changeset 42 3adadc800673
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/umtsgprsscpr/Test/te_spud/src/SpudFsmUnitTestStep.cpp	Fri Jun 11 14:49:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Unit tests for SPUD FSM
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <testexecutelog.h>
+#include "SpudUnitTestStep.h"
+#include "meteldriverstrategy.h"
+#include "ceteldrivercontext.h"
+#include "CompareContextParameters.h"
+#include "DefaultContextParameters.h"
+using namespace EtelDriver;
+	{
+	}
+// configure to use test step 1 from simtsy config file
+CSpudFsmUnitNormalOperation::CSpudFsmUnitNormalOperation() : CSpudFsmUnitTestStepBase(1)
+	{
+	// Call base class method to set up the human readable name for logging
+	SetTestStepName(KSpudFsmUnitNormalOperation);
+	}
+TVerdict CSpudFsmUnitNormalOperation::doTestStepL()
+ Test normal operation
+ This test step goes through all of the states in the SPUD FSM
+ */
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting Spud Driver Test normal operation"));
+	TRequestStatus status;
+	RPacketService::TContextInfo contextInfo;
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated qos;
+	TQoSR99_R4NegotiatedPckg qosPckg(qos);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated expectedTestQoSR99_R4Negotiated;
+	InitPhoneAndPacketServiceL();
+	// Start by creating all the Spud FSM objects.
+	// They have to be created in the test's Active Scheduler Thread
+	// (terminology from the test's design document).
+	//
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId0);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId0);
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId1);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId1);
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId2);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId2);
+	// Set up context config and QoS parameters
+	RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS contextConfigGPRS;
+	DefaultContextConfigGPRS(contextConfigGPRS);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, contextConfigGPRS);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId1, contextConfigGPRS);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId2, contextConfigGPRS);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR5Requested(qosRequested);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR99_R4Requested(qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId1, qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId2, qosRequested);
+	//
+	// Test creating first primary context
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// Initialised -> OpeningPhone -> CreatingPrimary -> SettingQoSPrimary -> ActivatingPrimary -> Open
+	//
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test creating first primary context"));
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::ECreatePrimaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KPrimaryContextCreated, 0);
+	// Check that the context was created
+	TEST(iPrimaryPacketContext.OpenExistingContext(iPacketService, KFirstPrimaryContextName) == KErrNone);
+	// Check that the QoS was created for the primary context
+	RPacketQoS primaryPacketQos;
+	TEST(primaryPacketQos.OpenExistingQoS(iPrimaryPacketContext, KFirstQosName) == KErrNone);
+	// Check that the QoS parameters were set
+	primaryPacketQos.GetProfileParameters(status, qosPckg);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	SecondQoSR99_R4Negotiated(expectedTestQoSR99_R4Negotiated);
+	TEST(CompareUMTSQoSNeg(expectedTestQoSR99_R4Negotiated, qos));
+	//
+	// Test creating second primary context - since the phone is already open, there is no transition to OpeningPhone state
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// Initialised -> CreatingPrimary -> SettingQoSPrimary -> ActivatingPrimary -> Open
+	//
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test creating second primary context"));	
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::ECreatePrimaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KPrimaryContextCreated, 0);
+	RPacketContext secondPrimaryContext;
+	// Test that the context was created
+	TEST(secondPrimaryContext.OpenExistingContext(iPacketService, KSecondPrimaryContextName) == KErrNone);
+	//
+	// Test creating secondary context
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// Initialised -> CreatingSecondary -> CreatedSecondary
+	//
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test creating secondary contexts"));
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId2, SpudMan::ECreateSecondaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId2, KSecondaryContextCreated, 0);
+	// Test that the context was created
+	TEST(iSecondaryPacketContext.OpenExistingContext(iPacketService, KFirstSecondaryContextName) == KErrNone);
+	//
+	// Test setting QOS on secondary
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// CreatedSecondary -> SettingQoS -> CreatedSecondary
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test setting QoS on secondary context"));
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId2, SpudMan::EContextQoSSet, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId2, KContextQoSSetEvent, 0);
+	// Check that the QoS was created for the secondary
+	RPacketQoS secondaryPacketQos;
+	TEST(secondaryPacketQos.OpenExistingQoS(iSecondaryPacketContext, KFirstQosName) == KErrNone);
+	// Check that the QoS parameters were set
+	secondaryPacketQos.GetProfileParameters(status, qosPckg);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	SecondQoSR99_R4Negotiated(expectedTestQoSR99_R4Negotiated);
+	TEST(CompareUMTSQoSNeg(expectedTestQoSR99_R4Negotiated, qos));
+	// 
+	// Test setting TFT on secondary
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// CreatedSecondary -> SettingTFT -> CreatedSecondary
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test setting TFT on secondary context"));
+	TTFTOperationCode tftOperationCode = KAddFilters;
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId2, tftOperationCode);
+	TTFTInfo tftInfo;
+	DefaultTftInfo(tftInfo);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId2, tftInfo);
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId2, SpudMan::EContextTFTModify, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId2, KContextTFTModifiedEvent, 0);
+	// check that TFT was set correctly
+	TEST(CompareTFTInfo(tftInfo, iSecondaryPacketContext));
+	// 
+	// Test activating secondary
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// CreatedSecondary -> ActivatingSecondary -> Open
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test activating secondary context"));
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId2, SpudMan::EContextActivate, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId2, KContextActivateEvent, 0);
+	// Check that the context is active
+	iPacketService.GetContextInfo(status, KContextId2, contextInfo);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	TEST(status == KErrNone && contextInfo.iStatus == RPacketContext::EStatusActive);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Retrieving Negotiated QoSt"));
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId2, SpudMan::EGetNegQoS, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId2, KGetNegQoSEvent, 0);
+	// 
+	// Test network suspending/resuming context
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// Open -> Suspend -> Open
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test network suspend/resume context"));
+	EtelRequest(EContextStatusChange, 0);
+	WaitForFsmSuspendedNotification(KContextId0);
+	EtelRequest(EContextStatusChange, 1);
+	WaitForFsmResumedNotification(KContextId0);
+	// 
+	// Test SpudMan suspending/resuming context
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// Open -> Suspend -> Open
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test SpudMan suspend/resume context"));
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::ESuspend, 0);
+	WaitForFsmSuspendedNotification(KContextId0);
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::EResume, 0);
+	WaitForFsmResumedNotification(KContextId0);
+	// 
+	// Test changing TFT
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// Open -> ChangingTFT -> Open
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test changing TFT"));
+	TTFTInfo secondTftInfo;
+	SecondDefaultTftInfo(secondTftInfo);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId2, KAddFilters);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId2, secondTftInfo);
+	// The second TFT should be added to the existing TFT
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId2, SpudMan::EContextTFTModify, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId2, KContextTFTModifiedEvent, 0);
+	// check that TFT was changed
+	TTFTInfo combinedTftInfo;
+	CombinedDefaultTftInfo(combinedTftInfo);
+	TEST(CompareTFTInfo(combinedTftInfo, iSecondaryPacketContext));
+	// 
+	// Test changing QOS
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// Open -> ChangingQoS -> Open
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test changing QoS"));
+	SecondQoSR99_R4Requested(qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, qosRequested);
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::EContextQoSSet, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KContextQoSSetEvent, 0);
+	// check that QOS was changed
+	DefaultQoSR99_R4Negotiated(expectedTestQoSR99_R4Negotiated);
+	primaryPacketQos.GetProfileParameters(status, qosPckg);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	TEST(CompareUMTSQoSNeg(expectedTestQoSR99_R4Negotiated, qos));
+	// 
+	// Test modifying active
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// Open -> ModifyingActive -> Open
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test modifying active context"));
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::EContextModifyActive, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KContextModifyActiveEvent, 0);
+	secondaryPacketQos.Close();
+	primaryPacketQos.Close();
+	iSecondaryPacketContext.Close();
+	secondPrimaryContext.Close();
+	iPrimaryPacketContext.Close();
+	// 
+	// Test deleting contexts
+	// This tests state transitions:
+	// Open -> Closing -> Initialised
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test deleting contexts"));
+	for (TContextId deleteIndex = 0; deleteIndex < 3; deleteIndex++)
+		{
+		FsmInputRequest(deleteIndex, SpudMan::EContextDelete, 0);
+		WaitForFsmInputResponse(deleteIndex, KContextDeleteEvent, 0);
+		}
+	// Check that the contexts were deleted
+	for (TInt contextInfoIndex = 0; contextInfoIndex < 3; contextInfoIndex++)
+		{
+		iPacketService.GetContextInfo(status, contextInfoIndex, contextInfo);
+		User::WaitForRequest(status);
+		TEST(status == KErrNone && contextInfo.iStatus == RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted);
+		}
+	// 
+	// Test that we can still use a context that has been deleted
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test re-using deleted contexts"));
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::ECreatePrimaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KPrimaryContextCreated, 0);
+	// Test that the context was created
+	TEST(iPrimaryPacketContext.OpenExistingContext(iPacketService, KThirdPrimaryContextName) == KErrNone);
+	// Clean-up
+	iPrimaryPacketContext.Close();
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::EContextDelete, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KContextDeleteEvent, 0);
+	DestroyPhoneAndPacketService();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+	{}
+// configure to use test step 102 from simtsy config file
+CSpudFsmUnitCreatePrimaryError1::CSpudFsmUnitCreatePrimaryError1() : CSpudFsmUnitTestStepBase(102)
+	{
+	// Call base class method to set up the human readable name for logging
+	SetTestStepName(KSpudFsmCreatePrimaryError1);
+	}
+TVerdict CSpudFsmUnitCreatePrimaryError1::doTestStepL()
+ Test errors creating primary context
+ */
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting Spud Driver Unit test error creating primary context 1"));
+	// Start by creating all the Spud FSM objects.
+	// They have to be created in the test's Active Scheduler Thread
+	// (terminology from the test's design document).
+	//
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId0);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId0);
+	// Set up context config and QoS parameters
+	RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS contextConfigGPRS;
+	DefaultContextConfigGPRS(contextConfigGPRS);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, contextConfigGPRS);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR5Requested(qosRequested);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR99_R4Requested(qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, qosRequested);
+	// RPacketContext::SetConfig is configured to fail with error KErrGeneral
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::ECreatePrimaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KPrimaryContextCreated, KErrGeneral);
+	InitPhoneAndPacketServiceL();
+	// The primary context should have been cleaned up after the failure
+	TEST(iPrimaryPacketContext.OpenExistingContext(iPacketService, KFirstPrimaryContextName) == KErrNone);
+	WaitForGivenContextStatus(iPrimaryPacketContext, RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted);
+	iPrimaryPacketContext.Close();
+	DestroyPhoneAndPacketService();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+	{}
+// configure to use test step 103 from simtsy config file
+CSpudFsmUnitCreatePrimaryError2::CSpudFsmUnitCreatePrimaryError2() : CSpudFsmUnitTestStepBase(103)
+	{
+	// Call base class method to set up the human readable name for logging
+	SetTestStepName(KSpudFsmCreatePrimaryError2);
+	}
+TVerdict CSpudFsmUnitCreatePrimaryError2::doTestStepL()
+ Test errors setting QOS on primary context
+ */
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting Spud Driver Unit test error creating primary context 2"));
+	// Start by creating all the Spud FSM objects.
+	// They have to be created in the test's Active Scheduler Thread
+	// (terminology from the test's design document).
+	//
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId0);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId0);
+	// Set up context config and QoS parameters
+	RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS contextConfigGPRS;
+	DefaultContextConfigGPRS(contextConfigGPRS);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, contextConfigGPRS);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR5Requested(qosRequested);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR99_R4Requested(qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, qosRequested);
+	// RPacketQoS::SetProfileParameters is configured to fail
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::ECreatePrimaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KPrimaryContextCreated, KErrGeneral);
+	InitPhoneAndPacketServiceL();
+	// The primary context should be cleaned up after the failure
+	TEST(iPrimaryPacketContext.OpenExistingContext(iPacketService, KFirstPrimaryContextName) == KErrNone);
+	WaitForGivenContextStatus(iPrimaryPacketContext, RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted);
+	iPrimaryPacketContext.Close();
+	DestroyPhoneAndPacketService();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+	{}
+// configure to use test step 104 from simtsy config file
+CSpudFsmUnitCreatePrimaryError3::CSpudFsmUnitCreatePrimaryError3() : CSpudFsmUnitTestStepBase(104)
+	{
+	// Call base class method to set up the human readable name for logging
+	SetTestStepName(KSpudFsmCreatePrimaryError3);
+	}
+TVerdict CSpudFsmUnitCreatePrimaryError3::doTestStepL()
+ Test errors activating primary context
+ */
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting Spud Driver Unit test error creating primary context 3"));
+	// Start by creating all the Spud FSM objects.
+	// They have to be created in the test's Active Scheduler Thread
+	// (terminology from the test's design document).
+	//
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId0);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId0);
+	// Set up context config and QoS parameters
+	RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS contextConfigGPRS;
+	DefaultContextConfigGPRS(contextConfigGPRS);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, contextConfigGPRS);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR5Requested(qosRequested);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR99_R4Requested(qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, qosRequested);
+	// Activiating the context is configured to fail with KErrGeneral
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::ECreatePrimaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KPrimaryContextCreated, KErrGeneral);
+	InitPhoneAndPacketServiceL();
+	// The primary context should have been cleaned up after the failure
+	TEST(iPrimaryPacketContext.OpenExistingContext(iPacketService, KFirstPrimaryContextName) == KErrNone);
+	WaitForGivenContextStatus(iPrimaryPacketContext, RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted);
+	iPrimaryPacketContext.Close();
+	DestroyPhoneAndPacketService();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+	{}
+// configure to use test step 106 from simtsy config file
+CSpudFsmUnitSetQosAndTftError::CSpudFsmUnitSetQosAndTftError() : CSpudFsmUnitTestStepBase(106)
+	{
+	// Call base class method to set up the human readable name for logging
+	SetTestStepName(KSpudFsmSetQosAndTftError);
+	}
+TVerdict CSpudFsmUnitSetQosAndTftError::doTestStepL()
+ Test errors setting QoS and setting TFT and activating secondary
+ */
+ 	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting Spud Driver Unit test error creating QOS, setting TFT and activating"));
+	// Start by creating all the Spud FSM objects.
+	// They have to be created in the test's Active Scheduler Thread
+	// (terminology from the test's design document).
+	//
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId0);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId0);
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId1);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId1);
+	// Set up context config and QoS parameters
+	RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS contextConfigGPRS;
+	DefaultContextConfigGPRS(contextConfigGPRS);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, contextConfigGPRS);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR5Requested(qosRequested);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR99_R4Requested(qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, qosRequested);
+	// Test creating primary
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::ECreatePrimaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KPrimaryContextCreated, KErrNone);
+	// Test creating secondary
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::ECreateSecondaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KSecondaryContextCreated, KErrNone);
+	// RPacketQoS::SetProfileParameters is configured to fail for the secondary context
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId1, qosRequested);
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::EContextQoSSet, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KContextQoSSetEvent, KErrGeneral);
+	// RPacketQoS::CreateNewTFT is configured to fail with KErrGeneral for the secondary context
+	TTFTOperationCode tftOperationCode = KAddFilters;
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId1, tftOperationCode);
+	TTFTInfo tftInfo;
+	DefaultTftInfo(tftInfo);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId1, tftInfo);
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::EContextTFTModify, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KContextTFTModifiedEvent, KErrGeneral);
+	// Activating the secondary context is configured to fail with KErrGeneral
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::EContextActivate, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KContextActivateEvent, KErrGeneral);
+	// Clean-up
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::EContextDelete, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(0, KContextDeleteEvent, 0);
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::EContextDelete, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KContextDeleteEvent, 0);
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+	{}
+// configure to use test step 107 from simtsy config file
+CSpudFsmUnitChangeQosAndTftError::CSpudFsmUnitChangeQosAndTftError() : CSpudFsmUnitTestStepBase(107)
+	{
+	// Call base class method to set up the human readable name for logging
+	SetTestStepName(KSpudFsmChangeQosAndTftError);
+	}
+TVerdict CSpudFsmUnitChangeQosAndTftError::doTestStepL()
+ Test errors changing QoS and changing TFT for secondary
+ */
+ 	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting Spud Driver Unit test error changing QOS and TFT"));
+	// Start by creating all the Spud FSM objects.
+	// They have to be created in the test's Active Scheduler Thread
+	// (terminology from the test's design document).
+	//
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId0);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId0);
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId1);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId1);
+	// Set up context config and QoS parameters
+	RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS contextConfigGPRS;
+	DefaultContextConfigGPRS(contextConfigGPRS);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, contextConfigGPRS);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR5Requested(qosRequested);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR99_R4Requested(qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, qosRequested);
+	// Test creating primary
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::ECreatePrimaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KPrimaryContextCreated, KErrNone);
+	// Test creating and activating secondary
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::ECreateSecondaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KSecondaryContextCreated, KErrNone);
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::EContextActivate, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KContextActivateEvent, KErrNone);
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::EGetNegQoS, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KGetNegQoSEvent, KErrNone);
+	// RPacketQoS::SetProfileParameters is configured to fail for the secondary context
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::EContextQoSSet, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KContextQoSSetEvent, KErrGeneral);
+	// RPacketQoS::CreateNewTFT is configured to fail with KErrGeneral for the secondary context
+	TTFTOperationCode tftOperationCode = KAddFilters;
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId1, tftOperationCode);
+	TTFTInfo tftInfo;
+	DefaultTftInfo(tftInfo);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId1, tftInfo);
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::EContextTFTModify, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KContextTFTModifiedEvent, KErrGeneral);
+	// Because the TFT and QoS have not changed, RPacketContext::ModifyActiveContext will fail
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::EContextModifyActive, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KContextModifyActiveEvent, KErrNotReady);
+	// Clean-up
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::EContextDelete, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KContextDeleteEvent, 0);
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::EContextDelete, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KContextDeleteEvent, 0);
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+	{}
+// configure to use test step 1 from simtsy config file
+CSpudFsmUnitNotifications::CSpudFsmUnitNotifications() : CSpudFsmUnitTestStepBase(1)
+	{
+	// Call base class method to set up the human readable name for logging
+	SetTestStepName(KSpudFsmTestNotifications);
+	}
+TVerdict CSpudFsmUnitNotifications::doTestStepL()
+ Test that notifications are passed from etel driver
+ */
+ 	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting Spud Driver Unit test notifications"));
+	// Start by creating all the Spud FSM objects.
+	// They have to be created in the test's Active Scheduler Thread
+	// (terminology from the test's design document).
+	//
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId0);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId0);
+	TRequestStatus status;
+	// Set up context config and QoS parameters
+	RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS contextConfigGPRS;
+	DefaultContextConfigGPRS(contextConfigGPRS);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, contextConfigGPRS);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR5Requested(qosRequested);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR99_R4Requested(qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, qosRequested);
+	// Test creating primary
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create primary context"));
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::ECreatePrimaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KPrimaryContextCreated, KErrNone);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated qosNegotiated;
+	//
+	// Test service status notification
+	//
+	// Creating/activating a primary context should change the network status
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for service status change notification"));
+	WaitForFsmServiceNotificationStatus();
+	InitPhoneAndPacketServiceL();
+	TEST(iPrimaryPacketContext.OpenExistingContext(iPacketService, KFirstPrimaryContextName) == KErrNone);
+	//
+	// Test context config notifications
+	//
+	// Calling SetConfig to change the context config and trigger a context config notification
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Trigger context config change notification"));
+	RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS contextConfig;
+	DefaultContextConfigGPRS(contextConfig);
+	TContextConfigGPRSPckg contextConfigPckg(contextConfig);
+	iPrimaryPacketContext.SetConfig(status, contextConfigPckg);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	// Wait for the notification
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for context config change notification"));
+	WaitForFsmContextConfigNotification(KContextId0, contextConfig);
+	//
+	// Test QoS notifications
+	//
+	// Calling SetProfileParameters to change the QoS and trigger a QoS change notification
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Trigger QoS change notification"));
+	RPacketQoS primaryPacketQos;
+	TEST(primaryPacketQos.OpenExistingQoS(iPrimaryPacketContext, KFirstQosName) == KErrNone);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested qosChangeRequested;
+	SecondQoSR99_R4Requested(qosChangeRequested);
+	TQoSR99_R4RequestedPckg qosChangeRequestedPckg(qosChangeRequested);
+	primaryPacketQos.SetProfileParameters(status, qosChangeRequestedPckg);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	// Wait for the notification
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for QoS change notification"));
+	DefaultQoSR99_R4Negotiated(qosNegotiated);
+	WaitForFsmQosChangeNotification(KContextId0, qosNegotiated);
+	//
+	// Clean-up
+	//
+	primaryPacketQos.Close();
+	iPrimaryPacketContext.Close();
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::EContextDelete, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KContextDeleteEvent, 0);
+	DestroyPhoneAndPacketService();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+	{}
+// configure to use test step 108 from simtsy config file
+CSpudFsmUnitNetworkDelete::CSpudFsmUnitNetworkDelete() : CSpudFsmUnitTestStepBase(108)
+	{
+	// Call base class method to set up the human readable name for logging
+	SetTestStepName(KSpudFsmNetworkDelete);
+	}
+TVerdict CSpudFsmUnitNetworkDelete::doTestStepL()
+ Test context delete from network
+ */
+ 	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting Spud Driver Unit test delete context from network"));
+	// Start by creating all the Spud FSM objects.
+	// They have to be created in the test's Active Scheduler Thread
+	// (terminology from the test's design document).
+	//
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId0);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId0);
+	FsmObjectCreate(KContextId1);
+	WaitForFsmObjectCreateResponse(KContextId1);
+	// Set up context config and QoS parameters
+	RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS contextConfigGPRS;
+	DefaultContextConfigGPRS(contextConfigGPRS);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, contextConfigGPRS);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId1, contextConfigGPRS);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR5Requested(qosRequested);
+	RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Requested qosRequested;
+	DefaultQoSR99_R4Requested(qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId0, qosRequested);
+	iListener->iPdpFsmInterface->Set(KContextId1, qosRequested);
+	// 
+	// Test context delete while an operation is pending
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test network delete context with pending operation"));
+	// Activating the primary context is configured to take a very long time
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId0, SpudMan::ECreatePrimaryPDPContext, 0);
+	// The packet service status will become attached almost immediately, but the create
+	// primary context won't finish until it is active (which will take a long time)
+	WaitForFsmServiceNotificationStatus();
+	// This delete from the network will occur while the create primary is activating
+	EtelRequest(EContextStatusChange, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId0, KContextDeleteEvent, KErrNotReady);	
+	// 
+	// Test context delete while an operation is not pending
+	// 
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test network delete context from open state"));
+	// Activating this context is configured to take a short period of time
+	FsmInputRequest(KContextId1, SpudMan::ECreatePrimaryPDPContext, 0);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KPrimaryContextCreated, KErrNone);
+	EtelRequest(EContextStatusChange, 1);
+	WaitForFsmInputResponse(KContextId1, KContextDeleteEvent, KErrNotReady);	
+	// context should be deleted (and resources freed), so no need to delete here
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}