changeset 24 6638e7f4bd8f
parent 19 1f776524b15c
--- a/telephonyserverplugins/common_tsy/commontsy/src/mmtsy/cmmvoicelinetsy.cpp	Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/common_tsy/commontsy/src/mmtsy/cmmvoicelinetsy.cpp	Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,580 +1,580 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#include "cmmvoicelinetsy.h"
-#include "cmmphonetsy.h"
-#include "cmmvoicecalltsy.h"
-#include "cmmcallextinterface.h"
-#include "cmmlinelist.h"
-#include "cmmcalllist.h"
-#include "cmmtsyreqhandlestore.h"
-#include <ctsy/pluginapi/cmmdatapackage.h>
-#include <ctsy/pluginapi/mtelephonyaudiocontrol.h>
-// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
-    {
-    }
-void CMmVoiceLineTsy::ConstructL()
-    {
-    TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::ConstructL");
-    CMmLineTsy::ConstructL();
-    }
-CMmVoiceLineTsy* CMmVoiceLineTsy::NewL(
-    CMmPhoneTsy* aMmPhone,
-    RMobilePhone::TMobileService aMode,
-    const TDesC& aName,
-    CMmMessageManagerBase* aMessageManager,
-    MTelephonyAudioControl* aTelephonyAudioControl )
-    {
-    TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::NewL, Voice line %S created", &aName);
-    CMmVoiceLineTsy* mmLineTsy = NULL;
-    if ( aMmPhone != NULL && ( aMode == RMobilePhone::EVoiceService 
-        || aMode == RMobilePhone::EAuxVoiceService ) )
-        {
-        mmLineTsy = new ( ELeave ) CMmVoiceLineTsy();
-        CleanupClosePushL( *mmLineTsy );
-        mmLineTsy->iMmPhone  = aMmPhone;    
-        mmLineTsy->iLineName = aName;
-        mmLineTsy->iLineMode = aMode;
-        mmLineTsy->iMessageManager = aMessageManager;
-        mmLineTsy->iTelephonyAudioControl = aTelephonyAudioControl;
-        mmLineTsy->ConstructL();
-        CleanupStack::Pop();
-        }
-    return mmLineTsy;
-    }
-    {
-    TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::~CMmVoiceLineTsy. Line name: %S", \
-        &iLineName);
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmVoiceLineTsy::OpenNewObjectL
-// This method creates a new name for a call and opens a new call. This method 
-// is called when the client uses RCall::OpenNewCall method. Currently the 
-// maximum number of opened calls from tsy is 20.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CTelObject* CMmVoiceLineTsy::OpenNewObjectL(
-    TDes& aNewName )
-    {
-    CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
-    //Logic here to prevent creation of unlimited amount of call objects
-    //by clients. The proposed maximum amount of call objects is 20:
-    //
-    //  - 2 voice call object (1 for each line for incoming calls
-    //  - 1 data call object (for incoming data call)
-    //  - 1 emergency call object
-    //  - 1+7 call objects for Confence call (max number of CC participants)
-    //  - phonebook 1
-    //  - javaphone 1
-    //  - WTA 1
-    //  - voice mail box 1
-    //  - csd 1
-    //  - fax 1
-    //  - 3rd party 2
-    //
-    //Incoming calls can not be created if the maximum number is exceeded!
-    if ( KMaxNumberOfCallObjectsFromTsy 
-            > iMmPhone->CallList()->GetNumberOfObjects() )
-        {
-        CreateNewCallName( aNewName );
-        mmCall = CMmVoiceCallTsy::NewL( iMmPhone, this, iLineMode, aNewName, 
-            iMessageManager, iTelephonyAudioControl );
-        iNameOfLastCallAdded = aNewName;
-        // Add the new call to the list of calls
-        TInt ret = iMmPhone->CallList()->AddObject( mmCall );
-        if ( KErrNone != ret )
-            {
-            //If call cannot be added to CallList -> leave with KErrNoMemory
-            //CallList has to have information about every call.
-            mmCall->Close();
-            mmCall = NULL;
-            User::Leave( KErrNoMemory );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            CompleteNotifyCallAdded( aNewName );
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
-        }
-    return mmCall;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmVoiceLineTsy::InitInternalAttributesL
-// Initialises miscellaneous internal attributes.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmVoiceLineTsy::InitInternalAttributesL()
-    {
-    CMmLineTsy::InitInternalAttributesL();
-    // The line supports voice connections.
-    iLineCaps.iFlags = RLine::KCapsVoice | RLine::KCapsEventIncomingCall;
-	if( RMobilePhone::EAuxVoiceService == iLineMode )
-    	{
-    	iLineCaps.iFlags |= RMobileLine::KCapsAuxVoice;
-    	}
-    //flag for swap handling
-    iSwapStatus = EStatusSwapNotRequested;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmVoiceLineTsy::CreateCallObjectForIncomingCall
-// This function creates and stores a Call object that is used for a incoming 
-// call.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMmVoiceLineTsy::CreateCallObjectForIncomingCall()
-    {
-    TInt trapError( KErrNone );
-    TInt result( CMmPhoneTsy::EMultimodePhoneOutOfMemory );
-    if ( !iCallForIncomingCall )
-        {
-        TName newName;
-        CreateNewCallName( newName );
-        TRAP( trapError,
-            iCallForIncomingCall = CMmVoiceCallTsy::NewL(
-                iMmPhone, this, iLineMode, newName, iMessageManager, 
-                iTelephonyAudioControl );
-            );
-        if ( trapError == KErrNone ) 
-            {
-            iNameOfLastCallAdded = newName;
-            // Don't add the new call to the list of calls yet. Will be
-            // Added when incoming call has been received...
-            result = KErrNone;
-            }
-        }
-    return result;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmVoiceLineTsy::CreateGhostCallObject
-// This method creates a Call object for the Ghost call. A ghost call is a 
-// call that has been initiated bypassing the ETel.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CMmCallTsy* CMmVoiceLineTsy::CreateGhostCallObject(
-    TInt aCallId,
-    RMobilePhone::TMobileService,
-    RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aCallStatus )
-    {
-    TInt trapError( KErrNone );
-    TName newName;
-    CreateNewCallName( newName );
-    CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
-    TRAP( trapError, ( mmCall = CMmVoiceCallTsy::NewL( iMmPhone, 
-                    this, iLineMode, newName, iMessageManager, 
-                    iTelephonyAudioControl ) ) );
-    if ( KErrNone == trapError && NULL != mmCall )
-        {
-        //set call ID
-        mmCall->SetCallId( aCallId );
-        //set call status
-        if( aCallStatus >= RMobileCall::EStatusDialling )
-            {
-            //Status is allways set to dialing. If call is alredy
-            //e.g. connecting, missed status changes are simulated.
-            mmCall->SetCallStatus(
-                RCall::EStatusDialling, RMobileCall::EStatusDialling );
-            }
-        //set call caps
-        mmCall->SetCallCaps( RCall::KCapsVoice | RCall::KCapsHangUp );
-        //set call direction to MO call
-        mmCall->SetCallDirection( RMobileCall::EMobileOriginated );
-        //set flag indicating that this is a ghost call
-        mmCall->SetGhostCall( ETrue );
-        //save name of the last added call
-        iNameOfLastCallAdded = mmCall->CallName();
-        }
-    return mmCall;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyIncomingCall
-// This method notifies clients about incoming call. Basic information: one 
-// Call object is allocated in the boot-up for incoming call. When an incoming 
-// call occurs the call object will be given to the client that answers the 
-// call. Therefore TSY creates a new call object for the next incoming call. 
-// In case of out of memory situation, the next incoming call cannot be 
-// received! General error message about OutOfMemory situation is sent to the 
-// client. 
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyIncomingCall(
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
-    {
-    TInt callId( -1 );
-    RMobilePhone::TMobileService callMode( RMobilePhone::EVoiceService );
-    CCallDataPackage* callDataPackage = 
-        reinterpret_cast<CCallDataPackage*>(aDataPackage);
-    callDataPackage->GetCallIdAndMode( callId, callMode ); 
-    TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyIncomingCall - Line \
-        name: %S, Call id: %d", &iLineName, callId );
-    //reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
-    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( 
-        EMultimodeLineNotifyIncomingCall );
-    CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
-    // Check if notification is requested
-    if ( EMultimodeLineReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
-        {
-        mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
-            CallObjectForIncomingCall() );
-        if ( mmCall )
-            {
-            // Add the new call to the list of calls
-            TInt ret = iMmPhone->CallList()->AddObject( mmCall );
-            if ( KErrNone == ret )
-                {
-                //set flag indicating that this is a unowned incoming call
-                mmCall->SetUnownedCallObjectFlag( ETrue );
-                //set call ID
-                mmCall->SetCallId( callId );
-                // Set call direction to EMobileTerminated
-                mmCall->SetCallDirection( RMobileCall::EMobileTerminated );
-                // Add answer capability and remove dial capability to
-                // existing call capabilities
-                TUint32 callCaps = mmCall->CallCaps();
-                callCaps |= RCall::KCapsAnswer; 
-                callCaps &= ~RCall::KCapsDial;
-                mmCall->SetCallCaps( callCaps );
-                //set data to gsm extension
-                //( direction added because not uppdated in messagehandler)
-                mmCall->ActiveCallExtension()->SetMobileCallData(
-                    aDataPackage, RMobileCall::EMobileTerminated );
-                iNameOfCallForAnswering = mmCall->CallName();
-				iNumCalls++;
-                *iRetIncomingCallName = mmCall->CallName(); 
-                iCallForIncomingCall = NULL;
-                ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
-                // Create and store a new Call Object for incoming call.
-                CreateCallObjectForIncomingCall();
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                //call object could not be added to the call list. Incoming 
-                //call cannot be received.
-                ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNoMemory );
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            //call object could not be get. Incoming call cannot be received.
-            //General error message about OutOfMemory situation has been sent 
-            //to the client.
-            ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNoMemory );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus
-// This method notifies line that a call has entered Dialling state. It means
-// that Call ID should be saved and in case of ghost call a new call object
-// should be created.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus(
-    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
-    {
-    TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus");
-    TInt callId( -1 );
-    TBool ghostCall( EFalse );
-    RMobilePhone::TMobileService callMode( RMobilePhone::EVoiceService );
-    CCallDataPackage* callData = 
-        reinterpret_cast<CCallDataPackage*>(aDataPackage);
-    callData->GetCallIdAndMode( callId, callMode );
-    CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
-        iMmPhone->CallList()->GetMmCallByMode( callMode ) );
-    if ( NULL == mmCall )
-        {
-        TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus - \
-            GhostCall");
-        ghostCall = ETrue;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        TBool result( EFalse );
-        TBool resultNoFdnCheck( EFalse );
-        TBool resultISV( EFalse );
-        //now we have to check, if this is a ghost call
-        result = mmCall->IsServiceLocallyRequested( 
-            CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDial );
-        //now we have to check, if this is a ghost call
-        resultNoFdnCheck = mmCall->IsServiceLocallyRequested( 
-            CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDialNoFdnCheck );
-         //now we have to check, if this is a ghost call (3rd party )
-        resultISV = mmCall->IsServiceLocallyRequested( 
-            CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDialISV );
-        if ( ( !result ) && ( !resultISV ) && ( !resultNoFdnCheck ) )
-            {
-            result = mmCall->IsServiceLocallyRequested( 
-                CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeMobileCallDialEmergencyCall );
-            }        
-        if ( result || resultNoFdnCheck || resultISV )
-            {
-TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus - Not Emergency call");
-            for ( TInt i = 0; i < iMmPhone->CallList()->GetNumberOfObjects(); 
-                      i++ )
-                {    
-                mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
-                    iMmPhone->CallList()->GetMmCallByIndex(i) );
-                if ( ( ( mmCall->CallId() == 0 ) || ( mmCall->CallId() == -1 ))
-                    && ( mmCall->ServiceRequested(
-                        CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDial ) 
-                    ||  mmCall->ServiceRequested(
-                        CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeMobileCallDialEmergencyCall )
-                    || ( mmCall->ServiceRequested(
-                        CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDialISV ) ) 
-                    || ( mmCall->ServiceRequested(
-                        CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDialNoFdnCheck ) ) ) )
-                    {
-                    mmCall->SetCallId( callId );
-TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus - mmCall SetCallId: %d", callId);                      
-                    mmCall->CompleteNotifyMobileCallInfoChange( 
-                                aDataPackage );
-                    break;   
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus - \
-                Dial not found");
-            ghostCall = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    //Ghost call handling starts here
-    if ( ghostCall )
-        {
-        //complete call added notification directly from here
-        CompleteNotifyAddBypassingCall( aDataPackage ); 
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmVoiceLineTsy::IsSwapReady
-// Contains the logic for determining if a Swap request is ready
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CMmVoiceLineTsy::IsSwapReady(
-    RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aCallStatus )
-    {
-    TBool ret( EFalse );
-    CMmVoiceLineTsy* otherVoiceLine = NULL;
-    CMmLineList* lineList = iMmPhone->LineList();
-    TInt numberOfObjectsInLineList = lineList->GetNumberOfObjects();
-    RMobilePhone::TMobileService lineMode( 
-                                      RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified );
-    //Required by ALS. We have to check what is the status of calls at the 
-    //other line. This for loop find the other voice line (primary or aux).
-    for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfObjectsInLineList; i++ )
-        {
-        CMmVoiceLineTsy* line = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceLineTsy*>(
-            lineList->GetMmLineByIndex( i ) );
-        if ( line != this && line != NULL )
-            {
-			lineMode = line->LineMode();
-            if ( ( lineMode == RMobilePhone::EVoiceService ) ||
-                ( lineMode == RMobilePhone::EAuxVoiceService ) )
-                {
-                otherVoiceLine = line;
-                break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-	CMmCallList* callList = iMmPhone->CallList();
-	TInt numberOfObjectsInCallList = callList->GetNumberOfObjects();
-    CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
-    //is TSY still waiting both hold and connected status indications
-    if ( EWaitingHoldAndResumeOk == iSwapStatus )
-        {
-        //TSY is still waiting both hold and connected status indications
-        if ( RMobileCall::EStatusHold == aCallStatus )
-            {
-            //hold status indication received
-            //-> still waiting connected status indication
-            iSwapStatus = EWaitingResumeOk;
-            }
-        else if ( RMobileCall::EStatusConnected == aCallStatus )
-            {
-            //connected status indication received
-            //-> still waiting hold status indication
-            iSwapStatus = EWaitingHoldOk;
-            }
-        }
-    //swap handling is going on. 
-    else if ( ( EWaitingResumeOk == iSwapStatus &&
-        RMobileCall::EStatusConnected == aCallStatus ) ||
-              ( EWaitingHoldOk == iSwapStatus &&
-        RMobileCall::EStatusHold == aCallStatus ) )
-        {
-        //find the call object from which the swap was requested.
-        for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfObjectsInCallList; i++ )
-            {
-            mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
-                callList->GetMmCallByIndex(i) );
-            if ( mmCall->ServiceRequested( 
-                    CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeMobileCallSwap ) )
-                {
-                //complete swap request when the correct object has been found
-                mmCall->CompleteSwap( KErrNone );
-                break;
-                }
-            }
-        //clear swap status.
-        iSwapStatus = EStatusSwapNotRequested;
-        //return value indicating that Swap was completed.
-        ret = ETrue;
-        }
-    //swap handling is going on. This the case where the calls to be swapped 
-    //are opened different lines (primary and aux).
-    else if ( otherVoiceLine )
-        {
-        if ( ( EWaitingResumeOk == otherVoiceLine->SwapStatus() &&
-            RMobileCall::EStatusConnected == aCallStatus ) ||
-            ( EWaitingHoldOk == otherVoiceLine->SwapStatus() &&
-            RMobileCall::EStatusHold == aCallStatus ) )
-            {
-            CMmCallList* callList = iMmPhone->CallList();
-            TInt numberOfObjectsInCallList = callList->GetNumberOfObjects();
-            CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
-            //find the call object from which the swap was requested.
-            for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfObjectsInCallList; i++ )
-                {
-                mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
-                    callList->GetMmCallByIndex(i) );
-                if ( mmCall->ServiceRequested( 
-                        CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeMobileCallSwap ) )
-                    {
-                    //complete swap request when the correct object has found
-                    mmCall->CompleteSwap( KErrNone );
-                    break;
-                    }
-                }
-            //clear swap status.
-            iSwapStatus = EStatusSwapNotRequested;
-            //clear swap status also from the aux line
-            otherVoiceLine->SetSwapStatus( EStatusSwapNotRequested );
-            //return value indicating that Swap was completed.
-            ret = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    if ( numberOfObjectsInCallList==1 && !otherVoiceLine )
-    	{
-    	// Swapping a single call. 
-        mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
-            callList->GetMmCallByIndex(0) );
-        if ( mmCall->ServiceRequested( 
-                CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeMobileCallSwap ) )
-            {
-            // Complete swap request when the correct object has been found
-            mmCall->CompleteSwap( KErrNone );
-            }    	
-    	ret = ETrue;
-    	}
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmVoiceLineTsy::SetSwapStatus
-// Sets status of Swap. This can be used by call objects opened from this line
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMmVoiceLineTsy::SetSwapStatus(
-    CMmVoiceLineTsy::TSwapStatus aSwapStatus )
-    {
-    iSwapStatus = aSwapStatus;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMmVoiceLineTsy::SwapStatus
-// Return status of Swap for this Line. This can be used by call objects  
-// opened from this line.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CMmVoiceLineTsy::TSwapStatus CMmVoiceLineTsy::SwapStatus() const
-    {
-    return iSwapStatus;
-    }
-//  End of File 
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "cmmvoicelinetsy.h"
+#include "cmmphonetsy.h"
+#include "cmmvoicecalltsy.h"
+#include "cmmcallextinterface.h"
+#include "cmmlinelist.h"
+#include "cmmcalllist.h"
+#include "cmmtsyreqhandlestore.h"
+#include <ctsy/pluginapi/cmmdatapackage.h>
+#include <ctsy/pluginapi/mtelephonyaudiocontrol.h>
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+    {
+    }
+void CMmVoiceLineTsy::ConstructL()
+    {
+    TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::ConstructL");
+    CMmLineTsy::ConstructL();
+    }
+CMmVoiceLineTsy* CMmVoiceLineTsy::NewL(
+    CMmPhoneTsy* aMmPhone,
+    RMobilePhone::TMobileService aMode,
+    const TDesC& aName,
+    CMmMessageManagerBase* aMessageManager,
+    MTelephonyAudioControl* aTelephonyAudioControl )
+    {
+    TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::NewL, Voice line %S created", &aName);
+    CMmVoiceLineTsy* mmLineTsy = NULL;
+    if ( aMmPhone != NULL && ( aMode == RMobilePhone::EVoiceService 
+        || aMode == RMobilePhone::EAuxVoiceService ) )
+        {
+        mmLineTsy = new ( ELeave ) CMmVoiceLineTsy();
+        CleanupClosePushL( *mmLineTsy );
+        mmLineTsy->iMmPhone  = aMmPhone;    
+        mmLineTsy->iLineName = aName;
+        mmLineTsy->iLineMode = aMode;
+        mmLineTsy->iMessageManager = aMessageManager;
+        mmLineTsy->iTelephonyAudioControl = aTelephonyAudioControl;
+        mmLineTsy->ConstructL();
+        CleanupStack::Pop();
+        }
+    return mmLineTsy;
+    }
+    {
+    TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::~CMmVoiceLineTsy. Line name: %S", \
+        &iLineName);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmVoiceLineTsy::OpenNewObjectL
+// This method creates a new name for a call and opens a new call. This method 
+// is called when the client uses RCall::OpenNewCall method. Currently the 
+// maximum number of opened calls from tsy is 20.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CTelObject* CMmVoiceLineTsy::OpenNewObjectL(
+    TDes& aNewName )
+    {
+    CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
+    //Logic here to prevent creation of unlimited amount of call objects
+    //by clients. The proposed maximum amount of call objects is 20:
+    //
+    //  - 2 voice call object (1 for each line for incoming calls
+    //  - 1 data call object (for incoming data call)
+    //  - 1 emergency call object
+    //  - 1+7 call objects for Confence call (max number of CC participants)
+    //  - phonebook 1
+    //  - javaphone 1
+    //  - WTA 1
+    //  - voice mail box 1
+    //  - csd 1
+    //  - fax 1
+    //  - 3rd party 2
+    //
+    //Incoming calls can not be created if the maximum number is exceeded!
+    if ( KMaxNumberOfCallObjectsFromTsy 
+            > iMmPhone->CallList()->GetNumberOfObjects() )
+        {
+        CreateNewCallName( aNewName );
+        mmCall = CMmVoiceCallTsy::NewL( iMmPhone, this, iLineMode, aNewName, 
+            iMessageManager, iTelephonyAudioControl );
+        iNameOfLastCallAdded = aNewName;
+        // Add the new call to the list of calls
+        TInt ret = iMmPhone->CallList()->AddObject( mmCall );
+        if ( KErrNone != ret )
+            {
+            //If call cannot be added to CallList -> leave with KErrNoMemory
+            //CallList has to have information about every call.
+            mmCall->Close();
+            mmCall = NULL;
+            User::Leave( KErrNoMemory );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            CompleteNotifyCallAdded( aNewName );
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
+        }
+    return mmCall;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmVoiceLineTsy::InitInternalAttributesL
+// Initialises miscellaneous internal attributes.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmVoiceLineTsy::InitInternalAttributesL()
+    {
+    CMmLineTsy::InitInternalAttributesL();
+    // The line supports voice connections.
+    iLineCaps.iFlags = RLine::KCapsVoice | RLine::KCapsEventIncomingCall;
+	if( RMobilePhone::EAuxVoiceService == iLineMode )
+    	{
+    	iLineCaps.iFlags |= RMobileLine::KCapsAuxVoice;
+    	}
+    //flag for swap handling
+    iSwapStatus = EStatusSwapNotRequested;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmVoiceLineTsy::CreateCallObjectForIncomingCall
+// This function creates and stores a Call object that is used for a incoming 
+// call.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMmVoiceLineTsy::CreateCallObjectForIncomingCall()
+    {
+    TInt trapError( KErrNone );
+    TInt result( CMmPhoneTsy::EMultimodePhoneOutOfMemory );
+    if ( !iCallForIncomingCall )
+        {
+        TName newName;
+        CreateNewCallName( newName );
+        TRAP( trapError,
+            iCallForIncomingCall = CMmVoiceCallTsy::NewL(
+                iMmPhone, this, iLineMode, newName, iMessageManager, 
+                iTelephonyAudioControl );
+            );
+        if ( trapError == KErrNone ) 
+            {
+            iNameOfLastCallAdded = newName;
+            // Don't add the new call to the list of calls yet. Will be
+            // Added when incoming call has been received...
+            result = KErrNone;
+            }
+        }
+    return result;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmVoiceLineTsy::CreateGhostCallObject
+// This method creates a Call object for the Ghost call. A ghost call is a 
+// call that has been initiated bypassing the ETel.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMmCallTsy* CMmVoiceLineTsy::CreateGhostCallObject(
+    TInt aCallId,
+    RMobilePhone::TMobileService,
+    RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aCallStatus )
+    {
+    TInt trapError( KErrNone );
+    TName newName;
+    CreateNewCallName( newName );
+    CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
+    TRAP( trapError, ( mmCall = CMmVoiceCallTsy::NewL( iMmPhone, 
+                    this, iLineMode, newName, iMessageManager, 
+                    iTelephonyAudioControl ) ) );
+    if ( KErrNone == trapError && NULL != mmCall )
+        {
+        //set call ID
+        mmCall->SetCallId( aCallId );
+        //set call status
+        if( aCallStatus >= RMobileCall::EStatusDialling )
+            {
+            //Status is allways set to dialing. If call is alredy
+            //e.g. connecting, missed status changes are simulated.
+            mmCall->SetCallStatus(
+                RCall::EStatusDialling, RMobileCall::EStatusDialling );
+            }
+        //set call caps
+        mmCall->SetCallCaps( RCall::KCapsVoice | RCall::KCapsHangUp );
+        //set call direction to MO call
+        mmCall->SetCallDirection( RMobileCall::EMobileOriginated );
+        //set flag indicating that this is a ghost call
+        mmCall->SetGhostCall( ETrue );
+        //save name of the last added call
+        iNameOfLastCallAdded = mmCall->CallName();
+        }
+    return mmCall;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyIncomingCall
+// This method notifies clients about incoming call. Basic information: one 
+// Call object is allocated in the boot-up for incoming call. When an incoming 
+// call occurs the call object will be given to the client that answers the 
+// call. Therefore TSY creates a new call object for the next incoming call. 
+// In case of out of memory situation, the next incoming call cannot be 
+// received! General error message about OutOfMemory situation is sent to the 
+// client. 
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyIncomingCall(
+    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
+    {
+    TInt callId( -1 );
+    RMobilePhone::TMobileService callMode( RMobilePhone::EVoiceService );
+    CCallDataPackage* callDataPackage = 
+        reinterpret_cast<CCallDataPackage*>(aDataPackage);
+    callDataPackage->GetCallIdAndMode( callId, callMode ); 
+    TFLOGSTRING3("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyIncomingCall - Line \
+        name: %S, Call id: %d", &iLineName, callId );
+    //reset req handle. Returns the deleted req handle
+    TTsyReqHandle reqHandle = iTsyReqHandleStore->ResetTsyReqHandle( 
+        EMultimodeLineNotifyIncomingCall );
+    CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
+    // Check if notification is requested
+    if ( EMultimodeLineReqHandleUnknown != reqHandle )
+        {
+        mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
+            CallObjectForIncomingCall() );
+        if ( mmCall )
+            {
+            // Add the new call to the list of calls
+            TInt ret = iMmPhone->CallList()->AddObject( mmCall );
+            if ( KErrNone == ret )
+                {
+                //set flag indicating that this is a unowned incoming call
+                mmCall->SetUnownedCallObjectFlag( ETrue );
+                //set call ID
+                mmCall->SetCallId( callId );
+                // Set call direction to EMobileTerminated
+                mmCall->SetCallDirection( RMobileCall::EMobileTerminated );
+                // Add answer capability and remove dial capability to
+                // existing call capabilities
+                TUint32 callCaps = mmCall->CallCaps();
+                callCaps |= RCall::KCapsAnswer; 
+                callCaps &= ~RCall::KCapsDial;
+                mmCall->SetCallCaps( callCaps );
+                //set data to gsm extension
+                //( direction added because not uppdated in messagehandler)
+                mmCall->ActiveCallExtension()->SetMobileCallData(
+                    aDataPackage, RMobileCall::EMobileTerminated );
+                iNameOfCallForAnswering = mmCall->CallName();
+				iNumCalls++;
+                *iRetIncomingCallName = mmCall->CallName(); 
+                iCallForIncomingCall = NULL;
+                ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNone );
+                // Create and store a new Call Object for incoming call.
+                CreateCallObjectForIncomingCall();
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                //call object could not be added to the call list. Incoming 
+                //call cannot be received.
+                ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNoMemory );
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            //call object could not be get. Incoming call cannot be received.
+            //General error message about OutOfMemory situation has been sent 
+            //to the client.
+            ReqCompleted( reqHandle, KErrNoMemory );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus
+// This method notifies line that a call has entered Dialling state. It means
+// that Call ID should be saved and in case of ghost call a new call object
+// should be created.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus(
+    CMmDataPackage* aDataPackage )
+    {
+    TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus");
+    TInt callId( -1 );
+    TBool ghostCall( EFalse );
+    RMobilePhone::TMobileService callMode( RMobilePhone::EVoiceService );
+    CCallDataPackage* callData = 
+        reinterpret_cast<CCallDataPackage*>(aDataPackage);
+    callData->GetCallIdAndMode( callId, callMode );
+    CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
+        iMmPhone->CallList()->GetMmCallByMode( callMode ) );
+    if ( NULL == mmCall )
+        {
+        TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus - \
+            GhostCall");
+        ghostCall = ETrue;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TBool result( EFalse );
+        TBool resultNoFdnCheck( EFalse );
+        TBool resultISV( EFalse );
+        //now we have to check, if this is a ghost call
+        result = mmCall->IsServiceLocallyRequested( 
+            CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDial );
+        //now we have to check, if this is a ghost call
+        resultNoFdnCheck = mmCall->IsServiceLocallyRequested( 
+            CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDialNoFdnCheck );
+         //now we have to check, if this is a ghost call (3rd party )
+        resultISV = mmCall->IsServiceLocallyRequested( 
+            CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDialISV );
+        if ( ( !result ) && ( !resultISV ) && ( !resultNoFdnCheck ) )
+            {
+            result = mmCall->IsServiceLocallyRequested( 
+                CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeMobileCallDialEmergencyCall );
+            }        
+        if ( result || resultNoFdnCheck || resultISV )
+            {
+TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus - Not Emergency call");
+            for ( TInt i = 0; i < iMmPhone->CallList()->GetNumberOfObjects(); 
+                      i++ )
+                {    
+                mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
+                    iMmPhone->CallList()->GetMmCallByIndex(i) );
+                if ( ( ( mmCall->CallId() == 0 ) || ( mmCall->CallId() == -1 ))
+                    && ( mmCall->ServiceRequested(
+                        CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDial ) 
+                    ||  mmCall->ServiceRequested(
+                        CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeMobileCallDialEmergencyCall )
+                    || ( mmCall->ServiceRequested(
+                        CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDialISV ) ) 
+                    || ( mmCall->ServiceRequested(
+                        CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeCallDialNoFdnCheck ) ) ) )
+                    {
+                    mmCall->SetCallId( callId );
+TFLOGSTRING2("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus - mmCall SetCallId: %d", callId);                      
+                    mmCall->CompleteNotifyMobileCallInfoChange( 
+                                aDataPackage );
+                    break;   
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            TFLOGSTRING("TSY: CMmVoiceLineTsy::CompleteNotifyDiallingStatus - \
+                Dial not found");
+            ghostCall = ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    //Ghost call handling starts here
+    if ( ghostCall )
+        {
+        //complete call added notification directly from here
+        CompleteNotifyAddBypassingCall( aDataPackage ); 
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmVoiceLineTsy::IsSwapReady
+// Contains the logic for determining if a Swap request is ready
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMmVoiceLineTsy::IsSwapReady(
+    RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aCallStatus )
+    {
+    TBool ret( EFalse );
+    CMmVoiceLineTsy* otherVoiceLine = NULL;
+    CMmLineList* lineList = iMmPhone->LineList();
+    TInt numberOfObjectsInLineList = lineList->GetNumberOfObjects();
+    RMobilePhone::TMobileService lineMode( 
+                                      RMobilePhone::EServiceUnspecified );
+    //Required by ALS. We have to check what is the status of calls at the 
+    //other line. This for loop find the other voice line (primary or aux).
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfObjectsInLineList; i++ )
+        {
+        CMmVoiceLineTsy* line = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceLineTsy*>(
+            lineList->GetMmLineByIndex( i ) );
+        if ( line != this && line != NULL )
+            {
+			lineMode = line->LineMode();
+            if ( ( lineMode == RMobilePhone::EVoiceService ) ||
+                ( lineMode == RMobilePhone::EAuxVoiceService ) )
+                {
+                otherVoiceLine = line;
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+	CMmCallList* callList = iMmPhone->CallList();
+	TInt numberOfObjectsInCallList = callList->GetNumberOfObjects();
+    CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
+    //is TSY still waiting both hold and connected status indications
+    if ( EWaitingHoldAndResumeOk == iSwapStatus )
+        {
+        //TSY is still waiting both hold and connected status indications
+        if ( RMobileCall::EStatusHold == aCallStatus )
+            {
+            //hold status indication received
+            //-> still waiting connected status indication
+            iSwapStatus = EWaitingResumeOk;
+            }
+        else if ( RMobileCall::EStatusConnected == aCallStatus )
+            {
+            //connected status indication received
+            //-> still waiting hold status indication
+            iSwapStatus = EWaitingHoldOk;
+            }
+        }
+    //swap handling is going on. 
+    else if ( ( EWaitingResumeOk == iSwapStatus &&
+        RMobileCall::EStatusConnected == aCallStatus ) ||
+              ( EWaitingHoldOk == iSwapStatus &&
+        RMobileCall::EStatusHold == aCallStatus ) )
+        {
+        //find the call object from which the swap was requested.
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfObjectsInCallList; i++ )
+            {
+            mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
+                callList->GetMmCallByIndex(i) );
+            if ( mmCall->ServiceRequested( 
+                    CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeMobileCallSwap ) )
+                {
+                //complete swap request when the correct object has been found
+                mmCall->CompleteSwap( KErrNone );
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        //clear swap status.
+        iSwapStatus = EStatusSwapNotRequested;
+        //return value indicating that Swap was completed.
+        ret = ETrue;
+        }
+    //swap handling is going on. This the case where the calls to be swapped 
+    //are opened different lines (primary and aux).
+    else if ( otherVoiceLine )
+        {
+        if ( ( EWaitingResumeOk == otherVoiceLine->SwapStatus() &&
+            RMobileCall::EStatusConnected == aCallStatus ) ||
+            ( EWaitingHoldOk == otherVoiceLine->SwapStatus() &&
+            RMobileCall::EStatusHold == aCallStatus ) )
+            {
+            CMmCallList* callList = iMmPhone->CallList();
+            TInt numberOfObjectsInCallList = callList->GetNumberOfObjects();
+            CMmVoiceCallTsy* mmCall = NULL;
+            //find the call object from which the swap was requested.
+            for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfObjectsInCallList; i++ )
+                {
+                mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
+                    callList->GetMmCallByIndex(i) );
+                if ( mmCall->ServiceRequested( 
+                        CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeMobileCallSwap ) )
+                    {
+                    //complete swap request when the correct object has found
+                    mmCall->CompleteSwap( KErrNone );
+                    break;
+                    }
+                }
+            //clear swap status.
+            iSwapStatus = EStatusSwapNotRequested;
+            //clear swap status also from the aux line
+            otherVoiceLine->SetSwapStatus( EStatusSwapNotRequested );
+            //return value indicating that Swap was completed.
+            ret = ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    if ( numberOfObjectsInCallList==1 && !otherVoiceLine )
+    	{
+    	// Swapping a single call. 
+        mmCall = reinterpret_cast<CMmVoiceCallTsy*>(
+            callList->GetMmCallByIndex(0) );
+        if ( mmCall->ServiceRequested( 
+                CMmCallTsy::EMultimodeMobileCallSwap ) )
+            {
+            // Complete swap request when the correct object has been found
+            mmCall->CompleteSwap( KErrNone );
+            }    	
+    	ret = ETrue;
+    	}
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmVoiceLineTsy::SetSwapStatus
+// Sets status of Swap. This can be used by call objects opened from this line
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMmVoiceLineTsy::SetSwapStatus(
+    CMmVoiceLineTsy::TSwapStatus aSwapStatus )
+    {
+    iSwapStatus = aSwapStatus;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMmVoiceLineTsy::SwapStatus
+// Return status of Swap for this Line. This can be used by call objects  
+// opened from this line.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMmVoiceLineTsy::TSwapStatus CMmVoiceLineTsy::SwapStatus() const
+    {
+    return iSwapStatus;
+    }
+//  End of File