--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/rawipnif/version1/src/RawIPNifMain.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implements the CRawIPNifMain class, which provides a central point for the NIF
+// to communicate with NifMan and the BCA controllers. This class creates an interface
+// to the IPv4 protocol when it is required.
+ @file
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <nifman.h>
+#include <nifmbuf.h>
+#include <in_iface.h>
+#include <nifvar.h>
+#include "IPv4ProtocolIf.h"
+#include "IPv6ProtocolIf.h"
+#include "RawIPNifMain.h"
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+//These variables are used only if flog is active.
+static const TUint16 KTcpDumpLinkType = 12;
+CRawIPNifMain::CRawIPNifMain(CNifIfFactory& aFactory, MNifIfNotify* aNotify, CBttLogger* aTheLogger)
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param aFactory Reference to the factory which created this object.
+ * @param aTheLogger The logging object, ownership is passed to this object
+ */
+ : CNifIfLink(aFactory),
+ iTheLogger(aTheLogger),
+ iInitError(KErrNone),
+ iState(EIfDown)
+ {
+ // To aid debugging.
+ iNotify = aNotify;
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::Info(TNifIfInfo& aInfo) const
+ * Provides information about the NIF.
+ *
+ * @param aInfo Information structure to be filled in
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Info"));
+ aInfo.iVersion = TVersion(KNifMajorVersionNumber, KNifMinorVersionNumber,
+ KNifBuildVersionNumber);
+ aInfo.iFlags = KNifIfIsBase |
+ KNifIfUsesNotify |
+ KNifIfIsLink |
+ KNifIfCreatedByFactory |
+ KNifIfCreatesBinder;
+ aInfo.iName = KRawIPNifName;
+ aInfo.iProtocolSupported = KProtocolUnknown;
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::ConstructL(const TDesC& /*aName*/)
+ * Second-phase constructor. Creates the Etel
+ * control engine
+ *
+ * @param aName The name of the NIF (unused)
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::ConstructL"));
+ iBcaController = CBcaIoController::NewL(*this, iTheLogger);
+ }
+ * Destructor. Cancels and deletes all owned active objects.
+ */
+ {
+ // Note that we don't delete iProtocolIf because it's not owned by us.
+ delete iBcaController;
+ // This class also deletes the logging object
+ delete iTheLogger;
+ // Cleanup when stop was not called - harmless as it null's the pointer
+ }
+TInt CRawIPNifMain::Control(TUint /*aLevel*/, TUint /*aName*/,
+ TDes8& /*aOption*/, TAny* /*aSource*/)
+ * Method to set up NIF parameters. This is unused; instead, the Control()
+ * method on the IPv4 interface will be called to configure the NIF.
+ *
+ * @param aLevel The network level of the parameter to be set (unused)
+ * @param aName The name of the parameter to be set (unused)
+ * @param aOption The parameter to be written to (unused)
+ * @param aSource The source of the method call (unused)
+ * @return Always KErrNotSupported
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Control"));
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt CRawIPNifMain::State()
+ * Returns the current state of the NIF. This will be one of EIfUp or EIfDown.
+ *
+ * @return The state of the NIF
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::State"));
+ return iState;
+ }
+TInt CRawIPNifMain::Start()
+ * Starts the NIF up. This process involves connecting to the BCA. When startup is
+ * complete, LinkLayerUp() will be called.
+ *
+ * @return Allways KErrNone
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Start"));
+ TRAPD(err1,InitialiseL(MControllerObserver::EStart, KErrNone));
+ if (err1)
+ {
+ return err1;
+ }
+ //the name calculation should be done only if logging is enabled
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+ const TUint KModemNameLen = KCommsDbSvrMaxColumnNameLength + 10; // need enough for ppp-XXX.txt - e.g. ppp-comm-1.txt, ppp-btcomm-10.txt etc
+ TBuf8<KModemNameLen> modemName;
+ //first add modem name
+ _LIT(KModemPortName, "ModemBearer\\PortName");
+ _LIT8(KStupidCharacters, "::");
+ iNotify->ReadDes(KModemPortName, modemName);
+ const TInt pos = modemName.FindC((const TDesC8&)KStupidCharacters);
+ if(pos != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ modemName.Delete(pos, 2);
+ }
+ //append time stamp
+ const TUint KTimeStampLen = 8;
+ TBuf8<KTimeStampLen> logFileName;
+ _LIT8(KTimeFormat, "%08X");
+ TUint32 counter = User::FastCounter();
+ logFileName.Format(KTimeFormat, counter);
+ TRAPD(err,__PACKETLOG_NEWL(KTcpDumpFirstTag, logFileName, CPacketLogger::ETcpDump, KTcpDumpLinkType));
+ if (err)
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("Trapped leave from __PACKETLOG_NEWL"));
+ }
+ const TUint KLogTextLen = KModemNameLen+KTimeStampLen+30;
+ TBuf8<KLogTextLen> logText;
+ _LIT8(KLogTimeText, "TcpDump log file time stamp:");
+ _LIT8(KLogModemText, " for modem:");
+ logText.Append(KLogTimeText);
+ logText.Append(logFileName);
+ logText.Append(KLogModemText);
+ logText.Append(modemName);
+ _LOG_L1C1(logText);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::LinkLayerUp()
+ * This function is called when initialisation is complete and the NIF is
+ * ready to send/receive data. It notifies NifMan and the IP interface that it's
+ * ready to go.
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::LinkLayerUp"));
+ iState = EIfUp;
+ iNotify->LinkLayerUp();
+ iNotify->IfProgress(KLinkLayerOpen, KErrNone);
+ iProtocolIf->StartSending(reinterpret_cast<CProtocolBase*>(this));
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::LinkLayerDown(TInt aError)
+ * This function is called when the context has been deactivated and the NIF
+ * is ready to be deleted, or if there is an error on startup. Its job is to
+ * notify NifMan that the link has gone down, so it can delete the NIF.
+ *
+ * @param aError An error code to propagate to NifMan
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::LinkLayerDown [aError=%d]"), aError);
+ iState = EIfDown;
+ iNotify->IfProgress(KLinkLayerClosed, aError);
+ iNotify->LinkLayerDown(aError, MNifIfNotify::EDisconnect);
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::Stop(TInt aError, MNifIfNotify::TAction /*aAction*/)
+ * This function is called by NifMan to bring down the link. It starts
+ * the asynchronous context deactivation process; LinkLayerDown() will be
+ * called when the context has been deactivated.
+ *
+ * @param aError A code specifying why the link is to be brought down
+ * @param aAction The action to take: disconnect or reconnect
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Stop [aError=%d]"), aError);
+ ShutDown(MControllerObserver::EInitialised, aError);
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::Restart(CNifIfBase* /*aIf*/)
+ * This is just an empty implementation of the CNifIfLink derived method.
+ * It is used as part of functionality to allow a NIF to specify that
+ * one of its binders has gone down but the link layer has not.
+ *
+ * @param Pointer to the protocol interface object
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Restart called"));
+ }
+TInt CRawIPNifMain::Send(RMBufChain& /*aPdu*/, TAny* /*aProtocol*/)
+ * Unused. The Send() method on the IPv4 protocol interface should be used
+ * to send IPv4 packets.
+ *
+ * @return Always KErrNotSupported
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Send"));
+ // Only the bearers' Send functions should be called.
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt CRawIPNifMain::SendPacket(RMBufChain& aPdu, TAny* /*aProtocol*/,
+ TUint16 /*aType*/)
+ * Sends a packet, via the BCA controller. This method is protocol-agnostic,
+ * and is called by the IPv4 protocol interface to actually send packets.
+ *
+ * @param aPdu The packet to send
+ * @return A standard error code
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::SendPacket [length=%d]"),
+ aPdu.Length() - aPdu.First()->Length());
+ TInt ret = iBcaController->Send(aPdu);
+ return ret;
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::Process(RMBufChain& aPdu, TUint16 aProtocolCode)
+ * Handles incoming packets which have been passed up from the BCA controller.
+ * If the IPv4 interface wants to process the packet, it hands it on; otherwise,
+ * the packet is binned.
+ *
+ * @param aPdu The incoming packet
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Process [aPdu length=%d]"),
+ aPdu.Length() - aPdu.First()->Length());
+ // If the packet has zero or negative length, bin it.
+ if ((aPdu.Length() - aPdu.First()->Length()) <= 0)
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("Dumped packet: illegal length"));
+ aPdu.Free();
+ return;
+ }
+ // See if the protocol interface wants the packet.
+ if (iProtocolIf->WantsProtocol(aProtocolCode))
+ {
+ iProtocolIf->Process(aPdu);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The protocol didn't want the packet, so bin it.
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("Packet was not processed: freeing (protocol code: %X)"),
+ aProtocolCode);
+ aPdu.Free();
+ }
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::ResumeSending()
+ * Notifies the protocol interface that it can resume sending packets.
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::ResumeSending"));
+ iProtocolIf->StartSending(reinterpret_cast<CProtocolBase*>(this));
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::AuthenticateComplete(TInt /*aResult*/)
+ * Notifies NifMan when authentication is complete. This function is never
+ * actually called.
+ *
+ * @param aResult The result of the authentication (unused)
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::AuthenticateComplete"));
+ }
+TInt CRawIPNifMain::Notification(TAgentToNifEventType aEvent,
+ void* aInfo)
+ * Provides a mechanism for the notification of events.
+ *
+ * @param aEvent The event type (unused)
+ * @param aInfo Event information (unused)
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Notification [%d]"), aEvent);
+ switch (aEvent)
+ {
+ case (EAgentToNifEventTypeDisableTimers) : //GPRS suspension
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Received Suspend from Agent..."));
+ // Let the BCA controller know that data can no longer be sent over
+ // the PDP context.
+ iBcaController->UpdateContextStateFlag(EFalse);
+ break;
+ }
+ case (EAgentToNifEventTypeEnableTimers) : //GPRS resumption
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Received Resume from Agent..."));
+ iBcaController->UpdateContextStateFlag(ETrue);
+ break;
+ }
+ case (EAgentToNifEventTsyConfig) :
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Received context config from Agent..."));
+ RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS* localPtr = (reinterpret_cast<RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS*>(aInfo));
+ TRAPD(err, GetProtocolIf()->UpdateContextConfigL(*localPtr));
+ if (err)
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("Trapped leave from UpdateContextConfigL"));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case (EAgentToNifEventTsyConnectionSpeed) :
+ {
+ TUint connectionSpeed = reinterpret_cast<TUint>(aInfo);
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Connection Speed Received [%d]"), connectionSpeed);
+ GetProtocolIf()->UpdateConnectionSpeed(connectionSpeed);
+ break;
+ }
+ case (EAgentToNifEventTypeDisableConnection) :
+ {
+ // This is handled by NIFMAN and passed to NifMain as a Stop() call
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Received Disable connection from Agent..."));
+ break;
+ }
+ case (EAgentToNifEventTypeGetDataTransfer) :
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Received Get Data Transfer from Agent..."));
+ break;
+ }
+ default :
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::Received Notification [%d] from Agent..."), aEvent);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::BindL(TAny *aId)
+ * Called by NifMan to bind the NIF to a specific protocol. This is never
+ * actually called; instead, the BindL() function of the IPv4 interface is used.
+ *
+ * @param aId A pointer to the protocol to be bound to
+ * @leave KErrAlreadyExists when already bound
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::BindL [aId=%X]"), aId);
+ if (iProtocol)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
+ }
+ iProtocol = reinterpret_cast<CProtocolBase*>(aId);
+ }
+CNifIfBase* CRawIPNifMain::GetBinderL(const TDesC& aName)
+ * Creates a new protocol interface, for supported protocols. This is currently
+ * only IPv4 and ICMP, both of which use the IPv4 protocol interface class.
+ *
+ * @param aName The name of the protocol
+ * @return A newly created protocol interface object
+ * @leave KErrNotSupported if protocol is not supported
+ */
+ {
+#ifdef __BTT_LOGGING__
+ TBuf8<256> debugBuffer;
+ debugBuffer.Copy(aName);
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::GetBinderL [aName=%S]"), &debugBuffer);
+ // IPv4 and ICMP Protocols.
+ if (!aName.CompareF(KDescIp) || !aName.CompareF(KDescIcmp))
+ {
+ if (!iProtocolIf)
+ {
+ iProtocolIf = new (ELeave) CIPv4ProtocolIf(*this, iTheLogger);
+ iBcaController->SetType(KIp4FrameType);
+ }
+ }
+ // IPv6 Protocol
+ else if (!aName.CompareF(KDescIp6))
+ {
+ if (!iProtocolIf)
+ {
+ iProtocolIf = new (ELeave) CIPv6ProtocolIf(*this, iTheLogger);
+ iBcaController->SetType(KIp6FrameType);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ return iProtocolIf;
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::InitialiseL(TInitialisationState aState, TInt aError)
+ * This method controls the initialisation sequence of the different modules
+ * in the NIF. When a module completes all the initialisation tasks it will
+ * call again this method with the new state. If an error occurs then the
+ * ShutDown() method will be called.
+ *
+ * @param aState The current initialisation step
+ * @param aError A possible error
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C3(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::InitialiseL [aState=%d ,aError=%d]"),
+ aState, aError);
+ if (aError != KErrNone)
+ {
+ _LOG_L2C2(_L8(" *** FAILED to initialise NIF *** Error =%d"),aError);
+ // Initialise shutdown sequence
+ switch (aState)
+ {
+ case MControllerObserver::EBcaController:
+ ShutDown(MControllerObserver::EInitialised, aError);
+ break;
+ default:
+ _LOG_L2C3(_L8("ERROR CRawIPNifMain: Unknown state:%d in NIF: %S"), aState, &KNifName);
+ User::Leave(KErrUnknown);
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (aState)
+ {
+ case MControllerObserver::EStart:
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("Calling Agent for TSY Config"));
+ GetAgent()->Notification(ENifToAgentEventTsyConfig, NULL);
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("Calling Agent for TSY Connection Speed"));
+ GetAgent()->Notification(ENifToAgentEventTsyConnectionSpeed, NULL);
+ //Read the port name from CommDB.
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("Attempting to read Port Name..."));
+ TBuf<2*KCommsDbSvrMaxColumnNameLength> columnName;
+ _LIT(KModemNameFormatText,"%s\\%s");
+ columnName.Format(KModemNameFormatText ,MODEM_BEARER,MODEM_PORT_NAME);
+ TName tempBuf;
+ GetAgent()->ReadDes(columnName,tempBuf);
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("Port details %S"),&tempBuf);
+ iBcaController->SetPort(tempBuf);
+ //Read the BCA name from CommDB.
+ columnName.Format(KModemNameFormatText ,MODEM_BEARER,BCA_STACK);
+ tempBuf.SetLength(0); // Clear the buffer in case the next ReadDes() fails
+ GetAgent()->ReadDes(columnName,tempBuf);
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("bcaName details %S"),&tempBuf);
+ iBcaController->SetBcaStackAndName(tempBuf);
+ //Read IAPID from CommDB.
+ //IAP ID is used in BCA Ioctl method to set IapId for accessing CommDB.
+ TUint32 iapId(0);
+ columnName.Format(KModemNameFormatText ,IAP,COMMDB_ID);
+ GetAgent()->ReadInt(columnName,iapId);
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("IAP ID details %u"),iapId);
+ iBcaController->SetIapId(iapId);
+ UpdateContextState(RPacketContext::EStatusActive, KErrNone);
+ iBcaController->StartL();
+ }
+ break;
+ case MControllerObserver::EBcaController:
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8(" ***** NIF INITIALISED *****"));
+ LinkLayerUp();
+ break;
+ default:
+ _LOG_L2C3(_L8("ERROR CRawIPNifMain: Unknown state:%d in NIF: %S"), aState, &KNifName);
+ User::Leave(KErrUnknown);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::ShutDown(TInitialisationState aState, TInt aError)
+ * This method controls the shutdown sequence of the different modules
+ * in the NIF. When a module completes all the shutdown tasks it will
+ * call again this method with the new state.
+ *
+ * @param aState The current state
+ * @param aError A possible error (only during initialisation)
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C3(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::ShutDown [aState=%d ,aError=%d]"),
+ aState, aError);
+ if (aError != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // NIF is shutting down due to an error.
+ // The error code must be stored in order to call linklayer down
+ // passing that value
+ iInitError = aError;
+ }
+ switch (aState)
+ {
+ case MControllerObserver::EInitialised:
+ iBcaController->Stop(aError);
+ break;
+ case MControllerObserver::EBcaController:
+ LinkLayerDown(iInitError);
+ break;
+ default:
+ _LOG_L2C1(_L8("ERROR CRawIPNifMain: Unknown Shutdown step"));
+ _BTT_PANIC(KNifName,KNifUnknownShutDownState);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+MNifIfNotify* CRawIPNifMain::GetAgent()
+ * Returns a pointer to the MNifIfNotify class used to comunicate with the Agent
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to MNifIfNotify
+ */
+ {
+ return iNotify;
+ }
+CProtocolIfBase* CRawIPNifMain::GetProtocolIf()
+ * Returns a pointer to the CIPv4ProtocolIf class
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to a CProtocolIfBase derived class
+ */
+ {
+ return iProtocolIf;
+ }
+CBcaIoController* CRawIPNifMain::GetBcaController()
+ * Returns a pointer to the CBcaIoController class
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to CBcaIoController
+ */
+ {
+ return iBcaController;
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::UpdateContextState(
+ RPacketContext::TContextStatus aState, TInt /*aError*/)
+ * Updates the state of the iContextState variable
+ *
+ * @param aState The new state
+ * @param aError A possible error
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C2(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::UpdateContextState [State=%d]"), aState);
+ // Note that we do not need to close the NIF down if there's been an
+ // error, as the context state machine will do this for us.
+ iContextStatus = aState;
+ }
+void CRawIPNifMain::UpdateContextConfig(
+ RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS aConfig)
+ * Updates the state of the iContextConfig variable
+ *
+ * @param aConfig The new config
+ */
+ {
+ _LOG_L1C1(_L8("CRawIPNifMain::UpdateContextConfig"));
+ // Note that we do not need to close the NIF down if there's been an
+ // error, as the context state machine will do this for us.
+ iContextConfig = aConfig;
+ }