--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyutils/etel3rdpartyapi/src/TelephonyActSupplServices.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:41:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB - initial contribution.
+* Nokia Corporation - additional changes.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Code for TelephonyActSupplServices class, used by CTelephonyFunctions class.
+ @file
+#include "TelephonyFunctions.h"
+#include "TelephonyActSupplServices.h"
+CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct* CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::NewL(CTelephonyFunctions* aTelephonyFunctions)
+Public constructor which can Leave().
+@param aTelephonyFunctions Object that constructs us.
+@leave Leaves if no memory.
+ {
+ CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct* self = new(ELeave) CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct(aTelephonyFunctions);
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ Complete();
+ delete iGetCFList;
+ iGetCFList = NULL;
+ delete iGetCBList;
+ iGetCBList = NULL;
+ delete iGetCWList;
+ iGetCWList = NULL;
+ }
+TInt CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::GetCFSupplementaryServiceStatus(const CTelephony::TCallForwardingCondition aCondition, TDes8& aId, const CTelephony::TServiceGroup aServiceGroup)
+Issue Request
+ {
+ iISVSSType = CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCFSupplServicesStatus;
+ iServiceGroup = GetMobileServiceGroup(aServiceGroup);
+ iMobileCFCondition = GetMobileCFCondition(aCondition);
+ if(iMobileCFCondition == RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingUnspecified)
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ iCFCondition = aCondition;
+ //delete old list
+ if(iGetCFList)
+ {
+ delete iGetCFList;
+ iGetCFList = NULL;
+ }
+ iISVCFInfo = reinterpret_cast<CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1*> ( const_cast<TUint8*> (aId.Ptr()) );
+ //create instance of CF list
+ TRAPD(leavecode, iGetCFList = CRetrieveMobilePhoneCFList::NewL(*iTelephonyFunctions->Phone()));
+ if(leavecode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return leavecode;
+ }
+ iGetCFList->Start(iStatus, iMobileCFCondition, iServiceGroup);
+ SetActive();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::GetCBSupplementaryServiceStatus(const CTelephony::TCallBarringCondition aCondition, TDes8& aId, const CTelephony::TServiceGroup aServiceGroup)
+Issue Request
+ {
+ iISVSSType = CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCBSupplServicesStatus;
+ iServiceGroup = GetMobileServiceGroup(aServiceGroup);
+ iMobileCBCondition = GetMobileCBCondition(aCondition);
+ if(iMobileCBCondition == RMobilePhone::EBarUnspecified) //not supported
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ iCBCondition = aCondition;
+ //delete old list
+ if(iGetCBList)
+ {
+ delete iGetCBList;
+ iGetCBList = NULL;
+ }
+ iISVCBInfo = reinterpret_cast<CTelephony::TCallBarringSupplServicesV1*> (const_cast<TUint8*> (aId.Ptr()) );
+ //create instance of CB list
+ TRAPD(leavecode, iGetCBList = CRetrieveMobilePhoneCBList::NewL(*iTelephonyFunctions->Phone()));
+ if(leavecode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return leavecode;
+ }
+ iGetCBList->Start(iStatus, iMobileCBCondition);
+ SetActive();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::GetCWSupplementaryServiceStatus(TDes8& aId, const CTelephony::TServiceGroup aServiceGroup)
+Issue Request
+ {
+ iISVSSType = CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCWSupplServicesStatus;
+ iServiceGroup = GetMobileServiceGroup(aServiceGroup);
+ //delete old list
+ if(iGetCWList)
+ {
+ delete iGetCWList;
+ iGetCWList = NULL;
+ }
+ iISVCWInfo = reinterpret_cast<CTelephony::TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1*> ( const_cast<TUint8*> (aId.Ptr()) );
+ //create instance of CW list
+ TRAPD(leavecode, iGetCWList = CRetrieveMobilePhoneCWList::NewL(*iTelephonyFunctions->Phone()));
+ if(leavecode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return leavecode;
+ }
+ iGetCWList->Start(iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCBCondition CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::GetMobileCBCondition(const CTelephony::TCallBarringCondition aCBCondition) const
+Maps CTelephony::TCallBarringCondition to RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCBCondition
+ {
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCBCondition condition = RMobilePhone::EBarUnspecified;
+ switch(aCBCondition)
+ {
+ case CTelephony::EBarAllIncoming:
+ condition = RMobilePhone::EBarAllIncoming;
+ break;
+ case CTelephony::EBarIncomingRoaming:
+ condition = RMobilePhone::EBarIncomingRoaming;
+ break;
+ case CTelephony::EBarAllOutgoing:
+ condition = RMobilePhone::EBarAllOutgoing;
+ break;
+ case CTelephony::EBarOutgoingInternational:
+ condition = RMobilePhone::EBarOutgoingInternational;
+ break;
+ case CTelephony::EBarOutgoingInternationalExHC:
+ condition = RMobilePhone::EBarOutgoingInternationalExHC;
+ break;
+ default:
+ condition = RMobilePhone::EBarUnspecified;
+ break;
+ };
+ return condition;
+ }
+RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFCondition CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::GetMobileCFCondition(const CTelephony::TCallForwardingCondition aCFCondition) const
+Maps CTelephony::TCallForwardingCondition to RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFCondition
+ {
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFCondition condition = RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingUnspecified;
+ switch(aCFCondition)
+ {
+ case CTelephony::ECallForwardingUnconditional:
+ condition = RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingUnconditional;
+ break;
+ case CTelephony::ECallForwardingBusy:
+ condition = RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingBusy;
+ break;
+ case CTelephony::ECallForwardingNoReply:
+ condition = RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingNoReply;
+ break;
+ case CTelephony::ECallForwardingNotReachable:
+ condition = RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingNotReachable;
+ break;
+ default:
+ condition = RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingUnspecified;
+ break;
+ };
+ return condition;
+ }
+RMobilePhone::TMobileService CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::GetMobileServiceGroup(const CTelephony::TServiceGroup aServiceGroup)
+Map CTelephony::TServiceGroup to RMobilePhone::TMobileService
+ {
+ RMobilePhone::TMobileService serviceGroup;
+ switch(aServiceGroup)
+ {
+ case CTelephony::EFaxService:
+ serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EFaxService;
+ break;
+ case CTelephony::EDataService:
+ serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::ECircuitDataService;
+ break;
+ case CTelephony::EVoiceService:
+ default:
+ serviceGroup = RMobilePhone::EVoiceService;
+ }
+ return serviceGroup;
+ }
+void CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::Complete()
+Service Completed request.
+ {
+ TInt leaveCode=iStatus.Int();
+ if(iISVSSType != CTelephonyFunctions::EMaxNumberOperations && iTelephonyFunctions->IsRequestPending(iISVSSType))
+ {
+ if(leaveCode==KErrNone)
+ {
+ switch(iISVSSType)
+ {
+ case CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCFSupplServicesStatus:
+ TRAP(leaveCode, ResolveCFListL());
+ break;
+ case CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCBSupplServicesStatus:
+ TRAP(leaveCode, ResolveCBListL());
+ break;
+ case CTelephonyFunctions::EGetCWSupplServicesStatus:
+ TRAP(leaveCode, ResolveCWListL());
+ break;
+ default:
+ leaveCode = KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ }
+ iTelephonyFunctions->CompleteRequest(iISVSSType, iStatus.Int());
+ }
+ }
+void CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::ResolveCBListL()
+Resolve the CB list. The CB list only contains conditions that are active for a particular service group.
+We want to know the status for a specific service group AND CB condition.
+The following scenarios are covered.
+1.We do not successfully retrieve the list.
+ If this is true then return the status as EUnknown.
+2.An entry has the same service group OR is EAllServices AND the same CB condition as requested.
+ If this is true then return the status of the entry.
+3.An entry has the same service group OR is EAllServices AND the entry condition is EAllOutgoingServices.
+ If the requested CB condition was either EBarAllOutgoing, EBarOutgoingInternational or EBarOutgoingInternationalExHC then return the status of the entry.
+4.An entry has the same service group OR is EAllServices AND the entry condition is EAllIncomingServices.
+ If the requested CB condition was either EBarAllIncoming or EBarIncomingRoaming then return the status of the entry.
+5.Default case
+ return the status as ENotActive.
+ {
+ iISVCBInfo->iCallBarringCondition = iCBCondition;
+ iISVCBInfo->iCallBarring = CTelephony::EUnknown; //(Scenario 1)
+ CMobilePhoneCBList* callBarringList=NULL;
+ TInt leaveCode=KErrNone;
+ TRAP(leaveCode, callBarringList=iGetCBList->RetrieveListL(););
+ if (callBarringList)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(callBarringList);
+ iISVCBInfo->iCallBarring = CTelephony::ENotActive; //(Scenario 5)
+ TInt count = callBarringList->Enumerate();
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCBInfoEntryV1 entry;
+ for (TInt i=0; i<count; ++i)
+ {
+ leaveCode = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(leaveCode,entry=callBarringList->GetEntryL(i));
+ if (leaveCode == KErrNone && (iServiceGroup == entry.iServiceGroup || entry.iServiceGroup == RMobilePhone::EAllServices))
+ {
+ if( iMobileCBCondition == entry.iCondition || //(Scenario 2)
+ ( entry.iCondition == RMobilePhone::EBarAllOutgoingServices && //(Scenario 3)
+ (iMobileCBCondition == RMobilePhone::EBarAllOutgoing ||
+ iMobileCBCondition == RMobilePhone::EBarOutgoingInternational ||
+ iMobileCBCondition == RMobilePhone::EBarOutgoingInternationalExHC) ) ||
+ ( entry.iCondition == RMobilePhone::EBarAllIncomingServices && //(Scenario 4)
+ (iMobileCBCondition == RMobilePhone::EBarAllIncoming ||
+ iMobileCBCondition == RMobilePhone::EBarIncomingRoaming) ) )
+ {
+ iISVCBInfo->iCallBarring = GetCBSupplServiceStatus(entry.iStatus);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(callBarringList); //callBarringList
+ }
+ }
+CTelephony::TSupplServiceStatus CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::GetCBSupplServiceStatus(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCBStatus aStatus)
+Map RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCBStatus to CTelephony::TSupplServiceStatus
+ {
+ CTelephony::TSupplServiceStatus supplServiceStatus;
+ switch(aStatus)
+ {
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallBarringStatusActive:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::EStatusActive;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallBarringStatusNotActive:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::ENotActive;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallBarringStatusNotProvisioned:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::ENotProvisioned;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallBarringStatusNotAvailable:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::ENotAvailable;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallBarringStatusUnknown:
+ default:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::EUnknown;
+ break;
+ }
+ return supplServiceStatus;
+ }
+void CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::ResolveCFListL()
+Resolve the CF list. The CF list should contain an entry for each condition of a particular service group regardless of whether the
+status is active or inactive..
+We want to know the status for a specific service group AND CF condition.
+The following scenarios are covered.
+1.We do not successfully retrieve the list.
+ If this is true then return the status as EUnknown.
+2.An entry has the the same service group OR is EAllServices AND the same CF condition as requested.
+ If this is true then return the status of the entry.
+3.An entry has the the same service group OR is EAllServices AND the entry condition is ECallForwardingAllCases.
+ If this is true then return the status of the entry.
+4.An entry has the the same service group OR is EAllServices AND the entry condition is ECallForwardingAllConditionalCases.
+ If the requested CF condition was either ECallForwardingBusy, ECallForwardingNoReply or ECallForwardingNotReachable then return the status of the entry.
+ {
+ iISVCFInfo->iCallForwardingCondition = iCFCondition;
+ iISVCFInfo->iCallForwarding = CTelephony::EUnknown; //(Scenario 1) Initially set to unknown until we are sure we successfully get the list.
+ CMobilePhoneCFList* callForwardingList=NULL;
+ TInt leaveCode=KErrNone;
+ TRAP(leaveCode, callForwardingList=iGetCFList->RetrieveListL(););
+ if (callForwardingList)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(callForwardingList);
+ TInt count = callForwardingList->Enumerate();
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFInfoEntryV1 entry;
+ for (TInt i=0; i<count; ++i)
+ {
+ leaveCode = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(leaveCode,entry=callForwardingList->GetEntryL(i));
+ if (leaveCode == KErrNone && (iServiceGroup == entry.iServiceGroup || entry.iServiceGroup == RMobilePhone::EAllServices))
+ {
+ if( iMobileCFCondition == entry.iCondition || //(Scenario 2)
+ entry.iCondition == RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingAllCases || //(Scenario 3)
+ ( entry.iCondition == RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingAllConditionalCases && //(Scenario 4)
+ (iMobileCFCondition == RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingBusy ||
+ iMobileCFCondition == RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingNoReply ||
+ iMobileCFCondition == RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingNotReachable ) ) )
+ {
+ iISVCFInfo->iCallForwarding = GetCFSupplServiceStatus(entry.iStatus);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(callForwardingList); //callForwardingList
+ }
+ }
+CTelephony::TSupplServiceStatus CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::GetCFSupplServiceStatus(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFStatus aStatus)
+Map RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFStatus to CTelephony::TSupplServiceStatus
+ {
+ CTelephony::TSupplServiceStatus supplServiceStatus;
+ switch(aStatus)
+ {
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusActive:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::EStatusActive;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusNotActive:
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusNotRegistered:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::ENotActive;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusNotProvisioned:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::ENotProvisioned;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusNotAvailable:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::ENotAvailable;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusUnknown:
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusActivePIAllowed:
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusActivePINotAvailable:
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusActivePIClir:
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusActivePIClirSIVerified:
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusActivePIClirSINotScreened:
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallForwardingStatusActivePIClirSINetwork:
+ default:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::EUnknown;
+ break;
+ }
+ return supplServiceStatus;
+ }
+void CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::ResolveCWListL()
+Resolve the CB list. The CB list only entries for active status's for a particular service group.
+We want to know the status for a specific service group.
+There are four scenarios to cover.
+1.We do not successfully retrieve the list. If this is true we shall set the status as EUnknown.
+2.An entry in the list matches the requested service group. If this is true we return the status as defined in the entry.
+3.An entry in the list has the EAllServices service group. If this is true we return the status as defined in the entry.
+4.Default case: return the status as ENotActive.
+ {
+ iISVCWInfo->iCallWaiting = CTelephony::EUnknown; //(Scenario 1)
+ CMobilePhoneCWList* callWaitingList=NULL;
+ TInt leaveCode=KErrNone;
+ TRAP(leaveCode, callWaitingList=iGetCWList->RetrieveListL(););
+ if (callWaitingList)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(callWaitingList);
+ iISVCWInfo->iCallWaiting = CTelephony::ENotActive; //(Scenario 4)
+ TInt count = callWaitingList->Enumerate();
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCWInfoEntryV1 entry;
+ for (TInt i=0; i<count; ++i)
+ {
+ leaveCode = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(leaveCode,entry=callWaitingList->GetEntryL(i));
+ if (leaveCode == KErrNone && (iServiceGroup == entry.iServiceGroup || entry.iServiceGroup == RMobilePhone::EAllServices))
+ {
+ iISVCWInfo->iCallWaiting = GetCWSupplServiceStatus(entry.iStatus); //(Scenario 2 & 3)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(callWaitingList); //callWaitingList
+ }
+ }
+CTelephony::TSupplServiceStatus CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::GetCWSupplServiceStatus(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCWStatus aStatus)
+Map RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCWStatus to CTelephony::TSupplServiceStatus
+ {
+ CTelephony::TSupplServiceStatus supplServiceStatus;
+ switch(aStatus)
+ {
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallWaitingStatusActive:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::EStatusActive;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallWaitingStatusNotActive:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::ENotActive;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallWaitingStatusNotProvisioned:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::ENotProvisioned;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallWaitingStatusNotAvailable:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::ENotAvailable;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::ECallWaitingStatusUnknown:
+ default:
+ supplServiceStatus = CTelephony::EUnknown;
+ break;
+ }
+ return supplServiceStatus;
+ }
+TInt CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::RunError(TInt aLeaveCode)
+Handle any Leave() from inside RunL().
+@param aLeaveCode passed in if RunL Leaves.
+@return KErrNone.
+ {
+ if(iISVSSType != CTelephonyFunctions::EMaxNumberOperations)
+ {
+ iTelephonyFunctions->CompleteRequest(iISVSSType, aLeaveCode);
+ }
+ return KErrNone; // to ActiveScheduler.
+ }
+void CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::DoCancel()
+Cancel request.
+Async request to be cancelled.
+ {
+ if(iGetCFList)
+ {
+ iGetCFList->Cancel();
+ }
+ if(iGetCBList)
+ {
+ iGetCBList->Cancel();
+ }
+ if(iGetCWList)
+ {
+ iGetCWList->Cancel();
+ }
+ }
+CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct::CGetSupplementaryServiceStatusAct(CTelephonyFunctions* aTelephonyFunctions)
+: CAsyncRequestBaseAct(),
+ iTelephonyFunctions(aTelephonyFunctions),
+ iISVSSType(CTelephonyFunctions::EMaxNumberOperations)
+First-phase constructor which cannot Leave().
+@param aTelephonyFunctions Object that constructs us.
+ {
+ }
+CGetIdentityServiceStatusAct* CGetIdentityServiceStatusAct::NewL(CTelephonyFunctions* aTelephonyFunctions)
+Public constructor which can Leave().
+@param aTelephonyFunctions Object that constructs us.
+@leave Leaves if no memory.
+ {
+ CGetIdentityServiceStatusAct* self = new(ELeave) CGetIdentityServiceStatusAct(aTelephonyFunctions);
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ Complete();
+ }
+void CGetIdentityServiceStatusAct::GetIdentityServiceStatus(const CTelephony::TIdentityService aService, TDes8& aId)
+Issue Request
+ {
+ iISVServiceStatus = reinterpret_cast<CTelephony::TIdentityServiceV1*> ( const_cast<TUint8*> ( aId.Ptr() ) );
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdService thisService;
+ switch(aService)
+ {
+ case CTelephony::EIdServiceUnspecified:
+ thisService=RMobilePhone::EIdServiceUnspecified;
+ break;
+ case CTelephony::EIdServiceCallerPresentation:
+ thisService=RMobilePhone::EIdServiceCallerPresentation;
+ break;
+ case CTelephony::EIdServiceCallerRestriction:
+ thisService=RMobilePhone::EIdServiceCallerRestriction;
+ break;
+ default:
+ thisService=RMobilePhone::EIdServiceUnspecified;
+ break;
+ }
+ iTelephonyFunctions->Phone()->GetIdentityServiceStatus(iStatus, thisService, iMMServiceStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CGetIdentityServiceStatusAct::Complete()
+Service Completed request.
+ {
+ if(iTelephonyFunctions->IsRequestPending(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetIdentityServiceStatus))
+ {
+ if(iStatus==KErrNone)
+ {
+ switch(iMMServiceStatus)
+ {
+ case RMobilePhone::EIdServiceActivePermanent:
+ iISVServiceStatus->iIdentityStatus=CTelephony::EIdServiceActivePermanent;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::EIdServiceActiveDefaultRestricted:
+ iISVServiceStatus->iIdentityStatus=CTelephony::EIdServiceActiveDefaultRestricted;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::EIdServiceActiveDefaultAllowed:
+ iISVServiceStatus->iIdentityStatus=CTelephony::EIdServiceActiveDefaultAllowed;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::EIdServiceNotProvisioned:
+ iISVServiceStatus->iIdentityStatus=CTelephony::EIdServiceNotProvisioned;
+ break;
+ case RMobilePhone::EIdServiceUnknown:
+ iISVServiceStatus->iIdentityStatus=CTelephony::EIdServiceUnknown;
+ break;
+ default:
+ iISVServiceStatus->iIdentityStatus=CTelephony::EIdServiceUnknown;
+ }
+ }
+ iTelephonyFunctions->CompleteRequest(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetIdentityServiceStatus, iStatus.Int());
+ }
+ }
+TInt CGetIdentityServiceStatusAct::RunError(TInt aLeaveCode)
+Handle any Leave() from inside RunL().
+@param aLeaveCode passed in if RunL Leaves.
+@return KErrNone.
+ {
+ iTelephonyFunctions->CompleteRequest(CTelephonyFunctions::EGetIdentityServiceStatus, aLeaveCode);
+ return KErrNone; // to ActiveScheduler.
+ }
+void CGetIdentityServiceStatusAct::DoCancel()
+Cancel request.
+Async request to dial is cancelled.
+ {
+ iTelephonyFunctions->Phone()->CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneGetIdentityServiceStatus);
+ }
+CGetIdentityServiceStatusAct::CGetIdentityServiceStatusAct(CTelephonyFunctions* aTelephonyFunctions)
+: CAsyncRequestBaseAct(),
+ iTelephonyFunctions(aTelephonyFunctions)
+First-phase constructor which cannot Leave().
+@param aTelephonyFunctions Object that constructs us.
+ {
+ }