--- a/telephonyprotocols/psdagt/TS_PsdAgt/PsdAgtTestReconnect.cpp Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyprotocols/psdagt/TS_PsdAgt/PsdAgtTestReconnect.cpp Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,404 +1,404 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// This contains PsdAgt TestCase Test 14.1 - 14.5
-// EPOC includes
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <in_sock.h>
-// Test system includes
-#include "networking/log.h"
-#include "networking/teststep.h"
-#include "TestStepPsdAgt.h"
-#include "TestSuitePsdAgt.h"
-// COMMDB Database Undo
-#include "DbUndo.h"
-// RPacketContext
-#include <etelpckt.h>
-// EPsdStartingConfiguration
-#include <psdprog.h>
-// EConnectionOpen
-#include <connectprog.h>
-// Class definitions
-#include "PsdAgtTestReconnect.h"
-// Test case 14.1
-enum TVerdict CPsdAgtTest14_1::doPsdAgtTestStepL( void )
- {
- TRealAgtNotify agtNotify;
- agtNotify.SetTestCase(1401);
- // CTestStepPsdAgx base class untilty function
- ReConnectL();
- return iTestStepResult;
- }
-// Test case 14.2
-enum TVerdict CPsdAgtTest14_2::doPsdAgtTestStepL( void )
- {
- TInt err;
- TInt stage;
- CNifAgentRefN1 *agent;
- TRealAgtNotify agtNotify;
- agtNotify.SetTestCase(1402);
- // Construct a new Dummy Nifman Instance
- Log(_L("Loading DUMMYNIF.DLL"));
- agent = CNifAgentRefN1::NewL(this,EFalse);
- CleanupStack::PushL(agent);
- // Attempt connection
- Log(_L("Connecting..."));
- agent->Connect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
- // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
- agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
- TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
- Log(_L("Connect Successful"));
- DelayL(2000000);
- // Attempt connection
- Log(_L("ReConnecting..."));
- agent->ReConnect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrGeneral,err);
- // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
- agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
- TESTEL(stage==EPsdFinishedActivation,stage);
- Log(_L("Reconnect fails as expected"));
- DelayL(2000000);
- // Disconnect
- Log(_L("Disconnecting..."));
- agent->Disconnect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
- Log(_L("Disconnect Successful"));
- // Finished with Dummy Nifman so delete it
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(agent);
- Log(_L("DUMMYNIF.DLL Unloaded"));
- return iTestStepResult;
- }
-// Test case 14.3
-enum TVerdict CPsdAgtTest14_3::doPsdAgtTestStepL( void )
- {
- TInt err;
- TInt stage;
- CNifAgentRefN1 *agent;
- TRealAgtNotify agtNotify;
- agtNotify.SetTestCase(1403);
- // Construct a new Dummy Nifman Instance
- Log(_L("Loading DUMMYNIF.DLL"));
- agent = CNifAgentRefN1::NewL(this,EFalse);
- CleanupStack::PushL(agent);
- // Attempt connection
- Log(_L("Connecting..."));
- agent->Connect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
- // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
- agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
- TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
- Log(_L("Connect Successful"));
- DelayL(2000000);
- // Attempt connection
- Log(_L("ReConnecting..."));
- agent->ReConnect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
- // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
- agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
- TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
- Log(_L("ReConnect Successful"));
- Log(_L("Waiting for EAgentToNifEventTypeGetDataTransfer event"));
- DelayL(2000000);
- iStage++;
- // Wait for log request to arrive
- CActiveScheduler::Start();
- DelayL(2000000);
- // Disconnect
- agent->Disconnect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
- Log(_L("Disconnected"));
- // Finished with Dummy Nifman so delete it
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(agent);
- // GetDataVolumeRequest should only have been called twice
- // ie. iStage == 3
- TESTL(iStage == 3);
- Log(_L("Check LogDataTransferred values in GENCONN.TXT"));
- return iTestStepResult;
- }
-void CPsdAgtTest14_3::PsdAgtGetDataVolumeRequest(TUint32 &aSent, TUint32 &aReceived)
- {
- // Function should only be called twice
- TEST(iStage==1 || iStage == 2);
- // First time data volume is requested
- if(iStage == 1)
- {
- iStage++;
- aSent = 20; // Sent size
- aReceived = 26; // Rcv size
- // Unblock ConnectAndWaitForAsyncronousRequest()
- CActiveScheduler::Stop();
- }
- // Second time data volume is requested during the Disconnect
- else if(iStage == 2)
- {
- iStage++;
- aSent = 35; // Sent size
- aReceived = 39; // Rcv size
- }
- }
-// Test case 14.4
-enum TVerdict CPsdAgtTest14_4::doPsdAgtTestStepL( void )
- {
- TInt err;
- TInt stage;
- CNifAgentRefN1 *agent;
- TRealAgtNotify agtNotify;
- agtNotify.SetTestCase(1404);
- // Construct a new Dummy Nifman Instance
- Log(_L("Loading DUMMYNIF.DLL"));
- agent = CNifAgentRefN1::NewL(this,EFalse);
- CleanupStack::PushL(agent);
- // Attempt connection
- Log(_L("Connecting..."));
- agent->Connect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
- // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
- agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
- TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
- Log(_L("Connect Successful"));
- DelayL(2000000);
- // Attempt connection
- Log(_L("ReConnecting..."));
- agent->ReConnect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
- // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
- agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
- TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
- Log(_L("ReConnect Successful"));
- // Predetermined QoS warning response
- iDlgSvr->SetQoSWarnResponse(EFalse);
- DelayL(5000000);
- // Tell the ETEL layer to send a QOS change to PSDAGX
- Log(_L("Notify PSDAGT of Context Config change"));
- agtNotify.NotifyAgt(EReduce);
- // Block until we receive dialog notification of status change
- CActiveScheduler::Start();
- DelayL(2000000);
- // Tell the ETEL layer to restore QOS and notify PSDAGX
- Log(_L("Notify PSDAGT of Restore Context Config"));
- agtNotify.NotifyAgt(ERestore);
- // Check to make sure a second dialog is not presented
- DelayL(5000000);
- // Disconnect
- Log(_L("Disconnecting..."));
- agent->Disconnect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
- Log(_L("Disconnect Successful"));
- // Finished with Dummy Nifman so delete it
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(agent);
- Log(_L("DUMMYNIF.DLL Unloaded"));
- return iTestStepResult;
- }
-void CPsdAgtTest14_4::DialogHasAppeared()
- {
- TEST(iStage==0);
- iStage++;
- // Unblock the call to doPsdAgtTestStepL();
- CActiveScheduler::Stop();
- }
-// Test case 14.5
-enum TVerdict CPsdAgtTest14_5::doPsdAgtTestStepL( void )
- {
- TInt err;
- TInt stage;
- CNifAgentRefN1 *agent;
- TRealAgtNotify agtNotify;
- agtNotify.SetTestCase(1405);
- // Construct a new Dummy Nifman Instance
- Log(_L("Loading DUMMYNIF.DLL"));
- agent = CNifAgentRefN1::NewL(this,EFalse);
- CleanupStack::PushL(agent);
- // Attempt connection
- Log(_L("Connecting..."));
- agent->Connect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
- // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
- agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
- TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
- Log(_L("Connect Successful"));
- DelayL(2000000);
- // Attempt connection
- Log(_L("Reconnecting..."));
- agent->ReConnect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
- // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
- agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
- TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
- Log(_L("Reconnect Successful"));
- // Predetermined QoS warning response
- iDlgSvr->SetQoSWarnResponse(EFalse);
- DelayL(5000000);
- // Tell the ETEL layer to send a QOS change to PSDAGX
- Log(_L("Notify PSDAGT of QoS change"));
- agtNotify.NotifyAgt(EReduce);
- // Block until we receive dialog notification of status change
- CActiveScheduler::Start();
- DelayL(2000000);
- // Tell the ETEL layer to restore QOS and notify PSDAGX
- Log(_L("Notify PSDAGT of restore QoS value"));
- agtNotify.NotifyAgt(ERestore);
- // Check to make sure a second dialog is not presented
- DelayL(5000000);
- // Disconnect
- Log(_L("Disconnecting..."));
- agent->Disconnect();
- // Check for an error code
- agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
- TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
- Log(_L("Disconnect Successful"));
- // Finished with Dummy Nifman so delete it
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(agent);
- Log(_L("DUMMYNIF.DLL Unloaded"));
- return iTestStepResult;
- }
-void CPsdAgtTest14_5::DialogHasAppeared()
- {
- // Only one dialog should be presented
- TEST(iStage==0);
- iStage++;
- // Unblock the call to doPsdAgtTestStepL();
- CActiveScheduler::Stop();
- }
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This contains PsdAgt TestCase Test 14.1 - 14.5
+// EPOC includes
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <in_sock.h>
+// Test system includes
+#include "networking/log.h"
+#include "networking/teststep.h"
+#include "TestStepPsdAgt.h"
+#include "TestSuitePsdAgt.h"
+// COMMDB Database Undo
+#include "DbUndo.h"
+// RPacketContext
+#include <etelpckt.h>
+// EPsdStartingConfiguration
+#include <psdprog.h>
+// EConnectionOpen
+#include <connectprog.h>
+// Class definitions
+#include "PsdAgtTestReconnect.h"
+// Test case 14.1
+enum TVerdict CPsdAgtTest14_1::doPsdAgtTestStepL( void )
+ {
+ TRealAgtNotify agtNotify;
+ agtNotify.SetTestCase(1401);
+ // CTestStepPsdAgx base class untilty function
+ ReConnectL();
+ return iTestStepResult;
+ }
+// Test case 14.2
+enum TVerdict CPsdAgtTest14_2::doPsdAgtTestStepL( void )
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ TInt stage;
+ CNifAgentRefN1 *agent;
+ TRealAgtNotify agtNotify;
+ agtNotify.SetTestCase(1402);
+ // Construct a new Dummy Nifman Instance
+ Log(_L("Loading DUMMYNIF.DLL"));
+ agent = CNifAgentRefN1::NewL(this,EFalse);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(agent);
+ // Attempt connection
+ Log(_L("Connecting..."));
+ agent->Connect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
+ // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
+ agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
+ TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
+ Log(_L("Connect Successful"));
+ DelayL(2000000);
+ // Attempt connection
+ Log(_L("ReConnecting..."));
+ agent->ReConnect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrGeneral,err);
+ // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
+ agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
+ TESTEL(stage==EPsdFinishedActivation,stage);
+ Log(_L("Reconnect fails as expected"));
+ DelayL(2000000);
+ // Disconnect
+ Log(_L("Disconnecting..."));
+ agent->Disconnect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
+ Log(_L("Disconnect Successful"));
+ // Finished with Dummy Nifman so delete it
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(agent);
+ Log(_L("DUMMYNIF.DLL Unloaded"));
+ return iTestStepResult;
+ }
+// Test case 14.3
+enum TVerdict CPsdAgtTest14_3::doPsdAgtTestStepL( void )
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ TInt stage;
+ CNifAgentRefN1 *agent;
+ TRealAgtNotify agtNotify;
+ agtNotify.SetTestCase(1403);
+ // Construct a new Dummy Nifman Instance
+ Log(_L("Loading DUMMYNIF.DLL"));
+ agent = CNifAgentRefN1::NewL(this,EFalse);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(agent);
+ // Attempt connection
+ Log(_L("Connecting..."));
+ agent->Connect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
+ // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
+ agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
+ TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
+ Log(_L("Connect Successful"));
+ DelayL(2000000);
+ // Attempt connection
+ Log(_L("ReConnecting..."));
+ agent->ReConnect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
+ // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
+ agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
+ TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
+ Log(_L("ReConnect Successful"));
+ Log(_L("Waiting for EAgentToNifEventTypeGetDataTransfer event"));
+ DelayL(2000000);
+ iStage++;
+ // Wait for log request to arrive
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ DelayL(2000000);
+ // Disconnect
+ agent->Disconnect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
+ Log(_L("Disconnected"));
+ // Finished with Dummy Nifman so delete it
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(agent);
+ // GetDataVolumeRequest should only have been called twice
+ // ie. iStage == 3
+ TESTL(iStage == 3);
+ Log(_L("Check LogDataTransferred values in GENCONN.TXT"));
+ return iTestStepResult;
+ }
+void CPsdAgtTest14_3::PsdAgtGetDataVolumeRequest(TUint32 &aSent, TUint32 &aReceived)
+ {
+ // Function should only be called twice
+ TEST(iStage==1 || iStage == 2);
+ // First time data volume is requested
+ if(iStage == 1)
+ {
+ iStage++;
+ aSent = 20; // Sent size
+ aReceived = 26; // Rcv size
+ // Unblock ConnectAndWaitForAsyncronousRequest()
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+ // Second time data volume is requested during the Disconnect
+ else if(iStage == 2)
+ {
+ iStage++;
+ aSent = 35; // Sent size
+ aReceived = 39; // Rcv size
+ }
+ }
+// Test case 14.4
+enum TVerdict CPsdAgtTest14_4::doPsdAgtTestStepL( void )
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ TInt stage;
+ CNifAgentRefN1 *agent;
+ TRealAgtNotify agtNotify;
+ agtNotify.SetTestCase(1404);
+ // Construct a new Dummy Nifman Instance
+ Log(_L("Loading DUMMYNIF.DLL"));
+ agent = CNifAgentRefN1::NewL(this,EFalse);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(agent);
+ // Attempt connection
+ Log(_L("Connecting..."));
+ agent->Connect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
+ // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
+ agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
+ TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
+ Log(_L("Connect Successful"));
+ DelayL(2000000);
+ // Attempt connection
+ Log(_L("ReConnecting..."));
+ agent->ReConnect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
+ // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
+ agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
+ TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
+ Log(_L("ReConnect Successful"));
+ // Predetermined QoS warning response
+ iDlgSvr->SetQoSWarnResponse(EFalse);
+ DelayL(5000000);
+ // Tell the ETEL layer to send a QOS change to PSDAGX
+ Log(_L("Notify PSDAGT of Context Config change"));
+ agtNotify.NotifyAgt(EReduce);
+ // Block until we receive dialog notification of status change
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ DelayL(2000000);
+ // Tell the ETEL layer to restore QOS and notify PSDAGX
+ Log(_L("Notify PSDAGT of Restore Context Config"));
+ agtNotify.NotifyAgt(ERestore);
+ // Check to make sure a second dialog is not presented
+ DelayL(5000000);
+ // Disconnect
+ Log(_L("Disconnecting..."));
+ agent->Disconnect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
+ Log(_L("Disconnect Successful"));
+ // Finished with Dummy Nifman so delete it
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(agent);
+ Log(_L("DUMMYNIF.DLL Unloaded"));
+ return iTestStepResult;
+ }
+void CPsdAgtTest14_4::DialogHasAppeared()
+ {
+ TEST(iStage==0);
+ iStage++;
+ // Unblock the call to doPsdAgtTestStepL();
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+// Test case 14.5
+enum TVerdict CPsdAgtTest14_5::doPsdAgtTestStepL( void )
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ TInt stage;
+ CNifAgentRefN1 *agent;
+ TRealAgtNotify agtNotify;
+ agtNotify.SetTestCase(1405);
+ // Construct a new Dummy Nifman Instance
+ Log(_L("Loading DUMMYNIF.DLL"));
+ agent = CNifAgentRefN1::NewL(this,EFalse);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(agent);
+ // Attempt connection
+ Log(_L("Connecting..."));
+ agent->Connect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
+ // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
+ agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
+ TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
+ Log(_L("Connect Successful"));
+ DelayL(2000000);
+ // Attempt connection
+ Log(_L("Reconnecting..."));
+ agent->ReConnect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
+ // Check ConnectComplete was reported at the correct stage in the state machine
+ agent->GetProgressStage(stage);
+ TESTEL(stage==KConnectionOpen,stage);
+ Log(_L("Reconnect Successful"));
+ // Predetermined QoS warning response
+ iDlgSvr->SetQoSWarnResponse(EFalse);
+ DelayL(5000000);
+ // Tell the ETEL layer to send a QOS change to PSDAGX
+ Log(_L("Notify PSDAGT of QoS change"));
+ agtNotify.NotifyAgt(EReduce);
+ // Block until we receive dialog notification of status change
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ DelayL(2000000);
+ // Tell the ETEL layer to restore QOS and notify PSDAGX
+ Log(_L("Notify PSDAGT of restore QoS value"));
+ agtNotify.NotifyAgt(ERestore);
+ // Check to make sure a second dialog is not presented
+ DelayL(5000000);
+ // Disconnect
+ Log(_L("Disconnecting..."));
+ agent->Disconnect();
+ // Check for an error code
+ agent->GetCompletionCode(err);
+ TESTEL(err==KErrNone,err);
+ Log(_L("Disconnect Successful"));
+ // Finished with Dummy Nifman so delete it
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(agent);
+ Log(_L("DUMMYNIF.DLL Unloaded"));
+ return iTestStepResult;
+ }
+void CPsdAgtTest14_5::DialogHasAppeared()
+ {
+ // Only one dialog should be presented
+ TEST(iStage==0);
+ iStage++;
+ // Unblock the call to doPsdAgtTestStepL();
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }