--- a/telephonyprotocols/csdagt/script/SSCRREAD.CPP Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/csdagt/script/SSCRREAD.CPP Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,268 +1,268 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// NetDial Script reader
- @file Scrread.cpp
-#include "SSCRREAD.H"
-#include "ND_STD.H"
-#include "SLOGGER.H"
-// TLinePosition definitions
-TLinePosition::TLinePosition(TInt aLineCount,TInt aLineStart,TInt aLineLength,TInt aOffset)
- : iLineCount(aLineCount), iLineStart(aLineStart), iLineLength(aLineLength), iOffset(aOffset)
-Constructor for TLinePosition.
-@param aLineCount is line count.
-@param aLineStart is line start.
-@param aLineLength is line length.
-@param aOffset is line offset.
- {}
-TLinePosition& TLinePosition::operator=(const TLinePosition& aLinePosition)
-TLinePosition =-operator.
-@param aLinePosition a reference to line position for comparison.
- {
- iLineCount=aLinePosition.iLineCount;
- iLineStart=aLinePosition.iLineStart;
- iLineLength=aLinePosition.iLineLength;
- iOffset=aLinePosition.iOffset;
- return (*this);
- }
-void TLinePosition::Reset()
- {
- iLineCount=0;
- iLineStart=0;
- iLineLength=0;
- iOffset=0;
- }
-// TScriptStatus definitions
-TScriptStatus::TScriptStatus(TInt& aOffset,TPtrC& aLine,TBool& aSkip,TBool& aSkipModeToggleReq)
- : iOffset(aOffset), iLine(aLine), iSkip(aSkip), iSkipModeToggleReq(aSkipModeToggleReq)
-Constructor for TScriptStatus.
-@param aOffset a reference to script offset.
-@param aLine a reference to script line.
-@param aSkip a reference to skip
-@param aSkipModeToggleReq a reference to skip mode toggle.
- {}
-TScriptStatus::TScriptStatus(const TScriptStatus& aStatus)
- : iOffset(aStatus.iOffset), iLine(aStatus.iLine), iSkip(aStatus.iSkip), iSkipModeToggleReq(aStatus.iSkipModeToggleReq)
-Constructor for TScriptStatus.
-@param aStatus a reference to script status.
- {}
-// CScriptReader (NetDial Script Reader) definitions
-CScriptReader* CScriptReader::NewL(TInt aBufferSize)
-2 phased constructor for CScriptReader, first phase.
-@param aBufferSize is buffer size for script reader.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CScriptReader object.
- {
- CScriptReader* p=new(ELeave) CScriptReader();
- CleanupStack::PushL(p);
- p->ConstructL(aBufferSize);
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return p;
- }
- : iScript(NULL,0), iCurrentPosition()
-Constructor for CScriptReader, used in the first phase of construction.
- {}
-void CScriptReader::ConstructL(TInt aBufferSize)
-Instantiate member variables.
-@param aBufferSize is buffer size for script reader.
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tCreating Buffer Of Size %d");)
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC8>(logString()),aBufferSize);
- iScriptBuffer=HBufC::NewL(aBufferSize);
- TPtr temp=iScriptBuffer->Des();
- iScript.Set(temp);
- iLoggingOn=ETrue;
- }
-Delete members.
- {
- delete iScriptBuffer;
- }
-void CScriptReader::SetScript(const TDesC& aScript)
-Set script and reset buffers.
-@param aScript a reference to used script.
- {
- iScript.Copy(aScript);
- iCurrentPosition.Reset();
- iScriptSet=ETrue;
- iSkip=EFalse;
- }
-TBool CScriptReader::IsScriptSet() const
-Set script and reset buffers.
-@return iScriptSet flag.
- {
- return iScriptSet;
- }
-TScriptStatus CScriptReader::ScriptStatus()
-Set script and reset buffers.
-@return TScriptStatus.
- {
- return TScriptStatus(iCurrentPosition.iOffset,iCurrentLine,iSkip,iSkipModeToggleReq);
- }
-TInt CScriptReader::GetNextLine()
-Get next line.
-@return current line from GetCurrentLine().
- {
- iCurrentPosition.iLineStart+=iCurrentPosition.iLineLength; // adjust to the start of the next line
- return GetCurrentLine();
- }
-TInt CScriptReader::GetCurrentLine()
-Get current line.
-@return current line.
- {
- TInt activeLen=iScript.Length()-iCurrentPosition.iLineStart; // length of the script which is still unread
- if (activeLen==0)
- return KErrScriptCompleted;
- TPtrC activeDes;
- activeDes.Set(iScript.Right(activeLen));
- TBool isLastLineWithoutReturn=EFalse;
- TInt posCR=activeDes.Locate(KCarriageReturn);
- TInt posLF=activeDes.Locate(KLineFeed);
- if(posCR==KErrNotFound && posLF==KErrNotFound)
- isLastLineWithoutReturn=ETrue;
- if (isLastLineWithoutReturn)
- iCurrentPosition.iLineLength=activeDes.Length();
- else
- {
- if (posCR==KErrNotFound)
- posCR = KMaxTInt;
- if (posLF==KErrNotFound)
- posLF = KMaxTInt;
- TInt pos = Min(posCR,posLF);
- iCurrentPosition.iLineLength=pos+1;
- }
- iCurrentLine.Set(activeDes.Left(iCurrentPosition.iLineLength)); // for script status
- iCurrentPosition.iOffset=0;
- iCurrentPosition.iLineCount++;
- if (iLoggingOn)
- {
- TBuf<KLogBufferSize> line;
- line.Copy(activeDes.Left(Min(KLogBufferSize,iCurrentPosition.iLineLength)));
- if (iSkip)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString1,"Script Line #%d:\t[Skip] : %S");)
- __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString1()),iCurrentPosition.iLineCount,&line);
- }
- else
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString2,"Script Line #%d:\t%S");)
- __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString2()),iCurrentPosition.iLineCount,&line);
- }
- }
- return KErrNone;
- }
-void CScriptReader::CurrentPos(TLinePosition& aPosition,TInt aOffset)
-Get the current position and change the offset to aOffset.
-@param aPosition a reference to line position.
-@param aOffset is offset.
- {
- aPosition=iCurrentPosition;
- aPosition.iOffset=aOffset;
- }
-void CScriptReader::SetCurrentPos(TLinePosition aPosition)
-Set current position to aPos and aLine
-@param aPosition is line position.
- {
- iCurrentPosition=aPosition;
- }
-TInt CScriptReader::Reset()
-Reset counters and flags
- {
- iLoggingOn=ETrue;
- iCurrentPosition.Reset();
- TInt ret=GetCurrentLine();
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iScriptSet || ret==KErrNone, User::Invariant());
- GetCurrentLine();
- iSkip=EFalse;
- iSkipModeToggleReq=EFalse;
- return ret;
- }
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// NetDial Script reader
+ @file Scrread.cpp
+#include "SSCRREAD.H"
+#include "ND_STD.H"
+#include "SLOGGER.H"
+// TLinePosition definitions
+TLinePosition::TLinePosition(TInt aLineCount,TInt aLineStart,TInt aLineLength,TInt aOffset)
+ : iLineCount(aLineCount), iLineStart(aLineStart), iLineLength(aLineLength), iOffset(aOffset)
+Constructor for TLinePosition.
+@param aLineCount is line count.
+@param aLineStart is line start.
+@param aLineLength is line length.
+@param aOffset is line offset.
+ {}
+TLinePosition& TLinePosition::operator=(const TLinePosition& aLinePosition)
+TLinePosition =-operator.
+@param aLinePosition a reference to line position for comparison.
+ {
+ iLineCount=aLinePosition.iLineCount;
+ iLineStart=aLinePosition.iLineStart;
+ iLineLength=aLinePosition.iLineLength;
+ iOffset=aLinePosition.iOffset;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+void TLinePosition::Reset()
+ {
+ iLineCount=0;
+ iLineStart=0;
+ iLineLength=0;
+ iOffset=0;
+ }
+// TScriptStatus definitions
+TScriptStatus::TScriptStatus(TInt& aOffset,TPtrC& aLine,TBool& aSkip,TBool& aSkipModeToggleReq)
+ : iOffset(aOffset), iLine(aLine), iSkip(aSkip), iSkipModeToggleReq(aSkipModeToggleReq)
+Constructor for TScriptStatus.
+@param aOffset a reference to script offset.
+@param aLine a reference to script line.
+@param aSkip a reference to skip
+@param aSkipModeToggleReq a reference to skip mode toggle.
+ {}
+TScriptStatus::TScriptStatus(const TScriptStatus& aStatus)
+ : iOffset(aStatus.iOffset), iLine(aStatus.iLine), iSkip(aStatus.iSkip), iSkipModeToggleReq(aStatus.iSkipModeToggleReq)
+Constructor for TScriptStatus.
+@param aStatus a reference to script status.
+ {}
+// CScriptReader (NetDial Script Reader) definitions
+CScriptReader* CScriptReader::NewL(TInt aBufferSize)
+2 phased constructor for CScriptReader, first phase.
+@param aBufferSize is buffer size for script reader.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CScriptReader object.
+ {
+ CScriptReader* p=new(ELeave) CScriptReader();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+ p->ConstructL(aBufferSize);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return p;
+ }
+ : iScript(NULL,0), iCurrentPosition()
+Constructor for CScriptReader, used in the first phase of construction.
+ {}
+void CScriptReader::ConstructL(TInt aBufferSize)
+Instantiate member variables.
+@param aBufferSize is buffer size for script reader.
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"Script:\tCreating Buffer Of Size %d");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC8>(logString()),aBufferSize);
+ iScriptBuffer=HBufC::NewL(aBufferSize);
+ TPtr temp=iScriptBuffer->Des();
+ iScript.Set(temp);
+ iLoggingOn=ETrue;
+ }
+Delete members.
+ {
+ delete iScriptBuffer;
+ }
+void CScriptReader::SetScript(const TDesC& aScript)
+Set script and reset buffers.
+@param aScript a reference to used script.
+ {
+ iScript.Copy(aScript);
+ iCurrentPosition.Reset();
+ iScriptSet=ETrue;
+ iSkip=EFalse;
+ }
+TBool CScriptReader::IsScriptSet() const
+Set script and reset buffers.
+@return iScriptSet flag.
+ {
+ return iScriptSet;
+ }
+TScriptStatus CScriptReader::ScriptStatus()
+Set script and reset buffers.
+@return TScriptStatus.
+ {
+ return TScriptStatus(iCurrentPosition.iOffset,iCurrentLine,iSkip,iSkipModeToggleReq);
+ }
+TInt CScriptReader::GetNextLine()
+Get next line.
+@return current line from GetCurrentLine().
+ {
+ iCurrentPosition.iLineStart+=iCurrentPosition.iLineLength; // adjust to the start of the next line
+ return GetCurrentLine();
+ }
+TInt CScriptReader::GetCurrentLine()
+Get current line.
+@return current line.
+ {
+ TInt activeLen=iScript.Length()-iCurrentPosition.iLineStart; // length of the script which is still unread
+ if (activeLen==0)
+ return KErrScriptCompleted;
+ TPtrC activeDes;
+ activeDes.Set(iScript.Right(activeLen));
+ TBool isLastLineWithoutReturn=EFalse;
+ TInt posCR=activeDes.Locate(KCarriageReturn);
+ TInt posLF=activeDes.Locate(KLineFeed);
+ if(posCR==KErrNotFound && posLF==KErrNotFound)
+ isLastLineWithoutReturn=ETrue;
+ if (isLastLineWithoutReturn)
+ iCurrentPosition.iLineLength=activeDes.Length();
+ else
+ {
+ if (posCR==KErrNotFound)
+ posCR = KMaxTInt;
+ if (posLF==KErrNotFound)
+ posLF = KMaxTInt;
+ TInt pos = Min(posCR,posLF);
+ iCurrentPosition.iLineLength=pos+1;
+ }
+ iCurrentLine.Set(activeDes.Left(iCurrentPosition.iLineLength)); // for script status
+ iCurrentPosition.iOffset=0;
+ iCurrentPosition.iLineCount++;
+ if (iLoggingOn)
+ {
+ TBuf<KLogBufferSize> line;
+ line.Copy(activeDes.Left(Min(KLogBufferSize,iCurrentPosition.iLineLength)));
+ if (iSkip)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString1,"Script Line #%d:\t[Skip] : %S");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString1()),iCurrentPosition.iLineCount,&line);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString2,"Script Line #%d:\t%S");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(logString2()),iCurrentPosition.iLineCount,&line);
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CScriptReader::CurrentPos(TLinePosition& aPosition,TInt aOffset)
+Get the current position and change the offset to aOffset.
+@param aPosition a reference to line position.
+@param aOffset is offset.
+ {
+ aPosition=iCurrentPosition;
+ aPosition.iOffset=aOffset;
+ }
+void CScriptReader::SetCurrentPos(TLinePosition aPosition)
+Set current position to aPos and aLine
+@param aPosition is line position.
+ {
+ iCurrentPosition=aPosition;
+ }
+TInt CScriptReader::Reset()
+Reset counters and flags
+ {
+ iLoggingOn=ETrue;
+ iCurrentPosition.Reset();
+ TInt ret=GetCurrentLine();
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iScriptSet || ret==KErrNone, User::Invariant());
+ GetCurrentLine();
+ iSkip=EFalse;
+ iSkipModeToggleReq=EFalse;
+ return ret;
+ }