changeset 0 3553901f7fa8
child 24 6638e7f4bd8f
child 42 3adadc800673
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/simatktsy/src/CSatNotifyPollInterval.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Name        : CSatNotifyPollInterval.cpp
+// Part of     : Common SIM ATK TSY / commonsimatktsy
+// Polling off notification functionality of Sat Tsy
+// Version     : 1.0
+#include <satcs.h>                  // Etel SAT IPC definitions
+#include "CSatTsy.h"                // Tsy class header
+#include "CSatNotifyPollInterval.h" // Tsy class header
+#include "CSatNotificationsTsy.h"   // Class header
+#include "CBerTlv.h"                // Ber Tlv data handling
+#include "TTlv.h"					// TTlv class
+#include "CSatDataPackage.h"        // Parameter packing 
+#include "TfLogger.h"               // For TFLOGSTRING
+#include "TSatUtility.h"            // Utilities
+#include "CSatTsyReqHandleStore.h"  // Request handle class
+#include "cmmmessagemanagerbase.h" 	// Message manager class for forwarding req.
+#include "MSatTsy_IPCDefs.h"        // Sat Tsy internal request types
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatNotifyPollInterval::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSatNotifyPollInterval* CSatNotifyPollInterval::NewL
+        ( 
+        CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy 
+        )
+    {
+    TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyPollInterval::NewL");
+   	CSatNotifyPollInterval* const satNotifyPollInterval = 
+        new ( ELeave ) CSatNotifyPollInterval( aNotificationsTsy );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( satNotifyPollInterval );
+    satNotifyPollInterval->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( satNotifyPollInterval );
+    TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyPollInterval::NewL, end of method");
+    return satNotifyPollInterval;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatNotifyPollInterval::~CSatNotifyPollInterval
+// Destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        ( 
+		// None
+        )
+    {
+    TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyPollInterval::~CSatNotifyPollInterval");
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatNotifyPollInterval::CSatNotifyPollInterval
+// Default C++ constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        ( 
+        CSatNotificationsTsy* aNotificationsTsy 
+        ) : iNotificationsTsy ( aNotificationsTsy )
+    {
+    // None
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatNotifyPollInterval::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatNotifyPollInterval::ConstructL
+        (
+        // None
+        )
+    {
+    TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyPollInterval::ConstructL");
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatNotifyPollInterval::CompleteNotifyL
+// This method completes an outstanding asynchronous 
+// PollInterval request. 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSatNotifyPollInterval::CompleteNotifyL
+        ( 
+        CSatDataPackage* aDataPackage,
+        TInt /*aErrorCode*/  
+        ) 
+    {
+    TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyPollInterval::CompleteNotifyL");
+    TInt returnValue( KErrNone );
+    TPtrC8* data;
+    aDataPackage->UnPackData( &data );
+    // Get ber tlv 
+    CBerTlv berTlv;
+    berTlv.SetData( *data );
+    CTlv commandDetails;
+    berTlv.TlvByTagValue( &commandDetails, KTlvCommandDetailsTag );
+    iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData.iCommandDetails.Copy( 
+        commandDetails.Data() );
+    // Duration of the interval
+    CTlv duration;
+    returnValue = berTlv.TlvByTagValue( &duration, KTlvDurationTag );
+    TUint8 pCmdNumber( commandDetails.GetShortInfo( ETLV_CommandNumber ) );
+    TUint16 anIntervalInSeconds( KDefaultPollInterval );
+    if ( KErrNone == returnValue )
+        {
+        TUint8 timeIntv( duration.GetShortInfo( ETLV_TimeInterval ) );
+        // Time Interval 0 is default value (25 seconds)
+		if ( 0 != timeIntv )
+			{
+            iPollingIntervalRspV3.iGeneralResult = RSat::KSuccess;
+            iPollingIntervalRspV3.iInfoType =  RSat::KPollingIntv;
+            TUint8 durationTimeUnit( duration.GetShortInfo( ETLV_TimeUnit ) );
+            switch ( durationTimeUnit )
+                {
+                case KMinutes:
+                    {
+                    anIntervalInSeconds = timeIntv * 60;
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case KSeconds:
+                    {
+                    anIntervalInSeconds = timeIntv;
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case KTenthsOfSeconds:
+                    {
+                    // Rounding
+	                if ( 5 >= ( timeIntv % 10 ) )
+	                    {
+	                    // If the intervals the ME can offer are equidistant
+	                    // (higher and lower) from the NAA's request, the ME 
+	                    // shall respond with the lower interval of the two.
+	                    anIntervalInSeconds = static_cast<TUint8>( 
+	                        timeIntv / 10 );
+	                    }
+	                else
+	                    {
+	                    anIntervalInSeconds = static_cast<TUint8> ( ( 
+	                        timeIntv / 10 ) + 1);
+	                    }
+                    break;
+                    }
+                default:
+                	{
+                 	TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyPollInterval::\
+                 	    CompleteNotifyL, Time unit unknown.");
+	        		returnValue = KErrNotFound;
+                 	// Command data not understood
+                 	CreateTerminalRespL( pCmdNumber, 
+                 	    RSat::KCmdDataNotUnderstood, 
+                 	    RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem, 0 );
+                	}
+                } // End of switch
+        	// Check interval limits
+        	if ( KMinPollInterval > anIntervalInSeconds )
+        	    {
+        	    anIntervalInSeconds = KMinPollInterval;
+        	    }
+        	else if ( KMaxPollInterval < anIntervalInSeconds )
+        	    {
+        	    anIntervalInSeconds = KMaxPollInterval;
+        	    }
+			}
+        }
+	else
+		{
+		// Required values are missing
+        CreateTerminalRespL( pCmdNumber, RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing, 
+        	RSat::KNoSpecificMeProblem, 0 );
+		}
+    if ( KErrNone == returnValue )
+	    {
+    	// A PCmd PollingOff may be executed. 	
+        iNotificationsTsy->SetPollingOffStatus( EFalse );
+        // Send SetPollInterval request to ISA CellMo side. The terminal response
+        // will be sent to ISA CellMo side after SetPollInterval response.
+        iNotificationsTsy->SetPollingIntervalL( static_cast<TUint8>( 
+            anIntervalInSeconds ) );
+	    }
+    return returnValue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatNotifyPollInterval::CreateTerminalRespL
+// Constructs PollInterval specific part of terminal response and calls 
+// DOS to send the actual message. 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSatNotifyPollInterval::CreateTerminalRespL
+        ( 
+        TUint8 aPCmdNumber,         
+        TUint8 aGeneralResult,     
+        TUint8 aAdditionalInfo,   
+        TUint8 aDcs               	
+		)
+    {
+    TFLOGSTRING("CSAT: CSatNotifyPollInterval::CreateTerminalRespL");   
+    TTlv tlvSpecificData;
+    tlvSpecificData.AddTag( KTlvResultTag );     
+    tlvSpecificData.AddByte( aGeneralResult );
+    if ( !(iNotificationsTsy->CommandPerformedSuccessfully( 
+            aGeneralResult ) ) )
+        {
+        switch ( aGeneralResult )
+            {
+            // Cases in which additional info is not required
+            case RSat::KPSessionTerminatedByUser:
+            case RSat::KBackwardModeRequestedByUser:
+            case RSat::KNoResponseFromUser:
+            case RSat::KErrorRequiredValuesMissing:
+            case RSat::KHelpRequestedByUser:
+                {
+                break;
+                }
+            default:
+                {
+                TFLOGSTRING2("CSAT: CSatNotifyPollInterval::\
+                    CreateTerminalRespL, Additional Info: %d", 
+                    aAdditionalInfo);  
+                tlvSpecificData.AddByte( aAdditionalInfo );
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        tlvSpecificData.AddTag( KTlvDurationTag );
+        tlvSpecificData.AddByte( KSeconds );
+        tlvSpecificData.AddByte( aDcs );
+        }
+    // Prepare data
+    iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData.iPCmdNumber = aPCmdNumber;
+    TPtrC8 data = tlvSpecificData.GetDataWithoutTopLevelTag();
+    // Pack data
+    CSatDataPackage dataPackage;
+	dataPackage.PackData( &iNotificationsTsy->iTerminalRespData, &data );
+    // Forward request to the DOS
+    return iNotificationsTsy->iSatTsy->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL( 
+		ESatTerminalRsp, &dataPackage );
+    }
+// End of file