changeset 24 6638e7f4bd8f
parent 0 3553901f7fa8
--- a/telephonyserverplugins/common_tsy/commontsy/src/mmpacket/cmmmbmscontexttsy.cpp	Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/common_tsy/commontsy/src/mmpacket/cmmmbmscontexttsy.cpp	Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,1643 +1,1643 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#include "cmmmbmscontexttsy.h"
-#include "cmmmbmscontextlist.h"
-#include "CMmPacketTsy.h"
-#include <ctsy/tflogger.h>
-#include "mbmstypes.h"
-#include "MmTsy_timeoutdefs.h"
-#include "MmTsy_numberOfSlots.h"
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-    {        
-    }
-CMmMBMSContextTsy* CMmMBMSContextTsy::NewL(
-        CMmPacketServiceTsy* aMmPacketService,                
-        const TDes& aName,  
-        const TUint8 aProxyId  ) 
-    {
-    CMmMBMSContextTsy* packetContext = new ( ELeave ) CMmMBMSContextTsy();
-    CleanupClosePushL( *packetContext );    
-    packetContext->ConstructL( aMmPacketService, aName, aProxyId );
-    CleanupStack::Pop();
-    return packetContext;
-    }
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::ConstructL(CMmPacketServiceTsy* const aMmPacketService,                
-							        const TDes& aName,  
-							        TUint8 aProxyId)
-	{
-    iMmPacketService = aMmPacketService;
-    iContextName = aName;
-    iObjectId = aProxyId;
-    iConfig = new ( ELeave ) RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1();
-    // Create req handle store
-    iTsyReqHandleStore = CMmTsyReqHandleStore::NewL(  this,
-        iMmPacketService->PhoneTsy(), EMaxNumOfMBMSContextRequests,
-        iPacketContextReqHandles );
-        // Create req handle store
-    iTsyReqHandleStore = CMmTsyReqHandleStore::NewL( 
-        EMaxNumOfMBMSContextRequests, iPacketContextReqHandles );
-    iIsInitialiseAllowed = ETrue;
-    iServicesArray = RPacketMbmsContext::CMbmsSession::NewL(); 
-    iContextStatus = RPacketContext::EStatusUnknown;  
-    }
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::~CMmMBMSContextTsy Context name: %S", &iContextName );
-	if( iMmPacketService )
-		{			
-		iMmPacketService->MBMSContextList()->RemoveObject( this );
-	    // Set Dynamic Caps
-	    iMmPacketService->ActivePacketServiceExtension()->SetDynamicCapsFlag(
-	        RPacketService::KCapsActivate, EFalse );
-		}
-    delete iServicesArray;
-    iServicesArray = NULL;
-    delete iTsyReqHandleStore;
-    iTsyReqHandleStore = NULL;
-    delete iConfig;
-    iConfig = NULL;             
-    delete iTempConfig;
-    iTempConfig = NULL;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ExtFunc
-// TRAP's all CMmMBMSContextTsy related MM Packet API requests in case that
-// they fail. This method functions only as a centralized TRAP for the
-// DoExtFuncL method that does the actual mapping of IPC number to TSY method
-// call.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::ExtFunc( 
-        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, 
-        TInt aIpc, 
-        const TDataPackage& aPackage )  
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::ExtFunc. IPC: %d Context name:%S", aIpc, &iContextName );
-    TInt ret( KErrNone );
-    TInt trapError( KErrNone );
-    // Reset last tsy request type
-    iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown;
-    // Set tsy request handle
-    iTsyReqHandle = aTsyReqHandle;    
-    // Trap the call of DoExtFuncL
-    TRAP( trapError, ret = DoExtFuncL( aTsyReqHandle, aIpc, aPackage ) );
-    if ( KErrNone != trapError )
-        {
-        ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, trapError );
-        }
-    else if ( KErrNone != ret )
-        {
-        ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
-        }
-    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != iReqHandleType )
-        {
-        SetTypeOfResponse( iReqHandleType, aTsyReqHandle );
-        iTsyReqHandleStore->SetTsyReqHandle( iReqHandleType, aTsyReqHandle );
-        }
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::DoExtFuncL
-// Packet Data specific functionality of CMmMBMSContextTsy::ExtFunc
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::DoExtFuncL( 
-        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,      
-        TInt aIpc,      
-        const TDataPackage& aPackage )   
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::DoExtFuncL. IPC: %d Handle:%d",
-                aIpc, aTsyReqHandle );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotSupported );
-    TAny* dataPtr = aPackage.Ptr1();
-    TAny* dataPtr2 = aPackage.Ptr2();
-    switch ( aIpc )
-        {
-        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
-            ret = NotifyStatusChange( 
-                reinterpret_cast< RPacketContext::TContextStatus*>( dataPtr ) );
-            break;
-        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
-            ret = NotifyConfigChanged( 
-                reinterpret_cast< TPacketDataConfigBase*>( dataPtr ) );
-            break;
-        case EPacketContextInitialiseContext:
-            ret = InitialiseContextL( reinterpret_cast< RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2*>( dataPtr ));
-            break;
-        case EPacketContextSetConfig:
-            ret = SetConfigL( 
-                reinterpret_cast< TPacketDataConfigBase*>( dataPtr ) );
-            break;
-        case EPacketContextActivate:
-            ret = ActivateL();
-            break;
-        case EPacketContextDeactivate:
-            ret = DeactivateL();
-            break;
-        case EPacketContextDelete:
-            ret = DeleteL();
-            break;
-        case EPacketContextGetStatus:
-            ret = GetStatus( aTsyReqHandle, 
-                reinterpret_cast< RPacketContext::TContextStatus*>( dataPtr ) );
-            break;
-        case EPacketContextGetConfig:
-            ret = GetConfig( aTsyReqHandle, 
-                reinterpret_cast< TPacketDataConfigBase*>( dataPtr ) );
-            break;
-        case EPacketContextGetLastErrorCause:
-            ret = GetLastErrorCause( aTsyReqHandle, 
-                reinterpret_cast< TInt*>( dataPtr ) );
-            break;
-		case EPacketContextUpdateMbmsSessionList:
-            ret = UpdateMbmsSessionList( 
-             reinterpret_cast< TMbmsAction*>( dataPtr ),        
-             reinterpret_cast< TMbmsSessionId*>( dataPtr2 ) );
-            break;
-        case EPacketGetMbmsSessionListPhase1:
-            ret = GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1L( aTsyReqHandle,
-                reinterpret_cast< RMobilePhone::TClientId*>( dataPtr ),
-                reinterpret_cast< TInt*>( dataPtr2 ) );
-            break;
-        case EPacketGetMbmsSessionListPhase2:
-            ret = GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase2L( aTsyReqHandle,
-                reinterpret_cast< RMobilePhone::TClientId*>( dataPtr ),
-                aPackage.Des2n()  );
-            break;            
-        // These requests currently not supported
-        case EPacketContextLoanCommPort:
-        case EPacketContextRecoverCommPort:
-        case EPacketContextNotifyDataTransferred:
-        case EPacketContextGetProfileName:
-        case EPacketContextGetConnectionSpeed:
-        case EPacketContextGetDataVolumeTransferred:
-        case EPacketContextEnumeratePacketFilters:
-        case EPacketContextGetPacketFilterInfo:
-        case EPacketContextAddPacketFilter:
-        case EPacketContextRemovePacketFilter:
-        case EPacketContextModifyActiveContext:
-        case EPacketContextGetDNSInfo:
-        case EPacketAddMediaAuthorization:
-        case EPacketRemoveMediaAuthorization:
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqModeL
-// Returns request mode for given IPC.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CTelObject::TReqMode CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqModeL( 
-        TInt aIpc ) 
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqModeL. IPC: %d", aIpc );
-    CTelObject::TReqMode reqMode( 0 );
-    TBool doLeave( EFalse );
-    switch ( aIpc )
-        {
-        // All disabled
-        // TSYs wishing to implement their own buffering algorithm will place 
-        // all requests in this category.  
-        // Get methods that do not use DOS and return immediately. 
-        // Flow control not required.
-        case EPacketContextGetLastErrorCause:
-        // Other methods that do not use DOS and return immediately. 
-        // Flow control not required.
-        // Methods that can propably take a long time and cannot therefore be
-        // flow controlled. Solution: All these methods must check req handle
-        // table before handling the request. In case that the request table 
-        // indicates that same method has been called and has not been 
-        // completed, the method should return KErrServerBusy.
-        case EPacketContextGetStatus:
-        case EPacketContextGetConfig:
-            break;
-        // KReqModeFlowControlObeyed
-        // Commands that change the state of the phone, e.g. clearing the AoC 
-        // counter, are commands that the TSY should only deal with one at 
-        // a time.
-        case EPacketContextUpdateMbmsSessionList:
-        case EPacketContextInitialiseContext:
-        case EPacketContextActivate:
-        case EPacketContextDelete:
-        case EPacketContextSetConfig:
-        case EPacketContextAddPacketFilter:
-        case EPacketContextRemovePacketFilter:
-        case EPacketContextDeactivate:
-            {
-            reqMode = KReqModeFlowControlObeyed;
-            break;
-            }
-        // KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled | ReqModePostImmediately
-        // Requests that notify a client about a change of state.
-        // Since these requests do not require the issuing of any modem 
-        // commands, they do not have to obey flow control.
-        // The TSY never gets more than one of these outstanding.
-        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
-        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
-            reqMode = KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled |
-                KReqModeRePostImmediately;
-            break;
-        case EPacketGetMbmsSessionListPhase1:
-        case EPacketGetMbmsSessionListPhase2:
-            reqMode = 0;
-            break;
-        // Cancel Requests
-        // It's not necessary to include the Cancel methods in ReqModeL at all.
-        // The ETel server never calls ReqModeL with a Cancel IPC.
-        // Other variations of return values are unusable.
-        // Following requests are not supported
-        //case EPacketContextNotifyDataTransferred:
-        //case EPacketContextLoanCommPort:
-        //case EPacketContextRecoverCommPort:
-        //case EPacketContextModifyActiveContext:
-        // Default
-        default:
-            doLeave = ETrue;
-            break;
-        }
-    if ( doLeave )
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-        }
-    return reqMode;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::NumberOfSlotsL
-// Returns number of slots to be used for given IPC.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::NumberOfSlotsL(    
-        TInt aIpc )                            
-    {
-    TInt numberOfSlots( 0 );
-    switch ( aIpc )
-        {
-        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
-            numberOfSlots = KMmPacketContextNotifyStatusChangeSlots;
-            break;
-        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
-            numberOfSlots = KMmPacketContextNotifyConfigChangedSlots;
-            break;
-        default:
-            // Unknown or invalid IPC
-            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-            break;
-        }  
-TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::NumberOfSlotsL. IPC: %d Number of slots: %d", aIpc, numberOfSlots );
-    return numberOfSlots;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CancelService
-// Cancel the outstanding request.ETel Server when it is "cleaning-up" any
-//  outstanding asynchronous requests before closing a client's sub-session.
-//  This will happen if a client closes its R-class handle without cancelling
-//  outstanding asynchronous requests. Only Packet API requests are handled 
-//  here. Client can also cancel a request by calling CancelAsyncRequest 
-//  (defined in etel.h). The ETel server passes this kind of cancel requests
-//  to CancelService.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::CancelService(    
-        TInt aIpc,                            
-        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )         
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CancelService. IPC: %d Handle:%d", aIpc, aTsyReqHandle );
-    TInt ret( KErrNone );
-	//TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( NULL );
-    // Reset last tsy request type
-    iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown;
-    switch ( aIpc )
-        {
-        // TSY has started a request and it is not possible to then cancel 
-        // this request. The best thing for the TSY to do in this case is to
-        // proceed as though the Cancel never happened. The server's call to
-        // the TSY cancel function will return synchronously. The TSY then
-        // continues to wait for the original acknowledgement and when it
-        // receives it, the TSY will complete the original request.
-        case EPacketContextUpdateMbmsSessionList:
-        case EPacketContextInitialiseContext:
-        case EPacketContextActivate:
-        case EPacketContextDeactivate:
-        case EPacketContextDelete:
-        case EPacketContextSetConfig:
-        case EPacketContextGetConfig:
-            break;
-        case EPacketGetMbmsSessionListPhase1:
-            ret = CancelGetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1();
-            break;
-        // Notification Cancels, no special requirements.
-        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
-            iRetNotifyStatus = NULL;
-            iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyStatusChange;
-            break;
-        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
-            iRetNotifyConfig = NULL;
-            iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyConfigChanged;
-            break;
-        // IPCs that are not supported
-        //case EPacketContextLoanCommPort:
-        //case EPacketContextRecoverCommPort:
-        //case EPacketContextNotifyDataTransferred:
-        //case EPacketContextModifyActiveContext:
-        // Default
-        default:
-            ret = KErrNotSupported;
-            break;
-        }
-    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != iReqHandleType )
-        {
-        // Reset tsy request handle
-        iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( iReqHandleType );
-        // Complete request
-        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::RegisterNotification
-// Register notification. RegisterNotification is called when the ETel Server
-// recognises that this notification is being posted for the first time on
-// this subsession object.It enables the TSY to "turn on" any regular 
-// notification messages that it may receive from DOS. If this object is
-// Dial-Up context only supported notification is 
-// EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::RegisterNotification( 
-        TInt aIpc )              
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::RegisterNotification. IPC: %d", aIpc );
-    TInt ret( KErrNone );
-    switch ( aIpc )
-        {
-        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
-        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
-            break;
-        //case EPacketContextNotifyDataTransferred:
-        default:
-            // Not supported
-            ret = KErrNotSupported;
-            break;
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeregisterNotification
-// Deregister notification. DeregisterNotification is called when the ETel
-// Server recognises that this notification will not be posted again because 
-// the last client to have a handle on this sub-session object has just closed 
-// the handle. It enables the TSY to "turn off" any regular notification
-// messages that it may receive from DOS. If this object is Dial-Up context
-// only supported notification is EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeregisterNotification(
-        TInt aIpc )                          
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeregisterNotification. IPC: %d", aIpc );
-    TInt ret( KErrNone );
-    switch ( aIpc )
-        {
-        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
-        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
-            break;
-        //case EPacketContextNotifyDataTransferred:
-        default:
-            // Not supported
-            ret = KErrNotSupported;
-            break;
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::InitialiseContextL
-// This function initialises the context created previously.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::InitialiseContextL( RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2* aDataChannel )
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::InitialiseContextL. %S", &iContextName );
-    TInt ret( KErrArgument ); 
-    if ( iIsInitialiseAllowed )
-       {
-           CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
-           dataPackage.PackData( &iContextName);
-           iDataChannelV2 = aDataChannel;
-           ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
-        		  ECtsyPacketMbmsInitialiseContextReq, &dataPackage );
-           if( KErrNone == ret )
-        	  {
-        	  iIsInitialiseAllowed = EFalse;
-        	  }	        
-         }
-        if ( KErrNone == ret )
-          {
-          // Store the request handle
-          iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketMbmsInitialiseContext;
-          }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteInitialiseContext
-// Complete the asynchronous InitialiseContext request.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteInitialiseContext(TInt aResult, RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2* aDataChannel )     
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteInitialiseContext. Error: %d", aResult );
-    iIsActivateAllowed = ETrue;
-    if (KErrNone == aResult )
-        {
-        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusInactive );
-        if((aDataChannel != NULL) && (iDataChannelV2 != NULL))
-        	{
-        	*iDataChannelV2 = *aDataChannel;
-        	iDataChannelV2 = NULL;
-        	}
-        // Set Dynamic Caps
-        iMmPacketService->ActivePacketServiceExtension()->SetDynamicCapsFlag(
-        		RPacketService::KCapsActivate, iIsActivateAllowed );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iIsInitialiseAllowed = ETrue;
-        }        
-    // Reset the req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
-    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
-        EMultimodePacketContextInitialiseContext );
-    if ( EMultimodePacketContextReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
-        {
-        // Complete the client request
-        ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ActivateL
-// Activate a context. This function activates a context that has been
-// previously configured using the SetConfig() method from RPacketMbmsContext.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::ActivateL()
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::ActivateL. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotReady );
-    if ( iIsActivateAllowed )
-        {        
-        // verify that max activate context is not exceed
-        if( iMmPacketService->MaximumActiveServices() >
-            iMmPacketService->EnumerateMbmsActiveServices() )
-            {            
-            // mbmscontext activation        
-            CMmDataPackage data;
-            data.PackData( &iContextName );
-            ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
-                    EPacketContextActivate, &data );            
-            } 
-        else
-            {
-            // max number of possible active context exceed
-            ret = KErrUmtsMaxNumOfContextExceededByPhone;
-            }   
-        if ( KErrNone == ret )
-            {
-            iIsActivateAllowed = EFalse;
-            CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusActivating ); 
-            }                    
-        }
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        // Store the request handle
-        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextActivate;
-        }
-    return ret;        
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteActivate
-// Complete the asynchronous Activate request.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteActivate(TInt aResult)
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteActivate. Error: %d", aResult ); 
-    // Reset the req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
-    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
-        EMultimodeMbmsContextActivate );
-    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-        {
-        CompleteNotifyConfigChanged();
-        // Notify status change
-        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusActive );
-        }        
-    else
-        {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteActivate. ErrorCause: %d",
-             aResult );
-        // Re-activation is allowed because activation has not succeeded
-        iIsActivateAllowed = ETrue;
-        }
-    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
-        {
-        // Complete the client request
-        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::Deactivate
-// Deactivate a context previously configured on the phone.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeactivateL()
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeactivateL. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
-    TInt ret( KErrArgument );
-    CMmDataPackage data;
-    data.PackData( &iContextName, &iServicesArray );
-    ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
-        EPacketContextDeactivate, &data );
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        iContextStatusBeforeDeactivation = ContextStatus();
-        // Notify status change
-        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusDeactivating );        
-        // Store the request handle
-        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextDeactivate;
-        }
-    return ret;  
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDeactivate
-// Complete the asynchronous Deactivate request.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDeactivate( 
-        CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
-        TInt aResult )    
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDeactivate. Error: %d", aResult );
-    // Reset the req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
-    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
-        EMultimodeMbmsContextDeactivate );
-    // Notify status change
-    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-        {                
-        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusInactive );
-        // and reset possible session list
-        if( iServicesArray )
-            {                        
-            iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Reset();
-            iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Compress();
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( iContextStatusBeforeDeactivation );
-        // remove only entries which were succesfully removed
-        if( (aDataPackage) && (aResult == KErrMbmsImpreciseServiceEntries) )
-	        {
-	        TInfoName* contextName = NULL;
-	        RPacketMbmsContext::CMbmsSession* listOfFailedEntries = NULL;
-	        aDataPackage->UnPackData( &contextName, &listOfFailedEntries);
-	        if( listOfFailedEntries )
-		        {
-		        for( TInt i = 0; i < listOfFailedEntries->iSessionIdList.Count(); i++ )
-		    	    {
-		        	for( TInt ii = 0; ii < iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count(); ii++ )
-			        	{
-			        	if( listOfFailedEntries->iSessionIdList[i] == iServicesArray->iSessionIdList[ii] )	
-					    	{
-					        iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Remove(ii);	
-							iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Compress();
-							ii = iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count();
-					        }	
-				        }
-			        }
-		        }
-	        }
-        }
-    // Complete the client request
-    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
-        {                
-        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeleteL
-// Delete a context id previously created on the phone.
-// Note that although the context is considered as 'deleted', the 
-// client's RPacketMbmsContext subsession remains. To remove this, a client must
-// call Close() from RPacketMbmsContext.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeleteL()
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeleteL. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
-    TInt ret( KErrNotReady );
-    if( RPacketContext::EStatusUnknown != ContextStatus() )
-        {
-        CMmDataPackage data;
-        data.PackData( &iContextName );
-        ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
-            EPacketContextDelete, &data );
-        }
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        // Store the request handle
-        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextDelete;
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDelete
-// Complete the asynchronous Delete request.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDelete( 
-        TInt aResult )        
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDelete. Error: %d", aResult );
-    if( KErrNone == aResult )
-        {
-        iContextStatusBeforeDeactivation = RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted;
-        // Notify status change
-        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted );
-        delete iConfig;
-        iConfig = NULL;            
-        }
-    // Reset the req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
-    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
-        EMultimodeMbmsContextDelete );
-    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
-        {
-        // Complete the client request
-        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetConfig
-// Requests the current configuration of the context.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetConfig(
-        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,    
-        TPacketDataConfigBase* aConfig )  
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetConfig. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
-    TInt ret( KErrNone );
-    // Check that the mode given in aConfig is KConfigMBMS
-    if ( TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigMBMS == aConfig->ExtensionId() )
-        {
-        // Set configuration data to ETel side memory
-        *( RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* )aConfig =
-        	*iConfig;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // Given mode is not supported
-        ret = KErrArgument;
-        }    
-    // Complete Request
-    CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetLastErrorCause
-// This function retrieves the last error cause to have occurred.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetLastErrorCause(
-        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,  
-        TInt* aError )    
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetLastErrorCause. Context name:%S Last error cause: %d", &iContextName, iLastErrorCause );
-    *aError = iLastErrorCause;
-    CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetLastErrorCause
-// Set the last error cause.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetLastErrorCause(
-        TInt aErrorCause ) 
-    {
-     iLastErrorCause =  aErrorCause;           
-TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetLastErrorCause.  aErrorCause: %d iLastErrorCause:%d", 
-             aErrorCause, iLastErrorCause );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetStatus
-// Allows a client to get the current status of the context.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetStatus(
-        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,   
-        RPacketContext::TContextStatus* aContextStatus )
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetStatus. Context name: %S Context Status:%d", &iContextName, iContextStatus );
-    *aContextStatus = iContextStatus;
-    CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyConfigChanged
-// Requests notification when configuration of context changes.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyConfigChanged(
-        TPacketDataConfigBase* aConfig )  
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyConfigChanged." );
-    // Check that used mode is MBMS
-    if (  TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigMBMS != aConfig->ExtensionId() ) 
-        {
-        return KErrArgument;
-        }
-    // Store pointer
-    iRetNotifyConfig = aConfig;
-    // Store req handle type
-    iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyConfigChanged;        
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyConfigChanged
-// Complete notification when the context configuration changes.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyConfigChanged(const CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
-        TInt aResult)
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyConfigChanged.  Context name:%S",
-                &iContextName );
-	if(aDataPackage != NULL)
-		{
-		if ( KErrNone == aResult )
-		    {
-		    RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* aConfig = NULL;
-		    TInfoName* name = NULL;
-		    aDataPackage->UnPackData( &name, &aConfig );
-		    if( NULL != aConfig )
-		        {
-		        iConfig->iTmgi = aConfig->iTmgi;
-		        iConfig->iMbmsAccessBearer = aConfig->iMbmsAccessBearer;
-		        iConfig->iMbmsServicePriority = aConfig->iMbmsServicePriority;
-		        iConfig->iMbmsServiceMode = aConfig->iMbmsServiceMode;
-		        iConfig->iMbmsSessionFlag = aConfig->iMbmsSessionFlag;
-		        }
-		    }
-		}
-    // Get and reset req handle 
-    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
-        EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyConfigChanged );
-    if ( EMultimodePacketContextReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
-        {
-    	//CTSY defect, request is completed with KErrNone, aResult ignored.
-    	if( (iConfig) && (aResult == KErrNone) )
-        if( NULL != iConfig )
-	        {
-	        *( RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* )iRetNotifyConfig = *iConfig;
-	        // Null ret pointer
-	        iRetNotifyConfig = NULL;	
-	        }
-        // Complete the client request
-        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
-        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyStatusChange
-// Requests notification when the status of the context changes.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyStatusChange(
-        RPacketContext::TContextStatus* aContextStatus )
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyStatusChange. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
-    iRetNotifyStatus = aContextStatus;
-    iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyStatusChange;
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange
-// Complete the notification when the context status changes.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange(
-            RPacketContext::TContextStatus aContextStatus  )
-    {
-    if ( aContextStatus != iContextStatus )
-        {
-        iContextStatus = aContextStatus;
-TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange. Context name: %S  Context status:%d",
-                    &iContextName, iContextStatus );   
-        if ( RPacketContext::EStatusActive == iContextStatus ||
-             RPacketContext::EStatusInactive == iContextStatus ||
-             RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted == iContextStatus )
-            {
-            iMmPacketService->ContextStatusChanged( iContextStatus );
-            if( RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted == iContextStatus )
-                {
-                iContextStatusBeforeDeactivation = RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted;
-                }
-            }
-		// if context status is receiving, update dynamic caps
-        if ( RPacketContext::EStatusReceiving == iContextStatus)
-            {
-            iMmPacketService->ActivePacketServiceExtension()->SetDynamicCapsFlag( RPacketService::KCapsMBMS, ETrue );
-            }
-        // context status is changing from receiving to something else
-        else
-	        {
-	        iMmPacketService->ActivePacketServiceExtension()->SetDynamicCapsFlag( RPacketService::KCapsMBMS, EFalse );
-	        }
-        // Reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
-        TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( 
-            EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyStatusChange );
-        if (( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle ) && (iRetNotifyStatus != NULL)) 
-            {
-            // Get current status
-            *iRetNotifyStatus = aContextStatus;
-            // Null ret pointer
-            iRetNotifyStatus = NULL;
-            // Complete the client request
-            CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
-            }
-        }    
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange
-// Complete the notification when the context status changes.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange(
-        const CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
-        TInt aResult ) 
-    {
-    if( KErrNone != aResult )
-        {
-        SetLastErrorCause( aResult );
-        }
-    else
-    	{
-    	TInfoName* null= NULL;
-    	RPacketContext::TContextStatus contextStatus;
-    	//initialise struct for completion params   
-    	TContextMisc misc;
-    	aDataPackage->UnPackData( null, misc );
-    	contextStatus = misc.iStatus;
-    	CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange(contextStatus);
-    	}
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetConfigL
-// Configure a context to the phone.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetConfigL(
-        TPacketDataConfigBase* aConfig ) 
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetConfigL. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
-    TInt ret( KErrArgument );
-    if ( TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigMBMS == aConfig->ExtensionId() )
-        {
-        if( !iIsInitialiseAllowed )
-            {
-            RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* configMbms = 
-                ( RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* )aConfig;  
-            if ( NULL == iTempConfig )
-                {
-                // Allocate memory for iTempConfig
-                iTempConfig = 
-                    new ( ELeave ) RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1();
-                }
-             // Temporary store the configMBMS
-            *iTempConfig = *configMbms;
-            CMmDataPackage data;
-            data.PackData( &( *aConfig ), &iContextName );
-TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetConfigL. Context: %S", &iContextName);
-            ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
-                EPacketContextSetConfig, &data ); 
-            if ( KErrNone != ret )
-                {
-                // Release the memory allocated for iTempConfig
-                delete iTempConfig;
-                iTempConfig = NULL;
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            ret = KErrNotReady;
-            }
-        }
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        // Store the request handle type
-        iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketMbmsContextSetConfig;
-        }             
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteSetConfig
-// Complete the asynchronous SetConfig request.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteSetConfig( 
-        TInt aError )
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteSetConfig. Error: %d", aError );
-    if( (KErrNone == aError) && (iConfig) && (iTempConfig) )
-	    {
-	    *iConfig = *iTempConfig;  
-	    // Release the memory allocated for iTempConfig
-	    delete iTempConfig;
-	    iTempConfig = NULL;
-	    CompleteNotifyConfigChanged();    
-	    }
-    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown );
-    reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(EMultimodePacketMbmsContextSetConfig );
-    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
-    	{
-    	// Complete the client request
-    	CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aError );
-    	}
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextStatus
-// Return current context status.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RPacketContext::TContextStatus CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextStatus() const
-    {
-    return iContextStatus;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted
-// Overloads CTelObject::ReqCompleted.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted(
-        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, 
-        TInt aError )   
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted. Handle:%d Error:%d",  aTsyReqHandle, aError );
-    // Set last error cause
-    if ( KErrNone != aError )
-        {
-        iLastErrorCause = aError;
-        }
-    CTelObject::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, aError );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetTypeOfResponse
-// Sets the type of response for a given request handle. Automatic mode 
-// includes an automatic response in case of non response from the DOS in a
-// specified time. This method is used only if REQHANDLE_TIMER is in use.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetTypeOfResponse(
-        TInt aReqHandleType,               
-        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )       
-    {
-    TInt timeOut( 0 );
-    // Set timeout by req handle type
-    switch ( aReqHandleType )
-        {
-    	case EMultimodePacketMbmsInitialiseContext:
-            timeOut = KMmPacketContextInitialiseContextTimeOut;
-            break;
-        case EMultimodePacketMbmsContextSetConfig:
-            timeOut = KMmPacketContextSetConfigTimeOut;
-            break;
-        case EMultimodeMbmsContextActivate:
-            timeOut = KMmPacketContextActivateTimeOut;
-            break;
-        case EMultimodeMbmsContextDeactivate:
-            timeOut = KMmPacketContextDeactivateTimeOut;
-            break;
-        case EMultimodeMbmsContextDelete:
-            timeOut = KMmPacketContextDeleteTimeOut;
-            break;
-        case EMultimodeMbmsContextUpdateMbmsSessionList:
-            timeOut = KMmPacketContextModifyActiveContext;
-            break;        
-        // Can't use timer:
-        // - all notifications
-        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
-        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyConnectionSpeedChange:
-        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
-        default:
-            // Do not use timer
-            iTsyReqHandleStore->SetTsyReqHandle( aReqHandleType, 
-                aTsyReqHandle );
-            break;
-        }
-    if ( 0 < timeOut )
-        {
-        // The timeout parameter is given in seconds.
-        iTsyReqHandleStore->SetTsyReqHandle( aReqHandleType, aTsyReqHandle, 
-            timeOut );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::Complete
-// Completes the request due the timer expiration. This method is used only if
-// REQHANDLE_TIMER is in use. 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::Complete(
-        const TInt aReqHandleType,    
-        const TInt aError )        
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::Complete. Req type %d", aReqHandleType );
-    // All possible TSY req handle types are listed in the
-    // switch case below.
-    switch ( aReqHandleType )
-        {
-        case EMultimodePacketMbmsInitialiseContext:
-            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteInitialiseContext( aError, NULL );
-            break;
-        case EMultimodePacketMbmsContextSetConfig:
-            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteSetConfig( aError );
-            break;
-        case EMultimodeMbmsContextActivate:
-            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteActivate( aError );
-            break;
-        case EMultimodeMbmsContextDeactivate:
-            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDeactivate( NULL, aError );
-            break;
-        case EMultimodeMbmsContextDelete:
-            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDelete( aError );
-            break;
-        case EMultimodeMbmsContextUpdateMbmsSessionList:
-            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsSessionList( aError );
-            break;
-        // Can't use timer:
-        // - all notifications
-        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
-        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyConnectionSpeedChange:
-        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
-        default:
-            CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandleStore->
-				ResetTsyReqHandle( aReqHandleType ), aError );
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::IsContextActivationAllowed
-// Tells if context activation is allowed.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CMmMBMSContextTsy::IsContextActivationAllowed() const
-    {
-        return iIsActivateAllowed;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextName
-// This method returns name of this context
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TInfoName &CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextName() const
-    {
-    return iContextName;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextIndex
-// This method returns name of this context
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextIndex() const
-    {
-    return iObjectId;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::UpdateMbmsSessionList
-// Method to change content of session list
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::UpdateMbmsSessionList( 
-    TMbmsAction* aAction,
-    TMbmsSessionId* aSession ) 
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::UpdateMbmsSessionList. Context: %S, action: %d", &iContextName, aAction);    
-    TInt ret( KErrNone );
-    if( iConfig->iMbmsSessionFlag )
-        {
-        iAction = *aAction;
-        iSession = *aSession;
-        // changes send to LTSY
-        TMmMbmsActiveServiceListParams activeServiceList;
-        activeServiceList.iActionType = iAction;
-        activeServiceList.iServiceList = iServicesArray;
-        activeServiceList.iChangedItem = iSession;
-        CMmDataPackage data;
-        data.PackData( &iContextName, &activeServiceList );
-        TRAPD(err, ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
-                    EPacketContextUpdateMbmsSessionList, &data ));
-		if(err !=KErrNone)
-			{
-			ret = err;
-			}
-        }
-    else
-        // this context does not support sessions
-        {
-        ret = KErrNotSupported;
-        }
-    if ( KErrNone == ret )
-        {
-        // Store the request handle type
-        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextUpdateMbmsSessionList;
-        }                   
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsSessionList
-// Complete change in content of session list to client
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsSessionList( 
-        const TInt aResult )
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsSessionList. Context: %S, result: %d", &iContextName, aResult);    
-    TInt ret( aResult );
-    if( iMmPacketService->MaximumActiveServices() > iMmPacketService->EnumerateMbmsActiveServices() )  
-        {        
-        if( KErrNone == ret  )
-            {
-            switch( iAction )
-                {
-                case EAddEntries:
-                    {
-                    // verify that item id does not exists
-                    for( TInt i=0; i<iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count(); i++ )
-                        {
-                        if( iServicesArray->iSessionIdList[i] == iSession )
-                            {
-                            // item already exists
-                            ret = KErrAlreadyExists;
-                            i = iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count();
-                            }
-                        }
-                    // if ID is a new one; add it to array
-                    if( KErrNone == ret )
-                        {
-                        iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Append(iSession);
-                        iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Compress();
-                        }
-                    break;
-                    }                	
-                case ERemoveEntries:
-            	    {
-            	    TInt idx( -1 );
-            	    // find index of item to remove
-                    for( TInt i=0; i<iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count(); i++ )
-                        {
-                        if( iServicesArray->iSessionIdList[i] == iSession )
-                            {
-                            idx = i;
-                            i = iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count();
-                            }
-                        }
-                    // item is in array, remove it
-                    if( 0 <= idx )
-                        {
-                        iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Remove(idx);
-                        iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Compress();
-                        }        	    
-                    else
-                        {                    
-                        ret = KErrNotFound;
-                        }
-                    break;
-            	    }
-                case ERemoveAllEntries:
-                    {
-                    // just empty array
-                    iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Reset();
-                    iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Compress();
-                    break;
-                    }
-                default:
-                    break;                
-                }        
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        ret = KErrOverflow;
-        }
-    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
-            EMultimodeMbmsContextUpdateMbmsSessionList );        
-    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
-        {                            
-        // Complete the client request
-        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, ret );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1L
-// First phase of MBMS session retrieval
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1L(
-	        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
-	        RMobilePhone::TClientId* aClient,
-	        TInt* aBufSize )
-    {
-    TInt ret( KErrNone );
-TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1L");
-  	if (iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count() > 0)
-  		{
-  		// Presently internal attribute, used only by this method.
-    	iClientId = *aClient;
-	    // Serialize data (RPacketMbmsContext::CMbmsSession)
-	    // into iActiveSessionInfoBuffer
-	    iServicesArray->ExternalizeL( iActiveSessionInfoBuffer );
-	    *aBufSize = iActiveSessionInfoBuffer->Length();                    
-	    ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
-  		}
-  	else
-	  	{
-	  	ret = KErrNotFound;
-	  	}
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase2L
-// Second phase of MBMS session retrieval
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase2L(
-        	TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
-        	RMobilePhone::TClientId* aClient,
-	        TDes8* aBuffer )   
-    {
-TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase2L");
-	TInt error = KErrNone;
-	// Check client id
-	if (( aClient->iSessionHandle != iClientId.iSessionHandle 
-		|| aClient->iSubSessionHandle != 
-                              iClientId.iSubSessionHandle  ) || (iActiveSessionInfoBuffer == NULL))
-		{
-		error = KErrBadHandle;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// Copy data to client buffer	
-	  	TPtr8 bufPtr = iActiveSessionInfoBuffer->Des();
-	  	if ( bufPtr.Length() <= aBuffer->Length() )
-	  		{
-			aBuffer->Copy( bufPtr );
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			error = KErrArgument;
-			}
-		// delete the buffer
-		if ( iActiveSessionInfoBuffer )
-			{
-			delete iActiveSessionInfoBuffer;
-			iActiveSessionInfoBuffer = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-	ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, error );
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CancelGetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1
-// Cancelling MBMS session retrieval
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::CancelGetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1()   
-    {
-	// delete the buffer
-	if ( iActiveSessionInfoBuffer )
-		{
-		delete iActiveSessionInfoBuffer;
-		iActiveSessionInfoBuffer = NULL;
-		}    
-    ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
-    return KErrNone;	    
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::SessionCount
-// Returns the session count to a MBMS context
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::SessionCount()
-    {
-    return iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextType
-// return the context type
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CMmPacketContextTsy::TPacketContextType CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextType() const
-	return EContextTypeMBMS;
-//  End of File 
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "cmmmbmscontexttsy.h"
+#include "cmmmbmscontextlist.h"
+#include "CMmPacketTsy.h"
+#include <ctsy/tflogger.h>
+#include "mbmstypes.h"
+#include "MmTsy_timeoutdefs.h"
+#include "MmTsy_numberOfSlots.h"
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+    {        
+    }
+CMmMBMSContextTsy* CMmMBMSContextTsy::NewL(
+        CMmPacketServiceTsy* aMmPacketService,                
+        const TDes& aName,  
+        const TUint8 aProxyId  ) 
+    {
+    CMmMBMSContextTsy* packetContext = new ( ELeave ) CMmMBMSContextTsy();
+    CleanupClosePushL( *packetContext );    
+    packetContext->ConstructL( aMmPacketService, aName, aProxyId );
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return packetContext;
+    }
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::ConstructL(CMmPacketServiceTsy* const aMmPacketService,                
+							        const TDes& aName,  
+							        TUint8 aProxyId)
+	{
+    iMmPacketService = aMmPacketService;
+    iContextName = aName;
+    iObjectId = aProxyId;
+    iConfig = new ( ELeave ) RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1();
+    // Create req handle store
+    iTsyReqHandleStore = CMmTsyReqHandleStore::NewL(  this,
+        iMmPacketService->PhoneTsy(), EMaxNumOfMBMSContextRequests,
+        iPacketContextReqHandles );
+        // Create req handle store
+    iTsyReqHandleStore = CMmTsyReqHandleStore::NewL( 
+        EMaxNumOfMBMSContextRequests, iPacketContextReqHandles );
+    iIsInitialiseAllowed = ETrue;
+    iServicesArray = RPacketMbmsContext::CMbmsSession::NewL(); 
+    iContextStatus = RPacketContext::EStatusUnknown;  
+    }
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::~CMmMBMSContextTsy Context name: %S", &iContextName );
+	if( iMmPacketService )
+		{			
+		iMmPacketService->MBMSContextList()->RemoveObject( this );
+	    // Set Dynamic Caps
+	    iMmPacketService->ActivePacketServiceExtension()->SetDynamicCapsFlag(
+	        RPacketService::KCapsActivate, EFalse );
+		}
+    delete iServicesArray;
+    iServicesArray = NULL;
+    delete iTsyReqHandleStore;
+    iTsyReqHandleStore = NULL;
+    delete iConfig;
+    iConfig = NULL;             
+    delete iTempConfig;
+    iTempConfig = NULL;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ExtFunc
+// TRAP's all CMmMBMSContextTsy related MM Packet API requests in case that
+// they fail. This method functions only as a centralized TRAP for the
+// DoExtFuncL method that does the actual mapping of IPC number to TSY method
+// call.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::ExtFunc( 
+        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, 
+        TInt aIpc, 
+        const TDataPackage& aPackage )  
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::ExtFunc. IPC: %d Context name:%S", aIpc, &iContextName );
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+    TInt trapError( KErrNone );
+    // Reset last tsy request type
+    iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown;
+    // Set tsy request handle
+    iTsyReqHandle = aTsyReqHandle;    
+    // Trap the call of DoExtFuncL
+    TRAP( trapError, ret = DoExtFuncL( aTsyReqHandle, aIpc, aPackage ) );
+    if ( KErrNone != trapError )
+        {
+        ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, trapError );
+        }
+    else if ( KErrNone != ret )
+        {
+        ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
+        }
+    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != iReqHandleType )
+        {
+        SetTypeOfResponse( iReqHandleType, aTsyReqHandle );
+        iTsyReqHandleStore->SetTsyReqHandle( iReqHandleType, aTsyReqHandle );
+        }
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::DoExtFuncL
+// Packet Data specific functionality of CMmMBMSContextTsy::ExtFunc
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::DoExtFuncL( 
+        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,      
+        TInt aIpc,      
+        const TDataPackage& aPackage )   
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::DoExtFuncL. IPC: %d Handle:%d",
+                aIpc, aTsyReqHandle );
+    TInt ret( KErrNotSupported );
+    TAny* dataPtr = aPackage.Ptr1();
+    TAny* dataPtr2 = aPackage.Ptr2();
+    switch ( aIpc )
+        {
+        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
+            ret = NotifyStatusChange( 
+                reinterpret_cast< RPacketContext::TContextStatus*>( dataPtr ) );
+            break;
+        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
+            ret = NotifyConfigChanged( 
+                reinterpret_cast< TPacketDataConfigBase*>( dataPtr ) );
+            break;
+        case EPacketContextInitialiseContext:
+            ret = InitialiseContextL( reinterpret_cast< RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2*>( dataPtr ));
+            break;
+        case EPacketContextSetConfig:
+            ret = SetConfigL( 
+                reinterpret_cast< TPacketDataConfigBase*>( dataPtr ) );
+            break;
+        case EPacketContextActivate:
+            ret = ActivateL();
+            break;
+        case EPacketContextDeactivate:
+            ret = DeactivateL();
+            break;
+        case EPacketContextDelete:
+            ret = DeleteL();
+            break;
+        case EPacketContextGetStatus:
+            ret = GetStatus( aTsyReqHandle, 
+                reinterpret_cast< RPacketContext::TContextStatus*>( dataPtr ) );
+            break;
+        case EPacketContextGetConfig:
+            ret = GetConfig( aTsyReqHandle, 
+                reinterpret_cast< TPacketDataConfigBase*>( dataPtr ) );
+            break;
+        case EPacketContextGetLastErrorCause:
+            ret = GetLastErrorCause( aTsyReqHandle, 
+                reinterpret_cast< TInt*>( dataPtr ) );
+            break;
+		case EPacketContextUpdateMbmsSessionList:
+            ret = UpdateMbmsSessionList( 
+             reinterpret_cast< TMbmsAction*>( dataPtr ),        
+             reinterpret_cast< TMbmsSessionId*>( dataPtr2 ) );
+            break;
+        case EPacketGetMbmsSessionListPhase1:
+            ret = GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1L( aTsyReqHandle,
+                reinterpret_cast< RMobilePhone::TClientId*>( dataPtr ),
+                reinterpret_cast< TInt*>( dataPtr2 ) );
+            break;
+        case EPacketGetMbmsSessionListPhase2:
+            ret = GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase2L( aTsyReqHandle,
+                reinterpret_cast< RMobilePhone::TClientId*>( dataPtr ),
+                aPackage.Des2n()  );
+            break;            
+        // These requests currently not supported
+        case EPacketContextLoanCommPort:
+        case EPacketContextRecoverCommPort:
+        case EPacketContextNotifyDataTransferred:
+        case EPacketContextGetProfileName:
+        case EPacketContextGetConnectionSpeed:
+        case EPacketContextGetDataVolumeTransferred:
+        case EPacketContextEnumeratePacketFilters:
+        case EPacketContextGetPacketFilterInfo:
+        case EPacketContextAddPacketFilter:
+        case EPacketContextRemovePacketFilter:
+        case EPacketContextModifyActiveContext:
+        case EPacketContextGetDNSInfo:
+        case EPacketAddMediaAuthorization:
+        case EPacketRemoveMediaAuthorization:
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqModeL
+// Returns request mode for given IPC.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CTelObject::TReqMode CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqModeL( 
+        TInt aIpc ) 
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqModeL. IPC: %d", aIpc );
+    CTelObject::TReqMode reqMode( 0 );
+    TBool doLeave( EFalse );
+    switch ( aIpc )
+        {
+        // All disabled
+        // TSYs wishing to implement their own buffering algorithm will place 
+        // all requests in this category.  
+        // Get methods that do not use DOS and return immediately. 
+        // Flow control not required.
+        case EPacketContextGetLastErrorCause:
+        // Other methods that do not use DOS and return immediately. 
+        // Flow control not required.
+        // Methods that can propably take a long time and cannot therefore be
+        // flow controlled. Solution: All these methods must check req handle
+        // table before handling the request. In case that the request table 
+        // indicates that same method has been called and has not been 
+        // completed, the method should return KErrServerBusy.
+        case EPacketContextGetStatus:
+        case EPacketContextGetConfig:
+            break;
+        // KReqModeFlowControlObeyed
+        // Commands that change the state of the phone, e.g. clearing the AoC 
+        // counter, are commands that the TSY should only deal with one at 
+        // a time.
+        case EPacketContextUpdateMbmsSessionList:
+        case EPacketContextInitialiseContext:
+        case EPacketContextActivate:
+        case EPacketContextDelete:
+        case EPacketContextSetConfig:
+        case EPacketContextAddPacketFilter:
+        case EPacketContextRemovePacketFilter:
+        case EPacketContextDeactivate:
+            {
+            reqMode = KReqModeFlowControlObeyed;
+            break;
+            }
+        // KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled | ReqModePostImmediately
+        // Requests that notify a client about a change of state.
+        // Since these requests do not require the issuing of any modem 
+        // commands, they do not have to obey flow control.
+        // The TSY never gets more than one of these outstanding.
+        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
+        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
+            reqMode = KReqModeMultipleCompletionEnabled |
+                KReqModeRePostImmediately;
+            break;
+        case EPacketGetMbmsSessionListPhase1:
+        case EPacketGetMbmsSessionListPhase2:
+            reqMode = 0;
+            break;
+        // Cancel Requests
+        // It's not necessary to include the Cancel methods in ReqModeL at all.
+        // The ETel server never calls ReqModeL with a Cancel IPC.
+        // Other variations of return values are unusable.
+        // Following requests are not supported
+        //case EPacketContextNotifyDataTransferred:
+        //case EPacketContextLoanCommPort:
+        //case EPacketContextRecoverCommPort:
+        //case EPacketContextModifyActiveContext:
+        // Default
+        default:
+            doLeave = ETrue;
+            break;
+        }
+    if ( doLeave )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    return reqMode;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::NumberOfSlotsL
+// Returns number of slots to be used for given IPC.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::NumberOfSlotsL(    
+        TInt aIpc )                            
+    {
+    TInt numberOfSlots( 0 );
+    switch ( aIpc )
+        {
+        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
+            numberOfSlots = KMmPacketContextNotifyStatusChangeSlots;
+            break;
+        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
+            numberOfSlots = KMmPacketContextNotifyConfigChangedSlots;
+            break;
+        default:
+            // Unknown or invalid IPC
+            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+            break;
+        }  
+TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::NumberOfSlotsL. IPC: %d Number of slots: %d", aIpc, numberOfSlots );
+    return numberOfSlots;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CancelService
+// Cancel the outstanding request.ETel Server when it is "cleaning-up" any
+//  outstanding asynchronous requests before closing a client's sub-session.
+//  This will happen if a client closes its R-class handle without cancelling
+//  outstanding asynchronous requests. Only Packet API requests are handled 
+//  here. Client can also cancel a request by calling CancelAsyncRequest 
+//  (defined in etel.h). The ETel server passes this kind of cancel requests
+//  to CancelService.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::CancelService(    
+        TInt aIpc,                            
+        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )         
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CancelService. IPC: %d Handle:%d", aIpc, aTsyReqHandle );
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+	//TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( NULL );
+    // Reset last tsy request type
+    iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown;
+    switch ( aIpc )
+        {
+        // TSY has started a request and it is not possible to then cancel 
+        // this request. The best thing for the TSY to do in this case is to
+        // proceed as though the Cancel never happened. The server's call to
+        // the TSY cancel function will return synchronously. The TSY then
+        // continues to wait for the original acknowledgement and when it
+        // receives it, the TSY will complete the original request.
+        case EPacketContextUpdateMbmsSessionList:
+        case EPacketContextInitialiseContext:
+        case EPacketContextActivate:
+        case EPacketContextDeactivate:
+        case EPacketContextDelete:
+        case EPacketContextSetConfig:
+        case EPacketContextGetConfig:
+            break;
+        case EPacketGetMbmsSessionListPhase1:
+            ret = CancelGetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1();
+            break;
+        // Notification Cancels, no special requirements.
+        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
+            iRetNotifyStatus = NULL;
+            iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyStatusChange;
+            break;
+        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
+            iRetNotifyConfig = NULL;
+            iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyConfigChanged;
+            break;
+        // IPCs that are not supported
+        //case EPacketContextLoanCommPort:
+        //case EPacketContextRecoverCommPort:
+        //case EPacketContextNotifyDataTransferred:
+        //case EPacketContextModifyActiveContext:
+        // Default
+        default:
+            ret = KErrNotSupported;
+            break;
+        }
+    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != iReqHandleType )
+        {
+        // Reset tsy request handle
+        iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( iReqHandleType );
+        // Complete request
+        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::RegisterNotification
+// Register notification. RegisterNotification is called when the ETel Server
+// recognises that this notification is being posted for the first time on
+// this subsession object.It enables the TSY to "turn on" any regular 
+// notification messages that it may receive from DOS. If this object is
+// Dial-Up context only supported notification is 
+// EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::RegisterNotification( 
+        TInt aIpc )              
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::RegisterNotification. IPC: %d", aIpc );
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+    switch ( aIpc )
+        {
+        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
+        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
+            break;
+        //case EPacketContextNotifyDataTransferred:
+        default:
+            // Not supported
+            ret = KErrNotSupported;
+            break;
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeregisterNotification
+// Deregister notification. DeregisterNotification is called when the ETel
+// Server recognises that this notification will not be posted again because 
+// the last client to have a handle on this sub-session object has just closed 
+// the handle. It enables the TSY to "turn off" any regular notification
+// messages that it may receive from DOS. If this object is Dial-Up context
+// only supported notification is EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeregisterNotification(
+        TInt aIpc )                          
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeregisterNotification. IPC: %d", aIpc );
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+    switch ( aIpc )
+        {
+        case EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
+        case EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
+            break;
+        //case EPacketContextNotifyDataTransferred:
+        default:
+            // Not supported
+            ret = KErrNotSupported;
+            break;
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::InitialiseContextL
+// This function initialises the context created previously.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::InitialiseContextL( RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2* aDataChannel )
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::InitialiseContextL. %S", &iContextName );
+    TInt ret( KErrArgument ); 
+    if ( iIsInitialiseAllowed )
+       {
+           CMmDataPackage dataPackage;
+           dataPackage.PackData( &iContextName);
+           iDataChannelV2 = aDataChannel;
+           ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
+        		  ECtsyPacketMbmsInitialiseContextReq, &dataPackage );
+           if( KErrNone == ret )
+        	  {
+        	  iIsInitialiseAllowed = EFalse;
+        	  }	        
+         }
+        if ( KErrNone == ret )
+          {
+          // Store the request handle
+          iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketMbmsInitialiseContext;
+          }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteInitialiseContext
+// Complete the asynchronous InitialiseContext request.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteInitialiseContext(TInt aResult, RPacketContext::TDataChannelV2* aDataChannel )     
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteInitialiseContext. Error: %d", aResult );
+    iIsActivateAllowed = ETrue;
+    if (KErrNone == aResult )
+        {
+        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusInactive );
+        if((aDataChannel != NULL) && (iDataChannelV2 != NULL))
+        	{
+        	*iDataChannelV2 = *aDataChannel;
+        	iDataChannelV2 = NULL;
+        	}
+        // Set Dynamic Caps
+        iMmPacketService->ActivePacketServiceExtension()->SetDynamicCapsFlag(
+        		RPacketService::KCapsActivate, iIsActivateAllowed );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iIsInitialiseAllowed = ETrue;
+        }        
+    // Reset the req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
+    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
+        EMultimodePacketContextInitialiseContext );
+    if ( EMultimodePacketContextReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
+        {
+        // Complete the client request
+        ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ActivateL
+// Activate a context. This function activates a context that has been
+// previously configured using the SetConfig() method from RPacketMbmsContext.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::ActivateL()
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::ActivateL. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
+    TInt ret( KErrNotReady );
+    if ( iIsActivateAllowed )
+        {        
+        // verify that max activate context is not exceed
+        if( iMmPacketService->MaximumActiveServices() >
+            iMmPacketService->EnumerateMbmsActiveServices() )
+            {            
+            // mbmscontext activation        
+            CMmDataPackage data;
+            data.PackData( &iContextName );
+            ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
+                    EPacketContextActivate, &data );            
+            } 
+        else
+            {
+            // max number of possible active context exceed
+            ret = KErrUmtsMaxNumOfContextExceededByPhone;
+            }   
+        if ( KErrNone == ret )
+            {
+            iIsActivateAllowed = EFalse;
+            CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusActivating ); 
+            }                    
+        }
+    if ( KErrNone == ret )
+        {
+        // Store the request handle
+        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextActivate;
+        }
+    return ret;        
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteActivate
+// Complete the asynchronous Activate request.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteActivate(TInt aResult)
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteActivate. Error: %d", aResult ); 
+    // Reset the req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
+    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
+        EMultimodeMbmsContextActivate );
+    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
+        {
+        CompleteNotifyConfigChanged();
+        // Notify status change
+        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusActive );
+        }        
+    else
+        {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteActivate. ErrorCause: %d",
+             aResult );
+        // Re-activation is allowed because activation has not succeeded
+        iIsActivateAllowed = ETrue;
+        }
+    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
+        {
+        // Complete the client request
+        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::Deactivate
+// Deactivate a context previously configured on the phone.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeactivateL()
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeactivateL. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
+    TInt ret( KErrArgument );
+    CMmDataPackage data;
+    data.PackData( &iContextName, &iServicesArray );
+    ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
+        EPacketContextDeactivate, &data );
+    if ( KErrNone == ret )
+        {
+        iContextStatusBeforeDeactivation = ContextStatus();
+        // Notify status change
+        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusDeactivating );        
+        // Store the request handle
+        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextDeactivate;
+        }
+    return ret;  
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDeactivate
+// Complete the asynchronous Deactivate request.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDeactivate( 
+        CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
+        TInt aResult )    
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDeactivate. Error: %d", aResult );
+    // Reset the req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
+    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
+        EMultimodeMbmsContextDeactivate );
+    // Notify status change
+    if ( KErrNone == aResult )
+        {                
+        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusInactive );
+        // and reset possible session list
+        if( iServicesArray )
+            {                        
+            iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Reset();
+            iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Compress();
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( iContextStatusBeforeDeactivation );
+        // remove only entries which were succesfully removed
+        if( (aDataPackage) && (aResult == KErrMbmsImpreciseServiceEntries) )
+	        {
+	        TInfoName* contextName = NULL;
+	        RPacketMbmsContext::CMbmsSession* listOfFailedEntries = NULL;
+	        aDataPackage->UnPackData( &contextName, &listOfFailedEntries);
+	        if( listOfFailedEntries )
+		        {
+		        for( TInt i = 0; i < listOfFailedEntries->iSessionIdList.Count(); i++ )
+		    	    {
+		        	for( TInt ii = 0; ii < iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count(); ii++ )
+			        	{
+			        	if( listOfFailedEntries->iSessionIdList[i] == iServicesArray->iSessionIdList[ii] )	
+					    	{
+					        iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Remove(ii);	
+							iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Compress();
+							ii = iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count();
+					        }	
+				        }
+			        }
+		        }
+	        }
+        }
+    // Complete the client request
+    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
+        {                
+        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeleteL
+// Delete a context id previously created on the phone.
+// Note that although the context is considered as 'deleted', the 
+// client's RPacketMbmsContext subsession remains. To remove this, a client must
+// call Close() from RPacketMbmsContext.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeleteL()
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::DeleteL. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
+    TInt ret( KErrNotReady );
+    if( RPacketContext::EStatusUnknown != ContextStatus() )
+        {
+        CMmDataPackage data;
+        data.PackData( &iContextName );
+        ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
+            EPacketContextDelete, &data );
+        }
+    if ( KErrNone == ret )
+        {
+        // Store the request handle
+        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextDelete;
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDelete
+// Complete the asynchronous Delete request.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDelete( 
+        TInt aResult )        
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDelete. Error: %d", aResult );
+    if( KErrNone == aResult )
+        {
+        iContextStatusBeforeDeactivation = RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted;
+        // Notify status change
+        CompleteNotifyStatusChange( RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted );
+        delete iConfig;
+        iConfig = NULL;            
+        }
+    // Reset the req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
+    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
+        EMultimodeMbmsContextDelete );
+    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
+        {
+        // Complete the client request
+        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetConfig
+// Requests the current configuration of the context.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetConfig(
+        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,    
+        TPacketDataConfigBase* aConfig )  
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetConfig. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+    // Check that the mode given in aConfig is KConfigMBMS
+    if ( TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigMBMS == aConfig->ExtensionId() )
+        {
+        // Set configuration data to ETel side memory
+        *( RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* )aConfig =
+        	*iConfig;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Given mode is not supported
+        ret = KErrArgument;
+        }    
+    // Complete Request
+    CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, ret );
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetLastErrorCause
+// This function retrieves the last error cause to have occurred.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetLastErrorCause(
+        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,  
+        TInt* aError )    
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetLastErrorCause. Context name:%S Last error cause: %d", &iContextName, iLastErrorCause );
+    *aError = iLastErrorCause;
+    CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetLastErrorCause
+// Set the last error cause.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetLastErrorCause(
+        TInt aErrorCause ) 
+    {
+     iLastErrorCause =  aErrorCause;           
+TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetLastErrorCause.  aErrorCause: %d iLastErrorCause:%d", 
+             aErrorCause, iLastErrorCause );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetStatus
+// Allows a client to get the current status of the context.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetStatus(
+        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,   
+        RPacketContext::TContextStatus* aContextStatus )
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetStatus. Context name: %S Context Status:%d", &iContextName, iContextStatus );
+    *aContextStatus = iContextStatus;
+    CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyConfigChanged
+// Requests notification when configuration of context changes.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyConfigChanged(
+        TPacketDataConfigBase* aConfig )  
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyConfigChanged." );
+    // Check that used mode is MBMS
+    if (  TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigMBMS != aConfig->ExtensionId() ) 
+        {
+        return KErrArgument;
+        }
+    // Store pointer
+    iRetNotifyConfig = aConfig;
+    // Store req handle type
+    iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyConfigChanged;        
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyConfigChanged
+// Complete notification when the context configuration changes.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyConfigChanged(const CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
+        TInt aResult)
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyConfigChanged.  Context name:%S",
+                &iContextName );
+	if(aDataPackage != NULL)
+		{
+		if ( KErrNone == aResult )
+		    {
+		    RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* aConfig = NULL;
+		    TInfoName* name = NULL;
+		    aDataPackage->UnPackData( &name, &aConfig );
+		    if( NULL != aConfig )
+		        {
+		        iConfig->iTmgi = aConfig->iTmgi;
+		        iConfig->iMbmsAccessBearer = aConfig->iMbmsAccessBearer;
+		        iConfig->iMbmsServicePriority = aConfig->iMbmsServicePriority;
+		        iConfig->iMbmsServiceMode = aConfig->iMbmsServiceMode;
+		        iConfig->iMbmsSessionFlag = aConfig->iMbmsSessionFlag;
+		        }
+		    }
+		}
+    // Get and reset req handle 
+    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
+        EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyConfigChanged );
+    if ( EMultimodePacketContextReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
+        {
+    	//CTSY defect, request is completed with KErrNone, aResult ignored.
+    	if( (iConfig) && (aResult == KErrNone) )
+        if( NULL != iConfig )
+	        {
+	        *( RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* )iRetNotifyConfig = *iConfig;
+	        // Null ret pointer
+	        iRetNotifyConfig = NULL;	
+	        }
+        // Complete the client request
+        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aResult );
+        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyStatusChange
+// Requests notification when the status of the context changes.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyStatusChange(
+        RPacketContext::TContextStatus* aContextStatus )
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::NotifyStatusChange. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
+    iRetNotifyStatus = aContextStatus;
+    iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyStatusChange;
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange
+// Complete the notification when the context status changes.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange(
+            RPacketContext::TContextStatus aContextStatus  )
+    {
+    if ( aContextStatus != iContextStatus )
+        {
+        iContextStatus = aContextStatus;
+TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange. Context name: %S  Context status:%d",
+                    &iContextName, iContextStatus );   
+        if ( RPacketContext::EStatusActive == iContextStatus ||
+             RPacketContext::EStatusInactive == iContextStatus ||
+             RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted == iContextStatus )
+            {
+            iMmPacketService->ContextStatusChanged( iContextStatus );
+            if( RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted == iContextStatus )
+                {
+                iContextStatusBeforeDeactivation = RPacketContext::EStatusDeleted;
+                }
+            }
+		// if context status is receiving, update dynamic caps
+        if ( RPacketContext::EStatusReceiving == iContextStatus)
+            {
+            iMmPacketService->ActivePacketServiceExtension()->SetDynamicCapsFlag( RPacketService::KCapsMBMS, ETrue );
+            }
+        // context status is changing from receiving to something else
+        else
+	        {
+	        iMmPacketService->ActivePacketServiceExtension()->SetDynamicCapsFlag( RPacketService::KCapsMBMS, EFalse );
+	        }
+        // Reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
+        TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( 
+            EMultimodeMbmsContextNotifyStatusChange );
+        if (( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle ) && (iRetNotifyStatus != NULL)) 
+            {
+            // Get current status
+            *iRetNotifyStatus = aContextStatus;
+            // Null ret pointer
+            iRetNotifyStatus = NULL;
+            // Complete the client request
+            CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
+            }
+        }    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange
+// Complete the notification when the context status changes.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange(
+        const CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage,
+        TInt aResult ) 
+    {
+    if( KErrNone != aResult )
+        {
+        SetLastErrorCause( aResult );
+        }
+    else
+    	{
+    	TInfoName* null= NULL;
+    	RPacketContext::TContextStatus contextStatus;
+    	//initialise struct for completion params   
+    	TContextMisc misc;
+    	aDataPackage->UnPackData( null, misc );
+    	contextStatus = misc.iStatus;
+    	CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteNotifyStatusChange(contextStatus);
+    	}
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetConfigL
+// Configure a context to the phone.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetConfigL(
+        TPacketDataConfigBase* aConfig ) 
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetConfigL. Context name:%S", &iContextName );
+    TInt ret( KErrArgument );
+    if ( TPacketDataConfigBase::KConfigMBMS == aConfig->ExtensionId() )
+        {
+        if( !iIsInitialiseAllowed )
+            {
+            RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* configMbms = 
+                ( RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1* )aConfig;  
+            if ( NULL == iTempConfig )
+                {
+                // Allocate memory for iTempConfig
+                iTempConfig = 
+                    new ( ELeave ) RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1();
+                }
+             // Temporary store the configMBMS
+            *iTempConfig = *configMbms;
+            CMmDataPackage data;
+            data.PackData( &( *aConfig ), &iContextName );
+TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetConfigL. Context: %S", &iContextName);
+            ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
+                EPacketContextSetConfig, &data ); 
+            if ( KErrNone != ret )
+                {
+                // Release the memory allocated for iTempConfig
+                delete iTempConfig;
+                iTempConfig = NULL;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            ret = KErrNotReady;
+            }
+        }
+    if ( KErrNone == ret )
+        {
+        // Store the request handle type
+        iReqHandleType = EMultimodePacketMbmsContextSetConfig;
+        }             
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteSetConfig
+// Complete the asynchronous SetConfig request.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteSetConfig( 
+        TInt aError )
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteSetConfig. Error: %d", aError );
+    if( (KErrNone == aError) && (iConfig) && (iTempConfig) )
+	    {
+	    *iConfig = *iTempConfig;  
+	    // Release the memory allocated for iTempConfig
+	    delete iTempConfig;
+	    iTempConfig = NULL;
+	    CompleteNotifyConfigChanged();    
+	    }
+    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown );
+    reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(EMultimodePacketMbmsContextSetConfig );
+    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
+    	{
+    	// Complete the client request
+    	CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, aError );
+    	}
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextStatus
+// Return current context status.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RPacketContext::TContextStatus CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextStatus() const
+    {
+    return iContextStatus;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted
+// Overloads CTelObject::ReqCompleted.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted(
+        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle, 
+        TInt aError )   
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING3( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted. Handle:%d Error:%d",  aTsyReqHandle, aError );
+    // Set last error cause
+    if ( KErrNone != aError )
+        {
+        iLastErrorCause = aError;
+        }
+    CTelObject::ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, aError );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetTypeOfResponse
+// Sets the type of response for a given request handle. Automatic mode 
+// includes an automatic response in case of non response from the DOS in a
+// specified time. This method is used only if REQHANDLE_TIMER is in use.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::SetTypeOfResponse(
+        TInt aReqHandleType,               
+        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle )       
+    {
+    TInt timeOut( 0 );
+    // Set timeout by req handle type
+    switch ( aReqHandleType )
+        {
+    	case EMultimodePacketMbmsInitialiseContext:
+            timeOut = KMmPacketContextInitialiseContextTimeOut;
+            break;
+        case EMultimodePacketMbmsContextSetConfig:
+            timeOut = KMmPacketContextSetConfigTimeOut;
+            break;
+        case EMultimodeMbmsContextActivate:
+            timeOut = KMmPacketContextActivateTimeOut;
+            break;
+        case EMultimodeMbmsContextDeactivate:
+            timeOut = KMmPacketContextDeactivateTimeOut;
+            break;
+        case EMultimodeMbmsContextDelete:
+            timeOut = KMmPacketContextDeleteTimeOut;
+            break;
+        case EMultimodeMbmsContextUpdateMbmsSessionList:
+            timeOut = KMmPacketContextModifyActiveContext;
+            break;        
+        // Can't use timer:
+        // - all notifications
+        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
+        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyConnectionSpeedChange:
+        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
+        default:
+            // Do not use timer
+            iTsyReqHandleStore->SetTsyReqHandle( aReqHandleType, 
+                aTsyReqHandle );
+            break;
+        }
+    if ( 0 < timeOut )
+        {
+        // The timeout parameter is given in seconds.
+        iTsyReqHandleStore->SetTsyReqHandle( aReqHandleType, aTsyReqHandle, 
+            timeOut );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::Complete
+// Completes the request due the timer expiration. This method is used only if
+// REQHANDLE_TIMER is in use. 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::Complete(
+        const TInt aReqHandleType,    
+        const TInt aError )        
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING2( "TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::Complete. Req type %d", aReqHandleType );
+    // All possible TSY req handle types are listed in the
+    // switch case below.
+    switch ( aReqHandleType )
+        {
+        case EMultimodePacketMbmsInitialiseContext:
+            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteInitialiseContext( aError, NULL );
+            break;
+        case EMultimodePacketMbmsContextSetConfig:
+            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteSetConfig( aError );
+            break;
+        case EMultimodeMbmsContextActivate:
+            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteActivate( aError );
+            break;
+        case EMultimodeMbmsContextDeactivate:
+            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDeactivate( NULL, aError );
+            break;
+        case EMultimodeMbmsContextDelete:
+            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteDelete( aError );
+            break;
+        case EMultimodeMbmsContextUpdateMbmsSessionList:
+            CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsSessionList( aError );
+            break;
+        // Can't use timer:
+        // - all notifications
+        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyConfigChanged:
+        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyConnectionSpeedChange:
+        //case EMultimodePacketContextNotifyStatusChange:
+        default:
+            CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandleStore->
+				ResetTsyReqHandle( aReqHandleType ), aError );
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::IsContextActivationAllowed
+// Tells if context activation is allowed.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMmMBMSContextTsy::IsContextActivationAllowed() const
+    {
+        return iIsActivateAllowed;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextName
+// This method returns name of this context
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TInfoName &CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextName() const
+    {
+    return iContextName;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextIndex
+// This method returns name of this context
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextIndex() const
+    {
+    return iObjectId;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::UpdateMbmsSessionList
+// Method to change content of session list
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::UpdateMbmsSessionList( 
+    TMbmsAction* aAction,
+    TMbmsSessionId* aSession ) 
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::UpdateMbmsSessionList. Context: %S, action: %d", &iContextName, aAction);    
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+    if( iConfig->iMbmsSessionFlag )
+        {
+        iAction = *aAction;
+        iSession = *aSession;
+        // changes send to LTSY
+        TMmMbmsActiveServiceListParams activeServiceList;
+        activeServiceList.iActionType = iAction;
+        activeServiceList.iServiceList = iServicesArray;
+        activeServiceList.iChangedItem = iSession;
+        CMmDataPackage data;
+        data.PackData( &iContextName, &activeServiceList );
+        TRAPD(err, ret = iMmPacketService->MessageManager()->HandleRequestL(
+                    EPacketContextUpdateMbmsSessionList, &data ));
+		if(err !=KErrNone)
+			{
+			ret = err;
+			}
+        }
+    else
+        // this context does not support sessions
+        {
+        ret = KErrNotSupported;
+        }
+    if ( KErrNone == ret )
+        {
+        // Store the request handle type
+        iReqHandleType = EMultimodeMbmsContextUpdateMbmsSessionList;
+        }                   
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsSessionList
+// Complete change in content of session list to client
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsSessionList( 
+        const TInt aResult )
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::CompleteUpdateMbmsSessionList. Context: %S, result: %d", &iContextName, aResult);    
+    TInt ret( aResult );
+    if( iMmPacketService->MaximumActiveServices() > iMmPacketService->EnumerateMbmsActiveServices() )  
+        {        
+        if( KErrNone == ret  )
+            {
+            switch( iAction )
+                {
+                case EAddEntries:
+                    {
+                    // verify that item id does not exists
+                    for( TInt i=0; i<iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count(); i++ )
+                        {
+                        if( iServicesArray->iSessionIdList[i] == iSession )
+                            {
+                            // item already exists
+                            ret = KErrAlreadyExists;
+                            i = iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count();
+                            }
+                        }
+                    // if ID is a new one; add it to array
+                    if( KErrNone == ret )
+                        {
+                        iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Append(iSession);
+                        iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Compress();
+                        }
+                    break;
+                    }                	
+                case ERemoveEntries:
+            	    {
+            	    TInt idx( -1 );
+            	    // find index of item to remove
+                    for( TInt i=0; i<iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count(); i++ )
+                        {
+                        if( iServicesArray->iSessionIdList[i] == iSession )
+                            {
+                            idx = i;
+                            i = iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count();
+                            }
+                        }
+                    // item is in array, remove it
+                    if( 0 <= idx )
+                        {
+                        iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Remove(idx);
+                        iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Compress();
+                        }        	    
+                    else
+                        {                    
+                        ret = KErrNotFound;
+                        }
+                    break;
+            	    }
+                case ERemoveAllEntries:
+                    {
+                    // just empty array
+                    iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Reset();
+                    iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Compress();
+                    break;
+                    }
+                default:
+                    break;                
+                }        
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        ret = KErrOverflow;
+        }
+    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle(
+            EMultimodeMbmsContextUpdateMbmsSessionList );        
+    if ( EMultimodePacketMbmsReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
+        {                            
+        // Complete the client request
+        CMmMBMSContextTsy::ReqCompleted( reqHandle, ret );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1L
+// First phase of MBMS session retrieval
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1L(
+	        TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
+	        RMobilePhone::TClientId* aClient,
+	        TInt* aBufSize )
+    {
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1L");
+  	if (iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count() > 0)
+  		{
+  		// Presently internal attribute, used only by this method.
+    	iClientId = *aClient;
+	    // Serialize data (RPacketMbmsContext::CMbmsSession)
+	    // into iActiveSessionInfoBuffer
+	    iServicesArray->ExternalizeL( iActiveSessionInfoBuffer );
+	    *aBufSize = iActiveSessionInfoBuffer->Length();                    
+	    ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, KErrNone );
+  		}
+  	else
+	  	{
+	  	ret = KErrNotFound;
+	  	}
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase2L
+// Second phase of MBMS session retrieval
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase2L(
+        	TTsyReqHandle aTsyReqHandle,
+        	RMobilePhone::TClientId* aClient,
+	        TDes8* aBuffer )   
+    {
+TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmMBMSContextTsy::GetMbmsActiveServicesPhase2L");
+	TInt error = KErrNone;
+	// Check client id
+	if (( aClient->iSessionHandle != iClientId.iSessionHandle 
+		|| aClient->iSubSessionHandle != 
+                              iClientId.iSubSessionHandle  ) || (iActiveSessionInfoBuffer == NULL))
+		{
+		error = KErrBadHandle;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Copy data to client buffer	
+	  	TPtr8 bufPtr = iActiveSessionInfoBuffer->Des();
+	  	if ( bufPtr.Length() <= aBuffer->Length() )
+	  		{
+			aBuffer->Copy( bufPtr );
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			error = KErrArgument;
+			}
+		// delete the buffer
+		if ( iActiveSessionInfoBuffer )
+			{
+			delete iActiveSessionInfoBuffer;
+			iActiveSessionInfoBuffer = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+	ReqCompleted( aTsyReqHandle, error );
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::CancelGetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1
+// Cancelling MBMS session retrieval
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::CancelGetMbmsActiveServicesPhase1()   
+    {
+	// delete the buffer
+	if ( iActiveSessionInfoBuffer )
+		{
+		delete iActiveSessionInfoBuffer;
+		iActiveSessionInfoBuffer = NULL;
+		}    
+    ReqCompleted( iTsyReqHandle, KErrCancel );
+    return KErrNone;	    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::SessionCount
+// Returns the session count to a MBMS context
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmMBMSContextTsy::SessionCount()
+    {
+    return iServicesArray->iSessionIdList.Count();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextType
+// return the context type
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMmPacketContextTsy::TPacketContextType CMmMBMSContextTsy::ContextType() const
+	return EContextTypeMBMS;
+//  End of File