--- a/telephonyserverplugins/multimodetsy/test/Te_LoopBack/Te_LoopBackCDataCallDiffParam.cpp Mon May 03 13:37:20 2010 +0300
+++ b/telephonyserverplugins/multimodetsy/test/Te_LoopBack/Te_LoopBackCDataCallDiffParam.cpp Thu May 06 15:10:38 2010 +0100
@@ -1,611 +1,611 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Te_LoopbackCDataCallRemoteHangupDial.CPP
-// This file initiates the "Data Calls with diff params(speed)
-// The client (application) side must start the emulator and drive the ETel API.
-// The emulator side runs the designated script.
- @file
- @note There are mulitple classes implemented in this file.
- @note These classes are CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam and CTestDataCallDiffParam.
-#include <e32test.h>
-#include "Te_LoopBackSLOGGER.H"
-#include "Te_LoopBackCDataCallDiffParam.h"
-#include "../../hayes/TSYCONFG.H" // for KInternetAccessPoint
-// Test-side class
-// With the assistance of the base class, this class must start the emulator
-// and drive the ETel API.
-CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam* CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry,
- TInt aVarDelay)
- * 2 Phase Constructor
- *
- * This method creates an instance of CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam. The ConstructL for
- * for CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam is inherited from and implemented in CTestBase. The
- * ConstructL uses the CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam object to load ond open the two iPhone
- * objects, one from each server.
- *
- * @param aScriptListEntry: enum indicating which script to use for this test.
- * @param aVarDelay: integer indicating variable delay value, in seconds, to be used with an EWait script
- * @leave Leaves if a failure occurs during connect or open of the iPhone by ConstructL.
- * @return pointer to the instance of CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam.
- */
- {
- CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam(aScriptListEntry, aVarDelay);
- CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
- aA->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return aA;
- }
-CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry,
- TInt aVarDelay
- ) : iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry),
- iVarDelay(aVarDelay)
- * This method is the constructor for CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam.
- *
- * @param aScriptListEntry: enum indicating which script to use for this test.
- * @param aVarDelay: integer indicating variable delay value, in seconds, to be used with an EWait script
- * @note Initializes private data "aScriptListEntry" to received parameter.
- * @note Initializes private data "aVarDelay" to received parameter.
- */
- {}
-TInt CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::RunTestL()
- * This method is invoked to start a "Data Call answer and remote hang-up closely followed by
- * a dial" test. This method sets the CTestBase current script to run and the CTestBase variable
- * delay value to use for an EWait
- * script and then starts the modem emulator side of the test.
- *
- * @return KErrNone when no error exists.
- * @return KErrAlreadyExists is returned if modem emulator exists and retry limit expires.
- * @return Variable depending on return value from test's DriveETelApiL method and thread monitoring.
- */
- {
- iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
- iVariableDelay=iVarDelay;
- return StartEmulatorL();
- }
-TInt CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::DriveETelApiL()
- * This method contains the real meat of the Client-side "Data Call answer and remote
- * hang-up closely followed by a dial" test code. This method sets up to answer a
- * call and receive a data transfer. The call is then terminated from the remote end,
- * and then must quickly respond by dialing the remote end back. Data is then
- * transfered and the call is terminated again from the remote end.
- *
- * @return KErrNone.
- */
- {
- RMobilePhone iPhone3;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Mobile Phone\n"));
- TESTL(iPhone3.Open(iServer,KMmPhoneName)==KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initialising Mobile Phone\n"));
- TRequestStatus reqStatus;
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
- tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
- RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
- iPhone3.InitialiseMM(reqStatus, tableSettingsPckg);
- User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
- TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
- DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServiceUnspecified) ; //44
- DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync) ; //45
- DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsyncRdi) ; //46
- DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncUDI) ; //48
- DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncRDI) ; //49
- DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncUDI) ; //50
- DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncRDI) ; //51
- DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSyncRdi) ; //47
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeedUnspecified) ; //1
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeedAutobauding) ; //2
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed2400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV22bis) ; //3
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed2400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ; //4
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed2400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ; //5
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed2400, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //6
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed4800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV32) ; //7
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed4800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//8
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed4800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//9
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed4800, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //10
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed9600, RMobileCall::EProtocolV32) ; //11
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed9600, RMobileCall::EProtocolV34) ; //12
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed9600, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//13
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed9600, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//14
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed9600, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //15
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed14400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV34) ; //16
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed14400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ; //17
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed14400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ; //18
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed14400, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //19
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed19200, RMobileCall::EProtocolV34) ; //20
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed19200, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//21
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed19200, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//22
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed19200, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //23
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed28800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV34) ; //24
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed28800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ; //25
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed28800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ; //26
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed28800, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //27
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed38400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//28
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed38400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//29
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed38400, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //30
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed48000, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//31
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed48000, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//32
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed48000, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //33
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed56000, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//34
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed56000, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//35
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed56000, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //36
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed56000, RMobileCall::EProtocolBitTransparent) ;//37
- DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed64000, RMobileCall::EProtocolBitTransparent) ;//38
- DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::EQoSUnspecified) ; //39
- DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::EQoSTransparent) ; //40
- DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent) ; //41
- DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::EQosTransparentPreferred) ; //42
- DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::EQosNonTransparentPreferred) ; //43
- iPhone3.Close();
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// Emulator-side class
-// With the assistance of the base class, this class must run the designated script
-CTestDataCallDiffParam* CTestDataCallDiffParam::NewL(const TScript* aScript)
- * 2 Phase Constructor
- *
- * This method creates an instance of CTestDataCallDiffParam.
- *
- * @param aScript: pointer to the specifics of the script to run.
- * @leave Leaves if out of memory when attempting to create.
- * @return pointer to the instance of CTestDataCallDiffParam.
- */
- {
- CTestDataCallDiffParam* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDataCallDiffParam(aScript);
- CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
- aA->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return aA;
- }
-CTestDataCallDiffParam* CTestDataCallDiffParam::NewL(const TScript* aScript, const TInt aVarDelay)
- * 2 Phase Constructor
- *
- * This method creates an instance of CTestDataCallDiffParam.
- *
- * @param aScript: pointer to the specifics of the script to run.
- * @param aVarDelay: time delay
- * @leave Leaves if out of memory when attempting to create.
- * @return pointer to the instance of CTestDataCallDiffParam.
- */
- {
- CTestDataCallDiffParam* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDataCallDiffParam(aScript, aVarDelay);
- CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
- aA->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- return aA;
- }
-CTestDataCallDiffParam::CTestDataCallDiffParam(const TScript* aScript) : iScript(aScript)
- * This method is the constructor for CTestDataCallDiffParam.
- *
- * @param aScript: pointer to the specifics of the script to run.
- * @note Initializes private data "aScript" to received parameter.
- */
- {}
-CTestDataCallDiffParam::CTestDataCallDiffParam(const TScript* aScript, const TInt aVarDelay) : CATScriptEng(aVarDelay), iScript(aScript)
- * This method is the constructor for CTestDataCallDiffParam.
- *
- * @param aScript: pointer to the specifics of the script to run.
- * @param aVarDelay: user specified time delay
- * @note Initializes private data "aScript" to received parameter.
- */
- {}
-void CTestDataCallDiffParam::ConstructL()
- * This method is used to implement the 2 Phase Constructor for CTestDataCallDiffParam.
- * This method uses the CATBase ConstructL to configure the port to be used.
- *
- * @leave Leaves if CATBase leaves.
- */
- {
- CATScriptEng::ConstructL();
- }
-TInt CTestDataCallDiffParam::Start()
- * This method is defined as a pure virtual function that must be implemented.
- * This method is currently not used by the Etel regression test harness.
- * Instead of using this method to start the scripts, the CTestTxMess::Start()
- * method is used to start the scripts. The CTestTxMess::Start() is called by
- * the responder thread of the scripting engine to start the execution of the script.
- *
- * @return KErrNone.
- */
- {
- StartScript(iScript);
- return KErrNone;
- }
-void CTestDataCallDiffParam::SpecificAlgorithmL(TInt /* aParam */)
- * This method is defined as a pure virtual function that must be implemented.
- * This method is currently not used by the Etel regression test harness.
- * Instead of using this method to perform an algorithm specific to this test,
- * the CTestTxMess::SpecificAlgorithm() method is used. The CTestTxMess::SpecificAlgorithm()
- * is called by the scripting engine to perform the test specific algorithm.
- */
- {
- }
-void CTestDataCallDiffParam::Complete(TInt aError)
- * This method is defined as a pure virtual function that must be implemented.
- * This method is currently not used by the Etel regression test harness.
- * Instead of using this method to end the scripts, the CTestTxMess::Complete()
- * method is used to end the scripts. The CTestTxMess::Complete() is called by
- * the scripting engine to end the execution of the script.
- */
- {
- iReturnValue=aError;
- CActiveScheduler::Stop();
- }
-void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataSpeed(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataSpeed& aArg)
-/** Display value of enum RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataSpeed to screen.
- * @param value to print
- {
- switch(aArg)
- {
- case RMobileCall::ESpeedUnspecified:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeedUnspecified\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeedAutobauding:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeedAutobauding\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed2400:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed2400\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed4800:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed4800\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed9600:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed9600\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed14400:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed14400\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed19200:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed19200\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed28800:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed28800\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed32000:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed32000\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed33600:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed33600\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed38400:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed38400\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed43200:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed43200\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed48000:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed48000\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed56000:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed56000\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed57600:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed57600\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::ESpeed64000:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed64000\n")) ;
- break ;
- }
- }
-void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataProtocol(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol& aArg)
-/** Display value of enum RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol to screen.
- * @param value to print
- {
- switch(aArg)
- {
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolUnspecified:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolUnspecified\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolV22bis:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolV22bis\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolV32:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolV32\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolV34:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolV34\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolV110:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolV110\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolV120:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolV120\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolPIAFS:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolPIAFS\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolBitTransparent:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolBitTransparent\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolPstnMultimediaVoiceFallback:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolPstnMultimediaVoiceFallback\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolPstnMultimedia:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolPstnMultimedia\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EProtocolIsdnMultimedia:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolIsdnMultimedia\n")) ;
- break ;
- }
- }
-void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataSpeed aSpeed,
- RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol aArg)
- TRequestStatus reqStatus;
- RLine line;
- RCall call;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line\n"));
- TESTL(line.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName)==KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call\n"));
- TESTL(call.OpenNewCall(line)==KErrNone);
-// Initialization complete
-// Now perform the outgoing call...
- RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
- RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
- callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
- callDataParams.iProtocol = aArg ;
- callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
- callDataParams.iSpeed = aSpeed;
- Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataSpeed(aSpeed) ;
- Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataProtocol(aArg) ;
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &KDialString);
- call.Dial(reqStatus, callDataParamsPckg, KDialString);
- User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dial returned %d\n"), reqStatus.Int());
- if(KErrNone != reqStatus.Int())
- TESTL(reqStatus.Int()) ;
- call.HangUp();
- // close iPhone, line and call
- line.Close();
- call.Close();
-void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataQoS(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataQoS& aArg)
-/** Display value of enum RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataQoS to screen.
- * @param value to print
- {
- switch(aArg)
- {
- case RMobileCall::EQoSUnspecified:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EQoSUnspecified\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EQoSTransparent:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EQoSTransparent\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EQosTransparentPreferred:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EQosTransparentPreferred\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EQosNonTransparentPreferred:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EQosNonTransparentPreferred\n")) ;
- break ;
- }
- }
-void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataQoS aQoS)
- TRequestStatus reqStatus;
- RLine line;
- RCall call;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line\n"));
- TESTL(line.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName)==KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call\n"));
- TESTL(call.OpenNewCall(line)==KErrNone);
-// Initialization complete
-// Now perform the outgoing call...
- RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
- RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
- callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
- callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
- callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
- callDataParams.iQoS = aQoS;
- Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataQoS(aQoS) ;
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &KDialString);
- call.Dial(reqStatus, callDataParamsPckg, KDialString);
- User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dial returned %d\n"), reqStatus.Int());
- if(KErrNone != reqStatus.Int())
- TESTL(reqStatus.Int()) ;
- call.HangUp();
- // close iPhone, line and call
- line.Close();
- call.Close();
-void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::DialDiffProtocolL(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol aArg)
- TRequestStatus reqStatus;
- RLine line;
- RCall call;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line\n"));
- TESTL(line.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName)==KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call\n"));
- TESTL(call.OpenNewCall(line)==KErrNone);
-// Initialization complete
-// Now perform the outgoing call...
- RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
- RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
- callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
- callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
- callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
- callDataParams.iProtocol = aArg;
- Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataProtocol(aArg) ;
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &KDialString);
- call.Dial(reqStatus, callDataParamsPckg, KDialString);
- User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dial returned %d\n"), reqStatus.Int());
- TESTL(reqStatus.Int()==KErrNone);
- call.HangUp();
- // close iPhone, line and call
- line.Close();
- call.Close();
-void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataService(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataService aArg)
-/** Display value of enum RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataService to screen.
- * @param value to print
- {
- switch(aArg)
- {
- case RMobileCall::EServiceUnspecified:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServiceUnspecified\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsyncRdi:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsyncRdi\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSync:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSync\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSyncRdi:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSyncRdi\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncUDI:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncUDI\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncRDI:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncRDI\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncUDI:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncUDI\n")) ;
- break ;
- case RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncRDI:
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncRDI\n")) ;
- break ;
- }
- }
-void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataService aArg)
- TRequestStatus reqStatus;
- RLine line;
- RCall call;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line\n"));
- TESTL(line.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName)==KErrNone);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call\n"));
- TESTL(call.OpenNewCall(line)==KErrNone);
-// Initialization complete
-// Now perform the outgoing call...
- RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
- RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
- callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
- callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
- callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
- callDataParams.iService = aArg;
- Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataService(aArg) ;
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &KDialString);
- call.Dial(reqStatus, callDataParamsPckg, KDialString);
- User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dial returned %d\n"), reqStatus.Int());
- if(KErrNone != reqStatus.Int())
- TESTL(reqStatus.Int()) ;
- call.HangUp();
- // close iPhone, line and call
- line.Close();
- call.Close();
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Te_LoopbackCDataCallRemoteHangupDial.CPP
+// This file initiates the "Data Calls with diff params(speed)
+// The client (application) side must start the emulator and drive the ETel API.
+// The emulator side runs the designated script.
+ @file
+ @note There are mulitple classes implemented in this file.
+ @note These classes are CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam and CTestDataCallDiffParam.
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include "Te_LoopBackSLOGGER.H"
+#include "Te_LoopBackCDataCallDiffParam.h"
+#include "../../hayes/TSYCONFG.H" // for KInternetAccessPoint
+// Test-side class
+// With the assistance of the base class, this class must start the emulator
+// and drive the ETel API.
+CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam* CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::NewL(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry,
+ TInt aVarDelay)
+ * 2 Phase Constructor
+ *
+ * This method creates an instance of CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam. The ConstructL for
+ * for CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam is inherited from and implemented in CTestBase. The
+ * ConstructL uses the CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam object to load ond open the two iPhone
+ * objects, one from each server.
+ *
+ * @param aScriptListEntry: enum indicating which script to use for this test.
+ * @param aVarDelay: integer indicating variable delay value, in seconds, to be used with an EWait script
+ * @leave Leaves if a failure occurs during connect or open of the iPhone by ConstructL.
+ * @return pointer to the instance of CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam.
+ */
+ {
+ CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam(aScriptListEntry, aVarDelay);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
+ aA->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return aA;
+ }
+CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam(const TScriptList aScriptListEntry,
+ TInt aVarDelay
+ ) : iScriptListEntry(aScriptListEntry),
+ iVarDelay(aVarDelay)
+ * This method is the constructor for CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam.
+ *
+ * @param aScriptListEntry: enum indicating which script to use for this test.
+ * @param aVarDelay: integer indicating variable delay value, in seconds, to be used with an EWait script
+ * @note Initializes private data "aScriptListEntry" to received parameter.
+ * @note Initializes private data "aVarDelay" to received parameter.
+ */
+ {}
+TInt CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::RunTestL()
+ * This method is invoked to start a "Data Call answer and remote hang-up closely followed by
+ * a dial" test. This method sets the CTestBase current script to run and the CTestBase variable
+ * delay value to use for an EWait
+ * script and then starts the modem emulator side of the test.
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone when no error exists.
+ * @return KErrAlreadyExists is returned if modem emulator exists and retry limit expires.
+ * @return Variable depending on return value from test's DriveETelApiL method and thread monitoring.
+ */
+ {
+ iCurrentScript=iScriptListEntry;
+ iVariableDelay=iVarDelay;
+ return StartEmulatorL();
+ }
+TInt CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::DriveETelApiL()
+ * This method contains the real meat of the Client-side "Data Call answer and remote
+ * hang-up closely followed by a dial" test code. This method sets up to answer a
+ * call and receive a data transfer. The call is then terminated from the remote end,
+ * and then must quickly respond by dialing the remote end back. Data is then
+ * transfered and the call is terminated again from the remote end.
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone.
+ */
+ {
+ RMobilePhone iPhone3;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Mobile Phone\n"));
+ TESTL(iPhone3.Open(iServer,KMmPhoneName)==KErrNone);
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Initialising Mobile Phone\n"));
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettings tableSettings;
+ tableSettings.iLocId=KInternetAccessPoint;
+ RMobilePhone::TMMTableSettingsPckg tableSettingsPckg(tableSettings);
+ iPhone3.InitialiseMM(reqStatus, tableSettingsPckg);
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+ TESTL(reqStatus == KErrNone);
+ DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServiceUnspecified) ; //44
+ DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync) ; //45
+ DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsyncRdi) ; //46
+ DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncUDI) ; //48
+ DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncRDI) ; //49
+ DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncUDI) ; //50
+ DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncRDI) ; //51
+ DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSyncRdi) ; //47
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeedUnspecified) ; //1
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeedAutobauding) ; //2
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed2400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV22bis) ; //3
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed2400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ; //4
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed2400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ; //5
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed2400, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //6
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed4800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV32) ; //7
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed4800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//8
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed4800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//9
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed4800, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //10
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed9600, RMobileCall::EProtocolV32) ; //11
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed9600, RMobileCall::EProtocolV34) ; //12
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed9600, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//13
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed9600, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//14
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed9600, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //15
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed14400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV34) ; //16
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed14400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ; //17
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed14400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ; //18
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed14400, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //19
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed19200, RMobileCall::EProtocolV34) ; //20
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed19200, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//21
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed19200, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//22
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed19200, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //23
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed28800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV34) ; //24
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed28800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ; //25
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed28800, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ; //26
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed28800, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //27
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed38400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//28
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed38400, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//29
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed38400, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //30
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed48000, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//31
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed48000, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//32
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed48000, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //33
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed56000, RMobileCall::EProtocolV110) ;//34
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed56000, RMobileCall::EProtocolV120) ;//35
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed56000, RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing) ; //36
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed56000, RMobileCall::EProtocolBitTransparent) ;//37
+ DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::ESpeed64000, RMobileCall::EProtocolBitTransparent) ;//38
+ DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::EQoSUnspecified) ; //39
+ DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::EQoSTransparent) ; //40
+ DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent) ; //41
+ DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::EQosTransparentPreferred) ; //42
+ DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::EQosNonTransparentPreferred) ; //43
+ iPhone3.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// Emulator-side class
+// With the assistance of the base class, this class must run the designated script
+CTestDataCallDiffParam* CTestDataCallDiffParam::NewL(const TScript* aScript)
+ * 2 Phase Constructor
+ *
+ * This method creates an instance of CTestDataCallDiffParam.
+ *
+ * @param aScript: pointer to the specifics of the script to run.
+ * @leave Leaves if out of memory when attempting to create.
+ * @return pointer to the instance of CTestDataCallDiffParam.
+ */
+ {
+ CTestDataCallDiffParam* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDataCallDiffParam(aScript);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
+ aA->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return aA;
+ }
+CTestDataCallDiffParam* CTestDataCallDiffParam::NewL(const TScript* aScript, const TInt aVarDelay)
+ * 2 Phase Constructor
+ *
+ * This method creates an instance of CTestDataCallDiffParam.
+ *
+ * @param aScript: pointer to the specifics of the script to run.
+ * @param aVarDelay: time delay
+ * @leave Leaves if out of memory when attempting to create.
+ * @return pointer to the instance of CTestDataCallDiffParam.
+ */
+ {
+ CTestDataCallDiffParam* aA=new(ELeave) CTestDataCallDiffParam(aScript, aVarDelay);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aA);
+ aA->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return aA;
+ }
+CTestDataCallDiffParam::CTestDataCallDiffParam(const TScript* aScript) : iScript(aScript)
+ * This method is the constructor for CTestDataCallDiffParam.
+ *
+ * @param aScript: pointer to the specifics of the script to run.
+ * @note Initializes private data "aScript" to received parameter.
+ */
+ {}
+CTestDataCallDiffParam::CTestDataCallDiffParam(const TScript* aScript, const TInt aVarDelay) : CATScriptEng(aVarDelay), iScript(aScript)
+ * This method is the constructor for CTestDataCallDiffParam.
+ *
+ * @param aScript: pointer to the specifics of the script to run.
+ * @param aVarDelay: user specified time delay
+ * @note Initializes private data "aScript" to received parameter.
+ */
+ {}
+void CTestDataCallDiffParam::ConstructL()
+ * This method is used to implement the 2 Phase Constructor for CTestDataCallDiffParam.
+ * This method uses the CATBase ConstructL to configure the port to be used.
+ *
+ * @leave Leaves if CATBase leaves.
+ */
+ {
+ CATScriptEng::ConstructL();
+ }
+TInt CTestDataCallDiffParam::Start()
+ * This method is defined as a pure virtual function that must be implemented.
+ * This method is currently not used by the Etel regression test harness.
+ * Instead of using this method to start the scripts, the CTestTxMess::Start()
+ * method is used to start the scripts. The CTestTxMess::Start() is called by
+ * the responder thread of the scripting engine to start the execution of the script.
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone.
+ */
+ {
+ StartScript(iScript);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CTestDataCallDiffParam::SpecificAlgorithmL(TInt /* aParam */)
+ * This method is defined as a pure virtual function that must be implemented.
+ * This method is currently not used by the Etel regression test harness.
+ * Instead of using this method to perform an algorithm specific to this test,
+ * the CTestTxMess::SpecificAlgorithm() method is used. The CTestTxMess::SpecificAlgorithm()
+ * is called by the scripting engine to perform the test specific algorithm.
+ */
+ {
+ }
+void CTestDataCallDiffParam::Complete(TInt aError)
+ * This method is defined as a pure virtual function that must be implemented.
+ * This method is currently not used by the Etel regression test harness.
+ * Instead of using this method to end the scripts, the CTestTxMess::Complete()
+ * method is used to end the scripts. The CTestTxMess::Complete() is called by
+ * the scripting engine to end the execution of the script.
+ */
+ {
+ iReturnValue=aError;
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataSpeed(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataSpeed& aArg)
+/** Display value of enum RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataSpeed to screen.
+ * @param value to print
+ {
+ switch(aArg)
+ {
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeedUnspecified:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeedUnspecified\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeedAutobauding:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeedAutobauding\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed2400:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed2400\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed4800:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed4800\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed9600:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed9600\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed14400:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed14400\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed19200:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed19200\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed28800:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed28800\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed32000:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed32000\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed33600:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed33600\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed38400:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed38400\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed43200:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed43200\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed48000:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed48000\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed56000:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed56000\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed57600:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed57600\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::ESpeed64000:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::ESpeed64000\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataProtocol(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol& aArg)
+/** Display value of enum RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol to screen.
+ * @param value to print
+ {
+ switch(aArg)
+ {
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolUnspecified:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolUnspecified\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolV22bis:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolV22bis\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolV32:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolV32\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolV34:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolV34\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolV110:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolV110\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolV120:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolV120\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolX31FlagStuffing\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolPIAFS:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolPIAFS\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolBitTransparent:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolBitTransparent\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolPstnMultimediaVoiceFallback:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolPstnMultimediaVoiceFallback\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolPstnMultimedia:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolPstnMultimedia\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EProtocolIsdnMultimedia:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EProtocolIsdnMultimedia\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::DialDiffSpeedL(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataSpeed aSpeed,
+ RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol aArg)
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+ RLine line;
+ RCall call;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line\n"));
+ TESTL(line.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName)==KErrNone);
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call\n"));
+ TESTL(call.OpenNewCall(line)==KErrNone);
+// Initialization complete
+// Now perform the outgoing call...
+ RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
+ RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
+ callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
+ callDataParams.iProtocol = aArg ;
+ callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
+ callDataParams.iSpeed = aSpeed;
+ Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataSpeed(aSpeed) ;
+ Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataProtocol(aArg) ;
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &KDialString);
+ call.Dial(reqStatus, callDataParamsPckg, KDialString);
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dial returned %d\n"), reqStatus.Int());
+ if(KErrNone != reqStatus.Int())
+ TESTL(reqStatus.Int()) ;
+ call.HangUp();
+ // close iPhone, line and call
+ line.Close();
+ call.Close();
+void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataQoS(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataQoS& aArg)
+/** Display value of enum RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataQoS to screen.
+ * @param value to print
+ {
+ switch(aArg)
+ {
+ case RMobileCall::EQoSUnspecified:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EQoSUnspecified\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EQoSTransparent:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EQoSTransparent\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EQosTransparentPreferred:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EQosTransparentPreferred\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EQosNonTransparentPreferred:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EQosNonTransparentPreferred\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::DialDiffQoSL(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataQoS aQoS)
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+ RLine line;
+ RCall call;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line\n"));
+ TESTL(line.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName)==KErrNone);
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call\n"));
+ TESTL(call.OpenNewCall(line)==KErrNone);
+// Initialization complete
+// Now perform the outgoing call...
+ RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
+ RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
+ callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
+ callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
+ callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
+ callDataParams.iQoS = aQoS;
+ Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataQoS(aQoS) ;
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &KDialString);
+ call.Dial(reqStatus, callDataParamsPckg, KDialString);
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dial returned %d\n"), reqStatus.Int());
+ if(KErrNone != reqStatus.Int())
+ TESTL(reqStatus.Int()) ;
+ call.HangUp();
+ // close iPhone, line and call
+ line.Close();
+ call.Close();
+void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::DialDiffProtocolL(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol aArg)
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+ RLine line;
+ RCall call;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line\n"));
+ TESTL(line.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName)==KErrNone);
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call\n"));
+ TESTL(call.OpenNewCall(line)==KErrNone);
+// Initialization complete
+// Now perform the outgoing call...
+ RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
+ RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
+ callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
+ callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
+ callDataParams.iService = RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync;
+ callDataParams.iProtocol = aArg;
+ Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataProtocol(aArg) ;
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &KDialString);
+ call.Dial(reqStatus, callDataParamsPckg, KDialString);
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dial returned %d\n"), reqStatus.Int());
+ TESTL(reqStatus.Int()==KErrNone);
+ call.HangUp();
+ // close iPhone, line and call
+ line.Close();
+ call.Close();
+void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataService(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataService aArg)
+/** Display value of enum RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataService to screen.
+ * @param value to print
+ {
+ switch(aArg)
+ {
+ case RMobileCall::EServiceUnspecified:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServiceUnspecified\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsync\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsyncRdi:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitAsyncRdi\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSync:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSync\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSyncRdi:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServiceDataCircuitSyncRdi\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncUDI:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncUDI\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncRDI:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServicePADAsyncRDI\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncUDI:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncUDI\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ case RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncRDI:
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Value of enum is RMobileCall::EServicePacketAccessSyncRDI\n")) ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+void CTestDriveDataCallDiffParam::DialDiffDataServiceL(RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataService aArg)
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus;
+ RLine line;
+ RCall call;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening Data Line\n"));
+ TESTL(line.Open(iPhone,KDataLineName)==KErrNone);
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening New Data Call\n"));
+ TESTL(call.OpenNewCall(line)==KErrNone);
+// Initialization complete
+// Now perform the outgoing call...
+ RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1 callDataParams;
+ RMobileCall::TMobileDataCallParamsV1Pckg callDataParamsPckg(callDataParams);
+ callDataParams.iSpeed = RMobileCall::ESpeed9600;
+ callDataParams.iQoS = RMobileCall::EQoSNonTransparent;
+ callDataParams.iProtocol = RMobileCall::EProtocolV32;
+ callDataParams.iService = aArg;
+ Print_RMobileCall_TMobileCallDataService(aArg) ;
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialling %S....\n"), &KDialString);
+ call.Dial(reqStatus, callDataParamsPckg, KDialString);
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dial returned %d\n"), reqStatus.Int());
+ if(KErrNone != reqStatus.Int())
+ TESTL(reqStatus.Int()) ;
+ call.HangUp();
+ // close iPhone, line and call
+ line.Close();
+ call.Close();