--- a/telephonyprotocols/csdagt/src/Nd_dlinStates.cpp Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/csdagt/src/Nd_dlinStates.cpp Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,618 +1,618 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Dial In States
- @file Nd_dlinstates.cpp
-#include "ND_DLIN.H"
-#include "Nd_dlinStates.h"
-#include "SLOGGER.H"
-#include <comms-infras/eventlogger.h>
-#include <csdprog.h>
-#include "ND_DBACC.H"
-#include "Nd_CallBack.h"
-const TInt KDefaultCallBackTimeMicroSec=90000000; //< 1.5 minutes
-CDlInInit* CDlInInit::NewL(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
-Initial State Definition
-2 phased constructor for CDlInInit, first phase.
-@param aSMObserver a reference to state machine observer.
-@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CDlInInit object.
- {
- CDlInInit* r=new(ELeave) CDlInInit(aSMObserver, aNdEnv);
- CleanupStack::PushL(r);
- r->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return r;
- }
-Cancel active request.
- {
- Cancel();
- }
-CDlInInit::CDlInInit(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
- : CAgentStateBase(aSMObserver),iNdEnv(&aNdEnv)
-Private constructor for CDlInInit, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aSMObserver a reference to the database accessor.
-@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
- {}
-void CDlInInit::ConstructL()
-Instantiate Member variable.
- {}
-void CDlInInit::StartState()
-Starts dial in init state.
-Call JumpToRunl() with KErrNone.
- {
- JumpToRunl(KErrNone);
- }
-CAgentStateBase* CDlInInit::NextStateL(TBool aContinue)
-Changes to from init state to next state.
-If connection is not continued and iStatus is not KErrNone, create disconnect state.
-Else create answering state.
-@exception Leaves if NewL() leaves.
-@return a new CDlInDisconnect or CDlInAnswering object.
- {
- if(!aContinue||(iStatus!=KErrNone))
- {
- return CDlInDisconnect::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
- }
- else
- {
- return CDlInAnswering::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
- }
- }
-void CDlInInit::DoCancel()
-Cancels active requests.
- {
- }
-void CDlInInit::RunL()
-Dial in init completed.
-Call CompleteState() with iStatus.Int().
- {
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(iStatus==KErrNone, User::Invariant());
- (iNdEnv->BaseEnv())->CompleteState(iStatus.Int());
- }
-CDlInAnswering* CDlInAnswering::NewL(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
-Answering State Definition
-2 phased constructor for CDlInAnswering, first phase.
-@param aSMObserver a reference to state machine observer.
-@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CDlInAnswering object.
- {
- CDlInAnswering* r=new(ELeave) CDlInAnswering(aSMObserver, aNdEnv);
- CleanupStack::PushL(r);
- r->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return r;
- }
-Cancel active request.
- {
- Cancel();
- }
-CDlInAnswering::CDlInAnswering(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
- : CNdCallBackStateBase(aSMObserver),iNdEnv(&aNdEnv)
-Private constructor for CDlInAnswering, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aSMObserver a reference to the database accessor.
-@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
- {}
-void CDlInAnswering::ConstructL()
-Instantiate Member variable.
-Call CNdCallBackStateBase::ConstructL().
- {
- CNdCallBackStateBase::ConstructL();
- }
-void CDlInAnswering::StartState()
-Starts dial in answering state.
-Call UpdateProgress() with ECsdStartingAnswer and KErrNone.
-If call back is used, get call back timeout and start call back timer.
-Call WaitForIncomingCallL() from ETel server processor.
-If WaitForIncomingCallL() leaves, trap it and call JumpToRunl() with the leave error.
-Else set state active.
- {
- iSMObserver->UpdateProgress(ECsdStartingAnswer,KErrNone);
- if ((iNdEnv->BaseEnv())->CallBack())
- {
- TUint32 temp;
- TInt ret=(iNdEnv->NetDialDb())->GetCallbackTimeout(temp);
- TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 timer;
- if (ret!=KErrNone)
- timer=KDefaultCallBackTimeMicroSec;
- else
- timer=temp;
- iCallBackTimer->Start(timer);
- }
- TRAPD(err,(iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->WaitForIncomingCallL(*this));
- if(err!=KErrNone)
- {
- JumpToRunl(err);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- iStatus=KRequestPending;
- SetActive();
- }
- }
-CAgentStateBase* CDlInAnswering::NextStateL(TBool aContinue)
-Changes to from answering state to next state.
-If connection is not continued and iStatus is not KErrNone, create hangup state.
-Else if connection is not accepted, create answering state.
-Else create log call start state.
-@exception Leaves if NewL() leaves.
-@return a new CDlInHangUp, CDlInAnswering or CDlInLogCallStart object.
- {
- if(!aContinue||(iStatus!=KErrNone))
- {
- return CDlInHangUp::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
- }
- else if (!iConnectionAccepted)
- {
- return CDlInAnswering::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
- }
- else //succesful run of state
- {
- TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> remoteParty;
- iNdEnv->NetDialDb()->GetRemoteParty(remoteParty);
- iNdEnv->Logger()->LogDataAddEvent(R_LOG_CON_CONNECTED, remoteParty,R_LOG_DIR_IN,KNullDesC, KLogDataEventTypeUid);
- return CDlInOpen::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
- }
- }
-void CDlInAnswering::TelFunctionComplete(TInt aError)
-Dial in answer TelFunctionComplete.
-Complete state with aError.
-@param aError identifies the error code for completition.
- {
- TRequestStatus* status=&iStatus;
- User::RequestComplete(status,aError);
- }
-void CDlInAnswering::RunL()
-Dial in answer completed (should not complete if connection cancelled).
-If there is an error then signal it, otherwise advance phase.
-Answer is always asynchronous, so should never complete when cancelled
- {
- if ((NULL != iNdEnv->TelServPrc()) && (iStatus==KErrTimedOut)) // timer went off before call received
- (iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->Cancel();
- if (iCallBackTimer!=NULL)
- iCallBackTimer->Cancel();
- if(iStatus!=KErrNone)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString3,"Answering");)
- __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KCompletedPhaseLogString()), &logString3(), iStatus.Int());
- }
- else
- {
- TInt err=KErrNone;
- iConnectionAccepted=ETrue;
- if (!(iNdEnv->BaseEnv())->CallBack())
- err=iSMObserver->IncomingConnectionReceived();
- if (err==KErrNone)
- {
- iSMObserver->UpdateProgress(ECsdAnswered,KErrNone);
- iSMObserver->ServiceStarted();
- }
- else
- {
- iConnectionAccepted=EFalse;
- }
- }
- (iNdEnv->BaseEnv())->CompleteState(iStatus.Int());
- }
-void CDlInAnswering::DoCancel()
-Cancels active requests.
- {
- if ((iNdEnv->TelServPrc())!=NULL)
- (iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->Cancel();
- iCallBackTimer->Cancel();
- if(iStatus==KRequestPending)
- {
- TelFunctionComplete(KErrCancel);
- }
- }
-CDlInOpen* CDlInOpen::NewL(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
-Open State Definition
-2 phased constructor for CDlInOpen, first phase.
-@param aSMObserver a reference to state machine observer.
-@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CDlInOpen object.
- {
- CDlInOpen* r=new(ELeave) CDlInOpen(aSMObserver, aNdEnv);
- CleanupStack::PushL(r);
- r->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return r;
- }
-CDlInOpen::CDlInOpen(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
- : CAgentStateBase(aSMObserver),iNdEnv(&aNdEnv)
-Private constructor for CDlInOpen, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aSMObserver a reference to the database accessor.
-@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
- {}
-Cancel active request.
- {
- Cancel();
- }
-void CDlInOpen::ConstructL()
-Instantiate Member variable.
- {}
-void CDlInOpen::StartState()
-Starts dial in open state.
-Request COMM-port from ETEL, trap possible leave.
-Call JumpToRunl with error code from requesting COMM-port.
- {
- RCall::TCommPort commPort;
- TRAPD(err,(iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->GetCommPortL(commPort));
- JumpToRunl(err);
- }
-CAgentStateBase* CDlInOpen::NextStateL(TBool aContinue)
-Changes to from log call start state to next state.
-HangUp will be the next state whether or not a client has requested a connection cancel
-unless connection is lost on a callback connection. In which case a reconnection
-must be attempted, therefore return to dial up SM and redial.
-If connection is continued, create dialup init state.
-Else create hangup state.
-@exception Leaves if NewL() leaves.
-@return a new CDlUpInit or CDlInHangUp object.
- {
- if(aContinue)
- {
- // Redial the server to get it to do callback again
- return CDlUpInit::NewL(*iSMObserver,*iNdEnv);
- }
- else
- {
- // HangUp will be the next state whether or not a client has requested a connection cancel
- return CDlInHangUp::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
- }
- }
-void CDlInOpen::DoCancel()
-Cancels active requests.
- {
- }
-void CDlInOpen::RunL()
-Dial in open start completed.
-Call ConnectionComplete() with EConnectionOpen and iStatus.Int().
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"NetDial:\tConnection Open");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
- iSMObserver->ConnectionComplete(ECsdConnectionOpen,iStatus.Int());
- }
-CDlInDisconnect* CDlInDisconnect::NewL(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
-Disconnect State Definition
-2 phased constructor for CDlInDisconnect, first phase.
-@param aSMObserver a reference to state machine observer.
-@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CDlInDisconnect object.
- {
- CDlInDisconnect* r=new(ELeave) CDlInDisconnect(aSMObserver, aNdEnv);
- CleanupStack::PushL(r);
- r->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return r;
- }
-CDlInDisconnect::CDlInDisconnect(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
- : CAgentStateBase(aSMObserver),iNdEnv(&aNdEnv)
-Private constructor for CDlInDisconnect, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aSMObserver a reference to the database accessor.
-@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
- {}
-void CDlInDisconnect::ConstructL()
-Instantiate Member variable.
- {}
-Cancel active request.
- {
- Cancel();
- }
-void CDlInDisconnect::StartState()
-Starts dial in disconnect state.
-If ETel server processor is used, close it and possible opened objects.
-Call JumpToRunl with KErrNone.
- {
- if ((iNdEnv->TelServPrc())!=NULL)
- (iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->CloseCall();
- // We need to make sure that logging is finished before closing everything.
- // forward iStatus to the logger, which will be responsible to complete iStatus when it is finished.
- iStatus = KRequestPending;
- iNdEnv->Logger()->LogDataNotifyLastEventUpdate(&iStatus);
- SetActive();
- }
-CAgentStateBase* CDlInDisconnect::NextStateL(TBool /*aContinue*/)
-Returns the same disconnect state.
-@exception Leaves if NewL() leaves.
-@return a new CDlInDisconnect object.
- {
- return CDlInDisconnect::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
- }
-void CDlInDisconnect::DoCancel()
-Cancels active requests.
- {
- }
-void CDlInDisconnect::RunL()
-Dial in disconnect completed.
-Call DisconnectComplete().
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"NetDial:\tDisconnect Complete");)
- __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
- iSMObserver->DisconnectComplete();
- }
-CDlInHangUp* CDlInHangUp::NewL(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
-Hangup State Definition
-2 phased constructor for CDlInHangUp, first phase.
-@param aSMObserver a reference to state machine observer.
-@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
-@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
-@return a new CDlInHangUp object.
- {
- CDlInHangUp* r=new(ELeave) CDlInHangUp(aSMObserver, aNdEnv);
- CleanupStack::PushL(r);
- r->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return r;
- }
-CDlInHangUp::CDlInHangUp(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
- : CAgentStateBase(aSMObserver),iNdEnv(&aNdEnv)
-Private constructor for CDlInHangUp, used in the first phase of construction.
-@param aSMObserver a reference to the database accessor.
-@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
- {}
-void CDlInHangUp::ConstructL()
-Instantiate Member variable.
- {}
-Cancel active request.
- {
- Cancel();
- }
-void CDlInHangUp::StartState()
-Starts dial in hangup state.
-Call UpdateProgress with ECsdStartingHangUp and KErrNone.
-If COMM-port is loaned, return port to ETEL.
-If returning of COMM-port leaves, trap error and call JumpToRunl with error.
-If call is active, start hangup and set state active.
-Else call JumpToRunl() with KErrNone.
- {
- iSMObserver->UpdateProgress(ECsdStartingHangUp,KErrNone);
- if (iNdEnv->TelServPrc()->CommPortLoaned())
- {
- // returns ownership of the comm port to ETEL
- TRAPD(err,(iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->ReturnCommPortL());
- if(err!=KErrNone)
- {
- JumpToRunl(err);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (iNdEnv->TelServPrc()->CallActive())
- {
- (iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->StartHangUpAfterDialIn(*this);
- iStatus=KRequestPending;
- SetActive();
- }
- else
- JumpToRunl(KErrNone);
- }
-CAgentStateBase* CDlInHangUp::NextStateL(TBool /*aContinue*/)
-Changes to from init state to next state.
-Disconnect will be the next state whether or not a client has requested a connection cancel.
-Create disconnect state.
-@exception Leaves if NewL() leaves.
-@return a new CDlInDisconnect object.
- {
- return CDlInDisconnect::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
- }
-void CDlInHangUp::TelFunctionComplete(TInt aError)
-Dial in hangup TelFunctionComplete.
-Complete state with aError.
-@param aError identifies the error code for completition.
- {
- TRequestStatus* status=&iStatus;
- User::RequestComplete(status,aError);
- }
-void CDlInHangUp::DoCancel()
-Cancels active requests.
- {
- if((iNdEnv->TelServPrc())!=NULL)
- (iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->Cancel();
- if(iStatus==KRequestPending)
- {
- TelFunctionComplete(KErrCancel);
- }
- }
-void CDlInHangUp::RunL()
-Dial in hangup completed.
-If there is an error then signal it, otherwise advance phase
-Hangup is always asynchronous, so it should never complete when cancelled.
- {
- //update the log object
- iNdEnv->Logger()->LogDataUpdateEvent(R_LOG_CON_DISCONNECTED, KLogDataEventTypeUid);
- if(iStatus!=KErrNone)
- {
- __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString3,"Hanging Up");)
- __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KCompletedPhaseLogString()), &logString3(), iStatus.Int());
- }
- iSMObserver->UpdateProgress(ECsdFinishedHangUp,KErrNone);
- (iNdEnv->BaseEnv())->CompleteState(iStatus.Int());
- }
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Dial In States
+ @file Nd_dlinstates.cpp
+#include "ND_DLIN.H"
+#include "Nd_dlinStates.h"
+#include "SLOGGER.H"
+#include <comms-infras/eventlogger.h>
+#include <csdprog.h>
+#include "ND_DBACC.H"
+#include "Nd_CallBack.h"
+const TInt KDefaultCallBackTimeMicroSec=90000000; //< 1.5 minutes
+CDlInInit* CDlInInit::NewL(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
+Initial State Definition
+2 phased constructor for CDlInInit, first phase.
+@param aSMObserver a reference to state machine observer.
+@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CDlInInit object.
+ {
+ CDlInInit* r=new(ELeave) CDlInInit(aSMObserver, aNdEnv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(r);
+ r->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return r;
+ }
+Cancel active request.
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+CDlInInit::CDlInInit(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
+ : CAgentStateBase(aSMObserver),iNdEnv(&aNdEnv)
+Private constructor for CDlInInit, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aSMObserver a reference to the database accessor.
+@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
+ {}
+void CDlInInit::ConstructL()
+Instantiate Member variable.
+ {}
+void CDlInInit::StartState()
+Starts dial in init state.
+Call JumpToRunl() with KErrNone.
+ {
+ JumpToRunl(KErrNone);
+ }
+CAgentStateBase* CDlInInit::NextStateL(TBool aContinue)
+Changes to from init state to next state.
+If connection is not continued and iStatus is not KErrNone, create disconnect state.
+Else create answering state.
+@exception Leaves if NewL() leaves.
+@return a new CDlInDisconnect or CDlInAnswering object.
+ {
+ if(!aContinue||(iStatus!=KErrNone))
+ {
+ return CDlInDisconnect::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return CDlInAnswering::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
+ }
+ }
+void CDlInInit::DoCancel()
+Cancels active requests.
+ {
+ }
+void CDlInInit::RunL()
+Dial in init completed.
+Call CompleteState() with iStatus.Int().
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iStatus==KErrNone, User::Invariant());
+ (iNdEnv->BaseEnv())->CompleteState(iStatus.Int());
+ }
+CDlInAnswering* CDlInAnswering::NewL(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
+Answering State Definition
+2 phased constructor for CDlInAnswering, first phase.
+@param aSMObserver a reference to state machine observer.
+@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CDlInAnswering object.
+ {
+ CDlInAnswering* r=new(ELeave) CDlInAnswering(aSMObserver, aNdEnv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(r);
+ r->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return r;
+ }
+Cancel active request.
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+CDlInAnswering::CDlInAnswering(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
+ : CNdCallBackStateBase(aSMObserver),iNdEnv(&aNdEnv)
+Private constructor for CDlInAnswering, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aSMObserver a reference to the database accessor.
+@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
+ {}
+void CDlInAnswering::ConstructL()
+Instantiate Member variable.
+Call CNdCallBackStateBase::ConstructL().
+ {
+ CNdCallBackStateBase::ConstructL();
+ }
+void CDlInAnswering::StartState()
+Starts dial in answering state.
+Call UpdateProgress() with ECsdStartingAnswer and KErrNone.
+If call back is used, get call back timeout and start call back timer.
+Call WaitForIncomingCallL() from ETel server processor.
+If WaitForIncomingCallL() leaves, trap it and call JumpToRunl() with the leave error.
+Else set state active.
+ {
+ iSMObserver->UpdateProgress(ECsdStartingAnswer,KErrNone);
+ if ((iNdEnv->BaseEnv())->CallBack())
+ {
+ TUint32 temp;
+ TInt ret=(iNdEnv->NetDialDb())->GetCallbackTimeout(temp);
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 timer;
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ timer=KDefaultCallBackTimeMicroSec;
+ else
+ timer=temp;
+ iCallBackTimer->Start(timer);
+ }
+ TRAPD(err,(iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->WaitForIncomingCallL(*this));
+ if(err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ JumpToRunl(err);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iStatus=KRequestPending;
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ }
+CAgentStateBase* CDlInAnswering::NextStateL(TBool aContinue)
+Changes to from answering state to next state.
+If connection is not continued and iStatus is not KErrNone, create hangup state.
+Else if connection is not accepted, create answering state.
+Else create log call start state.
+@exception Leaves if NewL() leaves.
+@return a new CDlInHangUp, CDlInAnswering or CDlInLogCallStart object.
+ {
+ if(!aContinue||(iStatus!=KErrNone))
+ {
+ return CDlInHangUp::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
+ }
+ else if (!iConnectionAccepted)
+ {
+ return CDlInAnswering::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
+ }
+ else //succesful run of state
+ {
+ TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> remoteParty;
+ iNdEnv->NetDialDb()->GetRemoteParty(remoteParty);
+ iNdEnv->Logger()->LogDataAddEvent(R_LOG_CON_CONNECTED, remoteParty,R_LOG_DIR_IN,KNullDesC, KLogDataEventTypeUid);
+ return CDlInOpen::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
+ }
+ }
+void CDlInAnswering::TelFunctionComplete(TInt aError)
+Dial in answer TelFunctionComplete.
+Complete state with aError.
+@param aError identifies the error code for completition.
+ {
+ TRequestStatus* status=&iStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete(status,aError);
+ }
+void CDlInAnswering::RunL()
+Dial in answer completed (should not complete if connection cancelled).
+If there is an error then signal it, otherwise advance phase.
+Answer is always asynchronous, so should never complete when cancelled
+ {
+ if ((NULL != iNdEnv->TelServPrc()) && (iStatus==KErrTimedOut)) // timer went off before call received
+ (iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->Cancel();
+ if (iCallBackTimer!=NULL)
+ iCallBackTimer->Cancel();
+ if(iStatus!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString3,"Answering");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KCompletedPhaseLogString()), &logString3(), iStatus.Int());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt err=KErrNone;
+ iConnectionAccepted=ETrue;
+ if (!(iNdEnv->BaseEnv())->CallBack())
+ err=iSMObserver->IncomingConnectionReceived();
+ if (err==KErrNone)
+ {
+ iSMObserver->UpdateProgress(ECsdAnswered,KErrNone);
+ iSMObserver->ServiceStarted();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iConnectionAccepted=EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ (iNdEnv->BaseEnv())->CompleteState(iStatus.Int());
+ }
+void CDlInAnswering::DoCancel()
+Cancels active requests.
+ {
+ if ((iNdEnv->TelServPrc())!=NULL)
+ (iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->Cancel();
+ iCallBackTimer->Cancel();
+ if(iStatus==KRequestPending)
+ {
+ TelFunctionComplete(KErrCancel);
+ }
+ }
+CDlInOpen* CDlInOpen::NewL(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
+Open State Definition
+2 phased constructor for CDlInOpen, first phase.
+@param aSMObserver a reference to state machine observer.
+@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CDlInOpen object.
+ {
+ CDlInOpen* r=new(ELeave) CDlInOpen(aSMObserver, aNdEnv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(r);
+ r->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return r;
+ }
+CDlInOpen::CDlInOpen(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
+ : CAgentStateBase(aSMObserver),iNdEnv(&aNdEnv)
+Private constructor for CDlInOpen, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aSMObserver a reference to the database accessor.
+@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
+ {}
+Cancel active request.
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CDlInOpen::ConstructL()
+Instantiate Member variable.
+ {}
+void CDlInOpen::StartState()
+Starts dial in open state.
+Request COMM-port from ETEL, trap possible leave.
+Call JumpToRunl with error code from requesting COMM-port.
+ {
+ RCall::TCommPort commPort;
+ TRAPD(err,(iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->GetCommPortL(commPort));
+ JumpToRunl(err);
+ }
+CAgentStateBase* CDlInOpen::NextStateL(TBool aContinue)
+Changes to from log call start state to next state.
+HangUp will be the next state whether or not a client has requested a connection cancel
+unless connection is lost on a callback connection. In which case a reconnection
+must be attempted, therefore return to dial up SM and redial.
+If connection is continued, create dialup init state.
+Else create hangup state.
+@exception Leaves if NewL() leaves.
+@return a new CDlUpInit or CDlInHangUp object.
+ {
+ if(aContinue)
+ {
+ // Redial the server to get it to do callback again
+ return CDlUpInit::NewL(*iSMObserver,*iNdEnv);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // HangUp will be the next state whether or not a client has requested a connection cancel
+ return CDlInHangUp::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
+ }
+ }
+void CDlInOpen::DoCancel()
+Cancels active requests.
+ {
+ }
+void CDlInOpen::RunL()
+Dial in open start completed.
+Call ConnectionComplete() with EConnectionOpen and iStatus.Int().
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"NetDial:\tConnection Open");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
+ iSMObserver->ConnectionComplete(ECsdConnectionOpen,iStatus.Int());
+ }
+CDlInDisconnect* CDlInDisconnect::NewL(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
+Disconnect State Definition
+2 phased constructor for CDlInDisconnect, first phase.
+@param aSMObserver a reference to state machine observer.
+@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CDlInDisconnect object.
+ {
+ CDlInDisconnect* r=new(ELeave) CDlInDisconnect(aSMObserver, aNdEnv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(r);
+ r->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return r;
+ }
+CDlInDisconnect::CDlInDisconnect(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
+ : CAgentStateBase(aSMObserver),iNdEnv(&aNdEnv)
+Private constructor for CDlInDisconnect, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aSMObserver a reference to the database accessor.
+@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
+ {}
+void CDlInDisconnect::ConstructL()
+Instantiate Member variable.
+ {}
+Cancel active request.
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CDlInDisconnect::StartState()
+Starts dial in disconnect state.
+If ETel server processor is used, close it and possible opened objects.
+Call JumpToRunl with KErrNone.
+ {
+ if ((iNdEnv->TelServPrc())!=NULL)
+ (iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->CloseCall();
+ // We need to make sure that logging is finished before closing everything.
+ // forward iStatus to the logger, which will be responsible to complete iStatus when it is finished.
+ iStatus = KRequestPending;
+ iNdEnv->Logger()->LogDataNotifyLastEventUpdate(&iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+CAgentStateBase* CDlInDisconnect::NextStateL(TBool /*aContinue*/)
+Returns the same disconnect state.
+@exception Leaves if NewL() leaves.
+@return a new CDlInDisconnect object.
+ {
+ return CDlInDisconnect::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
+ }
+void CDlInDisconnect::DoCancel()
+Cancels active requests.
+ {
+ }
+void CDlInDisconnect::RunL()
+Dial in disconnect completed.
+Call DisconnectComplete().
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(logString,"NetDial:\tDisconnect Complete");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),logString());
+ iSMObserver->DisconnectComplete();
+ }
+CDlInHangUp* CDlInHangUp::NewL(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
+Hangup State Definition
+2 phased constructor for CDlInHangUp, first phase.
+@param aSMObserver a reference to state machine observer.
+@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
+@exception Leaves if ConstructL() leaves, or not enough memory is available.
+@return a new CDlInHangUp object.
+ {
+ CDlInHangUp* r=new(ELeave) CDlInHangUp(aSMObserver, aNdEnv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(r);
+ r->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return r;
+ }
+CDlInHangUp::CDlInHangUp(MAgentStateMachineEnv& aSMObserver, MNetdialEnv& aNdEnv)
+ : CAgentStateBase(aSMObserver),iNdEnv(&aNdEnv)
+Private constructor for CDlInHangUp, used in the first phase of construction.
+@param aSMObserver a reference to the database accessor.
+@param aNdEnv a reference to the Netdial which defines a set of utility functions.
+ {}
+void CDlInHangUp::ConstructL()
+Instantiate Member variable.
+ {}
+Cancel active request.
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CDlInHangUp::StartState()
+Starts dial in hangup state.
+Call UpdateProgress with ECsdStartingHangUp and KErrNone.
+If COMM-port is loaned, return port to ETEL.
+If returning of COMM-port leaves, trap error and call JumpToRunl with error.
+If call is active, start hangup and set state active.
+Else call JumpToRunl() with KErrNone.
+ {
+ iSMObserver->UpdateProgress(ECsdStartingHangUp,KErrNone);
+ if (iNdEnv->TelServPrc()->CommPortLoaned())
+ {
+ // returns ownership of the comm port to ETEL
+ TRAPD(err,(iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->ReturnCommPortL());
+ if(err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ JumpToRunl(err);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iNdEnv->TelServPrc()->CallActive())
+ {
+ (iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->StartHangUpAfterDialIn(*this);
+ iStatus=KRequestPending;
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ else
+ JumpToRunl(KErrNone);
+ }
+CAgentStateBase* CDlInHangUp::NextStateL(TBool /*aContinue*/)
+Changes to from init state to next state.
+Disconnect will be the next state whether or not a client has requested a connection cancel.
+Create disconnect state.
+@exception Leaves if NewL() leaves.
+@return a new CDlInDisconnect object.
+ {
+ return CDlInDisconnect::NewL(*iSMObserver, *iNdEnv);
+ }
+void CDlInHangUp::TelFunctionComplete(TInt aError)
+Dial in hangup TelFunctionComplete.
+Complete state with aError.
+@param aError identifies the error code for completition.
+ {
+ TRequestStatus* status=&iStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete(status,aError);
+ }
+void CDlInHangUp::DoCancel()
+Cancels active requests.
+ {
+ if((iNdEnv->TelServPrc())!=NULL)
+ (iNdEnv->TelServPrc())->Cancel();
+ if(iStatus==KRequestPending)
+ {
+ TelFunctionComplete(KErrCancel);
+ }
+ }
+void CDlInHangUp::RunL()
+Dial in hangup completed.
+If there is an error then signal it, otherwise advance phase
+Hangup is always asynchronous, so it should never complete when cancelled.
+ {
+ //update the log object
+ iNdEnv->Logger()->LogDataUpdateEvent(R_LOG_CON_DISCONNECTED, KLogDataEventTypeUid);
+ if(iStatus!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ __FLOG_STMT(_LIT(logString3,"Hanging Up");)
+ __FLOG_STATIC2(KNetDialLogFolder(),KNetDialLogFile(),TRefByValue<const TDesC>(KCompletedPhaseLogString()), &logString3(), iStatus.Int());
+ }
+ iSMObserver->UpdateProgress(ECsdFinishedHangUp,KErrNone);
+ (iNdEnv->BaseEnv())->CompleteState(iStatus.Int());
+ }