--- a/telephonyprotocols/csdagt/script/SCOMMAND.CPP Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/csdagt/script/SCOMMAND.CPP Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,1397 +1,1397 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// NetDial Script Commands
- @file Scommand.cpp
-#include "SSCRREAD.H"
-#include "SSCREXEC.H"
-#include "SIO.H"
-#include "SLOGGER.H"
-// Command names
-_LIT(KTempVarName,"$$TMPVAR$$%d"); //< Temporary variable name
-// Characters used in scripts
-const TText KCommentChar='!';
-const TText KPlusChar='+';
-const TText KQuoteChar='\"';
-const TText KOpenChevronChar='<';
-const TText KCloseChevronChar='>';
-const TText KOpenExprChar='{';
-const TText KCloseExprChar='}';
-const TText KEqualsChar='=';
-const TText KTabChar='\t';
-const TText KSpaceChar=' ';
-const TText KColonChar=':';
-const TText KOpenSquareBracketChar='[';
-const TText KCloseSquareBracketChar=']';
-const TInt KLabelArrayGranularity=5;
-const TInt32 KMinScriptInteger=0;
-const TInt32 KMaxScriptInteger=500000;
-const TReal KMinScriptReal=0.0;
-const TReal KMaxScriptReal=500000.0;
-const TInt KMinLoopCounter=1;
-const TInt KMaxLoopCounter=10000;
-// Glossary
-// ========
-// String - a text string enclosed in ".."
-// Character - a single character expressed numnerically enclosed in <..>
-// Variable - named variable (preset or set in script) ending in $
-// Expression - any one of the three above
-// Compound expression - a number of expressions concatenated with +
-// Token - an expression, compound expression, label or command
-// CScriptCommandBase definitions
-CScriptCommandBase::CScriptCommandBase(TScriptStatus& aStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
- : iScriptReader(aScriptReader), iVarMan(aVarMan), iCharConv(aCharConv), iTempVarNum(0), iStatus(aStatus)
-Constructor for CScriptCharacterConverter.
- {}
- {}
-void CScriptCommandBase::ConstructL()
-Instantiates member variables.
- {}
-void CScriptCommandBase::Cleanup()
- {}
-TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseCompoundExpressionL(TInt& aOffset)
-Parses a compound string expression starting at aOffset into a single string
-constant and returns it.
- {
- TPtrC wholeExpr;
- wholeExpr.Set(ParseExpressionL(aOffset));
- TBuf<KMaxVarNameLength> varName;
- varName.Format(KTempVarName,iTempVarNum++);
- iVarMan->AddVariableL(varName,wholeExpr);
- HBufC* val=NULL;
- HBufC* oldVal=NULL;
- {
- EatSpaces(aOffset);
- if (aOffset>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
- break;
- if (iStatus.iLine[aOffset]!=KPlusChar)
- break;
- TPtrC nextExpr;
- nextExpr.Set(ParseExpressionL(++aOffset));
- val=HBufC::NewLC(wholeExpr.Length()+nextExpr.Length());
- TPtr currentExpr(val->Des());
- currentExpr.Append(wholeExpr);
- currentExpr.Append(nextExpr);
- varName.Format(KTempVarName,iTempVarNum++);
- iVarMan->AddVariableL(varName,val->Des());
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- wholeExpr.Set(val->Des());
- delete oldVal;
- oldVal=val;
- }
- delete val;
- User::LeaveIfError(iVarMan->FindVariable(varName,wholeExpr));
- return wholeExpr;
- }
-TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseExpressionL(TInt& aOffset)
-Parses string expression starting at aOffset according to starting character
-and returns value.
- {
- EatSpaces(aOffset);
- if(iStatus.iLine.Length()<=aOffset)
- User::Leave(KErrNoExpression);
- switch(iStatus.iLine[aOffset]) //switch(iLine[aOffset+1])
- {
- case KQuoteChar:
- aOffset++; // skip quote char
- return ParseStringL(aOffset);
- case KOpenChevronChar:
- aOffset++; // skip chevron char
- return ParseCharacterL(aOffset);
- default:
- return ParseVariableL(aOffset);
- }
- }
-TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseStringL(TInt& aOffset)
-Parses a string constant enclosed in "" and returns its value.
- {
- return ParseEnclosedStringL(aOffset,KQuoteChar,KErrMissingQuote);
- }
-TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseCharacterL(TInt& aOffset)
-Parses a character enclosed in <> and returns its value.
- {
- TPtrC charString=ParseEnclosedStringL(aOffset,KCloseChevronChar,KErrMissingChevron);
- TRadix radix=EDecimal;
- TInt len=charString.Length();
- if (len>2)
- {
- if(charString[0]=='0')
- {
- switch(charString[1])
- {
- case 'x':
- case 'X':
- len-=2;
- radix=EHex;
- break;
- case 'd':
- case 'D':
- len-=2;
- radix=EDecimal;
- break;
- case 'o':
- case 'O':
- len-=2;
- radix=EOctal;
- break;
- case 'b':
- case 'B':
- len-=2;
- radix=EBinary;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- TLex lex(charString.Right(len));
- TUint val=0;
- if (lex.Val(val,radix)!=KErrNone)
- User::Leave(KErrInvalidNumber);
- TBuf<1> character=(TText*)&val;
- TBuf<KMaxVarNameLength> varName;
- varName.Format(KTempVarName,iTempVarNum++);
- iVarMan->AddVariableL(varName,character);
- TPtrC temp;
- iVarMan->FindVariable(varName,temp);
- return temp;
- }
-TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseVariableL(TInt& aOffset)
-Parses a variable and returns its value.
- {
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(aOffset);
- TPtrC varName=iStatus.iLine.Mid(aOffset,end-aOffset);
- aOffset=end;
- TPtrC varValue;
- if (iVarMan->FindVariable(varName,varValue)==KErrNotFound)
- {
- if(!iStatus.iSkip)
- User::Leave(KErrVariableNotFound);
- return TPtrC();
- }
- return varValue;
- }
-TInt32 CScriptCommandBase::ParseIntegerL(TInt& aOffset)
-Parses an integer and returns its value.
- {
- EatSpaces(aOffset);
- TLex lex(iStatus.iLine);
- lex.Inc(aOffset);
- TInt32 val=0;
- if (lex.Val(val)!=KErrNone)
- {
- User::Leave(KErrInvalidNumber);
- return KMinScriptInteger;
- }
- if ((val<KMinScriptInteger) || (val>KMaxScriptInteger))
- {
- User::Leave(KErrNumberOutOfRange);
- return KMinScriptInteger;
- }
- aOffset=lex.Offset();
- return val;
- }
-TReal CScriptCommandBase::ParseRealL(TInt& aOffset)
-Parses a real number and returns its value.
- {
- EatSpaces(aOffset);
- TLex lex(iStatus.iLine);
- lex.Inc(aOffset);
- TReal val=0.0;
- if (lex.Val(val)!=KErrNone)
- {
- User::Leave(KErrInvalidNumber);
- return KMinScriptReal;
- }
- if ((val<KMinScriptReal) || (val>KMaxScriptReal))
- {
- User::Leave(KErrNumberOutOfRange);
- return KMinScriptReal;
- }
- aOffset=lex.Offset();
- return val;
- }
-TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseCharacterTypeL(TInt& aOffset)
-Parses character type.
- {
- EatSpaces(aOffset);
- if(iStatus.iLine.Length()<=aOffset) // nothing specified so assume default
- return TPtrC();
- TInt startChar=aOffset;
- if (iStatus.iLine[startChar++]!=KOpenSquareBracketChar)
- return TPtrC(); // No open bracket so assume default
- aOffset=startChar;
- return ParseEnclosedStringL(aOffset,KCloseSquareBracketChar,KErrMissingBracket);
- }
-HBufC8* CScriptCommandBase::ConvertLC(const TDesC& aString,TInt& aOffset)
-Converts to correct character set.
- {
- TBuf<KMaxCharacterTypeLength> type=ParseCharacterTypeL(aOffset);
- return iCharConv->ConvertLC(aString,type);
- }
-TInt CScriptCommandBase::FindTokenEnd(TInt aOffset)
-Finds end of string beginning at aOffset and returns length.
- {
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(aOffset<=iStatus.iLine.Length(), NetDialPanic(EOffsetExceedsLineLength));
- if(aOffset==iStatus.iLine.Length())
- return aOffset;
- TInt end;
- for (end=aOffset; IsValidChar(iStatus.iLine[end]); end++)
- {
- if (end>=(iStatus.iLine.Length()-1))
- {
- end++;
- break;
- }
- }
- return end;
- }
-TBool CScriptCommandBase::IsValidChar(const TText& aChar)
-Checks if aChar is a valid character in a script command.
- {
- return TChar(aChar).IsAlphaDigit() || (aChar==KDollarChar) || (aChar==KUnderscoreChar) || (aChar==KCommentChar);
- }
-void CScriptCommandBase::EatSpaces(TInt& aOffset)
-Ignores spaces, tabs, line feeds and carriage returns and sets aOffset to
-next non-blank character, or end of line
- {
- if(aOffset>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
- return;
- while((iStatus.iLine[aOffset]==KSpaceChar) || (iStatus.iLine[aOffset]==KTabChar) || (iStatus.iLine[aOffset]==KLineFeed) || (iStatus.iLine[aOffset]==KCarriageReturn))
- {
- aOffset++;
- if(aOffset>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
- break;
- }
- }
-void CScriptCommandBase::EatSpacesAndLinesL()
-Ignores spaces and empty lines and sets aOffset to next non-blank character.
- {
- EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
- while(iStatus.iOffset>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
- {
- User::LeaveIfError(iScriptReader->GetNextLine()); // This also resets iStatus.iOffset
- EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
- }
- }
-void CScriptCommandBase::EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL()
-Ignores spaces, empty lines and comments and sets aOffset to next non-blank or
-non-comment character
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesL();
- while (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset]==KCommentChar)
- {
- iStatus.iOffset=iStatus.iLine.Length();
- EatSpacesAndLinesL(); // this will reset iStatus.iOffset if necessary
- }
- }
-TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseEnclosedStringL(TInt& aOffset,TText aChar,TInt aError)
-Parses enclosed string
- {
- if(aOffset>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
- User::Leave(aError); // no end character before EOL
- TInt end=aOffset;
- while (end<iStatus.iLine.Length())
- {
- if (iStatus.iLine[end]==aChar)
- break;
- end++;
- }
- if (end>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
- User::Leave(aError); // no end character before EOL
- TInt start=aOffset;
- aOffset=end+1;
- return iStatus.iLine.Mid(start,end-start);
- }
-// CSetCommand definitions
-CSetCommand* CSetCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
-2 phased constructor for CSetCommand, first phase.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CSetCommand object.
- {
- CSetCommand* c=new(ELeave) CSetCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv);
- CleanupStack::PushL(c);
- c->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return c;
- }
-CSetCommand::CSetCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
- : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv)
-Constructor for CSetCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
- {}
- {}
-TBool CSetCommand::ParseL()
-Parses a SET command. Determines variable name and value and adds to variable list.
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KSetCommand)==KErrNone)
- {
- if (!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KLogStringExecutingSet,"Script:\tExecuting Set");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),KLogStringExecutingSet());
- }
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
- end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- TPtrC varName=iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset);
- EatSpaces(end);
- if (iStatus.iLine[end++]!=KEqualsChar)
- User::Leave(KErrNoEquals);
- EatSpaces(end);
- TPtrC value=ParseCompoundExpressionL(end);
- if (!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- iVarMan->AddVariableL(varName,value);
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(KLogStringSetVar,"Script:\tSet Var: %S To %S"));
- __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KLogStringSetVar()),&varName,&value);
- }
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- return ETrue; // Consumed
- }
- return EFalse; // Not Consumed
- }
-// CSendCommand definitions
-CSendCommand* CSendCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO)
-2 phased constructor for CSendCommand, first phase.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CSendCommand object.
- {
- CSendCommand* c=new(ELeave) CSendCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv,aScriptIO);
- CleanupStack::PushL(c);
- c->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return c;
- }
-CSendCommand::CSendCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO)
- : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iScriptIO(aScriptIO)
-Constructor for CSendCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
- {}
- {}
-TBool CSendCommand::ParseL()
-Parses SEND command. Parses expression to send and sends it.
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- if(iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KSendCommand)==0)
- {
- if(!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KLogStringExecutingSend,"Script:\tExecuting Send");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),KLogStringExecutingSend());
- }
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
- TPtrC temp;
- temp.Set(ParseCompoundExpressionL(iStatus.iOffset));
- HBufC8* buf=ConvertLC(temp,iStatus.iOffset);
- iSendString.Set(buf->Des());
- if(!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- iScriptIO->Write(iSendString);
-#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
- _LIT(KLogStringSending,"Script:\tSending %S");
- TBuf16<KLogBufferSize> temp;
- temp.Copy(iSendString.Left(Min(iSendString.Length(),KLogBufferSize)));
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KLogStringSending()),&temp);
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
- return ETrue; // Consumed
- }
- return EFalse; // Not Consumed
- }
-// CLabelSearch definitions
-CLabelSearch* CLabelSearch::NewLC(const TDesC& aLabelName)
-2 phased constructor for CLabelSearch, first phase.
-@param aLabelName is label name.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CLabelSearch object.
- {
- CLabelSearch* label=new(ELeave) CLabelSearch();
- CleanupStack::PushL(label);
- label->ConstructL(aLabelName);
- return label;
- }
- : iStatus(ENotFound), iPosition()
-Constructor for CLabelSearch, used in the first phase of construction.
- {}
-void CLabelSearch::ConstructL(const TDesC& aLabelName)
-Instantiates member variables.
- {
- iChatString=NULL;
- iLabelName=HBufC::NewL(aLabelName.Length());
- (*iLabelName)=aLabelName;
- }
-Don't delete iChatString - that is dealt with by CScriptIO.
- {
- delete iLabelName;
- }
-void CLabelSearch::CreateCommChatStringL(const TDesC8& aDes,TBool aIsFolded)
-Creates CCommChatString object.
- {
- iChatString=CCommChatString::NewL(aDes,aIsFolded);
- }
-// CWaitCommand definitions
-CWaitCommand* CWaitCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO,CScriptLabelMan* aLabelMan, CScriptExecutor* aScriptExec)
-2 phased constructor for CWaitCommand, first phase.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
-@param aLabelMan a pointer to label manager.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CWaitCommand object.
- {
- CWaitCommand* c=new(ELeave) CWaitCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv,aScriptIO,aLabelMan,aScriptExec);
- CleanupStack::PushL(c);
- c->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return c;
- }
-CWaitCommand::CWaitCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO,CScriptLabelMan* aLabelMan, CScriptExecutor* aScriptExec)
- : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iScriptIO(aScriptIO), iLabelMan(aLabelMan), iScriptExec(aScriptExec)
-Constructor for CWaitCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
-@param aLabelMan a pointer to label manager.
- {}
-Clears label array.
- {
- DeleteLabelArray();
- }
-TBool CWaitCommand::ParseL()
-Parses WAIT command. Parse according to whether in skip mode or not.
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KWaitCommand)==KErrNone)
- {
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- if (iStatus.iSkip)
- ParseSkipL();
- else
- ParseActionL();
- return ETrue; // Consumed
- }
- return EFalse; // Not Consumed
- }
-void CWaitCommand::Cleanup()
-Cancels the read and clears out the labels
- {
- if (!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- iScriptIO->Cancel();
- DeleteLabelArray();
- iLabelArray=NULL;
- }
- }
-void CWaitCommand::ParseActionL()
-Parses WAIT command when not in skip mode. Parses wait period, strings and labels and
-queue a read.
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KLogStringExecutingWait,"Script:\tExecuting Wait");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),KLogStringExecutingWait());
- EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
- TReal waitPeriod=ParseRealL(iStatus.iOffset);
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- if (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset++]!=KOpenExprChar)
- User::Leave(KErrNoOpenExpression);
- iLabelArray=new(ELeave) CLabelSearchArray(KLabelArrayGranularity);
- TBool completed=EFalse;
- while(!completed)
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- if (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset]==KCloseExprChar)
- {
- completed=ETrue;
- iStatus.iOffset++;
- }
- else
- {
- TPtrC temp=ParseCompoundExpressionL(iStatus.iOffset);
- HBufC8* buf=ConvertLC(temp,iStatus.iOffset);
- CLabelSearch* label=ParseLabelLC();
- TPtrC8 waitString(buf->Des());
- label->CreateCommChatStringL(waitString,EFalse);
- iLabelArray->AppendL(label);
- // for logging
- TBuf<KLogBufferSize> labelName;
- labelName.Copy(label->LabelName().Left(Min(KLogBufferSize,label->LabelName().Length())));
- //
-#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
- _LIT(KLogStringGog,"Script:\tIf %S is found, Goto %S");
- TBuf16<KLogBufferSize> string;
- string.Copy(waitString.Left(Min(waitString.Length(),KLogBufferSize)));
- __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KLogStringGog()),&string,&labelName);
- CleanupStack::Pop(); // label - will be deleted from array
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buf - will have been copied into label array
- }
- }
- // Tell the script executor how long we are going to wait since it
- // may need to force the server to resend the login prompt and will
- // need to know how long to wait the second time around
- iScriptExec->SetRetransmittedLoginTimeout(waitPeriod);
- iScriptIO->Read(iLabelArray,waitPeriod);
- }
-void CWaitCommand::ParseSkipL()
-Parses a WAIT command when in skip mode. Parses expressions and labels but do not queue read.
- {
- EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
- ParseRealL(iStatus.iOffset); // ignore the actual value returned
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- if (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset++]!=KOpenExprChar)
- User::Leave(KErrNoOpenExpression);
- TBool completed=EFalse;
- while (!completed)
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- if (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset]==KCloseExprChar)
- {
- completed=ETrue;
- iStatus.iOffset++;
- }
- else
- {
- ParseCompoundExpressionL(iStatus.iOffset); // ignore the return value in skip mode
- ParseLabelLC();
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ignore the label returned
- }
- }
- }
-CLabelSearch* CWaitCommand::ParseLabelLC()
-Parses label. Parses label name and looks for it in the label list.
-Returns results of search.
- {
- EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
- TInt start=iStatus.iOffset;
- iStatus.iOffset=FindTokenEnd(start);
- TPtrC var=iStatus.iLine.Mid(start,iStatus.iOffset-start);
- CLabelSearch* labelSearch=CLabelSearch::NewLC(var);
- TLinePosition pos;
- if(iLabelMan->FindLabel(var,pos)==KErrNotFound)
- {
- pos.Reset();
- labelSearch->Set(CLabelSearch::ENotFound,pos);
- }
- else
- labelSearch->Set(CLabelSearch::EResolved,pos);
- return labelSearch;
- }
-TPtrC CWaitCommand::LabelFromIndexL(TInt aIndex)
-Gets label from array by index.
- {
- if ((aIndex<0) && (aIndex>iLabelArray->Count()))
- User::Leave(KErrIllegalWaitLabelIndex);
- return (*iLabelArray)[aIndex]->LabelName();
- }
-void CWaitCommand::DeleteLabelArray()
-Deletes label array.
- {
- if (iLabelArray!=NULL)
- {
- TInt count=iLabelArray->Count();
- for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
- {
- delete (*iLabelArray)[i];
- }
- iLabelArray->Delete(0,count);
- delete iLabelArray;
- }
- }
-// CLoopCommand definitions
-CLoopCommand* CLoopCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
-2 phased constructor for CLoopCommand, first phase.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CLoopCommand object.
- {
- CLoopCommand* c=new(ELeave) CLoopCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv);
- CleanupStack::PushL(c);
- c->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return c;
- }
-CLoopCommand::CLoopCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
- : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iLoop(EFalse)
-Constructor for CLoopCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
- {}
- {}
-TBool CLoopCommand::ParseL()
-Parses LOOP command. Checks how many times to loop and records position of beginning of loop.
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KLoopCommand)==KErrNone)
- {
- if (iLoop)
- User::Leave(KErrNestedLoop);
- if (!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KLogStringExecutingLoop,"Script:\tExecuting Loop");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),KLogStringExecutingLoop());
- }
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
- iLoopCounter=ParseIntegerL(iStatus.iOffset);
- if ((iLoopCounter<KMinLoopCounter) || (iLoopCounter>KMaxLoopCounter))
- User::Leave(KErrLoopCounterOutOfRange);
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- if (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset++]!=KOpenExprChar)
- User::Leave(KErrNoOpenExpression);
- iLoop=ETrue;
- iScriptReader->CurrentPos(iLoopPosition,iStatus.iOffset);
- if (!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(KLogStringLoopCounter,"Script:\tLoop Counter %d");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),KLogStringLoopCounter(),iLoopCounter);
- }
- return ETrue; // Consumed
- }
- return EFalse; // Not Consumed
- }
-TBool CLoopCommand::CheckLoopL()
-Checks how many times loop has been executed and returns to beginning if necessary.
- {
- if (iLoop)
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- if(iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset]==KCloseExprChar)
- {
- if((--iLoopCounter==0) || (iStatus.iSkip))
- {
- iLoop=EFalse;
- iStatus.iOffset++;
- }
- else
- {
- iScriptReader->SetCurrentPos(iLoopPosition);
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString1,"Script:\tRepeat Loop");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString1());
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tLoop Counter %d");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString2(),iLoopCounter);
- }
- return ETrue; // Consumed Something
- }
- }
- return EFalse; // Nothing doing...
- }
-// CGotoCommand definitions
-CGotoCommand* CGotoCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptLabelMan* aLabelMan)
-2 phased constructor for CGotoCommand, first phase.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@param aLabelMan a pointer to label manager.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CGotoCommand object.
- {
- CGotoCommand* c=new(ELeave) CGotoCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv,aLabelMan);
- CleanupStack::PushL(c);
- c->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return c;
- }
-CGotoCommand::CGotoCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptLabelMan* aLabelMan)
- : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iLabelMan(aLabelMan)
-Constructor for CGotoCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@param aLabelMan a pointer to label manager.
- {}
- {}
-TBool CGotoCommand::ParseL()
-Parses GOTO command. Parses label and goto label.
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KGotoCommand)==KErrNone)
- {
- if(!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tExecuting Goto");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
- }
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
- end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- TPtrC var=iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset);
- // HBufC* labelName=HBufC::NewLC(var.Length());
- // (*labelName)=var;
- // GotoL(labelName->Des());
- // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
- Goto(var);
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- return ETrue; // Consumed
- }
- return EFalse; // Not Consumed
- }
-void CGotoCommand::Goto(const TDesC& aLabelName)
-Finds label in those passed already, or skip lines until it is found.
- {
- TLinePosition pos;
- if(!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- if (iLabelMan->FindLabel(aLabelName,pos)==KErrNotFound)
- {
- iSearchName.Copy(aLabelName);
- iStatus.iSkipModeToggleReq=ETrue;
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString1,"Script:\tSearching for Label %S");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString1()),&aLabelName);
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tEntering Skip Mode");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString2());
- }
- else
- iScriptReader->SetCurrentPos(pos);
- }
- }
-TBool CGotoCommand::ParseLabelL()
-Parses label and adds it to label list. Compares label against one to be found.
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- TInt start=iStatus.iOffset;
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(start);
- if ((iStatus.iLine.Length()>=(end+1)) && (iStatus.iLine[end]==KColonChar))
- {
- TLinePosition pos;
- iScriptReader->CurrentPos(pos,end+1);
- iLabelMan->AddLabelL(iStatus.iLine.Mid(start,end-start),pos);
- iStatus.iOffset=++end;
- TLinePosition dummyPos;
- if (iStatus.iSkip && (iLabelMan->FindLabel(iSearchName,dummyPos)==KErrNone))
- {
- iStatus.iSkipModeToggleReq=ETrue;
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tExiting Skip Mode");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
- }
- return ETrue;
- }
- return EFalse;
- }
-void CGotoCommand::ServiceSkipReqs()
-Toggles skip mode.
- {
- if(iStatus.iSkipModeToggleReq)
- {
- iStatus.iSkipModeToggleReq=EFalse;
- iStatus.iSkip=!iStatus.iSkip;
- }
- }
-// CDTRCommand definitions
-CDTRCommand* CDTRCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO)
-2 phased constructor for CDTRCommand, first phase.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CDTRCommand object.
- {
- CDTRCommand* c=new(ELeave) CDTRCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv,aScriptIO);
- CleanupStack::PushL(c);
- c->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return c;
- }
-CDTRCommand::CDTRCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO)
- : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iScriptIO(aScriptIO)
-Constructor for CDTRCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
- {}
- {}
-TBool CDTRCommand::ParseL()
-Parses DTR command. Drops or raises appropriately.
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KDTRCommand)==KErrNone)
- {
- if(!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString1,"Script:\tExecuting DTR");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString1());
- }
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
- end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KRaiseDTRCommand)==KErrNone)
- {
- if(!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tRaising DTR");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString2());
- iScriptIO->RaiseDTR(NULL);
- }
- }
- else if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KDropDTRCommand)==KErrNone)
- {
- if(!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString3,"Script:\tDropping DTR");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString3());
- iScriptIO->DropDTR(NULL);
- }
- }
- else
- User::Leave(KErrNoDropOrRaise);
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- return ETrue; // Consumed
- }
- return EFalse; // Not Consumed
- }
-// CReadPCTCommand definitions
-CReadPCTCommand* CReadPCTCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptExecutor* aScriptExec)
-2 phased constructor for CReadPCTCommand, first phase.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@param aScriptExec a pointer to script executioner.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CReadPCTCommand object.
- {
- CReadPCTCommand* c=new(ELeave) CReadPCTCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv,aScriptExec);
- CleanupStack::PushL(c);
- c->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return c;
- }
-CReadPCTCommand::CReadPCTCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptExecutor* aScriptExec)
- : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iScriptExec(aScriptExec)
-Constructor for CDTRCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@param aScriptExec a pointer to script executioner.
- {}
- {}
-TBool CReadPCTCommand::ParseL()
-Parses Read command.
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KReadCommand)==KErrNone)
- {
- if (!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tExecuting Read");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
- iCharSet=ParseCharacterTypeL(iStatus.iOffset);
- iScriptExec->ReadPct();
- }
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- return ETrue; // Consumed
- }
- return EFalse; // Not Consumed
- }
-TBool CReadPCTCommand::CheckReadL()
-Checks Read.
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KReadCommand)==KErrNone)
- return ETrue;
- else
- return EFalse;
- }
-TPtrC CReadPCTCommand::CharSet()
-Returns used character set.
- {
- return iCharSet;
- }
-// CCharMapCommand definitions
-CCharMapCommand* CCharMapCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus, CScriptReader* aScriptReader, CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
-2 phased constructor for CCharMapCommand, first phase.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CCharMapCommand object.
- {
- CCharMapCommand* c=new(ELeave) CCharMapCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv);
- CleanupStack::PushL(c);
- c->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return c;
- }
-CCharMapCommand::CCharMapCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus, CScriptReader* aScriptReader, CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
- : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv)
-Constructor for CCharMapCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
- {}
- {}
-TBool CCharMapCommand::ParseL()
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KCharmapCommand)==KErrNone)
- {
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- if (!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- iCharConv->SetDefaultCharSet(ParseCharacterTypeL(iStatus.iOffset));
- }
- return ETrue; // Consumed
- }
- return EFalse; // Not Consumed
- }
-// CExitCommand definiton
-CExitCommand* CExitCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
-2 phased constructor for CExitCommand, first phase.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CExitCommand object.
- {
- CExitCommand* c=new(ELeave) CExitCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv);
- CleanupStack::PushL(c);
- c->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return c;
- }
-CExitCommand::CExitCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
- : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv)
-Constructor for CExitCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aScriptStatus is script status.
-@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
-@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
-@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
- {}
- {}
-TBool CExitCommand::ParseL()
-Parses EXIT command. Parses number or variable and leaves with the appropriate value.
- {
- EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
- TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
- if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KExitCommand)==KErrNone)
- {
- if (!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString1,"Script:\tExecuting Exit");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString1());
- }
- iStatus.iOffset=end;
- EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
- TPtrC exitStatus;
- TRAPD(ret,(exitStatus.Set(ParseCompoundExpressionL(iStatus.iOffset))));
- if (!iStatus.iSkip)
- {
- if (ret==KErrNone)
- {
- TInt32 val;
- TLex lex(exitStatus);
- if(lex.Val(val)!=KErrNone)
- User::Leave(KErrInvalidNumber);
- if(val>0)
- User::Leave(KErrNumberOutOfRange);
- if(val==0)
- val=(TInt32)KErrScriptCompleted;
- User::Leave(val);
- }
- else if (ret==KErrNoExpression)
- User::Leave(KErrScriptCompleted);
- else
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tExit With Error %d");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC8>(logString2()),ret);
- User::Leave(ret);
- }
- }
- return ETrue; // Consumed
- }
- return EFalse; // Not Consumed
- }
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// NetDial Script Commands
+ @file Scommand.cpp
+#include "SSCRREAD.H"
+#include "SSCREXEC.H"
+#include "SIO.H"
+#include "SLOGGER.H"
+// Command names
+_LIT(KTempVarName,"$$TMPVAR$$%d"); //< Temporary variable name
+// Characters used in scripts
+const TText KCommentChar='!';
+const TText KPlusChar='+';
+const TText KQuoteChar='\"';
+const TText KOpenChevronChar='<';
+const TText KCloseChevronChar='>';
+const TText KOpenExprChar='{';
+const TText KCloseExprChar='}';
+const TText KEqualsChar='=';
+const TText KTabChar='\t';
+const TText KSpaceChar=' ';
+const TText KColonChar=':';
+const TText KOpenSquareBracketChar='[';
+const TText KCloseSquareBracketChar=']';
+const TInt KLabelArrayGranularity=5;
+const TInt32 KMinScriptInteger=0;
+const TInt32 KMaxScriptInteger=500000;
+const TReal KMinScriptReal=0.0;
+const TReal KMaxScriptReal=500000.0;
+const TInt KMinLoopCounter=1;
+const TInt KMaxLoopCounter=10000;
+// Glossary
+// ========
+// String - a text string enclosed in ".."
+// Character - a single character expressed numnerically enclosed in <..>
+// Variable - named variable (preset or set in script) ending in $
+// Expression - any one of the three above
+// Compound expression - a number of expressions concatenated with +
+// Token - an expression, compound expression, label or command
+// CScriptCommandBase definitions
+CScriptCommandBase::CScriptCommandBase(TScriptStatus& aStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
+ : iScriptReader(aScriptReader), iVarMan(aVarMan), iCharConv(aCharConv), iTempVarNum(0), iStatus(aStatus)
+Constructor for CScriptCharacterConverter.
+ {}
+ {}
+void CScriptCommandBase::ConstructL()
+Instantiates member variables.
+ {}
+void CScriptCommandBase::Cleanup()
+ {}
+TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseCompoundExpressionL(TInt& aOffset)
+Parses a compound string expression starting at aOffset into a single string
+constant and returns it.
+ {
+ TPtrC wholeExpr;
+ wholeExpr.Set(ParseExpressionL(aOffset));
+ TBuf<KMaxVarNameLength> varName;
+ varName.Format(KTempVarName,iTempVarNum++);
+ iVarMan->AddVariableL(varName,wholeExpr);
+ HBufC* val=NULL;
+ HBufC* oldVal=NULL;
+ {
+ EatSpaces(aOffset);
+ if (aOffset>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
+ break;
+ if (iStatus.iLine[aOffset]!=KPlusChar)
+ break;
+ TPtrC nextExpr;
+ nextExpr.Set(ParseExpressionL(++aOffset));
+ val=HBufC::NewLC(wholeExpr.Length()+nextExpr.Length());
+ TPtr currentExpr(val->Des());
+ currentExpr.Append(wholeExpr);
+ currentExpr.Append(nextExpr);
+ varName.Format(KTempVarName,iTempVarNum++);
+ iVarMan->AddVariableL(varName,val->Des());
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ wholeExpr.Set(val->Des());
+ delete oldVal;
+ oldVal=val;
+ }
+ delete val;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iVarMan->FindVariable(varName,wholeExpr));
+ return wholeExpr;
+ }
+TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseExpressionL(TInt& aOffset)
+Parses string expression starting at aOffset according to starting character
+and returns value.
+ {
+ EatSpaces(aOffset);
+ if(iStatus.iLine.Length()<=aOffset)
+ User::Leave(KErrNoExpression);
+ switch(iStatus.iLine[aOffset]) //switch(iLine[aOffset+1])
+ {
+ case KQuoteChar:
+ aOffset++; // skip quote char
+ return ParseStringL(aOffset);
+ case KOpenChevronChar:
+ aOffset++; // skip chevron char
+ return ParseCharacterL(aOffset);
+ default:
+ return ParseVariableL(aOffset);
+ }
+ }
+TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseStringL(TInt& aOffset)
+Parses a string constant enclosed in "" and returns its value.
+ {
+ return ParseEnclosedStringL(aOffset,KQuoteChar,KErrMissingQuote);
+ }
+TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseCharacterL(TInt& aOffset)
+Parses a character enclosed in <> and returns its value.
+ {
+ TPtrC charString=ParseEnclosedStringL(aOffset,KCloseChevronChar,KErrMissingChevron);
+ TRadix radix=EDecimal;
+ TInt len=charString.Length();
+ if (len>2)
+ {
+ if(charString[0]=='0')
+ {
+ switch(charString[1])
+ {
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ len-=2;
+ radix=EHex;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ len-=2;
+ radix=EDecimal;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ case 'O':
+ len-=2;
+ radix=EOctal;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ case 'B':
+ len-=2;
+ radix=EBinary;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TLex lex(charString.Right(len));
+ TUint val=0;
+ if (lex.Val(val,radix)!=KErrNone)
+ User::Leave(KErrInvalidNumber);
+ TBuf<1> character=(TText*)&val;
+ TBuf<KMaxVarNameLength> varName;
+ varName.Format(KTempVarName,iTempVarNum++);
+ iVarMan->AddVariableL(varName,character);
+ TPtrC temp;
+ iVarMan->FindVariable(varName,temp);
+ return temp;
+ }
+TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseVariableL(TInt& aOffset)
+Parses a variable and returns its value.
+ {
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(aOffset);
+ TPtrC varName=iStatus.iLine.Mid(aOffset,end-aOffset);
+ aOffset=end;
+ TPtrC varValue;
+ if (iVarMan->FindVariable(varName,varValue)==KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ if(!iStatus.iSkip)
+ User::Leave(KErrVariableNotFound);
+ return TPtrC();
+ }
+ return varValue;
+ }
+TInt32 CScriptCommandBase::ParseIntegerL(TInt& aOffset)
+Parses an integer and returns its value.
+ {
+ EatSpaces(aOffset);
+ TLex lex(iStatus.iLine);
+ lex.Inc(aOffset);
+ TInt32 val=0;
+ if (lex.Val(val)!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrInvalidNumber);
+ return KMinScriptInteger;
+ }
+ if ((val<KMinScriptInteger) || (val>KMaxScriptInteger))
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNumberOutOfRange);
+ return KMinScriptInteger;
+ }
+ aOffset=lex.Offset();
+ return val;
+ }
+TReal CScriptCommandBase::ParseRealL(TInt& aOffset)
+Parses a real number and returns its value.
+ {
+ EatSpaces(aOffset);
+ TLex lex(iStatus.iLine);
+ lex.Inc(aOffset);
+ TReal val=0.0;
+ if (lex.Val(val)!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrInvalidNumber);
+ return KMinScriptReal;
+ }
+ if ((val<KMinScriptReal) || (val>KMaxScriptReal))
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNumberOutOfRange);
+ return KMinScriptReal;
+ }
+ aOffset=lex.Offset();
+ return val;
+ }
+TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseCharacterTypeL(TInt& aOffset)
+Parses character type.
+ {
+ EatSpaces(aOffset);
+ if(iStatus.iLine.Length()<=aOffset) // nothing specified so assume default
+ return TPtrC();
+ TInt startChar=aOffset;
+ if (iStatus.iLine[startChar++]!=KOpenSquareBracketChar)
+ return TPtrC(); // No open bracket so assume default
+ aOffset=startChar;
+ return ParseEnclosedStringL(aOffset,KCloseSquareBracketChar,KErrMissingBracket);
+ }
+HBufC8* CScriptCommandBase::ConvertLC(const TDesC& aString,TInt& aOffset)
+Converts to correct character set.
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxCharacterTypeLength> type=ParseCharacterTypeL(aOffset);
+ return iCharConv->ConvertLC(aString,type);
+ }
+TInt CScriptCommandBase::FindTokenEnd(TInt aOffset)
+Finds end of string beginning at aOffset and returns length.
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aOffset<=iStatus.iLine.Length(), NetDialPanic(EOffsetExceedsLineLength));
+ if(aOffset==iStatus.iLine.Length())
+ return aOffset;
+ TInt end;
+ for (end=aOffset; IsValidChar(iStatus.iLine[end]); end++)
+ {
+ if (end>=(iStatus.iLine.Length()-1))
+ {
+ end++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return end;
+ }
+TBool CScriptCommandBase::IsValidChar(const TText& aChar)
+Checks if aChar is a valid character in a script command.
+ {
+ return TChar(aChar).IsAlphaDigit() || (aChar==KDollarChar) || (aChar==KUnderscoreChar) || (aChar==KCommentChar);
+ }
+void CScriptCommandBase::EatSpaces(TInt& aOffset)
+Ignores spaces, tabs, line feeds and carriage returns and sets aOffset to
+next non-blank character, or end of line
+ {
+ if(aOffset>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
+ return;
+ while((iStatus.iLine[aOffset]==KSpaceChar) || (iStatus.iLine[aOffset]==KTabChar) || (iStatus.iLine[aOffset]==KLineFeed) || (iStatus.iLine[aOffset]==KCarriageReturn))
+ {
+ aOffset++;
+ if(aOffset>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CScriptCommandBase::EatSpacesAndLinesL()
+Ignores spaces and empty lines and sets aOffset to next non-blank character.
+ {
+ EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
+ while(iStatus.iOffset>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iScriptReader->GetNextLine()); // This also resets iStatus.iOffset
+ EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
+ }
+ }
+void CScriptCommandBase::EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL()
+Ignores spaces, empty lines and comments and sets aOffset to next non-blank or
+non-comment character
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesL();
+ while (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset]==KCommentChar)
+ {
+ iStatus.iOffset=iStatus.iLine.Length();
+ EatSpacesAndLinesL(); // this will reset iStatus.iOffset if necessary
+ }
+ }
+TPtrC CScriptCommandBase::ParseEnclosedStringL(TInt& aOffset,TText aChar,TInt aError)
+Parses enclosed string
+ {
+ if(aOffset>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
+ User::Leave(aError); // no end character before EOL
+ TInt end=aOffset;
+ while (end<iStatus.iLine.Length())
+ {
+ if (iStatus.iLine[end]==aChar)
+ break;
+ end++;
+ }
+ if (end>=iStatus.iLine.Length())
+ User::Leave(aError); // no end character before EOL
+ TInt start=aOffset;
+ aOffset=end+1;
+ return iStatus.iLine.Mid(start,end-start);
+ }
+// CSetCommand definitions
+CSetCommand* CSetCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
+2 phased constructor for CSetCommand, first phase.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CSetCommand object.
+ {
+ CSetCommand* c=new(ELeave) CSetCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(c);
+ c->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return c;
+ }
+CSetCommand::CSetCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
+ : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv)
+Constructor for CSetCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+ {}
+ {}
+TBool CSetCommand::ParseL()
+Parses a SET command. Determines variable name and value and adds to variable list.
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KSetCommand)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KLogStringExecutingSet,"Script:\tExecuting Set");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),KLogStringExecutingSet());
+ }
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
+ end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ TPtrC varName=iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset);
+ EatSpaces(end);
+ if (iStatus.iLine[end++]!=KEqualsChar)
+ User::Leave(KErrNoEquals);
+ EatSpaces(end);
+ TPtrC value=ParseCompoundExpressionL(end);
+ if (!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ iVarMan->AddVariableL(varName,value);
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(KLogStringSetVar,"Script:\tSet Var: %S To %S"));
+ __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KLogStringSetVar()),&varName,&value);
+ }
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ return ETrue; // Consumed
+ }
+ return EFalse; // Not Consumed
+ }
+// CSendCommand definitions
+CSendCommand* CSendCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO)
+2 phased constructor for CSendCommand, first phase.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CSendCommand object.
+ {
+ CSendCommand* c=new(ELeave) CSendCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv,aScriptIO);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(c);
+ c->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return c;
+ }
+CSendCommand::CSendCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO)
+ : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iScriptIO(aScriptIO)
+Constructor for CSendCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
+ {}
+ {}
+TBool CSendCommand::ParseL()
+Parses SEND command. Parses expression to send and sends it.
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if(iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KSendCommand)==0)
+ {
+ if(!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KLogStringExecutingSend,"Script:\tExecuting Send");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),KLogStringExecutingSend());
+ }
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
+ TPtrC temp;
+ temp.Set(ParseCompoundExpressionL(iStatus.iOffset));
+ HBufC8* buf=ConvertLC(temp,iStatus.iOffset);
+ iSendString.Set(buf->Des());
+ if(!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ iScriptIO->Write(iSendString);
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+ _LIT(KLogStringSending,"Script:\tSending %S");
+ TBuf16<KLogBufferSize> temp;
+ temp.Copy(iSendString.Left(Min(iSendString.Length(),KLogBufferSize)));
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KLogStringSending()),&temp);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ return ETrue; // Consumed
+ }
+ return EFalse; // Not Consumed
+ }
+// CLabelSearch definitions
+CLabelSearch* CLabelSearch::NewLC(const TDesC& aLabelName)
+2 phased constructor for CLabelSearch, first phase.
+@param aLabelName is label name.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CLabelSearch object.
+ {
+ CLabelSearch* label=new(ELeave) CLabelSearch();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(label);
+ label->ConstructL(aLabelName);
+ return label;
+ }
+ : iStatus(ENotFound), iPosition()
+Constructor for CLabelSearch, used in the first phase of construction.
+ {}
+void CLabelSearch::ConstructL(const TDesC& aLabelName)
+Instantiates member variables.
+ {
+ iChatString=NULL;
+ iLabelName=HBufC::NewL(aLabelName.Length());
+ (*iLabelName)=aLabelName;
+ }
+Don't delete iChatString - that is dealt with by CScriptIO.
+ {
+ delete iLabelName;
+ }
+void CLabelSearch::CreateCommChatStringL(const TDesC8& aDes,TBool aIsFolded)
+Creates CCommChatString object.
+ {
+ iChatString=CCommChatString::NewL(aDes,aIsFolded);
+ }
+// CWaitCommand definitions
+CWaitCommand* CWaitCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO,CScriptLabelMan* aLabelMan, CScriptExecutor* aScriptExec)
+2 phased constructor for CWaitCommand, first phase.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
+@param aLabelMan a pointer to label manager.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CWaitCommand object.
+ {
+ CWaitCommand* c=new(ELeave) CWaitCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv,aScriptIO,aLabelMan,aScriptExec);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(c);
+ c->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return c;
+ }
+CWaitCommand::CWaitCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO,CScriptLabelMan* aLabelMan, CScriptExecutor* aScriptExec)
+ : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iScriptIO(aScriptIO), iLabelMan(aLabelMan), iScriptExec(aScriptExec)
+Constructor for CWaitCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
+@param aLabelMan a pointer to label manager.
+ {}
+Clears label array.
+ {
+ DeleteLabelArray();
+ }
+TBool CWaitCommand::ParseL()
+Parses WAIT command. Parse according to whether in skip mode or not.
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KWaitCommand)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ if (iStatus.iSkip)
+ ParseSkipL();
+ else
+ ParseActionL();
+ return ETrue; // Consumed
+ }
+ return EFalse; // Not Consumed
+ }
+void CWaitCommand::Cleanup()
+Cancels the read and clears out the labels
+ {
+ if (!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ iScriptIO->Cancel();
+ DeleteLabelArray();
+ iLabelArray=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void CWaitCommand::ParseActionL()
+Parses WAIT command when not in skip mode. Parses wait period, strings and labels and
+queue a read.
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KLogStringExecutingWait,"Script:\tExecuting Wait");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),KLogStringExecutingWait());
+ EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
+ TReal waitPeriod=ParseRealL(iStatus.iOffset);
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ if (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset++]!=KOpenExprChar)
+ User::Leave(KErrNoOpenExpression);
+ iLabelArray=new(ELeave) CLabelSearchArray(KLabelArrayGranularity);
+ TBool completed=EFalse;
+ while(!completed)
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ if (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset]==KCloseExprChar)
+ {
+ completed=ETrue;
+ iStatus.iOffset++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TPtrC temp=ParseCompoundExpressionL(iStatus.iOffset);
+ HBufC8* buf=ConvertLC(temp,iStatus.iOffset);
+ CLabelSearch* label=ParseLabelLC();
+ TPtrC8 waitString(buf->Des());
+ label->CreateCommChatStringL(waitString,EFalse);
+ iLabelArray->AppendL(label);
+ // for logging
+ TBuf<KLogBufferSize> labelName;
+ labelName.Copy(label->LabelName().Left(Min(KLogBufferSize,label->LabelName().Length())));
+ //
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+ _LIT(KLogStringGog,"Script:\tIf %S is found, Goto %S");
+ TBuf16<KLogBufferSize> string;
+ string.Copy(waitString.Left(Min(waitString.Length(),KLogBufferSize)));
+ __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KLogStringGog()),&string,&labelName);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // label - will be deleted from array
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buf - will have been copied into label array
+ }
+ }
+ // Tell the script executor how long we are going to wait since it
+ // may need to force the server to resend the login prompt and will
+ // need to know how long to wait the second time around
+ iScriptExec->SetRetransmittedLoginTimeout(waitPeriod);
+ iScriptIO->Read(iLabelArray,waitPeriod);
+ }
+void CWaitCommand::ParseSkipL()
+Parses a WAIT command when in skip mode. Parses expressions and labels but do not queue read.
+ {
+ EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
+ ParseRealL(iStatus.iOffset); // ignore the actual value returned
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ if (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset++]!=KOpenExprChar)
+ User::Leave(KErrNoOpenExpression);
+ TBool completed=EFalse;
+ while (!completed)
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ if (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset]==KCloseExprChar)
+ {
+ completed=ETrue;
+ iStatus.iOffset++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ParseCompoundExpressionL(iStatus.iOffset); // ignore the return value in skip mode
+ ParseLabelLC();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ignore the label returned
+ }
+ }
+ }
+CLabelSearch* CWaitCommand::ParseLabelLC()
+Parses label. Parses label name and looks for it in the label list.
+Returns results of search.
+ {
+ EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
+ TInt start=iStatus.iOffset;
+ iStatus.iOffset=FindTokenEnd(start);
+ TPtrC var=iStatus.iLine.Mid(start,iStatus.iOffset-start);
+ CLabelSearch* labelSearch=CLabelSearch::NewLC(var);
+ TLinePosition pos;
+ if(iLabelMan->FindLabel(var,pos)==KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ pos.Reset();
+ labelSearch->Set(CLabelSearch::ENotFound,pos);
+ }
+ else
+ labelSearch->Set(CLabelSearch::EResolved,pos);
+ return labelSearch;
+ }
+TPtrC CWaitCommand::LabelFromIndexL(TInt aIndex)
+Gets label from array by index.
+ {
+ if ((aIndex<0) && (aIndex>iLabelArray->Count()))
+ User::Leave(KErrIllegalWaitLabelIndex);
+ return (*iLabelArray)[aIndex]->LabelName();
+ }
+void CWaitCommand::DeleteLabelArray()
+Deletes label array.
+ {
+ if (iLabelArray!=NULL)
+ {
+ TInt count=iLabelArray->Count();
+ for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
+ {
+ delete (*iLabelArray)[i];
+ }
+ iLabelArray->Delete(0,count);
+ delete iLabelArray;
+ }
+ }
+// CLoopCommand definitions
+CLoopCommand* CLoopCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
+2 phased constructor for CLoopCommand, first phase.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CLoopCommand object.
+ {
+ CLoopCommand* c=new(ELeave) CLoopCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(c);
+ c->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return c;
+ }
+CLoopCommand::CLoopCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
+ : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iLoop(EFalse)
+Constructor for CLoopCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+ {}
+ {}
+TBool CLoopCommand::ParseL()
+Parses LOOP command. Checks how many times to loop and records position of beginning of loop.
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KLoopCommand)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (iLoop)
+ User::Leave(KErrNestedLoop);
+ if (!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KLogStringExecutingLoop,"Script:\tExecuting Loop");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),KLogStringExecutingLoop());
+ }
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
+ iLoopCounter=ParseIntegerL(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if ((iLoopCounter<KMinLoopCounter) || (iLoopCounter>KMaxLoopCounter))
+ User::Leave(KErrLoopCounterOutOfRange);
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ if (iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset++]!=KOpenExprChar)
+ User::Leave(KErrNoOpenExpression);
+ iLoop=ETrue;
+ iScriptReader->CurrentPos(iLoopPosition,iStatus.iOffset);
+ if (!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(KLogStringLoopCounter,"Script:\tLoop Counter %d");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),KLogStringLoopCounter(),iLoopCounter);
+ }
+ return ETrue; // Consumed
+ }
+ return EFalse; // Not Consumed
+ }
+TBool CLoopCommand::CheckLoopL()
+Checks how many times loop has been executed and returns to beginning if necessary.
+ {
+ if (iLoop)
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ if(iStatus.iLine[iStatus.iOffset]==KCloseExprChar)
+ {
+ if((--iLoopCounter==0) || (iStatus.iSkip))
+ {
+ iLoop=EFalse;
+ iStatus.iOffset++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iScriptReader->SetCurrentPos(iLoopPosition);
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString1,"Script:\tRepeat Loop");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString1());
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tLoop Counter %d");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString2(),iLoopCounter);
+ }
+ return ETrue; // Consumed Something
+ }
+ }
+ return EFalse; // Nothing doing...
+ }
+// CGotoCommand definitions
+CGotoCommand* CGotoCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptLabelMan* aLabelMan)
+2 phased constructor for CGotoCommand, first phase.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@param aLabelMan a pointer to label manager.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CGotoCommand object.
+ {
+ CGotoCommand* c=new(ELeave) CGotoCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv,aLabelMan);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(c);
+ c->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return c;
+ }
+CGotoCommand::CGotoCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptLabelMan* aLabelMan)
+ : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iLabelMan(aLabelMan)
+Constructor for CGotoCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@param aLabelMan a pointer to label manager.
+ {}
+ {}
+TBool CGotoCommand::ParseL()
+Parses GOTO command. Parses label and goto label.
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KGotoCommand)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if(!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tExecuting Goto");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
+ }
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
+ end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ TPtrC var=iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset);
+ // HBufC* labelName=HBufC::NewLC(var.Length());
+ // (*labelName)=var;
+ // GotoL(labelName->Des());
+ // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ Goto(var);
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ return ETrue; // Consumed
+ }
+ return EFalse; // Not Consumed
+ }
+void CGotoCommand::Goto(const TDesC& aLabelName)
+Finds label in those passed already, or skip lines until it is found.
+ {
+ TLinePosition pos;
+ if(!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ if (iLabelMan->FindLabel(aLabelName,pos)==KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ iSearchName.Copy(aLabelName);
+ iStatus.iSkipModeToggleReq=ETrue;
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString1,"Script:\tSearching for Label %S");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString1()),&aLabelName);
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tEntering Skip Mode");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString2());
+ }
+ else
+ iScriptReader->SetCurrentPos(pos);
+ }
+ }
+TBool CGotoCommand::ParseLabelL()
+Parses label and adds it to label list. Compares label against one to be found.
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ TInt start=iStatus.iOffset;
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(start);
+ if ((iStatus.iLine.Length()>=(end+1)) && (iStatus.iLine[end]==KColonChar))
+ {
+ TLinePosition pos;
+ iScriptReader->CurrentPos(pos,end+1);
+ iLabelMan->AddLabelL(iStatus.iLine.Mid(start,end-start),pos);
+ iStatus.iOffset=++end;
+ TLinePosition dummyPos;
+ if (iStatus.iSkip && (iLabelMan->FindLabel(iSearchName,dummyPos)==KErrNone))
+ {
+ iStatus.iSkipModeToggleReq=ETrue;
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tExiting Skip Mode");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CGotoCommand::ServiceSkipReqs()
+Toggles skip mode.
+ {
+ if(iStatus.iSkipModeToggleReq)
+ {
+ iStatus.iSkipModeToggleReq=EFalse;
+ iStatus.iSkip=!iStatus.iSkip;
+ }
+ }
+// CDTRCommand definitions
+CDTRCommand* CDTRCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO)
+2 phased constructor for CDTRCommand, first phase.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CDTRCommand object.
+ {
+ CDTRCommand* c=new(ELeave) CDTRCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv,aScriptIO);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(c);
+ c->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return c;
+ }
+CDTRCommand::CDTRCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptIO* aScriptIO)
+ : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iScriptIO(aScriptIO)
+Constructor for CDTRCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@param aScriptIO a pointer to serial comms I/O handler.
+ {}
+ {}
+TBool CDTRCommand::ParseL()
+Parses DTR command. Drops or raises appropriately.
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KDTRCommand)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if(!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString1,"Script:\tExecuting DTR");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString1());
+ }
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
+ end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KRaiseDTRCommand)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if(!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tRaising DTR");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString2());
+ iScriptIO->RaiseDTR(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KDropDTRCommand)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if(!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString3,"Script:\tDropping DTR");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString3());
+ iScriptIO->DropDTR(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ User::Leave(KErrNoDropOrRaise);
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ return ETrue; // Consumed
+ }
+ return EFalse; // Not Consumed
+ }
+// CReadPCTCommand definitions
+CReadPCTCommand* CReadPCTCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptExecutor* aScriptExec)
+2 phased constructor for CReadPCTCommand, first phase.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@param aScriptExec a pointer to script executioner.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CReadPCTCommand object.
+ {
+ CReadPCTCommand* c=new(ELeave) CReadPCTCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv,aScriptExec);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(c);
+ c->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return c;
+ }
+CReadPCTCommand::CReadPCTCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv,CScriptExecutor* aScriptExec)
+ : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv), iScriptExec(aScriptExec)
+Constructor for CDTRCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@param aScriptExec a pointer to script executioner.
+ {}
+ {}
+TBool CReadPCTCommand::ParseL()
+Parses Read command.
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KReadCommand)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tExecuting Read");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
+ iCharSet=ParseCharacterTypeL(iStatus.iOffset);
+ iScriptExec->ReadPct();
+ }
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ return ETrue; // Consumed
+ }
+ return EFalse; // Not Consumed
+ }
+TBool CReadPCTCommand::CheckReadL()
+Checks Read.
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KReadCommand)==KErrNone)
+ return ETrue;
+ else
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+TPtrC CReadPCTCommand::CharSet()
+Returns used character set.
+ {
+ return iCharSet;
+ }
+// CCharMapCommand definitions
+CCharMapCommand* CCharMapCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus, CScriptReader* aScriptReader, CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
+2 phased constructor for CCharMapCommand, first phase.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CCharMapCommand object.
+ {
+ CCharMapCommand* c=new(ELeave) CCharMapCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(c);
+ c->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return c;
+ }
+CCharMapCommand::CCharMapCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus, CScriptReader* aScriptReader, CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
+ : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv)
+Constructor for CCharMapCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+ {}
+ {}
+TBool CCharMapCommand::ParseL()
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KCharmapCommand)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ if (!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ iCharConv->SetDefaultCharSet(ParseCharacterTypeL(iStatus.iOffset));
+ }
+ return ETrue; // Consumed
+ }
+ return EFalse; // Not Consumed
+ }
+// CExitCommand definiton
+CExitCommand* CExitCommand::NewL(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
+2 phased constructor for CExitCommand, first phase.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CExitCommand object.
+ {
+ CExitCommand* c=new(ELeave) CExitCommand(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(c);
+ c->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return c;
+ }
+CExitCommand::CExitCommand(TScriptStatus& aScriptStatus,CScriptReader* aScriptReader,CScriptVarMan* aVarMan,CScriptCharacterConverter* aCharConv)
+ : CScriptCommandBase(aScriptStatus,aScriptReader,aVarMan,aCharConv)
+Constructor for CExitCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aScriptStatus is script status.
+@param aScriptReader a pointer to script reader.
+@param aVarMan a pointer to variable manager.
+@param aCharConv a pointer to script character converter.
+ {}
+ {}
+TBool CExitCommand::ParseL()
+Parses EXIT command. Parses number or variable and leaves with the appropriate value.
+ {
+ EatSpacesAndLinesAndCommentsL();
+ TInt end=FindTokenEnd(iStatus.iOffset);
+ if (iStatus.iLine.Mid(iStatus.iOffset,end-iStatus.iOffset).CompareF(KExitCommand)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString1,"Script:\tExecuting Exit");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString1());
+ }
+ iStatus.iOffset=end;
+ EatSpaces(iStatus.iOffset);
+ TPtrC exitStatus;
+ TRAPD(ret,(exitStatus.Set(ParseCompoundExpressionL(iStatus.iOffset))));
+ if (!iStatus.iSkip)
+ {
+ if (ret==KErrNone)
+ {
+ TInt32 val;
+ TLex lex(exitStatus);
+ if(lex.Val(val)!=KErrNone)
+ User::Leave(KErrInvalidNumber);
+ if(val>0)
+ User::Leave(KErrNumberOutOfRange);
+ if(val==0)
+ val=(TInt32)KErrScriptCompleted;
+ User::Leave(val);
+ }
+ else if (ret==KErrNoExpression)
+ User::Leave(KErrScriptCompleted);
+ else
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tExit With Error %d");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC8>(logString2()),ret);
+ User::Leave(ret);
+ }
+ }
+ return ETrue; // Consumed
+ }
+ return EFalse; // Not Consumed
+ }