--- a/telephonyprotocols/csdagt/script/SVARLAB.CPP Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/csdagt/script/SVARLAB.CPP Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,258 +1,258 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Variable and Label Storage/Retrieval
- @file Svarlab.cpp
-#include "SVARLAB.H"
-#include "ND_STD.H"
-#include "SSCRREAD.H"
-const TInt KLabelArrayGranularity=10;
-const TInt KVarArrayGranularity=20;
-const TInt KVarValueLength=15;
-// CScriptLabelMan definitions
-CScriptLabelMan* CScriptLabelMan::NewL()
-2 phased constructor for CScriptLabelMan, first phase.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CScriptLabelMan object.
- {
- CScriptLabelMan* m=new(ELeave) CScriptLabelMan();
- CleanupStack::PushL(m);
- m->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return m;
- }
-Constructor for CScriptReader, used in the first phase of construction.
- {}
-void CScriptLabelMan::ConstructL()
-Instantiate member variables.
- {
- iLabelArray=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TLabel>(KLabelArrayGranularity);
- }
-Delete members.
- {
- DeleteAll();
- delete iLabelArray;
- }
-void CScriptLabelMan::AddLabelL(const TDesC& aLabelName,const TLinePosition& aPosition)
-Add a label with name aLabelName and position aPosition to the array if it is
-not already in the array.
-@param aLabelName a reference to label name.
-@param aPosition a reference to script position.
- {
- if (aLabelName.Length()>KMaxLabelLength)
- User::Leave(KErrLabelNameTooLong);
- TLinePosition dummyPos;
- if (FindLabel(aLabelName,dummyPos)==KErrNotFound)
- {
- TLabel label;
- label.iName.CopyF(aLabelName);
- label.iPosition=aPosition;
- iLabelArray->AppendL(label);
- }
- else
- {
- // Encountered a label name that already exists - If it's
- // in EXACTLY the same place in the script as the existing
- // instance then it's actually the SAME label re-visited as
- // a result of executing a loop/branch operation, if it's in
- // a different place then it's an error in the script...
- if ((aPosition.iLineCount != dummyPos.iLineCount) ||
- (aPosition.iOffset != dummyPos.iOffset))
- {
- User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
- }
- }
- }
-TInt CScriptLabelMan::FindLabel(const TDesC& aLabelName,TLinePosition& aPosition)
-Find label with name aLabelName and set aPos to position and aLine to line.
-@param aLabelName a reference to label name.
-@param aPosition a reference to script position.
-@return a KErrNone or KErrNotFound.
- {
- TInt index;
- for (index=0; index<iLabelArray->Count(); index++)
- {
- if((*iLabelArray)[index].iName.CompareF(aLabelName)==0)
- {
- aPosition=(*iLabelArray)[index].iPosition;
- return KErrNone;
- }
- }
- return KErrNotFound;
- }
-void CScriptLabelMan::DeleteAll()
-Delete all labels from the array
- {
- if (!iLabelArray)
- return;
- TInt count=iLabelArray->Count();
- iLabelArray->Delete(0,count);
- }
-// CScriptVarMan definitions
-CScriptVarMan* CScriptVarMan::NewL()
-2 phased constructor for CScriptVarMan, first phase.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CScriptVarMan object.
- {
- CScriptVarMan* m=new(ELeave) CScriptVarMan();
- CleanupStack::PushL(m);
- m->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return m;
- }
-Constructor for CScriptReader, used in the first phase of construction.
- {}
-void CScriptVarMan::ConstructL()
-Instantiate member variables.
- {
- iVarArray=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TVar>(KVarArrayGranularity);
- }
-Delete members.
- {
- DeleteAll();
- delete iVarArray;
- }
-void CScriptVarMan::AddVariableL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aContent)
-Add variable with name aName and aContent to the array
-@param aName a reference to variable name.
-@param aContent a reference to content.
- {
- if (aName.Length()>KMaxVarNameLength)
- User::Leave(KErrVariableNameTooLong);
- HBufC* contentCopy=HBufC::NewLC(aContent.Length());
- contentCopy->Des().Copy(aContent);
- TPtrC dummy;
- if (FindVariable(aName,dummy)==KErrNotFound)
- {
- TVar var;
- var.iContent=contentCopy;
- var.iName.CopyF(aName);
- iVarArray->AppendL(var);
- }
- else
- {
- delete (*iVarArray)[iIndex].iContent; // FindVariable() will have set iIndex correctly
- (*iVarArray)[iIndex].iContent=contentCopy;
- }
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- }
-void CScriptVarMan::AddVariableL(const TDesC& aName,TInt aVal)
-Add variable with name aName and value aVal to the array
-@param aName a reference to variable name.
-@param aVal is variable value.
- {
- TBuf<KVarValueLength> buf;
- buf.Format(KIntegerVariableString,aVal);
- AddVariableL(aName,buf);
- }
-TInt CScriptVarMan::FindVariable(const TDesC& aName,TPtrC& aContent)
-Find variable with name aName and put its value in aContent
-@param aName a reference to variable name.
-@param aContent a reference to content.
-@return a KErrNone or KErrNotFound.
- {
- for (iIndex=0; iIndex<iVarArray->Count(); iIndex++)
- {
- if ((*iVarArray)[iIndex].iName.CompareF(aName)==0)
- {
- aContent.Set((*iVarArray)[iIndex].iContent->Des());
- return KErrNone;
- }
- }
- return KErrNotFound;
- }
-void CScriptVarMan::DeleteAll()
-Delete all variables from the array
- {
- if (!iVarArray)
- return;
- TInt i;
- for (i=0; i<iVarArray->Count(); i++)
- delete (*iVarArray)[i].iContent;
- iVarArray->Reset();
- }
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Variable and Label Storage/Retrieval
+ @file Svarlab.cpp
+#include "SVARLAB.H"
+#include "ND_STD.H"
+#include "SSCRREAD.H"
+const TInt KLabelArrayGranularity=10;
+const TInt KVarArrayGranularity=20;
+const TInt KVarValueLength=15;
+// CScriptLabelMan definitions
+CScriptLabelMan* CScriptLabelMan::NewL()
+2 phased constructor for CScriptLabelMan, first phase.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CScriptLabelMan object.
+ {
+ CScriptLabelMan* m=new(ELeave) CScriptLabelMan();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(m);
+ m->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return m;
+ }
+Constructor for CScriptReader, used in the first phase of construction.
+ {}
+void CScriptLabelMan::ConstructL()
+Instantiate member variables.
+ {
+ iLabelArray=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TLabel>(KLabelArrayGranularity);
+ }
+Delete members.
+ {
+ DeleteAll();
+ delete iLabelArray;
+ }
+void CScriptLabelMan::AddLabelL(const TDesC& aLabelName,const TLinePosition& aPosition)
+Add a label with name aLabelName and position aPosition to the array if it is
+not already in the array.
+@param aLabelName a reference to label name.
+@param aPosition a reference to script position.
+ {
+ if (aLabelName.Length()>KMaxLabelLength)
+ User::Leave(KErrLabelNameTooLong);
+ TLinePosition dummyPos;
+ if (FindLabel(aLabelName,dummyPos)==KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ TLabel label;
+ label.iName.CopyF(aLabelName);
+ label.iPosition=aPosition;
+ iLabelArray->AppendL(label);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Encountered a label name that already exists - If it's
+ // in EXACTLY the same place in the script as the existing
+ // instance then it's actually the SAME label re-visited as
+ // a result of executing a loop/branch operation, if it's in
+ // a different place then it's an error in the script...
+ if ((aPosition.iLineCount != dummyPos.iLineCount) ||
+ (aPosition.iOffset != dummyPos.iOffset))
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TInt CScriptLabelMan::FindLabel(const TDesC& aLabelName,TLinePosition& aPosition)
+Find label with name aLabelName and set aPos to position and aLine to line.
+@param aLabelName a reference to label name.
+@param aPosition a reference to script position.
+@return a KErrNone or KErrNotFound.
+ {
+ TInt index;
+ for (index=0; index<iLabelArray->Count(); index++)
+ {
+ if((*iLabelArray)[index].iName.CompareF(aLabelName)==0)
+ {
+ aPosition=(*iLabelArray)[index].iPosition;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+void CScriptLabelMan::DeleteAll()
+Delete all labels from the array
+ {
+ if (!iLabelArray)
+ return;
+ TInt count=iLabelArray->Count();
+ iLabelArray->Delete(0,count);
+ }
+// CScriptVarMan definitions
+CScriptVarMan* CScriptVarMan::NewL()
+2 phased constructor for CScriptVarMan, first phase.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CScriptVarMan object.
+ {
+ CScriptVarMan* m=new(ELeave) CScriptVarMan();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(m);
+ m->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return m;
+ }
+Constructor for CScriptReader, used in the first phase of construction.
+ {}
+void CScriptVarMan::ConstructL()
+Instantiate member variables.
+ {
+ iVarArray=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TVar>(KVarArrayGranularity);
+ }
+Delete members.
+ {
+ DeleteAll();
+ delete iVarArray;
+ }
+void CScriptVarMan::AddVariableL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aContent)
+Add variable with name aName and aContent to the array
+@param aName a reference to variable name.
+@param aContent a reference to content.
+ {
+ if (aName.Length()>KMaxVarNameLength)
+ User::Leave(KErrVariableNameTooLong);
+ HBufC* contentCopy=HBufC::NewLC(aContent.Length());
+ contentCopy->Des().Copy(aContent);
+ TPtrC dummy;
+ if (FindVariable(aName,dummy)==KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ TVar var;
+ var.iContent=contentCopy;
+ var.iName.CopyF(aName);
+ iVarArray->AppendL(var);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete (*iVarArray)[iIndex].iContent; // FindVariable() will have set iIndex correctly
+ (*iVarArray)[iIndex].iContent=contentCopy;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ }
+void CScriptVarMan::AddVariableL(const TDesC& aName,TInt aVal)
+Add variable with name aName and value aVal to the array
+@param aName a reference to variable name.
+@param aVal is variable value.
+ {
+ TBuf<KVarValueLength> buf;
+ buf.Format(KIntegerVariableString,aVal);
+ AddVariableL(aName,buf);
+ }
+TInt CScriptVarMan::FindVariable(const TDesC& aName,TPtrC& aContent)
+Find variable with name aName and put its value in aContent
+@param aName a reference to variable name.
+@param aContent a reference to content.
+@return a KErrNone or KErrNotFound.
+ {
+ for (iIndex=0; iIndex<iVarArray->Count(); iIndex++)
+ {
+ if ((*iVarArray)[iIndex].iName.CompareF(aName)==0)
+ {
+ aContent.Set((*iVarArray)[iIndex].iContent->Des());
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+void CScriptVarMan::DeleteAll()
+Delete all variables from the array
+ {
+ if (!iVarArray)
+ return;
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0; i<iVarArray->Count(); i++)
+ delete (*iVarArray)[i].iContent;
+ iVarArray->Reset();
+ }