. This class creates an interface
+// to the IPv4 protocol when it is required.
+ @file
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <nifman.h>
+#include <nifmbuf.h>
+#include <in_iface.h>
+#include <nifvar.h>
+#include "IPv4Binder.h"
+#include "IPv6Binder.h"
+#include "RawIP2Flow.h"
+#include "BcaController.h"
+#include <comms-infras/linkprovision.h>
+#include <comms-infras/linkmessages.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_metaconnprov.h> // for SAccessPointConfig
+#include <elements/nm_messages_base.h>
+#include <elements/nm_messages_child.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_flow.h>
+using namespace Messages;
+using namespace MeshMachine;
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+//These variables are used only if flog is active.
+static const TUint16 KTcpDumpLinkType = 12;
+CRawIP2Flow::CRawIP2Flow(ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& aFactory, const Messages::TNodeId& aSubConnId, ESock::CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf, CBttLogger* aTheLogger)
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param aFactory Reference to the factory which created this object.
+ * @param aSubConnId Reference to the node id for sub connection.
+ * @param aProtocolIntf pointer to the CProtocolIntfBase
+ * @param aTheLogger The logging object, ownership is passed to this object
+ */
+ : CSubConnectionFlowBase(aFactory, aSubConnId, aProtocolIntf),
+ iTheLogger(aTheLogger),
+ iInitError(KErrNone),
+ iStarted(EFalse),
+ iStopping(EFalse)
+ {
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::ConstructL()
+ * Second-phase constructor. Creates the Etel
+ * control engine
+ *
+ * @param aName The name of the NIF (unused)
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tConstructL()"), this);
+ iBinderControl = new (ELeave) TBinderControlProxy(*this);
+ iBcaController = CBcaController::NewL(*this, iTheLogger);
+ }
+ * Destructor. Cancels and deletes all owned active objects.
+ */
+ {
+ // Note that we don't delete iBinder because it's not owned by us.
+ delete iBcaController;
+ // This class also deletes the logging object
+ delete iTheLogger;
+ ASSERT(iBinder == NULL);
+ delete iBinderControl;
+ // Cleanup when stop was not called - harmless as it null's the pointer
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::StartFlowL()
+ * Starts the Flow up. This process involves connecting to the BCA.
+ *
+ * Called in response to corresponding SCPR message.
+ *
+ * @return Allways KErrNone
+ */
+ {
+ ASSERT(iStarting==EFalse);
+ iStarting = ETrue;
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tStartFlowL()"), this);
+ // If there were any errors during earlier processing of the ProvisionConfig message
+ // then send an Error message in response to the StartFlow (because ProvisionConfig
+ // does not have a response code).
+ if (iProvisionError != KErrNone)
+ {
+ User::Leave(iProvisionError);
+ }
+ // Retrieve Agent provisioned information only available at StartFlow time
+ DynamicProvisionConfigL();
+ InitialiseL();
+ // associate the binder object with the lowersender
+ iBinder->SetSender(&(iBcaController->Bca()->GetSender()));
+ //the name calculation should be done only if logging is enabled
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+ const TUint KModemNameLen = KCommsDbSvrMaxColumnNameLength + 10; // need enough for ppp-XXX.txt - e.g. ppp-comm-1.txt, ppp-btcomm-10.txt etc
+ TBuf8<KModemNameLen> modemName;
+ _LIT8(KDoubleColon, "::");
+ modemName.Copy(iBCAProvisionConfig->GetPortName());
+ const TInt pos = modemName.FindC((const TDesC8&)KDoubleColon);
+ if(pos != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ modemName.Delete(pos, 2);
+ }
+ //append time stamp
+ const TUint KTimeStampLen = 8;
+ TBuf8<KTimeStampLen> logFileName;
+ _LIT8(KTimeFormat, "%08X");
+ TUint32 counter = User::FastCounter();
+ logFileName.Format(KTimeFormat, counter);
+ TRAPD(err,__PACKETLOG_NEWL(KTcpDumpFirstTag, logFileName, CPacketLogger::ETcpDump, KTcpDumpLinkType));
+ if (err)
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("Trapped leave from __PACKETLOG_NEWL"));
+ }
+ const TUint KLogTextLen = KModemNameLen+KTimeStampLen+30;
+ TBuf8<KLogTextLen> logText;
+ _LIT8(KLogTimeText, "TcpDump log file time stamp:");
+ _LIT8(KLogModemText, " for modem:");
+ logText.Append(KLogTimeText);
+ logText.Append(logFileName);
+ logText.Append(KLogModemText);
+ logText.Append(modemName);
+ _LOG_L1C1(logText);
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::LinkLayerUp()
+ * This function is called when initialisation is complete and the Flow is
+ * ready to send/receive data. It notifies NifMan and the IP interface that it's
+ * ready to go.
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tLinkLayerUp()"), this);
+ iLastRequestOriginator.ReplyTo(Id(), ESock::TCFDataClient::TStarted().CRef());
+ iStarted = ETrue;
+ iStarting = EFalse;
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::LinkLayerDown(TInt aError)
+ * This function is called when the context has been deactivated and the NIF
+ * is ready to be deleted, or if there is an error on startup. Its job is to
+ * notify NifMan that the link has gone down, so it can delete the NIF.
+ *
+ * @param aError An error code to propagate to NifMan
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C3(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tLinkLayerDown(aError %d)"), this, aError);
+ if (iStopping)
+ {
+ iLastRequestOriginator.ReplyTo(Id(), ESock::TCFDataClient::TStopped(aError).CRef());
+ }
+ else if (iStarting)
+ {
+ iSubConnectionProvider.PostMessage(Id(), TEBase::TError(ESock::TCFServiceProvider::TStart::Id(), aError).CRef());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSubConnectionProvider.PostMessage(Id(), ESock::TCFControlProvider::TDataClientGoneDown(aError, MNifIfNotify::EDisconnect).CRef());
+ }
+ iStarted = EFalse;
+ iStarting = EFalse;
+ iStopping = EFalse;
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::StopFlow(TInt aError)
+ * This function is called by NifMan to bring down the link. It starts
+ * the asynchronous context deactivation process; LinkLayerDown() will be
+ * called when the context has been deactivated.
+ *
+ * @param aError A code specifying why the link is to be brought down
+ * @param aAction The action to take: disconnect or reconnect
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C3(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tStopFlow(aError %d)"), this, aError);
+ iStopping = ETrue;
+ ShutDown(aError);
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::InitialiseL()
+ * This method controls the initialisation sequence of the different modules
+ * in the Flow. When a module completes all the initialisation tasks it will
+ * call again this method with the new state. If an error occurs then the
+ * ShutDown() method will be called.
+ *
+ * @param aState The current initialisation step
+ * @param aError A possible error
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIPFlow %08x:\tInitialiseL"),this);
+ // Update local state from TSY information originally from Agent.
+ GetBinder()->UpdateContextConfigL(*iAgentProvision->iGprsConfig);
+ GetBinder()->UpdateConnectionSpeed(iAgentProvision->iConnectionSpeed);
+ UpdateContextState(RPacketContext::EStatusActive, KErrNone);
+ iBcaController->StartLoadL(iBCAProvisionConfig,iBinder,iBinder);
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::ShutDown(TInt aError)
+ * This method controls the shutdown sequence of the different modules
+ * in the Flow. When a module completes all the shutdown tasks it will
+ * call again this method with the new state.
+ *
+ * @param aState The current state
+ * @param aError A possible error (only during initialisation)
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C3(_L8("CRawIPFlow %08x:\tShutDown(aError %d)"),this, aError);
+ if (aError != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Flow is shutting down due to an error.
+ // The error code must be stored in order to call linklayer down
+ // passing that value
+ iInitError = aError;
+ }
+ iBcaController->Stop(aError);
+ LinkLayerDown(iInitError);
+ }
+CBinderBase* CRawIP2Flow::GetBinder()
+ * Returns a pointer to the Binder class
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to a CBinderBase derived class
+ */
+ {
+ return iBinder;
+ }
+CBcaController* CRawIP2Flow::GetBcaController()
+ * Returns a pointer to the CBcaIoController class
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to CBcaIoController
+ */
+ {
+ return iBcaController;
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::UpdateContextState(
+ RPacketContext::TContextStatus aState, TInt /*aError*/)
+ * Updates the state of the iContextState variable
+ *
+ * @param aState The new state
+ * @param aError A possible error
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C3(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tUpdateContextState(aState %d)"), this, aState);
+ // Note that we do not need to close the Flow down if there's been an
+ // error, as the context state machine will do this for us.
+ iContextStatus = aState;
+ }
+// =====================================================================================
+// CSubConnectionFlowBase
+ESock::MFlowBinderControl* CRawIP2Flow::DoGetBinderControlL()
+ {
+ return iBinderControl;
+ }
+// =====================================================================================
+// MFlowBinderControl methods
+ESock::MLowerControl* CRawIP2Flow::GetControlL(const TDesC8& aProtocol)
+ {
+#ifdef __BTT_LOGGING__
+ //TBuf8<256> debugBuffer;
+ //debugBuffer.Copy(aProtocol);
+ _LOG_L1C3(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tGetControlL(aProtocol %S)"), this, &aProtocol);
+ // IPv4 and ICMP Protocols
+ if (aProtocol.CompareF(KDescIp()) == 0 || aProtocol.CompareF(KDescIcmp()) == 0)
+ {
+ if (!iBinder)
+ {
+ iBinder = new (ELeave) CIPv4Binder(*this, iTheLogger);
+ iBinder->SetType(KIp4FrameType);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tGetControlL(): IPv4 binder already exists"), this);
+ }
+ }
+ // IPv6 Protocol
+ else if (aProtocol.CompareF(KDescIp6()) == 0)
+ {
+ if (!iBinder)
+ {
+ iBinder = new (ELeave) CIPv6Binder(*this, iTheLogger);
+ iBinder->SetType(KIp6FrameType);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tGetControlL(): IPv6 binder already exists"), this);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ return iBinder;
+ }
+ESock::MLowerDataSender* CRawIP2Flow::BindL(const TDesC8& aProtocol, ESock::MUpperDataReceiver* aReceiver, ESock::MUpperControl* aControl)
+ * Binds upper CFProtocol to this CFProtocol
+ *
+ * @param aUpperReceiver A pointer to Upper layer Receive class
+ * @param aUpperControl A pointer to Upper layer control class
+ */
+ {
+#ifndef _DEBUG
+ (void) aProtocol;
+ ASSERT (aProtocol.CompareF(KDescIp()) == 0 || aProtocol.CompareF(KDescIcmp()) == 0
+ || aProtocol.CompareF(KDescIp6()) == 0);
+ ASSERT(iBinder);
+ iSubConnectionProvider.PostMessage(Id(), ESock::TCFControlProvider::TActive().CRef());
+ return iBinder->Bind(aReceiver, aControl);
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::Unbind(ESock::MUpperDataReceiver* aUpperReceiver, ESock::MUpperControl* aUpperControl)
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tUnbind()"), this);
+ ASSERT(iBinder);
+ iBinder->Unbind(aUpperReceiver, aUpperControl);
+ delete iBinder;
+ iBinder = NULL;
+ SendDataClientIdleIfNoClients();
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::SendDataClientIdleIfNoClients()
+ {
+ if (iBinder == NULL)
+ {
+ iSubConnectionProvider.PostMessage(Id(), ESock::TCFControlProvider::TIdle().CRef());
+ }
+ }
+ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase* CRawIP2Flow::Flow()
+Return the Flow corresponding to the MFlowBinderControl
+ {
+ return this;
+ }
+// =====================================================================================
+// MCFNode
+void CRawIP2Flow::ReceivedL(const TRuntimeCtxId& aSender, const TNodeId& aRecipient, TSignatureBase& aMessage)
+ {
+ CSubConnectionFlowBase::ReceivedL(aSender, aRecipient, aMessage);
+ if (aMessage.IsMessage<TEBase::TError>())
+ {
+ SubConnectionError(static_cast<TEBase::TError&>(aMessage).iValue);
+ }
+ else if (TEChild::ERealmId == aMessage.MessageId().Realm())
+ {
+ switch (aMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
+ {
+ case TEChild::TDestroy::EId :
+ Destroy();
+ break;
+ default:
+//TODO - logging
+ ASSERT(EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ESock::TCFDataClient::ERealmId == aMessage.MessageId().Realm())
+ {
+ switch (aMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
+ {
+ case ESock::TCFDataClient::TStart::EId :
+ StartFlowL();
+ break;
+ case ESock::TCFDataClient::TStop::EId :
+ StopFlow(static_cast<ESock::TCFDataClient::TStop&>(aMessage).iValue);
+ break;
+ case ESock::TCFDataClient::TProvisionConfig::EId:
+ ProvisionConfig(static_cast<ESock::TCFDataClient::TProvisionConfig&>(aMessage).iConfig);
+ break;
+ case ESock::TCFDataClient::TBindTo::EId:
+ {
+ ESock::TCFDataClient::TBindTo& bindToReq = message_cast<ESock::TCFDataClient::TBindTo>(aMessage);
+ if (!bindToReq.iNodeId.IsNull())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), aSender, ESock::TCFDataClient::TBindToComplete().CRef());
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+//TODO - logging
+ ASSERT(EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ESock::TCFFlow::ERealmId == aMessage.MessageId().Realm())
+ {
+ switch (aMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
+ {
+ case ESock::TCFFlow::TBlock::EId :
+ iBlocked = ETrue;
+ break;
+ case ESock::TCFFlow::TUnBlock::EId :
+ iBlocked = EFalse;
+ if (iBinder)
+ {
+ iBinder->StartSending();
+ }
+ break;
+ case ESock::TCFFlow::TRejoin::EId:
+ {
+ ESock::TCFFlow::TRejoin& rejoinMsg = message_cast<ESock::TCFFlow::TRejoin>(aMessage);
+ ESock::TDefaultFlowFactoryQuery query(rejoinMsg.iNodeId);
+ CRawIP2Flow* otherFlow = static_cast<CRawIP2Flow*>(Factory().Find(query));
+ ASSERT(otherFlow);
+ //This rather ugly looking snipped of code implements
+ //the scenario whereat the network tears down the default
+ //scpr and the default scpr selects a new default amongst
+ //the non-default and subsequently performs a transparant
+ //swap - i.e.: the upper layer perceives this as a
+ //non-default going down. Since the datapath is pre-bound
+ //to the flow representing the default, the datapath needs
+ //to perform a transparent swap too, so that the upper layer
+ //doesn't notice anything. It does that by swapping the
+ //flows below the binders.
+ CBinderBase* localBinder = iBinder;
+ CBttLogger* logger = localBinder->iTheLogger;
+ TBinderControlProxy* localBinderControl = iBinderControl;
+ iBinder = otherFlow->iBinder;
+ otherFlow->iBinder->ChangeFlow(*this);
+ localBinder->ChangeFlow(*otherFlow);
+ otherFlow->iBinder = localBinder;
+ iBinderControl = otherFlow->iBinderControl;
+ otherFlow->iBinderControl = localBinderControl;
+ otherFlow->iBinderControl->iFlow = otherFlow;
+ iBinderControl->iFlow = this;
+ iBinder->iTheLogger = logger;
+ iSubConnectionProvider.Close();
+ iSubConnectionProvider.Open(address_cast<TNodeId>(rejoinMsg.iNodeId));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+//TODO - logging
+ ASSERT(EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+ else // not a recognised realm or message
+ {
+ ASSERT(EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+// =====================================================================================
+// Methods for handling incoming SCPR messages
+void CRawIP2Flow::SubConnectionGoingDown()
+ {
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::SubConnectionError(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ }
+Provisioning description for RawIp CFProtocol Flow:
+- on receipt of the ProvisionConfig message, the pointer contained within is stored
+ in iAccessPointConfig and the provisioning information contained within it is validated:
+ - CBCAProvision must be present. It is added by the RawIpMCPr and populated from CommsDat. A pointer to it
+ is stored in iProvision.
+ if any are missing, an error is stored in iProvisionError and sent in response to the StartFlow
+ message later on (ProvisionConfig has no response).
+- on receipt of the StartFlow message, further provisioning information is retrieved:
+ - CIPConfig must be present. It is added by the RawIpMCPr and populated from CommsDat. The binder retrieves
+ individual fields from it.
+ - CRawIpAgentConfig must be present. It is added by the RawIpAgentHandler and populated via calls
+ to the Agent. A pointer to it is stored in iAgentProvision. Note that the iGprsConfig field
+ is a pointer to a (large) structure in the Agent (see CRawIpAgentHandler).
+ if any of the above are missing, an Error message is signalled back to the SCPr in response
+ to the StartFlow.
+void CRawIP2Flow::ProvisionConfig(const ESock::RMetaExtensionContainerC& aConfigData)
+Handle ProvisionConfig message from SCPR.
+Just save the pointer for now - validate it later on StartFlow.
+@param aData provisioning pointer from message
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tProvisionConfig()"), this);
+ iProvisionError = KErrNone;
+ AccessPointConfig().Close();
+ AccessPointConfig().Open(aConfigData);
+ ASSERT(iBCAProvisionConfig == NULL);
+ iBCAProvisionConfig = static_cast<const CBCAProvision*>(AccessPointConfig().FindExtension(STypeId::CreateSTypeId(CBCAProvision::EUid, CBCAProvision::ETypeId)));
+ if (iBCAProvisionConfig == NULL)
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIP2Flow:\tProvisionConfigL() - CBCAProvision config incomplete"));
+ iProvisionError = KErrCorrupt;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::DynamicProvisionConfigL()
+Retrieve provisioning information available only at StartFlow time.
+ {
+ ASSERT(iAgentProvision == NULL);
+ iAgentProvision = static_cast<const CRawIpAgentConfig*>(AccessPointConfig().FindExtension(STypeId::CreateSTypeId(CRawIpAgentConfig::EUid, CRawIpAgentConfig::ETypeId)));
+ if (iAgentProvision == NULL)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ }
+ const CIPConfig* wcdmaIpProvision = static_cast<const CIPConfig*>(AccessPointConfig().FindExtension(STypeId::CreateSTypeId(CIPConfig::EUid, CIPConfig::ETypeId)));
+ if (wcdmaIpProvision == NULL)
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIP2Flow %08x:\tDynamicProvisionConfigL() - WCDMA config incomplete"), this);
+ iProvisionError = KErrCorrupt;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Pass pointer to binder specific provisioning information to binder
+ if (iBinder)
+ {
+ iBinder->SetProvision(*wcdmaIpProvision);
+ }
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::Destroy()
+Handle Destroy message from SCPR.
+ {
+ DeleteThisFlow();
+ }
+ESock::MLowerControl* CRawIP2Flow::TBinderControlProxy::GetControlL(const TDesC8& aProtocol)
+ {
+ return RawIP2Flow().GetControlL(aProtocol);
+ }
+ESock::MLowerDataSender* CRawIP2Flow::TBinderControlProxy::BindL(const TDesC8& aProtocol, ESock::MUpperDataReceiver* aReceiver, ESock::MUpperControl* aControl)
+ {
+ return RawIP2Flow().BindL(aProtocol, aReceiver, aControl);
+ }
+void CRawIP2Flow::TBinderControlProxy::Unbind(ESock::MUpperDataReceiver* aReceiver, ESock::MUpperControl* aControl)
+ {
+ return RawIP2Flow().Unbind(aReceiver, aControl);
+ }
+ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase* CRawIP2Flow::TBinderControlProxy::Flow()
+ {
+ return iFlow;
+ }
+// =====================================================================================
+// Utility functions
+void CRawIP2Flow::PostProgressMessage(TInt aStage, TInt aError)
+ {
+ iSubConnectionProvider.PostMessage(Id(), ESock::TCFMessage::TStateChange(Elements::TStateChange( aStage, aError)).CRef());
+ }
+// NOTE:
+// Attribute table should be in the control side module that instantiates CRawIpProvision.
+// RawIP CFProtocol does not instantiate the CRawIpProvision object, so does not need to
+// define the attribute tables. The attribute table can therefore be placed directly into
+// the control side module.
+// The reason for this is to save splitting RawIP CFProtocol into two DLL's - ECOM and Main -
+// just for control side module to link against Main DLL to retrieve the attribute table.
+// In fact, it can be placed into control side module as "START_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE" rather
+// than "EXPORT_START_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE". In fact, do we just need "TYPEID_TABLE" ?
+// EXPORT_START_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE(CRawIpProvision, KRawIpConfigUid, KRawIpConfigType)