--- a/telephonyserverplugins/multimodetsy/hayes/TSYCONFG.CPP Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/multimodetsy/hayes/TSYCONFG.CPP Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,645 +1,645 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// TSY Configuation Class
-#include "ATSTD.H"
-#include "TSYCONFG.H"
-#include "mSLOGGER.H"
-#include <commsdattypesv1_1.h>
-#include <commsdat_partner.h>
-using namespace CommsDat;
-// Macros
-#ifdef __LOGDEB__
-#define LOCAL_LOGTEXT(function,text) {_LIT8(F,function);_LIT8(T,text);LOGTEXT3(KLogEntry,&F,&T);}
-#define LOCAL_LOGTEXT(function,text)
-// Define some defaults if the modem settings can't be found
-const TInt KDefaultLocationInternalPref=0;
-const RCall::TMonitorSpeakerControl KDefaultModemSpeakerSetting=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerControlOnUntilCarrier;
-const RCall::TMonitorSpeakerVolume KDefaultMonitorSpeakerVolume=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerVolumeOff;
-const RCall::TWaitForDialTone KDefaultWaitForDialTone=RCall::EDialToneNoWait;
-CTsyConfig* CTsyConfig::NewL(TBool aExplicit)
- * Passed a reference to the phone mode so that the default settings will not be altered whilst
- * a call is in progress
- */
- {
- CTsyConfig* tsyConfig=new(ELeave) CTsyConfig();
- CleanupStack::PushL(tsyConfig);
- tsyConfig->ConstructL(aExplicit);
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return (tsyConfig);
- }
- {}
-void CTsyConfig::ConstructL(TBool aExplicit)
- {
- iLocationId = 0;
- TInt r=KErrNone;
- iManualConfigMode=aExplicit;
- if(!aExplicit)
- {
- for (TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
- {
- TRAP(r, GetCurrentTableViewsL()); // Place a cursor on the default modem record in comms database server
- if (r==KErrAccessDenied) // if we get access denied from DBMS, which is a timing thing, just re-post
- {
- User::After(1000000);
- continue;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if (r)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L8("CommDB values seem to be corrupt"));
- ResetCurrentTableViews(); // clean up everything
- User::Leave(KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt);
- }
- GetLocationModemSettingsL(); // Get other location and modem settings
- ResetCurrentTableViews(); // Clear location and modem table views and close handle to CCommsDatabase
- }
- }
-void CTsyConfig::GetLocationModemSettingsL()
- * Gets some commonly used settings from the Location and Modem Table Views and stores them
- * internally as these are not likely to change.
- * If some of these settings are not found in the table view then a predefined default values are
- * used.
- */
- {
- if(iLocationId == 0)
- {
- iInterval=KDefaultLocationInternalPref;
- iWaitForDialTonePref=KDefaultWaitForDialTone;
- }
- else
- {
- TBool value(EFalse);
- CMDBField<TUint32>* intervalField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdPauseAfterDialOut);
- CleanupStack::PushL(intervalField);
- intervalField->SetRecordId(iLocationId);
- intervalField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- iInterval = *intervalField;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(intervalField);
- CMDBField<TUint32>* valueField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdWaitForDialTone);
- CleanupStack::PushL(valueField);
- valueField->SetRecordId(iLocationId);
- valueField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- value = *valueField;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(valueField);
- if (value)
- iWaitForDialTonePref = RCall::EDialToneWait;
- else
- iWaitForDialTonePref = RCall::EDialToneNoWait;
- }
- if (iModemBearer != 0)
- {
- CMDBField<TUint32>* speakerPrefField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdSpeakerPref);
- CleanupStack::PushL(speakerPrefField);
- speakerPrefField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
- speakerPrefField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- iSpeakerSetting = static_cast<RCall::TMonitorSpeakerControl>(static_cast<TUint32>(*speakerPrefField));
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(speakerPrefField);
- CMDBField<TUint32>* speakerVolPrefField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdSpeakerVolPref);
- CleanupStack::PushL(speakerVolPrefField);
- speakerVolPrefField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
- speakerVolPrefField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- iSpeakerVolume = static_cast<RCall::TMonitorSpeakerVolume>(static_cast<TUint32>(*speakerVolPrefField));
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(speakerVolPrefField);
- }
- TUint32 rate;
- TUint32 dataBits;
- TUint32 stopBits;
- TUint32 parity;
- TUint32 handshake;
- if (iModemBearer == 0)
- {
- iSpeakerSetting = KDefaultModemSpeakerSetting;
- iSpeakerVolume = KDefaultMonitorSpeakerVolume;
- User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
- }
- CMDBField<TUint32>* rateField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdRate);
- CleanupStack::PushL(rateField);
- rateField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
- rateField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- rate = *rateField;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rateField);
- CMDBField<TUint32>* dataBitsField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdDataBits);
- CleanupStack::PushL(dataBitsField);
- dataBitsField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
- dataBitsField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- dataBits = *dataBitsField;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(dataBitsField);
- CMDBField<TUint32>* stopBitsField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdStopBits);
- CleanupStack::PushL(stopBitsField);
- stopBitsField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
- stopBitsField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- stopBits = *stopBitsField;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(stopBitsField);
- CMDBField<TUint32>* parityField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdParity);
- CleanupStack::PushL(parityField);
- parityField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
- parityField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- parity = *parityField;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(parityField);
- CMDBField<TUint32>* handshakeField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdHandshaking);
- CleanupStack::PushL(handshakeField);
- handshakeField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
- handshakeField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- handshake = *handshakeField;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(handshakeField);
- iConfig.iRate = (TBps)rate;
- iConfig.iDataBits = (TDataBits)dataBits;
- iConfig.iStopBits = (TStopBits)stopBits;
- iConfig.iParity = (TParity)parity;
- iConfig.iHandshake = (TUint)handshake;
- }
- {
- // Just in case these have not been cleared
- delete iDbSession;
- }
-void CTsyConfig::CommConfigL(TCommConfigV01& aConfig)
- {
- aConfig = iConfig;
- }
-TInt CTsyConfig::ConfigModemStringL(const TDesC& aStringTag, TDes8& aString)
- {
- TInt r=KErrNone;
- for (TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
- {
- TRAP(r, GetCurrentTableViewsL()); // Place a cursor on the default modem record in comms database server
- if (r==KErrAccessDenied) // if we get access denied from DBMS, which is a timing thing, just re-post
- {
- User::After(1000000);
- continue;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if (r)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L8("CommDB values seem to be corrupt"));
- ResetCurrentTableViews(); // clean up everything
- return (KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt);
- }
- CCDModemBearerRecord* modemRecord = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdModemBearerRecord));
- CleanupStack::PushL(modemRecord);
- modemRecord->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
- modemRecord->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- TInt ret;
- TInt type(0);
- CMDBElement* baseField = NULL;
- TRAP(ret, baseField = modemRecord->GetFieldByNameL(aStringTag, type));
- if (ret == KErrNone)
- {
- // check for type
- switch(type)
- {
- case EMedText:
- case EText:
- {
- CMDBField<TDesC>* field16 = static_cast<CMDBField<TDesC>*>(baseField);
- const TDesC& refField = *field16;
- aString.Copy(refField);
- ret = KErrNone;
- }
- break;
- case EDesC8:
- {
- CMDBField<TDesC8>* field = static_cast<CMDBField<TDesC8>*>(baseField);
- aString = *field;
- ret = KErrNone;
- }
- break;
- default:
- ret = KErrNotFound;
- }
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemRecord);
- ResetCurrentTableViews(); // Clear location and modem table views and close handle to CCommsDatabase
- return ret;
- }
-TInt CTsyConfig::ConfigModemStringL(const TDesC& aStringTag, TDes16& aString)
- {
- TInt r=KErrNone;
- for (TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
- {
- TRAP(r, GetCurrentTableViewsL()); // Place a cursor on the default modem record in comms database server
- if (r==KErrAccessDenied) // if we get access denied from DBMS, which is a timing thing, just re-post
- {
- User::After(1000000);
- continue;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if (r)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L8("CommDB values seem to be corrupt"));
- ResetCurrentTableViews(); // clean up everything
- return (KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt);
- }
- CCDModemBearerRecord* modemRecord = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdModemBearerRecord));
- CleanupStack::PushL(modemRecord);
- modemRecord->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
- modemRecord->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- TInt ret;
- TInt type(0);
- CMDBElement* baseField = NULL;
- TRAP(ret, baseField = modemRecord->GetFieldByNameL(aStringTag, type));
- if (ret == KErrNone)
- {
- // check for type
- switch(type)
- {
- case EMedText:
- case EText:
- {
- CMDBField<TDesC>* field = static_cast<CMDBField<TDesC>*>(baseField);
- aString = *field;
- ret = KErrNone;
- }
- break;
- case EDesC8:
- {
- // des16 needs to be cast to des8
- CMDBField<TDesC8>* field8 = static_cast<CMDBField<TDesC8>*>(baseField);
- const TDesC8& refField = *field8;
- aString.Copy(refField);
- ret = KErrNone;
- }
- break;
- default:
- ret = KErrNotFound;
- }
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemRecord);
- ResetCurrentTableViews(); // Clear location and modem table views and close handle to CCommsDatabase
- return ret;
- }
-TInt CTsyConfig::ConfigModemString(const TDesC& aStringTag, TDes8& aString)
- {
- TInt ret = KErrNone;
- TRAPD(error, ret = ConfigModemStringL(aStringTag, aString));
- if(error != KErrNone)
- {
- ret = error;
- }
- return ret;
- }
-TInt CTsyConfig::ConfigModemString(const TDesC& aStringTag, TDes16& aString)
- {
- TInt ret = KErrNone;
- TRAPD(error, ret = ConfigModemStringL(aStringTag, aString));
- if(error != KErrNone)
- {
- ret = error;
- }
- return ret;
- }
-void CTsyConfig::GetIntervalPref(TInt& aInterval)
- * Stores the Interval Preferences settings internally. These settings are stored on construction
- * of the CTsyConfig object.
- * @param aInterval Interval Preference setting
- */
- {
- aInterval = iInterval;
- }
-void CTsyConfig::GetSpeakerSettingPref(RCall::TMonitorSpeakerControl& aSpeakerSetting)
- * Stores the Speaker Preferences settings internally. These settings are stored on construction
- * of the CTsyConfig object.
- * @param aSpeakerSetting Speaker Preference setting
- */
- {
- aSpeakerSetting = iSpeakerSetting;
- }
-void CTsyConfig::GetSpeakerVolumePref(RCall::TMonitorSpeakerVolume& aSpeakerVolume)
- * Stores the Speaker Volume Preferences settings internally. These settings are stored on construction
- * of the CTsyConfig object.
- * @param aSpeakerVolume Speaker Volume setting
- */
- {
- aSpeakerVolume = iSpeakerVolume;
- }
-void CTsyConfig::GetWaitForDialTonePref(RCall::TWaitForDialTone& aWaitForDialTonePref)
- * Stores the Dial Tone Preferences settings internally. These settings are stored on construction
- * of the CTsyConfig object.
- * @param aWaitForDialTonePref Wait for Dial Tone Preference setting
- */
- {
- aWaitForDialTonePref = iWaitForDialTonePref;
- }
-TInt CTsyConfig::PortConfig(TCommConfig& aConfigPckg, TConfigType aConfigType)
- * Gets the port config settings and masks out appropriate handshaking settings
- * according to whether state is about to initialise, just connected or about to hang up
- */
- {
- TInt r=KErrNone;
- for (TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
- {
- TRAP(r, GetCurrentTableViewsL()); // Place a cursor on the default modem record in comms database server
- if (r==KErrAccessDenied) // if we get access denied from DBMS, which is a timing thing, just re-post
- {
- User::After(1000000);
- continue;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if (r)
- {
- LOGTEXT(_L8("CommDB values seem to be corrupt"));
- ResetCurrentTableViews(); // clean up everything
- return (KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt);
- }
- TCommConfig configDummyPckg;
- TCommConfigV01& config=configDummyPckg();
- if (aConfigType==EConfigTypeHangUp ||
- aConfigType==EConfigTypeQuickInit)
- {
- config = iConfig;
- config.iHandshake = 0;//&= (~(KConfigFailDCD | KConfigObeyDCD | KConfigFailDSR));
- }
- else
- {
- TRAPD(ret,CommConfigL(config));
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- switch (aConfigType)
- {
- case EConfigTypePreInit:
- config.iHandshake &= (~(KConfigObeyCTS | KConfigFailCTS | KConfigObeyDCD | KConfigFailDCD | KConfigFailDSR));
- break;
- case EConfigTypeInit:
- config.iHandshake &= (~(KConfigObeyCTS | KConfigFailCTS | KConfigObeyDCD | KConfigFailDCD));
- break;
- case EConfigTypeConnect:
- config.iHandshake &= (~(KConfigFailCTS | KConfigFailDCD)); // fail DCD masked out, as should get NO CARRIER anyway
- break;
- case EConfigTypeFull:
- break;
- case EConfigTypeDDBugWorkAroundStart:
- if (config.iRate!=EBps300) // ensure that something other than handshaking has changed
- config.iRate=EBps300; // to work around the bug in the ARM device driver
- else
- config.iRate=EBps2400;
- config.iHandshake=0;
- break;
- case EConfigTypeDDBugWorkAroundEnd:
- config.iHandshake=0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- aConfigPckg=configDummyPckg;
- ResetCurrentTableViews(); // Clear location and modem table views and close handle to CCommsDatabase
- return KErrNone;
- }
-void CTsyConfig::GetCurrentTableViewsL()
- * Opens a handle to CCommsDatabase and positions the view on the default modem specified
- * in the current Connected Modem record.
- * Note that the TSY does not keep the handle to the CCommsDatabase opened all the time,
- * therefore this method is used to open the handle only when needed. The methods using
- * this method are also responsible for calling ResetCurrentTableViews() to close the
- * handle to the CCommsDatabase and to clean up the table views.
- */
- {
- if(iManualConfigMode)
- {
- GetRequestedTableViewsL();
- }
- else
- {
- ResetCurrentTableViews();
- iDbSession = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_2);
- iDbSession = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_1);
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(iDbSession,Panic(ETsyConfigNullDBPointer));
- TUint32 modemId(0), locationId(0);
- //
- // Search the bearer tables for records using the MM.TSY
- GetModemBearerIdL(modemId);
- //
- // Get the associated locationId
- GetLocationIdL(modemId,locationId);
- //Check if the selected bearer is an MMTSY bearer with a valid location
- if(!modemId || !locationId)
- {
- //
- // Selected bearer does not mention the MMTSY
- LOCAL_LOGTEXT("GetCurrentSettingsL","MMTSY not mentioned in the selected bearer");
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse,Panic(ETsyConfigMMTSYNotInModemTables));
- User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
- }
- else
- {
- iModemBearer = modemId;
- iLocationId = locationId;
- }
- }
- }
-void CTsyConfig::SetTableViewsL(RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings& aMMTableSettings)
- {
- if(iManualConfigMode)
- {
- iMMTableSettings=aMMTableSettings;
- ResetCurrentTableViews(ETrue); // Clear location and modem table views and close handle to CCommsDatabase
- GetRequestedTableViewsL();
- GetLocationModemSettingsL(); // Get other location and modem settings
- }
- }
-void CTsyConfig::GetRequestedTableViewsL()
- {
- if (iDbSession == NULL)
- {
- iDbSession = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_2);
- iDbSession = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_1);
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(iDbSession,Panic(ETsyConfigNullDBPointer));
- iModemBearer = 0;
- CMDBField<TUint32>* bearerField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdIAPBearer);
- CleanupStack::PushL(bearerField);
- bearerField->SetRecordId(iMMTableSettings.iLocId);
- bearerField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- iModemBearer = *bearerField;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bearerField);
- }
- TName modem;
- CMDBField<TDesC>* tsyField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TDesC>(KCDTIdTsyName);
- CleanupStack::PushL(tsyField);
- tsyField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
- tsyField->SetMaxLengthL(KMaxTextLength);
- tsyField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
- modem = *tsyField;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tsyField);
- if(modem.Compare(_L("MM"))!=KErrNone)
- {
- // Selected bearer does not mention the MMTSY
- LOCAL_LOGTEXT("GetCurrentSettingsL","Bearer for selected IAP does not use MMTSY");
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse,Panic(ETsyConfigMMTSYNotInModemTables));
- User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
- }
- }
-void CTsyConfig::ResetCurrentTableViews(TBool aForceErase)
- * Closes the handle to CCommsDatabase and clears the view on the default modem specified
- * in the current Connected Modem record. This method needs to be called after
- * GetCurrentTableViewsL().
- */
- {
- if( !iManualConfigMode || aForceErase )
- {
- delete iDbSession;
- iDbSession = NULL;
- }
- }
-void CTsyConfig::GetLocationIdL(const TUint32& aBearerId,TUint32& aLocationId)
- * Scan through the table for records containing MM.TSY
- * Stop at the first instance of such a record and return the id
- *
- */
- {
- CCDIAPRecord *iapRecord = static_cast<CCDIAPRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdIAPRecord));
- CleanupStack::PushL(iapRecord);
- iapRecord->iBearer = aBearerId;
- TBool err = iapRecord->FindL(*iDbSession);
- if (err)
- {
- aLocationId = iapRecord->iLocation;
- }
- else
- {
- aLocationId = static_cast<TUint32>(KErrNotFound);
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iapRecord);
- }
-void CTsyConfig::GetModemBearerIdL(TUint32& aBearerId)
- * Scan through the table for records containing MM.TSY
- * Stop at the first instance of such a record and return the id
- *
- */
- {
- CCDModemBearerRecord *modemRecord = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdModemBearerRecord));
- CleanupStack::PushL(modemRecord);
- _LIT(KTsyName,"MM");
- modemRecord->iTsyName.SetMaxLengthL(KMaxTextLength);
- modemRecord->iTsyName = KTsyName;
- TBool searchResult = modemRecord->FindL(*iDbSession);
- if (searchResult)
- {
- aBearerId = modemRecord->RecordId();
- }
- else
- {
- aBearerId = static_cast<TUint32>(KErrNotFound);
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemRecord);
- }
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// TSY Configuation Class
+#include "ATSTD.H"
+#include "TSYCONFG.H"
+#include "mSLOGGER.H"
+#include <commsdattypesv1_1.h>
+#include <commsdat_partner.h>
+using namespace CommsDat;
+// Macros
+#ifdef __LOGDEB__
+#define LOCAL_LOGTEXT(function,text) {_LIT8(F,function);_LIT8(T,text);LOGTEXT3(KLogEntry,&F,&T);}
+#define LOCAL_LOGTEXT(function,text)
+// Define some defaults if the modem settings can't be found
+const TInt KDefaultLocationInternalPref=0;
+const RCall::TMonitorSpeakerControl KDefaultModemSpeakerSetting=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerControlOnUntilCarrier;
+const RCall::TMonitorSpeakerVolume KDefaultMonitorSpeakerVolume=RCall::EMonitorSpeakerVolumeOff;
+const RCall::TWaitForDialTone KDefaultWaitForDialTone=RCall::EDialToneNoWait;
+CTsyConfig* CTsyConfig::NewL(TBool aExplicit)
+ * Passed a reference to the phone mode so that the default settings will not be altered whilst
+ * a call is in progress
+ */
+ {
+ CTsyConfig* tsyConfig=new(ELeave) CTsyConfig();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(tsyConfig);
+ tsyConfig->ConstructL(aExplicit);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return (tsyConfig);
+ }
+ {}
+void CTsyConfig::ConstructL(TBool aExplicit)
+ {
+ iLocationId = 0;
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ iManualConfigMode=aExplicit;
+ if(!aExplicit)
+ {
+ for (TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
+ {
+ TRAP(r, GetCurrentTableViewsL()); // Place a cursor on the default modem record in comms database server
+ if (r==KErrAccessDenied) // if we get access denied from DBMS, which is a timing thing, just re-post
+ {
+ User::After(1000000);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (r)
+ {
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CommDB values seem to be corrupt"));
+ ResetCurrentTableViews(); // clean up everything
+ User::Leave(KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt);
+ }
+ GetLocationModemSettingsL(); // Get other location and modem settings
+ ResetCurrentTableViews(); // Clear location and modem table views and close handle to CCommsDatabase
+ }
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::GetLocationModemSettingsL()
+ * Gets some commonly used settings from the Location and Modem Table Views and stores them
+ * internally as these are not likely to change.
+ * If some of these settings are not found in the table view then a predefined default values are
+ * used.
+ */
+ {
+ if(iLocationId == 0)
+ {
+ iInterval=KDefaultLocationInternalPref;
+ iWaitForDialTonePref=KDefaultWaitForDialTone;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TBool value(EFalse);
+ CMDBField<TUint32>* intervalField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdPauseAfterDialOut);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(intervalField);
+ intervalField->SetRecordId(iLocationId);
+ intervalField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ iInterval = *intervalField;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(intervalField);
+ CMDBField<TUint32>* valueField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdWaitForDialTone);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(valueField);
+ valueField->SetRecordId(iLocationId);
+ valueField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ value = *valueField;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(valueField);
+ if (value)
+ iWaitForDialTonePref = RCall::EDialToneWait;
+ else
+ iWaitForDialTonePref = RCall::EDialToneNoWait;
+ }
+ if (iModemBearer != 0)
+ {
+ CMDBField<TUint32>* speakerPrefField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdSpeakerPref);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(speakerPrefField);
+ speakerPrefField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
+ speakerPrefField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ iSpeakerSetting = static_cast<RCall::TMonitorSpeakerControl>(static_cast<TUint32>(*speakerPrefField));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(speakerPrefField);
+ CMDBField<TUint32>* speakerVolPrefField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdSpeakerVolPref);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(speakerVolPrefField);
+ speakerVolPrefField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
+ speakerVolPrefField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ iSpeakerVolume = static_cast<RCall::TMonitorSpeakerVolume>(static_cast<TUint32>(*speakerVolPrefField));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(speakerVolPrefField);
+ }
+ TUint32 rate;
+ TUint32 dataBits;
+ TUint32 stopBits;
+ TUint32 parity;
+ TUint32 handshake;
+ if (iModemBearer == 0)
+ {
+ iSpeakerSetting = KDefaultModemSpeakerSetting;
+ iSpeakerVolume = KDefaultMonitorSpeakerVolume;
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ CMDBField<TUint32>* rateField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdRate);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(rateField);
+ rateField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
+ rateField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ rate = *rateField;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rateField);
+ CMDBField<TUint32>* dataBitsField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdDataBits);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(dataBitsField);
+ dataBitsField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
+ dataBitsField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ dataBits = *dataBitsField;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(dataBitsField);
+ CMDBField<TUint32>* stopBitsField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdStopBits);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(stopBitsField);
+ stopBitsField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
+ stopBitsField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ stopBits = *stopBitsField;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(stopBitsField);
+ CMDBField<TUint32>* parityField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdParity);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(parityField);
+ parityField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
+ parityField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ parity = *parityField;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(parityField);
+ CMDBField<TUint32>* handshakeField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdHandshaking);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(handshakeField);
+ handshakeField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
+ handshakeField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ handshake = *handshakeField;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(handshakeField);
+ iConfig.iRate = (TBps)rate;
+ iConfig.iDataBits = (TDataBits)dataBits;
+ iConfig.iStopBits = (TStopBits)stopBits;
+ iConfig.iParity = (TParity)parity;
+ iConfig.iHandshake = (TUint)handshake;
+ }
+ {
+ // Just in case these have not been cleared
+ delete iDbSession;
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::CommConfigL(TCommConfigV01& aConfig)
+ {
+ aConfig = iConfig;
+ }
+TInt CTsyConfig::ConfigModemStringL(const TDesC& aStringTag, TDes8& aString)
+ {
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ for (TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
+ {
+ TRAP(r, GetCurrentTableViewsL()); // Place a cursor on the default modem record in comms database server
+ if (r==KErrAccessDenied) // if we get access denied from DBMS, which is a timing thing, just re-post
+ {
+ User::After(1000000);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (r)
+ {
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CommDB values seem to be corrupt"));
+ ResetCurrentTableViews(); // clean up everything
+ return (KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt);
+ }
+ CCDModemBearerRecord* modemRecord = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdModemBearerRecord));
+ CleanupStack::PushL(modemRecord);
+ modemRecord->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
+ modemRecord->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ TInt ret;
+ TInt type(0);
+ CMDBElement* baseField = NULL;
+ TRAP(ret, baseField = modemRecord->GetFieldByNameL(aStringTag, type));
+ if (ret == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // check for type
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case EMedText:
+ case EText:
+ {
+ CMDBField<TDesC>* field16 = static_cast<CMDBField<TDesC>*>(baseField);
+ const TDesC& refField = *field16;
+ aString.Copy(refField);
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ }
+ break;
+ case EDesC8:
+ {
+ CMDBField<TDesC8>* field = static_cast<CMDBField<TDesC8>*>(baseField);
+ aString = *field;
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemRecord);
+ ResetCurrentTableViews(); // Clear location and modem table views and close handle to CCommsDatabase
+ return ret;
+ }
+TInt CTsyConfig::ConfigModemStringL(const TDesC& aStringTag, TDes16& aString)
+ {
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ for (TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
+ {
+ TRAP(r, GetCurrentTableViewsL()); // Place a cursor on the default modem record in comms database server
+ if (r==KErrAccessDenied) // if we get access denied from DBMS, which is a timing thing, just re-post
+ {
+ User::After(1000000);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (r)
+ {
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CommDB values seem to be corrupt"));
+ ResetCurrentTableViews(); // clean up everything
+ return (KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt);
+ }
+ CCDModemBearerRecord* modemRecord = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdModemBearerRecord));
+ CleanupStack::PushL(modemRecord);
+ modemRecord->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
+ modemRecord->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ TInt ret;
+ TInt type(0);
+ CMDBElement* baseField = NULL;
+ TRAP(ret, baseField = modemRecord->GetFieldByNameL(aStringTag, type));
+ if (ret == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // check for type
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case EMedText:
+ case EText:
+ {
+ CMDBField<TDesC>* field = static_cast<CMDBField<TDesC>*>(baseField);
+ aString = *field;
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ }
+ break;
+ case EDesC8:
+ {
+ // des16 needs to be cast to des8
+ CMDBField<TDesC8>* field8 = static_cast<CMDBField<TDesC8>*>(baseField);
+ const TDesC8& refField = *field8;
+ aString.Copy(refField);
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemRecord);
+ ResetCurrentTableViews(); // Clear location and modem table views and close handle to CCommsDatabase
+ return ret;
+ }
+TInt CTsyConfig::ConfigModemString(const TDesC& aStringTag, TDes8& aString)
+ {
+ TInt ret = KErrNone;
+ TRAPD(error, ret = ConfigModemStringL(aStringTag, aString));
+ if(error != KErrNone)
+ {
+ ret = error;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+TInt CTsyConfig::ConfigModemString(const TDesC& aStringTag, TDes16& aString)
+ {
+ TInt ret = KErrNone;
+ TRAPD(error, ret = ConfigModemStringL(aStringTag, aString));
+ if(error != KErrNone)
+ {
+ ret = error;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::GetIntervalPref(TInt& aInterval)
+ * Stores the Interval Preferences settings internally. These settings are stored on construction
+ * of the CTsyConfig object.
+ * @param aInterval Interval Preference setting
+ */
+ {
+ aInterval = iInterval;
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::GetSpeakerSettingPref(RCall::TMonitorSpeakerControl& aSpeakerSetting)
+ * Stores the Speaker Preferences settings internally. These settings are stored on construction
+ * of the CTsyConfig object.
+ * @param aSpeakerSetting Speaker Preference setting
+ */
+ {
+ aSpeakerSetting = iSpeakerSetting;
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::GetSpeakerVolumePref(RCall::TMonitorSpeakerVolume& aSpeakerVolume)
+ * Stores the Speaker Volume Preferences settings internally. These settings are stored on construction
+ * of the CTsyConfig object.
+ * @param aSpeakerVolume Speaker Volume setting
+ */
+ {
+ aSpeakerVolume = iSpeakerVolume;
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::GetWaitForDialTonePref(RCall::TWaitForDialTone& aWaitForDialTonePref)
+ * Stores the Dial Tone Preferences settings internally. These settings are stored on construction
+ * of the CTsyConfig object.
+ * @param aWaitForDialTonePref Wait for Dial Tone Preference setting
+ */
+ {
+ aWaitForDialTonePref = iWaitForDialTonePref;
+ }
+TInt CTsyConfig::PortConfig(TCommConfig& aConfigPckg, TConfigType aConfigType)
+ * Gets the port config settings and masks out appropriate handshaking settings
+ * according to whether state is about to initialise, just connected or about to hang up
+ */
+ {
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ for (TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
+ {
+ TRAP(r, GetCurrentTableViewsL()); // Place a cursor on the default modem record in comms database server
+ if (r==KErrAccessDenied) // if we get access denied from DBMS, which is a timing thing, just re-post
+ {
+ User::After(1000000);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (r)
+ {
+ LOGTEXT(_L8("CommDB values seem to be corrupt"));
+ ResetCurrentTableViews(); // clean up everything
+ return (KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt);
+ }
+ TCommConfig configDummyPckg;
+ TCommConfigV01& config=configDummyPckg();
+ if (aConfigType==EConfigTypeHangUp ||
+ aConfigType==EConfigTypeQuickInit)
+ {
+ config = iConfig;
+ config.iHandshake = 0;//&= (~(KConfigFailDCD | KConfigObeyDCD | KConfigFailDSR));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRAPD(ret,CommConfigL(config));
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ switch (aConfigType)
+ {
+ case EConfigTypePreInit:
+ config.iHandshake &= (~(KConfigObeyCTS | KConfigFailCTS | KConfigObeyDCD | KConfigFailDCD | KConfigFailDSR));
+ break;
+ case EConfigTypeInit:
+ config.iHandshake &= (~(KConfigObeyCTS | KConfigFailCTS | KConfigObeyDCD | KConfigFailDCD));
+ break;
+ case EConfigTypeConnect:
+ config.iHandshake &= (~(KConfigFailCTS | KConfigFailDCD)); // fail DCD masked out, as should get NO CARRIER anyway
+ break;
+ case EConfigTypeFull:
+ break;
+ case EConfigTypeDDBugWorkAroundStart:
+ if (config.iRate!=EBps300) // ensure that something other than handshaking has changed
+ config.iRate=EBps300; // to work around the bug in the ARM device driver
+ else
+ config.iRate=EBps2400;
+ config.iHandshake=0;
+ break;
+ case EConfigTypeDDBugWorkAroundEnd:
+ config.iHandshake=0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ aConfigPckg=configDummyPckg;
+ ResetCurrentTableViews(); // Clear location and modem table views and close handle to CCommsDatabase
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::GetCurrentTableViewsL()
+ * Opens a handle to CCommsDatabase and positions the view on the default modem specified
+ * in the current Connected Modem record.
+ * Note that the TSY does not keep the handle to the CCommsDatabase opened all the time,
+ * therefore this method is used to open the handle only when needed. The methods using
+ * this method are also responsible for calling ResetCurrentTableViews() to close the
+ * handle to the CCommsDatabase and to clean up the table views.
+ */
+ {
+ if(iManualConfigMode)
+ {
+ GetRequestedTableViewsL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ResetCurrentTableViews();
+ iDbSession = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_2);
+ iDbSession = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_1);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iDbSession,Panic(ETsyConfigNullDBPointer));
+ TUint32 modemId(0), locationId(0);
+ //
+ // Search the bearer tables for records using the MM.TSY
+ GetModemBearerIdL(modemId);
+ //
+ // Get the associated locationId
+ GetLocationIdL(modemId,locationId);
+ //Check if the selected bearer is an MMTSY bearer with a valid location
+ if(!modemId || !locationId)
+ {
+ //
+ // Selected bearer does not mention the MMTSY
+ LOCAL_LOGTEXT("GetCurrentSettingsL","MMTSY not mentioned in the selected bearer");
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse,Panic(ETsyConfigMMTSYNotInModemTables));
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iModemBearer = modemId;
+ iLocationId = locationId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::SetTableViewsL(RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings& aMMTableSettings)
+ {
+ if(iManualConfigMode)
+ {
+ iMMTableSettings=aMMTableSettings;
+ ResetCurrentTableViews(ETrue); // Clear location and modem table views and close handle to CCommsDatabase
+ GetRequestedTableViewsL();
+ GetLocationModemSettingsL(); // Get other location and modem settings
+ }
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::GetRequestedTableViewsL()
+ {
+ if (iDbSession == NULL)
+ {
+ iDbSession = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_2);
+ iDbSession = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_1);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iDbSession,Panic(ETsyConfigNullDBPointer));
+ iModemBearer = 0;
+ CMDBField<TUint32>* bearerField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TUint32>(KCDTIdIAPBearer);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(bearerField);
+ bearerField->SetRecordId(iMMTableSettings.iLocId);
+ bearerField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ iModemBearer = *bearerField;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bearerField);
+ }
+ TName modem;
+ CMDBField<TDesC>* tsyField = new(ELeave) CMDBField<TDesC>(KCDTIdTsyName);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(tsyField);
+ tsyField->SetRecordId(iModemBearer);
+ tsyField->SetMaxLengthL(KMaxTextLength);
+ tsyField->LoadL(*iDbSession);
+ modem = *tsyField;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tsyField);
+ if(modem.Compare(_L("MM"))!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Selected bearer does not mention the MMTSY
+ LOCAL_LOGTEXT("GetCurrentSettingsL","Bearer for selected IAP does not use MMTSY");
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse,Panic(ETsyConfigMMTSYNotInModemTables));
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::ResetCurrentTableViews(TBool aForceErase)
+ * Closes the handle to CCommsDatabase and clears the view on the default modem specified
+ * in the current Connected Modem record. This method needs to be called after
+ * GetCurrentTableViewsL().
+ */
+ {
+ if( !iManualConfigMode || aForceErase )
+ {
+ delete iDbSession;
+ iDbSession = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::GetLocationIdL(const TUint32& aBearerId,TUint32& aLocationId)
+ * Scan through the table for records containing MM.TSY
+ * Stop at the first instance of such a record and return the id
+ *
+ */
+ {
+ CCDIAPRecord *iapRecord = static_cast<CCDIAPRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdIAPRecord));
+ CleanupStack::PushL(iapRecord);
+ iapRecord->iBearer = aBearerId;
+ TBool err = iapRecord->FindL(*iDbSession);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ aLocationId = iapRecord->iLocation;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aLocationId = static_cast<TUint32>(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iapRecord);
+ }
+void CTsyConfig::GetModemBearerIdL(TUint32& aBearerId)
+ * Scan through the table for records containing MM.TSY
+ * Stop at the first instance of such a record and return the id
+ *
+ */
+ {
+ CCDModemBearerRecord *modemRecord = static_cast<CCDModemBearerRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdModemBearerRecord));
+ CleanupStack::PushL(modemRecord);
+ _LIT(KTsyName,"MM");
+ modemRecord->iTsyName.SetMaxLengthL(KMaxTextLength);
+ modemRecord->iTsyName = KTsyName;
+ TBool searchResult = modemRecord->FindL(*iDbSession);
+ if (searchResult)
+ {
+ aBearerId = modemRecord->RecordId();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aBearerId = static_cast<TUint32>(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(modemRecord);
+ }