--- a/telephonyprotocols/csdagt/script/SIO.CPP Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/csdagt/script/SIO.CPP Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,637 +1,637 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// NetDial Serial IO Functions
- @file Sio.cpp
-#include "SSCREXEC.H"
-#include "SIO.H"
-#include "SLOGGER.H"
-#include <networking/bca.h>
-const TInt KChatterPriority=0;
-const TInt KCommReadPriority=10;
-const TInt KCommWritePriority=20;
-const TInt KChatBufferSize=64;
-const TInt KWriteTimeOutSec=6;
-const TInt KOneSecInMicroSecs=1000000;
-const TInt KPreSendPauseTimeMicroSec=200000;
-const TInt KClockTick=15500;
-const TReal KTRealOneSecInMicroSecs=1E6;
-// CScriptIO definitions
-CScriptIO* CScriptIO::NewL(CScriptExecutor* aScriptExecutor, const TDesC& aCommsChannel)
-2 phased constructor for CScriptIO, first phase.
-@param aScriptExecutor a pointer to script executor.
-@param aCommPort a reference to COMM port.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CScriptIO object.
- {
- CScriptIO* c=new(ELeave) CScriptIO(aScriptExecutor);
- CleanupStack::PushL(c);
- c->ConstructL(aCommsChannel);
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return c;
- }
-CScriptIO::CScriptIO(CScriptExecutor* aScriptExecutor)
- : iScriptExecutor(aScriptExecutor)
-Constructor for CSetCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aScriptExecutor a pointer to script executor.
-@param aCommPort a reference to COMM port.
- {}
-void CScriptIO::ConstructL(const TDesC& aCommsChannel)
-Instantiates member variables.
- {
- CommConstructL(KCommReadPriority,KCommWritePriority);
- iChat=CCommChatter::NewL(this,KChatterPriority,KChatBufferSize);
- iPreSendPause=CPreSendPause::NewL(this);
- iExcessData.Set(NULL,0);
- iCommsChannel.CreateL(aCommsChannel);
- iCommsChannel.Copy(aCommsChannel);
- }
-void CScriptIO::CreateChannel(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
- {
- ASSERT(iCreateAndShutdownStatus == NULL);
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),_L("Script:\tOpening Comm Port '%S'"), &iCommsChannel);
- iCommClosed = EFalse;
- TInt err = CommOpen(iCommsChannel);
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),_L("Script: Error %d opening Comm Port"), err);
- TRequestStatus* stat = &aStatus;
- User::RequestComplete(stat, err);
- }
- iCreateAndShutdownStatus = &aStatus;
- }
-void CScriptIO::CancelCreateChannel()
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tCancelCreateChannel()");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
- CommCancel();
- }
-void CScriptIO::InitializeComplete()
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tInitializeComplete()");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
- ASSERT(iCreateAndShutdownStatus);
- User::RequestComplete(iCreateAndShutdownStatus, KErrNone);
- iCreateAndShutdownStatus = NULL;
- }
-void CScriptIO::ShutdownComplete(TInt aError)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tShutdownComplete(aError %d)");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString(), aError);
- ASSERT(iCreateAndShutdownStatus);
- if (iCreateError != KErrNone) //The creation error is probably more interesting than a bad shutdown error
- {
- aError = iCreateError;
- }
- User::RequestComplete(iCreateAndShutdownStatus, aError);
- iCreateAndShutdownStatus = NULL;
- iCreateError = KErrNone;
- iCommClosed = ETrue;
- }
-void CScriptIO::ConfigurePort(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TCommConfig& aConfiguration)
-Configures COMM port.
-@return error value from RComm::SetConfig() request.
- {
- using namespace BasebandChannelAdaptation;
- iConfig() = aConfiguration;
- iBca->Ioctl(aStatus, KBcaOptLevelExtSerial, KSerialSetConfig, iConfig);
- }
-void CScriptIO::CancelConfigurePort()
-Cancel Configuration of COMM port.
- {
- iBca->CancelIoctl();
- }
-void CScriptIO::ShutdownChannel(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
- {
- ASSERT(iCreateAndShutdownStatus == NULL);
- iCreateAndShutdownStatus = &aStatus;
- Stop(KErrNone);
- }
-void CScriptIO::Stop(TInt aError)
-Upcall from CScriptBcaControl class indicating an error was encountered. Clean up and close BCA.
-@param aError System wide error code.
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tStop(aError %d)");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString(), aError);
- iCreateError = aError;
- delete iChat;
- iChat = NULL;
- delete iPreSendPause;
- iPreSendPause = NULL;
- CommClose();
- }
-Deletes iChat.
-Deletes iPreSendPause.
-Calls CommDelete().
- {
- iCommsChannel.Close();
- delete iChat;
- delete iPreSendPause;
- CommDelete();
- }
-void CScriptIO::Start()
-Starts write.
- {
- CommWriteReady();
- iWritePending=ETrue;
- iChat->StartTimer(KWriteTimeOutSec*KOneSecInMicroSecs);
- }
-void CScriptIO::CommReadComplete(TInt aStatus)
-Reads completely - stops timer and if no error checks string against the desired string
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString1,"Script:\tRead Complete");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString1());
- if(aStatus==KErrCommsLineFail)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tComms Error %d");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC8>(logString2()),aStatus);
- iChat->StopTimer();
- iReadPending=EFalse;
- TRAPD(ret,iScriptExecutor->CompletedReadL(KErrCommsLineFail));
- if (KErrNone != ret)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString6,"Script:\tCompleteReadL Failure");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString6());
- }
- return;
- }
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iReadPending,NetDialPanic(EIllegalReadComplete));
- iReadPending=EFalse;
- if (aStatus==KErrCommsFrame)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString3,"Script:\tComms Error %d");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString3()),aStatus);
- User::After(KClockTick); // wait for a clock tick and continue
- aStatus=KErrNone;
- }
- else if (aStatus!=KErrNone)
- {
- TRAPD(ret,iScriptExecutor->CompletedReadL(aStatus));
- if (KErrNone != ret)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString7,"Script:\tCompleteReadL Failure");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString7());
- }
- return;
- }
-#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
- _LIT(logString4,"Rx:\t%S");
- TBuf16<KLogBufferSize> temp;
- temp.Copy(iRxBuffer.Left(Min(iRxBuffer.Length(),KLogBufferSize)));
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString4()),&temp);
- if (iScriptExecutor->RequestUsePct())
- {
- TInt err=iScriptExecutor->WritePct(iRxBuffer);
- if (err!=KErrNone)
- {
- TRAPD(ret,iScriptExecutor->CompletedReadL(err));
- if (KErrNone != ret)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString8,"Script:\tCompleteReadL Failure");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString8());
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!iScriptExecutor->ReadPctPending())
- {
- for (iRxBufOffset=0; iRxBufOffset<iRxBuffer.Length(); iRxBufOffset++)
- {
- iChat->AddChar(iRxBuffer[iRxBufOffset]);
- if(iStringFound!=-1)
- {
- iExcessData.Set(iRxBuffer.Right(iRxBuffer.Length()-iRxBufOffset-1));
-#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
- _LIT(logString5,"Script:\tExcess data buffer set to: %S");
- TBuf16<KLogBufferSize> temp;
- temp.Copy(iExcessData.Left(Min(iExcessData.Length(),KLogBufferSize)));
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString5()),&temp);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- iStringFound=KErrNotFound;
- if(iStringFound!=KErrNotFound)
- {
- iChat->StopTimer();
- TRAPD(ret,iScriptExecutor->CompletedReadL(aStatus,iStringFound));
- if (KErrNone != ret)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString9,"Script:\tCompleteReadL Failure");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString9());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- iReadPending=ETrue;
- CommReadOneOrMore(iRxBuffer);
- }
- }
-void CScriptIO::CommWriteComplete(TInt aStatus)
-Writes completely - stops timer
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tWrite Complete");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
- iChat->StopTimer();
- if(aStatus==KErrCommsLineFail)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tComms Error %d");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString2(),aStatus);
- iWritePending=EFalse;
- iScriptExecutor->CompletedWrite(KErrCommsLineFail);
- return;
- }
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iWritePending,NetDialPanic(EIllegalWriteComplete));
- iWritePending=EFalse;
- if(aStatus==KErrCommsFrame) // ignore Comms Frame Error
- aStatus=KErrNone;
- iScriptExecutor->CompletedWrite(aStatus);
- }
-void CScriptIO::ChatStringMatch(TInt aIndex)
-Logs matching string found and sets iStringFound to aIndex.
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tMatching String Found %d");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC8>(logString()),aIndex);
- iStringFound=aIndex;
- }
-void CScriptIO::ChatTimeout()
-Timeout has occurred without while read/write pending. Calls executor with error.
- {
- CommCancel();
- if(iWritePending)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString1,"Script:\tWrite Chat Time Out");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString1());
- iWritePending=EFalse;
- iScriptExecutor->CompletedWrite(KErrTimedOut);
- }
- else if(iReadPending)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tRead Chat Time Out");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString2());
- iReadPending=EFalse;
- TRAPD(ret,iScriptExecutor->CompletedReadL(KErrTimedOut));
- if (KErrNone != ret)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString3,"Script:\tCompleteReadL Failure");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString3());
- }
- }
- else
- NetDialPanic(EIllegalTimeOutComplete);
- }
-void CScriptIO::Read(CLabelSearchArray* aSearchArray, const TReal& aTimeOut)
-Read from port.
- {
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aSearchArray!=NULL, NetDialPanic(ENullSearchArray));
- iExcessData.Set(NULL,0); // clear excess data buffer
- for(TInt i=0; i<aSearchArray->Count(); i++)
- {
- iChat->AddString((*aSearchArray)[i]->ChatString());
- }
- iReadPending=ETrue;
- iStringFound=KErrNotFound;
- TReal realTimeInterval=aTimeOut*KTRealOneSecInMicroSecs;
- TInt timeInterval=TInt(realTimeInterval);
- if (realTimeInterval>TReal(timeInterval))
- timeInterval++;
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tRead Pending In %d Microseconds");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString(),timeInterval);
- iChat->StartTimer(timeInterval);
- CommReadOneOrMore(iRxBuffer);
- iRxBufOffset=0;
- }
-void CScriptIO::ReadEcho()
-Reads echo.
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tRead Echo");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
- iExcessData.Set(NULL,0); // clear excess data buffer
- iReadPending=ETrue;
- iChat->StartTimer(KMaxTInt);
- CommReadOneOrMore(iRxBuffer);
- iRxBufOffset=0;
- }
-void CScriptIO::Write(const TDesC8& aString)
-Writes to port - start pre-send pause, when it completes, will start write.
- {
- if (aString.Length()>KTxBufferSize)
- iTxBuffer.Copy(aString.Left(KTxBufferSize));
- else
- iTxBuffer.Copy(aString);
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iWritePending, NetDialPanic(EIllegalWritePending));
- iWritePending=ETrue;
- iPreSendPause->Start();
- }
-void CScriptIO::PreSendPauseCompleted()
-PreSend pause is finished, can now do write.
- {
-#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
- _LIT(logString,"Tx:\t%S");
- TBuf16<KLogBufferSize> temp;
- temp.Copy(iTxBuffer.Left(Min(iTxBuffer.Length(),KLogBufferSize)));
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString()),&temp);
- CommWrite(iTxBuffer);
- iChat->StartTimer(KWriteTimeOutSec*KOneSecInMicroSecs);
- }
-TBool CScriptIO::RWPending()
-Returns true if a read or write is pending.
- {
- return (iWritePending)||(iReadPending);
- }
-TInt CScriptIO::GetExcessData(TDes8& aBuffer)
-Gets excess data.
- {
- TInt len=aBuffer.Length();
- if(iExcessData.Length()>len)
- aBuffer.Copy(iExcessData.Right(len));
- else
- aBuffer.Copy(iExcessData);
- return KErrNone;
- }
-void CScriptIO::Disconnect()
-Disconnection - resets handshaking and closes comm port.
- {
- Cancel();
-/* TCommConfig cbuf;
- TCommConfigV01 &cfg=cbuf();
- iCommPort.Config(cbuf);
- cfg.iHandshake = KConfigFreeRTS | KConfigFreeDTR;
- iCommPort.SetConfig(cbuf); // ignore return value
- iCommPort.SetSignalsToSpace(KSignalRTS | KSignalDTR);
- // Don't issue a CommClose() if we have already issued it before.
- if (!iCommClosed)
- {
- CommClose();
- }
- }
-void CScriptIO::ReConfigureAndCancelPort(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
-Cancels and reconfigures Comm Port to allow RTS and DTR to be subsequently dropped (see also DropSignals()).
-@param aStatus TRequestStatus to complete once Comm Port is configured.
- {
- using namespace BasebandChannelAdaptation;
- Cancel();
- // Someone has (presumably accidentally) defined Ioctls KSerialConfig and KSerialSetConfig as
- // requiring a package buffer within a package buffer, hence the use of "()()".
- iConfig()().iHandshake = KConfigFreeRTS | KConfigFreeDTR;
- iBca->Ioctl(aStatus, KBcaOptLevelExtSerial, KSerialSetConfig, iConfig);
- }
-void CScriptIO::DropSignals(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
-Drop RTS and DTR. Occurs once ReConfigureAndCancelPort() has released the signals.
-@param aStatus TRequestStatus to complete once signals have been dropped.
- {
- SetControlLines(&aStatus, 0, KSignalRTS | KSignalDTR);
- }
-void CScriptIO::Cancel()
-Cancel - cancels timers and read/write
- {
- CommCancel();
- if (iPreSendPause)
- {
- iPreSendPause->Cancel();
- }
- iReadPending=EFalse;
- iWritePending=EFalse;
- iExcessData.Set(NULL,0);
- if (iChat)
- {
- iChat->StopTimer();
- iChat->DeleteAllAndStop();
- }
- }
-void CScriptIO::ReadEchoCancel()
-Cancel read - cancels timers and read
- {
- CommReadCancel();
- iReadPending=EFalse;
- iExcessData.Set(NULL,0);
- iChat->StopTimer();
- }
-void CScriptIO::DropDTR(TRequestStatus* aStatusPtr)
-Drop DTR.
- {
- Cancel();
- SetControlLines(aStatusPtr, 0, KSignalDTR);
- }
-void CScriptIO::RaiseDTR(TRequestStatus* aStatusPtr)
-Raide DTR.
- {
- Cancel();
- SetControlLines(aStatusPtr, KSignalDTR, 0);
- }
-void CScriptIO::SetControlLines(TRequestStatus* aStatusPtr, TUint aSetMask, TUint aClearMask)
-Issue request to BCA to alter control lines.
- {
- using namespace BasebandChannelAdaptation;
- TPckgBuf<TSerialSetControlLines> lines;
- lines().iSetMask = aSetMask;
- lines().iClearMask = aClearMask;
- if (aStatusPtr == NULL)
- {
- // During conversion from RComm to BCA, synchronous behaviour was allowed in this particular circumstance.
- // This is to avoid wholesale changes to the CSD Agent to accomodate rarely (if ever) traversed
- // code paths. The original RComm based code would previously issue a synchronous RComm::SetSignals()
- // call at this point, so the synchronous behaviour here is no worse than before.
- TRequestStatus status;
- iBca->Ioctl(status, KBcaOptLevelExtSerial, KSerialSetControlLines, lines);
- User::WaitForRequest(status);
- }
- else
- {
- iBca->Ioctl(*aStatusPtr, KBcaOptLevelExtSerial, KSerialSetControlLines, lines);
- }
- }
-const TDesC& CScriptIO::BcaStack()
- {
- ASSERT(iScriptExecutor);
- return iScriptExecutor->BcaStack();
- }
-TInt CScriptIO::IapId()
- {
- ASSERT(iScriptExecutor);
- return iScriptExecutor->IapId();
- }
-// CPreSendPause definitions
-CPreSendPause* CPreSendPause::NewL(CScriptIO* aNotifier)
-2 phased constructor for CPreSendPause, first phase.
-@param aNotifier a pointer to script IO notifier.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CPreSendPause object.
- {
- CPreSendPause* p=new(ELeave) CPreSendPause(aNotifier);
- CleanupStack::PushL(p);
- p->ConstructL(); // CTimer::ConstructL()
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return p;
- }
-CPreSendPause::CPreSendPause(CScriptIO* aNotifier)
- : CTimer(EPriorityStandard), iNotifier(aNotifier)
-Constructor for CScriptCharacterConverter, used in the first phase of construction.
- {
- CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
- }
-void CPreSendPause::Start()
-Starts timer.
- {
- After(KPreSendPauseTimeMicroSec);
- }
-void CPreSendPause::RunL()
-Notifies script IO that pause complete.
- {
- iNotifier->PreSendPauseCompleted();
- }
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// NetDial Serial IO Functions
+ @file Sio.cpp
+#include "SSCREXEC.H"
+#include "SIO.H"
+#include "SLOGGER.H"
+#include <networking/bca.h>
+const TInt KChatterPriority=0;
+const TInt KCommReadPriority=10;
+const TInt KCommWritePriority=20;
+const TInt KChatBufferSize=64;
+const TInt KWriteTimeOutSec=6;
+const TInt KOneSecInMicroSecs=1000000;
+const TInt KPreSendPauseTimeMicroSec=200000;
+const TInt KClockTick=15500;
+const TReal KTRealOneSecInMicroSecs=1E6;
+// CScriptIO definitions
+CScriptIO* CScriptIO::NewL(CScriptExecutor* aScriptExecutor, const TDesC& aCommsChannel)
+2 phased constructor for CScriptIO, first phase.
+@param aScriptExecutor a pointer to script executor.
+@param aCommPort a reference to COMM port.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CScriptIO object.
+ {
+ CScriptIO* c=new(ELeave) CScriptIO(aScriptExecutor);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(c);
+ c->ConstructL(aCommsChannel);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return c;
+ }
+CScriptIO::CScriptIO(CScriptExecutor* aScriptExecutor)
+ : iScriptExecutor(aScriptExecutor)
+Constructor for CSetCommand, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aScriptExecutor a pointer to script executor.
+@param aCommPort a reference to COMM port.
+ {}
+void CScriptIO::ConstructL(const TDesC& aCommsChannel)
+Instantiates member variables.
+ {
+ CommConstructL(KCommReadPriority,KCommWritePriority);
+ iChat=CCommChatter::NewL(this,KChatterPriority,KChatBufferSize);
+ iPreSendPause=CPreSendPause::NewL(this);
+ iExcessData.Set(NULL,0);
+ iCommsChannel.CreateL(aCommsChannel);
+ iCommsChannel.Copy(aCommsChannel);
+ }
+void CScriptIO::CreateChannel(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+ {
+ ASSERT(iCreateAndShutdownStatus == NULL);
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),_L("Script:\tOpening Comm Port '%S'"), &iCommsChannel);
+ iCommClosed = EFalse;
+ TInt err = CommOpen(iCommsChannel);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),_L("Script: Error %d opening Comm Port"), err);
+ TRequestStatus* stat = &aStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete(stat, err);
+ }
+ iCreateAndShutdownStatus = &aStatus;
+ }
+void CScriptIO::CancelCreateChannel()
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tCancelCreateChannel()");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
+ CommCancel();
+ }
+void CScriptIO::InitializeComplete()
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tInitializeComplete()");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
+ ASSERT(iCreateAndShutdownStatus);
+ User::RequestComplete(iCreateAndShutdownStatus, KErrNone);
+ iCreateAndShutdownStatus = NULL;
+ }
+void CScriptIO::ShutdownComplete(TInt aError)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tShutdownComplete(aError %d)");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString(), aError);
+ ASSERT(iCreateAndShutdownStatus);
+ if (iCreateError != KErrNone) //The creation error is probably more interesting than a bad shutdown error
+ {
+ aError = iCreateError;
+ }
+ User::RequestComplete(iCreateAndShutdownStatus, aError);
+ iCreateAndShutdownStatus = NULL;
+ iCreateError = KErrNone;
+ iCommClosed = ETrue;
+ }
+void CScriptIO::ConfigurePort(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TCommConfig& aConfiguration)
+Configures COMM port.
+@return error value from RComm::SetConfig() request.
+ {
+ using namespace BasebandChannelAdaptation;
+ iConfig() = aConfiguration;
+ iBca->Ioctl(aStatus, KBcaOptLevelExtSerial, KSerialSetConfig, iConfig);
+ }
+void CScriptIO::CancelConfigurePort()
+Cancel Configuration of COMM port.
+ {
+ iBca->CancelIoctl();
+ }
+void CScriptIO::ShutdownChannel(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+ {
+ ASSERT(iCreateAndShutdownStatus == NULL);
+ iCreateAndShutdownStatus = &aStatus;
+ Stop(KErrNone);
+ }
+void CScriptIO::Stop(TInt aError)
+Upcall from CScriptBcaControl class indicating an error was encountered. Clean up and close BCA.
+@param aError System wide error code.
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tStop(aError %d)");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString(), aError);
+ iCreateError = aError;
+ delete iChat;
+ iChat = NULL;
+ delete iPreSendPause;
+ iPreSendPause = NULL;
+ CommClose();
+ }
+Deletes iChat.
+Deletes iPreSendPause.
+Calls CommDelete().
+ {
+ iCommsChannel.Close();
+ delete iChat;
+ delete iPreSendPause;
+ CommDelete();
+ }
+void CScriptIO::Start()
+Starts write.
+ {
+ CommWriteReady();
+ iWritePending=ETrue;
+ iChat->StartTimer(KWriteTimeOutSec*KOneSecInMicroSecs);
+ }
+void CScriptIO::CommReadComplete(TInt aStatus)
+Reads completely - stops timer and if no error checks string against the desired string
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString1,"Script:\tRead Complete");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString1());
+ if(aStatus==KErrCommsLineFail)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tComms Error %d");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC8>(logString2()),aStatus);
+ iChat->StopTimer();
+ iReadPending=EFalse;
+ TRAPD(ret,iScriptExecutor->CompletedReadL(KErrCommsLineFail));
+ if (KErrNone != ret)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString6,"Script:\tCompleteReadL Failure");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString6());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iReadPending,NetDialPanic(EIllegalReadComplete));
+ iReadPending=EFalse;
+ if (aStatus==KErrCommsFrame)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString3,"Script:\tComms Error %d");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString3()),aStatus);
+ User::After(KClockTick); // wait for a clock tick and continue
+ aStatus=KErrNone;
+ }
+ else if (aStatus!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ TRAPD(ret,iScriptExecutor->CompletedReadL(aStatus));
+ if (KErrNone != ret)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString7,"Script:\tCompleteReadL Failure");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString7());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+ _LIT(logString4,"Rx:\t%S");
+ TBuf16<KLogBufferSize> temp;
+ temp.Copy(iRxBuffer.Left(Min(iRxBuffer.Length(),KLogBufferSize)));
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString4()),&temp);
+ if (iScriptExecutor->RequestUsePct())
+ {
+ TInt err=iScriptExecutor->WritePct(iRxBuffer);
+ if (err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ TRAPD(ret,iScriptExecutor->CompletedReadL(err));
+ if (KErrNone != ret)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString8,"Script:\tCompleteReadL Failure");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString8());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!iScriptExecutor->ReadPctPending())
+ {
+ for (iRxBufOffset=0; iRxBufOffset<iRxBuffer.Length(); iRxBufOffset++)
+ {
+ iChat->AddChar(iRxBuffer[iRxBufOffset]);
+ if(iStringFound!=-1)
+ {
+ iExcessData.Set(iRxBuffer.Right(iRxBuffer.Length()-iRxBufOffset-1));
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+ _LIT(logString5,"Script:\tExcess data buffer set to: %S");
+ TBuf16<KLogBufferSize> temp;
+ temp.Copy(iExcessData.Left(Min(iExcessData.Length(),KLogBufferSize)));
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString5()),&temp);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ iStringFound=KErrNotFound;
+ if(iStringFound!=KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ iChat->StopTimer();
+ TRAPD(ret,iScriptExecutor->CompletedReadL(aStatus,iStringFound));
+ if (KErrNone != ret)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString9,"Script:\tCompleteReadL Failure");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString9());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iReadPending=ETrue;
+ CommReadOneOrMore(iRxBuffer);
+ }
+ }
+void CScriptIO::CommWriteComplete(TInt aStatus)
+Writes completely - stops timer
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tWrite Complete");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
+ iChat->StopTimer();
+ if(aStatus==KErrCommsLineFail)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tComms Error %d");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString2(),aStatus);
+ iWritePending=EFalse;
+ iScriptExecutor->CompletedWrite(KErrCommsLineFail);
+ return;
+ }
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iWritePending,NetDialPanic(EIllegalWriteComplete));
+ iWritePending=EFalse;
+ if(aStatus==KErrCommsFrame) // ignore Comms Frame Error
+ aStatus=KErrNone;
+ iScriptExecutor->CompletedWrite(aStatus);
+ }
+void CScriptIO::ChatStringMatch(TInt aIndex)
+Logs matching string found and sets iStringFound to aIndex.
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tMatching String Found %d");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC8>(logString()),aIndex);
+ iStringFound=aIndex;
+ }
+void CScriptIO::ChatTimeout()
+Timeout has occurred without while read/write pending. Calls executor with error.
+ {
+ CommCancel();
+ if(iWritePending)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString1,"Script:\tWrite Chat Time Out");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString1());
+ iWritePending=EFalse;
+ iScriptExecutor->CompletedWrite(KErrTimedOut);
+ }
+ else if(iReadPending)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString2,"Script:\tRead Chat Time Out");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString2());
+ iReadPending=EFalse;
+ TRAPD(ret,iScriptExecutor->CompletedReadL(KErrTimedOut));
+ if (KErrNone != ret)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString3,"Script:\tCompleteReadL Failure");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString3());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ NetDialPanic(EIllegalTimeOutComplete);
+ }
+void CScriptIO::Read(CLabelSearchArray* aSearchArray, const TReal& aTimeOut)
+Read from port.
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aSearchArray!=NULL, NetDialPanic(ENullSearchArray));
+ iExcessData.Set(NULL,0); // clear excess data buffer
+ for(TInt i=0; i<aSearchArray->Count(); i++)
+ {
+ iChat->AddString((*aSearchArray)[i]->ChatString());
+ }
+ iReadPending=ETrue;
+ iStringFound=KErrNotFound;
+ TReal realTimeInterval=aTimeOut*KTRealOneSecInMicroSecs;
+ TInt timeInterval=TInt(realTimeInterval);
+ if (realTimeInterval>TReal(timeInterval))
+ timeInterval++;
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tRead Pending In %d Microseconds");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString(),timeInterval);
+ iChat->StartTimer(timeInterval);
+ CommReadOneOrMore(iRxBuffer);
+ iRxBufOffset=0;
+ }
+void CScriptIO::ReadEcho()
+Reads echo.
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tRead Echo");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
+ iExcessData.Set(NULL,0); // clear excess data buffer
+ iReadPending=ETrue;
+ iChat->StartTimer(KMaxTInt);
+ CommReadOneOrMore(iRxBuffer);
+ iRxBufOffset=0;
+ }
+void CScriptIO::Write(const TDesC8& aString)
+Writes to port - start pre-send pause, when it completes, will start write.
+ {
+ if (aString.Length()>KTxBufferSize)
+ iTxBuffer.Copy(aString.Left(KTxBufferSize));
+ else
+ iTxBuffer.Copy(aString);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iWritePending, NetDialPanic(EIllegalWritePending));
+ iWritePending=ETrue;
+ iPreSendPause->Start();
+ }
+void CScriptIO::PreSendPauseCompleted()
+PreSend pause is finished, can now do write.
+ {
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+ _LIT(logString,"Tx:\t%S");
+ TBuf16<KLogBufferSize> temp;
+ temp.Copy(iTxBuffer.Left(Min(iTxBuffer.Length(),KLogBufferSize)));
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString()),&temp);
+ CommWrite(iTxBuffer);
+ iChat->StartTimer(KWriteTimeOutSec*KOneSecInMicroSecs);
+ }
+TBool CScriptIO::RWPending()
+Returns true if a read or write is pending.
+ {
+ return (iWritePending)||(iReadPending);
+ }
+TInt CScriptIO::GetExcessData(TDes8& aBuffer)
+Gets excess data.
+ {
+ TInt len=aBuffer.Length();
+ if(iExcessData.Length()>len)
+ aBuffer.Copy(iExcessData.Right(len));
+ else
+ aBuffer.Copy(iExcessData);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CScriptIO::Disconnect()
+Disconnection - resets handshaking and closes comm port.
+ {
+ Cancel();
+/* TCommConfig cbuf;
+ TCommConfigV01 &cfg=cbuf();
+ iCommPort.Config(cbuf);
+ cfg.iHandshake = KConfigFreeRTS | KConfigFreeDTR;
+ iCommPort.SetConfig(cbuf); // ignore return value
+ iCommPort.SetSignalsToSpace(KSignalRTS | KSignalDTR);
+ // Don't issue a CommClose() if we have already issued it before.
+ if (!iCommClosed)
+ {
+ CommClose();
+ }
+ }
+void CScriptIO::ReConfigureAndCancelPort(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+Cancels and reconfigures Comm Port to allow RTS and DTR to be subsequently dropped (see also DropSignals()).
+@param aStatus TRequestStatus to complete once Comm Port is configured.
+ {
+ using namespace BasebandChannelAdaptation;
+ Cancel();
+ // Someone has (presumably accidentally) defined Ioctls KSerialConfig and KSerialSetConfig as
+ // requiring a package buffer within a package buffer, hence the use of "()()".
+ iConfig()().iHandshake = KConfigFreeRTS | KConfigFreeDTR;
+ iBca->Ioctl(aStatus, KBcaOptLevelExtSerial, KSerialSetConfig, iConfig);
+ }
+void CScriptIO::DropSignals(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+Drop RTS and DTR. Occurs once ReConfigureAndCancelPort() has released the signals.
+@param aStatus TRequestStatus to complete once signals have been dropped.
+ {
+ SetControlLines(&aStatus, 0, KSignalRTS | KSignalDTR);
+ }
+void CScriptIO::Cancel()
+Cancel - cancels timers and read/write
+ {
+ CommCancel();
+ if (iPreSendPause)
+ {
+ iPreSendPause->Cancel();
+ }
+ iReadPending=EFalse;
+ iWritePending=EFalse;
+ iExcessData.Set(NULL,0);
+ if (iChat)
+ {
+ iChat->StopTimer();
+ iChat->DeleteAllAndStop();
+ }
+ }
+void CScriptIO::ReadEchoCancel()
+Cancel read - cancels timers and read
+ {
+ CommReadCancel();
+ iReadPending=EFalse;
+ iExcessData.Set(NULL,0);
+ iChat->StopTimer();
+ }
+void CScriptIO::DropDTR(TRequestStatus* aStatusPtr)
+Drop DTR.
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ SetControlLines(aStatusPtr, 0, KSignalDTR);
+ }
+void CScriptIO::RaiseDTR(TRequestStatus* aStatusPtr)
+Raide DTR.
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ SetControlLines(aStatusPtr, KSignalDTR, 0);
+ }
+void CScriptIO::SetControlLines(TRequestStatus* aStatusPtr, TUint aSetMask, TUint aClearMask)
+Issue request to BCA to alter control lines.
+ {
+ using namespace BasebandChannelAdaptation;
+ TPckgBuf<TSerialSetControlLines> lines;
+ lines().iSetMask = aSetMask;
+ lines().iClearMask = aClearMask;
+ if (aStatusPtr == NULL)
+ {
+ // During conversion from RComm to BCA, synchronous behaviour was allowed in this particular circumstance.
+ // This is to avoid wholesale changes to the CSD Agent to accomodate rarely (if ever) traversed
+ // code paths. The original RComm based code would previously issue a synchronous RComm::SetSignals()
+ // call at this point, so the synchronous behaviour here is no worse than before.
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ iBca->Ioctl(status, KBcaOptLevelExtSerial, KSerialSetControlLines, lines);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iBca->Ioctl(*aStatusPtr, KBcaOptLevelExtSerial, KSerialSetControlLines, lines);
+ }
+ }
+const TDesC& CScriptIO::BcaStack()
+ {
+ ASSERT(iScriptExecutor);
+ return iScriptExecutor->BcaStack();
+ }
+TInt CScriptIO::IapId()
+ {
+ ASSERT(iScriptExecutor);
+ return iScriptExecutor->IapId();
+ }
+// CPreSendPause definitions
+CPreSendPause* CPreSendPause::NewL(CScriptIO* aNotifier)
+2 phased constructor for CPreSendPause, first phase.
+@param aNotifier a pointer to script IO notifier.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CPreSendPause object.
+ {
+ CPreSendPause* p=new(ELeave) CPreSendPause(aNotifier);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+ p->ConstructL(); // CTimer::ConstructL()
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return p;
+ }
+CPreSendPause::CPreSendPause(CScriptIO* aNotifier)
+ : CTimer(EPriorityStandard), iNotifier(aNotifier)
+Constructor for CScriptCharacterConverter, used in the first phase of construction.
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+void CPreSendPause::Start()
+Starts timer.
+ {
+ After(KPreSendPauseTimeMicroSec);
+ }
+void CPreSendPause::RunL()
+Notifies script IO that pause complete.
+ {
+ iNotifier->PreSendPauseCompleted();
+ }