--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/multimodetsy/Multimode/Mphbkinf.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// \file MPHBKINF.CPP
+// Multimode TSY Phone book Implementation file.
+// This file contains the implementation of the CATPhoneBookInfo class, which is used
+// to obtain Phone book information.
+// This class does all three AT+CPBS commands and an AT+CPBR:
+// AT+CPBS=? to get the supported storage types;
+// AT+CPBS=<storage> to set the storage type;
+// AT+CPBS? to get the 'used' and 'total' slots;
+// AT+CPBR=? to get the maximum length of the number and text fields;
+// A TPhoneBookInfo struct containing all the relevant information about the
+// specified phone book is returned.
+#include "Mphbkcom.h"
+#include "mSLOGGER.H"
+#include "mPHBOOK.H"
+#include "ATIO.H"
+#include "Matstd.h"
+#include "mphbkinf.h"
+// AT command
+const TUint KHyphenChar='-';
+GLDEF_C void ConvertStorageTypeToName(const TStorageType& aStorageType,TDes& aName)
+ * This function converts a storage type (phone book memory) to its name equivalent.
+ */
+ {
+ if (aStorageType==KFDStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelIccFdnPhoneBook);
+ else if (aStorageType==KMEStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelMeAdnPhoneBook);
+ else if (aStorageType==KMTStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelCombinedAdnPhoneBook);
+ else if (aStorageType==KSMStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
+ else if (aStorageType==KTAStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelTaAdnPhoneBook);
+ else if (aStorageType==KBMStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelIccBdnPhoneBook);
+ else if (aStorageType==KDCStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelMeDialledPhoneBook);
+ else if (aStorageType==KENStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelEmergencyNumberStore);
+ else if (aStorageType==KMCStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelMeMissedPhoneBook);
+ else if (aStorageType==KRCStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelMeReceivedPhoneBook);
+ else if (aStorageType==KLDStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelIccLndPhoneBook);
+ else if (aStorageType==KONStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelOwnNumberStore);
+ else if (aStorageType==KSNStorage)
+ aName.Copy(KETelIccSdnPhoneBook);
+ else
+ // we don't know any other storage type
+ aName.SetLength(0);
+ }
+// CATPhoneBookInfo Implementation
+CATPhoneBookInfo* CATPhoneBookInfo::NewL(CATIO* aIo,CTelObject* aTelObject,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals)
+ * Standard 2 phase constructor.
+ */
+ {
+ CATPhoneBookInfo* r=new(ELeave) CATPhoneBookInfo(aIo,aTelObject,aInit,aPhoneGlobals);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(r);
+ r->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return r;
+ }
+CATPhoneBookInfo::CATPhoneBookInfo(CATIO* aIo,CTelObject* aTelObject,CATInit* aInit,CPhoneGlobals* aPhoneGlobals)
+ : CATCommands(aIo,aTelObject,aInit,aPhoneGlobals), iCompleted(EFalse)
+ {
+ }
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ {
+ delete iStorageTypeArray;
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::ConstructL()
+ * This function calls the ConstructL() function of the CATCommands class.
+ * It also allocates memory for an array of supported phonebook types.
+ */
+ {
+ CATCommands::ConstructL();
+ iStorageTypeArray=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TStorageType>(5);
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::Start(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,TAny* aParams)
+ * Start function; initializes TPhoneBookInfo struct members to Unknown
+ * and starts the AT+CPBS? query command.
+ */
+ {
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("Starting AT+CPBS? Command"));
+ iReqHandle=aTsyReqHandle;
+ if (aParams)
+ iInfoPckg=static_cast<RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1Pckg*>(aParams);
+// if this is the first time then get a list of the supported types, otherwise, just
+// get info for the required index
+ if (iStorageTypeArray->Count()>0)
+ {
+ SetIndexByStorageType();
+ StartSelect();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WriteExpectingResults(KPhoneBookStorageTest(),3);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iIo->AddExpectString(this,KNotifyMeIfErrorString) != NULL, Panic(EGeneral));
+ iState=EListWaitForWriteComplete;
+ }
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::EventSignal(TEventSource aEventSource)
+ * This function contains the State machine for retrieving phone book information.
+ *
+ * Waits for the AT+CPBS=? command to be written to the comm port, parses the phone's
+ * response and initializes an array containing the supported phone book memories. It
+ * then sets a phonebook type, and retrieves information pertaining to the phone book:
+ * total no. of slots, no. of used slots, the maximum length of the text and number fields.
+ */
+ {
+ LOGTEXT2(_L8("CATPhoneBookInfo::EventSignal, aEventSource=%d"),aEventSource);
+ if (aEventSource==ETimeOutCompletion)
+ {
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("Timeout Error during getting phone book info"));
+ RemoveStdExpectStrings();
+ Complete(KErrTimedOut,aEventSource);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (iState)
+ {
+ case EListWaitForWriteComplete:
+ WriteComplete(aEventSource,EListWaitForReadComplete);
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CATPhoneBookInfo::EventSignal processed EListWaitForWriteComplete"));
+ break;
+ case EListWaitForReadComplete:
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aEventSource==EReadCompletion,Panic(EATCommand_IllegalCompletionReadExpected));
+ {
+ TInt ret(ValidateExpectString());
+ RemoveStdExpectStrings();
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ Complete(ret,aEventSource);
+ return;
+ }
+ TRAP(ret,ParseListResponseL()); // parse the list of supported phone book types.
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ Complete(ret,aEventSource);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ SetIndexByStorageType();
+ StartSelect(); // Set a phone book memory.
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CATPhoneBookInfo::EventSignal processed EListWaitForReadComplete"));
+ break;
+ case ESelectWaitForWriteComplete:
+ WriteComplete(aEventSource,ESelectWaitForReadComplete);
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CATPhoneBookInfo::EventSignal processed ESelectWaitForWriteComplete"));
+ break;
+ case ESelectWaitForReadComplete:
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aEventSource==EReadCompletion,Panic(EATCommand_IllegalCompletionReadExpected));
+ {
+ TInt ret(ValidateExpectString());
+ RemoveStdExpectStrings();
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ Complete(ret,aEventSource);
+ return;
+ }
+ // no parsing this time
+ }
+ iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iLastAccessedPhoneBook=iStorageType;
+ StartGetInfo(); // Transmit AT+CPBS? cmd; get the phone book's total and used slots
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CATPhoneBookInfo::EventSignal processed ESelectWaitForReadComplete"));
+ break;
+ case EGetInfoWaitForWriteComplete:
+ WriteComplete(aEventSource,EGetInfoWaitForReadComplete);
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CATPhoneBookInfo::EventSignal processed EGetInfoWaitForWriteComplete"));
+ break;
+ case EGetInfoWaitForReadComplete:
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aEventSource==EReadCompletion,Panic(EATCommand_IllegalCompletionReadExpected));
+ {
+ TInt ret(ValidateExpectString());
+ RemoveStdExpectStrings();
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ Complete(ret,aEventSource);
+ return;
+ }
+ TRAP(ret,ParseGetInfoResponseL()); // Parse the phone's response to the AT+CPBS? command
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ Complete(ret,aEventSource);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ StartGetMaxLength(); // Transmit AT+CPBR=? cmd; get the maximum text and number length.
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CATPhoneBookInfo::EventSignal processed EGetInfoWaitForReadComplete"));
+ break;
+ case EGetMaxLengthWaitForWriteComplete:
+ WriteComplete(aEventSource,EGetMaxLengthWaitForReadComplete);
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CATPhoneBookInfo::EventSignal processed EGetMaxLengthWaitForWriteComplete"));
+ break;
+ case EGetMaxLengthWaitForReadComplete:
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aEventSource==EReadCompletion,Panic(EATCommand_IllegalCompletionReadExpected));
+ {
+ TInt ret(ValidateExpectString());
+ RemoveStdExpectStrings();
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ Complete(ret,aEventSource);
+ return;
+ }
+ TRAP(ret,ParseGetMaxLengthResponseL()); // Parse the phone's response to the AT+CPBR=? command.
+ Complete(ret,aEventSource);
+ }
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CATPhoneBookInfo::EventSignal processed EGetMaxLengthWaitForReadComplete"));
+ break;
+ case EIdle:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::CompleteWithIOError(TEventSource /*aSource*/,TInt aStatus)
+ * This function is called if an error occurs. It cancels the relevant timer and
+ * completes the request before setting the state to Idle.
+ */
+ {
+ if (iState!=EIdle)
+ {
+ iIo->WriteAndTimerCancel(this);
+ if (iReqHandle)
+ {
+ iTelObject->ReqCompleted(iReqHandle,aStatus);
+ }
+ iState=EIdle;
+ }
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::SetStorageType(TStorageType aStorageType)
+ * Sets the client's desired phonebook type.
+ */
+ {
+ iStorageType=aStorageType;
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::SetIndexByStorageType()
+ * Sets the client index using the storage type supplied by the client
+ */
+ {
+ iIndex=KErrUnknown;
+ for (TInt i=0; i<iStorageTypeArray->Count(); i++)
+ {
+ if ((*iStorageTypeArray)[i] == iStorageType)
+ {
+ iIndex=i;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::Stop(TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle)
+ * This function is used to prematurely stop the state machine. This would usually
+ * occur following a client cancel request.
+ */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aTsyReqHandle == iReqHandle,Panic(EIllegalTsyReqHandle));
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("Cancelling phone book get info command"));
+ switch (iState)
+ {
+ case EListWaitForWriteComplete:
+ case ESelectWaitForWriteComplete:
+ case EGetInfoWaitForWriteComplete:
+ case EGetMaxLengthWaitForWriteComplete:
+ Complete(KErrCancel,EWriteCompletion);
+ return;
+ case EListWaitForReadComplete:
+ case ESelectWaitForReadComplete:
+ case EGetInfoWaitForReadComplete:
+ case EGetMaxLengthWaitForReadComplete:
+ Complete(KErrCancel,EReadCompletion);
+ return;
+ case EIdle:
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::StartSelect()
+ * This function selects a phonebook memory.
+ */
+ {
+ TBuf8<KGenericBufferSize> buf;
+ if (iPhoneGlobals->iPhoneStatus.iLastAccessedPhoneBook!=iStorageType)
+ {
+ // We need to select the phonebook using AT+CPBS=<storage>
+ if (iIndex>=0)
+ buf.Format(KPhoneBookStorageSet,&(*iStorageTypeArray)[iIndex]);
+ else
+ Panic(EUnknownPhoneBookStorageTypeIndex);
+ WriteExpectingResults(buf,3);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iIo->AddExpectString(this,KNotifyMeIfErrorString) != NULL, Panic(EGeneral));
+ iState=ESelectWaitForWriteComplete;
+ }
+ else
+ // We already have correct phonebook selected
+ StartGetInfo();
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::StartGetInfo()
+ * This function transmits an AT+CPBS? command.
+ */
+ {
+ WriteExpectingResults(KPhoneBookStorageRead(),3);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iIo->AddExpectString(this,KNotifyMeIfErrorString) != NULL, Panic(EGeneral));
+ iState=EGetInfoWaitForWriteComplete;
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::StartGetMaxLength()
+ * This function transmits an AT+CPBR=? command.
+ */
+ {
+ WriteExpectingResults(KPhoneBookReadTest(),3);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iIo->AddExpectString(this,KNotifyMeIfErrorString) != NULL, Panic(EGeneral));
+ iState=EGetMaxLengthWaitForWriteComplete;
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::ParseListResponseL()
+ * This function parses the phone's response to the AT+CPBS=? command.
+ * It initializes an array with the supported phone book types.
+ */
+ {
+ TInt count=iStorageTypeArray->Count();
+ if (count>0)
+ iStorageTypeArray->Delete(0,count);
+ ParseBufferLC(EFalse, ':');
+ if (iRxResults.IsEmpty())
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ else
+ {
+ TDblQueIter<CATParamListEntry> iter(iRxResults);
+ CATParamListEntry* entry=iter++;
+ if (entry!=NULL)
+ {
+ entry->Deque(); // skip the +CPBS
+ delete entry;
+ }
+ else
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ entry=iter++;
+ TStorageType storageType;
+ while (entry!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (entry->iResultPtr.Length()>2)
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ storageType=entry->iResultPtr;
+ iStorageTypeArray->AppendL(storageType);
+ entry->Deque();
+ delete entry;
+ entry=iter++;
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // parsed buffer
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::ParseGetInfoResponseL()
+ * This function parses the phone's response to the AT+CPBS? command.
+ * The variables containing the used and total slots are assigned the
+ * corresponding values returned by the phone.
+ */
+ {
+ ParseBufferLC(EFalse, ':');
+ TDblQueIter<CATParamListEntry> iter(iRxResults);
+ CATParamListEntry* entry=iter++;
+ if (entry!=NULL)
+ {
+ entry->Deque(); // skip the +CPBS
+ delete entry;
+ }
+ else
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ entry=iter++;
+ if (entry!=NULL)
+ {
+ entry->Deque(); // skip the storage name
+ delete entry;
+ }
+ else
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ entry=iter++;
+ if (entry!=NULL)
+ {
+ CATParamListEntry::EntryValL(entry,iPhbkInfo.iUsedEntries);
+ entry=iter++;
+ }
+ if (entry!=NULL)
+ {
+ CATParamListEntry::EntryValL(entry,iPhbkInfo.iTotalEntries);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // parsed buffer
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::ParseGetMaxLengthResponseL()
+ * This function parses the phone's response to the AT+CPBR=? command -> e.g.
+ * +CPBR: (101-200),020,014 or +CPBR: (1-10),32,14.
+ * The variables containing the maximum text and number lengths are assigned
+ * the corresponding values returned by the phone.
+ */
+ {
+ ParseBufferLC(EFalse, ':');
+ TDblQueIter<CATParamListEntry> iter(iRxResults);
+ CATParamListEntry* entry=iter++;
+ if (entry==NULL)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ // skip the +CPBR
+ entry=iter++;
+ // T28 returns CPBR:(),20,8. () should be tackled correctly.
+ if (entry->iResultPtr.Locate(KHyphenChar)==KErrNotFound)
+ entry=iter++;
+ else
+ {
+ while (entry!=NULL && entry->iResultPtr.Locate(KHyphenChar)>KErrNone)
+ {
+ const TInt hyphenPos=entry->iResultPtr.Locate(KHyphenChar);
+ TPtrC8 beforeHyphen=entry->iResultPtr.Left(hyphenPos);
+ TPtrC8 afterHyphen=entry->iResultPtr.Mid(hyphenPos+1);
+ // Get the index offset that'll need to be used for
+ // read, write and delete phone book store operations
+ { // curly brackets used to scope TLex8 object
+ TLex8 lex(beforeHyphen);
+ (void)User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(iIndexOffset));
+ }
+ iIndexOffset--; // decrement offset by one as it is an offset and not a starting index value
+ LOGTEXT2(_L8("CATPhoneBookInfo::ParseGetMaxLengthResponseL iIndexOffset=%d"),iIndexOffset);
+ if (iPhbkInfo.iTotalEntries<=0)
+ {
+ // The optional <used> and <total> parameters were not present in AT+CPBS=?
+ // Try to get this info from AT+CPBR? instead
+ TLex8 lex(afterHyphen);
+ (void)User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(iPhbkInfo.iTotalEntries));
+ }
+ entry=iter++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (entry!=NULL)
+ {
+ CATParamListEntry::EntryValL(entry,iPhbkInfo.iMaxNumLength);
+ entry=iter++;
+ }
+ else
+ // not supported by this ME
+ iPhbkInfo.iMaxNumLength=KErrNotFound;
+ if (entry!=NULL)
+ CATParamListEntry::EntryValL(entry,iPhbkInfo.iMaxTextLength);
+ else
+ // not supported by this ME
+ iPhbkInfo.iMaxTextLength=KErrNotFound;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // parsed buffer
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::WriteComplete(TEventSource aSource,TPhoneBookInfoState aState)
+ * This function is used by the Write states in the State machine. Performs common
+ * write routines and sets the new state.
+ */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aSource==EWriteCompletion,Panic(EATCommand_IllegalCompletionWriteExpected));
+ AddStdExpectStrings();
+ iIo->SetTimeOut(this);
+ iState=aState;
+ }
+void CATPhoneBookInfo::Complete(TInt aError, TEventSource aSource)
+ * This function completes the Client request.
+ * It sets the Write Access for the phone book and sets the state to Idle.
+ */
+ {
+ LOGTEXT2(_L8("CATPhoneBookInfo::Complete aError=%d"),aError);
+ if (aError==KErrNone)
+ {
+ iPhbkInfo.iCaps = RMobilePhoneStore::KCapsReadAccess;
+ if (CPhoneGlobals::IsWriteAccess(iStorageType))
+ iPhbkInfo.iCaps |= RMobilePhoneStore::KCapsWriteAccess;
+ ConvertStorageTypeToName(iStorageType, iPhbkInfo.iName);
+ iIo->WriteAndTimerCancel(this);
+ iIo->RemoveExpectStrings(this);
+ iState=EIdle;
+ // Mark the information retrieval as completed - so it is not repeated
+ iCompleted=ETrue;
+ // Write back data if started by a client request
+ if (iReqHandle)
+ {
+ // Check if client was actually asking for RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1
+ // rather than larger RMobilePhonebookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1
+ RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1& storeInfo = (*iInfoPckg)();
+ storeInfo.iType=RMobilePhoneStore::EPhoneBookStore;
+ storeInfo.iUsedEntries=iPhbkInfo.iUsedEntries;
+ storeInfo.iTotalEntries=iPhbkInfo.iTotalEntries;
+ storeInfo.iName=iPhbkInfo.iName;
+ storeInfo.iCaps=iPhbkInfo.iCaps;
+ if (storeInfo.ExtensionId()==RMobilePhoneStore::KETelMobilePhonebookStoreV1)
+ {
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1Pckg* phbkPckg
+ = reinterpret_cast<RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1Pckg*>(iInfoPckg);
+ RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1& phbkInfo = (*phbkPckg)();
+ phbkInfo.iMaxNumLength=iPhbkInfo.iMaxNumLength;
+ phbkInfo.iMaxTextLength=iPhbkInfo.iMaxTextLength;
+ phbkInfo.iLocation=RMobilePhoneBookStore::ELocationUnknown; // could change this later!
+ }
+ CATCommands::Complete(aError,aSource);
+ iTelObject->ReqCompleted(iReqHandle,aError);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // There was an error or the request was cancelled
+ iIo->WriteAndTimerCancel(this);
+ iIo->RemoveExpectStrings(this);
+ iState=EIdle;
+ CATCommands::Complete(aError,aSource);
+ if (iReqHandle)
+ iTelObject->ReqCompleted(iReqHandle,aError);
+ }
+ }