--- a/hwpluginsimulation/mocksy/src/cmocksyengine.cpp Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/hwpluginsimulation/mocksy/src/cmocksyengine.cpp Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,335 +1,335 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#include "cmocksyengine.h"
-#include "rotatingstrbuf.h"
-#define KMaxLogEntries 30
-#define KCallbackBaseTime (1*100*1000) // 0.1S
-EXPORT_C CMockSYEngine::CMockSYEngine()
- :iWaitingEventQue(_FOFF(TMockSYEvent,iWaitingEventQueLink))
- ,iPendingEventQue(_FOFF(TMockSYEvent,iPendingEventQueLink))
- {
- }
-2nd phase construction
-EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::ConstructL()
- {
- iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL(EPriorityHigh);
- iRotatingLog = CRotatingStrBuf::NewL(KMaxLogEntries);
- iPaused = EFalse;
- }
-EXPORT_C CMockSYEngine::~CMockSYEngine()
- {
- Reset();
- delete iTimer;
- delete iRotatingLog;
- iListeners.Close();
- }
-Add a new listener to the listener list
-void CMockSYEngine::AddListenerL(MMockSYEngineListener& aListener)
- {
- iListeners.AppendL(&aListener);
- }
-void CMockSYEngine::RemoveListener(MMockSYEngineListener& aListener)
- {
- TInt idx=0;
- while (idx < iListeners.Count())
- {
- if (iListeners[idx]==&aListener)
- {
- iListeners.Remove(idx);
- break;
- }
- idx++;
- }
- }
-void CMockSYEngine::NotifyListeners(MMockSYEngineListener::TNotificationType aNotification)
- {
- for (TInt idx=0; idx<iListeners.Count(); idx++)
- {
- iListeners[idx]->Notify(aNotification);
- }
- }
-Called by the SY, handle received command by verifing that is the expected command
-and queuing the conresponding completions
-Return KErrCorrupt it it's not the expected command
-EXPORT_C TInt CMockSYEngine::ExecuteCommandL(TInt aCmdId, MMockSyEngineData& aData)
- {
- return ExecuteCommandL(aCmdId, aData, ETrue);
- }
-EXPORT_C TInt CMockSYEngine::ExecuteCommandL(TInt aCmdId, MMockSyEngineData& aData, TBool aCheckData)
- {
- if (iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
- {
- if(CanIgnoreUnexpectedIpc(aCmdId))
- {
- LogExpectError(aCmdId, aData, 0, KNullDesC8, ETrue); // ETrue means this error has been ignored
- return KErrNone;
- }
- LogExpectError(aCmdId,aData,0,KNullDesC8);
- Failure();
- return KErrCorrupt;
- }
- TMockSYEvent* event = iWaitingEventQue.First();
- // Top of the queue is supposed to be an EMessage event !
- ASSERT(event->iEventType == TMockSYEvent::EMessage);
- // validate expected call
- if ( (aCmdId!= event->iCmdId) || (aCheckData ? !(aData == event->iData) : EFalse) )
- {
- if(CanIgnoreUnexpectedIpc(aCmdId))
- {
- LogExpectError(aCmdId, aData, event->iCmdId, KNullDesC8, ETrue); // ETrue means this error has been ignored
- return KErrNone;
- }
- // failure ! it's the wrong event
- LogExpectError(aCmdId,aData,event->iCmdId,event->iData);
- Failure();
- return KErrCorrupt;
- }
- else
- {
- TInt resultCode = event->iResultCode;
- TBool leave = event->iLeave;
- LogRequest(aCmdId,aData,resultCode);
- // remove the event from the waiting queue
- event->iWaitingEventQueLink.Deque();
- event->iData.Close();
- delete event;
- // and push all following ECompletion events to the pending queue
- if (!iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
- event = iWaitingEventQue.First();
- while (!iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty() && (event->iEventType == TMockSYEvent::ECompletion))
- {
- event->iWaitingEventQueLink.Deque();
- iPendingEventQue.Add(*event,event->iDelay);
- if (!iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
- event = iWaitingEventQue.First();
- }
- // start the timer
- if (!iPendingEventQue.IsEmpty() && !iTimer->IsActive())
- {
- iTimer->Start(KCallbackBaseTime,KCallbackBaseTime,TCallBack(CMockSYEngine::TimerCallbackL, this));
- }
- // notify when both queue are empty
- if (iPendingEventQue.IsEmpty() && iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
- {
- NotifyListeners(MMockSYEngineListener::EHandlingTerminated);
- }
- if (leave)
- {
- User::Leave(resultCode);
- }
- return resultCode;
- }
- }
-Queue an event in the waiting event queue
-EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::DoQueueEventL(TMockSYEvent::TEventType aType, TInt aCmdId, HBufC8* aData,
- TInt aResultCode, TBool aLeave, TInt aDelay)
- {
- TMockSYEvent* event = new (ELeave)TMockSYEvent;
- event->iEventType = aType;
- event->iCmdId = aCmdId;
- event->iResultCode = aResultCode;
- event->iDelay = aDelay;
- event->iLeave = aLeave;
- event->iData.Assign(aData);
- if ((aType == TMockSYEvent::ECompletion) && iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
- {
- // it's a ECompletion msg and the waiting queue is empty, put the event directly in pending queue
- iPendingEventQue.Add(*event,event->iDelay);
- if (!iTimer->IsActive())
- {
- iTimer->Start(KCallbackBaseTime,KCallbackBaseTime,TCallBack(CMockSYEngine::TimerCallbackL, this));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- iWaitingEventQue.AddLast(*event);
- }
- }
- Returns EFalse indicating no IPC error can be ignored.
- */
-EXPORT_C TBool CMockSYEngine::CanIgnoreUnexpectedIpc(TInt /*aCmdId*/)
- {
- return EFalse;
- }
-Return the next log line from the rotating log buffer
-HBufC* CMockSYEngine::GetNextLogLine()
- {
- return iRotatingLog->Get();
- }
-Periodical timer callback: generate completions
-void CMockSYEngine::DoTimerCallbackL()
- {
- if(iPaused)
- {
- return;
- }
- iPendingEventQue.CountDown();
- TMockSYEvent* event = iPendingEventQue.RemoveFirst();
- while(event != NULL )
- {
- LogCompletion(event->iCmdId,event->iData, event->iResultCode);
- this->DoCompleteEventL(*event);
- event->iData.Close();
- delete event;
- event = iPendingEventQue.RemoveFirst();
- }
- // stop the timer if there is no more pending messages
- if (iPendingEventQue.IsEmpty())
- {
- iTimer->Cancel();
- // notify when both queue are empty
- if (iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
- {
- NotifyListeners(MMockSYEngineListener::EHandlingTerminated);
- }
- }
- }
-This function is called when an receive message doesn't correspond to the expected one
-EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::Failure()
- {
- iFailure = ETrue;
- NotifyListeners(MMockSYEngineListener::EFailure);
- Reset();
- }
-Reset waiting and pending event queue
-EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::Reset()
- {
- iPaused = EFalse;
- TMockSYEvent* event;
- while (!iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
- {
- event = iWaitingEventQue.First();
- event->iWaitingEventQueLink.Deque();
- event->iData.Close();
- delete event;
- }
- while (!iPendingEventQue.IsEmpty())
- {
- iPendingEventQue.CountDown();
- event = iPendingEventQue.RemoveFirst();
- while(event != NULL )
- {
- event->iData.Close();
- delete event;
- event = iPendingEventQue.RemoveFirst();
- }
- }
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::LogRequest(TInt aCmdId, const MMockSyEngineData& /*aData*/,TInt aResultCode)
- {
- TBuf<KMaxLogLineSize> buffer;
- buffer.Format(_L(">>> Cmd=%d Err=%d"),aCmdId, aResultCode);
- Log(buffer);
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::LogCompletion(TInt aCmdId, const TDesC8& /*aData*/,TInt aResultCode)
- {
- TBuf<KMaxLogLineSize> buffer;
- buffer.Format(_L("<<< Cmd=%d Err=%d"),aCmdId, aResultCode);
- Log(buffer);
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::LogExpectError(TInt aCmdId, const MMockSyEngineData& /*aData*/,
- TInt aExpectedCmd,const TDesC8& /*aExpectedData*/, TBool /*aIsErrorIgnored*/)
- {
- TBuf<KMaxLogLineSize> buffer;
- buffer.Format(_L("ERROR: Expected Cmd=%d Received Cmd=%d"),aExpectedCmd, aCmdId);
- Log(buffer);
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::Log(const TDesC& aDesc)
- {
- iRotatingLog->Put(aDesc);
- }
-TInt CMockSYEngine::TimerCallbackL(TAny* aPtr)
- {
- static_cast<CMockSYEngine*>(aPtr)->DoTimerCallbackL();
- return 0;
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::CheckAndUpdateTransId(TUint8 aTransId, TInt aCommandId)
- {
- TMockSYEvent* event = NULL;
- TDblQueIter<TMockSYEvent> iter(iWaitingEventQue);
- while(iter)
- {
- event = (TMockSYEvent*)iter++;
- if((event->iCmdId == aCommandId) && (event->iData[0] == 0xFF) && (event->iEventType == TMockSYEvent::ECompletion))
- {
- event->iData[0] = aTransId;
- event->iData[1] = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-TInt CMockSYEngine::PauseCompletion()
- {
- TInt ret = (iPaused) ? KErrInUse : KErrNone;
- iPaused = ETrue;
- return ret;
- }
-TInt CMockSYEngine::ResumeCompletion()
- {
- TInt ret = (!iPaused) ? KErrInUse : KErrNone;
- iPaused = EFalse;
- return ret;
- }
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "cmocksyengine.h"
+#include "rotatingstrbuf.h"
+#define KMaxLogEntries 30
+#define KCallbackBaseTime (1*100*1000) // 0.1S
+EXPORT_C CMockSYEngine::CMockSYEngine()
+ :iWaitingEventQue(_FOFF(TMockSYEvent,iWaitingEventQueLink))
+ ,iPendingEventQue(_FOFF(TMockSYEvent,iPendingEventQueLink))
+ {
+ }
+2nd phase construction
+EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL(EPriorityHigh);
+ iRotatingLog = CRotatingStrBuf::NewL(KMaxLogEntries);
+ iPaused = EFalse;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CMockSYEngine::~CMockSYEngine()
+ {
+ Reset();
+ delete iTimer;
+ delete iRotatingLog;
+ iListeners.Close();
+ }
+Add a new listener to the listener list
+void CMockSYEngine::AddListenerL(MMockSYEngineListener& aListener)
+ {
+ iListeners.AppendL(&aListener);
+ }
+void CMockSYEngine::RemoveListener(MMockSYEngineListener& aListener)
+ {
+ TInt idx=0;
+ while (idx < iListeners.Count())
+ {
+ if (iListeners[idx]==&aListener)
+ {
+ iListeners.Remove(idx);
+ break;
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
+void CMockSYEngine::NotifyListeners(MMockSYEngineListener::TNotificationType aNotification)
+ {
+ for (TInt idx=0; idx<iListeners.Count(); idx++)
+ {
+ iListeners[idx]->Notify(aNotification);
+ }
+ }
+Called by the SY, handle received command by verifing that is the expected command
+and queuing the conresponding completions
+Return KErrCorrupt it it's not the expected command
+EXPORT_C TInt CMockSYEngine::ExecuteCommandL(TInt aCmdId, MMockSyEngineData& aData)
+ {
+ return ExecuteCommandL(aCmdId, aData, ETrue);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CMockSYEngine::ExecuteCommandL(TInt aCmdId, MMockSyEngineData& aData, TBool aCheckData)
+ {
+ if (iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if(CanIgnoreUnexpectedIpc(aCmdId))
+ {
+ LogExpectError(aCmdId, aData, 0, KNullDesC8, ETrue); // ETrue means this error has been ignored
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ LogExpectError(aCmdId,aData,0,KNullDesC8);
+ Failure();
+ return KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ TMockSYEvent* event = iWaitingEventQue.First();
+ // Top of the queue is supposed to be an EMessage event !
+ ASSERT(event->iEventType == TMockSYEvent::EMessage);
+ // validate expected call
+ if ( (aCmdId!= event->iCmdId) || (aCheckData ? !(aData == event->iData) : EFalse) )
+ {
+ if(CanIgnoreUnexpectedIpc(aCmdId))
+ {
+ LogExpectError(aCmdId, aData, event->iCmdId, KNullDesC8, ETrue); // ETrue means this error has been ignored
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ // failure ! it's the wrong event
+ LogExpectError(aCmdId,aData,event->iCmdId,event->iData);
+ Failure();
+ return KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt resultCode = event->iResultCode;
+ TBool leave = event->iLeave;
+ LogRequest(aCmdId,aData,resultCode);
+ // remove the event from the waiting queue
+ event->iWaitingEventQueLink.Deque();
+ event->iData.Close();
+ delete event;
+ // and push all following ECompletion events to the pending queue
+ if (!iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
+ event = iWaitingEventQue.First();
+ while (!iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty() && (event->iEventType == TMockSYEvent::ECompletion))
+ {
+ event->iWaitingEventQueLink.Deque();
+ iPendingEventQue.Add(*event,event->iDelay);
+ if (!iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
+ event = iWaitingEventQue.First();
+ }
+ // start the timer
+ if (!iPendingEventQue.IsEmpty() && !iTimer->IsActive())
+ {
+ iTimer->Start(KCallbackBaseTime,KCallbackBaseTime,TCallBack(CMockSYEngine::TimerCallbackL, this));
+ }
+ // notify when both queue are empty
+ if (iPendingEventQue.IsEmpty() && iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ NotifyListeners(MMockSYEngineListener::EHandlingTerminated);
+ }
+ if (leave)
+ {
+ User::Leave(resultCode);
+ }
+ return resultCode;
+ }
+ }
+Queue an event in the waiting event queue
+EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::DoQueueEventL(TMockSYEvent::TEventType aType, TInt aCmdId, HBufC8* aData,
+ TInt aResultCode, TBool aLeave, TInt aDelay)
+ {
+ TMockSYEvent* event = new (ELeave)TMockSYEvent;
+ event->iEventType = aType;
+ event->iCmdId = aCmdId;
+ event->iResultCode = aResultCode;
+ event->iDelay = aDelay;
+ event->iLeave = aLeave;
+ event->iData.Assign(aData);
+ if ((aType == TMockSYEvent::ECompletion) && iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // it's a ECompletion msg and the waiting queue is empty, put the event directly in pending queue
+ iPendingEventQue.Add(*event,event->iDelay);
+ if (!iTimer->IsActive())
+ {
+ iTimer->Start(KCallbackBaseTime,KCallbackBaseTime,TCallBack(CMockSYEngine::TimerCallbackL, this));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iWaitingEventQue.AddLast(*event);
+ }
+ }
+ Returns EFalse indicating no IPC error can be ignored.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBool CMockSYEngine::CanIgnoreUnexpectedIpc(TInt /*aCmdId*/)
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+Return the next log line from the rotating log buffer
+HBufC* CMockSYEngine::GetNextLogLine()
+ {
+ return iRotatingLog->Get();
+ }
+Periodical timer callback: generate completions
+void CMockSYEngine::DoTimerCallbackL()
+ {
+ if(iPaused)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ iPendingEventQue.CountDown();
+ TMockSYEvent* event = iPendingEventQue.RemoveFirst();
+ while(event != NULL )
+ {
+ LogCompletion(event->iCmdId,event->iData, event->iResultCode);
+ this->DoCompleteEventL(*event);
+ event->iData.Close();
+ delete event;
+ event = iPendingEventQue.RemoveFirst();
+ }
+ // stop the timer if there is no more pending messages
+ if (iPendingEventQue.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ iTimer->Cancel();
+ // notify when both queue are empty
+ if (iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ NotifyListeners(MMockSYEngineListener::EHandlingTerminated);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+This function is called when an receive message doesn't correspond to the expected one
+EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::Failure()
+ {
+ iFailure = ETrue;
+ NotifyListeners(MMockSYEngineListener::EFailure);
+ Reset();
+ }
+Reset waiting and pending event queue
+EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::Reset()
+ {
+ iPaused = EFalse;
+ TMockSYEvent* event;
+ while (!iWaitingEventQue.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ event = iWaitingEventQue.First();
+ event->iWaitingEventQueLink.Deque();
+ event->iData.Close();
+ delete event;
+ }
+ while (!iPendingEventQue.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ iPendingEventQue.CountDown();
+ event = iPendingEventQue.RemoveFirst();
+ while(event != NULL )
+ {
+ event->iData.Close();
+ delete event;
+ event = iPendingEventQue.RemoveFirst();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::LogRequest(TInt aCmdId, const MMockSyEngineData& /*aData*/,TInt aResultCode)
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxLogLineSize> buffer;
+ buffer.Format(_L(">>> Cmd=%d Err=%d"),aCmdId, aResultCode);
+ Log(buffer);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::LogCompletion(TInt aCmdId, const TDesC8& /*aData*/,TInt aResultCode)
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxLogLineSize> buffer;
+ buffer.Format(_L("<<< Cmd=%d Err=%d"),aCmdId, aResultCode);
+ Log(buffer);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::LogExpectError(TInt aCmdId, const MMockSyEngineData& /*aData*/,
+ TInt aExpectedCmd,const TDesC8& /*aExpectedData*/, TBool /*aIsErrorIgnored*/)
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxLogLineSize> buffer;
+ buffer.Format(_L("ERROR: Expected Cmd=%d Received Cmd=%d"),aExpectedCmd, aCmdId);
+ Log(buffer);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::Log(const TDesC& aDesc)
+ {
+ iRotatingLog->Put(aDesc);
+ }
+TInt CMockSYEngine::TimerCallbackL(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ static_cast<CMockSYEngine*>(aPtr)->DoTimerCallbackL();
+ return 0;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMockSYEngine::CheckAndUpdateTransId(TUint8 aTransId, TInt aCommandId)
+ {
+ TMockSYEvent* event = NULL;
+ TDblQueIter<TMockSYEvent> iter(iWaitingEventQue);
+ while(iter)
+ {
+ event = (TMockSYEvent*)iter++;
+ if((event->iCmdId == aCommandId) && (event->iData[0] == 0xFF) && (event->iEventType == TMockSYEvent::ECompletion))
+ {
+ event->iData[0] = aTransId;
+ event->iData[1] = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TInt CMockSYEngine::PauseCompletion()
+ {
+ TInt ret = (iPaused) ? KErrInUse : KErrNone;
+ iPaused = ETrue;
+ return ret;
+ }
+TInt CMockSYEngine::ResumeCompletion()
+ {
+ TInt ret = (!iPaused) ? KErrInUse : KErrNone;
+ iPaused = EFalse;
+ return ret;
+ }